Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 450: variation? metamorphosis?

"Even if I die, I will never make you feel better!" The mummy-like guy roared loudly, followed by a sudden jump from the ground and rushed towards me, but before I jumped up, I was out of the air A stinger was nailed to the eternal hook sickle. It's crazy to see that guy being picked in the air by the eternal hook sickle and still struggling there. Unfortunately, this madness basically doesn't have any meaning except to scare the coward.

Watching this crazy guy struggling less and less, and eventually stopped moving and completely slumped on the tip of the gun, I just slammed the eternal hook sickle down and the guy's body was directly thrown off the eternal hook sickle. After slamming on the ground, there was no movement. The Seven Nights Soul and Iron Armed Iron Bear over there can only stare at the mummy corpse here, and then can't say a word. Faced with this situation, they are powerless. This guy with an iron arm and a steel bear is a personal meat shield. The defense is really good, but unfortunately there is no offensive ability at all. Qiyuehuihun's fighting skills are pretty good, but unfortunately all of them are lower than me. Regardless of strength, all attributes including important attributes such as agility are a little lower than mine. Although this doesn't seem to be much, the little things that come together in battle are the points of victory and defeat. Besides, the game "Zero" is indeed a game that does not fully rely on attributes. In fact, it also pays attention to certain skills here. If your personal reaction is superior, then even if your attributes are slightly lower than your opponents, it is actually Can beat each other.

But unfortunately, the reaction nerves of Qiye Huihun are not bad. But the problem is that in reality I am a dragon, not a human. His reaction ability can only be said to be relatively outstanding among humans, and it is not the best. I am a super creature that does not know how many times faster than humans. This gap is not based on hard work or other things. Anything can be reversed. Besides, this guy is not only a reaction nerve, but even his attributes are not as good as mine. It is strange that the gaps in these aspects are not converged.

Of course, the essence of my dragon tribe only improves my reaction speed. If this guy's attributes can surpass me, then I can still be defeated. After all, attributes such as attributes were not designed in Zero. When a player's attributes surpass others a lot. Whatever the trick is, it has no meaning anymore.

A mummy-like guy was killed by one shot, and the seven nights later was beaten to death. The Iron Armed Iron Bear did not have the ability to attack. The ghost-handed Nobunaga was killed by Yeyue and the prison snake together. There is no chance of counterattack at all. In this case, the war situation is basically no suspense.

I glanced at the Iron Armed Iron Bear and Qiyue Huihun. I pulled the reins to signal that Nightshadow moved over to make a final kill. but. The Iron Armed Iron Bear over there obviously didn't want to sit still. Although his offensive ability is very bad, anyway, his attributes are quite good, and the most important point is that among the so-called four masters who came with them, he still has full combat power. .

Although the iron arm steel bear this guy is inherently timid. But people always have face for living. Because this guy has a very good defense, he was considered a celebrity when he was in Russia, and there are certainly many people who worship him naturally. The psychology of popular worship of the strong has existed since ancient times, and it has not completely disappeared, so iron arms and steel bears also have worshipers. On the other hand, in order not to disappoint these worshippers, even if the iron arm steel bear can't defeat me, at least he can't be scared away directly by me, so although he was very scared, he finally dared to rush towards me.

Seeing the iron-armed steel bear rushing like a rhino, I gently scratched Yeying's belly with my heels. Yeying immediately began to accelerate and rushed forward to make an attitude of head-on collision. The Iron Bear and the Iron Bear on the opposite side were also a rectum, and when we saw this response, we immediately started to accelerate, because he thought we really wanted to compete with him.

Actually speaking, although the Iron Armed Iron Bear is an infantry, he is an overweight infantry. He has special attributes during the charge, which can offset the cavalry ’s suppression of infantry attributes. So in this case, if our two sides really collide in Together, my cavalry advantage cannot be exerted. Of course, even if there is no cavalry advantage, we should not lose in the case of collision.

Yeying is nearly three meters tall, and his body size is not average. Natural weight is not comparable to ordinary warhorses. Besides, even ordinary war horses, it is normal for two to three hundred kilos after being put on the horse. Night Shadow itself is big, plus all the armors are special models, weighing at least half a ton or more. Although the dragon soul suit on my body usually wears no weight on me, it is because of magic attributes. After all, this thing is designed according to the heavy plate armor. Adding a weight to the whole body is also very exaggerated.

I have such a heavy iron camel plus the weight of the night shadow, in fact, it is almost one ton. Although the contents of the iron arm steel bear is exaggerated, the final weight is actually only about one ton, at most It's only one or two hundred kilos more than us. However, when a collision occurs, who can crash it depends not only on the weight of the two sides of the collision, but also on the speed of everyone.

Although we are not as heavy as the Iron Armed Iron Bear, our speed is not comparable to him. Night Shadow itself is a mount-like creature that can run. In addition, he also has the ability to walk in the void, saying that if he is white, he can fly. This speed is naturally amazing. On the other hand, the Iron Armed Iron Bear side, although this guy's speed is not slower than ordinary infantry, but not faster than others. By contrast, our speed is at least ten times his. The total amount of kinetic energy is the product of speed and mass. Although our own weight is one hundred or two kilograms lower than that of the iron arm steel bear, it is only one tenth of the total weight, and the speed of this guy is only ours. Less than one-tenth, in this way our kinetic energy is at least twice his. In this case, if there is a collision, it is definitely he who is not flying.

Although we really hit each other, we took advantage. But I didn't plan to play bumper cars with this guy. That guy is a defensive system, and I'm not a siege hammer, so a fool fights against him.

The night shadow that rushed forward seemed to be fast. In fact, there was a force under his feet. Just as the two sides were about to hit each other, the night shadow suddenly jumped to the left, and then rushed from the right side of the guy. And when I was ready, I smashed the eternally transformed hammer into the shoulder of the iron arm and the iron bear and knocked on it hardly.

The expected collision had already caused the iron arm steel bear to lose some balance. Suddenly, he suffered another hit on his shoulder, and this guy instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground. Following the whole person like a bulldozer gliding down the ground all the way for seven or eight meters was considered a complete stop.

"Oh ..." The iron-armed steel bear that fell a dog and mud was struggling to climb from the ground as soon as it stopped. Although the fall was very serious, it was nothing more than an itching to his rough type. Instead, half of his shoulders that he had just hit with a hammer were almost unconscious.

This is actually a very normal response. This guy with an iron arm and a steel bear is amazing in defense, and this guy's strength is all concentrated in defense. The one that just fell to the ground, though, looks heavy. But of course his defense does not cause much damage because of a simple fall. In turn, the look I had on the guy's shoulder just now is different. That's what I broke with eternity. The final attack effect is that my attack power plus eternal destructive power must additionally account for the multiple compound attributes of my cavalry attack, because it is damage with attributes, which is naturally powerful. Therefore, the Iron Armed Iron Bear now feels that he is almost unaware of his shoulders.

Barely supporting the iron arm steel bear that got up from the ground, he looked around, as if he fell a little bit too hard. After shaking his head a little, the guy stood up completely, and then decided to find my place. As a result, people heard the wind approaching before he saw it. He turned his head back, and saw a hammer zooming in front of him. With a sound, he flew backwards, flying in the air for more than a meter before sitting on the ground with one buttock, and then the whole person rolled backwards uncontrollably and fell to the ground.

After this attack, the Iron Armed Iron Bear was not as spirited as before, and it stayed on the ground for a long time without climbing up again. It's not that this guy's body has been hit so hard, the main thing is that he hit the brain just now, and now he has a dizzy effect. "Zero" in the different parts of the strokes will have different effects, of which the most common effect in the head strokes is dizziness. Of course, if a sharps injury hits the head most of the time, it will be directly fatal.

I know that the iron arm steel bear's defense is exaggerated. It is unlikely that he would hurt him with a sharp object. It is better to directly change eternity into a heavy hammer to increase damage. Since he couldn't make a vital attack, he simply relied on his powerful output to shock him.

The stunned iron-armed steel bear on the ground seemed to be drunk for a long time before he barely supported his body, and then he slightly dangled after making himself stand up from the ground, but he just got up and still I didn't even wake up completely until I found out I was here again. And this time it was a big hammer with a long handle, and then he fainted again.

Several consecutive attacks completely defeated the Iron Armed Iron Bear, such a powerful attack made the Iron Armed Iron Bear exactly like a sandbag. The iron-armed steel bear who was forced to look at it was obviously disadvantaged. He simply lay directly on the ground and did not get up. He planned to recover himself first. Unfortunately, although his idea is good, lying on the ground on the battlefield is not a good idea.

"Lucky, Plague, Xiaosan." Watching the Iron Arms and the Iron Bear actually cheating on the ground, I simply slammed my fingers and summoned the three dragons to come and beat the guy.

The iron-armed steel bear lying on the ground found that I had not rushed up again, but summoned a group of dragons, and immediately turned over and sat up. Now he also knows that lying down is not the way, because I am not a pure cavalry, not just the charge.

Although the Iron Armed Iron Bear has sat up, there is no hesitation on our side. Fortunately, the iron-armed steel bear hurriedly got up from the ground when he started to inhale, although this action has not been seen by many people. But everyone actually knows that this is the prefix action that the dragon is preparing to use Longyan spray, which means that it is about to start breathing fire.

Upon discovering the lucky intentions, the Iron Armed Iron Bear hurriedly took out his shield and put it in front. It's true that you have a high defense, but you can't hold Long Yan roast! Seeing that the luck on the opposite side had clearly reached the tipping point, the iron arm steel bear changed to support the shield to prepare for the next Longyan jet, and our side did not let him down. Fortunately, Longyan followed just one second later, and the terrible Longyan seemed to be a flame that was twenty times larger than the flamethrower. It enveloped the iron arm steel bear instantly. However, because there was a shield blocking it, the iron arm steel bear was not sprayed directly. After the flame was blocked by the shield, it began to impact backwards along both sides. Although there are still high temperature iron bears roasting in the middle. But this temperature and being sprayed directly are two cases after all, and the iron arm steel bear's defense is not only aimed at physical strikes. The iron arm steel bear also has considerable defense power for magic defense.

After successfully blocking Long Yan, he persisted in the flame for seven or eight seconds, but the Iron Armed Iron Bear was relieved a lot, because he found that his blood volume dropped very slowly. Obviously as long as Long Yan will not spray directly on him. The burning effect caused by the nearby fire alone did very little damage to him. but. This proud feeling just remained for a little more than ten seconds, and it became a trace of worry, because fortunately, it was sprayed for more than twenty seconds without stopping. However, the Iron Armed Iron Bear was only slightly worried about it, after all, Long Yan couldn't keep spraying, he knew it. Even if the lucky breath grows a bit, it can't be sprayed all the time, right?

Although the Iron Armed Iron Bear had this idea at the beginning, his optimism was quickly broken, because after 40 seconds of continuous jetting, the flame had just stopped a little bit, he suddenly Seeing from the gap of the flame, the dragon standing on the lucky side actually started to inhale.

Feeling that the breath on the lucky side is close to the limit, I do n’t need to say, the plague began to inhale, and then in the forty-fifth second, when the flames of the lucky jet began to thin, the plague suddenly became a big mouth. A fire dragon spewed out immediately, and the lucky flame had not completely disappeared at this time. The dragon inflammation caused by the two dragons directly produced a huge pressure, and the iron arm steel bear had to hold his arms firmly against the handle behind the shield. In order to keep this shield standing. But it ’s still pretty good, because the lucky jet is nearing its end. Just after the iron arm steel bear supported it for a while, the flame immediately returned to its normal state, that is, the state of a dragon being sprayed, but the jet dragon at this time. From luck to plague.

Plague Dragon Flame's spray and luck are slightly larger than the scale of the flame, and the spray pressure is also greater, but his flame temperature is slightly lower than luck, and the Plague Dragon Flame is not as exaggerated as Lucky Dragon Flame's exaggerated magic. Damage, but with a small amount of corrosive and dark erosion damage.

Although the attributes are slightly different, after all, Longyan is still Longyan. High temperature is still the eternal theme of Longyan. Except for the ice flames sprayed by the ice flames, how can other dragon-sprayed dragon flames change? High temperatures are bound to exist, the difference is just how high the temperature is.

The lucky jet lasted forty-five seconds, the plague followed the relay, and forty-five seconds later, the Iron Armed Iron Bear was already sweating. Of course, this sweat is not hot, but scared.

When I summoned before, I did not summon them separately, but released the three dragons together in one breath, so the iron arm steel bear must have seen the three dragons. When he was lucky to use Longyan Spray before, he might not have realized what was going on, but even when the plague was connected, even a fool knew my intention. These dragons obviously want to play the wheel battle and burn him alive with the spray of dragon flame. Although he hasn't had any problems until now, it's all due to the shield, but the problem is that the shield cannot be erected there. After all, the Longyan spray is the housekeeping skill of the Dragon family. The power is not ordinary. His shield can be blocked once or twice. It is very good.

really. The signs of the plague just came to an end. Primary Three began to enter the preparation phase, and then immediately after the flame of the plague extinguished, one of Primary Three's heads immediately started the Dragon Flame spray, and the guy's spray flame was obviously different from the previous two There are essential differences between dragons.

In addition to the high temperature and the magical damage that comes with Longyan when spraying. There is also a very terrible attribute, that is, knockback. When the dragon sprays the dragon flame, it is as if the flame is spraying downward when the flame is launched, and that flame will generate a huge thrust.

The dragon itself is large enough and powerful, so this reaction is not a big problem for the dragon itself. But the problem is that the dragon is not afraid of this kind of impact, but Ke Li is relative. The person sprayed on the opposite side may not be able to withstand this kind of power. Of course, most people do not need to consider the impact after being sprayed by Long Yan. After all, they are already gray, and it doesn't matter if they are blown away? but. Iron arm steel bear can temporarily stop Long Yan. Therefore, he has a very serious problem, that is, the impact of Long Yan requires him to use his own strength to resist. Although not all of the airflow from the dragon is acting on him, this power is still very great. The strength of the iron arm steel bear among ordinary people may be considerable, but the face length is nearly 100 meters. For a dragon weighing tens of tons. This power is really not enough.

Before the plague and lucky use of Longyan spray, the iron arm steel bear just felt very powerful. But as long as he held his hands firmly against the shield, there was no problem, but as Xiaosan took over, he immediately felt a huge force acting on the shield. This force even pushed his legs to slide backwards on the ground, the ground under his feet could no longer support such a force.

In fact, Xiaosan should be relatively weak in the face of luck and plague. After all, luck and plague are both princes of the dragon family, that is, they can succeed the dragon king. Their natural conditions are much better than ordinary dragons, not only are they bigger in size. In terms of strength, it has to be much stronger. However, although Xiaosan is weaker than lucky and plague in many aspects, it is absolutely super strong in the aspect of Longyan jet. Nothing else, just because he has three heads.

Primary three has three heads, so the vital capacity is much larger than the average dragon. The huge vital capacity brought by the three heads means that Longyan can inhale more gas when spraying, and can also expel all these gases with greater force. The advantage of this is obvious, that is, it directly improves the battery life and power of Longyan Jet.

Because of this feature, when Xiaosan started to use Longyan Spray, the iron arm steel bear immediately felt great pressure. The huge power from the shield in his hand was pushing him to continue to slide backwards. There was no way to stop, no matter how hard he resisted.

It wouldn't matter if he was just pushed back and ran backwards. What's more terrible is that while the iron arm steel bear was continuously sliding backwards, he suddenly noticed that a huge head appeared on the top of his head. This discovery was incredible. It directly scared the iron-armed steel bears to the birth of two Buddhas and ascended to the heaven, because if there is a dragon head on their own head, it means that once the other party starts spraying dragon inflammation, the shield in front of him will rise. No effect, after all, the direction is wrong, how can it have a resistance effect?

He was afraid of what came, and when the Iron Armed Iron Bear panicked, he suddenly felt a lightness in his hand, and immediately opened the mouth of the faucet above his head, and then a large group of Long Yan fell from the sky. Fortunately, I do n’t know if it is anxiety or instinct. Anyway, the iron arm steel bear suddenly blessed the soul at the last moment, and the shield was lifted up against the head in an instant. Blocked by the shield and diverted in all directions.

The Iron Armed Iron Bear, who had been less than a second because of his super-level performance, quickly fell into a greater crisis because he actually saw two other faucets appear on his left and right sides.

Xiaosan has three heads, but only one lung, which means that he can actually switch between one of the three heads at a time, and of course, he can only let one or two heads eject, anyway. It can be controlled at will. Now, Xiaosan uses a separate head to spray Longyan separately, but puts his three heads in three different directions, so that when he randomly switches the spray direction, the iron arm steel bear can be miserable, a little slower. Failure to keep up will face the consequences of direct injection.

The Iron Armed Iron Bear had thought he was going to die, but at this time the spraying of Primary Three was actually over. Unknowingly, he has persisted for more than a minute, although Xiao San's breath is longer than the average dragon. But that's not to say that you can spray infinitely. Besides, the Dragon Clan Dragonitis is not entirely determined by the length of the breath, and the fuel it reserves is also the key. When the dragon sprays dragon inflammation, it is actually similar to the poisonous snake spraying venom. The difference is that the dragon sprays a larger amount, takes longer, and is sprayed directly after being atomized. However, because dragon inflammation burns, purely If the liquid is sprayed out, it is difficult to ensure that it will not burn itself, so the dragons are blowing air while injecting fuel, and then rely on their strong vital capacity to accelerate the spray liquid and let it spray forward quickly. On the one hand, it provides enough speed to make Longyan spray farther and more powerful. On the other hand, it also has a cooling effect to prevent himself from being burned by his own dragon. In addition, there is another significance. When blowing Longyan, blowing air can accelerate air convection, just like blowing mosquito-repellent incense with your mouth will make the fire head suddenly burst. This is a disguised form of combustion support.

As soon as Xiaoyan's spray on the side of Xiaosan was over, the lucky second spray of Dragon's Fire was immediately picked up again. The Iron Armed Iron Bear didn't expect that the dragon on my side could spray two dragons in a row in a short time. As far as he knows, the Longyan spray is also a huge burden on the dragon, and under normal circumstances, it cannot be used continuously. However, what he didn't know was that luck and plague were both dragon kings. Therefore, you can spray Dragon Yan more than three times in a row. In addition, due to Ling's existence, all my dragons can get three times the chance of spraying, which means that lucky and plague can actually spray nine times in a short time. Times, while Primary Three and Crystal can be sprayed three times. Of course, if at all costs, Xiaochun can also use the large reply type recovery technique, so that the number of injections can be multiplied by two.

Although the Iron Armed Iron Bear did not know that my dragon could spray so many times, the lucky second spray had made him feel a deadly threat because he just found that the shield in his hand was turning red.

Of course, the metal itself will not change color, unless it is rusted, but it is easy to make the metal red, just heat it up. Of course, this heating is not to say that heating to a Baidu is sufficient, but to reach a very high temperature.

The shield of the iron arm steel bear is obviously not a general commodity, and it has magic defense in itself, and the material is also special, so it is very difficult to burn it in general. This is why most artifacts are not easy to repair and modify, because they are too powerful and it is very difficult to melt them.

Of course, this shield will not be red under normal circumstances, but it is sprayed by so many dragons in a row, even if it is an artifact-level shield. Seeing that the shield started to turn red a little, the iron arm and steel bear were sweating like rain, but anxiety is useless. Since the temperature of Long Yan has caused the shield to turn red, it means the magic of isolating temperature. The array has reached its limit. In other words, this shield is about to die.

Sure enough, when the lucky spray ended and the plague was reconnected, the shield in the hand of the iron arm steel bear had turned red, as if it were a metal wool embryo just coming out of the forge, and the temperature was surprisingly high. If it weren't for the heavy gloves in the hands of the Iron Arms and Iron Bears, they would also have heat insulation. He would n’t expect to carry the red shield at all, because the temperature of this thing is already higher than that of the iron plate. It's several times higher. If you put a piece of meat at this temperature, it will become black charcoal. If you touch it with your hands ... it won't be much better than charcoal grilled trotters anyway.

Just as the plague was nearing its end, the Iron Armed Iron Bear suddenly felt guilty and found that the edge of the shield held in front of it was moving downwards, which was a clear sign that the shield was melting. Moreover, once this melting begins, it means that the magic array loses its fixed form and will inevitably lose its defensive ability. If it depends solely on the characteristics of the material on the shield, it will definitely melt very quickly at this temperature.

Sure enough, just a few seconds later, there was a crackling noise on the shield, and then the entire shield suddenly began to melt. The edge of the shield softened as if it had become sugary. The iron arm steel bear quickly threw the shield and dodged back. Unfortunately, although the metal solution produced by the melting of the shield did not get on him, it was lost. The shield blocked, but Long Yan sprayed him straight.

"Ah hot ..." The Iron Armed Iron Bear without a shield began to scream immediately, but this did not stop us from attacking. The armor that had been burned for a certain period of time was actually reaching its limit and was gone. The blocking armor of the shield became the first defense. The result was that the armor immediately began to heat up and began to turn red in the blink of an eye. The fast-moving Iron Arm Steel Bear did not even have time to run. Fortunately, he was lucky. The Plague Longyan was just over at this time, and Xiao Sanben was going to pick it up, but I stopped it by raising my hand.

After all, Longyan Jet is a big move. It is better not to use it if you don't need it. This guy has reached the limit now, and I don't need to waste so much. Get down directly from the night shadow, put away these magic pets and walk to the iron arm steel bear who mourns on the ground and mourn on the ground, and then directly raise his hand to point his eternally changing whip sword to his stamina and penetrate it.

The armor, already on the verge of melting, has long lost its invincible defense. The spine and hindbrain of the Iron Armed Iron Bear was directly damaged under the eternal super strong attack power. The screams disappeared as if they were paused.

"Fuck, the defense is actually high here." After I got this iron arm steel bear, I had the time to read the attributes read by Xingtong. The data on this guy's defense column is actually 1.5 times that of mine. Don't think this value is not much. Although 1.5 times smaller, it doesn't look like much, but this is 1.5 times my. Everyone knows what level of defense I have. A frontal hit by the battleship's main gun was nothing more than a skin trauma. This guy's defense is actually one and a half times mys. This is simply the city wall! With such a high defense, it is no wonder that the average player has taken him seriously. Except for the professional defense of the gun god, most people really can only stay away. Even if a player like me with high attack power still has to bake his armor before he can start? How do you say the average player can treat him?

But speaking of it. If Chris Dina is here, it's the right way to deal with this guy. Cristina's rainbow jets rely on forced blood deduction to produce lethality, so how much the opponent's defense power actually does not make any sense to her. Because Kristina only needs to pay attention to the opponent's blood volume. Of course, the iron arm iron bear's blood volume is not low, on the contrary, it is still very high, but considering the damage output of Kristina, this point is at most a few minutes longer than me, and sooner or later Will be blasted into slag.

After killing the Iron Armed Iron Bear, I turned around and decided to end up with the half-disabled Seven Nights Back to the Soul, but I was so excited just now that I almost didn't spit it out. "Gee ..." Feeling the tumbling gastric juice, I quickly covered my mouth, and finally squeezed the lunch that was almost sprayed out. When I re-examined the situation in front of me again, I had adapted to the situation in front of me.

The reason I felt vomiting was not because of a concussion caused by my injury, but because I saw a more disgusting scene. Of course, since I was a kid, I played in the biological laboratory of Longyuan Base, so my resistance to this disgusting stump is pretty good, but unfortunately the situation is slightly beyond my bottom line. Because, I saw that Seven Nights Back to the Soul is eating-cannibalism.

In other words, if it was just a simple "eating", I would not have such a big reaction. The key is that this guy's eating is too disgusting. You said that you gotta get rid of it directly. You have to tear it apart and you're going to look for that kind of weird viscera. I have a natural aversion to fatty things, but this guy is holding on to his warm intestine and an unknown organ, and he has spilled all the liquid in the surroundings. The smell matches the picture. It makes me accept that I can't.

"So what ... even if you plan to eat a decapitated meal before dying, you don't need to open this guy?" I pointed to the body of the mummy player on the ground. Of course, only one who can see the complete structure at this time That's it.

Seven nights on the ground returned to me as if I hadn't heard what I said, took a few bites and swallowed the disgusting thing in my hand, and then looked back at me with a **** look, but I thought this guy had turned into a biochemical zombie , When the next second will be rushed directly, this guy's eyes actually went over me and looked directly at the iron arm steel bear over there.

I followed his gaze and saw the half-familiar iron arm steel bear over there and couldn't help but shouted, "You won't even plan to stab that guy, right? If you can't beat me, you don't have to be a ghoul Right? "

In my words, Qiyue Huihun actually bypassed me and rushed towards the iron arm steel bear body over there. After that, regardless of whether it was hot or not, he just tore open the guy ’s armor and stung. . With the background of the previous picture, I didn't feel much disgusting this time, but I felt that the behavior of Qiyehuihui was strange.

It is impossible for players in the game to really go crazy. The system is protected in this regard. After all, this is a game. If someone plays half crazy, the compensation problem will be a big deal. As for mutating ... it seems unlikely. Even if the manipulated person is still a player, there should be something rational ~ ~ But this guy ran away to sacrifice the body, is this something normal players can do? Even if the system helps you change your taste, so that you can eat the taste of roast chicken when you carve the carcass, but the normal picture in front of you cannot swallow it, right?

But ... this situation has an explanation that can explain it.

Although under normal circumstances, it is impossible for players to poke corpses, especially the corpses of other players. But what if there are special benefits? For example, eating corpses increases attack power or something. As long as the system gives a powerful reward option, and then this player is slightly perverted, or has a strong will, like the type that can be eaten by twisting his head, as long as the system controls the taste slightly, don't let the body appear strange Taste, I think there are still a few people who can do it. At least I think if eating corpses can defeat me, most Japanese players can really run away to sacrifice corpses, not that Japanese players are more perverted, but because they hate me too much, as long as they can kill me, even if I guess someone will do it when they eat stool.

After I figured it out, I don't plan to do it immediately, because I want to see if this Qiye Huihun can really become strong after eating the corpse. If it is really possible, then you need to pay attention to it. If this skill can be promoted, then we must pay attention to destroy the corpse in the future, otherwise the enemy's enemy will fight half of the corpse and transform into Superman. It's our turn to be unlucky. (To be continued ...)

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