Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 410: Burn you

"Now I let you know who is the first summoner under the stars. Come out, my beasts."

With the cry of Poseidon, a huge blue vortex suddenly developed in the area above our heads, and then a sharp hissing sound was heard, and the huge sound wave shook a layer on the sea surface. Clear white steam. But this is just the beginning. Just after that huge cry, a huge head suddenly pierced out of the vortex, and then the second, the third, and the ninth.

"Hydra?" Looking at the nine huge heads in the sky, my first reaction was that the other party summoned the legendary sea snake Hydra. It is said that it is a very powerful World of Warcraft, which is a bit like the Hachi snake, but actually It is not a creature.

In fact, Hydra has a subspecies called Hydra, but unlike Hydra, Hydra is a swamp creature and does not live in seawater, while Hydra is a complete aquatic Warcraft, and only in seawater Active. However, this thing that had just nine heads out was obviously not Hydra, because even when I was guessing what the thing was, it actually flew out so directly. That's right, it just came out because it had wings and more than one pair.

The creature's shape is very strange. Nine dragon-like heads are basically carved with a mold, and behind the head is a long neck. Of course, because there are nine heads, there are also nine necks.

Of course, the monster's body is connected behind the nine necks, but its body shape is also quite strange. Because that's not an ordinary body at all, but a huge olive-shaped object that looks like a balloon. In fact, I suspect that this thing can fly because the trunk part may be filled with light gases such as helium, so it can fly like a hydrogen balloon. In addition, it should be mentioned that the nine necks of this thing are not all concentrated in one place like the neck of Hydra or Hydra, but they surround a circle along the middle plane of this balloon-like body. That is to say, its neck is almost all around the body, there is no dead corner at all.

Except for the olive-shaped huge torso and the nine heads, this thing has no body structure such as claws or legs, but it has two pairs of four huge membrane wings on its back. It felt like a balloon with wings.

As soon as this weird creature appeared, it gave us a little sting. Because I have n’t seen such a weird creature before, but that thing reacted quickly. Immediately after it appeared, the pepper holding the guy was locked, and then one of the heads suddenly turned to the direction of the pepper. The mouth was red. The flames sprayed out.

See the flames fly. There was no expression on Chili's face. Instead, he stretched out a hand in the direction of the flame and made a blocking motion. Then the flame burst suddenly as if it had hit something, forming an arc-shaped flame wall, but the flame itself could not break through the flame wall and burn to the back.

Probably I felt that my attack was blocked and lost face. After seeing how the pepper was not able to be, the monster immediately roared and started to lower the height and tried to attack again. But it hadn't traveled much distance, and suddenly heard a loud dragon yin, following this guy, he just turned to look at the direction from Longyin and saw a dragon swooping down and biting. The neck behind one of his heads, and his claws just hugged the neck.

Fortunately, the huge impact of the monster drove the monster's neck to be directly smashed, and then as the neck was stretched, the monster's huge body also began to tilt and sink down, but fortunately he ignored it and bit it One of the guy's heads immediately began to tear, and the scales on the monster's neck were clearly unable to stop the invasion of the dragon's teeth, but the scales broke apart after insisting on a few seconds, and the lucky teeth were all embedded He got into the guy's neck and went in a little bit, and at the same time a lot of blue blood began to spray from the monster's neck.

Although this head was bitten without any help, but this monster has nine necks and nine heads, so the two heads on both sides of the attacked neck immediately turned around in an attempt to help, who knows this time Two black shadows fell in the sky, and each bite a head and drag it under the monster's body.

The attack of Xiaosan and the plague directly lost all the support in the head where luck was located. He could only open his mouth in vain to scream to get rid of the control of luck. Unfortunately, luck is nothing but a stance that will never let you loose, no matter how it struggles Twisting is just not thrown off.

Although there is no way to support this head that was bitten by lucky, the other heads of the monster attacked the plague and Xiaosan who cover the lucky ones, but Xiaosan has three heads. Although there are not as many monster heads, it is not so good It can be countered, so even the counterattack against the monster's two heads can be completely blocked. Although there is no extra head in the plague to deal with the attack, the melee ability of the plague is the strongest among all my dragon pets, so he is not afraid of being attacked by those heads, and hangs his entire body directly On the monster's head, at the same time, he used his tail to face other attacking heads, and the monster that hit him had no resistance.

The first giant that appeared did not have any resistance and was directly shot down by the three dragons. Although it is still resisting now, everyone can see that death is just a time to retreat.

"Huh, don't think it's over." Poseidon continued clamoring, and at the same time, the huge vortex in the sky did not disappear, but a second monster emerged.

The appearance of the monster this time is slightly more reliable than the previous one. Although this thing looks strange from a human perspective, at least there are samples that can be referenced in the natural world. In fact, this thing is not too ugly, because it looks like a translucent colored jellyfish.

There are many types of jellyfish in nature. The number is more scary, but this one is the most special because it is an empty mother. Of course, the air carrier I am talking about does not refer to the aircraft carrier, but the thing that will fly.

This flying jellyfish inherits the usual feature of the creature called by the guy named Poseidon-big. The huge umbrella-like body is at least one kilometer in diameter, and the sixteen kilometer-long brachiopods below are like floating ribbons that generally sway with the wind in the air, but if you look closely you will find that this looks like Beautiful ribbon-like arms and feet are actually densely covered with dense dagger-like teeth. These sharp translucent teeth are as shiny as crystals, and with their translucent texture, they look very beautiful. But if this thing gets tangled ... I think it must be worse than getting tangled with barbed wire.

"I trust. This thing is too big, right?" Looking at the huge colored jellyfish in the sky, I felt a little dizzy. The volume of this thing is definitely the top ten among the beasts I have seen so far. It seemed that there were only four holy beasts before. Their group of guys is bigger than this stuff. This jellyfish is actually just a player's summoning beast. usually. No fighting. Such a big thing can scare a group of people if it is summoned.

Although the creature in front of you is very large. But I wasn't scared. This thing is big enough, but the combat power may not be as good as the previous nine-headed balloon monster, but physical attacks are definitely not enough to deal with such a large creature. So I summoned Xiaofeng with a ring finger.

After all, jellyfish is a jellyfish. Even if you can fly, you must be afraid of fire, so let Xiaofeng, a fire elemental creature, deal with it in the past.

In fact, just before Xiaofeng came in contact with that monster, another monster appeared in the whirlpool over there. This time the monster shape is more normal than the previous two. The shape of this thing is basically similar to the biped dragon. The main part of the body is similar to a dragon, except that the dragon has four legs, and this guy has only two legs, and its head is not the same as the dragon, and it is not even like a reptile, but rather like mammal. The head of this thing is obviously similar to a bat, but the two cavities that are turned out of the mouth and the row of daggers that occasionally appear when the mouth is opened both show that this thing is definitely not insect-eating. However, in terms of its size, we are actually similar to bugs.

Compared with the two giant monsters before, the size of the monster that came out this time is slightly smaller. Although the length from head to tail is also close to 900 meters, this thing is relatively thin and there are some in the length of 900 meters. Six or seven hundred meters are the length of the tail and neck, in fact, the real volume is not very large. Of course, considering this thing's wingspan of nearly one thousand meters, I have to admit that it is still very oppressive to fly.

As soon as the third monster appeared, it slammed its wings over the jellyfish that was slowly floating, and then came directly at me. It seems that the other party has the same idea as mine. As long as the body is killed, nothing is summoned by the creature. However, he and I are different.

Although I mainly rely on magic pet battles, but my personal combat effectiveness is not low at all, so this guy let those monsters attack me, in fact, it will not cause much trouble to me. On the contrary, he can't entangle my magic pets is his biggest failure.

When the third monster sent by that guy rushed at me, I was not idle. With my wisdom, the little dragon girl directly broke through the water in the form of the body, then swung up in the air, and rushed towards the body of Poseidon.

Seeing this situation, Poseidon, who was entrusted with the power, was not worried at all. He saw the jellyfish over there, and then the jellyfish suddenly extended a tentacle towards him. Although the pepper was found and evaded in time, the tentacle's ejection speed was very fast, and because the guy's tentacle was so long, he had not been aware of this before, so he was directly caught by the jellyfish's tentacle He got Poseidon and pulled it forcibly.

Chili originally wanted to resist, but as soon as the person was mentioned, I let her go. After all, the other party is a giant Warcraft, and this pepper and other people's strength are completely looking for abuse.

After the monster over there rescued Poseidon, I thought I would let Poseidon run away. Who knew that this monster had done something amazing. I saw it actually spread all sixteen tentacles around. Then the huge mouth with silvery white teeth surrounded by the roots of the tentacles was exposed.

When the mouthpiece was opened, we were still wondering what this thing was going to do, but the next second it threw Poseidon directly into it, and then swallowed it. This reaction made us all sting a moment, and the next second I suddenly saw the Poseidon. He was indeed eaten, but was not digested, but instead went straight down the monster's mouth into the huge umbrella-like body on top of it. Because the monster's body is transparent, we can still see Poseidon, he is in the monster's body, and he is still making a new call.

I didn't expect this monster to have such ability, but it didn't matter if it swallowed Poseidon. Big deal, just dig him out.

"Ling. Everett, Brigitte, and the jellyfish that set fire." With my order, Ling and Everett and Brigitte immediately began preparing to attack. Although Ling is a legal system, but because it is a former goddess. So the preparation time for dark spells is very short. Almost as soon as I finished shouting. A black ray hit the jellyfish directly from Ling's fingertips.

I thought that it would not be possible to cause too much damage to the jellyfish. After all, the size of this guy is there, and it would be abnormal if it was so easy to deal with. However, the results surprised me. The black beams emitted by Ling actually seemed to use soft red soldering iron to soften the soft snow. Feeling unhindered, I went directly to the past. It wasn't the kind of ineffective penetration, but it really broke. The black rays emitted by Ling from the monster penetrated directly through a large hole, and we even saw some liquid flow out, which was obviously injured.

This situation surprised us a lot, but the next second, something even more amazing happened. I saw the jellyfish monster suddenly extended one of its wrists and feet, and then inserted into the sea. We saw a blue stream of water rising quickly along the center of the transparent tentacles. Obviously, the jellyfish was sucking water, and the seawater that was sucked up directly poured into the hole just penetrated by Ling And then, when the seawater contacted the cave, the cave started to heal itself inexplicably, and it was amazingly fast. It took almost five or six seconds to run through the entire body of the monster. Dadong actually grew completely.

"I depend, don't you!"

Obviously, that jellyfish can heal itself by absorbing seawater, and this place is located on the sea. If there is no other limitation on this guy's ability to absorb seawater for self-healing, then it is almost invincible in such a place. Unless we have a way to completely destroy this guy at one time, it will be able to recover all the water after it **** a bit of water.

Although startled by the scene in front of us, we did not give up the next action. Everett and Brigitte directly propelled the monster with full thrusters and rushed up, but their flight path was slightly different from before. Everett and Brigitte should have flown directly into the monster's body along the channel opened by Ling. I didn't expect that the monster could heal itself, and the way to heal was to transform the seawater, so we need to cut it off to heal first. Ability.

There are many ways to cut off this guy's self-healing ability, but the most direct way we can think of is to break all its tentacles.

The speed of this jellyfish monster's body is very slow, and the visual observation does not exceed ten kilometers per hour, and the speed of ascent and descent is also super slow, even less than one tenth of the speed of parallel movement. In other words, it takes an hour for this thing to rise or fall by one kilometer. According to the moving speed of this thing, if it wants to use the body to absorb seawater, the delay time is enough for us to kill him dozens of times. However, although the speed of this thing is very slow, its tentacle retracting speed is unparalleled. The speed of response of the peppers before did not stop the jellyfish from taking Poseidon out of her hands. This illustrates the speed of these tentacles. So, without breaking these tentacles, we have no way to stop this monster from absorbing seawater.

Although the goal is clear, it is a bit cumbersome to implement. Everett and Brigitte flew directly towards the monster's tentacle after flying up, but the jellyfish was not the master of passive beatings. It immediately began to attack those tentacles as soon as it found something approaching. Although these tentacles are not waving as fast as the ejection speed, but so many tentacles are fluttering together and it is not easy to avoid them. Fortunately, although Everett and Brigitte are both creatures, they are also elemental spirits, so their defense and magical damage are very high. Although the monster's tentacle teeth can occasionally meet Evrit and Brigitte, this kind of thing does not pose a threat to them at all, as long as they are not entangled by the tentacles, they will rub in the air for a short time It is impossible to harm the armor layers of Everett and Brigitte. And once they are entangled, there is still a way to get out. Because these two are elemental bodies.

Everett is the Fire Elf King. And Brigitte is a downright thunder element. Can element sprites with these two attributes be played in your hands? Fire and thunder are one of the two most dangerous elements, and no matter which one of them the monster encounters, it will definitely be injured. And that jellyfish seems to have no intelligence. Let go whenever you feel pain. After releasing Everett and Brigitte, they will continue to attack under the command of Poseidon, anyway, they have no brains.

"It looks a little complicated!"

The joint confrontation between Everett, Brigitte, and Ling couldn't get the jellyfish monster, but I was in trouble. The third monster summoned by that guy before. That is, the guy with a bat's head and a two-footed flying dragon body has already flown in front of me, and this guy is obviously much smarter than the previous monster, and a green slime sprayed out his mouth. This thing obviously knows that swallowing me is not a good idea, so it uses a breath attack instead.

I do n’t know what the characteristics of the mucus sprayed from this thing are, but I can guess that this thing is either poisonous or highly corrosive. If it is not good, it must have strong viscosity that can hinder my action. No matter what the attribute is, this thing will definitely not have good attributes anyway, so when the thing sprayed over, I moved decisively to the back of the guy for a moment, on the one hand, to avoid the attack of the thing, on the other hand, it was also By the way, a suitable attack location was found.

Immediately after I reached the head of this monster, I immediately stabbed Eternity with a sharp sword aimed at the guy's back. The eternal penetration does not need to be doubted, it is easy to break the defense, then the sword body is extended, and it instantly penetrates the guy's brain. At the same time, when it passes through its head, eternity automatically turns into a branch, directly turning the guy The brain tissue was destroyed.

The monster whose brain was smashed into a paste immediately lost its motivation and started to plant it downward, while on my side, the monster's head turned around and jumped up. The monster under my feet had not yet fallen into the sea, and I suddenly heard a roar, and then turned around to see that I didn't know when there was a large group of flying creatures in the sky around us. The shapes of these creatures are all carved out of a mold. They are almost exactly the same as the monster that I just killed. The only difference is that these monsters are much smaller. If it hadn't been for the monster's body that had just been killed by me, I would have thought that these were the clones of that monster.

The small monsters that appeared suddenly were not as large as the previous ones, but even so, the size of these things was comparable to my giant magic pets. The length of nearly 100 meters is just a little shorter than Lucky and Plague. If they stand with Lucky, it is like the difference between a big white goose and a duck. Although there are obvious differences in size, they are not so much. exaggeration.

It should be better to deal with the smaller body, but the question is, what about the thousands of monsters around it? I have enough unicorn warriors, but the problem is that the unicorn warriors are not good at air combat! A lot of magic pets can fly, but the problem is that my magic pet can't deal with thousands of such monsters at the same time, right?

The Poseidon in the distant body of the jellyfish looked at me with a look of embarrassment here and suddenly laughed, because he felt that he had defeated me and the so-called strongest player in the world. At this moment he felt invincible. However, his good mood ends here.

"Really, do you have to use my tricks? If you continue to do this, you will definitely have to accept punishment time!"

The reason I don't want to use the trick now is because I have used a fit before, and supposedly I should enter the punishment time now. But the problem is that I have a way to resist punishment, so a fit will not affect me in any way. But now the situation is forcing me to enter the fit again, and this time I can't fight the punishment time. In other words, once the fit is over, I will enter a period of weakness. In other words, if I can't get that Poseidon in this fit, then it's me who gets it.

Although this situation is practically impossible, I hesitated a bit, but eventually I gave up worrying. Once I had the certainty that I could get that guy in fit mode, on the other hand, because I actually had insurance.

Although we seem to be isolated and helpless here, if something really happened and it is a crisis. I can still call reinforcements. First of all. Our guild also has Issinger Mobile Fortress, a super killer that can be used. Although calling Issinger Mobile Fortress is a bit shameful for my personal safety, if it really hits that part, it is necessary to use it. Also. Can I ask my wife to reinforce me even if I do n’t need Isinger to move the fortress?

Although I have hardly done that. To this day, not many people know the ability of roses. But in fact Rose's cooperation with me is very scary.

My personal battle is beyond doubt. If I let go of my attack regardless of my life, the destructive power would be absolutely devastating. And what is a rose? Rose is a composite version of Super Nurse and Resurrection Angel. There is a super nurse in the rose, and my life value and other attributes recover at least several times. In this case, it is not easy to kill me. In addition, Rose is also a resurrected mage. The ability to resurrect a mage is to resurrect the player. Although the ordinary resurrection mage can resurrect the player, the level will fall as well. Sometimes, the resurrection fails and the two levels are directly dropped. Moreover, the resurrection also needs to borrow a special magic array. Therefore, the resurrection mage can only be used in specific circumstances. The resurrection spell, after all, even if the intermediate and senior resurrection mage can draw the magic array by himself, it cannot be completed instantly.

But roses are an exception. First, Rose's resurrection level is too high, and second, she has a special prop. It is a resurrection circle that can be carried around, so Rose can actually track and revive specific targets in battle. In other words, if I die in battle, Rose can keep me in the same place as before the death, and keep the previous inertia, movements, and even the big moves being prepared. This situation is basically equivalent to the deadly attack that the enemy just did. How terrible should you say my lethality in this state?

Of course, in fact, it is very difficult to achieve an uninterrupted resurrection, but Rose ’s success rate for this trick is as high as 50%, that is, half of it almost revives me in situ in an instant, which can completely allow the enemy to engage in Unexpected. Moreover, even if it is not able to be revived instantly, Rose can use the normal version of resurrection to resurrect me beside her, that is, she can directly resurrect on the battlefield. This interval may not exceed one second, so in fact it has little effect on the battle situation.

So if I summon Rose over the ring of love, I can definitely kill this guy in front of my eyes, of course, it is not necessary now.

After I figured it out, I immediately started to fit. Poseidon has seen my fit once before, so he wasn't too surprised by my fit, but he didn't expect my fit to be so strong.

Just after my side was completed, the three monsters summoned by Poseidon had all lost their targets, so they immediately focused all of their attack targets on me, and the surrounding small monsters also immediately turned towards me. Sides swarmed in an attempt to siege me.

Looking at a large crowd of monsters surging up around me, I was going to start a big move to destroy these things, but when I was just preparing for the skills, a huge change suddenly occurred on the battlefield.

Just as those monsters rushed to my side, a large dense magic missile rain suddenly flew down from my head. This magic missile rainstorm was as dense as a real rainstorm, and it would be from the sky in an instant, and The monsters around me were all directly shot down by the dense magic missiles, almost like flying flies, and a large blank area was cleared around me in an instant. Although there were hundreds of monsters lingering outside, the place around me in the middle was indeed completely emptied.

Such dense and accurate magic missile rainstorm. It can shoot down hundreds of monsters all at once, but none of the magic missiles hits me in the middle of the rainstorm. It can be seen how accurate this magic control has been. There is only one person in the world who can do this, and that is Kristina, so I did not hesitate to look up to the top of my head, and it turned out that Kristina was slowly descending.

"Why are you here? What about Kristina?" I didn't feel her when I saw Kristina coming to help, because her task now is to protect Kristina, come to my side to help Obviously something is wrong.

I originally thought that Kristina would go back immediately when I heard what she said, but I did n’t know she laughed and pointed in the direction of Kristina, then flew in front of me and continued to bombard with her magic missile rainstorm. Those monsters.

I glanced back in doubt. As a result, it was found that a large group of warships were slowly approaching the sea not far away. After a long while, the fleet of our guild came. That's why Kristina gave up protecting Kristina. With the reinforcements of our guild, Kristina is basically safe. Although warships are not good at dealing with monsters, so many warships are gathered, and not all monsters can approach. Besides, the Poseidon who summoned the monster was being dragged here by us at this time. He may not have time to deal with the Kristina.

After understanding that Kristina was not leaving, I didn't care about her again. Looking back, I was going to talk to her about the division of labor. As a result, it was found that there were no monsters around. I have to say that professional things are best left to professional people. To deal with such a large number of low-level creatures, the most suitable is indeed the ability such as Kristina, and my fighting method is actually more suitable for conventional ground combat or when dealing with that super-strong single SS. This is the case for so many little monsters. Although I can handle it, but it takes a very long time, how can it be like the monsters of Chris Dinah are dying out?

Cristina's sharp attack made Poseidon dumbfounded. The little monsters just made is a little trick of him, because he has previously found that my attack power is very high, and large creatures are very disadvantaged in front of me, because no matter what level they are, they are almost three punches in front of me. Both feet are gone. In this case, of course, he has to change his strategy and give up calling on that large creature directly, but start to use some small and medium-sized creatures and rely on the number to win.

In fact, although Poseidon's summoning skill has a maximum number, this number does not refer to the number of individual monsters, but the amount of energy.

If anyone has played the old-fashioned strategy game of war chess, it should be easier to understand this ability of Poseidon.

In that kind of strategy game, it will give you a certain amount of funds as soon as you come up, and then let you buy various arms, and then reasonably allocate these arms in battle to fight. In this strategy game, the amount of funds is fixed and cannot be increased, or even if it can be increased, it will not be too much. This is like the energy cap of Poseidon. This energy cap is his funding limit, and he uses these energy to choose which monster to summon is to optimize the combination of these energies.

Poseidon can use all his energy to summon low-level creatures, so the summoning amount will be very large, but the combat power of each creature will be very low, because their energy level is very low. Of course, he can also summon that kind of super creature, so that the summoned creature's combat power will be strong, but in turn the summoning number will be very small.

In short, the total energy of the monsters summoned by Poseidon is fixed. He can use different combinations to summon different monsters to fight, but no matter how they match, the total energy of the monsters is so much. If no monsters die, he cannot Summon new monsters, and what is the energy share vacated by the dead monsters, the newly summoned monsters cannot exceed this value, otherwise you must counter summon other monsters to give up the quota.

The little monsters just now are small monsters summoned by Poseidon using their own abilities. Their energy level is very low, but because they consume very little, they can be summoned in groups, but he did not expect that Kristina was actually Freed up to participate in the battle between us. Originally, with his ability, it was already very difficult to deal with the world number one in my world, but now it is actually the second in the world. And unlike me, Kristina's attack is just to restrain his summoning ability.

"Huh! Ziri, you guy is really shameless. I can't even call a helper if I can fight alone." Poseidon shouted in the belly of the jellyfish monster. It is strange that the sound from the jellyfish's stomach passed through the jellyfish's body without being weakened, but became very loud, just like a loudspeaker.

When I heard that guy's shout, I just smiled coldly and didn't answer, and then said to Kristina: "You look at Kristina first, here I am."

Although I knew that Poseidon's intention was to use the radical method to expel Kristina from the battle sequence, I did so intentionally. It wasn't because I was excited by him. But I think this guy's ability seems very interesting. Want to take a closer look. Besides, I have already completed the state of fit, if it is lifted in this way, wouldn't it be a bit of a jerk?

The opposite Poseidon certainly didn't know my mental activity, he just felt that his strategy was successful. but. The next second he knew how outrageous he was.

I have already entered the state of fit and I did not mean to talk to him nonsense. The state of fit is calculated by time. Although I can support it for a long time in this mode, the longer it is supported in reverse. The punishment will be longer after that, so I still hope to end the fight as soon as possible.

Just when the guy was proud to watch Chris Dina leave, he suddenly found that I was missing. He didn't even find out how I disappeared. Poseidon looking around in my panic suddenly heard the scream of his beckoning creature. When he looked down, he realized that it was the former nine-headed balloon monster. At this time, the thing had turned into two halves. Falling towards the sea. The balloon monster that the three dragons couldn't completely kill before was actually killed by me in a second.

Speaking of the balloon monster, it really is a balloon, its belly is basically empty, it is a huge airbag, which seems to be filled with light gas, so it can fly. However, the gas inside this thing is not hydrogen, at least it will not explode.

I didn't stay there after killing the monster, but a turn suddenly disappeared in place. Poseidon immediately turned around in the jellyfish's body in an attempt to find my place, but no matter where I looked, I could not find my figure. Just when he was going to say something to provoke me to appear, a huge swordman suddenly appeared and flew obliquely. The jellyfish hurriedly blocked with tentacles. As a result, Jian Mang flashed without hindrance. More than a dozen segments of cut tentacles sprinkled in the air and quickly fell into the seawater below.

The injured jellyfish monster immediately stretched a tentacle to the sea and planned to absorb water again. How could I know that the seawater had just risen more than ten meters and a sword flashed by, and then the tentacle that was sucking the seawater was cut into In two sections, the lower part of the tentacle with the seawater fell directly to the surface, and the upper tentacle was twisted violently due to the pain.

"This is what you call the strongest under the stars? Doesn't it look good?" When Poseidon was terrified, I suddenly appeared less than 200 meters away from the jellyfish monster, this distance It is almost a jellyfish monster, after all, this guy's head is as large as a thousand meters!

Looking at me suddenly, Poseidon didn't order the jellyfish to attack, but let him quickly repair himself. The jellyfish's defense is bad, but its abnormal self-healing ability is too buggy. As long as it is on the sea, it is almost invincible. It is also because of this ability of this guy that Poseidon chose to hide in this jellyfish monster because he knew it was absolutely safe.

The idea of ​​this guy was good at first, but unfortunately the enemy I face is a super player who can cause damage beyond the recovery speed of the jellyfish monster, so-the jellyfish monster is a tragedy.

The jellyfish monster that got the order directly gave up the defense and extended all the remaining tentacles to the sea to try to absorb the seawater to heal. Anyway, no matter what the body is cut into, the seawater can recover instantly, once it is not afraid of injury at all. . But will I make it happen?

In Poseidon's nervous eyes, I directly changed eternity into a short stick shape that could not be used, and then pulled a staff from the back, then docked the two and twisted it slightly with a click. , The staff and eternal docking are completed, and the equipment on my body begins to deform. The three-colored armor with black background and red magic lines and gold line grooves seemed to be poured with a layer of golden water, and it began to change color rapidly from the tip of the helmet. Finally, the entire set of armors became gold glittering. .

To be honest, I rarely use this form, it is not easy to use, but this armor is too exaggerated. The Dragon Soul set was very arrogant in its original shape. The original black, red, and gold colors were just the cruelty of the dark series, and now the golden glitter is completely a tyrant! It ’s just that the sun is very good today, we are on the sea again, and the sun will have a more obvious reflection on the returning water ~ ~ So the light intensity on the sea is much higher than the ground, and my body is glittering It was bright enough, and this time it was completely turned into a big light bulb, so that the opposite Poseidon could not look straight.

Of course, I didn't transform myself to win people's eyes, but to prepare—baking people.

After the transformation is completed, I directly activate the staff with one stroke: "the realm of the sun". In an instant, I was already very flashy, and suddenly I became a real little sun. At this time, even in the dark, I could look around like daylight, not to mention that it was already daylight.

I turned into a little sun and rushed directly under the jellyfish monster and crashed into the pile of tentacles. The tentacles were all scorched in an instant at high temperature, and the seawater in the tentacles was directly gasified, and then burst the carbonized tentacles. Turned into large swaths of white steam.

The injured jellyfish is trying to rise up and dodge, and the heat below makes it painfully curl up to lift the remaining tentacle roots, but more serious injuries have just begun.

"Sundial spray. Turn me into a roast pig!" As my skills were activated, a huge halo flashed, and then there was no more. Everything in the surroundings instantly became steam. This is the power of the sundial. (To be continued ...)

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