Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 452: Tit-for-tat

The Seven Nights Back Soul pointed to by me on the ground, after hearing what I said, suddenly looked up at me, and then this guy didn't even turn around and rushed to another corpse next to him.

Seven Nights Soul Returning to a corpse has no intention of stopping to fight with me at all, and directly picking up the corpse on the ground began to choke. Seeing this, I was a little confused.

To say that the Seven Nights Return Soul does not have intelligence, but his previous behavior is obviously normal, because people controlled by the system will not have emotional changes. This guy just smiled when he found that his strength has become stronger, this is not the performance the system should have. But now, after I have clearly expressed my intention to fight, the Seven Nights Returning to the Spirit actually ignored my words, and flew directly over to pick up the body, which is strange.

I ’ve let him carry so many corpses before, and to say that this guy ’s strength should also be improved, after all, if it takes an hour to corpse before each battle, then he can be counted as Superman, that does n’t make much sense, after all, you ca n’t always have so many dead bodies. Besides, unless you are attacking others on your own initiative, most of the battles under normal circumstances occur in unknown time periods, that is, the time cannot be estimated before the battle, so there is no time for you to prepare in advance. Therefore, skills that cannot be put into combat at any time have no value at all, and the enemy will not give you time to prepare anyway.

According to this situation, the ability of the Seven Nights Returning Soul to devour the corpse to enhance its combat power should be able to fight without consuming too many corpses. And after eating the Iron Armed Iron Bear and the mummy before, he did collide with me briefly. At that time, I did find that his fighting power had improved, that is to say, this guy's fighting power should have been strengthened Correct.

However, it is such a guy who actually didn't want to stop the devouring process after I made a clear battle request, and was still there forever. This is very abnormal. Although he may be able to improve his strength by smashing more corpses, this kind of thing is obviously quite ashamed. I made it clear that it was a deliberate despise for him to deliberately allow him to improve there. Of course, with the exception of individual impulsive players, most people will accept this insult and continue to slap corpses at this time. Because only by bearing the burden of humiliation in this way can you become strong in order to gain an advantage in subsequent battles. but. It is obviously irrational to do so even after I announce that I am going to war, because I have already said that I am going to do it, that is to say that if he continues to slap the corpse, he will not be able to gain much power, even if he should not fight. I will definitely shoot first. And at most this time interval was enough for him to finish a dead body. Since I've been so many. How much difference is there between one last and one less? Moreover. Before the battle started, I informed in advance that he could brush himself up or make some preparation gestures in advance, but he chose to continue to corpse. This also meant that once I launched an attack, he was almost like being attacked. You say a normal person who can do this kind of thing? Knowing that the enemy is about to attack and not yet prepare for it?

Just because this guy's behavior is abnormal, I am also a little stunned, but since I have already said that I want to fight, it will not change my mind, especially if the other party dares to ignore me, if I wait It's not self-confidence, but a pit in your head.

Watching the Qiye Huihun returning from the dead body on the ground, I clenched eternity directly, and then the whole person took a step forward, and suddenly appeared behind Qiye Huihun in the next second. Since this guy didn't give face, I said that he was going to fight, and he was still stabbing the body over there, so I simply gave it a bit, and started the skill directly and teleported to his back.

There was no nonsense. As soon as I appeared, I was cut off with a sword, the blade fell, and soon I hit an object, and I made a sound of fluttering into the flesh, followed by the resistance, and the weapon in my hand instantly cut the tool It became two paragraphs. but……

"Fuck!" I just came out and shouted so I felt a chill from behind, hurriedly turned to block, only heard the sound of a ding, and a huge force from my hand struck me into the air, flying in the air. It slid back seven or eight meters before landing smoothly with the help of wings. However, the opposite figure immediately followed without any pause, with a large hand fully extended, and sharp claws grabbed directly towards my face door.

"I want to be beautiful!" Looking at the big claws about to grab my head, I directly hid behind an iron plate bridge, and the other side continued to rush forward to narrow the distance between us because he couldn't control his own inertia. And I just followed the posture of leaning back with my hands on the ground and turned back, and after my feet were off the ground, the guy rushed to the front. I simply kicked him on the chin and directly put the huge The figure kicked in place, then flew back more than a meter before landing again. However, this guy's waist strength is very good. After landing, he just staggered and stopped again and rushed up.

In fact, from the moment I slashed the sword to the corpse, I already knew that the power of the Seven Nights Returning to the Soul had risen to a rather horrible level. At least I knew that he was qualified to fight me. Of course, this qualified for World War I only meant that he and I had equal combat power, not that he would definitely defeat me. As far as the current situation is concerned, the battle between us is still a big win for me.

The first confrontation ended quickly, and Qiye Huihun did not continue his attack, and I did not act immediately. However, the reasons for the suspension of our attacks were different. The reason why I did n’t continue to do it immediately was to slightly adjust my state. This guy ’s strength enhancement is obviously beyond my expectation, so I need to adjust my state slightly to continue the battle. As for why the other party did not continue to attack, this is not clear to me. The reason I can guess is that this guy may have eaten more corpses, and his sudden increase in strength made him a little unable to fully adapt.

In fact, the facts are basically the same as my guess. Although this guy's fighting ability has improved a lot, his own brain and body have a general sense of disconnection, as if they are using someone else's body. All functions.

I am relatively experienced in this situation. After all, in reality my dragon body has been adjusted many times. Each time I increase my strength, I will have a short adaptation period, but compared to ordinary people, on the one hand, we The Dragon's nervous system is more developed. On the other hand, we also have an electronic brain that assists control, so it adapts much faster than normal people. However, this seven-night return to the soul has not been treated so well. He is now an unlucky man who suddenly has soared strength but cannot completely control his body. Of course, the game is a game after all, in fact, the system will put the player in control of the body, so he doesn't need much adaptive training to quickly grasp the physical feeling of the body, which is nothing more than multi-use.

A few meters away from me, Qiyue Huihun constantly moved his limbs and wanted to adapt to this body as soon as possible, but he was also afraid that I would engage in a sudden attack, so he kept staring at me in the direction and did not dare to blink.

This persistence is just an adjustment strategy by both parties, and naturally it will not last for long. About thirty seconds later, I suddenly launched the attack again without warning, but this time I didn't rush straight up, but suddenly threw my eternity in my hand.

As soon as confrontation eternity has become a whip sword shape, with my shake, the eternal sword body immediately spread out and then flew up, entangled directly to the body of the seven nights back to the soul over there.

Seeing the flying whip sword seven nights back to the soul, he bent over and dived from under the whip sword, but he just flashed away from this attack. I immediately pulled back in a backward direction, snorted, and broke the air tightly. Followed by. The corporate soul, which seems to have eyes behind it, suddenly turned to the right at a moment, and just flipped over the whip sword.

After avoiding the attack of the whip sword twice in a row, the guy continued to rush forward at an undiminished speed. I saw that this situation could only be a hurry to pull the blade back. The curled sword edge suddenly swept back to the Seven Nights Soul here, but the guy rushed forward without wavering, waving a slap that was two times larger than me, and grabbed me a paw. Seeing what he meant was that he was going to fight it for the price of one sword.

Although I don't want to fight with him, even in this case, even if I give up the attack and dodge, it won't be much cheaper, so I can only continue to prepare for the previous action and fight hard for his injury ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Big deal is to test this guy's attack power now.

It turns out that my first choice is often very correct, because in the next second, my whip sword is accurately drawn on this guy's reserve, and as my arm swings, the whip sword immediately follows him The back of the vehicle slides quickly to recover. Of course, the blade will rub against this guy's skin, and with eternal sharpness, in this case, the enemy can usually be cut directly into two sections.

However, the guy who returned to the soul of the Seven Nights let me know what it means to be thick-skinned. Cutting the steel plate is like cutting tofu. The cut on this guy is as if cutting a cowhide with a blunt knife. With a huge resistance, it turned out to be just A huge wound with deep visible bones was pulled from the guy's back. Although the damage is quite serious, in the case of eternal power, it is simply a malfunction.

The eternal attack on this side had just ended, and that guy's claws immediately cut into my chest. Accompanying a bit of harsh noise and splashing Mars, this guy's claws flew over my breastplate, and the huge force directly lifted me one after another. Fortunately, the Dragon Soul suit was powerful, but it was only wiped out a few times. Road scratches were not cut directly.

A hard hit, it can be said that both lose and hurt, I have the upper hand. It seems that this guy's ability to devour corpses is really amazing! (To be continued ...)

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