Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 45: Soul Well and Brief Unsealing

After getting my instructions, the cherry rain goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji began to approach the monster group carefully, but although they are close, this is actually tricky.

There are a lot of things to test this time, so the order is important. The first step that needs to be tested is not whether the monsters will recognize our own fake attack. What should be put first is to test the actual combat effectiveness of the monsters here first.

Although testing a certain monster alone can not accurately evaluate the overall strength of all the monsters here, at least we can know the approximate range. After all, after the monsters enter here, they are all fighting randomly at random, so normally there should not be too much strength here. Prominent or too weak presence.

After gradually approaching the monsters, the Sakura Yujin stopped as planned, then the Blazing Dragon Ji stepped forward, and then slowly approached the monster group over there. The purpose of this is to give priority to the Blazing Dragon Ji, because the Blazing Dragon Ji's defense power is slightly superior to the Sakura Rain Goddess. Although the Blazing Dragon Ji is not actually a tank type, but the defensive power is better than The cherry rain **** is still a little better.

This test actually has another purpose, which is to test the actual sensing range of the monster to nearby enemies. According to Yuriko's previous statement, the attack range of these things is actually very small, and only by being very close can it cause these monsters to actively attack. Of course, this only means being actively attacked by monsters. If you actively attack monsters, then it is another matter.

Blazing Dragon Ji tentatively began to move forward in small steps, moving only a few centimeters at a time, and each time she moved, she stared nervously at the nearest monsters. Because she needs to know the exact attack distance of the monsters.

As the Blazing Dragon Ji kept approaching, finally, the monster closest to her finally reacted. The image of this monster is funny, it looks like a combination of Lao Shouxing and a monkey, of course. This is a solid monster, not a ghost.

When the distance was close to only three meters, the monster suddenly turned away from the state facing back to Blazing Dragon Ji, and then rushed forward without hesitation.

Because she was always on guard, Blazing Dragon Ji responded quickly, and she immediately began to pull back as soon as the other party turned around. Once the monster has identified the target, it no longer cares whether you are out of range, but enters the endless mode completely.

With that monster's violent run, Blazing Dragon Ji directly backed away, and then passed by the cherry rain god. In the process, the Sakura Yumi has kept this sword alert posture, but she did not move, she just put on a defensive posture.

The moving route of Blazing Dragon Ji at this time is actually part of our plan. Because after the Blazing Dragon Ji left from this direction, if the monster wanted to chase her, she would inevitably pass by the cherry rain **** near the cherry blossom **** near him. Will be affected by outsiders. If the monster ran past the cherry rain **** without any reaction, it means that Yuriko's information is very accurate, and if that thing suddenly turns to attack the closer cherry rain god, it means the news of Yuriko To be verified.

In fact, the test results came out quickly. Blazing Dragon Ji ran lightningly from the side of Sakura Rain God, and the monster chased after him, during which the monster even hit the weapon in the hand of Sakura Rain God because it was too close. But this is just rubbing, and the intensity is very small. However, no matter what, the monster did n’t seem to find the person of the Sakura Yujin under the premise of hitting the Sakura Yujin, and still stared at the Blazing Dragon Ji to attack. This has already told us very clearly These monsters will only be attracted to the first target in the battle, and will not change targets randomly.

Immediately after this test was completed, Blazing Dragon Ji was a backcharge, and then collided with the monster. That monster is fast. But strength doesn't seem to be very good. Immediately after being hit by Blazing Dragon Ji, she flew backwards, but at this time, Sakura Yujin rushed up from behind and lifted a sword to cut off one of the things.

Of course, this attack is still a test, the goal is to see what happens if a second person intervenes in the battle.

The test results were normal. Although the monster was obviously thinking abnormally by something near this soul well, it was not stupid enough to be hit without reaction. The thing started to fight back as soon as one arm was cut off. But Sakura Yushin had long been out of contact immediately after a hit as planned, and Blazing Dragon Ji rushed up again at this time.

This operation is still a test, and the content is to test whether the monster can only target one target at a time, but treat all targets in the battle as enemies. The reason for this test is that when the sakura rain chick attacked the thing from behind, she did not hide her purpose of action. On the contrary, she deliberately did a lot of momentum before the attack, and she made a lot movement. These are to let the monster know that someone is about to attack him. However, the monster did not respond to the behavior of Sakura Yumi until one arm was cut off. This shows that this monster will not care about other targets around it during the battle with the first enemy. However, now that Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji have a record of fighting with this thing, we just want to see how that thing will react in this case.

Fortunately, this thing is not really an idiot. After the Sakura Rain God Hook backs up, the Blazing Fire Dragon Hitch affixed it again, that thing immediately gave up hunting down the Sakura Rain Haze, and instead attacked the closer Blazing Fire Dragon Hime. When the rain **** chicks leaned on the mountain again to prepare for another sneak attack, the thing obviously began to guard against the cherry rain **** chicks.

So far it has been basically understood. This thing is only staring at one enemy before fighting against the second target. Even if someone passes by him, he will still exist as if you are flowers and trees, and will not pay attention to you at all. However, once you have had combat contact with it, then this thing will say that you are also regarded as an enemy, and then you will react as soon as you get closer to it. Will not let you chop up silly.

After such a test, we have grasped the general situation of these monsters, and then the next test. This test method will be changed.

After solving the first monster that was led out, the first test project was started by the cherry rain god. This time it used a long-range attack, and it was attacked by the cherry rain **** chick, while the blazing dragon Ji stood on the ground between the monster and the cherry rain **** chick. The results of this test are almost the same as what we imagined. When the Sakura Yumbami attacks a distant monster. The thing rushed out immediately, and then ignored the Blazing Dragon Ji directly, ran past her and launched an attack directly on the cherry rain god. However, the content we tested this time is not the same. Just when the monster rushed past Blazing Dragon Ji, Blazing Dragon Ji suddenly shot and intercepted the thing halfway. Because it was a sneak attack, the first time was of course a 100% hit. And it's a big move. That monster was injured at once, and it affected the later combat effectiveness.

After successfully smashing this thing, Sakura Yushin began to attack the monster again, but Blazing Dragon Ji actively took off the battle at this time.

Just like the last test result, the monster has become the enemy of the Sakura Yujin, so the Sakura Yujin attacked again, and of course it would be the priority to attack the Sakura Yujin when the Blazing Dragon Ji ran away.

Because this monster now has injuries that affect his strength. In addition, the cherry rain **** chick is not a very good deal to exist, so the monster's own combat power can not hurt the cherry rain **** chick, but is being played by the cherry rain **** chick. After all, there is no intention to calculate, and the deliberate advantage caused in the battle, this result is quite normal.

In this way, it is equivalent to the cherry rain **** chick completely holding the monster alone, but the Blazing Dragon Ji does not mean to intervene to help at this time, because she has more important tests. That is to experiment to see if the people in combat will be recognized again by other monsters as targets that can be attacked.

Previously, Blazing Dragon Ji was considered to be the target when it entered the monster's three-meter range. This time, the same test distance was used. Blazing Dragon Ji first entered a monster's three-meter range, and then prepared for it. Only then took a bold step forward. Staring at the monster for a few seconds, the other side did not respond. Blazing Dragon Ji tentatively took a few more steps, but the result remained, the monster did not respond. Immediately after two steps, Blazing Dragon Ji's gall began to grow. Boldly moved forward two more steps, this time the Blazing Dragon Ji was actually less than one and a half meters away from that thing. However, even at this distance, the thing still didn't react at all. To the Blazing Dragon Ji was like air, she completely ignored her existence.

"Sure enough! The monsters here consider the presence in combat to be an inviolable target," Christina said when she saw the situation.

I nodded and said, "This is definitely a good thing for us. As long as one person is left to lead a monster outside to fight with it, everyone else will go up and beat this monster once, and then they can go out of touch and go to the soul well . "

"I just don't know if we can fake each other." Zhenhong said.

"This isn't urgent. See if they continue to test."

Since it was determined that the people in the battle would never be affected, Blazing Dragon Ji immediately killed and returned to work with the Sakura Yujin to kill the monster. At this point, the third part of the test is officially launched.

This time, the Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji began to attack each other, but in order to prevent accidental injury, both of them did not use weapons. They just attacked each other there, and moved to the nearest monster while fighting. . When they were within three meters of this monster, the Sakura Yujin and Blazing Dragon Ji winked at each other, and then the two of them suddenly took a step towards the side.

This is a simple step. Even if two people completely enter the three-meter attack radius of the monster, the monster will turn their eyes immediately after the two people enter.

At this time, we are clenching our fists nervously, because the monster ’s response seems to be to notice the cherry rain goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji, which is obviously different from the previous situation, because Blazing Dragon Ji was in the previous test. In combat mode, it almost seems to be invisible from the monsters. Although she is there, the monsters are completely blind to her and will not pay attention to her at all. But now, the monster apparently has discovered the Blazing Dragon Ji and the Sakura Yujin. Although there was no attack, there was already a lot of pressure to be stared at.

Sure enough, I said that this situation looked wrong. The thing stared at Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji for a few seconds and then flew towards Blazing Dragon Ji suddenly. If you can see it, you will launch an attack. This simple fake attack is obviously meaningless, at least it cannot fool these monsters.

When the cherry rain goddess found that Blazing Dragon Ji was attacked, she immediately gave up a fake fight with Blazing Dragon Ji. Instead, they joined hands with Blazing Dragon Ji to deal with that monster, and they retreated while fighting. The purpose is of course to prevent more monsters from being drawn into the battle. Didn't meet the monster yet.

Fortunately, the monsters here basically don't talk about intelligence. Therefore, one side actively pulled the battlefield to move, and the other side naturally followed, without any sense of resistance.

After easily pulling this monster out of the monster group, Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji joined forces to solve this thing quickly, and at this time, Christina and I are no longer hiding, but directly Get out of hiding. Previous tests have proven that those monsters do not rely on vision to decide what targets to attack, although they have found us long ago. However, it will not be attacked if it is not close to an absolute safe distance of three meters.

It is because of this special fighting mode that we are fine even if we are out of hiding. Anyway, as long as we don't take the initiative to pass, nothing will happen.

"It looks like our fake fight is useless!" Zhenhong said.

But Christina shook her head and said, "No, maybe it's just because we didn't cause blood loss in the battle. If there was substantial damage in the battle, then maybe we can fool it even if we beat it up."

In fact, I would like to say that Christina's analysis is very reasonable, but the problem is if it is going to cause substantial damage. So even if the surrounding monsters no longer consider us to be able to attack the target, then we are not worth it. So, I didn't even think about this at all, but I said directly: "If we need to really cause harm, our actions are meaningless. We still pull a monster out in the way we just tested, and then everyone else Attack that monster once, and then you can rush towards the soul well at full speed. "

Sakura Yushin suddenly said, "It doesn't make much sense for us to rush in together?"

Blazing Dragon Ji also nodded: "There needs to be a monster outside to hold the monster, so it must not be able to go all in. All we need is to let the chairman bring the crystals in, and we don't have to enter it ourselves."

I think about it right. Anyway, pressing a crystal can only temporarily remove the seal, and the specific time may be as short as less than one minute. This kind of time doesn't really make much sense. The only thing that can be said about the past is that it allows me to open the door of space to get out my calling creatures.

"Okay, you don't have to go in this case. After a while, pull a monster out, and I will go in alone after the fight. You can control the monster outside."

Everyone had no objection to my opinion, so Christina began to implement the strategy of pulling monsters.

As Yuriko loses her mind as soon as she enters this range, she can only wait outside. Kristina used a long-range attack to pull out a monster that doesn't look very combative. I went up to this guy first. Suddenly, one arm of this thing was broken in an instant.

The monster who lost one arm yelled angrily at me, but the real red and the fiery dragon Ji were in a hug and they immediately suppressed the monster. Although the thing has been struggling, it has been suppressed by so many senior personnel. Even if its attributes are doubled, don't remember it, so it can only stay on the ground.

After finishing this thing, I started to rush towards the soul well in the center of the monster group, this process must be fast. Although I'm in combat mode with that monster outside, other monsters won't deal with me, but the combat mode is not an attribute that always exists. If there is no longer any cancellation of the fighting after a certain period of time has elapsed between the two instances, it will automatically break out of combat. This time is usually five minutes, so I now have a maximum of five minutes to ensure that I will not be attacked by monsters. Once this time has passed, I will have trouble. Of course, following the habit of the monsters here, even if I get out of the fight, there won't be much trouble. After all, the monsters here will only be one-on-one, and they will not fight in groups. There should be no danger.

Because all the monsters around me were considered invisible, the process of going to the soul well was smooth. Sometimes I calculated that I squeezed the monsters from the middle of the two monsters and those monsters didn't look at me more. Take me completely.

After rushing to the soul well in less than thirty seconds, I realized that this thing and the so-called well don't actually have much in common. This so-called soul well does not have a well edge, but there is a small hole in the ground, and then a large group of mists of all colors diffuse around this small hole. A thin branch was inserted into the ground around this small hole, and between these branches were connected the kind of knots made of hemp rope and special folding paper.

With the protection of this layer of enchantment, the gas emitted from this soul well will not really escape, and the surrounding monsters are very consciously driving away from this place. Even the ropes and branches below are so small. But those monsters just didn't dare to cross the thunder pool.

After rushing to the soul well, I wanted to step into the enchantment without saying a single step, but an accident happened when I kicked my foot above that enchantment. With the sound of a current flowing, a hexagonal light curtain appeared above the nodule, blocking me out.

This light curtain wall is distributed completely along the direction of the enchantment rope on the ground. It can be judged that this is the role of the enchantment. Not only can it ensure that the white mist emitted from the soul well inside will not float out, but also put people outside into it.

Our time was very limited. There is actually an enchantment in this place. Isn't this the intention to live with us?

"President, use a psionic crystal!"

I was frowning there, and suddenly I heard a cry from Christina behind. When I heard this voice, I took out a psionic crystal in confusion, and tentatively approached the light curtain, but this time it was very unexpected, and it passed easily. It felt as if that light curtain didn't exist.

Relying on this method, I quickly entered the light curtain, and then started to observe the small hole on the ground during the observation period.

This small hole is really small, as big as a golf hole, but I don't know how deep it is. After all, this thing is a well, not a real golf hole, so it's unlikely to be that shallow.

Before I came in, I had already asked Yuriko how to use this psionic crystal and soul well, but Yuriko ’s answer was that these two things should be used together, but she did n’t know how to use them. This situation is actually normal, because Yuriko himself has not come in.

Although I do n’t know how to use it, at least I know that two things need to be matched, so the first thing I thought of was to let these two things come into contact.

Just use the psionic crystal that just helped me get into it. Then he carefully stretched it into the white smoke above the soul well. The effect was obvious this time, and it was immediate. Immediately after the psionic crystal entered the white mist, the psionic crystal in my hand gave out a bright seven-color brilliance. With the seven-colored brilliance, the properties of this thing are different immediately.

The implementation of this thing in the property display was only a few words before. There is almost no useful information except the name, but it is different now. I finally saw the detailed introduction. There are not only detailed usage methods, but also special instructions for use.

In fact, the use of this psionic crystal is very simple, just put the untreated psionic crystal in the white mist above the soul well to activate the psionic crystal, and in this psionic crystal activation process I can use this psionic crystal at any time. However, there is a time limit for activation. As long as the psionic crystal leaves the white mist, after three minutes the psionic crystal will lose its activity and become the same as when it came out of the monster. In other words, if I want to use this thing to strengthen myself and let me burst out when encountering monsters, it is basically impossible, unless I can see that within three minutes after leaving this place monster.

Although there is no way to fight with this thing, but I can use this thing to temporarily open the seal and let me summon all my summoned creatures.

Now that you understand the usage of this thing, you need to understand another usage of that red crystal.

In fact, the usage of the two crystals is basically the same. After my test, this red thing is called the essence of life. The use method is really the same as this psionic crystal, as long as it is contaminated with the white mist, it will be activated, but it will only lose its activity for three minutes.

The use of psionic crystals and the essence of life is the same, that is, they are broken up while they are still activated, and then the attributes can be obtained. Psionic crystal attributes are attributes that can be unsealed for a certain amount of time. I figured it out. The hundreds of psionic crystals I had in my hand were just enough for me to recover for more than a minute. This time is not enough. Of course, it's not completely enough. At least I can release all my pets and kill all the monsters near this soul well.

After confirming the power of this psionic crystal, I looked at the essence of life over there. Not the same as psionic crystal. The essence of life is not to open the seal, but to really increase strength. These life essences can increase a person's attribute points, and are permanently increased, even if they go out. Of course, these attributes become trivial to us after the attributes return to normal after going out. However, it is still apparent in the mission. From this point of view. My previous tactical arrangements were obviously problematic. The psionic crystal can only unseal the ability within a certain period of time, so it ’s more useful but it ’s not very useful. Anyway, I do n’t have enough time to kill all the enemies in this mission all the way. Therefore, it is enough for this psionic crystal to get a certain amount so that I can summon demons and other summoned creatures.

In contrast to the psionic crystal, the essence of life is very useful, at least very useful in the task. The added attributes can take effect, which means that we only need to collect this in large quantities. Our strength will be strengthened to a certain extent, especially when this kind of attribute is almost suppressed.

Unfortunately, I didn't know such information before, so much time was wasted to kill those soul creatures, so it seems that those creatures with real entities are really the targets that should be hunted.

Now that I understand how to use these things, I don't waste any more time. Five minutes of fighting time is coming. I directly took out one-third of the psionic crystal in my hand to activate it, then crushed it all at once, and my seal was lifted in an instant.

This unsealing state is not the state when the seams reached more than one hundred levels, but the state where it was unsealed directly to more than two thousand levels. It is true that all attribute suppression is absent. At that moment I even had the illusion that I could destroy the world. of course. I know that it is an illusion after suddenly gaining a lot of energy. It is not the real situation, so I am not blinded by this feeling, but use this originally short time to instantly release a large number of magic pets and summoned creatures.

The magic pets that flooded on my side began to kill the Quartet as soon as they came out, because they are now the same as me. They are completely unblocked. In this mode, their fighting power is very strong. The monster near the soul well is not enough to see, it is extinguished in the blink of an eye, and for this we also get a lot of psionic crystals of the heart and the essence of life.

In the outer area, Christina, they saw that a large group of creatures suddenly popped up on my side and knew that I had succeeded, and then my summoning army simply destroyed all the creatures on this side, and then a few of them Also moved to the soul well, there are no monsters anymore, everything is killed by my magic pets.

Called Christina and True Red. After they came over, I explained the role of the psionic crystal and the essence of life, and then allocated the remaining psionic crystal. Among them, only a small part is given to Zhenhong and Blazing Dragon Ji, and the remaining big heads are based on 40%, 60% to Christina, and 40% to Sakura Rain.

There is a reason why this psionic crystal is unevenly distributed.

The function of the psionic crystal is to temporarily unseal the attributes, and the real red and the fiery dragon ji unseal the attributes and it will not make sense if they do not fight. Giving them a few psionic crystals will allow them to use their magic pet for a few seconds Release it and it's done. As for the sakura rain chick, in addition to releasing the magic pet, she also has the ability to add her auxiliary attributes.

Don't forget that Sakura Yumi is actually a half assist, so she can release a large auxiliary spell while her attributes are complete. Once these auxiliary spells have been completed, even if the strength of the Sakura Rain Goddamn falls back, the magic itself has already been completed, so the attributes they generate will not change. of course. Because we have fewer attributes as magic targets, even with these auxiliary magics, our attributes are still not too high, but at least this can get several times more combat power than without these states. How can such a good thing be given up?

The cherry rain gods are divided into 40% of the psionic crystals, and Christina will naturally need more. Although Christina is not an assistant. But after all, she is the most powerful magician, so her auxiliary spells are actually very powerful. The reason why her auxiliary ability has not been noticed is entirely because her flash point is too bright to cover the excellent performance in other aspects. As the world's first turret, Kristina's fire output speed, power, and duration are unparalleled and powerful, so that everyone else is an order of magnitude with her in any single aspect. Not to mention the comprehensive effect. With such a superhuman attack power, no one would notice even if Christina's other abilities are strong.

In this case, we have allocated all the psionic crystals, but the use process needs to be separated, because the superposition of auxiliary attributes is exquisite, not for you to add randomly.

First of all, without the help of the real red and the fiery dragon Ji, summoned his magic pet first, during the real red saved a psionic crystal and gave it to Christina. After the two people's magic pets were settled, the Sakura Rain gods summoned the monsters and released the auxiliary spells.

For the spell Kristina and the Sakura Rain chicks used to contusion. Because their auxiliary spells are added to us, we need to coordinate to make an optimal solution, so that once we start, we can quickly add the required state to us, to avoid wasting time. After all, these auxiliary states Nor will they stay with us all the time. However, given the levels of Kristina and Sakura Yujin, it is certainly not a problem to maintain a normal auxiliary spell for a few hours. And Kristina also has a special trick called long-acting cast, the effect is to extend the duration of that continuous magic effect. And because of Christina's superb skills, she can actually double the effective time of most continuous magic.

Because of this situation, Kristina and the Sakura Yujin need to pay more attention to the coordination attributes. As a result, the two of them have discussed for ten minutes at a time, and finally the Sakura Yujin took out some of the spirit The energy crystal was given to Kristina. After all, Kristina used these magic effects better, so it was more cost-effective to let her release more magic.

After they negotiated, we started to act immediately.

Sakura Yushin first shot, and once it came up, the whole range of attacks strengthened. Of course, this auxiliary magic itself is not called attack enhancement, but is called divine strike. The advantage of this auxiliary spell is that it lasts for a long time. Even an ordinary mage can make this magic last for three or five hours, and after the Sakura Yujin is used, it can ensure that the magic is valid for more than ten hours. I believe this time is enough for us to complete the task and go out.

Originally this spell was not very useful, because it will not actually increase your attack power, it just makes all your attacks to deal 150% damage to evil creatures, even as long as you stand on those evil creatures They will start to lose blood nearby. And this kind of blood loss can be targeted, that is, it will not accidentally hurt, nor will it alarm the enemies you do not want to alarm in advance.

Regarding this evil creature, it does not mean those bad-minded baddies, but a few specific creatures. The characteristics of the light system spells are that all the existence of darkness, undead, and demons are classified as evil, but in fact, many of these three camps are also very kind. However, this has nothing to do with us for the time being. We just need to know that the monsters we meet in this place are either undead or dark. Anyway, they are all so-called "evil" creatures. This means that we are here for nothing. There is 50% more damage output, and of course such a good thing cannot be missed.

After releasing this magic, the Sakura Yujin quickly added a spell called Eye of Soul to us. This spell is just a low-level spell. Its effect is similar to infrared perspective. It can directly see the position of all souls regardless of the surrounding light and obstacles. In other words, with this magic aid, we can directly see the invisible ghosts and monsters hiding behind the door. It can be said that this is absolutely practical magic, although it does not produce direct lethality. But it can greatly increase our combat effectiveness. Of course, it's more important not to worry about where a weird thing suddenly popped out to startle us.

After two consecutive spells have been used, Sakura Yumi has released a large spell, which is the last spell she added to us-the life cycle.

The duration of this spell is not as long as the previous two, but the effect is exaggerated. This spell can directly extract a certain percentage of the lost life when we lose it, and return it to us. To put it plainly, it is the ability to reduce damage. but. Unlike normal damage reduction, this spell does not directly reduce your damage, so if you take strong damage, it may be dropped in seconds, but this spell has no effect. For example, if you are suddenly attacked, and then lose 100,000 points of blood, according to the general damage reduction spell. Even a 10% reduction would be a loss of 10,000 points of blood. Suppose your bright and clear is 100,000 points. This direct reduction of 10,000 points will allow you to survive, but the life cycle will not work, because it will not work at all when you lose blood.

Although this spell will not save your life the first time you lose blood, it is often more effective for advanced players than spells that reduce the percentage of life lost. The reason lies in the percentage of recovery of this spell.

The damage reduction rate of the spells that directly reduce damage is generally a few percent, the higher one is more than ten percent, and the one who can surpass 20 percent is almost rare. Anyway, it is a very rare situation. However, the effect of the life cycle can generally make up for about 50% of the health value back. Simplify. Suppose that is still the case just now, you are attacked and lose 100,000 blood. Although the amount of blood was reduced by 100,000 at that time, as long as you are not dead, this magic will allow you to slowly recover blood in a later period of time. This blood recovery generally reaches 50%, which is one breath. I'll make up 50,000 points for you.

However, the speed and percentage of blood in this life cycle are determined based on the user's strength and skill level. For example, the blood circulation percentage of the life cycle used by Sakura Yujin is 64%, which means that for every 100 points of blood loss, it can make you back 64 points, which is quite an exaggeration. As for time, the Sakura Yujin can reduce this time to eight minutes.

This so-called eight minutes is to say. The amount of blood you lost in the last second will be slowly replenished in the next eight minutes. If you are injured again in these eight minutes, it is still based on the unit of second per second. Make up in the next eight minutes. If the enemy's attack on you is not instantaneous, then you can get multiple health supplementary health supplements, and this has no upper limit. That is to say, this kind of magic is especially good for that kind of slow blood loss. In this way, if it is a high-level player's battle, because the amount of blood is very large, it is unlikely to be killed at once, so this magic can help the advanced Players return a lot of blood to make it difficult for the enemy to rely on slow blood grinding method to kill you. But on the other hand, for those novices or mages who are thin and fleshy, the effect of this skill is not stingy. After all, they often can't withstand one or two attacks, and it is likely that they will be killed directly without making up much blood.

Because this life cycle has such characteristics, a few of us here are very adaptable to this magic, because we are all senior players, although the attributes are not working now, but the technology is still there, and it is difficult for us to be matched when we cooperate. Hitting also means that the blood loss is very slow, so that this life cycle can give us a lot of time to replenish our blood, so that we can reduce a lot of blood loss. At that time, with the aid of medicine, we can safely fight the enemy without fear of being killed.

Although the supplementary effect of the life cycle is exaggerated, we cannot fully count on this magic, because this large skill has a short time. Even advanced players such as Sakura Yushin can cast at most when the state is fully restored. Just keep it for an hour. However, we plan to go down the mountain for an hour to push the monsters in the remaining villages, so the fighting should be very frequent. This way the life cycle is not wasted.

After the release of the life cycle is complete, the magic time of the Sakura Rain chick is almost exhausted, and the remaining time is not enough for her to use any magic, but it can allow her to recover her life and speed with the speed of returning blood and magic in the heyday. Magic value.

After the magic of the Sakura Rain chicks is completed, Christina immediately takes over. Compared to the semi-sling assist of the Sword of Rain Rain, which is close to the magic swordsman, a pure magician such as Christina is really a high-end player.

Immediately after coming up, Kristina threw us a whole guarding technique ~ ~ This guarding technique is a protection spell with an effect similar to a magic shield, but it will not form a visible magic light film. It will improve your physical and magic defenses and mental defenses, including the ability to counter illusions. Of course, because it is too expensive, the effect of this spell is not strong, and it mainly focuses on strengthening the physical defense. However, although it is not strong in every aspect, it is still very good in terms of comprehensive effects. In particular, we have already carried the magic added by the Sakura Rain God on our body, and now the effect is doubled with this magic.

In addition to guarding, Christina has also prepared a super auxiliary magic-nature.

The effect of this spell is not a direct enhancement, but an indirect interference with the enemy. After being added by this magic, we will be integrated with the environment. When we are not moving, the probability that the enemy will find us will be very low, and even if they are found, the probability of the opponent's physical and magic attacks in the battle will be greatly increased. Of course, this is not the main thing. What makes this magic super magic is that it allows us to enter a state of high speed recovery. As long as we are standing still, we can absorb the nutrients of the earth like a big tree, and then quickly return to blood and magic, this is the strongest effect of this magic. After all, our blood-recovery and magic-recovery abilities in this mission space are almost zero. With this magic, we can solve our big trouble.

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