Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 387: Directory Platform

The platform didn't change further after raising the blood crystal flower, and at this time I started to instruct her how to use the machine. "Okay, keep calm, take a deep breath, and adjust yourself."

Blood Crystal Flower already knew that this thing was not dangerous, so she had stabilized her emotions and was waiting for my answer. After I said to calm her down, she had completely calmed down.

"I'm calm now, just tell me what to do next."

"What you have to do now is very simple, that is, to wipe out all the equipment on your body, whether it is worn on the body or a backpack that can take effect. As long as this equipment can interfere with your genus It was thrown down. "

"Oh, okay." Blood crystal flower obediently began to unload the equipment obediently. Her armor was not felt on her body, but she took it off and found that this thing was really incredible. When she was thrown to the ground, she made a noise like a metal ingot hit the floor.

"I rely on, is your equipment weighted?" I was surprised to pick up one of the wristbands and put it in my hand twice, only to find that the weight of this thing was really light, although it came to me It doesn't say that it has any impact, but Blood Crystal Flowers can wear this thing to exert normal combat power, and I have to say that it is quite a cow.

Blood crystal flower did not answer my question, but quickly dismantled all the equipment on her body and threw it out. Her equipment is only those worn on her body, and there are only two pieces of jewelry. As for the equipment that I said will be effective in a backpack, there is no one. After all, that type of equipment is relatively rare.

After removing all the equipment, there are only two pieces of underwear on Blood Crystal Flower. This is the player's protective equipment given by the system. It does not add anything that belongs to xìng, it is purely used to cover up the shame, and the thing will not fall off Yes, unless the internal structure of the body it covers is destroyed together, it will not be damaged by itself. This is to prevent someone from being burned into a pig because of encountering fire and other abilities in the battle, which is not only unsightly, but also causes players to complain, so this system is set to be no better than the player ’s. The body is damaged first.

The basic underwear style is very simple, male xìng is a pair of boxer pants, female xìng is a corset. Both are tight-fitting styles. They are attached to the surface of the body as if they are the second layer of skin, and the face is also flesh, so if you don't pay attention, at first glance it will look like nothing.

Many people are not comfortable with this state of wearing only underwear, but Blood Crystal is Russian, after all, it is relatively more open than the domestic female, so she is not embarrassed. Speaking of this kind of underwear, although it is fleshy and very personal, but its covering area is actually larger than that of a swimsuit, there is no problem.

Blood Crystal took off all his equipment and looked at me and asked, "What now?"

I directly said: "Now this thing is completely controlled by your mind, you can imagine that there is a mirror of you in front of me." With my words, a crystal at the bottom of the platform suddenly lights up, and then that crystal suddenly shès out A beam of light casts in front of Blood Crystal Flowers and casts a projection exactly like hers. This projection is not translucent, nor is it a simple style, but it is exactly the same as a real person. If it is not because the projection beam is connected to the bottom, it may not be able to tell the truth.

"What to do next?" It was found that the blood crystal flower that the projection would follow the same movements made a few intentions first, and then looked at me and asked me what to do next.

"Well, you can choose the equipment below, you do it now." (To be continued ...)

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