Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 459: Poor 7 Nights Back to Soul

In fact, Qiyue's big move is not only abnormal, but also very abnormal. For a while I even thought that this guy was using a super-tech bomb instead of skills, because the effect of the first half of this guy's skills is very similar to a super weapon that is occasionally mentioned in science fiction movies-gravity bombs.

The effect of a gravity bomb being detonated is to first disturb the nearby gravitational field. Its main feature is that it will cause nearby objects to float, as if losing gravity. However, all these floating things and those not floating will be suddenly pulled to the center of the explosion by a huge gravitational force, as if a black hole was created in place. However, unlike black hole bombs, gravity bombs do not inhale all items into the black hole and disappear, but concentrate all these things together and generate gravitational forces that exceed the upper limit of the stability of the material, forcing the atomic structure of the material to rupture and eventually produce Atomic-level change — that is, a nuclear reaction. (It is not only radioactive elements that can carry out nuclear reactions. In theory, any element can be used, but there are only a few substances that can trigger nuclear reactions at the current level of human technology.)

To put it simply, gravity bombs can **** all the substances in a nearby range into the center point, and then rely on the high pressure generated by the ultra-high gravitational field to force these sucked things together to undergo a nuclear reaction. The subsequent process is basically the same as the explosion effect of a hydrogen bomb. Except for the relatively concentrated power and no radioactive pollution, the second half is basically a standard hydrogen bomb explosion.

Seven Nights' Soul's big move is very similar to the explosion effect of this gravity bomb. We first felt the disappearance of the gravity field. Then I started using various methods to try to stay away from the skill range, because since I am also in the gravity disorder area, it means that this place is still within the skill range.

However, at this time, I was already covered by my skills, so I could n’t escape at all, and when I tried to use the teleportation ability to go out, a huge gravitational force suddenly appeared around Seven Nights Back to the Soul. The death guards who surrounded him were all sucked in almost instantly, and even the nearby death fog did not run away, as if they ran into a range hood. The fog in the surrounding air all quickly gathered towards the location where Qiyin returned to the soul. It was several times faster than it appeared.

I reacted the first time I felt the huge gravitational field, and threw eternity out with my backhand. The sword-shaped eternity is almost completely inserted into the ground, and then it begins to deform instantly. The part that penetrates the ground like a tree root extends out fan-shaped under the ground. Quickly grabbed large swaths of dirt and rocks. The part exposed on the ground forms a ring. At this time, I had been dragged by the huge gravitational field in the direction of Qiyin Huihun for more than ten meters. And because the closer the distance, the greater the gravity, so my speed is still increasing. However, the moment the preparations were done eternally. I suddenly raised my hand in the direction of eternity and shot the dragon's tendon above my arms.

The sharp metal cable head flew out, then suddenly opened in the air. Ding Ding twice, the two cable heads hit the ring that was exposed forever almost at the same time, and then the anchor on the cable head closed instantly to firmly fix itself on the ring.

After the two cable heads were stuck on eternity, the take-up device of the dragon's cable was instantly locked, and the cable that had been kept in a freely extended state was instantly straightened, and the huge pulling force made the large piece fixed forever. The ground bulged up a little bit, but fortunately, eternity has an autonomous consciousness. After finding that it has a tendency to be pulled up, it immediately continues to extend and expand the fixed range. In addition, because I have been listened to, there is no inertia potential. The pulling force produced by pure gravity is obviously not as strong as the impact force produced by the first inertia.

Qiye Huihun's side is like a vacuum cleaner. Whether it is the death guard I called out or the less reliable things on the ground, all are flying towards Qiye Huihun's side, and my whole body is pulled into a line. Straight in the air can't land. I looked up to see that the eternal side was still stable. I immediately started the take-up device on my arms. As the dragon's tendons gradually shortened, I was pulled a little bit towards the eternal side. As I move, the gravitational force obviously decreases gradually. Obviously, as long as I stay away from the location where Seven Nights Return Soul is located, the influence of the gravitational field on me will gradually decrease. Of course, even if I reach the position of eternity, it will still be affected. After all, the position I nailed into eternity before is actually still within the scope of gravity.

The time it takes for a gravity bomb in a science fiction movie to attract gravity to surrounding objects is usually not long. Although the performances in various movie works are different, the longest is not more than five seconds. The skill of Seven Nights Soul is obviously better than that of the gravity bomb. too much. From the moment that gravity was generated until I was pulled back to the eternal position by the take-up device, this process took about fifteen seconds, and until this time, the gravitational field of Seven Nights Back to the Soul still maintained its maximum attraction and was crazy there. Sucking, and I can't see Qiyue Huishen himself at this time, because his side has been surrounded by a large group of death guards who have just been sucked in and a pile of messy things such as dirt and stones. Now a giant sphere can be seen at the location where Seven Nights Soul is returning, and it is strange that although things are constantly being sucked onto the surface of the sphere, its volume has not increased by a small amount, but it is still increasing. This slow but appreciable speed is shrinking.

If it is really a gravity bomb, then when the sphere shrinks to a certain volume, the internal material will heat up due to extrusion, and as soon as the temperature reaches a certain critical point, it will "boom", and the world is clean.

However, it seems that this skill of Qiyinhuihun is slightly different from gravity bombs because it absorbs material for too long and the compression ratio is not enough. To meet the standards for a nuclear reaction caused by compressed substances, a gravity bomb needs to compress the volume of the inhaled object by at least millions of times, which is basically the same as squeezing a building into a particle of dust. Only then could a nuclear explosion occur. However, although Qiyuehuihun's skill has sucked a lot, the rate of compression volume is at most several times, not even double digits. Not to mention the heat generated by this compression ratio causes nuclear reactions. Whether you can light the wood is a question.

Although Qiyuehui's ability does not cause a nuclear explosion, this is definitely a large skill, so I didn't plan to wait for him to complete his skills here. Immediately after pulling myself to the position of eternity, I immediately split the eternity into two parts, then gave half of it to the rose vine, and let the rose vine take that half of eternity to move from the ground to the opposite direction of gravity. Wait for fifty meters before letting down eternity and let it unfold to form a fixed anchor. And a contact point was exposed on the ground. After that, all I had to do was shoot the dragon's tendon over the eternal half of the front, and then pull myself forward, so that I could move 50 meters to the periphery.

Using this method to advance alternately is actually not slow, and because the gravitational force decreases as you get closer to the periphery. So after moving a hundred and fifty meters, I simply stopped using this method. Summon Steel Claw directly to cooperate with Rose Vine.

Steel claws have shorter limbs. And strong and powerful, although not fast, but definitely stable enough. In addition, the back of the steel claw has twelve tentacles that can move freely like the arms and feet of an octopus. Although these tentacles do not have suction cups, and even the surface is covered with a layer of hardened shell structure, their sharp tips can penetrate the ground and serve as anchors. As long as I firmly fix myself on the back of the steel claw, the steel claw can move forward a little bit by the fixed action of strong limbs and twelve tentacles, and the rose vine will continue to be in the process. Let's help to prevent the steel claws from being sucked back because they can't catch the ground.

Using this method to move is obviously faster than using the dragon's tendon to match eternity. After more than ten seconds, we ran out more than 200 meters. At this time, the straight line distance between us and Qiyin Huihun has been far exceeded. Five hundred meters. But here you can still feel a very strong gravitational field. It feels a bit like standing in a strong wind. Although it won't be sucked off the ground, you must resist the gravitational force, and relax as soon as you relax. Will be dragged over.

I feel that this distance is not too safe. I simply ran to the distance of 800 meters before I stopped. There is almost no obvious feeling in this distance. I believe that even if the Seven Nights Souls come out, it should not break me How's it going.

Facts have proved that my reasoning is quite reasonable. After starting the gravitational field for exactly one minute and thirty seconds, the kind of gravitational field created by Seven Nights Back to the Spirit suddenly disappeared, and it surprised me that the chin disappeared with him. All substances within a radius of 500 meters around the location.

This 500-meter radius does not mean a 500-meter radius on the ground, but a whole spherical space centered on the place where he just stood. Within this sphere with a radius of 500 meters, everything that can be called material is gone, including the dirt, rocks under the ground, my death guard on the ground, and the air in the sky.

Because a large vacuum area suddenly appeared in this place, the surrounding air immediately began to flood into this area, and it seemed like a typhoon, but because the space was so large, it came after the air quickly filled the gap. There was a booming blast, and then the surrounding area quickly restored calm. Except for the large hemispherical pit on the ground, the only person in the center was left.

That's right, although Qiyue Huihun is also within the scope of that big move, but he put the skills himself, and this skill is obviously a normal skill. Although it is a big move, it is not used to kill. Therefore, Qiyue Huihun is still there, but at this time his appearance is a little withered, and it looks like a half-dead look like frosted eggplant.

"You're done?" I walked back to the edge of the big pit, squatting on the edge of the pit wall and watching the seven nights returning to the bottom of the pit, I deliberately shouted. Qi Ye Huihun reluctantly looked up at me, but said nothing, and I guess he knew that it was useless to say anything now. But if he doesn't speak, it doesn't mean I will let him go. "Hey, if you don't speak, then it's a default, right? Well, it's not convenient for me to speak below. I'll get you up and say it?"

Although I used question sentences, I didn't mean to ask for his opinion. As soon as the words exited the edge of this large pit, a circle of Death Guard appeared. Although the big move to return to the soul just after seven nights was indeed reimbursed a lot of Death Guards, but the problem is that I can summon tens of thousands of death guards in one go. The manpower just lost was less than a thousand people, and such a loss was made up in minutes.

Looking at the dense circle of death guards around the big pit, Qiyan Huihun's already dim and dull eyes became noticeably darker. This time he was beaten by me. The attributes of the characters I cultivated can only make me unable to win in a short time. As soon as his state is over, I can kill him immediately, and, From the previous situation, if I don't want him to enter that state, he may not even have the chance to perform. This feeling of failure after years of preparation is indeed very shocking, and Qiye Huihun is now almost in a state of despondency.

Below his mood, I have no heart to care more ~ ​​ ~ In fact, it is better to anger him. This guy made it clear that he came to me, and he will definitely make trouble with me in the future. Of course, if there is a condition, he will see it once and then once, and it will only be good if he kills it back to Xinshoucun.

Four of the death guards just called out jumped off, but instead of holding up Qiye Huihun, they clung to the limbs of Qiye Huihun and flung back and forth as if they were throwing things twice. He threw it up.

I don't know if it was because of skill punishment or really frustrated and lost his resistance. Anyway, even if I insulted him in this way, he didn't mean to resist, so he was thrown up.

Because he deliberately humiliated him, the death guards exerted a lot of force. After the seven nights returned to the soul, the death guards did not pick him up, so he let him fall to the ground and rolled all the way to my feet. I raised my toes slightly, blocking him in front of him as if I was using my feet to stop the football rolling along the ground.

Generally speaking, this kind of action is actually with a very strong insult, and Qiye Huihun is indeed glaring at me, but he has no reaction to my action. It seems that he is not really disheartened, but has entered the skill punishment. But that makes sense. So if the perverted skills and punishment are too weak, wouldn't it be unfair to others? (To be continued ...)

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