Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 66: Breakthrough and reverse interception

"The question doesn't seem to be how to get in, right?" Christina said looking at the entrance in front.

I nodded and said, "We need to think about the situation now. The situation on the opposite side determines that we can't rush in."

"Why?" Zhen Hong didn't understand.

Christina explained: "Because we don't know if the current situation is Japanese players' self-determination or a strategy."

"Strategy?" Zhenhong looked at me suspiciously.

I thought about it and said, "Don't worry, first ask what's going on with the Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Girl, and the others later."

Zhenhong didn't know what the situation was, but she still connected the communication as I said, and then she heard the voice of Sakura Yumi.


"What's wrong with you?"

"We're outside the entrance now. Where have you been?"

"We're already outside the entrance," Christina said. "There are a lot of Japanese players here. Do you know what's going on?"

"I let them stop you here." Sakura Yushin said calmly.

Zhenhong immediately asked, surprised, "What are you talking about?"

"I said it was I who let them stop you here." Sakura Yushin knew that we might be a little confused, so after explaining it, we explained the situation before and let us understand why it would gather here. Many Japanese players and why she and Blazing Dragon Hime called on Japanese players to block this entrance.

After hearing the explanation of Sakura Yumi, Zhenhong said, "Do you mean that you are doing this so that gold coins can drink Matsumoto Masa congratulate them to complete the task?"

"Yes," said Sakura Yumi. "Now only Matsumoto Masahara and August smoked sisters act with gold coins, so that no one will know our identity. They can complete with gold coins. The task, if a large number of Japanese players in our side influx, even if they are doing it, Matsumoto Masahara and August smoked sisters will necessarily need to work against gold coins, this will affect the progress of the task. "

"Well then, can't we just go in?" Zhenhong asked.

Blazing Dragon Ji intervened at this time and said, "So we are waiting for you here."

"Do you mean we want to play a game here?" True red is not really a fool, but the idea is more direct. Of course she could hear the voiceover of Blazing Dragon Ji.

"The solution is really good, but ..." Christina hesitated a little. "Can you guys stop us?"

The situation has become quite troublesome. Christina's concerns are actually my concerns. Yes, on the surface, it looks like Sakura Yushina, the Blazing Dragon Rime, and a large number of Japanese players are guarding this entrance. Then, if we need to enter here, we must forcely pass from here. but. In fact, the situation is far from simple as imagined.

True Red and I and Christina are among the elite. Is the top combat power. If we had a death showdown with these guards here, of course, it would be impossible for the three of us to beat everyone here. After all, there are too many people, and our strength is limited. but. Our situation is not to play a decisive battle with the people here. It is to enter the entrance. In other words, we don't need to fight the people here, we just need to rush forward all the way.

At this point, someone may ask. Since you can just rush forward all the way, what are you hesitating about?

We will of course hesitate. Because the current situation is that we don't want to enter the task at all. I rushed to pick up the task before to help the gold coins to fight the joint attack of those Japanese players, but now I found out that the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon Ji had thought of a way to temporarily stop the outside players from entering the task. That is to say, now that the gold coins and Matsumoto can still cooperate to break the game, this is actually the best situation for us, so what we need is to maintain the status quo rather than change something.

However, maintaining the status quo is not as simple as imagined.

First, if we need to maintain the status quo, we just don't need to participate in this task. But is this the past? On the surface, gold coins and Matsumoto Masako are on the mission together, and Matsumoto Masako and August smoked should be regarded as Japanese forces, so that the gold coins are in a one-to-two state, and the gold coins still need to complete the task This is simply impossible. Therefore, according to the normal situation, we must be rushing to support us. If there is no response at all, what will others think?

People in China will think that our guild is proud and arrogant, thinking that gold coins can complete the task alone, or that our weak command results in one to two gold coins without any support. Of course, this only has a small impact on our prestige, and the problem is not serious. The point is that Matsumoto Masa and August's identity are very problematic. If we do n’t participate in the mission, the result is still easily completed by gold coins in the case of Matsumoto Masako and August smoked two-to-one, so what will Japanese players think of Matsumoto Masagawa and August smoked? In addition, our side is completely reassured to let loose Matsumoto Masako and August smoked two to one bullying gold coins, but the result does not mean to intervene at all, is this past?

Therefore, we definitely need to come and shoot in order to win the trust of others, and we must enter the mission, so that after the gold coins complete the task, Masamoto Matsumoto and August smoked will not be suspected by Japanese players. After all, if our masters go in, then Matsumoto Masaru and August Kaoru are outnumbered, or their strength is slightly inferior to ours, and Japanese players can forgive them, it is worse than they have an absolute advantage. The consequences of defeat.

This situation determines that I and Christina not only want to come, but also must enter.

However, since it is here, entering it is also a problem in itself.

Christina and I are really strong in combat, although I can't beat the Japanese players here. However, if we do n’t fall in love and just rush forward, we will inevitably kill the mission space directly. In this way, the optimization status quo designed by Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji will be broken. In other words, the harder we fight when we fight, the worse the result, but we can't release the water too much. This degree needs to be mastered.

We have to enter the task, but the time cannot be early, we must maintain the status quo to ensure that the gold coins can complete most of the task, and then we will complete the task with appropriate efforts, and then no one will say anything. But how to grasp this entry is also a problem in itself.

In addition to the above. In fact, there is another way at the scene. That is, Christina and I rushed into the mission, and then left some people here to block the subsequent Japanese players from entering the mission. In this case, we can drink Matsumoto Masako to help them complete the mission after entering . This is definitely a very good plan. This will ensure that Matsumoto Masa and August Kaoru will not be blamed by Japanese players. On the other hand, it can also be determined that our side has the absolute advantage and can complete the task with confidence.

However, this plan is actually more difficult than the previous time-controlled plan. Because if we just control the entry time, we only need to control our own combat power output, but if we want to block these Japanese players outside, then what we need to do is not just to control the combat power, but to explode, we need to be extra large The outbreak should completely block all Japanese players in front of you. This kind of combat power output is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After thinking about the situation here, I talked to Christina and Zhenhong about my thoughts, and then connected the army **** to the newsletter, and let him contact the think tank of the conference to ask what to do.

Su Mei's think tank analyzed the current situation, and the final suggestion was-the second method, grab the inside, then guard the entrance, which in turn blocked Japanese players.

"You said lightly!" Zhenhong said, "But there are tens of thousands of Japanese players on the opposite side, and there are a bunch of piles. Even a top group on our side cannot hold so many people! Position battles are not field battles, we Can't retreat, can't run, who can be beaten hard?

"But this method is indeed the best way at present." Su Mei said.

"What then?" Zhenhong looked at me and waited for a decision.

I thought for a moment and thought, "In this way, we will convene the senior staff in the guild, and we will execute the second set of plans according to the plan, strengthen the inside line, and then lock up. We will firmly block this door."

"Isn't it?" Zhenhong looked at me in surprise and asked, "Do you really want to block the door?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, the door is closed, but you don't need to participate."


"Because you are an assault tank," Cristina said, "positional battles are not your strengths, your strengths are penetration capabilities, so your best work is to enter the task to help the gold coins complete the task."

"What about you two?" Zhenhong asked, "The difficulty in the task should not be too great, anyway, Masamoto Matsumoto is also our person, but if this task is completed, people will definitely doubt Matsumoto Masahiro their strength. I Two people with gold coins deal with Matsumoto Masako and August smoker, and then they have to complete the task. If this is all done, isn't Matsumoto Masako's strength a slag? "

"Of course I can't just let you in." I said, "I'll arrange for someone to help you."


"Pipe ice, cauldron rice, and eagle and lark."

"I'm going, aren't I? Let Eagle and Lark be with me? Are we going to press too many people?"

"Probably not enough."

"The offense, support, shields, and assault forces are all there. What else do we need? The gold coins themselves are in control of the field. There is no suspense for this kind of battle?"

"No, you need to find another assistant. Gold coins need to be exported here, so assistants need professionals."

"Then let Ruhua come?"

"Like a flower?" I looked at Zhenhong in amazement.

Christina explained to me: "I'm a new member of the guild. The level is not high, but the auxiliary play is very good."

I nodded and said, "That's her."

"Not her." Because Christina was not Chinese, she heard me at the same time and interpreted systematically. Naturally, she could hear the difference between her and him.

"Not her?"

"Ruhua is a male player. It just has such a name, and this guy is actually handsome. But his profession is a professional healer."

"I'm dizzy, a good man got such a name!" I didn't bother with this after I said it, and then said, "The personnel are limited for the time being, God of War, you can help us gather people."

"What about your defense?" The **** of war asked, "can't you just keep that entrance alone?"

"Of course not. You need to assign us some more staff."

"If you don't enter the mission, you don't need to accept the mission limit, can I call chaos and order protoss auxiliary battle?"

"That's all right?" Cristina said: "Hades, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Persephone, Radamentis and Pandora, Starfire, King of Peacock, all advanced combat power No less. "

"So many protoss fight together, won't they invite the protoss from Japan?"

"The Gaotian Protoss are still integrating internal forces. The new Amaterasu is still conducting elections. He should not be involved in human affairs in a short period of time." I said, "But the Yagi snake is a trouble."

"There are so many Protoss here, isn't it a problem to block an Hachichi snake?" Said the **** of war.

I thought about it and said, "It should be okay. Oh yes, call Rose too, there is that true love is invincible. I should be able to match her with her."

"All right. I'll arrange it."

When the God of War went to arrange personnel, my side was discussing with Christina whether they should participate in the fight immediately. The results of the discussions were also very consistent, that is, immediately entering the battle, so that we seemed more serious. It ’s more urgent, otherwise it ’s too easy to make it appear that there is something wrong with us.

"Are you going to attack immediately?" Sakura Yushin asked in the communication.

I said directly: "Yes, you also prepare a little bit over there, we will start the offense soon."

"Okay, you can start at any time."

After cutting off the communication, Sakura Yumi returned to the middle of the Japanese players, and then stood on top of a large stone to start the sound reinforcement magic, and then said to the Japanese player below: "Everyone pays attention, our intelligence personnel just now After receiving the information, Christina and Ziri have left Isinger and can be sure that they came for the mission, so they will soon reach us. Now Matsumoto Masako and August Kaoru are on the mission China works hard for the benefit of our Japanese players. What we can do is try to help them block the reinforcements of Frost Rose Alliance. As long as the Frost Rose Alliance people can't get in, Masamoto Matsumoto and August smokers have a number advantage. It is very hopeful that this task of the Chinese people will be destroyed, so please take out all your strengths and firmly defend this entrance. "After speaking, Sakura Yumi shouted with her right hand and shouted out loud:" God bless Japan, Great Japan Long live the empire! "

The following Japanese players roared together, and the momentum was quite huge. Christina and I could hear the sound of them hiding behind this mountain, and it was really shaking. However, no amount of people is useless. Although we don't have the ability to kill all the players here, as long as we don't die in one place, these Japanese players will take us for granted.

"It sounds pretty good," Zhen Hong said, listening to the voice over the mountain.

"No matter what the momentum is, we must act as planned." Christina looked at me and asked, "Can I get a shot now?"

"Almost. Let's get ready."


After finishing talking, Zhenhong suddenly looked at the entrance at the foot of the mountain, and then looked at the terrain in front of her.

This entrance is just in a mountain stream with mountains on three sides, but most of the peaks are gentle and there is no feeling of peaks. Only the one that we hide in is a little taller, and the terrain is higher. More steep. In addition, the area under this mountain stream is actually not small. Although it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, it is an open mountain stream with a wide opening. There is a large flat land below, which is a large natural battlefield.

Looking at the terrain, Zhenhong suddenly smiled, and then said, "Let me first give them a gift of love."

The proud true red suddenly flew to the other side of the mountain, then let us all back, and then suddenly raised our hands in our surprised eyes and prepared for the attack. A golden dragon spirit began to emerge from the side of true red, and then actively toward her right arm. Then, after Long Qi completely formed a Shenlong, Zhenhong suddenly slammed his strength, and then smashed a punch on the mountain. Accompanied by a loud noise, the surrounding area was immediately covered by smoke and dust, and the situation was almost invisible afterwards. However, although we are covered by smoke and dust, we can't see the situation here for the time being, but the Japanese players below can see clearly.

Those Japanese players who were living in the mountains for a long time suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the side of the mountain, and then they saw a circle of smoke and dust suddenly appearing at the half-waist of the mountain. Half-waist position. And it is sinking downward. And with the emergence of this dust. The mountain peak started to move slowly after a bigger explosion.

"I say!" The Japanese players below spit in their hearts for a while, because in their eyes, the huge mountain peak has begun to slide down, and the speed is getting faster and faster. When the mountain peak slides out of the cracked mountain plane. Actually tilted. Then the whole mountain fell over to the side and collapsed into countless rubbles and rolled down the mountain.

You should have seen avalanches and mudslides on video. But the situation in front of me is more exaggerated than that. After all, the debris flow is just the flow of surface soil and rocks, but this entire mountain has washed down. Although the mountain peaks have been broken into numerous fragments, these fragments are only fragments of mountain peaks. Not that these fragments are small. In fact, many of these fragments are very large rocks. These rocks are as small as seven or eight tons, and more than a hundred tons. While they rolled and accelerated to charge downwards, they continued to break into more small pieces, but no matter how they broke, the results were the same. The effect of one hundred tons of rock and one ton of rock hitting people will not be much different, they will all become flesh, so after the flying stones are broken and broken, they are actually more dangerous, because if there is only one Overall, then it ’s okay as long as you dodge the past, but after this fragmentation, it turns into countless fragments like shotguns. Such fragments are not so easy to dodge.

Those Japanese players under the mountain were scared by the rumbling noise and the stern momentum after seeing the smashing mountain fragments. Many people can only stand in a daze, but fortunately, they are not all waste.

Just when those players were in a daze, a player suddenly shouted. "Everyone pays attention to defense, and has the strength to step forward to block large stones."

This shout is not like that made by Sakura Rain Goddess and Blazing Dragon Ji, but by the white feather guard crane. This guy is considered to be a strong player among Japanese players, but although his fighting power is very strong, his popularity is Is not high.

As this guy shouted, someone finally responded. In fact, the difference between these players' reaction and non-response is not big, because in the face of the violent rushing debris from the mountain, the average player can't stop it at all. However, not all of them are ordinary players, and there are still powerful players. At least the Yagi snake is a very cattle.

Just as the mountains and rocks watched as they rushed into the player camp below, the ground at the foot of the mountain suddenly bulged upward and cracked rapidly, and then a huge figure emerged from the crack and formed a path in front of the mountain. A wall-like interception line, using his own body as a protective shield, blocked all the stones washed down from the mountain. Those huge stones hit the huge figure and made a gurgling sound, but this The guy resisted hard.

Although the emergence of the Yaki snakes can be said to play a role in turning the tide, but the impact of the cracked stones is too large, coupled with the rolling force caused by rolling, many stones are like wheels, and hit the Yaki snakes. He climbed up with his body, then flew over and smashed into the crowd behind again. Of course, it is fortunate that large stones cannot fly, so all small and medium-sized stones are flying out.

After these stones leapt from the body of the Yagi snake, they began to fall thinly. The Japanese players who smashed under it rushed, but only some people responded quickly to set up shields to protect their bodies.

Although the falling stones have mixed the Japanese players below, they have lost too much inertia momentum, so they are not very powerful. Coupled with the defensive power of the players, there was no death, but some bad people suffered different degrees of injuries.

Just as the falling stones were gradually decreasing and seemed to be about to stop, the Hachi diver serpent that intercepted the stone suddenly issued a roar, and the Japanese players saw the huge figure and let the Opened the original position and screamed and jumped back. However, just after this guy jumped out, the stones suddenly fell. The intercepted stones rushed down and filled the big hole left by the eight-dimensional snake when it left the ground. The rest rushed through the hole and injured many players here. Fortunately, no one still hung. Off.

Until all the stones have stabilized. The players at the scene only noticed the reason why the Yachi serpent dodged. At this time, the Yaki snake was shaking her eight heads in anger and opened her mouth to bite something, and the sharp-eyed person directly found the little thing flying around the Yaki snake.

"It's Ziri, they're here." As the first player shouted, the surrounding Japanese players noticed my presence.

In fact, the reason why the Hachichi snake made a scream just because I gave him a scream from the side. And this is not a general attack. It's the special skills I use. This is a very serious injury even for the Yaki snake, so that guy can't even care about the Japanese players below, and screamed and jumped out.

Looking at the Yagi snake that had noticed me, I knew that it was meaningless to make another sneak attack. So he directly directed the flying bird to take me to speed up and flew towards the population over there.

The following Japanese players saw me coming and wanted to step forward to intercept, but what they didn't expect was that the Hachichi serpent suddenly caught up from behind.

Unlike me, the Yagi snake is too big, so he needs a lot of space when fighting. Now the entrance is full of people, and there is no so-called open space. Therefore, when we rushed over, all the players here felt that this time was going to be unlucky, because the huge shadow of the eight-dimensional snake directly covered them. Came down.

"I trust, flash!" The Japanese player below noticed the Yagi snake that rushed to his face, and then quickly gave up his interception, but the latter Yachi snake also noticed that his behavior was completely like this in such a battle. In trouble, because his huge body will destroy all the battle lines, and if I use guerrilla fighting, his body type will eventually kill his own person more than the damage caused to me, so the Yagi snake is decisive. He folded his body in the air and rushed down into a human form.

"That's what you are waiting for." I felt the whistling wind suddenly disappeared. I immediately turned around, and then opened my wings to slow down. The bird flew away from my feet, and I was flying in the air with the Yagi snake. At the intersection, the eternal sword in his hand was cut out horizontally.

Feeling my horrible eternal sword cut over, the Hachichi serpent hurriedly concentrated all his strength in front of himself. Although my eternal sword can be said to be indestructible, as a special existence, the Yaki snake is also a great strength, especially he also has a lot of power of faith, so the Yaki snake is a rare few Use the flesh to resist the existence of my eternal sword. Of course, this so-called resistance is actually to use my own strength to arrange the next defense system, which does not mean that I can just let me cut it.

Watching my eternal sword cut over, the eight-barred serpent on the opposite side was immediately ready for defense, so he was not worried at all, because he knew I couldn't cut in. But just before the two of us were about to meet, I shouted at him behind the back: "Christina, now!"

With the shouting, the Yaki serpent suddenly felt a huge energy response behind him. At that instant, the Yachi serpent knew that he had been fooled. He hurriedly looked back at where the energy response appeared, and was surprised to find Christina and the huge magic ball that was forming in her hand.

Realizing that this is the fatal killing move, the Yagi snake hurriedly transferred a large part of the energy to the back, that is, the big move that is preparing to intercept Christina, because he knows us and knows that the threat of Christina is actually more than that I'm bigger. After all, I'm balanced, and the attributes are relatively average. Although the overall combat power is higher, the damage is not as exaggerated as Christina. All of Christina's abilities are focused on her own attacks, and her power and persistence are exaggerated. In general, even the existence of the Yachi serpent is not dare to fight with Christina.

However, just after the Bachi snake transferred the energy away, he suddenly felt a cold on his stomach, and then when he turned his head back, he saw that my sitting fist was on his stomach, and it was Behind my fist, the three blade claws are connected to his stomach, and the blood is flowing slowly along the position where the three blade claws contact his body.

I put his right hand on his shoulder, and most of the left-hand blade claws were stuck in the stomach of the Yachi snake, and then smiled and said, "Where were you looking during the battle?"

The Yagi snake that was angry because of my words was about to explode, but there was a gurgling sound in the stomach. Then I felt a heartache. I turned my finger when he tried to fight back. The blade claws popped out completely, and three **** blade tips emerged from his back.

My blade claws actually have two telescopic lengths. Generally, I use the first length. The blades of this length just pop out half. But because of this length, most of the blades can stay in the storage box. Can guarantee to withstand lateral forces. So at this time I can use the blade claw to chop the enemy, but at some point, for the needs of the shaman. The blade claw can also eject the rest. At this time, the blade claw will become very long, and the attack range will be expanded, but at this time, the blade claw will become relatively weak, which is not suitable for chopping and can only stab.

The Bachi snake, who was suddenly wearing a sugar gourd, was not injured at this moment, and his body shook directly, but I didn't let him go that easily. I know that this kind of damage won't affect the Bachi snake. He has the power of faith, so he can repair it wirelessly. My damage can only make him lose more power of faith. However, this thing itself is not so well collected, so if possible, I will still try to make the Yaqi serpent lose more faith.

While the Yagi snake was stiff for a moment due to a stomach injury, I directly retracted the blade claws, and the jagged blade claw backboard caused huge damage in the stomach of this Yaki snake again. The Hachichi snake almost fainted. However, this guy is a monster, after all, so the ability to resist pain is still very strong. Although this time caused a second injury, he still looked up in pain and grabbed my neck to try revenge. However, just as he was about to catch me, my whole body suddenly trembled, and then the Yaki snake found that the person in front of him suddenly changed his appearance.

What appeared was a person with a glittering body, and kept the same movement as before, except that the equipment and people were replaced. In fact, this person also knows the Hachichi snake, because this is really red.

Just now I suddenly flashed and became really red, so the Hachichi snake didn't respond for a while, but this was not my skill at all, so it was actually quite sudden for me.

In fact, it is true red that caused all of this, because that thing is just a new skill that has just arrived in the previous buff task. The function of this skill is very special, the effect is similar to teleportation, but instead of teleporting one person to a certain position, it allows two people to exchange positions.

The main role of this skill should be to save people on the battlefield. True Red ’s own defense is very strong, and many players on the battlefield are crunchy players like Christina who attack high and low defenses, so when these players are in danger and may be killed, True Red can be Use this skill to swap the position of yourself and the opponent, which is equivalent to helping the opponent take a damage. Originally, it was possible that a fatal attack on a crispy player like Christina would be at least as good as true red, and it is impossible to cause any loss at all.

With this ability, Zhenhong has two more fighting methods in the battle, one is to protect the important mage full-time, because she can replace people at critical moments, and then help the mage to take damage. The other is that true red can be used as the main substitute in battle, just like this. When I was fighting with the Eight-Discused Snake, she could suddenly change it up, and then help me fight for a while, and after I calmed down, she could immediately exchange us back. With this ability, we have the ability to continually suppress those that are particularly difficult. Not only can we change people at any time to go to the top of the monster, we can also go down to fill the magic and blood and wait for the skills to cool down. It can be said that this ability of true red is definitely a very useful ability in multiplayer combat. of course. This skill is useless to the enemy, only a few points can be replaced by true red, and does not require the other party's consent. I just did not respond for a moment because of the sudden change of true red in this case. In fact, she didn't tell me that she had this ability just before the real red was used.

The sudden change of the true red launched an attack at the mouth of the Yachi Great Serpent God, and her two golden fists opened the bow to the left and right, and the Yachi Great Serpent could not be found at all. Two people smashed the ground all the way from the sky. A dog-legged Nobunaga immediately wanted to go up to help the Hachi-Okino out of sleep, but felt dangerous when he ran halfway, and suddenly stopped suddenly and hit the magic light ball. On the ground in front of him, he wiped out a large piece of soil directly.

The ghost-hand Nobunaga was blocked by this sudden light ball. Then he found himself unable to live anymore. Because I've been standing in front of him.

"Where are you going?" I was watching the anxious ghost-handed Nobunaga in front of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, deliberately pulling his tone to stimulate him.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga was indeed not a self-cultivating person, and immediately broke out, without talking to me, rushing up with a weapon. A posture that is desperate for me. But unfortunately. I have no intention of desperately fighting with this guy.

"It's not enough to hit you with me." As I said, I reached out my hand, a space window opened, and then I saw a beautiful figure swimming out of it. "Yueyue. This guy has given it to you."

Yeyue smiled a little, and his hands turned into a six-armed shape at the same time, and the six-handed snake sword took on an attack posture at the same time. "Hey, Ugly, let's play?"

"You die for me." The ghost-handed Nobunaga rushed up in anger, but before his aggressive attack, he felt a sudden sink in his wrist, and a huge force directly hit his wrist. It fell to the ground, and the result was that it accumulated a long time of power and hit the ground directly, and a lot of mud blew up with a booming sound, and smeared his own face.

"Oh, really careless!" Zhenhong said, withdrawing her big tail, looking proudly at the embarrassed ghost-handed Nobunaga.

In fact, it was Yeyue ’s big tail that just attacked the ghost hand Nobunaga. Yeyue appeared in the form of half-human and half-snake. It has a huge advantage in battle. Although there is no kicking action without legs, this seven or eight meter long The snake tail has brought a lot of attack methods that the human leg can never do to Yeyue, especially in the attack distance, this tail is definitely larger than the range of the human leg. Even if a person's legs are as long as they are no more than a metre, this is already the length that a basketball player's super big man can reach. However, Yeyue ’s tail is seven or eight meters long, and only one support point is needed to support her body. About one meter is sufficient, so her attack range is at least four or five times that of human legs.

In addition to the attack range, Yeyue's tail is also incomparable to human legs in terms of strength. Its strength and flexibility are absolutely impossible for humans to imitate.

Of course, in addition to the tail, Yeyue's six arms and petrified pupils are very powerful special abilities, at least the ghost-handed Nobunaga is very afraid of these abilities.

"Hey, little guy, don't always hide from me! Come and attack me! Didn't you say you want to defeat me?" Yeyue deliberately challenged Nobunaga's ghostly hand.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga was also enraged, but Yeyue's strength was there, and he was really afraid to let him rush straight up. Although the absolute combat power is actually better than Yeyue, Yeyue's special abilities are too terrible. Most people can't carry it sincerely, at least he can't carry it.

"Damn!" The angry ghost-handed Nobunaga looked at Yeyue, and for a long time only uttered such a sentence, and then rushed up again, but unfortunately Yeyue had too many weapons, and the dripping of the six-handed snake sword dance did not leak, and occasionally returned Use the tail to bypass the side or the back. It makes the ghosts and nobles busy and messy. They obviously have higher attributes than Yeyue, but they ca n’t play. There is a feeling of falling into the swamp. come out.

Here Yeyue saw the dead hand Nobunaga, and I turned around and went to abuse the Yaki snake with True Red. Taking advantage of the Hachichi serpent being forced back into human form, of course we have to take advantage of the opportunity to get a bit cheaper. It must be known that the human-shaped Yagi snake is much weaker in defense than the body. It is more cost-effective to cut him at this time than to cut him with two swords.

Of course, the Yaki snake is not a particularly tolerant master, and he has never really regarded Japanese players as one thing. He did n’t want to hurt Japanese players and turned into a human form. It can only be said that he is a face project. Don't care about the life and death of Japanese players, but at least to the outside world, they must show a attitude that is aligned with the Japanese players. However, even this attitude will soon disappear, because the endurance of the Yagi snake is almost reaching its limit. But this one can't blame the Eight-Big Snake ~ ~ because if you change people, it is estimated that it will also break out.

At this time, the Yaki snake was lying on his back on the ground, and the real red was riding directly on his chest and pressing him on the ground, his fists opened left and right, and he punched left and right with the head of the Yaki snake. The one that was called was cheerful, but at this time, the eight-eyed serpent was completely deformed in the corners of its eyes, mouth, and bridge of his nose, almost unrecognizable. Of course, even this is because the Yagi snake is very bullish, because the fist of the real red is a thousand tons, most people are blown by such a force and their heads have burst, and the inside is pressed like this on the ground to open the bow. It has already shown the power of the Yagi snake.

After being stunned without any image, the eight-dimensional snake, after insisting for thirty seconds, found that it couldn't push the true red at all, and finally couldn't control it anymore. The weight of the equipment on Zhenhong was too scary. The humanoid Hachiko snake did not take her ruthlessly, and the Hagichi snake that had been passively beaten finally reached his own endurance limit. Then in a roar, the body began to swell and deform quickly, blinking. It changed back to the nine-headed bird form of the body, and took off the real red directly.

"Well, is it finally showing its true form?" Zhen Hong, who was steadily falling on the ground, looked at the huge Yachi snake in front of her.

I deliberately helped: "I was hit by you so much, the gods were crazy! Thanks to him for so long." (To be continued ...)

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