Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 408: Difficult opponent

"It seems to be working." Kristina climbed to the top of the British battleship, and then used the sighting equipment to see a large group of battleships behind her, and then turned to me again.

I responded and let Kristina continue to observe, followed by the communicator and contacted Sophie behind.

"I'm Ziri. You can start chasing."

"The fleet is in chase, but we can't keep up." Sophie's voice was clearly bitter.

"Ah?" I asked in confusion: "What's going on?"

"Did you not see what happened to us?"

"What's wrong with you?" I asked inexplicably.

When Sophie heard what I said, I knew I hadn't seen it, and immediately said, "You just need to look at us to see why. Well, you still command the remaining warships to hunt down those who run away Enemy ships, we still have a lot of things to deal with. "

"Oh, all right, you guys are busy." After I said it, I raised my head and called Kristina, "Come on the Kristina?"

"Krisdina?" Krisdina adjusted the optical sight to the rear in search of a doubt, and then immediately stared at the boss. "I depend, don't I?"

"What's wrong?" I heard the cry of Kristina from below.

Kristina stammered on it for a long time before shouting, "You can come and see for yourself!"

"Really, what the **** is going on?" I went up to the observation room while complaining. Then he sat in the observation position. Because the direction had been adjusted, I immediately saw the body of the monster hanging on the front deck of the Kristina. "I rely, what's the situation? What about the island of Kristina?"

"Presumably it was hit!" Cristina said beside him.

I looked carefully at the monster's head, then looked at the deck under the guy, and finally I could only confirm that the island of Kristina was really crashed. However, although it seemed a bit miserable, the ship's speed did not decrease, and the main body of the warship was not much of a problem, only the superstructure was destroyed.

Although Krishna was severely damaged, other warships in the fleet were still alive. And the combat effectiveness is basically complete. I was beaten because of being surrounded. So the situation is a bit miserable, but now it is obviously very easy to chase the chrysanthemum behind others.

Most of the warships on the sea are equipped with the main gun on the front deck. Except for the German warships, which are front-back balanced, the warships of all countries basically concentrate their firepower forward. The main turret on the rear deck is either smaller than the front deck. Either the caliber is small. Anyway, the firepower of the rear deck is usually inferior to that of the front deck.

It is precisely because of this kind of firepower distribution. So battleships are often the most disadvantaged when they flee. Because there is basically no static state in the battleship, and the battle takes place on the move, the two sides can bombard each other even in the pursuit process. The firepower on the rear deck is not as strong as that on the front deck, which means that who runs away suffers. Now the British fleet took the lead in escaping. Of course, the warships of the United Fleet were unwilling to be cannon fodder when they saw this situation, so they followed suit. When everyone ran together, they all exposed their butt. The firepower of the two sides was not equal, but now we are in the state of chasing the enemy and escaping. This comparison is of course even more obvious. With the exception of Kristina, which was unable to fight due to problems with the front deck, other warships were basically named after each other, and all the warships blocking the way sunk.

Because Kristina has almost no field of vision at present, and can only rely on the surrounding warships to use its communicators to guide its navigation, so at present the ships are almost in a state of war. Fortunately, Sophie was not a fool. After changing to the reserve command center, she immediately ordered the ships to keep attacking side by side, and don't care whether they were interspersed with each other, just rush forward.

This arrangement is obviously unreasonable for the general fleet, because there are many opposing ships, and the sinking of one's own warship from the rear during the pursuit is the safest and safest method. However, the situation of this fleet is different now.

Kris Dina was labeled like this and will definitely be approved after returning, so she needs to expand the results as much as possible to reduce her responsibility. In other words, if Sophie doesn't want to be scolded by the **** dog, she must sink as many warships as possible in the combined fleet. However, although our warship has a speed advantage and its firepower is very fierce, as long as it is pursued, it will definitely be able to wipe out the opponent. But the question is, is the other person an idiot? At first, because of confusion, no one might think of it for a while, but once you wait for the other party to react, even if you do n’t kill the carbine, will you run away?

After all, there are only a dozen ships on our side, and there are hundreds of other warships left. How can we chase after so many warships run away?

Therefore, two things need to be done if you want to expand the results. The first is to constantly oppress the opponent, making them panic and letting them panic. This can delay the reaction time of the opponent, so as to kill as many targets as possible. The second thing ... Of course, as many sunken ships as possible in the shortest possible time. So, what needs to be done to achieve this? The answer is simple. Rush up. Even if our warships use the mainstream front-heavy and light-back design, the main firepower is on the foredeck, but there are still a lot of artillery on the sides and back. Therefore, the best way to maximize the advantage of firepower is to rush into the enemy's fleet, so that the enemy is left and right, and our firepower can be fully used.

As long as all of the artillery on our battleship can fire, the speed of firepower projection will increase sharply, and we can sink more warships in the shortest possible time. In addition, our side is in the process of chasing, so the more sturdy our opponent is, the more panic will occur, and the response time will be delayed accordingly. So accelerating forward is obviously the best way.

Because of this instruction, the current situation is that the battleships of the United Fleet are running forward, and all our battleships are driven to the maximum speed and rush forward. However, although we and the United Fleet are both in extreme speed, the technical forces on the two sides are different, and the speed is naturally not the same. Even though the United Fleet is already running away, the distance between the two sides is still approaching quickly. If it wasn't because our warships sank some enemy ships from time to time and blocked their own routes, and had to constantly change direction, I believe that our warships have now gone hand in hand with the last warship in the combined fleet.

"Master, some English warships sent a message asking what would happen if the pursuit was too urgent?" I was watching the situation behind. There was a sudden news from outside of Xiaochun.

I thought about it a little bit and went down to the command cabin to stand behind Xiao Chun and said, "You send a message to tell them. Aim at the power system of warships nearby that are not your guild, paralyze them, and speed up."

This trick is absolutely bad, because as long as the British warships dare to fire at other warships in the combined fleet. It is bound to cause a counterattack. Then the other party will enter the dog biting state. And we do n’t have to do anything at all, so we can directly lose a large part of the opponent ’s warship. The more important thing is that once the enemy's warships are infighting, it will inevitably cause the fleet's speed to drop significantly. At that time, we can safely clean up those warships that have been injured. In comparison, I rushed up and down. Picking up leaks is obviously more enjoyable.

Just after the execution of my household account plan was completed, Xiaochun did not receive a response, but my communicator rang first, but I heard Kristina's before I even opened the communicator. Shouting: "Boss is coming up, there are big monsters behind!"

"You wait first." After I said it, I connected directly to Communication, and then I heard Sophie's voice shouting in a crying voice: "President, help! We can't stand it!"

"What's the matter? Aren't you chasing the United Fleet? Why can't you change it?" Suddenly I remembered here that Kristina had just called me up to see the monsters, and suddenly it came over. "I trust, aren't there monsters attacking you?"

"Isn't there a monster attacking us! President, you are here to help you! Kristina can't hold on!"

"I'll be right there."

After thinking about it for a while, I directly let all the magic pets return to the training space, leaving only Xiaochun to continue to operate the communicator, and at the same time left a team of unicorn warriors to help Xiaochun control the warship together. My own name was Upper Kristina hurried away from the warship and passed through the rear United Fleet towards the rear of our own fleet.

Because in a hurry, I do n’t need steel claws, I just let the little dragon girl restore the body, and then took me and Kristina into the high-speed underwater, and rushed through the entire fleet to Kris Near Dina, and at this time Chris Dina was also in danger.

"I trust!" When Chris Christina and I came out of the water, I saw that there were more than a dozen thick fleshy tentacles entangled on the Chris Christina over there. The Stryna continued to shake. It seemed that the owner of the tentacle did not have enough strength to sink the Kristina directly, so it used a little trick, that is, constantly shaking the battleship, and increasing the swing amplitude in accordance with the rhythm of the battleship swing. This method can be said to be the most labor-saving, as long as there is enough time, it can indeed be overturned. Fortunately, the tonnage of the Kristina is large enough, even if the size of the opponent is not small, it takes time to roll over such a large warship, and we just happen to come back fast enough.

"Where are you, President? We're going to die!" I just heard Sophie's cry for help as soon as I turned around.

I said quickly: "Don't worry, I've arrived, I will help you immediately." After I said it, I ordered the other warships: "The surrounding warships don't care about the Kristina, and give it to me here. Pursue. "


Just after the attack of Krishna Dina, all the chasing ships have begun to slow down, and hope to help Krishna Dina get rid of the current situation, but now that I am here, professional things do not need them to do .

"Okay, little dragon girl, leave me alone. Go get that thing off the Kristina."

The little dragon girl immediately put us down and plunged into the water. It took a short time to breathe next to the Christina, but the dragon girl did not surface to bite those tentacles, but instead dived directly into the Christina. Below.

As the dragon girl arrived under the Kristina and began to attack, a large air bubble immediately appeared around the Kristina, and at the same time the entire battleship began to spin around the sea. Obviously, the following battle caused a very large ocean current disorder. However, because the dragon girl and the monster that is likely to be an octopus are underwater, we do n’t know what the war madness is. I can only tell from the induction that the dragon girl seems to have stabilized the monster. After all, I can see a lot of attack data, but very few reports of injuries. It shows that the damage caused by the little dragon girl to the opponent is greater than the damage she has suffered.

The dogfights on both sides were quickly divided. After all, the dragon girl is a dragon. Even in the beast, it is a top-level existence. The monster seems to have no ability except for its strength. It is directly killed by the dragon girl three or two times. but. Just after Xiao Long Nu surfaced. A bigger head suddenly popped up on the sea ahead.

The appearance of this monster this time is very strange. It looks like a tortoise with long hair, but although the shape is strange, the combat power of this thing is not ambiguous. As soon as the gadget appeared, he rushed forward to meet the dragon girl. Although the dragon girl is strong, she is not a creature that likes to be rude. Although the dragon and dragon are called dragons. However, Shenlong is a legal creature. The fighting method is biased to use spells to attack. Although dragons can also magic, they rarely use them. Except for fairy dragons, other types of dragons are basically violent.

Immediately after the sea turtle and the little dragon girl were lifted, a huge wave was set off, and then both dived into the sea. We could see nothing but the sea water rolling continuously as if it were boiling. However, just after I thought that the turtle was a dark chess hidden by the enemy, there was a sudden flash of light on the surrounding sea, and then I saw a row of at least twenty different types of monsters inexplicably appeared suddenly. On the sea.

The appearance of these monsters is very weird, as if they were teleported. There was nothing in the last second, and it suddenly appeared in the next second. At first I thought these were all hallucinations, but after using Emmys' ability to detect them, I found that they were all real monsters. Now I am not calm.

Strictly speaking, these monsters are not very perverted, at least a few grades weaker than all of my magic pets. The monster type pets on my side can basically overturn three or five such monsters. However, my number of magic pets is limited. The creatures on the other side are obviously not magic pets, and even if my opponent makes too many monsters at a time, even my magic pets are definitely unstoppable. After all, good tigers can't stand the wolves, let alone these hundreds of meters of monsters?

The newly-emerged monster just split into three parts immediately after it suddenly flashed for two seconds. Among them, two monsters like long-necked dragons went straight to the Kristina, and three monsters with very strange shapes went straight to the dragon girl and chased them up. As for the remaining The next part ... all came to me and Kristina.

"Hey, what's the situation?" Kristina saw that the monster over there actually came at us, and immediately started to activate the protection magic and prepare to lift off.

I saw this situation and no longer hesitated. I directly released those large magic pets that can fight in the sea to support the little dragon girl, and I followed Kristina to prepare for the attack.

These monsters are, in the final analysis, sea beasts, so we must make our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. When attacking these monsters from the air, the battle becomes a sea attack, and the opponent can only conduct air defense operations. Although I'm not very good at long-range attacks on the sea, Kristina is very suitable for this. As for those monsters ... I don't think marine life is particularly good at air defense. Besides, I didn't leave just to use Kristina as a shield here. Those sea beasts are large in size, but the huge volume brings only an increase in strength. As long as close contact does not occur, these guys can't do anything to me by long-range attacks, especially if I am prepared. The premise.

"Boss, help me stop for a minute. I settle these monsters at once." Kristina told me to stop in the air and prepare for a big move, and I stopped with her shield under her, as long as there were monsters To attack her, I will stop at all.

I originally thought the plan was good, but what made Kristina and I a little bit surprised was that the monsters didn't attack us at sea like we thought. Before, we judged that these sea monsters' air defense capabilities should not be strong, but the result was that they overestimated their air combat effectiveness. The fact is not that these guys are not strong against air, but that these guys do not have air combat capabilities at all. Those giant sea beasts turned around in the sea below us and looked at us only when they found that the height was too high to be reached, and then they turned to the Kristina.

"I depend!" Seeing the other party's actions, I knew immediately that something bad was happening, and Kristina discovered this problem. The previous judgment was made based on the premise that the sea monsters will besiege me and Kristina, but the current situation is that those monsters cannot attack us flying in the sky at all. So they simply turned around to deal with the Kristina that they could get.

The Kristina was attacked. But relying on the sturdy hull, he was able to fight. I just saw two snake-necked monsters attacking Kristina. I didn't take it seriously, because I think Kristina should be able to handle it. But the problem is that the dozen or so monsters that attacked us all went to Kristina, this is not something that Kristina can handle.

The strong firepower of Kristina was also used to deal with warships. It's not for beating monsters. It can be said. After the emergence of this thing in the game, there are only two functions: vehicles, tools to attack other warships. This does not include dealing with monsters.

In fact, there are indeed many monsters in the ocean in the game. But like monsters on land, these monsters have their own range of action. On land, players call this Warcraft concentration area called the leveling area. This is where you give players experience in combat. At sea, the range of activity of those monsters can also be called leveling area. This leveling area is fixed, and basically no monsters scurrying around. Not that there are no monsters running around, but that there are not many monsters of that kind. Most sea monsters are still concentrated in the leveling area, and once a ship is attacked, the position of the sea leveling area can be determined. In this case, if you do n’t go to the sea monsters intentionally, most of them Guild warships will choose to bypass these training areas. Under such circumstances, the fleet in the guild does not need to go directly to the sea monsters, so we rarely equip the warships with equipment to deal with sea monsters.

what? How do you ask that sea monster to fight? The answer is simple, of course it is for players to play.

Since the maritime leveling zone is at sea, of course, it is used for leveling those players who have maritime combat capabilities. It's as if some of the leveling areas on the land are suitable for knight leveling, some are suitable for mage leveling, some are suitable for archer leveling, and some leveling areas are only suitable for certain magic departments. People leveling. This maritime leveling area is of course the same. They are only suitable for players with sea combat ability to level up, and the battleships built by players and players are best not to enter. After all, the industry has specialization. Although the damage output of battleships is much higher than that of players, they are actually more vulnerable to sea monsters. Didn't you see that even a behemoth like the Kristina was tormented by a few of them?

Because the battleship itself is not suitable for dealing with sea monsters, we have never thought of the possibility that Kristina can successfully intercept those monsters. After all, those monsters that rushed over and the previous two had a total of twenty. With so many monsters, unless Kristina flies directly regardless of the need to keep secrets, there is no chance at all.

"Damn it!" I couldn't continue to be a shield for Kristina when I saw this. Directly with a wing, he swooped down at the monster group over there.

Although the monsters left first, they were in the water and I was in the sky, naturally they were not as fast as me. After only a few seconds, I successfully flew in front of the monsters, then quickly landed on the sea surface and turned eternity into a giant knife with a twenty-meter-long blade. Of course, because I still want this knife, although it is very long, it is not wide. Although the width of twenty centimeters is already wider than that of a bone-cutting kitchen knife, considering that the knife is twenty meters long, it seems that the knife is still slender.

"God Realm-Fit." At the same time the eternal change was completed, I also entered the fit state. After all, these monsters are too large and may not be blocked by my own strength. They can only start the fit.

Those sea monsters didn't seem to have high intelligence. Even if I entered the state of fit, I didn't have any hesitation. I still opened my mouth and pounced.

The fastest action is a monster that resembles an eel. The body of this thing is similar to that of an eel, but the head is relatively large and the teeth are very scary. The rows look like trowels. Also, there is a red sarcoma-like thing on the head of this thing. I can sense a strong energy response from that thing. I just don't know what it does.

The monster rushed in front of me and bit it in the mouth without opening my mouth. I didn't mean to hide, and I opened the propeller of the bird directly behind me, and then ran towards the monster's big mouth with both hands.

The ever-changing sword has nothing to stop. Cut directly from the monster's upper jaw into its mouth. Then cut along the monster and my power. It didn't stop cutting until I flew into this guy's stomach and stopped. At this point the monster's head had been cut in half, and his body had completely lost its vitality and began to sink into the deep sea. After the 20-meter-long blade was completely cut into the upper jaw, it was just enough to cut the entire upper half of this guy. After all, this monster is considerable in length. But the thickness of the snake-shaped body is not high.

After cutting this monster, I made a hole directly in its belly and drilled out, but immediately after coming out of the monster's belly, I saw a huge black shadow coming on. When I saw the area of ​​that thing, I knew that I couldn't hide at all. I simply pushed eternity to the top and then rushed straight up.

The eternal blade penetrates the dark shadow like cutting butter. Immediately after that, I feel that a huge force from my hand directly pulls me out horizontally. The huge force almost made me unable to hold eternity. Fortunately, in the end I stuck with it. However, the black shadow that had just stopped after suddenly stopped for less than 0.1 second suddenly started to move in the opposite direction. After being caught off guard forever, I immediately let go, and I was thrown away by the whole person, and then all the way out of the sea towards Fly in the sky.

The moment I was out of the water, I looked at it. The shadow should be the claw of a monster. My eternity apparently pierced the claw of the monster, and then the monster began to shake the injured claw desperately. "Took it away, but the" thorn "didn't get rid of it, but it flew me away.

My side just flew away from the surface of the sea immediately, and a huge splash of water immediately flew in the nearby seawater. A huge tail broke the waves, and he took a picture of me with his face covered. I just came into the sea with my hands in front of me, and obviously there was something waiting for me below.

I have just entered the water, and two things like giant leeches flew over, and they were so fast that they stuck to me directly from left to right. However, these two things are obviously not leech because they don't **** blood at all, but this is by no means a good thing.

I just made a judgment here, and suddenly I saw two blue arcs jumping towards me from a distance. The speed of the arc was very fast, but it should not be the speed of light. After all, I saw the flashing It took more than a second for the arc to jump in front of me, this is not the speed that the current should have.

Although the two arcs don't know why the speed has been much slower, they seem to follow the direction of my avoidance as they pass, waiting for me to notice that the two arcs didn't shoot directly. It's too late.

I did n’t pay attention because of the distance. When I got closer, I realized that the arc actually passed along two stalks that were only the thickness of a finger. One end of these two stalks is in the distant seawater, but because the visibility is very low underwater, I ca n’t see anything there, but I found this side of the stalk because they Connected to the same two leeches attached to me.

Obviously, the same thing as these leeches is the catcher, and the meat stem is similar to a wire. This thing and eight achievements were attacked by using high-voltage electricity under water, and in order to avoid the dispersive effect of seawater on the electric current, it also evolved a special organ that specially transmits electric current.

Although I found the effect of these two things like leeches on my body, unfortunately, it was too late to get rid of them at this time. Two arcs hit my armor, and then there was a flash of arc. Turned me all into a giant light bulb, shining blue water around the sea.

Although this click looks terrifying and seems to have an amazing effect, in fact, after the click started, I found that I only had a slight numbness in my body. Although this is also considered a damage, but the amount of blood loss is only More than a hundred. For my millions of health points now, this kind of damage can only be regarded as breaking a bit of skin.

In fact, I found it from the beginning when it was swallowed by the first monster. Although these monsters seem to be powerful, they seem to have more strength. The attack power is not very high. The harm to me can only be said to be minimal. If you follow this rhythm, even if these monsters besiege me alone, it is estimated that in a few months, they should not expect to consume me. After all, only one attack can cause more than 100 points of damage. I can automatically get back blood for dozens of seconds in a few seconds. It is equivalent to more than half of the automatic restoration. The rest of the points I came back with a few knives. Don't forget that the Eternal Sword has a blood-sucking effect, and part of the attack damage will be converted into my own health.

Although the electric shock didn't affect me, I couldn't let the other party continue to attack. While the electric shock is in progress, the surrounding monsters will not step forward to interrupt the attack of the own monster. As soon as I reached out my hand, the eternity in the claws of the unknown monster shrank immediately, and then fired into my hand, and arrived in my hand after a second.

Immediately after reaching the hand, I immediately went down with a sword to cut off the monster's two meat stalks, and then opened the wings to float, but I did not expect that a large number of such conductive tentacles with suction cups suddenly flew out in the dark sea water ahead. .

Seeing this, I no longer hesitated. The direct jet thruster was fully opened, and the whole person immediately rose suddenly. Those tentacles drilled from my feet with a slight difference and did not touch my body.

"Chris Dina, are you ready?" As soon as I came out of the water, I immediately yelled at Kristina. Naval battles are not my strengths. Besides, the opponent is not a human but a monster. The volume is too different. I am really There is a feeling of being overpowered. After all, the opponent ’s monster is too big. If I use eternity, even if it penetrates the opponent ’s skin more than one meter deep, it is only just breaking the skin. Even the attack depth of seven or eight meters is just just hurting the meat. Deadly. So, I have a specialization in the surgery industry, and I'm simply not suitable for dealing with these large creatures at sea. Of course, the main reason is because Kristina is next to me. On the one hand, I have to protect Kristina, and on the other hand, I have to fight against monsters. I can't concentrate, and many tactics are useless. Otherwise I just need to fly to the sky, even if the spell is not working, slowly grinding can kill these monsters.

At the same time as I shouted the name of Kristina, Kristina also suddenly ended the magic chant, and then the staff in her hand suddenly pointed towards the sea below, and then a small black dot appeared. At a height of less than one meter above the sea. This little black dot started to spin up after it appeared, and it expanded while turning. It took less than two seconds to become a black sphere with a diameter of more than two meters, and it continued to grow.

In fact, if it is only a black light sphere, the point is that this thing is absorbing the surrounding sea water frantically, just within two seconds, a huge vortex appears, and the area of ​​the vortex continues to expand.

The black ball did not expand indefinitely, and it stopped growing after increasing to ten meters in diameter, but at this time it was very scary to absorb seawater. The huge vortex around even Kristina, which is two kilometers away, had to adjust its course to use its own power to counteract the current, or it would be sucked in.

Seeing this, I no longer stayed here, flew directly to the direction of the Kristina and turned directly into a giant bird, and then against the hull, the thruster was fully opened, the huge thrust and Combined with the power of Kristina, it was against the warship that it slowly began to break away from the range of the black ball and began to move far away.

In fact, everyone can see it at this time. The black stuff is simply a black hole, and it is still a very large type of black hole. This black hole is not a fleeting type, but it continues to expand. Although I don't know how long this black hole will last, I think it will not close immediately if Kristina is prepared for so long.

As the black hole continues to absorb the nearby sea water, those sea monsters are unlucky. Because of my obstruction. The sea monsters are a little farther away from the Kristina, which means that the black holes are very close to them. Although they move better in the water than the Corinthina, on the one hand the Crestina is farther away and on the other is my assistance, so they can escape this gravity trap, but these sea monsters can Not so lucky. The closest monsters in the sea monster are less than 20 meters from the straight line of the black hole. Such a short distance can imagine the gravity, so the monsters were almost directly sucked without resistance. Go in, and although the monster farther away is desperately paddling, it is still dragged to the black hole a little bit.

"Roar ..." A struggling monster was dragged helplessly to the edge of the black hole. The last roar in life came when the tail hit the black hole. Then he was pulled into the black hole and disappeared.

In fact, this black hole is not comparable to the kind of black hole in the universe. Although it will also generate a gravitational field to absorb the surrounding material, its intensity is actually much lower than a real black hole. on. It's not just sea water and monsters that get sucked in. I am afraid that the entire earth cannot escape the result of being torn up and absorbed by the gravity field.

It is because the strength of this black hole is relatively weak. Therefore, even if the monsters have no way to resist, it is not a state that they will be completely sucked in. Otherwise, there will be no resistance process at all, and the black hole should have just started. The space around tens of thousands of kilometers was immediately emptied.

Just as the monsters were struggling and screaming to be forcibly dragged into a gravity black hole, I had left the field of gravity with the Kristina. This artificial black hole not only has a much smaller power, nor is the state of natural attenuation, but a certain range. In this range, the gravity field becomes gradually weakened, but it will become zero immediately after exiting the boundary.

Standing outside the field of gravity and watching the monsters in the circle roar and struggle, I thought that this would be the completion of the task. Who knows, the situation over there has changed again.

Just when I thought the monsters over there were no longer rescued, the situation there suddenly changed. Just behind us, four monsters suddenly appeared again without warning. The shapes of these four monsters are obviously different from those that appeared before, but the same as the previous monsters, the four monsters are all over five hundred or six hundred meters in length, and all of them are afraid of death. Na shot up.

"I'm on, isn't it finished?" Looking at the rushing monster, I had no choice but to turn around to face it, and in the distance, Kristina discovered the situation here and began to fly to this side. However, after flying for a while, Kristina stopped suddenly. She accidentally glanced at the black hole over there, then looked at the sea near Kristina. As her gaze shifted, she saw a strange monster appearing on the sea and joining the war group.

The surprised Christina completely stopped coming to support, and stared intently at the black hole over there. As another monster was sucked in, she immediately looked at the sea again, and as a result saw another monster. appear. Now it's time for the fool to spot the problem.

"Chairman, those monsters were summoned by some kind of force, and it would be useless to kill us like this!" Cristina reminded me loudly.

Although we were far away, we couldn't actually hear each other's voice, but because of the communicator, I still knew what Kristina said. But even if it is useless to know, what do you want me to do now? If you stop fighting, the Kristina will not last for five minutes. Under the siege of more than two dozen monsters, the Kristina will soon be shattered. Even if its armor is very strong, it has durability problems. If you do n’t repair it, you will sustain damage and everything will break!

Just as I was struggling with what to do, I suddenly received Xiaochun's spiritual contact.

"what's up?"

Xiaochun said directly, "Master, I learned from the newsletter here that you have a player named Poseidon, and the monsters were summoned by him."

When I heard this, I immediately understood what happened to Kristina, but now the first task is to block these monsters. However, now that you know that the other party has a master, it's easy.

Listening to Xiaochun's meaning, monsters are summoned, that is to say that all of them are summoned creatures. If it is summoned creatures, it is impossible to continue fighting after the death of the master like the magic pet. Of course, even the magic pet is not enough. The reason why my magic pet can continue to fight after my death is because Ling has the attributes of loyalty, so this effect can be achieved. Normally, as long as it is a summoning system, it doesn't matter What kind of you are, the ultimate weakness is actually the summoner itself. Once the summoner is killed, no matter how strong the summoning beast is, it will be displayed.

The other guy named Poseidon of course also knows about this kind of thing ~ ~ so he was very clever and did not show up, let the monster he summoned directly fight me, so the result is that we can only keep fighting with him The monster came out to fight, but there was no way to find his weakness.

"Divine Realm-Dismissal." After thinking about everything, I resolutely dismissed Divine Realm's combining skills, and then spread a lot of magic pets and placed them around the Kristina, to protect the Kristina, and I myself It was the light and shadow effect of the disintegration that plunged directly into the sea and took Arna's hand to let her take me to the location where those monsters just appeared.

No matter how the summoning system summons creatures, there is an iron law that cannot be changed, that is, the summoning has a distance limit. Any creature summoned by the summoner must be within a certain range of its own vicinity. This range will vary depending on the player's various attributes, but as far as I know, no one can summon creatures from a distance of 300 meters away, that is, no matter what kind of cattle the summoner is When he summoned a creature, he must be within 300 meters of the place where the new monster appeared.

Three hundred meters is indeed a not too small range, and because of the water barrier in the sea, the line of sight will not be too wide. However, there is Ariana by my side! Don't forget, they have sonar detection capabilities. So as long as he summons another monster, I can immediately find his place. (To be continued ...)

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