Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 342: Road of strengthening

"You guessed it quite right. I'm here to send something to you." I just opened the door to the earth and asked the Kirin Samurai to help out the giant manufacturing machine with a few parts to Warma. And Noreen took a look.

Although there are only two parts, but after all, they are expert, just after a brief look at the two technical beauties, you can see that this thing is extraordinary. And Noreen roughly inferred that this was a complex application of enhanced magic arrays based on the magic arrays on the parts in her hand.

"This kind of thing can't be analyzed here, and it needs to be sent to the research department of magic circle." Noreen said.

I nodded and said, "I'll just let it go. If you are free, just go and see. The function of this thing is also very powerful and needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

"Okay, we'll pay attention to this."

I greeted Noreen and I quickly left the New World Research Base, but I didn't plan to go to the Russians right away, but instead went to Wina's side and let her gather all the chaos that can be summoned in a short time. And the Order Protoss are all convened.

Although she didn't know what I was going to do, Weiner quickly attracted most of the chaos and order of the Protoss. I said after everyone was there: "You are all protoss, and you understand the power system better than ordinary creatures. Now I need your help, and help me think about what I can do in a short time Increase combat effectiveness quickly. "

"Who wants to increase combat effectiveness?" Hades asked: "If it is a universal way for all the people in the guild, there are still many types. But the reinforcement will not be too great. If it is aimed at a certain For personal reinforcement, it depends on the person serving the food. "

"It's me. Do you have any promotion method that suits me?"

After I finished speaking, Aphrodite smiled and said, "I thought you don't care about the president, so you really care too!"

"What cares?" Vena and the other chaos and order protoss apparently didn't know what Aphrodite was talking about.

Although Aphrodite had a more lively personality, she was n’t the kind of gimmick, so she looked at me first and said, seeing that I did n’t mean to stop, “When we were investigating cities in Russia before, Cristina received a mission suddenly, and then she acquired a very scary ability. This ability allows her to fully surpass our chairman in combat after the ability is activated, although this ability can only be activated after A capability that is effective and cannot be permanently maintained, but after all, it is beyond the President. So our President may feel a little embarrassed. I want to improve my combat effectiveness. I ’m right, Lord. ? "

I did not deny Aphrodite's words, but nodded directly. It wasn't a shame at all, and it made people look down on them.

"The situation is basically what Aphrodite said. As the President of the Frost Rose Alliance, I have always been the benchmark of the guild and the confidence of everyone. No matter what the dilemma is, our members will not worry. Because they know I can turn it all around, and the fundamental reason I can give them that confidence is my invincible combat effectiveness. "

Wina then said to me: "Now that Kristina has the power to surpass you, this should have been a good thing. But your loss of the throne in the world also means that you have lost the ability to become the spiritual pillar of your members. Generally speaking, the presence of two juxtaposed masters in the guild has improved the guild's combat effectiveness, but from the perspective of everyone's psychology, you have now appeared side by side, so that neither of you Then there is the myth, but two people who can be surpassed. This will lose the effect of providing spiritual support for everyone! "

Hades also said, "If Miss Kristina's strength surpasses the chairman, you are not a serious problem. The point is that your strengths are almost the same now, so it will be troublesome!"

"A guild really needs a spiritual leader who has a lot of strength over others. You are the president of the guild, and you are very good in all aspects. It is too much fun to play the role of spiritual and real leader. , But now ... "Poseidon expressed his opinion after Hades, and although she didn't finish, we all understood her meaning.

Xinghuo suddenly asked: "How many people know this situation now?"

I shook my head: "It's unclear for the time being. Kristina's ability will surpass me to become the world's number one only after launch. I'm not sure if anyone was watching the leaderboard after she finished the promotion, if any, The news will surely spread quickly, after all, it can be considered a big news. "

"But as long as Chris Dina no longer activates that ability, it is estimated that it will take a long time for the news to spread completely." Wei Na said: "After all, you are still number one on that list, even if someone and others say He saw that you were squeezed for a while, and it is unlikely that others would believe this person when watching it. Of course, if the other person recorded the video, then it is another matter. But since it was only a short time ranking Beating, I think no one should have the time to think of going to the video. But this kind of thing is not a paper bag, after all, Chris Dina's ability cannot be sealed for your first identity, that is more than worth it, so once Kristina's use of that ability will immediately spread the news. So you don't have to worry about it until the next time Kristina is using this ability. "

"The problem is that we have investigated the superior guild of the Russians ~ ~ That is likely to be the place where the element fusion bombs of this kind appeared during this time, so if we go to investigate, we will most likely need Chris Dina uses her ability. "

"That's why you are so anxious to ask us if there is any way we can greatly increase your combat effectiveness in a short period of time?" Hades asked.

I nodded and replied: "The investigation task must be carried out, and time is short, Kristina must also be accompanied, and the probability of her ability to use is almost 100%. The only way I can think of at present is to improve my own combat effectiveness. In order to ensure that even if Kristina has activated her skill, I will still be the first on the combat list. "

After listening to my words, the protoss who were present were all lost in thought, and Hades said: "It was easy to improve your strength based on your conditions. But the key issue is that you need to hurry, you have to do it in a short time. It ’s more troublesome to increase your power explosively! Many of the promotion methods I know take at least three or four days, and you obviously ca n’t wait that long! This is really troublesome! "

"In fact, I do know that there is a way to quickly increase the combat effectiveness, but the side effects are also very large." Persefone, who had been leaning next to Hades, said suddenly. (To be continued ...)

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