Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 438: lost

"Wait a minute, although this passage is a bit smaller, but the problem is not big, we must have a way." I turned to Ixars and looked up and down again, then started frowning Thinking.

The passage is a part of the semi-planar plane, and the outer wall is the space barrier, so widening is definitely not expected. Then, the channel cannot be widened, and there are only two methods left. First, make Ixars smaller, and then go out through this passage. Second, find another way.

In fact, if you want to say another way, the earth gate is a good choice. At first, the earth gate is a space gate that can be resized. Although the adjustment range is limited, it can barely let Ixars squeeze if it is maximized. . However, there is still a problem in it, that is, what should the mother of earth do?

After all, the space in the gate of the earth is the garden of the mother of the earth. Although my Kirin Warrior and Bell Tone Knight have often been in it, the problem is that this place is only temporarily lent to me, so if I want to If anyone else is to be brought in, it is polite to ask the mother of the earth. However, after all, the mother of the earth is a superior god, so if this is not the case, I try to avoid disturbing her. To be a man, you need to know your size and not be narcissistic. People are polite to me, and I will be more polite. If they are not polite, I will not take others seriously, so how can we live together in the future? People do n’t ask me anything. What do you think of me? Therefore, I try not to disturb the mother of the earth.

It is inconvenient to ask for instructions from the mother of the earth, then Ixars is inconvenient to enter the gate of the earth, so this transfer channel has become a problem. As for Fenglong Space ... this place is out of my own summoned creatures, and no other creatures can enter. Of course, it is okay to throw the corpse into it directly after death. But we are going to take Aixars out alive, not to transport the corpse, which is really a bit troublesome.

Transit is not possible, then other channels ... Although there are many feasible methods, the cost is too high. For example, open a passage on the space barrier. Then connect directly to the outside space, and then you can easily pass by. However, we can do it ourselves by opening the channel, but we are not sure about the docking of the space barrier. If we open a hole directly on the space barrier here, it will depend on the character where the opposite side will be connected. Perhaps the character is good, the opposite is directly outside the passage. This is of course no problem, but what if the other side of the channel is geocentric? Therefore, this method is quite unreliable and has no operability at all.

If the channel is not working, all that remains is to find a way to make Aixars smaller. But the problem is very clear. Aixars is now a magic insulator, and even a wizard of the class Christina cannot help him. So it is impossible to use any magic to change his size. In this way, the idea was deadlocked again, and there was no way to let Ixars pass through that **** channel.

"Well, what do you say if we go to a **** who understands space magic to transfer the interface of this space directly?" Cristina asked.

I was stunned by the sudden idea of ​​Kristina. I thought for a moment and shook my head: "This is too unrealistic. If we can really ask a **** to come over for space bridging, we still have to pay so much. What kind of energy is it? It's better to just let him temporarily help us to widen the aisle, wouldn't it be simpler? "

Kristina also nodded after hearing what I said: "It's really simpler. But can't I really ask a **** to help?"

"We are now on an island in the South China Sea. Where can you go to find a great **** to help me? There are quite a lot of gods in our guilds, but people in this place will not be able to survive for a while! Let's talk. This kind of task, letting the Guild Protoss intervene is estimated to force the system to increase the difficulty! "

After hearing what I said, Kristina said, "I just ask and see. If it doesn't work, then I have another way."

"You still have a way?" I was really surprised this time.

Cristina touched a scroll directly from her body, then looked at the scroll with a pity, and then said, "Use it!"

"What is this?" I asked as I took the scroll and looked.

"This is a very rare scroll of space magic. I have been hiding it for a long time and I have never been willing to use it."

"It's expensive?"

"That's not it." Kristina said unexpectedly that this thing was actually cheap.

I asked with a little doubt: "Since it's not worth your money, why don't you want to use it?"

"Because this is a scroll I accidentally completed."

"You did it yourself?"

"Um." Chris Dina nodded. "This is a trial task I did when I was promoted to Elemental Elf, and then I synthesized a scroll. But the task I completed at the time was also hanged. Although this scroll is It ’s completed, but it ’s actually not completed, it can only be regarded as a passing level at most, but this is a qualitative task, and completion is complete. There is no meaning in the score. At that time I successfully promoted the element wizard, and this scroll was I have kept it. Although it is actually a defective product, it has no practical value, but it is of great significance. But for the task, this small sacrifice is still acceptable to me. "

"Is there anything in this thing that would allow us to take Ixars out?"

"Of course ~ ~ Kristina explained:" This is a scroll of space. I originally said that I hope it can pack a space, then compress it and convert it into energy, and then transfer it to the element sprite. To the world, but this scroll is only half completed. It can pack a certain range of space, then convert it into energy, and then transfer it. However, it ca n’t send the target to the elemental spirit world. It can only be targeted. Send. However, after I was promoted again, I understood the problem. With my current ability, it is possible to set up a teleporter at a specified location, so that fixed-point teleportation can be achieved. "

"It sounds good, so hurry up."

In fact, the setting of this teleporter is very simple. It is a magic array in itself, but the lines are a bit complicated, but Kristina is the emperor after all, so the speed at which she arranges this magic array is simply It was incredible, and soon we saw the finished product.

"Well, now you just have to stand up." Kristina pointed to an area and said to Exhals.

Ixars obediently moved up, and Kristina started the teleporting scroll, and then ... "I'm on! Aik Salt? Where is Kristina you teleport him?" To be continued ...

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