Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 4: (22 volumes) Living dead, dead generals?

In fact, even if the gold coins do not remind us, we also know that our attributes are declining, because the obvious sense of strength on the body is disappearing, it feels like being sick, it is obvious that the strength on the body is not enough, and it seems that I feel a little tired even standing.

The decline of this attribute is so rapid that we have basically stopped falling before we even fully reacted, and although we have not yet seen the decline of the attribute, we can probably guess, sure It has become the state we have calculated before.

Our attributes quickly dropped to only a few dozen levels, and as the strongest one here, I only have my own 108-level state attributes. Compared to the original 108 What is the advantage when level, it may be that the equipment attributes are better and the optional skills are more, and there is a complete set of magic pets.

Although this buff mission has reduced our attributes and equipment attributes proportionally, we are not actually weakened into real novices, because we are not new players and cannot really become nothing. status. Although my own attributes are indeed the same as when I was at level 108, at that time, I could only use so few skills. Now, my choice range is much larger, so even if the attributes are the same, The combat effectiveness is certainly different.

and also. My equipment itself is a growth equipment, which means that its attributes have been growing, although it has been weakened a lot by the buff task. But this weakening ratio is not calculated based on equipment growth value. After all, the buff mission needs to be fair, and the weakening ratio for all players must be the same. If even my Dragon Soul suit is weakened into the same attributes as ordinary equipment, what will ordinary equipment become? Is it a negative attribute? Therefore, even if it is weakened proportionally, there is still a huge attribute gap between the dragon soul suit I have and the magic dragon suit I just got. At least a lot of status attributes attached to this Dragon Soul set are not available in the Dragon Set. Even though these states have been weakened a lot, they have not disappeared. It's like increasing magic resistance, even if it is weakened from 97% to only 7%, but this 7% will still have an effect after all. So, even if the proportion is down. My current equipment attributes are also very good. At least if everyone is 108. This set of equipment on me is definitely the best in the best. Of course, this is calculated based on the average attributes of everyone's equipment at level 108.

In addition to equipment, I also have an advantage is the magic pet. This buff task does not limit the magic pet's summoning, but the attributes of the magic pet are also weakened in proportion. but. Although the attributes are weakened. But my number of magic pets has not decreased. Even army-level summoning units such as Death Guard and Kirin Warrior have not changed the slightest amount. It is only their attributes that are weakened. Not their rank and quantity. Like the Death Guard, now that it has been weakened, it can actually reach the level of 20 for ordinary players.

Never think that the strength of the 20th level is very low. If it is in the normal space outside, everyone has more than a thousand levels. The trumpet at level 20 is naturally as fragile as an ant. A casual player can kill such a player with a little slap. But now this is in the space of the buff mission. Here, the strength of ordinary players with more than 1,000 levels will probably leave 20 levels. In other words, my Death Guard is basically equal to the combat power of ordinary players here, but the problem is that even if ordinary players enter this task, the number will definitely not be too much, but my Death Guard can summon Nearly 50,000 people came. Can you imagine how destructive an army of this size can be in such a place?

If the combat effectiveness of a person in a buff task is compared to that of a natural person in reality, the combat effectiveness of level 20 is equivalent to the combat effectiveness of an ordinary person who does not engage in heavy physical labor and does not understand fighting skills. The combat strength of level 20 is approximately equal to The combat power of migrant workers who often move bricks or people who have learned Taekwondo for a year and a half. Although both the migrant workers with physical advantages and those who can only hang on to Taekwondo will definitely be able to fight more than ordinary people who have no time to exercise from 9 to 5, but this kind of ability to fight to death is only one-for-three. . In most cases, one to two may not guarantee victory. However, my death guard can summon nearly 50,000 people, and even if there are players who are hostile to us to enter the buff mission, it is unlikely that they will come in 20,000 or 30,000 at once. Therefore, as long as there is enough space for me to deploy all of my staff, I can worry about even large-scale battles at the battle level. It ’s just ... I guess the town ’s chances for me to give full play to my combat power may not be much. After all, the area that can allow tens of thousands of people to fully expand is not something you can casually encounter.

Of course, even if I can't summon so many men at one time to help, but with a large number of death guards playing wheel battles or when cannon fodder consumes the enemy's strength, my grasp of the initiative on the battlefield will definitely be greater than that of ordinary players of. Besides, I still have more powerful magic pet units. The combat power of these magic pets can definitely be used as high-end existence, so I can say that there is neither lack of crowds nor high-end combat power.

However, although I am satisfied with the strength I bring into the mission, I am not completely relieved. It's not about worrying about buff missions that let ordinary players enter the mission to interfere with our mission execution, but about those. So far I don't know what level exists in the buff task. If their strength is just like dozens of players like us, then there is certainly no problem. However, if the strength here is very exaggerated, then we will be in trouble. Even these do not need to be too strong, as long as they can have a level of 150 or 60, plus all the monsters here have at least one buff, in this case I can even summon well Tens of thousands of troops. It is not necessarily enough.

Some people may think that the mission will not be so abnormal. After all, even high-end players like me have been weakened to only 108 levels, and monsters should not be so advanced. But don't forget it. The **** of war told us before that according to the information they got, the lowest difficulty level for buff missions is from the advanced difficulty level. In case of encountering **** difficulty ... let alone one hundred or sixty levels, one or two appears. I wouldn't be surprised if there are only two or three hundred monsters.

Those guys who look so dark around us now, if nothing else, should be dead. Because this terrifying atmosphere is not a living feeling. It's just that the attributes of these guys can't read anything at all, so we don't know if these are zombies, ghosts or other things, anyway, these are dead people are sure.

After embracing us, those dead people no longer hide their positions. Began to come out from the shadows of houses and buildings in twos and threes. They are very numerous. You can see two or three hundred at a glance. On such a small square, these people have almost filled the nearby aisles, and how much is left behind is unknown.

"Aren't these all dead?" Christina soon discovered the fact that none of these things were living.

True Red said: "I don't know if you live or die. But it's definitely not a ghost. These guys have sounds when they walk."

Ghosts are incorporeal. Although high-end ghosts can condense an entity, this entity has almost no weight, so footsteps are not produced. However, the pace of these guys around is unusually heavy, which is obviously not a feature of the incorporeal.

Compared to the half-dead red and Christina who did not understand Asian culture, the Taoist monk knew much more.

"These should be living corpses, a type of zombies. Their defense is not as perverted as zombies, but they are several levels faster than zombies, and even more flexible than ordinary people."

"Is it important?" Zhenhong asked.

"The head and heart can be discarded everywhere except these two places, but these guys' recovery ability is very average, so interrupting their joints can make them lose some of their combat power. Oh, yes, by the way, remind these Although the hearts and heads of the guys are vital, they are not as fragile as they are imagined. It is just useless to make a small hole. More than 20% of the damage must be done in order for these guys to stop their activities completely. "

"Can I cut my head?" I asked back.

"Yes. As long as the heart and the head are not in the same body, these guys can be completely stopped. In addition, these guys have a small amount of memory during their lifetime, so not only are they flexible, they may also use weapons."

"I don't think it's okay if you don't say it." True red pointed to the front. As a result, we saw a living corpse holding a medium-sized sickle for cutting wheat.

"Do I need to test the defenses of these things first?" Christina asked.

I looked at the living corpses that were slowly approaching, and then shook my head, "Don't move. I'll see if these guys can still be suppressed by the Xiangke attribute." I just called out Xiaochun with a ring finger. .

After Xiaochun came out, she didn't talk nonsense. She raised the wand in her hand directly above her head, and then went down. I did not hear the sound of the end of the staff striking the ground. Instead, it sounded like a thunderous sound, with a white aperture spreading out suddenly, and those living bodies were swept by the sulfuric acid immediately after being swept by the aperture. The same dance began to roll around, and at the same time a harsh scream was issued.

I found this trick useful, Xiaochun kept in her hands, the aperture circle began to spread outwards, and the surrounding corpses really seemed to fall into the sulfuric acid pool and began to melt. The rear is better, the front row can no longer see the human shape, I don't know I thought it was a pudgy mudflat on the ground.

"You did a great job with this move!" Kristina sighed, watching the corpses rolling around.

I didn't mean to be happy when I heard Kristina's words, but said with a bitter smile: "The effect is good, but unfortunately it is too good to pull hatred!"

Along with my words, Christina they have discovered what I said, because the thing has arrived at the village entrance. What's more worrying is that those apertures emitted by Xiaochun seem to have no response at all to this guy!

In fact, the things that appeared at the village entrance were not so strange. This guy is basically a Japanese samurai wearing a full set of armor. The only thing that is special is that this guy is slightly larger and a little bit bigger.

Everyone knows that the height of Japanese people was very short in the past. Later, several generations of Japanese girls have done a lot of in-depth communication with the American soldiers on human genes. Then they successfully improved their ethnic characteristics and made the average height of modern Japanese. Reached normal levels. However, even modern Japanese, their heights have only reached the normal level of Asians, and they have not developed to the average height of 1.8 meters of white people. However, the guy in red Samurai armor in front of him looked like a giant. He was at least three meters tall and did not look tall at all. Instead, he was very solid, and even a little chunky.

This guy is wearing a red samurai armor with a ghost mask that is very popular in Japan on his face. The Japanese helmet on his head is covered with large and small sword wounds and sword marks. The feeling of killing. The giant warrior held a heavy trowel in his hand, which was more than three and a half meters long. Even the warrior's height was a huge weapon.

The trowel is a long weapon in ancient Japan. Its shape is similar to that of a Chinese long-handled sword ~ ​​ ~ But the difference is that the Chinese long-handled swords are all types of blades with a wide body like the Qinglong Yueyue, but the blade The part is very narrow, it feels like extending the handle of an ordinary Japanese sword to the specifications of a long weapon, and its length is already very exaggerated.

The trowel itself is actually not a very good weapon. The handle of this thing is too long and the blade does not weigh much, so the force is very small when chopping. On the battlefield in ancient China, where even soldiers were at least wearing leather armor, this kind of thing was basically a decoration, but in Japan, even the so-called generals did not necessarily have a full set of armor. As for the soldiers, they were simply a group of farmers. . Therefore, this kind of thin blade is very useful in the Japanese battlefield, anyway, the human body's defense is bad, no matter how light the blade is, and the light blade can save power. This is why Japanese knives are generally not as heavy as Chinese knives, because the two are designed for different purposes, one is specialized in meat cutting, and the other is specialized in nail armor. The structure is naturally different.

However, although the guillotine is not a professional armor-cutting blade, it can even be said that the armor-cutting is its weakness, but the guy's guillotine has to be treated with caution. After all, the volume of this guy is placed there. Although the knife is also a slender structure, it is due to the proportional inspection caused by its length. In fact, the actual width of this blade is not smaller than that of a ghost-headed knife, and it may be slightly thicker. some. With such a huge blade, there is absolutely nothing wrong with armor breaking, especially when the equipment attributes of our body are weakened. (To be continued ...)

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