Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 415: Alternative uses of solar furnaces

The skill that Chuangwang wants to show me is actually very simple, because this skill is called-diving.

That's right, just dive into the sea like a submarine. Just after the order of the King of Breakthrough was issued, the Ziri super mother ship named after me started to sink slowly while sinking. Our side standing on the deck except for the Navy personnel Almost all look dumbfounded. In fact, it's not just I don't know that the new warships have this ability, even Kristina does not know that our warships have this ability. The Navy ’s technology is all staffed by specialized personnel. We would not know these things if it were not for naval ships, so we can say that we knew nothing about this before.

"Did you make a mistake?" Looking at the Purple Sun slowly sinking, Chris Dina, who was standing beside me, almost stared out. Such a large warship is actually a submarine, and this kind of thing cannot be understood by ordinary people. You need to know that the submarine isn't really big, but it doesn't need to be too big. In addition to adding a small amount of combat capabilities, the gigantic submarine will have more side effects. Therefore, after the size of the submarine is increased, the practical value of the submarine does not increase, but decreases, except for a few special because of special needs. For custom-built submarines, under normal circumstances, the tonnage of the submarine is best kept at less than one-half of the active battleship. Because such submarines can play their strengths.

We haven't thought about the fact that the Purple Sun can dive, but according to my previous words and the intention of Chuangwang to demonstrate this ability, it can be determined. There is definitely more to this ship than the Purple Sun. That is. The entire First Cruiser fleet here is all dive warships that can dive.

When I recovered from the amazing scene of the Ziri diving, the Ziri in front of it has basically entered the underwater navigation state. What we can see now is the sighting equipment of the Ziri and some antennas. Above sea level, the main part of the battleship has actually completely entered the water.

"How did this ...?" Seeing Ziri completely launched into the water, I remembered and asked why Chuangwang had such a design.

Chuangwang probably knew that I would ask this question, so he answered very refreshingly: "In fact, it's not difficult to do this. What capabilities do submarines need? You should know?"

I nodded and said, "It's pretty clear."

"Then what capabilities do you need?"

I thought for a moment: "First of all, a sealed and sturdy shell is required to ensure that it will not enter the water, but also to resist the pressure of the deep sea. Secondly, a propulsion system that can work without oxygen is needed, so that it can be output normally under the water. Power. There must be an underwater detection system such as sonar, otherwise it will become blind once you dive. Oh yes, a pressure device and a water tank are also needed. In this way, you can control your own buoyancy to float by drainage and water injection. And dive. It seems that the main part needs these things. In addition, some miscellaneous skills are needed, anyway, there are many things. "

After hearing what I said, King Chuang immediately asked: "Okay, just as you said. First of all, a sealed and sturdy shell is needed. All of our new battleships are made of high-quality steel in a large area, and the connecting parts are made of magic fusion agent. . Let the steel plate can be perfectly integrated into a whole. It is like a whole casting. It is strong and sealed. It can be said that if we do n’t want to leave an opening, we can make a fully sealed big stuffy tank. So. We are only on the battleship. Some adjustments have been made to all hatches to increase tightness and ensure that they can withstand the pressure of water in the deep sea. "

"So you have a completely sealed case?"

Chuang Wang nodded and said, "It's not that simple, but it's basically like this. In addition, let me tell you, there are moving reinforcements in our cutting-edge armor. These things are usually in a disassembled state to increase the available space in the ship. During wartime, lock-up connection can be performed, on the one hand, to strengthen the overall structural strength of the hull, on the other hand, it can also close a specific area in an emergency to ensure that the hull shell can continue to dive under the condition of damage to the hull, without seepage or pressure loss Class situation. "

The ability described by Chuangwang can be said to be very rare, because a large part of the submarine's pressure resistance actually comes from its shape. It's like an egg. An intact egg that has not been opened has very strong pressure resistance. This is because its structure can disperse pressure and ensure the integrity of the shell. It can even be said that the pressure makes it solid. As long as the pressure at the unit point does not show a particularly high peak area, and the pressure can be evenly distributed, the egg's resistance to pressure even exceeds many metal components. Because if you make a container the size of an egg with iron skin of the same thickness, but if it is not shaped into an egg but is square, the pressure resistance of this container is definitely not as good as that of an egg.

Submarines have similar characteristics. In the case of complete structure, the pressure generated by seawater will be shared by the structure, and eventually the hull can withstand more powerful pressure than expected. But once the submarine's structure is damaged, for example, there is a large hole in the shell or something ... then it basically has to wait for death. Submarines that lose structural strength can only rely on their own hardness to resist water pressure, and in the end are mostly the result of being directly crushed.

Unlike the submarine, the Purple Sun uses a very special structure. It is a sea battleship in the first place, so it does not need to rely on the shell to resist water pressure, so it can be said that it does not have water pressure resistance. However, because our designers added structural reinforcements, and also specially laid magic arrays, using magic power to protect the hull, thereby ensuring its resistance to water pressure. In this way, our new battleship has become a warship that can not only dive, but also continue to dive after being injured.

"I'm beginning to believe that it's not difficult to dive these boats."

King Chuang nodded immediately when he heard what I said: "Is that what I said. Our warships use steel structure. Due to the special steel crafts and the help of magic circle, the hardness itself is already exaggerated. It is calculated in meters. This thickness is absolutely beyond any of today's submarines, so our warships have no problem in terms of pressure resistance. As for the underwater power ... Boss, do you forget the use of our warships? Is there any motivation? "

All the warship thrusters used in this guild are water jet thrusters from Atlantis. This kind of equipment does not need to burn anything at all, but directly uses magic energy, that is, magic stone as the power drive. Then, since combustion is not required, oxygen is not required to support combustion, and naturally there is no need for gas exchange. In addition to nuclear-powered submarines, conventional submarines are equipped with two sets of power equipment, a diesel engine. Use when sailing on the sea. Or the snorkel is extended out of the sea for diesel-powered navigation in semi-submersible mode. Once in the real submarine mode, the submarine uses electric motors. Not many warships in the game use ore fuel. Although there is no such propeller used in our guild, it has excellent performance, but in fact, guilds in various countries also have their own magic propellers. These thrusters are basically all powered by magic crystal. Of course, some poor guilds have also invented a way to use magicians instead of magic crystals as a motive. But that kind of propulsion model is estimated to be used only as an economic model. You must also change back to the magic spar during the battle. In other words, the warships in the game, except those rowed with paddles. The other warships are either sailing or must be magically powered. For these warships, it doesn't matter whether there is air or not, even the engine is not afraid of water, because magic thrusters are not mechanical thrusters at all, and those magic arrays are not afraid of water at all.

Because of this feature in the game, the oxygen problem that plagues submarines in reality is almost non-existent for submarines in the game.

what? You ask the staff how half their breathing is? Don't you know there is something called a knight's helmet?

In the game, because players need to experience the fun of fighting in different environments, many helmets are equipped with underwater breathing apparatus. In addition, because the game "Zero" is justified for everything, even the monsters in the wild are born from generation to generation, not directly refreshed, so this helmet must be able to provide oxygen under water. Make a statement. So call, all-powerful magic appeared.

The knight helmet can breathe underwater because it contains a special magic array that can separate the oxygen in the water. The prototype of this magic array is the water suction technique used by the mages. We will not discuss the principle of this water suction technique, anyway, there is such a kind of magic defined in the game, and there is a remake of the magic array form directly, then what our guild has to do is ... Learn this magic formation, and then engraved it in some specific positions inside the battleship, and then you can provide oxygen to the entire submarine.

Because of the existence of magic, the oxygen problem that is very troublesome in reality is hardly called a problem in the game. Of course, this is for us. If it is another guild, it will take a bit of effort. After all, the Magic Division's ripping assistant is not as simple as copying a piece of paper. The magic array actually has a very complicated design idea. Although we have a special magic array printing machine that can make magic arrays in batches, that kind of thing is already a super high-end existence. I have never heard of it. Only a few guilds have related technologies in this regard, but it is only our guilds that can really print magic circles in batches.

If you follow this line of reasoning. The new battleships of our guild have the ability to resist water pressure, plus the kind of water isolation barrier we got from Atlantis, the problem of sealing is also very simple. Now coupled with simple oxygen acquisition capabilities and magic thrusters that can work long hours without oxygen, in fact, most of the prerequisites for making a submarine have been met.

But ... "How do you solve the water tank system?"

"Do we need to equip that kind of thing?" Chuang Wang's counter-question directly held me back.

On the surface this problem is idiotic. How do submarines solve the problem of diving and floating without a water tank? It can be said that in addition to the power part of a submarine, most of the remaining space is actually occupied by the water tank and high-pressure air system used to change its buoyancy. It can be said that this system is a very important component in the submarine. But ... do our warships need it?

The reason why this batch of new battleships need to be replaced is because they have all been equipped with solar furnaces. And what is a solar furnace? This is an anti-gravity system! When it outputs power downwards, it can make warships offset the gravitation and fly up from the ground, and it can make warships rise, descend, or hover by changing the power output. This control method is very simple, and the response speed is very fast, it can be said that there is no delay. However, many people will fall into a misunderstanding, thinking that this is just a power system that allows warships to fly, and they don't know that this thing system has no direction definition. In fact, although the flying battleships in our guilds have independent jet thrusters, they can actually sail before without activating these thrusters, because the solar furnace itself is a sphere. The direction of its output power can be changed in any direction in this three-dimensional space. And this output can be reversed instantaneously, that is, if we do not output thrust downwards, but want to go up. The battleship will not fly. It will sink. Because the huge pressure will force the warship into the water like an invisible large hand.

Because of the abnormal equipment of the solar furnace, our warships do not need the water tank and air pressure equipment in the submarine at all. When our warships need to dive, we can directly output thrust to let the warship sink. And when you need to go up, as long as you gradually reduce the power, or simply flip the power, you can make the warship jump out of the water directly.

Having said that, I have to mention a technical characteristic of the solar furnace. The power output method of the solar furnace is very characteristic. Although its thrust is very powerful, it cannot adjust the power quickly. That is to say, there is no way to explode all the power in an instant. A slow Adjustment process. The entire adjustment time of a solar furnace from no output power to the limit power is about seventy seconds. This time does not change because of the size of the solar furnace and the total power, but a fixed value. In other words, no matter what type of solar furnace you want, it must take more than 70 seconds to accelerate to rapid speed, and it takes such a long time to reduce the power from the extreme state to zero.

However, although it takes time to adjust the power, the power output direction of the solar furnace can be strangely and randomly changed, and even the full power can be output to the front in the last second, and the full power can be output to the rear in the next second.

This variability of power direction is a good thing for the improvement of maneuverability, but because the output power cannot be controlled instantaneously, emergency stop is impossible. Therefore, the solar furnace faces the same problems as the actual Stirling engine. Obviously the function is very good, but it can not be used on most devices. For example, even if we are equipped with a solar furnace on a flying battleship, we need to install an additional jet thruster because the solar furnace itself has no way to accelerate or shut down instantly. It can only rely on auxiliary power to achieve rapid acceleration or emergency stop. If the speed is reduced, the solar furnace can be completed by itself. After all, it is only necessary to reverse the power direction. However, this method is not suitable for general navigation. You can also consider avoiding artillery shells on the battlefield. , That will definitely make all the unprepared crews collectively thrash.

Based on the above situation, solar stoves are only suitable for large equipment such as warships. Because these big guys have very large inertia momentum, they were basically not expected to be like birds from the beginning of the design. It also dances in the sky, so the problem that the solar oven cannot output power and the response lag is avoided. Moreover, because the large equipment itself has a large space, there is extra space for a second set of power equipment, thereby ensuring that these big guys can also accelerate or decelerate sharply if necessary. As for small devices ... then don't think about it. On the one hand, miniaturization of the solar furnace is more difficult, and on the other hand, it is very unsafe. The working method of the solar furnace determines that once it explodes, its power will be equivalent to a super-equivalent liquefied magic crystal steam bomb. The power of this kind of self-explosion is basically similar to that of small nuclear weapons. Large equipment has a low war damage rate, so there is no problem in installing these things, but if we even install this gadget in small equipment like Mobile Angel ... then it will be lively. Of course, the main reason why it is not installed is that the dynamic characteristics of the solar furnace are really not suitable for small equipment, especially on land. After all, there are many obstacles on the ground. Unlike the sea or the sky, there is so much space for you to slow down. The power equipment that adjusts its power in an instant has no other possibility than crashing on the ground. Unless you are only active in the plains or deserts.

In any case, all of our cutting-edge battleships are equipped with solar furnaces. Although they were ordered to ban flight due to confidentiality considerations, submarine navigation was no problem. Even if the fleets of other countries saw our warships diving, they would only think that we were equipped with diving equipment, and they would not think of flying functions at all. Therefore, this application method does not affect our confidentiality plan at all.

After seeing my expression, Chuang Wang probably knew that I already wanted to understand, so I began to introduce directly: "So, our warship already has the basic conditions for submarine navigation, and because of the detection magic, the underwater detection of us It can also be done. And because these warships originally thought of diving, all places that can not enter the water are treated with the waterproof barrier of Atlantis, including gun barrels and so on. Water. Also, haven't you noticed that this new battleship is very rounded? "

The Chuang Wang didn't say that I didn't really pay attention to it. This new battleship looks like it has the characteristics of an aircraft ~ ~ that is, it takes into account aerodynamic issues. The previous warships did not have fast speeds, so parts above the water surface basically did not consider hydrodynamic problems, as long as the underwater part did not have much resistance. However, this time the new battleship can not only fly, but also dive. Therefore, even the part above the waterline has done as much as possible in the principle of composite fluid mechanics to ensure that the ship has a good dynamic appearance in the submarine mode and flight mode.

"I have to say that this design made me quite satisfied." I watched the Ziri, which was slowly floating upwards after the demonstration, and said to the caravan around me, "So, this task will be left to you. Give me I secretly touched the guild's harbour and floated up, and I was going to give them a big surprise. "

The King of Chuang heard that I knew that I had agreed to their request to perform this task, and immediately shouted excitedly: "Guarantee the task."

"Don't be complacent. This task must be careful. Revenge on that British guild is just to show our strength. I don't want to go to war with Europe as a whole. If you cause us international disputes, but Don't blame me for throwing you to the riverboat fleet. "

"No, no, I must be careful. I should never do what I shouldn't do." Chuang Wang really knew that he was afraid. A place like the Inland Fleet can kill people alive, he won't go to death. (To be continued ...)

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