Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 135: Sack

"whats the matter?"

Xiura Ziyi said very anxiously: "The urgent call for help from the Temple of Darkness!"

It seems that I really guessed it right, that the 10 million Light Corps that suddenly disappeared went to Dark Canyon! "Did you say anything?"

"No! Here comes a ghost bird that can't speak, so I brought a letter! The letter only said that the Dark Canyon military situation was urgent, and ordered all the dark forces in Isinger to return as soon as possible! The signature of the letter was Dark Goddess Al Ni! What am I going to do now? Send troops? The Mist Corps doesn't seem to be able to leave the city? "

"The Mist Regiment is not strictly our troops. They are still subordinates to the Dark Temple. It is just that the Dark Temple sent this unit under our command. We are only lords. Although the troops are with us, they will eventually The Dark Temple is loyal. The Mist Army cannot leave Isinger, because the original order of the Dark Temple is to defend Isinger, so they cannot leave Isinger. But if it is the order of Alni, the Mist Army can also leave the city! Don't believe you sent a letter to Vinda, he promised to send troops! "

"What shall we do?"

I thought for a while! "Somebody knows this?"

"Only Vina and I know, Vinda and they don't know! I will contact you as soon as I get the letter!"

"What about that ghost bird?"

"Go back!"

"Did anyone see it enter the Juling Tower?"

"I don't know! I don't think anyone knows! Most NPCs repair urban buildings in dungeons, and there are not many people on the upper floor now!"

I meditated for a few seconds: "Take that letter away, let it be without it. Don't let anyone know about this letter, especially don't let the pseudo-da know! You tell Wei Na, let her pretend to be I don't know, don't show it to others! "

"But the relationship between Vina and Vinda ...?"

"I know they are relatives! What's wrong! Tell her I said it! Wei Na will be obedient!"

Shura Ziyi still could n’t accept: "But I do n’t understand why this is the case? Is n’t the Temple of Darkness our patron? The Dark Canyon is destroyed, and we are not bullied everywhere by the Temple of Light everywhere in the future. No one will help us later It's up! "

"I didn't say no to rescue! I just let you take your time, but when it comes, I will tell you! Also, don't believe too much in the Dark Temple, Al Ni is not a good thing, the Dark Temple has been taking Did we not see it when we were guns? Let them fight! My side of Sky City should have been attacked, and it will be finally occupied. If you do n’t do anything, the temple of light may be stunned. The dark forces are out of balance. What we have to worry about is the dark temple! Listen to me, press the time! After the dark temple is attacked, we will counterattack and take the temple back. Ni also lost a little strength. "

"I still don't quite understand! This is not to kill many people? And if you don't want the dark temple to develop, don't rescue it, why do you have to wait for the enemy to take the temple and work hard to grab it?"

"What a dead man is! Politics is like this. In order to achieve the goal, you can let the soldiers die without hesitation, not to mention these are NPCs, not even people! Don't be too emotional! As for the Dark Temple! I already said Now, what we want is balance, not the defeat of the Dark Temple! At present, the Dark Temple is still a weak party, and we need to help it to be evenly matched with the Light Temple. However, this time the Sky City is taken down, the Dark Temple has too many benefits and may exceed the Light. Temple, so let the Dark Temple be attacked more than once to lose some troops, so that the Light Temple will have time to recuperate. Otherwise, with the momentum of the current Dark Legion, we might even go to the three cities to end the main city of Light. But it ’s not good! Remember, no matter who finished the light temple and the dark temple, the next one is us, so we have to make both temples exist! "

"I see! I will press down the battle report first, and you will notify me when rescue is needed!"

The picture disappeared for a moment, I looked around, and the dark army's offensive troops had rushed into the city! No one noticed me, join the attack sequence and rob the city!

The entire eastern city wall of Yunyunxiao City was blasted. Now the collapsed city wall has basically filled the moat, and the troops directly entered the city. Because there is no city wall, defensive players and NPCs can only squeeze into the streets and fight in the troops.

I'm here to rob, not to fight, anyway, Night Shadow is going forward in the air, and I rushed into the city directly from the top of the defender's head! Relying on the memory directly to the temple of light, if there is a baby in this city, it must be here. Even if some babies are not here, I think at least most of them should be here!

"Stop! The temple of light, the dark creature trespassers die!" Two six-winged angels stood at the entrance of the temple and blocked me out.

天使 The equipment of these two angels is extremely gorgeous, and they belong to full-cover armor! The high-level equipment in "Zero" is generally heavy or full body armor, which is mainly the result of simulation. Think about it! Advanced equipment is definitely high defense and good effect. But what defense can you expect from an armor that cannot be covered by the body? Judging from the equipment of these two guys, these two are definitely not angels of general models! I suddenly remembered that these two guys were a little familiar! By the way, Jingjing's armor is like this! But their two angels are a man and a woman, and they are not exactly the same as Jingjing, but they are definitely a style! I have only seen three angels wearing this armor in these days of fighting, one is Jingjing, and the other two are both of them! And when I saw Jingjing that day, I felt her armor was familiar! But where else have I seen this armor before?

I remembered! Avatar! My mage is a clone! Jingjing's armor, the armor of these two angels, and the armor of my mage's clone are all a model. All 4 sets are archangel suits! Clark said that there are only 7 sets of Archangel Sets, which belong to 7 God Angels of 7 Light Temples. That is to say, these two guys are Jingjing, one of the seven angels. No wonder Jingjing is so powerful. Normally, a dragon can deal with 10 archangels, but when I was intercepted that day, the two dragons just stopped her. We can see her formidable. If Jingjing is so powerful, are n’t the two in front of each other similar? How do I feel like standing here is dangerous!


Two **** angels came to me with Jing Run's rune sword, and the scared night shadow stepped back step by step! Today I did not intend to go directly to the siege, so most of the magic pets and summoned creatures did not enter the city. Only Phantom, Night Shadow, Jingjing, Yalong Cavalry, and four dragons followed. Phantoms are auxiliary pets and have little fighting power. Night Shadow seems to not beat the angels! Jingjing's grade is enough, but unfortunately, the grade is too low, and it is necessary to ask her to use this dozen-level body to deal with a 1,000-level companion. Besides, she is not following up outside the city now! As for the four dragons, I didn't know where they were going, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up at half past one! Let ’s not even think about the Yalong cavalry. There are too many dark legions and they have blocked the road. My Yalong cavalry is also blocked from rushing out of the city!

"Master, do you need any help?" A sudden voice came from behind, even the two angels stopped!

I looked back, the streets were dark, and the heavy infantry of the Dark Legion had rushed under the temple! I was talking to a death knight who was leading the team. There were two death knights behind him. Hehe! 3 death knights plus two avatars of me and me, it should not be a problem to deal with two angels!

Hurry back a few steps to stand in the middle of the death knight. "Come with me, the man kills the woman!"


"Oh! No!" I was so excited to say what I was saying! "I mean the three of you are entangled in that big man. I'll deal with the next one!"

"Yes!" The death knight who took the lead waved behind him. The two death knights who followed him immediately rushed towards the angel with a large waist and round, and he immediately followed him!

When the female angel saw that her companion was besieged, she immediately turned to help. As soon as I pulled the reins, Ye Ying took me to the middle of her and the battle group. "They hit them. Your opponent is here!"

"Only you?" The female angel seemed to be very disdainful! However, this is also normal. In her capacity, it should be said in the Temple of Light. If it is normal, such a job as gatekeeper will not be able to do her work. It is estimated that I would not even see her at other times Then, I did not expect to fall to the gate of Heshou today, of course she disdain!

"Crap is useless, just hit it ... Ah ...!" A sudden force behind me knocked me down from Ye Ying's back. A death knight got up from my back and apologized quickly, then rushed back After the battle group, it seems that the angel of God is not so simple! One of the three death knights was beaten and one was shot out!

死 As soon as the death knight rushed back, the female angel who was facing me followed me down with a sword! "Beast!" I quickly turned into a werewolf, lying on the ground, blocking her attack with my left-hand shield. I don't have the confidence to play empty-handed in front of her, and I also have to divide the place to play cool. At this time, I still use a shield!

when! With a crisp sound, I just felt numbness in my arms. The angel's sword also bounced backwards. She took two steps to stand still, and looked at my shield with surprise in her eyes! According to her concept, my shield should be split by a sword. She didn't expect that the sword would not only split the shield but actually let her throw the sword out!

In fact, I did n’t feel good about that just now. Although the Dragon Shield has a cushioning device, the sword just now almost shook my hand! Fortunately, a healthy figure like Jingjing said, I really do n’t understand where the strong angel MM in front of me came from so vigorously!

While she was shaken away, I quickly got up. Angel MM also moves quickly. I rushed to call her as soon as I wanted to summon a clone, and this time it was a straight stab, not a flat cut! In order to summon a sword, it was not cost-effective, I gave up the summoned clone, and directly held her attack with the teeth of the holy dragon!

一 After the two swords came into contact, they felt tremendous power on their hands at the same time. There was no way, we had to push our chests up or they would be pushed away! Because of this posture, the two of us are now face to face, and the distance between the two of us is no more than one foot! The strength of both of us is not small, no one can push them, and I can't summon a clone by holding the sword in both hands. It is not the way to stay so old! I suddenly noticed that she was looking at my face, only to realize that she hadn't put on her mask just now. Suddenly thought of a bad idea, I wonder what would happen if I kissed her now?

Do it when you think, I slowly leaned my face over. Angel MM noticed my actions, her eyes widened and her head kept concealing. As soon as she hid, the strength on her hand was gone, and I immediately pressed in. She realized that she would definitely suffer, and suddenly stopped evading, but she said a spell! No! Can she use magic like this?

Suddenly, the white light on her hilt suddenly flashed, and a fire dragon spewed down the blade, and a full-length white flame appeared on the entire hilt! I quickly regained my head, and if I didn't retreat, it would become a barbecue! It's a pity that the movement is a bit slower, and the armor is stuck a little. Smoke soon appeared from the dragon suit. This is the holy flame, which specializes in dark creatures. It is reasonable to add this magic to the angel's sword, but the general holy flame does not seem so powerful!

Angel MM took the advantage, and the smile was sunny! I stared at her very unhappyly: "Do you think that you alone will ignite?"

She's not afraid: "I'm the holy flame of the true Yuan, specially restraining you little worms in the dark caves. I'm not afraid of your ignition, I'm a flame angel!"

I also laughed and said, "Don't you know there is a kind of flame that specifically restrains bright creatures?"

The color on her face changed immediately. "Do you use magic flames?"

I didn't answer but directly input the magic power into the dragon's teeth. The purple-black magic flame immediately rose from the holy dragon's teeth, not smaller than her side! But we both seem to have forgotten one thing! What happens when the Light Flame and the Dark Flame come into contact?

火 The place where the two swords touched was full of Mars, and the sword in my hand began to tremble violently. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stabilize it! The system prompt suddenly sounded: "The tooth of the holy dragon has been attacked by an artifact of the same level, please withdraw immediately from the battle, otherwise the sword body will be permanently damaged after 5 seconds, and the resurrection ability of the Phoenix blood cannot repair this kind of damage!"

Damaged? I can't ruin the sword even if I hang it once! I quickly evacuated, the angel MM opposite might have found that her weapon was about to break, and she was also evacuating. It should be no problem, but just after the two of us separated, suddenly another heavy object hit me from behind, and the result ...


As a result, I rushed towards the angel MM. I was not willing, but the fool behind me pushed me! In the exclamation of Angel MM, I threw Angel MM to the ground, and my mouth accurately covered Angel MM's forehead. Fortunately, I was taller than her and almost kissed me! Although this can be regarded as flying to Yan Fu, my hand also accurately contacted her hand, and of course our two swords!

A crisp sound accompanied by a system prompt, two weapons burst into countless pieces at the same time! That's bad!

After falling to the ground, Angel MM tried to push me away from her, and I wanted to stand up, but there was a guy lying behind me! I pushed for a long time and the guy just stayed still and said angrily: "Who is on me! Get out of here!"

I was really effective, and the burden on my body was gone. Two hands stretched out and pulled me up. The angel MM on the ground was about to jump back and was pressed to the ground by two unseen knights. gosh! Isn't this a level 1000 ghost rider! I said how so powerful, the angel of God can also be down!

I got up and found out that another big angel who had knocked me down just now is the muscular man. It seems that the newly arrived Nether Knight is very heavy. The guy is lying on the ground and is not awake! No wonder I ca n’t push it even if I push it!

Alas ~ I noticed the holy dragon's teeth on the ground, it has been broken into several pieces! What a disaster! Am I an Artifact Killer? How many artifacts have I interrupted since I entered the game?

I picked up the shard of the hilt. I originally wanted to take off the balance crystal (the crystal of the light star and the dark star), but I found that I couldn't take it off! No! The sword is broken and I still need a balance crystal! Looking at the properties, there is still hope. The fragment in his hand shows: "Sacred Dragon's Tooth Fragment No. 8 is allowed to repair, lack of soul!" Hurry up and pick up the other fragments, and they all have attributes. The 8 pieces have the same attributes except for the number of the name!

It ’s really weird. The system prompts that it is irreparable. Why is it now allowed to repair? Is it the role of balanced crystals? No matter what, repairing is a good thing! To be honest, I still like the Holy Dragon's Tooth, how to say it is also an artifact to destroy attributes! It's a pity that he ruined himself in the end! There is a missing soul at the end of the attribute. Is it necessary to merge with other artifacts like last time? By the way, there is the angel MM's sword on the ground. Maybe you can use it! Take it up and see that the same attributes as my weapon show that there is no soul! This is all right, two artifacts were broken in a battle!

冥 A ghost knight came over and said, "Coach! What do these two angels do?"

I take off my right hand gloves. "Hold it down for me!" This kind of super angel is not seen everywhere. It is also good to catch it for your own use or give it to friends!

Angel MM is struggling hard, but how to catch her two is a boss with her level, one to two, she can't help it! Put your hand on her forehead and start calling! Fail once, fail twice! Jingjing was injured last time and was in a coma, so she grabbed her. She was awake and could not do anything! Tried hundreds of times and failed, and simply said to the ghost knight next to him: "Stun her!"

The Nether Spirit Knight was merciless, and she was knocked out by a knife. Using the capture again, it succeeded more than twenty times in a row! It seems that coma is good for capturing, but it is better if you are unconscious when injured.

Angel MM turned into angel crystal, I stood up and walked to the muscle male angel next to me. This guy was badly wounded and only had a breath left. I used 3 captures and it was successful. It seems that I still catch a serious injury!

Put both crystals in the bracelet, and then collect the weapon fragments on the ground. Commanded several knights to guard outside, I went into the temple myself. This is the main hall that I visited last time, but this time is different from the past, and the room was empty. It seems that the Temple of Light has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted! Increasingly, I think the correctness of letting Shura Ziyi down the battle report at the beginning! The temple of light was really crippled. The only one who benefited was the temple of darkness. It was my turn to solve the temple of light with Alni's character! Maybe she won't treat me in Ling's face, but Isinger can't keep it anyway!

Inside the empty hall, there were some internal tables, chairs, and benches. This was the place where the worshippers used to work, but now these tables and chairs are piled up in a mess. Many tables still have documents that have not been taken away. It is completely a post-war Great retreat!

主人 "Master!" Skott's voice sounded behind him.

"Don't I let you command the Yalong Cavalry? Why did you charge in?"

"The Yalong Cavalry has come outside the temple!"

"The Dark Legion filled the road with ants, how did you get in?"

"You forgot! Heavy armored dragons can fly!"

"I know the heavy armored dragon can fly, I asked the Yalong cavalry how to get in, the little dragon hunter can't fly!"

"But they can jump! The guys are like grasshoppers, and they come all the way on the roof!"

"It's okay!" Little Hunting Dragon is indeed the best mount for ground troops, so they can jump in if the road is blocked! "That's right, let them come in and help move things!"

"What to move?"

"Move everything!" I put the space door into the hall. "Tables, chairs, benches, portrait sculptures, all that can be moved away!" The decoration of the temple is extremely luxurious. "Hurry up, you have two floors above, and evacuate me!"

Weiss Goth pointed to the angel sculpture in the center of the hall: "This thing is a bit big, isn't it easy to move?"

看看 I look at the sculpture, it is really big, and it seems to be of little use. "Don't move that, you need to find a few people to buckle down the angel's eyes!" The two eyeballs are sapphire, it's a pity not to take them away! As a leader, I have to stand in the line like a commander and go to the enemy's house like a bandit. Can this guarantee the prosperity and development of the guild! "Well, the pool over there is holy water, don't touch it! Just send someone to the stinking ditch to find some muddy sewage and dump it into it!" Bandits! Be thorough, take what you can use, and destroy it if you ca n’t use it!

I ran with Scott, room by room, and constantly instructed him which ones to move and those to be separated and transported. The dead goth followed my orders, and then continued to convey my words to the Yalong Cavalry in the back, and the Yalong Cavalry began to implement immediately. We almost evacuated the rooms in the temple like a moving company!

After finishing the first floor, continue to search on the second floor! Walking down the first floor, the dead goth has developed a habit. It is necessary to lift the door in front of the door and knock on it. The doors on the first floor all come in this way! I hurriedly stopped him: "Stop!" Dead Goth couldn't hold his feet, turned around and fell over himself, got up and looked at me! I said to the Yalong cavalry at the back: "This door is good, even the door frame is removed!"

Strangled Goth looked at the door and said, "But how do we get in without the door?"

"You won't walk through the wall?" I punched the wall and went in. Dead Goth now understood and followed through a hole and came in!

房间 This room is so beautiful, there are gorgeous carpets on the ground and many beautiful crafts on the walls. I waved with a big hand: "Move! One is not left! There and there! Don't step on that carpet, take it back!" I followed my eyes and looked at all kinds of things along the wall. "That cabinet is very nice! Pull away! This tapestry looks very valuable, take away! The wax figure of this maid is also beautiful, wow is really lifelike! Strange! How can it move?"

Wescott coughed, "Cough! Master, this is a living person!"

I hurriedly look away! "Oh! It's alive! I didn't pay attention! Um! Yes, it's so beautiful, it's serving NPCs! How to shake so much! Don't be afraid, we are not bandits!" Turning his head and adding a sentence: "Take this away too!"

The Yalong cavalry in the back also moved things and fainted, and they were about to carry it when they came up. They were dragged by the dead goth: "Your boy is stupid! This is a human! How can anyone carry it!" Only when I heard it, Lara's maid took her down!

Evacuated this room to the lower room and continued to move, anyway, this time I can fish a little bit more! Al Ni is here to see the empty temple will not be soaring!

We left the second floor and just appeared on the third floor. Suddenly we saw a light sacrifice across the hallway. It was strange that he even held a torch in his hand during the day! What is he going to do?

Seeing us, the sacrifice not only ran, but instead looked at us. I saw a door along his line of sight, which was the door of a room, between him and us! The sacrifice suddenly started rushing towards us, and it is said that the sacrifice class saw that the melee class was a part of running. A 500-level sacrifice and a 500-level fighter can cooperate with three 500-level fighters, but the 800-level sacrifice cannot deal with a single 500-level fighter in the case of a single fight. But this guy saw us dare to rush up! I suddenly noticed that he was not rushing at us because his eyes were not looking at us at all.

"Stop him!" I pointed at the sacrifice!

My 10 bell knights, including the dead goth, rushed up, but after all, the sacrifices ran first. We were a little slower. He came to the door first! But after all, the soldier ran faster than the sacrifice. He had just arrived and pushed open the door. A bell knight flew up and knocked him down! But because it was carried from behind, the ritual flew directly into the room! I had already reached the doorway at this time, and the bell knight had rushed into the room.

The sacrifice glanced at the torch flying out, and flew forward without picking it up. The two bell-tone knights running in front couldn't seem to stop him, and they stopped immediately. Their two hands were turned into a lock, and a female bell knight, Risuo, jumped up. The two bell knights of the buckle pushed forward, and the jumped knight was sent by the two together. Go out. It's much faster now. The tossing knight who was thrown out flew behind him before the sacrifice reached his target. By the impulse of flying, the singer knight directly held the sacrifice legs and threw him! But the sacrifice reached out and got a book from the front shelf before falling! The captivated sacrifice madly tore the book in his hand, and strove to put the torn paper into his mouth.

At a glance, I knew what important documents he was destroying, and hurriedly shouted, "Stop him! Grab the book, don't let him eat again!"

骑士 The bell knight who hugged him jumped directly on him, turned him over with a strong hand, and rode up on him with two punches to fly the book in that guy's hand! The zero knight behind also caught up. A knight stretched his hand directly to jam his mouth, and opened his mouth to die regardless of the sacrifice. He wanted to remove the stuffed paper. But he took out nothing!

The knight said angrily, "Damn, he swallowed!"

Strangling Goth pushed away a bell knight next to him, pulled out the spare dagger on his leg, inserted it directly into the guy's chin, and cut it all the way to his stomach along his neck. The bell knight riding on him stretched his hand from the incision to the sides, and the sacrificial chest opened to the stomach at once! The sacrifice was not dead, lying there constantly twitching, feet shaking like an electric shock and pounding on the ground! His hands were scratching the ground desperately, and his nails were all gone!

The ringing knight on the other side filtered down his gut. "I found it! Here!" He pulled out a piece of paper. Although it had been torn and crumpled into a ball, but because the book was printed with oiled paper, it was very waterproof and the writing was not blurred, but it was Blood stained is not so good! The other two bell knights found a lot of fragments below, and took them out piece by piece.

家伙 When the last piece was taken out, the guy was no longer struggling, this can't blame us, who told you nothing to eat paper to play with! If you do n’t eat books, we wo n’t open you! Only then did I deliberately look into this room. This is obviously a huge library. Rows and rows of bookshelves run from one end of the room to the other. It seems that there are few thousands of bookshelves, and it is estimated that there are millions of books! I was almost stunned. Such a large library is a rare sight, and the Beijing Library is just that! No wonder that the sacrifice rushed in with a torch. After half a day, it was a library. He wanted to burn all the materials of the bright temple! I took a look at ~ ~ There are two bookshelves on the other side of the library, and one of the books is gone, but the bookshelf is labeled, and it was apparently removed. I looked at them. One of the two bookshelves is the personnel file of the Temple of Light, and the other is the basic principles and protection of Light Magic. It seems that the books are related to life and death, or else all the other books are gone on those two shelves! The third bookshelf only took the upper layers, most of them were still there. It seemed that it was too late to carry it, so I decided to set it on fire! So that guy is here to burn books!

The dead goth finally took the book on the ground and handed it to me. The bell knights were fighting the torn pieces, and it seemed to be almost finished. The sacrifice didn't come to death in just a few seconds. It's not difficult to get up! I looked at the cover and was taken aback. "Analysis of the production principle of the magic light cannon!" I faint! This thing is here! Damn it, otherwise the kid found it too late to burn the book and planned to eat it first! Thanks to our fast action and fierce means, if we talk to him humanely, it is estimated that the magic light gun manufacturing principle will turn into a stool!

I hurried to the Yalong cavalry at the door: "Quickly, take these books with the bookshelf, be careful, don't break them! Knowledge is priceless treasure!"

I put "The Principles of Making Magic Light Cannons" into Skott's hands: "After all sticking it back to Warma, let her find someone to copy it first. The original version needs to be carefully stored! Also, the blood on it It was said that it was splashed by the people who were fighting next to it when it was shipped out. Don't say that it was taken from the stomach of the human, otherwise the clean girls would not dare touch it! "

By the time he took the book carefully and glued the pages off, I looked at the labels on the side of the bookshelf, and suddenly I found something that made me very interested!

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