Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 281: Lost ghost ghost Nobunaga

"Why is Matsumoto doing this when he comes to the house?"

Before Matsumoto Masahe entered the headquarters of Onomichi Nobunaga, he heard the strange voice of Onomichi Nobunaga's yin and yang. Regarding the attitude of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, Masamoto Matsumoto did not manage it at all, but said directly: "Since you know that I won't come to you easily, don't you ask me why I'm here?"

"What else can you do? Shame me, laugh at me, and so on!"

"Ghost-hand Nobunaga, when are you still concerned about that? It seems that our previous evaluation of you was still too high on you." Sakura Yuchi couldn't help but interject.

The ghostly Nobunaga's slightly angry voice scolded: "Master, what is your mouth like a yellow hair girl?"

"Ghosthand Nobunaga, I'm going to kill you!" Sakura Yushin said as he rushed forward, but was stopped by August smoked and Masamoto Matsumoto.

The ghost-hand Nobunaga walked out of the room opposite, then looked at the four people present, and then suddenly smiled and said, "Just a joke, are you so excited? Have something to say quickly. Isn't it urgent? ?"

"Huh!" August Xun Leng snorted and said, "Okay, I don't care about these things for you today's urgent matter. Nobunaga Izumi, I ask you, do you know where the Eight-Big Snake went? ? "

"Great Zombie?" Nobunaga's hand shook for a moment, but quickly responded and said, "The Great Zombie is our patron saint, but not my own. Where is he willing to go? Can I still manage him? Can you tell me directly if you find something about the zombie god? I will tell you when the zombie **** returns. "

"Nobunaga's hand, we're not looking for your big zombie, we know where he is," Masamoto Matsumoto said.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga heard a stun in his heart, but said without losing his mouth, "I know you still ask me, what's the matter with me?"

Matsumoto Masa also didn't care, and said directly: "Our spy reporters inside the Frost Rose Alliance sent news that the Frost Rose League had just discovered that the Hachichi snakes were lurking outside their fulcrum city, and a large number of demons were hidden nearby. Do you know something? "

The ghost-handed Nobunaga heard for a moment, and for a moment did not know how much thought had changed. But his mouth pretended not to care, and said, "The Serpent God is willing to do whatever you want. Come and tell me what you are doing?"

Matsumoto Masahaga, who had not been angry before during the ridicule and ridicule of the ghost hand Nobunaga, suddenly yelled, "Ghost hand Nobunaga!" This voice is very loud. Many elite players of the ghost hand alliance originally gathered around this. Every time I was startled by this roar.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga and Matsumoto are congratulating them that this group of people is wrong, and the two sides can be said to be resentful. Although Masamoto Matsumoto had previously sold a few people's favors for the sake of credibility, this fundamental conflict of interests was by no means a few people's feelings and wine can be improved. It is also because of these conflicts that Nobunaga Mizuki and Masaru Matsumoto can be said to be deadly rivals, and sometimes the relationship between the two is far more violent than the apparent conflict between us and Japanese players. under these circumstances. Matsumoto Makoto suddenly brought three of them to the headquarters of Ghost League, how could the players of Ghost League leave them alone with Ghost Hands Nobunaga? So when the ghost-hand Nobunaga and Matsumoto are conversing with them, the surrounding area has long been full of elite players of the ghost-hand league, to prevent them from rushing to help in case of conflict.

In fact, because of seeing the existence of these players, Matsumoto Masako suddenly changed his indifference suddenly. His roar not only scared the ghost hand Nobunaga, but also made everyone around him stunned.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga jumped in shock and yelled at Masamoto Matsumoto: "Matsumoto Masako. Is your voice loud? Why is it suddenly called to scare someone?"

Matsumoto took a cold look at Nobunaga's hand, and then said out loud, "Nobunaga's hand, you pile of mud that can't help the wall. Do you know where Japan is now? Internal and external problems, Do you not see these things when the enemy is around? Frost Rose Alliance's threat to us is close at hand, the black hands of the Russians are also moving behind the scenes, and even the Americans appear from time to time in our sphere of influence. You I'm still thinking about it with that for that point. Do you know what this is doing? You are in the future of sacrificing to Japan! The Hachichi snake and us are not the same people at all. You are still following the dead heart It's confusing. We have analyzed the pros and cons with you before. Are you all playing by the wind or have your tail ready to be a dog? You are a player. A big living person. What is the Yaki snake? He is just a game. A bunch of data in it. You are a living person mixed up with a dog behind you, why do n’t you die? "

Nobunaga's hand was completely stupid by Masamoto Matsumoto's words, but before he responded, he heard Matsumoto's again and continued: "Igami Nobunaga, I'll tell you what happened today .I originally expected you to be a leader who can take the overall situation seriously, but now it seems we misunderstood you. You are just a bad boy and you are not qualified as a leader at all. I tell you that the Yagi snake is now at the fulcrum. Outside of the city, I am going to ambush the fulcrum city of the Chinese. The video that the Yachi snake sneered at our Japanese players was made by the Russians. They just wanted us to start a full-scale war with the Chinese and then take advantage of the opportunity to invade China. We have fallen to Japan. Now that the field is like this, it will be really over again if we are used as a gun. What we need now is to accumulate power. Now, attacking the Chinese is tantamount to seeking a dead end. Your ghostly Nobunaga doesn't care about the future of Japan, and I am Matsumoto He cares, I will solve this matter by myself, and you don't need to worry about it. "After finishing talking about these Matsumoto Masako, he immediately turned around and went out, shouting:" August smoked, let's go.

August smoked a cold glance at Nobunaga's hand, and then turned to follow. In the back, Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Fire Dragon Hime saw August smoked and Matsumoto Masako leaving, and they turned around, but Blazing Fire Dragon Hime thought about it and turned back and said fiercely to Nobunaga. Shou Nobunaga, send it to me and remember, today's thing is the last time you made fun of Japan's future, next time ... you are our enemy, like Frost Rose Alliance ... No, worse than Frost Rose Alliance Enemies. The Frost Rose Alliance is a vicious dog, and you are cancerous. It is more deadly than a vicious dog. Think about it yourself. "

Blazing Dragon Ji finished her words and quickly turned to chase Matsumoto ahead, but she heard Dangji as soon as she reached the gate. A player actually blocked the spear in his hand and blocked the fiery dragon Ji and oil and gas in the oil and said, "Scolded our boss, you said you're leaving? Are you really a ghost market? ……what……!"

The idiot blocking the road was split in half from the middle by the fiery Dragon Ji sword without finishing talking. Carrying a huge sword still dripping blood, swept around the surrounding ghost hand alliance players coldly. These people were immediately taken aback, but by the time they remembered, they took a step back, and the fiery dragon Ji had stolen his sword and followed Matsumoto to congratulate them.

"Is this really okay?" August smoked whispered next to Matsumoto Masa.

Matsumoto shook his head and said, "My original plan ... No, it should be that the plan that the president and I said was not like this, but now I didn't expect that this guy, the ghost-handed Nobunaga, could be stupid to such an extent. The plan made by the average person's intelligence level has no effect on him! "

Our plan was like this. At first, Matsumoto sent a message to Nobunaga, and told him that the Yaki snake was preparing to attack the Fulcrum City. Because when they were separated before, Matsumoto was just conversing with Nobunaga Ono, who had analyzed the Hachido snake and their Japanese players, but they were not all the way. So according to the normal understanding, afterwards, Nobunaga's ghost hand should immediately understand that the attack of the Pygmy Serpent's Fulcrum City is only harmful to them and not good. Moreover, the smarter people are in this matter, the more they should fully support them to stop the Yaki snake. However, in the end, the situation completely developed in the other direction. The ghost-handed Nobunaga did not support Matsumoto's plan for his temporary anger. Instead, he ridiculed them. This is simply an unexpected result.

"So what do we do now?" Sakura Yu asked.

Matsumoto thought for a while and thought, "I'll inform the chairman of this matter as soon as possible, let them decide what to do!"

"Okay, I'll let you know." August smoked and started the communicator as he walked.

"What? The ghost-hand Nobunaga didn't go with you to stop the Yagi snake?" Suddenly I received such a report but I was really stupefied. It's like there is a big hole in the middle of a jump path, and there is a sign at the entrance. Normal people will definitely go around when they pass by. As a result, Nobunaga's foot stepped in. How do you say this accident makes people predict? We have analyzed the pros and cons of the Hachiko Serpent's attack on the Fulcrum City, which is equivalent to telling him that there is a pit in the road, and he still jumped in. What do you want us to do with someone like this?

"Boss. Although we were surprised at this, it is already the case. How can we solve it?"

"Resolve ... you go back and wait, I will ask the staff's opinions as soon as possible."

I couldn't think of anything to do with this kind of thing for a while, so I had to go to the staff. When Su Mei and I said the result, the guilds of gold ideas in our guild were all stunned. Compared to Matsumoto, who is congratulating them, the intelligent think tanks are even more unable to understand the behavior of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, because they are all smart people, and they cannot understand the logic of the ghost-headed Nobunaga.

After a long pause, Su Mei finally responded and said, "Since this is the case, our plan will be changed. At present, it seems that the person with a ghost-handed Nobunaga can no longer stay."

Somei's words are not surprising at all. That's right, the fact that Nobunaga Nobunaga was able to mingle in Japan until now is not entirely his own reason. Of course, when Matsumoto Masako stepped down, he would have come up with his own talent and luck, but with our support of Matsumoto Masa, after Matsumoto Masa regained the recognition of Japanese players, in fact, Nobunaga has already No foundation exists. If at that time we really wanted to get rid of the ghost hand Nobunaga, he would be dead.

However, it was strange that the ghost-handed Nobunaga was not finished, and he could barely maintain the operation of a guild. However, it wouldn't be surprising if we knew that this matter was coordinated by us in secret. Onomichi Nobunaga's biggest enemy is not our Frost Rose Alliance but Matsumoto Masako, and because of our intentions, Matsumoto Masaka has actually been using a policy of tolerance towards Nobunaga's Noboribetsu. When your biggest enemy is not really When you destroy you, it's not difficult to stay alive, after all, people did not intend to die.

The reason why we asked Matsumoto Masahiro to retain the existence of the ghost-hand Nobunaga is actually not nothing to worry about, but a result of comprehensive consideration from various aspects.

There is a saying in China: "No fish in the water". Literally means that the water is too clear once it is. There is no fish in it. The metaphorical meaning is that something too pure is actually not conducive to development.

It is needless to say what Japanese players think of our Frost Rose Alliance, and Matsumoto's existence value lies in guiding Japanese players' behavior to prevent them from opposing us, at least not always against us. However, after all, Japanese players hate us, even if Matsumoto Masa is not violently blocking, but guiding Japanese players' actions in a direction that is conducive to our guild. But this is after all disturbing the emotional vent of Japanese players. In addition, when Matsumoto himself conceived while training with us, he calmly considered the onlooker mentality as to why his own and Japan's direction might be wrong.

As a result of Matsumoto's contemplation, Japan appears to be too unified. That's right, it's too unified.

On the surface, a unified great power can better exert its own power, but what many people don't know is that human beings are a fighting race. If no external pressure is exerted on humans, they will find themselves an enemy to fight, and without external enemies, they will find internal ones.

Although the conflict between Japanese players and our guild seemed to be fierce before, the intensity was not high. After all, the national war was not opened. Everyone fought in small-scale friction in advance, and no large-scale battle occurred. In this case, Japan has established the Black Dragon Club, a super guild that covers more than 80% of the players in Japan. As a result of this dominance of the family, the organization is bloated and inefficient. And the internal intrigue continued. This kind of innate problems in the organization has led to the Black Dragon's fighting ability being far less powerful than it seems, and some inexplicable small problems continue to occur. In the end, it was a complete outbreak of the war.

Just because Matsumoto had made a mistake at first, that is, he fell into this trap, so he realized that this trap could not be jumped. Now it is equal to Masamoto Matsumoto's second chance, so he took the initiative to avoid the trap that he once planted, and suggested that we keep the ghost-handed Nobunaga. Because there is such an enemy, but the existence of a competitor, the players of the New Black Dragon Club use themselves to compare the players of the Ghost League. Under this kind of treatment and other comprehensive advantages, the players of the New Black Dragon Club will be generated. A kind of self-conscious satisfaction, and this kind of satisfaction can effectively restrain and reduce the occurrence of internal contradictions.

There are so many immigrants in the United States, but ethnic conflicts are not as fierce as imagined. Although blacks often have friction with whites, in general, they have not had any particularly serious consequences. This is not to say how advanced the American ethnic policy is, nor is it that Americans are of good quality, but because the United States is the most powerful country in the world, and their citizens have the strongest sense of national satisfaction, so internal conflicts have been downplayed. . If a certain natural disaster suddenly broke out in the United States, then a food crisis, a complete economic collapse, and this situation remained for more than one year, then the United States will inevitably have a large number of ethnic conflicts in a very short period of time. This is the result of the intensification of internal contradictions after losing the satisfaction of the great powers.

The previous black dragon guild was the only large guild in Japan, which caused members to have no reference targets. Other guilds were too small to form a psychological advantage, just as human beings ca n’t feel proud because they live better than ants. You need to A peer-to-peer, at least an order-of-magnitude opponent can be compared, and only then can a sense of satisfaction or frustration be obtained from the comparison results. There is no reference value if it is not an order of magnitude.

The new black dragon needs a reference target, so the ghost-handed Nobunaga's ghost-handed league is retained. As long as this Ghost League exists, the members of the New Black Dragon Society will always feel that they are doing the right thing, and feel that it is worth cherishing to stay in such a collective, so they will try to avoid internal contradictions and try for the whole Will work hard for development.

However, despite the above reasons, Matsumoto congratulates them on intentionally retaining the ghost hand Nobunaga's ghost hand alliance, but now it seems that the ghost hand Nobunaga can no longer stay. The purpose of retaining the ghost hand league is to make the new black dragon develop better and more stable, but now the behavior of the ghost hand Nobunaga is obviously somewhat uncontrolled. Continuous decision-making errors seem to be causing problems with Nobunaga's judgment. Now the emotional instability of Nobunaga's psychology has turned to neurological problems, and the behavior of neurological patients is often unpredictable. This is not a good thing for us.

Changing the ghost-handed Nobunaga is actually not a big problem for us now. The current ghost-handed Nobunaga is basically a betrayal. The people who follow him do not say no, but the number is very small, and these people also Most of them are troublesome people with some problems. The so-called thing gathers people into groups, and people who can still follow the ghost-handed Nobunaga in this case are naturally not good people. In addition to leaving Nobunaga in the beginning, in addition to Matsumoto's suggestions, we also wanted to use Nobunaga as a garbage magnet.

If there is only one new black dragon club in Japan, all kinds of players are bound to flood into the new black dragon club, and this situation is not what we want to see. We can see from the way we received people when we first established the Frost Rose Alliance, we put a lot of emphasis on the purity of the organization. The new black dragon club is said to be a Japanese guild, but after all, Masamoto Matsumoto is ours, so in essence, the new black dragon club should be regarded as a subordinate guild of our Frost Rose Alliance. Of course, Japanese players do n’t know this a little. However, even if the Japanese players do n’t know, this is our guild after all, so we have followed our habit in the policy of recruiting people, which is to emphasize the purity of the organization and do not want to mix all kinds of messy people in .

However, although we have such an idea, it is actually not as easy to imagine as it is. Because of the existence of the Ghost League, the rise of the New Black Dragon Society needs to attract a lot of popularity, and this determines that the New Black Dragon Society is not suitable for picking people. Because of this reason, the new Black Dragon will adopt the same strategy as China's joint defense system, that is, the New Black Dragon will only recruit a limited number of personnel, and then let most of the people who are facing down to create their own guilds. Will be managed in an alliance manner.

There are several benefits to this relatively loose management approach. First, the purity of the organization of the New Black Dragon Society has been preserved, and Matsumoto Masa has the right to speak in the guild. Second, the scope of recruiting staff has been expanded. Because it is a guild alliance, the guilds can be biased. In this way, some people who could not be in the independent guild can also be arranged to manage in some special guilds ~ ~ Third, this relatively loose alliance is actually the best management method for players. Because players themselves ca n’t check in and go to work every day like they do at work, the guild ’s binding power and management ability are weaker than the actual company system, which determines that a relatively loose guild alliance can make players more accept.

Of course, the above alliance method has advantages, but disadvantages also exist. The disadvantage is that because the guild alliance is not directly led, Masamoto Matsumoto cannot interfere with the composition of the other party at will. Although Matsumoto can make these alliance members make some invasive choices on the personnel they receive in various ways, this is only a tendency after all, not a standard, so these guilds will inevitably receive some oddities. Strange personnel, and this time the role of the Ghost League is manifested.

Those who are not needed by Matsumoto are exactly what Nobunaga's needs, because the two guilds have different purposes and ideas. Although the talents they need have the characteristics of cross-covering, the people they don't need are just what the other party needs. . Based on this, the existence of Ghost League is actually very beneficial. But now ... it seems necessary to clean up this ghost league. Of course, before this, we must confirm whether the ghost hand Nobunaga is really hopeless. Even if we can cultivate a new force in Japan to replace the current ghost-hand Nobunaga, this process is long, and it is easy to create a vacuum period in the middle, so it is not necessary, we will not give up the ghost-hand letter easily. long. (To be continued ...)

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