Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 431: problem occurs

Of course, there is no guard in a place like the shrine. Besides, this place has been deserted for so many years. Even if it was originally unguarded, it should now become a monster's lair, so if I say this place is very safe, I ca n’t believe it.

Sure enough, we just stood at the door for a minute or two, and we saw a faint ripple of water in the low-lying puddle in the center of the hall gradually leaning towards us. The hall where we are located is inside the mountain, and from our feelings, there is no vent in the place, so there is no wind in the hall. In the absence of wind, ripples appear in a closed puddle. Needless to say, there is something below!

As we guessed, after a few seconds, the water ripple suddenly disappeared near the gate, and then suddenly saw a large head larger than us in the large puddle ahead. This head can be determined to be the head of some kind of monster, because there is no such creature in reality, and the head of this creature can be considered a strange type even in the game.

This creature's head is shaped like a cross-shaped anchor, the tip of which is the tip of the head, and there are two black areas directly in front of the two horizontally expanded bones, although it looks like It seems to be a fixed structure that cannot be rotated, but it can be roughly judged that it should be a pair of eyes.

In addition to the strange shape of the eyes and head, the creature's neck is also very characteristic. Its neck does not grow into a long tube like most living things, but it looks like the spine of an animal. The outer bone is covered with exoskeleton, and there are prominent spurs on each section, which looks very stingy.

Except for the head and neck, we can't see other parts of this thing for the time being, because most places are under the water, and the color of the water in this place is relatively turbid, so we ca n’t see even if it is close to the water. Structure of the underwater part.

The actual size of the creature in front of you may be slightly smaller than the size of a large dog, and slightly larger than the size of a medium dog. However, considering the fact that we are currently only two inches tall, this thing is in our eyes. Still quite huge.

The creature has been staring at us since its head emerged from the turbid water, while its head still swayed slightly. It seems to have a certain rhythm. But we do n’t know the characteristics of this creature, so we are not sure if it means warning.

"Do you know what to do with this thing?" I asked the zombie girl what to do with the creature in front of me while staring at the monster over there to prevent a sudden attack.

The zombie girl was very refreshing, and answered directly: "Do you still need to ask this kind of thing? It's straight away."

"What you said is easy, and you don't need to do it." I said this in my mouth, but it didn't stop at all. Hold eternity and walked over.

I have a very clear intention to attack. That creature obviously understood my purpose. So there was no pause, the head suddenly opened his mouth and bit it.

It is not surprising that a mouth attack was originally a common attack method of monsters. The really strange thing is that the creatures in front of it are moving too fast. I almost just saw that guy's head move and found that his head had reached me. The sudden enlargement of the head made me realize that the creature was extremely fast, but at this time the other person's head had already reached him, and even if he realized that he could not escape. In anxiety, I didn't think much about it. I simply took a step forward and stepped directly into the puddle.

Originally, this place was a shrine. Even if the middle part is relatively low and some rainwater has accumulated, it should not be too deep. I just step forward to facilitate the entry of the opponent's attack blind zone, and then I can escape the opponent's attack. As a result, although my goal has been achieved, the way to achieve it is not the way I want.

As soon as I stepped out, I immediately felt that the ground was not felt under my feet. Although this place is covered by water, I originally thought that the puddle was at most a dozen centimeters deep. As for why the strange creature could hide in such shallow water, it was completely because of the other person ’s body. Caused by relatively flat. However, the actual situation is far from my imagination. That creature is not flat, and the reason it can hide in this puddle without being found is because of this puddle ... it is actually very deep.

Normally, even if there is stagnant water in the hall of a temple, the depth is certainly not too deep, and it is quite exaggerated to be able to cross the feet. However, the temple in front of it has not been maintained for many years, and the floor of the ground floor hall has actually been powdered and disintegrated in a long time. The bottom of this huge hall is not real land, but a basement. Therefore, the current situation is that the floor of the hall is completely gone, and the puddle in front of it has actually extended from the basement. Therefore, the depth of this puddle is actually not just a little deeper than imagined, but at least one floor above. After all, we don't know how many basements are below.

Just now I was hoping to further bully the opponent's defense circle and then force the opponent to fail to launch normal supply. As a result, this foot went straight into the large puddle, and then the whole person went straight. The monster didn't bite and bite a bit, but it was an aquatic animal after all, so I soon found out that I was in the water. I quickly rushed down and wanted to launch a chase, but I was faster than it. As soon as he got down, he directly summoned Hei Yan to help out.

Hum ... with a dull roar, the entire water surface was blown up in an instant, and everyone on the ground also saw that the monster that had attacked me before also flew out with the water below There are many identical creatures flying out at the same time. That kind of weird creature didn't have only this one, but there are many of its kind hiding under this together. but. No matter how many of them are useless now.

Hei Yan is definitely a deserved giant among all my magic pets. In addition to the little dragon girl's body shape, he can barely compare with this guy. The others who seem to be lucky and plagued by Hei Yan will all change. Become small. In addition, because of the negative energy attribute of melanitis, let alone attack it, it is a very troublesome thing even to get close, because negative energy creatures no longer absorb the positive energy around them, so as long as melanitis is nearby, Except for ourselves, the speed of magic recovery of all enemies will drop significantly. Even if the magic resistance is not high enough. There may even be situations where the magic stops and the magic power is naturally lost.

Of course, I don't want his negative energy attributes to summon Heiyan now, but need his body like a giant. Because the size of the creatures on our side has been reduced to a very small level, the only thing that can come out to calm these creatures that are very huge for us at present. There is only melanitis.

not bad. Hei Yan's appearance was quite shocking. As soon as it appeared, the tail was mixed with the sewage in the pool, and all the monsters were lifted out, and as the sewage returned, Hei Yan's large body also stood up from the pool. And aimed his huge head at the monsters sent ashore.

A monster that couldn't see all the features before would now look very clear. The huge head and neck that we saw before was connected to a crocodile-like body, except that the guy's limbs were not crocodile-like paws, but fins like sea lions and seals' forelimbs. limb. In addition, the creature has a large long tail behind it, and the tip of the tail is relatively large, it looks like a fan. This structure can prove that this creature is a complete aquatic creature, and even fins and paddle tails have evolved. Such a structure is not what a land creature should have. But ... "So what, how long have you said that this temple was deserted?"

After hearing my question, Kristina responded first, and then asked in surprise: "Yeah! This place is just a puddle. It is necessary to evolve such creatures like snake-necked dragons. I am afraid that there will not even be a side in Wannian? Besides, a small puddle of this size is at best the area of ​​three or four standard swimming pools. Even if the basement is connected below, the depth is relatively large and the total volume is not very large Right? How can such a narrow biosphere support the evolution of such advanced creatures? And it's not just one, but a large group. What do these things usually eat? "

Although "Zero" is only a game, most of them are actually quite reliable, so those things we said may be ignored in other games, but here should be reasonably explained. Yes, otherwise the system will not come up with such a strange setting.

In fact, our questions were quickly answered, because the monsters rushed behind the temple immediately after being forced ashore. Just like sea lions and seals, although this creature has no feet, their fins can actually walk on land for a short time, so these guys quickly turned towards the temple in the call of one of the largest monsters. He rushed deep.

When we chased the monsters and ran to the back of the temple, we saw a huge pool. This pool was supposed to exist in the temple, but now there is a huge pool, and I asked Ah Suona went down to investigate and understood why the monsters appeared here.

After a long time, this huge pool was actually connected to the groundwater system, and this groundwater system was actually connected to a huge underground world. More importantly, the underground world seemed to have water channels connected to the sea. If this is the case, then the monsters in this place may come from the sea outside, so this is better explained. Although it is unlikely that such a high-end creature would have evolved in such a narrow puddle, it is no problem in the sea.

After knowing the source of this creature, we didn't pursue it, anyway, these are not our mission targets. Under the guidance of the zombie girl, we lifted the stone statue in the center of the temple that we saw before at the entrance of the temple, and then found a quick crystal stone under the stone statue.

The crystal stone itself is nothing special, except that the texture is slightly better. But that is the crystal itself, although it is nothing, but the center of it is carved by people with no knowing technique. Although it is difficult to see what the internal sculptures are because of refraction, you can probably see that it is something similar to the magic circle.

After getting this crystal stone, we returned to the cave, then we took out a piece of gold in accordance with the instructions of the zombie girl, and then started debugging with this thing towards the sun. The use of this tool is similar to that of a sextant, except that it does not require Polaris to locate it, but uses the sun to locate it, and it is not used to calculate latitude, but to adjust another piece of gold. of.

After getting a set of numbers using this special goldware, we immediately started using these numbers to adjust the number on another goldware. As a result, we soon saw that goldware projected in its central position. A very bright spot. After seeing this spot of light, the zombie girl immediately signaled us to put the piece of crystal that we just got in hand and take a look. It turned out that the crystal had just entered the spot in the center of the gold. The thing that originally looked like a microscope with a complicated structure actually emitted a strong magic wave.

"This, this ... How is this thing done?" Because there is no camouflage, the distance is so close, and the magic fluctuation of this thing is so strong, so we notice immediately when it has magic fluctuation Arrived. Just different from us is that Kristina is obviously very surprised.

In fact, it wasn't just Kristina who was surprised. Those children certainly don't understand this. But the problem is I understand! I actually feel the same way as Chris Dina. We are all surprised that this thing can emit magic waves. However, the difference between Kristina and me is that I did not ask directly after being surprised, and Kristina was very surprised and directly exclaimed.

The zombie girl apparently disagreed. Directly said: "Is it strange that there are magic fluctuations after the magic device is activated? Do you need to make such a fuss?"

"It looks like you just use this thing, but you don't understand its preciousness!" I said loudly.

The zombie girl asked in a slightly unconvinced tone: "It's just normal for a magic equipment to have magic fluctuations. What precious place can this be?"

"You actually said that this thing is not precious?" Kristina's look seemed to be about to run away, but fortunately, I interrupted her in time, otherwise, Kristina would be going away.

In fact, it is no wonder that Kristina has responded so much, mainly because this thing is really an exaggerated existence. First of all, you can think of magic waves as electromagnetic radiation, also called electromagnetic waves. Everything that has electricity will radiate electromagnetic waves, and the difference is only the size. If you say that an electrical appliance does not emit electromagnetic radiation, then it must not be an electrical appliance. Any electrical equipment, whether it is electric, transmitting or generating electricity, as long as there is a current flowing through it, it will have electromagnetic radiation, and if you ca n’t detect it, it can only indicate your detection The equipment is not accurate enough.

In this respect, magic is very similar to electricity. In fact, I think that game designers refer to electricity to design magic, but they only use electricity in another form in the game. Therefore, magic equipment is the same as power equipment. As long as there is magic, magic waves will radiate. The difference is just the dose of radiation and the level of shielding.

The small gold item in front of me actually sent out a magic wave after it was started, which means that this thing must have generated magic power, so there will be magic wave fluctuations. But the problem is that the goldware itself is just a pure gold structure without any other components on it, which means that there is no equipment that accumulates magic power. After all, even if it is a magic device that can absorb the free energy in the environment, at least it must first have one or more magic crystal nuclei or other devices that can store magic power as starting energy, although Once this energy absorption array is started, it will not consume this startup energy, but basically this part is necessary, because the magic array does not actually consume energy in the starter during the operation. Instead, the energy in this starter is always in a cycle of emptying, filling, re-releasing, and refilling. Therefore, there must be a magical energy storage structure in the energy gathering magic array. In other words, all the energy-gathering formations will have magic wave fluctuations.

There was no magic wave at all before this goldware, which shows that there is no magic circle of concentrated energy.

Then, if the goldware itself does not have the energy-gathering effect, then there is only one crystal stone that is more likely to have energy. However, this crystal stone was taken out by us before, because we passed it in our hands, so it is very clear that there is a magic wave on this thing. In other words, the crystal stone itself has no magic power. It is empty, so it cannot be used as a starting energy to activate another magic circle. Thus. Even if there is a magical energy formation on this goldware. It cannot be combined with this crystal stone to generate the energizing matrix in the starting state, so there will be no magic fluctuations.

However, not only does this thing actually emit magic waves, but its magic waves are constantly improving. And this lifting speed is quite fast.

From this increase in magic wave, it can be determined that this thing really produces magic. And this magic is constantly flowing. Generally speaking, this kind of situation can only happen if there is a concentrating array or additional energy supply equipment. But the problem is that we don't have any extra energy supply equipment here, and it has been proven that there is no energy gathering array. Then the problem came. How exactly is the energy here?

The magic array that can automatically gather energy does seem to generate energy out of nothing, but its practicality is free energy. And there is an upper limit for its absorption speed. After all, the magic in space is not very dense, so the absorption speed cannot be too fast. This is why the energy gathering method can obviously absorb energy out of thin air, but the guilds still have to spend money on magic crystals. Although the energy-gathering array can produce almost free magic power, the output power of this thing is almost equivalent to a real-life battery. A slightly larger magic device cannot be driven, and the cost and output of a large-scale energy-gathering array. It's totally out of proportion, which is why the energy gathering method obviously can generate free energy but has not gained popularity.

The goldware now is not only generating a steady stream of magic, but the speed has clearly exceeded the upper limit of the speed of magic absorption that can be provided by the Focusing Array, then there can only be two explanations here.

First, there is a super-energy-enhancing matrix that we do not understand how it works. Its energy absorption efficiency is several times better than all existing energy-harvesting arrays.

Second, this thing can be supplemented with energy in some unknown way.

Either of these two speculations is a big deal, which is why we are so surprised.

Kristina is not the same as me. She is a mage. Naturally, she is more impressed with this kind of thing, so she was so surprised before. I was so surprised because I was the president of Frost Rose Alliance. To me, this kind of equipment that can generate a lot of free energy is just a free money printing machine!

"This thing can produce such a powerful energy fluctuation that it has an energy supply, but we can't find any energy equipment on it, and there isn't even a concentrator, but it just generates energy, which means it can Isn't it amazing enough to generate energy in large quantities in some unknown way? "Kristina asked, looking at the zombie girl.

The zombie girl shook her head and said before Kristina was about to break out, "Maybe it's amazing, but I don't understand anything, so it's useless for you to say."

Kristina, who was already ready to battle with the zombies, was almost stupefied by this sentence and did not memorize it. If two people with the same fanfare are everything, there is nothing to argue about, but the problem is that you let an expert and pupil in high energy physics debate the advanced theory in high energy physics, what will happen? The expert talked about a lot of things there, and then asked the elementary student if his theory was very cutting-edge. As a result, people came straight to the line: "I don't understand. I don't know what you are talking about." What do you say about this scientist? reaction?

Anyway, Chris Dina is almost like that. The zombie girl is obviously not a technical talent. This zombie girl looks like eight achievements is a special category, and most of them do not have much knowledge outside the relevant tasks, so this zombie girl ca n’t understand the words of Chris Dina It can't be more normal.

Looking at the discouraged Cristina, I didn't know what to say except to pat her on the shoulder. Unexpectedly, when I comforted Kristina, I suddenly discovered an unexpected situation.

Chris Dina had been taken by me twice and had eased up. I was about to say something but I found out that I was there like a child and I waved up and down in the air. Kristina, puzzled, looked at me and asked, "President, what are you doing?"

I pointed excitedly at the gold object on the ground and said, "Look at it."

After hearing my words, Kristina looked at the gold object on the ground in doubt. At first she didn't see anything, but soon she realized what I wanted her to see, so she joined me and reached out and kept dangling.

The zombie girl and the children around looked at us there and didn't know what we were doing, so they asked. Kristina's original depression was swept away at this time. When she heard the question, she smiled and said, "Haha, we finally found the energy source of this thing."

"Did you find it?" A child asked curiously: "What kind of energy is it? Listening to your previous conversation, should there be no energy generation, right?" This child obviously also understands this aspect , So the question asked is also more in-depth.

Kristina has just discovered the New World. Naturally, I want to find someone to tell. So she immediately said, "Dense is there." She pointed to the sky, and then said without waiting for the other person to guess: "It's the sun! This thing can convert the energy in the sun into magic energy."

"What? Isn't that the same as a solar panel?"

Cristina narrowed her eyes and nodded, "Yes, yes, this is a magic solar cell."

"Is there such a thing?" The child was even more surprised than the average person because he also knew something about it.

I was understandably surprised at the child. Because I also accidentally discovered this situation before. Just when I reached out and patted Christina's shoulders to comfort her, the shadow of my palm just blocked the sunlight on the goldware. As a result, the magic wave of that thing weakened immediately. As soon as I took my hand away, the thing immediately resumed its magical rise. After experimenting back and forth a few times, I understood the principle. This is also the reason why I just waved down the mountain, in fact, I was constantly trying to block and restore the sun.

Although I understand the function of this thing, I also understand that if this thing can be brought back to the guild to study and apply to other guilds in our guild, our guild will definitely be able to issue special hair again. But this thing can only be an idea. Not to mention whether this thing can be taken away, just whether the technology inside can be cracked is a question. After all, we have never heard of a device that can convert solar energy into magic energy before.

Seeing the excitement of our discussion here, the zombie girl asked anxiously: "I said, can you not discuss what kind of magic array and energy first? We are still being sealed now!"

I was so excited that Kristina and I calmed down when I heard this. Although I discovered a new technology that may turn into a cash cow, the problem is that what we need to care about now is our task, so zombies The girl reminded is still very reasonable.

Knowing wrong can improve Mo Dayi. Chris Dina and I quickly apologized, and then asked, "Well, I won't talk about this first. What are you going to do next?"

"The next step is very simple." The zombie girl pointed at the thing on the ground and said, "Now for me, you do the operation. That thing will emit a special magic wave, I can't touch it, otherwise it will burn to ashes, So be careful. "

I nodded and stood beside that thing and asked, "You said I'll do it."

The zombie girl didn't say anything, and began directing: "In order to gain your trust, I decided to unseal you first, and then unseal ourselves. First you need to pick up this thing on the ground."

I picked up this careful gold piece directly. In fact, this thing is about the size of a ring. Of course, this is a ring that a normal person wears, but in our current shape, this thing is basically larger than a hula hoop, so you need to be careful to get it. stand up.

After seeing me pick up that thing, the zombie girl continued: "Now lay it flat and point the crystal stone on the top of the person to be unsealed. After that, just input a small amount of magic into this goldware to activate Now. "

This operation is really simple, so I directly aimed at the aunt and used it. The next second, a beam hit the aunt and then saw her quickly start to grow, almost only In a few seconds, it has become the size of a normal person, of course, it seems to us a giant.

Now that you have a successful experience, the rest is simple. The head aunt brought this ring and enlarged us one by one. Finally, I used the remaining gold ware again, and restored those gold wares to their original size. In fact, we only know now that the size of these gold wares is also abnormal.

After making us all bigger, all that remains is to make the zombie girl and her sister grow bigger together. But the job fell to me in the end. Because the aunt of the regiment was worried that there would be fighting later. I think it's better to hold this thing.

According to the operation guide of the zombie girl, I aimed directly at the zombie girl. First, she used the understanding beam, and then the zombie girl immediately began to zoom in before our eyes, and soon expanded to normal size. Although the height is still much lower than us. But at least it is the proportion of normal people. As for the problem of being relatively short ... they were originally loli. Have you seen Loli, one meter tall?

"Huh! It finally changed back to its normal size!" The zombie girl who turned back looked at her body before she was relieved, but I was very surprised. Because the zombie girl is getting bigger, but the problem is ... This looks like a zombie!

"Why are you still a zombie?" I was wondering, and a little child shouted outright.

The zombie girl over there didn't respond much, but asked in confusion: "Why can't I be a zombie?"

"Don't you say that your four sisters were cursed, then turned into zombies, and shrunk to such a small size? The curse has now been lifted, but why are you still a zombie? Although it looks more important than before It ’s closer to a normal human, but it ’s still a corpse! ”Kristina said our questions directly.

After listening to our questions, the zombie girl said, "I mean we are cursed, but I did not say that our curse is to make us zombies! Yes, we were indeed human princesses, but after we were Before the curse, the corpse poison had been poisoned. The seal process sealed the corpse poison in our body. As a result, we lost all our power and the body became a dwarf. But because of this, the zombie toxin in our body was also suppressed, so Coexisted with us for a long time, but in the end, although we still turned into zombies, we also saved the intellect. However, it cannot be said that all the intellects have been saved! I think I have kept a lot, my sisters do n’t have that much. As long as they can lift the seals on their bodies, after their power returns, they can exert a certain amount of power to suppress the zombie toxins. After that, they should be able to return to normal mind. "

I nodded and didn't pursue it any more, but used the remaining three zombie girls to understand the rays directly, then I saw that the three zombie girls who had been posing there suddenly changed to the size of a normal person. , And all stopped the previous actions, began to look around and observe the situation in the vicinity.

"Little sister? We are not ..." The elder sister who returned the latest reply looked at her sister in surprise, then looked at her hands, and finally looked at our side, but after a short pause, she She turned her attention back to the little girl. "What happened to us before? Is this ... the seal lifted?"

It is indeed the largest of the sisters, and it is said that it was a queen before, so it is almost impeccable in terms of intelligence. The conscious zombie girl in the past briefly introduced the previous things and the other party directly understood the status quo, and then thanked the other girls together.

"I am the Queen Hastanas of the Kingdom of the Sky, thank you for doing something for us, and my people will thank you for your efforts."

"Well ... wait for your thanks first, we just want to know what to do next." Kristina asked.

At this time, the little crocodile guide who had not spoken for a long time jumped out again and then said loudly: "In fact, your task is very simple now. With the help of the four of them, you can reopen the Kingdom of the Sky, and you can watch it The biggest guardian on this island is also the biggest prisoner. "

After hearing this, I immediately understood that this so-called last guardian should be our mission goal, that is, the dragon. However, judging from the energy fluctuations here, this is definitely not a simple dragon, at least not fortunately their level. As a dragon king, lucky power has been greatly exaggerated among the dragons, but the magic fluctuation of this target is even more exaggerated than luck and plague. So you can be sure. This is by no means an ordinary dragon.

Cristina was similar to my guess, and she asked directly before I asked. "If we didn't guess wrong, this last guardian should be an epic dragon, right?"

One of the dragons is called an epic dragon. This epic dragon is not a position. It's a title. The so-called epic dragon must first be a heroic dragon. The heroic dragon is the best among the dragons. Only one or two exist in each generation of dragons.

Don't think that one or two can be produced in one generation. The life of dragons is abnormally long, so the number of hero-level dragons can be imagined. The epic dragon, which is more perverted than the hero dragon, is a more exaggerated existence. A dragon can only be authorized by the dragon king to go to the birthplace of the dragon race after it has become a heroic dragon. A place more exaggerated than the tomb of the dragon. There, the dragon will undergo some trials, and the passed dragon will become an epic dragon reserve. This dragon is actually a heroic dragon, but they already have the potential qualifications to become an epic dragon. . Only after they did something for the dragons that all dragons acknowledged could a reserve epic dragon become a true epic dragon.

According to this rule, the combat strength of the epic dragon is actually a hero hero who has passed the trial. Lucky is only a dragon king, and it is one level behind the hero. So from this you can know how many times an epic dragon exists.

The Hongyan in our guild is already powerful enough, and they are just an epic reserve, but his strength is actually the level of an epic dragon, just because his behavior has not been collectively recognized by the dragon family, so he Not an epic dragon yet, just reserve. However, even if it is an epic dragon reserve, they can provoke the existence of dozens of low-level protoss.

"You guessed right, this last guardian is indeed the epic dragon you said, but the guy has fallen asleep now. You need to open the gate of the kingdom of the sky, and then find the guy in the dragon's lair, and finally He must get his verbal entrustment before he can complete the island mission. "

"It doesn't sound too difficult," Cristina said.

We were talking here, and the communicator on my body suddenly rang. When I heard such a hasty voice, I knew that it must be an urgent communication, and hurriedly made a gesture with Kristina to quiet down, and then took out a simple communicator.

The so-called simple communicator is actually only for large communicators, not really small. The real small communicator is the kind of earbud-like communicator we wear on our ears. The type of portable communicator is the real small communicator. This simple communicator is actually not only small but also very It's big, but it's not as big as the fixed point inside the building.

After opening the simple communicator, Kristina came over immediately. The aunt of the delegation took the children and the princesses a little farther away.

As soon as the newsletter here opened, I saw several faces, because the picture has been divided into several pieces, which is obviously a multi-party conference.

"I rely, what's the situation?" The people appearing in the picture are Masamoto Matsumoto, August Smoke, Sakura Rain Goddess, Blazing Dragon Hime, and a large group of senior members of our guild. Dina, basically everyone else has arrived.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you all here?" Kristina knows that the senior members of our guild are usually very busy. It is obviously not a trivial matter for so many people to be present at the same time.

Sure enough, Kristina heard the red moon over there saying, "In fact, the Russians waged a second invasion war just three hours ago."

"What?" Cries Dina and I cried when I heard the answer.

"How did you not notify us until three hours ago?" I exclaimed.

"In fact, the main reason is ours," Matsumoto said.

"Your reasons?" Chris Dina looked at Masamoto Matsu in wonder, not knowing what the relationship between them and Masamoto Matsumoto could be ~ ~. "Sakura Yushin" helped to explain: "This operation was that the Russians contacted some of the opposition forces in Japan and the all-out war launched by some Korean forces. Our side was also raided not long ago, and the other side An unknown magic was used, which was very powerful, and our main city was breached. One of the crystal communicators was temporarily captured by the other party. Thanks to the other party's lack of understanding of how to use it, and the **** of war cut off the communication on the guild side in time. Fast Network, so we did not reveal our identity, but because we did not regain that communication terminal, we worry that the information will be intercepted by the other party once the network is restored, so we have been afraid to use it. "

"What are you doing?" Kristina said angrily: "How can an important thing such as a communicator be directly captured by the other party? Even if it is blown up!"

"It's no wonder that Matsumoto Masahara." Blazing Dragon Ji said, "We have already figured out a way, but we did not expect that the player responsible for the detonation was intercepted halfway. As a result, the communicator did not explode successfully, and finally ... "

"I don't ask anything else, I just want to know how the communicator is now?" I asked with a cold voice. (To be continued ...)

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