Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 106: Japanese commando

After a short flight we were lucky and suddenly spoke. "the host!"

Post "What's up?"

Post "I always think something is wrong!"

Post "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Post "I don't know too! But I just feel that there is something wrong! I always feel that I have reached a different world than the original one!"

It seems lucky that I still feel that this is not the game world! "You listen, this is really not the original world, this world is real, he does exist, and the world you used to exist is just a world designed by humans for recreation!"

Post "Isn't humanity the same as Creation Star?"

Posting "this ...!" For a while I really didn't know how to explain. Except for the things in the game, lucky knowledge is too narrow. His intelligence may exceed most human beings, but he does not have the relevant knowledge as a backing. Many things. I can't explain it to him at all! "That's it! Now you just need to remember that this is another world. I will find something for you when this mission is over! By the way, you better be careful here!"

Post "Why?"

Post "Are you afraid of death?"

Post "Don't be afraid! Anyway, it's just a few hours of confinement, and you can be resurrected soon!"

Post dizzy! Fortunately, our understanding of life is too different from ours! "All creatures in this world are afraid of death!"

Post "Why? Are they afraid of hacking?"

Post "Not afraid of the black, but afraid of losing! Death and words disappear completely here!"

Post "Disappeared? Did you say it was deleted?" Fortunately, the basic common sense stays on the standard in the game!

Publish "Almost! As long as you die, there will be no possibility of resurrection. With you will be endless darkness, you will lose everything, you will never see any friends again, and you will never feel anything in karma. Everything It has nothing to do with you! ... "Fortunately, when I suddenly lost my height and started to fall, I screamed at him quickly:" What are you doing? We are falling! "

Release Lucky's body shook visibly and then resumed flying. "Sorry, I'm lost! Death here seems to be a very serious matter, and I'm scared!"

Published "Supposedly I should n’t tell you this when I ’m on a mission, but I hope you can cherish life. There is only one life here, and you wo n’t have it again when you die! Also, there is no magic in this world. It ’s also terrible, so it can take a long time to recover after an injury. So do n’t think it ’s ok to find a sacrifice. It ’s useless here! ”

Post "Should I be careful not to take risks?"

Post "You just have to be careful not to take risks! Although this world is more dangerous than that, your body is still as strong as before, and most enemies will not hurt you!"

Post "I know this! Dragons have always been indestructible!"

Post "Yes, do you understand all the various combat methods? There is no magic in this world, and you can only use your own body, so you better understand each of your attack weapons! Pay special attention to the three in your mouth Nozzle, don't get it wrong! "

Post "OK, I know!"

The members behind the release post suddenly said, "Captain, we are here!"

Post: A series of maps flashed on my helmet display, and satellites marked us with coordinates. I gave an order to the communicator. "Lucky! Lower your altitude and get ready for landing! B1 troops are ready for combat!"

Release Fortunately, the wings swooped down from above almost as soon as the wings were closed. I guarantee that no transport plane dares to land like this! We crossed the clouds almost instantaneously. Without the cloud cover, we clearly saw the uninhabited island. This place is much bigger than we thought. At first I thought it was a small island of a few square kilometers. Now it looks like it is dozens of times bigger than I thought!

Fortunately, the flight attitude has not changed. We just rushed to the ground with a vertical angle, and soon the B1 players in the back couldn't hold their breath. "Captain, we are about to crash!"

Post "Rest assured! This is a unique landing method for Dragons!"

He was rushing towards the island with a lucky roar, and when he was hundreds of meters away from the ground, he suddenly opened his wings, and we quickly corrected the falling action. Without flapping the wings, luck slowed down purely by the resistance of the wings. The huge reverse acceleration made me all breathless! Fortunately, I fluttered a few wings in the end, and we finally stopped a few meters above the treetops. The huge wind pressure caused the trees below to fall to the side!

Release We land smoothly on the ground, here is the edge of the island, next to the sea, and in front of it are forests, typical tropical islands!

Post "Master, I feel some strange magnetic field fluctuations!" Lucky cried suddenly. "There's something coming from under the water, it looks very big!"

Post "Maybe a Japanese submarine!" A team member said: "Americans and British are too far away to make a boat!"

Post "Hide first!" It is my best choice to hide before any information!

Release: The luck around me suddenly turned brown-red, almost the same color as the soil next to it, if I did n’t stand next to him, I could n’t see it! "Will you change color?"

Post "I don't know how to do it! It seems that I will change color when I think about it! These scales seem to change the color according to the electrodes of my body!"

The release of animal protection colors and mimicry technology has always been more advanced than humans. Fortunately, it is not strange that a creature can change color. The key is that I didn't expect my dad to put so many things on luck! Now I am lucky to conceal myself in the woods. People outside will not find us unless we walk in, and we are responsible for extending the observation mirror between the lucky dorsal fins to watch the sea!

Release: We are watching the distant sea surface. After we hide, the undulating sea surface suddenly starts to turn huge waves, and the sea water rolls as if it were open. After a few seconds, a black metal stick stuck out of the water, followed by another metal stick. After a while, a lot of things came out, this is obviously the superstructure of the submarine!

As expected, a huge submarine floated up from the sea, and we were all dumbfounded! This is no ordinary submarine at all! Look at the huge and spacious deck and the catamaran design. The command tower was placed in the middle of the two hulls to vacate the deck. This is basically an aircraft carrier with diving capabilities! Internationally, it has long been suspected that Little Japan violated the surrender agreement to build an aircraft carrier, but it has not been able to obtain evidence! After doing this for a long time, this thing can be dived, no wonder it can't be found!

A rectangular opening suddenly opened on the deck of the launching scuba carrier, and five large transport helicopters rose to the deck by lifting platforms. Five planes took off quickly, and then flew over to the island, while the diving carrier retreated while sinking into the water.

Twenty-five aircraft were released very slowly, but none of them noticed us, but flew over us! After watching the aircraft carrier disappearing on the sea, I quickly ordered luck: "Take down those flying things!"

He was lucky and immediately rushed out of our hiding place. The helicopter did not expect to be attacked as soon as it landed on the island. There was no precaution! At this point the plane had passed over our heads. Fortunately, it was like we flung from behind. boom! Fortunately, the palm directly scattered the helicopter flying to the far right of the queue. Not only did this helicopter explode in the air, its wreckage also hit the plane next to it, and the involved helicopter also went down with smoke!

Release: The other three helicopters ran out in different directions at once, but swayed badly because they accelerated too fast! Fortunately, the plane that climbed up looked up and a purple oil spray sprayed on the plane. The helicopter immediately gave off blue smoke, and soon one of its side rotors fell off, and the entire plane fell off balance. . The other two planes turned around and immediately began to look for targets.

Post __________________________________________________________

Fortunately, Lucky rushed up without fear, a helicopter fired the missile immediately, but when Lucky lowered his head, he let off the missile. These thermal tracking missiles did not respond to Lucky at all, and the biological energy value was too low!

The helicopter that released the puppet-launched missile didn't have time to launch the second one and was smashed by the claws of lucky flies. The helicopter next to it wanted to run, and the lucky tail swept past. Everyone heard a sound of electric shock. Although the plane was obviously not hit, the plane was still shaking and planted. It is estimated that the electronic equipment was burned by the electric current!

It was only three minutes after the launch. Five helicopters crashed one after the other. Except for the one that was shot down by the debris of a companion and the one that was burned down by electronic equipment, there were basically no survivors in the other three!

Release B1 and I quickly approached the first survivor aircraft that fell down. The forest here was overwhelmed, the helicopter was inserted obliquely on the ground, and it was still smoking! We immediately saw a man pulling his companion out of the plane, and there were already two people lying on the ground next to each other, but one of them was moaning and holding his head still!

Release: I issued a combat command with a gesture, and the soldiers of Ming Dynasty immediately raised their guns and aimed. The high-energy piercing projectile fired by the multi-purpose machine gun dedicated to the B1 army is amazing. I can clearly see that the Japanese special forces who are moving out fell down silently with a sniper scope. His entire head has blown up! The second shot was aimed at the fuel tank of the aircraft. Bombing a fireball completely eliminated the possibility of survivors!

Release: We left the forest and walked to the two wounded people. The motionless guy seemed to be in a coma, and his chest was still undulating! The guy next to him seemed to have a problem. He heard the explosion but couldn't see anything. He could only shout in Japanese! "Clean up the scene! This is a search mission, don't capture them!" I left first, with two clear gunshots behind me!

Release quickly approached the next crash point. Although the aircraft was burned down by the high voltage current of the lucky person, the aircraft had nothing to do with it, it could be said that it landed safely! When we arrived, there was nothing but the plane and three corpses crooked on the ground!

Post "Lucky! Where are you?" Even if we can't see the enemy here, at least we should be lucky!

Suddenly the big tree next to the release post fell, and his lucky head came out. "I'm here!"

Post "Do you know where the people are here?"

Post "Know! They came out of 23 people and died three. The remaining 20 people split into three teams and ran in three directions. I don't know which side to chase, so I'll wait for you here!"

Post "Where did they go?"

Posting Lucky, he immediately pointed out three directions. I turned around and ordered: "The fourth and fifth squads are to the left and the third and second squads are to the right. The first squad follows me! Move closer to me after completing the task!"

Post "Understand!" The two teams ran out, and I quickly chased after the enemy!

Post Fortunately, our work is much easier, and we are only a few hundred meters away to find the enemy! I let lucky stop advancing and brought the team members close quickly. After all, lucky was too big, and it was not very convenient and easy to find in the woods!

The leading soldier who posted the cricket walking ahead quickly told us to find the enemy with a gesture. We also leaned up carefully, and it turned out that it was a small Japanese special soldier. There were 7 people in total. One of them was an injured person. The player next to him slowly raised his gun. I saw his head down after seeing it. He looked at me in doubt. I reached out my index finger and shook it from side to side, then pulled out the tactical dagger and wiped my neck. He nodded, beckoned backward, and everyone quickly leaned forward. I grabbed the sniper finger in the team and pointed at the tree, and he immediately climbed up to provide us with possible cover.

Release: We approached the enemy's team quietly, just as we were about to post it, the enemy suddenly turned around and picked up the gun to shoot! "Cover!" Damn it! Little Japanese special forces are not fake!

Post 噗噗 噗! A row of holes were punched in the chest, and the bullets penetrated the outer textile fabric and were blocked in the clothes by the bulletproof inner layer made of special spider silk inside! Although the bullet-proof vest blocked the bullet, the chest still hurt a bit! If it were not for my body, I would have broken my ribs!

Release: I immediately connected to the communicator: "Lucky! Support!" Covert sneak attack is no longer possible, just let lucky get on!

Fortunately, I have n’t gotten to an iron **** before falling out: "Oh! Fuck! Gathering grenade!" Boom! I only ran more than a meter, and the thunder in the back burst. The air flow lifted me to the opposite tree, hit the trunk and turned down along the trunk, this time it was embarrassing! Fortunately, B1's protective clothing is all fully armed, and the grenade has not been able to kill me! We all have about 30 kilograms of this combat suit. Only the B1 unit can wear him as fast as possible. After wearing it, people in other units may not even be able to hold the gun! However, although it is a bit heavy, the protection of this thing is still very good, and the grenade has failed to treat me!

Release climbed from under the tree, and the soldiers had already started shooting with each other! Our firepower quickly suppressed the enemy. The people in B1 are physically strong, so our guns are also relatively large, which are basically heavy machine guns carried by a single person!

Post I opened the insurance and fired the gun. "Shock bomb!" The sound-activated machine gun immediately changed the type of projectile. Pulling the trigger, something as large as a grenade fired from the grenade launcher under the barrel. The thing fell short before it flew, and bounced a few times to reach the enemy's hidden place.

Post bang! With a muffled sound, the little Japanese were lifted out with the trees they were hiding from. I quickly aimed at the flying target: "Burst warhead!" Aimed at a head! boom! One goal is destroyed!

After releasing the shot, he quickly changed positions. Everyone took the opportunity to move forward together. Our sniper killed a guy who wasn't bombed just now, and I rushed up with a gun. When I arrived, I found that the remaining 5 people were all dizzy! The power of blasting bombs is really not small!

Release quickly cleared out 5 unconscious little Japan. Fortunately, they found a guiding device on them. There is a dot flashing on it, which is probably the tracker on that plane! The plane is from Little Japan, and it's no surprise that they have a tracker!

Release With this thing is easy to handle, we quickly approached the crash site! As the distance decreases, there are more and more points on the screen, and some are still moving! The next member looked at it and said, "This thing may not be an aircraft tracker, he may be tracking the cargo on the aircraft!"

Published: "That's right! It's estimated that this stuff is tracking those cargoes!" There is only one aircraft that won't show up so much, and some are still moving. Dad said that the plane was pulling biological weapons, and the disappearance of the former Lien Ping Ma may be caused by these things!

Release: We simply rode lucky and approached the nearest red dot directly. After we almost reached the target, we quickly jumped off the ground. Fortunately, I have to wait in place. He is too big. These biological weapons are expected to be sensitive to the senses. I don't want to fight grass!

The release cricket approached the target quickly, and suddenly, a team member found a body lying in the grass next to it. We were taken aback by turning him over! His chest had a big one-foot long mouth, and the whole person was almost cut off! It can be seen from his costume that this is the brother of Agent 82! "Spread! Search formations go!"

There are corpses everywhere on the road. We found all the missing people. Almost all the people who went to the island in advance were here, but there was only one female correspondent in the 82 special agent camp! It seems likely she is still alive! Moving forward actually caused us to encounter a large group of indigenous people! These people don't look like natives, but they are obviously wearing leaves, and it is judged that people from nearby ships or planes drifted here!

It's even stranger to post forward! I actually saw soldiers of the US Marine Corps, of course, all corpses! This is a slaughterhouse. Hundreds of corpses are lying on the ground, and we have to jump forward! Finally we arrived at the nearest red dot. But we looked around and found nothing. A soldier opened his mask and sniffed, "No! The blood is too heavy to smell anything!"

Post "Be careful!" A team member reminded us and started shooting with a gun. Something from a series of gunfire fell on me, and the soldiers did not dare to continue firing!

Post I was knocked to the ground, the ride on my body is actually a human-like thing, but it is definitely not a human! This guy is just a monster, half mechanical and half biological, and the whole body is super disgusting with blood! Immediately after pressing it down, he lifted his right arm made of metal and smashed it at me. I raised his hand to catch his fist, but the other hand immediately waved, and I had to use the other Grab his left hand!

Release: I just found out that the tip of his arm has a metal blade. Fortunately, I trapped both of his hands ~ ~ Otherwise, I need two more holes!

Release: It keeps pushing downwards. I close my eyes and then open them, and they are already a pair of devil-like purple pupils. "Ah!" I gave a sudden force, and my two mechanical arms were twisted by me with a twist of metal! He rolled over and pressed him under him, punching hard against the metal plate on his chest. A punch penetrated its breastplate and penetrated into its body, and the whole metal plate was pulled out sharply, and a bunch of electronic instruments were flashing in its chest cavity!

Release: Suddenly it kicked me with my legs. I turned and twisted its two mechanical legs, and then removed its chin. The strange thing is that its jaw is really muscle tissue! The rest of the team leaned forward. I turned on the satellite phone and pointed the camera at the monster struggling on the ground. "Dad! A target has been captured!"

It wasn't my dad's voice in the headset. "Kobayashi! I'm your uncle Lu! You're doing great! Just bring the samples back, but it's best to bring back a few more, so that we can study more conveniently!"

Release: The so-called research convenience is dare to tear down! Many foreign results leave one or two in our country, and those researchers are afraid to dismantle it. They must dare to take a look at it if they have not studied it. But if there are more samples, it will be different. Anyway, it is broken! "I see! Try to get back as many as possible! Also, can you please inform the army that the former troops were killed, arrange a memorial service for them as soon as possible! By the way, there is a female correspondent in the 82 special service battalion who may also return Alive! "

Post "Okay, I'll let you know! You have to remember to come back for more work!"

Post "I see! The communication is complete!" I sighed after cutting off the communication: "Hey! Politician!"

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