Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 351: Induced mutation

To be honest, I really don't care about helping the other party to do research. What I really care about is the mutation medicine. According to the other party's words, this kind of thing can make ordinary creatures mutate into something similar to Warcraft.

Don't underestimate the effects of this mutant potion. Many people may say that if you need Warcraft, just go to the forest and catch it. Why do you have to do more to turn ordinary animals into Warcraft and then train them?

That ’s right. On the surface, it ’s purely superfluous to use agents to induce mutations. Not only is it costly to make medicine, but it also has a probability of failure. The most important thing is that there are all kinds of Warcraft in the wild. Animals undergo transformation.

However, if you think about it, it turns out that this is not the case. There are indeed many types of Warcraft in the wild, but after all, Warcraft is Warcraft, and it is quite capable. It may not be difficult to kill a Warcraft, but it is very difficult to catch it alive. At this point alone, we can see that Warcraft is not so easy to grasp.

Secondly, even if a method is invented to catch Warcraft simply and quickly, the mutant potion still has huge advantages. Why do you say that? Because of the number of Warcraft.

Warcraft, as a highly combative creature, must be located at the top of the food chain, and the more powerful Warcraft, the higher the level must be. As these high-end Warcrafts exist as a high-end, it is impossible to appear in a nest like a mouse or a rabbit. Sometimes, three or five can be seen in a leveling area, and even only a dozen or so in a country are very common. . Therefore, it is almost impossible for Advanced Warcraft to mass-produce. However, it is not the same if an inducer is used. Although the inducer has a failure rate, the failure rate is very low. That is to say, ordinary creatures that can be used in large quantities and as the basis of mutation, and in the game, ordinary creatures can be cultivated using the skills of auxiliary players. This means that if you find a kind of creature that can be safely used after compiling and then mass-cultivating it, you can get a powerful Warcraft in batches. This is almost a ten thousand profit trade. How can I not pay attention to such a good thing?

"You agree?" The young man, who claimed to be the nineth prince of the Kaman Kingdom, confirmed me immediately when he heard me.

I nodded again to confirm what I meant, and then said, "I really have something tomorrow, so if you really need me to help you, it's better to be faster."

"Then let's go now. Anyway, that monster is dead, and our mission is complete."

Under the order of the nine emperor. The other knights over there quickly climbed up to their mounts, and even the body of the knight who died there was also brought on the mounts.

Slightly different from my imagination, the bear monsters under these guys seem to be very clumsy, but in fact these guys not only run fast, but also turn flexibly. The most important thing is that endurance is actually very good. Even at the speed of night shadow, you can trot forward without leaving those guys. You should know that when you were acting with others, no matter how their horses ran, the night shadows were mostly walking and walking. It was not me alone who really needed him to take a step and run. Styana or Gold Coins have players with high-level magic pets, and most of the players' mounts are actually incomparable with Night Shadow.

Although the speed of those guys surprised me a little bit, they surprised me in comparison. What I brought to them was the scare of Chiguo. Although they repeatedly speeded up and wanted to run ahead of us, the results were completely impossible. No matter how they speed up, Night Shadow always trot forward at a fixed pace like that, and it seems to be very laid back. But the speed is actually surprisingly fast.

Thanks to everyone's mounting speed, we quickly passed through a large forest to see a small village. The ninth prince saw the village over there and immediately introduced: "That's my alchemy laboratory. It's a laboratory I built with my own money. The people living here are all my people. They Responsible for providing food and other services to people in the laboratory. "

I understand the words of the nine princes quite easily. Because Longyuan Group also has similar units. However, Longyuan Group does not own such a small town. It's a whole city. It was a second-tier country in the country. It was very small, but its economy was very developed. The Longyuan Heavy Industry Headquarters and the first production plant affiliated to the Longyuan Group are all located in the city, as well as the Longyuan Precision Electronics Manufacturing Company and its factory area. There is also a large-scale subsidiary of the Longyuan Group in the suburbs near the city Steel mill. The employees of these companies plus their families account for more than 70% of the city's population. Almost the rest of them provide some peripheral services around these employees of the Longyuan Group, so that said The city is actually the same as the city of the Longyuan Group. Even the administrative and public security work requires the assistance of the Longyuan Group to complete it. After all, more than eight industries in the entire city are owned by the group, no matter who wants to do something here It is absolutely impossible for Longyuan Group to nod.

The village built around this laboratory of the nine princes is like the city of the Longyuan Group, which is entirely for laboratory services. The benefits of this row are obvious. The development direction of the special village determines that the German personnel composition here will be very single, which is really good for security work. In addition, such an alchemy laboratory is actually much more dangerous than a fireworks factory, and it is not too much to say that it exploded at two ends in three days. Although most of the explosions are not very powerful, super explosions also happen from time to time. Such a dangerous building cannot of course be placed in a large, densely populated city. Such a place can only be chosen to establish a special settlement. After all, as an independent gathering place, the houses in the area can be designed in advance to respond to various possible dangers. On the contrary, in large cities that have been in existence for many years, the surrounding residential houses must be handled accordingly. That is definitely more than rebuilding a city.

With the explanation of the nine emperor, we gradually approached the village. A strange weird wall can be seen on the periphery of the village. The top of this city wall is no different from ordinary city walls, but its walls are round columns one by one, and the span between the two columns is more than three meters. In the middle, a double-layer steel fence is used for isolation to achieve a closed effect. However, the gaps on these fences are actually quite large. Although adults cannot drill through, children can come and go freely.

Of course I have to pay more attention to this weird wall like a zoo fence, and the Prince Nine knew that I would be curious about this wall, so he actively explained: "This wall is designed by us. You may also know Alchemy laboratories often happen to be dangerous, and the city walls made of this metal fence will not completely close the city. When the big laboratory explodes, the shock wave can be vented from the fence, so that it does not It will knock down the city wall. We have also built ordinary city walls before, but they need to be rebuilt every few months, so we finally invented this type of wall. "

I looked at the strange city wall and smiled, "You really have a way."

"This was also forced out!" Said the emperor Ji awkwardly. Then he suddenly pointed to a building at the end of the road and said, "That's our laboratory."

"So small?" I looked at the lab at the end of the road in surprise. The laboratory in the center of the village looks the size of a regular movie theater. And the height is only a little more than two floors, and there are at least seven or eight buildings higher than this in the village.

The Prince Nine next to me did not show any dissatisfaction after hearing my amazement, but explained: "This is just the entrance. The main body of the laboratory is all under the ground. The pressure helps us to increase the explosion resistance of the laboratory. "

"But don't you know that an explosion in a sealed environment is actually the most powerful one?"

"Of course we know this, so the laboratory has a special pressure relief channel, which generally does not endanger the safety of the building. If it is really powerful enough to destroy the laboratory, then whether this explosion is actually placed on the ground or underground all the same."

I thought for a while and acknowledged the other's point of view, but soon I found that there was a large open space not far from the laboratory in the village center. Although there is not much rubble in the open space, the remaining traces on the ground clearly indicate that there should be buildings in this place.

The ninth prince saw me looking towards the open space and explained: "That experimental creature came out from here. The building debris on the ground has been cleaned up and the ground has been refilled, but the building above has not yet Come and make up. "

I nodded and said, "Let's go to your lab and take a look."


Under the personal leadership of Prince Nine, the guards in the laboratory did not intercept us. I didn't even ask a question, and in fact the security work of this laboratory was very simple. In addition to the entrance to this underground test room, there are two teams of about twenty knights. I didn't see a guard in the laboratory, and there was nothing to check the level inside. The entire underground test room was completely unguarded.

To be honest, I thought that the place where the mutant medicine could be researched should be the same place as the New World Experimental Center of our guild. Not to mention five steps, one post, ten steps and one whistle, at least two should be arranged at each intersection. Three guards, right? Besides, I don't see any armed forces in this existence except for a few teams of patrols at the village entrance. Even if someone is found, it is estimated that the strength here will not stop the opponent's forcible impact!

Although I was very puzzled about how this place actually had so few guards, I was too lazy to ask about this kind of thing, anyway, I didn't come to help them with security checks.

After a few laps and seven turns in the tunnel, we entered a relatively large experimental space. This place looks semi-natural, because one side of the wall is not flat, but just a naturally formed rock, and On the other side, there are traces of artificial excavation.

Dozens of pharmacists are gathering around this cage in a huge place comparable to an indoor sports ground, arguing about what to pull, until the Prince Nine rushes up and pushes these people up They stopped before they drove.

The ninth prince was obviously very angry about this scene. He finally invited me to help, but after seeing it, he saw a stick. His men were fighting in a group fight, which obviously made him very shameful. Fortunately, I didn't care about these. Did not say anything. Otherwise, he really doesn't know where to put his face.

Under my persuasion, the 9th prince was also a peacekeeper, and did not hold these researchers accountable, but asked the reason for their fight. The reason is actually very simple. The researchers here adjusted the inducer, and then some of them wanted to find another prototype of the monster that I just killed, and others insisted. It's too risky to do so, and I hope to wait until the prince comes back before the prince decides if he needs to experiment again.

Even if the nine prince came back by himself, he would definitely not decide this matter, but it is not a problem now. Now that I'm a powerful helper here. That experiment is a matter of course, so the pharmacists immediately got excited to grab the experimental subjects after learning that I could easily kill the mutant creatures.

The new experimental body was ready long ago, but because the two sides couldn't stop the medication, they immediately emptied the ground and moved the creature to the center of the test field after they agreed, and then forcibly filled it with a large pot of ignorance. Name inducer.

This so-called inducer appears to be a transparent, grease-like thing. It is very fluid and does not seem to have much adhesion. After forcibly pouring the bottle of potion, several knights in charge immediately turned around and ran, rushing to a small door next to the nearest wall and blinking into it. Someone at the door specially responded, and the knight closed the door to get in.

Although they ran very fast, the monster in the center of the field didn't mean to chase after all. The monster did not show any change after being filled with that potion, but just shook his head twice because of the smell of the potion to express his dissatisfaction. For a creature that looks a little like a crocodile and a little lizard, the site is huge. So after looking around, he randomly chose a direction and started to walk around there. It first crawled to the small door left by the knight who had given it medicine and smelled it, and then started crawling around the wall without any intention to mutate.

The group of pharmacists standing with us near the observation mouth at the top of the cave saw the results anxiously discussed, and some said that the stabilizer was added too much. There is also a question about what grass ratio is wrong. Anyway, it is their professional term. I didn't understand it. If you want to talk about magic formations or magic machines, I have followed Walma and Noreen, and they have also heard some theoretical knowledge and professional terms. It's not good to do research, it's quite bluffing to brag with others. But this branch of magic pharmacy is really obscured. The technology in this area is not a particularly developed technology in our guild. My chairman is not specialized in this area, and it is even more natural No more.

They were so noisy here, but I couldn't understand it, so I walked directly to a door next to the observation window and opened the handle to go out.

This observation room is located at the top of a wall on the side of the huge experimental area, at least more than 40 meters high from the ground below. The window of the observation room uses a metal fence with a magic barrier instead of glass. After all, the creatures in the game are too destructive, and players can only burn ordinary glass and cannot make bulletproof glass, so this kind of partition wall is generally used. Most of them are magic barriers. As for the crystal wall ... except for our guild, few people can use it. Besides, the crystal body is not very sturdy. Even if you have money to buy crystals, you still need the ability to make special magic arrays. The reason why a crystal wall is stronger than a simple magic defense barrier is because the crystal body is a magic material, so you can draw a magic array on it to make it a tens, hundreds, or even thousands times stronger defense barrier than a simple magic barrier. Of course, using this technique to make an observation window is no problem, don't count on the defense of the city wall, that price can absolutely scare anyone down.

"Can't open the door, that's dangerous." Before I opened the handle, I heard the ninth prince yelling. Although there is a spiral ladder with a metal frame structure outside this door, the danger is not the height, but the monster below. Although the thing has not changed yet, the ghost knows what the thing will become.

To the Prince Nine, I just raised my hand and shook to signal not to worry, then I opened the isolation door and went out. When I got out of the gate, I stepped on the handrail of the spiral ladder and jumped out. I opened my wings and landed slowly, then looked at the monster over there.

The opposite reptile noticed me after I landed, but this thing hasn't mutated yet, so it behaves like the prince introduced before, and is timid by nature. After seeing me appear, it didn't rush over, but backed to the corner away from me while facing me.

When I saw that reaction, I frowned, and then spread my wings and flew over there. That thing saw me flying over and immediately slammed my upper body off the ground, and at the same time opened my mouth and silently snarled at me, the meaning of warning was very obvious.

Despite this guy's combat action, I didn't worry at all. This thing is not very large, even the headband and tail are only a little more than two meters in length, and the main length is occupied by the tail, in fact, the volume is not very large. Besides, although the teeth in this creature's mouth are sharp, they are only about one centimeter in length. Teeth of this length are already considered beast-grade in reality, but in the game, the creatures of this kind of tooth can only be counted as the existence of the bottom of the food chain, there is no deterrence at all.

In the deterrent action of that thing, I landed directly in front of it, then pulled away the opponent's active attacking head, and then gripped its neck with the backhand to lift me. After the monster was lifted up, it desperately flicked the big tail behind it and slammed my body, but where was the level of it, and how powerful was a single tail? For me, this kind of attack doesn't even itch, it can't cause any other damage except forcing a little blood, and even I can't catch up with my own speed.

The monster I was pinching was so desperately struggling, but no matter how hard it worked, it was useless, and I raised it to the center of the field, then looked up and shouted at the observation port above: "Your potion is Isn't it a problem? Is this obviously a normal creature! "

"Maybe it's not time!" Because I have pinched the monster, both the researcher and the nine princes came out of the observation room and were crowded on the spiral ladder outside. Some anxious pharmacists have even started walking down the stairs. Ran. They probably came to see the situation ~ ~ But when these people ran halfway, the monster in my hand suddenly slammed so hard that I could n’t hold it Then, I took it out of my hand. The power just now is obviously different from the previous reaction. This is not the power that the monster should have.

Seeing the monsters let go, the researchers there immediately stopped at their respective positions with a sharp brake, but the next second they began to turn around desperately and ran back because the monster lying on the ground was crazy on the ground. Twisting struggled, and as it twisted and struggled, its body was rapidly expanding at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, almost like a blown balloon.

"Damn, hurry up, go back!" Because the escalator coming down from the observation room is very narrow, at most two people can run in parallel at the same time. There are dozens of people congested on the escalator together. It is impossible to return to the observation room root in a short time. . But I didn't care about them, but watched the monsters growing up there while carefully backing down.

The monster twisted and struggled for a short time, only seven or eight seconds before and after. This thing has increased to the size of an elephant, and it continues to grow, only slightly slower. About twenty more seconds later, the creature in front of it finally stopped growing, but at this time its volume had surpassed the monster that had been blasted by Mila before, reaching a length of more than one hundred meters. And the shape has also changed dramatically.

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