Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 348: be lost?

"Dammit, is this map drawn by Picasso?" After more than two hours, when the night was close to zero at eleven o'clock, the lucky fortune turned into a humanoid and me and Ling and my gang of magic pets. It became a circle, and it was not a monster, but a map that surrounded us.

This map comes from the player who provided the leveling point information, which means that all the position information of that leveling point must be found on this map. However, the map that did not seem to have any problems at all, after we actually arrived at the scene, we found that the terrain changes we saw and the content marked on the map were almost the same. Not to mention those reference points, even the approximate topography is completely wrong. So I finally launched the magic pets to work together to scout the terrain, and then came back to compare the maps together, but the result was still completely confused about the location of that leveling point.

"According to the map record, our current location should be from the entrance of the mountain, then there should be a river on our right side." Ling said looking at the map.

Xiaofeng interjected: "Excuse me, before that I would like to ask you about the definition of the river. I did a 50-kilometer extension investigation in a sector between two and four o'clock, the largest one is the width of the surface water system. It's not more than a meter, and it's still an intermittent current. If it's also called a river, then, well, this map barely meets a reference. "

"That river may have been diverted for some reason." Crystal reminded: "Many rivers in the mountainous area where I lived before will be diverted due to mudslides caused by flash floods or even directly into underground rivers. It should be understandable. "

"Then about ten o'clock on our left, theoretically there should be a big lake. Has anyone found this?"

The plague said, "I have flown twice in that area. Just like Xiaofeng said, if your footprints covered with rainwater are also called lakes, then, well, I admit that there are several lakes over there. "

"Maybe we entered a different position?" Xiaochun suddenly reminded.

"Is there a deviation in the entry position?" I looked at the situation there with a little surprise, and then thought for a moment: "Ling, re-mark all the coordinates on the map in reverse."

Ling also probably guessed what I meant, so I started to change the map information. After re-marking all the coordinates, we checked the map again. The result was similar to the previous one. There was still no correct upper coordinate. In other words, this map cannot be reversed.

"Now it seems that there is no problem with the map coordinates. Or there are problems with the entire map." Ling said, "Master. I suggest we still find some local creatures to inquire about the situation. This map now looks like It has no reference value at all. "

"It seems that can only be the case." I reluctantly agreed with Ling's suggestion, after all, that map was really useless. There is no one marked on the map that can be used as a reference object, and even the advanced player leveling area marked on the map has not appeared in our investigation scope. You should know that in addition to a large number of monsters, there should be a lot of players in that large-scale leveling area, even if it is a high-level monster area and the number of personnel is relatively small. But it can't be a no-man's land. With the detective power of my magic pets. If someone is moving nearby. We just couldn't find it out for no reason!

Since the map is useless, just leave the map and ask the locals. Of course, this local is referring here. This place is Japan after all. Even though most of the Japanese players are actually indirectly controlled by Masaru Matsumoto now, on the surface I am still the one that Japanese players hate most, so if I do n’t want to besieged by a large group of Japanese players, it ’s better not to Let the players here know that I'm here.

Putting away most of the magic pets, I called out the princess who is best at communication. Her charm skills are so practical that at least most of the creatures with brains can't fight her mind control.

To find local creatures and ask for information, you must find those who can communicate, so I had to re-send the pets I just retrieved to search again, but the efficiency of the pets is really good, soon The pet found the target. After seeing the sickle of the target, we finally decided to visit the creature instead of kidnapping it back.

When I saw this native creature, I finally understood why Sickle insisted that we should come by ourselves instead of letting him kidnap this creature, because this creature is not an ordinary creature, but a tree division.

Shuji is actually a tree demon, but it does not belong to the Eastern fantasy system, but a creature in the Western magic system. Unlike the tree demon in our country, Shuji's mobile ability is almost zero. Although it can move, it is really slow. Of course, as the price of immobility, these guys' abilities are often strange, not only powerful, but also usually auxiliary. This feature determines that most creatures will choose to pay the tree secretary instead of attacking them. Paying and returning is destined to not be proportional to each other ~ ~ The guardian beasts of our guild include the tree division. I have two tree divisions myself, one is the fire tree of life and the other is the blood rainbow tree Are very powerful Shuji. And this one should be some kind of tree division I haven't seen before, after all, there are too many different branches in this species, and I can't possibly see every one of them.

I was prepared to let the princess use her skills because I was afraid that the other party would not cooperate, but now it seems that it is not necessary at all. One of the characteristics of this species is Shuji, which is to watch people eat vegetables. If the wave of strength you radiate makes them think you are better than them, then they will be enthusiastic friends, and once you are weaker than them, then I am sorry, these guys will definitely become the most greedy you have ever seen monster.

Because of the strange characteristics of Shuji, we do not have to worry about it now, because my strength is much stronger than Shuji. Although this species has a strong defense capability, its overall strength is actually not very good, so my strength is definitely a great deal beyond this guy. In this case, Shuji is definitely one of the best species to communicate.

"Hello, from a distant guest, is there anything I can do for you?" Sure enough, as I expected, when we just appeared in front of this tree secretary, it was like a big tree with a human face. The guy asked enthusiastically. (To be continued ...)

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