Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 74: Annoyed?

"Hahaha ... for our victory, please die." The excited ghost-handed Nobunaga was about to lose his mind. Since Masaru Matsumoto regained power, he has not felt such victory at his fingertips for a long time. Feeling, so when he saw the rose close at hand, his expression on his face even distorted. However, this expression quickly became really distorted, not because of excitement, but because of being beaten.

When the forward-struck Nobunaga reached the side of the rose, he immediately grasped it with a claw. He had already started the ghost and **** form in the process of running. This is the combination of the protoss body given to him by the Yagi snake and his original skill combination. A new ability that was formed afterwards can be said to be a very good ability that can make his body become like a super soldier, without even using weapons. The palm of the hand is enough to cause serious injuries. .

However, Nobunaga, the ghost's hand in the charge, did not know that during his charge, Rose had already launched the True Love invincible mode, which means that she can now use the same attributes as me to fight.

Rose itself has already undergone physical transformation. She is now a dragon, so she has a superhuman reaction speed. With the proper attributes, she can do many actions that humans ca n’t do, including super fast combat rhythm. Is a basic ability performance.

Although the speed of the ghost hand Nobunaga is fast, under the reaction nerves of our dragons, the speed is still slow, which can be viewed as a stop motion animation. At the moment when Nobunaga's hand stretched out his own claws and grabbed at the rose, the rose suddenly crouched down under the arm of Nobunaga's arm. Following her straight waist and stretching her knees, the whole person bounced abruptly, and her right arm also jumped into the dragon fist, right in the middle of the ghost and Nobunaga's chin, and then two people flew together. There could be three or four. It was meters high, then the roses began to fall, and the ghost-hand Nobunaga continued to rise for five or six meters before exhausting his strength and falling to the ground.

With the sound of a bang, the ghost-handed Nobunaga fell on the ground in a large font, and all the people on the ground were stunned there. This also includes Nobunaga's own hands.

In fact, this is not the first time Nobunaga's hand was hit by a rose. And the last time was two days away. Earlier in the buff mission, the ghost-handed Nobunaga mistakenly thought that the rose was only a helper, so I planned to kill the rose while the people on our side were not there. As a result, the rose was fattened instead. . but. Although I was almost beaten that time. But the ghost-handed Nobunaga did not learn a lesson. In his opinion, Rose must have practiced some fighting skills and the like in reality. At the time, everyone's attributes were suppressed in the buff mission. Players' attributes in the game played a minimal role. Instead, the players showed their power in reality. This led him to be beaten by a helper such as Rose.

It was because I always thought that the last thing was caused by attributes. Therefore, Nobunaga's hand did not take roses seriously at this time, and went directly to attack, because when he wanted to come, everyone's attributes had been fully restored this time. Normally, Rose is definitely not his opponent's opponent. It must be that as soon as the two sides contact him, they can cut the melon and cut the rose.

It is a pity that although the analysis of the previous part of Nobunaga's hand is still reasonable, but unfortunately he does not have the latest information and does not know that the buff sculpture we just got has the attribute of true love and invincibility. As a result, he once again ignored the terrible nature of roses. The combat power actually rushed forward without hesitation, and the results have been well demonstrated.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga was lying there in a daze, and suddenly found that Rose jumped over again. He pulled out Nogizuki's hand from the big pit underground, and rose directly on his chest to open the bow from left to right, and greeted his face with his fist, and every time he hit hard, Nogizuki's hand was instantly struck. After snoring, I can only rush to protect my head with my arm, trying to stop Rose from continuing the violence. It's a pity that his resistance is just like the little girl, which is useless. After fully inheriting my attributes, the power of the rose has exceeded the power points of Nobunaga's hand, so she can easily press the hands of Nobunaga's hands on top of his head with one hand and continue with the other The head of a sledgehammer ghost Nobunaga.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga, who was still rebellious at first, was beaten quickly, and started crying and crying, but really red, regardless of his reaction, continued to punch one hammer after another, and soon Ghost-handed Even the sound of shouting became weak. This is obviously the rhythm to be killed!

Of course, our plan is not to kill the ghost-hand Nobunaga on the spot, it is too cheap for him. Throughout the entire process, we were all in the video. We just showed the stupidity, greed of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, and the miserable look now. It's time to put a **** on his head.

If you want to stink the ghost hand Nobunaga, you must make him the main cause of this battle failure, so at this time Masamoto Matsumoto began to perform.

"No, we can't let the ghost-hand Nobunaga be killed by them." The ghost-hand Nobunaga said rightly to his men brought by that ghost-hand Nobunaga: "There are many people on the other side. Once we lose the ghost-hand Nobunaga, we will Being crushed and beaten by the other party. They are assisted and we can't consume them. "

"What then?" The guy found that Nobunaga's hand was fat, and Matsumoto's words sounded very reasonable, so he immediately asked Matsumoto's opinions.

That's what Matsumoto Masayuki was waiting for. He said directly, "You and August smoke together to help me block Ziri. They are three. I will rescue the ghost-handed Nobunaga."


Without giving the guy a chance to argue at all, Masamoto Matsumoto rushed straight out. Christina and I are still really red. Of course, I have to do something to intercept it. At this time, August smoked out to the horrible ghost hand Nobunaga and shouted: "Now don't you desperately want to wait any time ? "After speaking, he greeted himself voluntarily. All the large skills that he had never dared to use in order to control the output were thrown out. A series of gorgeous attacks slammed all three of us. And it forced us to protect ourselves and not to block Matsumoto Masaru.

With this gap, Matsumoto Masaka finally "successfully broke the blockade" to Nobunaga's hand. Up there is a heavy chopped Matsumoto Masahiro, which obviously uses advanced skills. Although it is fast and powerful, it is amazingly magical, and it is not a skill that is generally not used desperately.

Seeing Matsumoto's "sudden attack", Rose "reluctantly" can only choose to block back, but the ghost hand Nobunaga was difficult to support from the ground at this time, but he no longer has the ability to run back by himself , Can only crawl back with a pig head desperately.

Finding that the situation is not optimistic, Masamoto Matsumoto's big move once again forced the roses back. Then immediately turned back and held up the ghost-handed Nobunaga who was about to rush back. However, just as he rushed back, Christina avoided August smoke with the help of me and true red cover, while the ghost-handed Nobunaga's men were completely incapable of intercepting Christina.

Seeing Matsumoto running back with Nobunaga's ghost in his hands. Want to make peace with August smoked. Christina suddenly stood on her toes. The whole person rose into the air, and a beautiful, light wing shining with colorful lights suddenly unfolded behind Christina. At the same time, Christina's radiance flowed around her, gathering lightning above her hands and simulating a bow of light and an arrow of light.

Christina, in the archery position, pinched the energy arrow and pulled it back, then loosened her fingers. The bow of light disintegrated into light particles and disappeared, but the arrow of energy was shot out, as if a laser beam hit the back of Masamoto Matsumoto directly, and passed through it, drilling out from his chest. And shot into the rear wall, the explosion crashed a lot.

Although shot by an energy arrow, Matsumoto Masako just shook his body, but did not immediately fall down, but insisted on rushing to Nobuyuki with his hand in hand and smashed it with Nobuyuki in hand. Ground.

Seeing this situation, the subordinate of the ghost-handed Nobunaga and August smoked of course immediately joined together to protect the two, and then opened a big move to force us to dare not come forward.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga took a panacea directly from his body and put it in his mouth, but before he could put it in, he heard two sudden screams in front, and then saw August smoke and that The ghost-handed Nobunaga flew left and right, and I flew over from where two people stood, and then landed directly in front of Matsumoto Masa and a sword penetrated Matsumoto Masa's chest. .

The whole person suddenly settled on Matsumoto Masa, and the elixir in his hand rolled down to the ground, and then rolled to the side of Nobunaga's hand, and at this time, I stepped on Matsumoto's shoulder with one foot , Holding the blade of the eternal sword with both hands, he was about to draw Matsumoto Makoto to pull out my sword.

At this time, Matsumoto Masahiro, who had been finalized, suddenly regained his strength as if it were a retrospective, suddenly holding my hands, not letting me pull out the eternity inserted in his chest, and turned his head to look at the silly The ghost-hand Nobunaga shouted, "Take the medicine, don't let me die in vain. If you can't destroy the Chinese task, I'll be with you."

After screaming at the last few words, Matsumoto Masaha seemed to have exhausted his last strength, his hands suddenly loosened, and I kicked him apart. I regained the Eternal Sword with a smirk and turned to the ghost-handed Nobunaga, playing my villain role to the fullest.

After seeing my uncle's expression, the ghost-handed Nobunaga was full of excitement and seemed to react. He quickly picked up the pill on the ground and stuffed it into his mouth, followed by a flash of golden light throughout the body, and the whole person jumped up, and I It was time to rush up with a sword and slash on Nobunaga's body. However, the golden light on Nobunaga's body suddenly lightened many times at this time, and produced a huge repulsive force, which actually blocked me away.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga took a pill after taking this medicine, because the effect of this thing is too good, otherwise all attributes will be filled back instantly, and five seconds of invincible time is also provided. It can be said that if this thing is used well, it can completely reverse the situation at a critical moment. If it wasn't for the rescue of his ghost-handed Nobunaga, with the strength of Matsumoto Masa, with this medicine, it should not be a problem to fight off one of us. In other words, Matsumoto Masaha had a chance to win, but in the end this pill was wasted in such a place. Instead of killing a person on our side, Matsumoto Masa himself died.

Although the dead was Masamoto Matsumoto, now Nogizuki Onitsuka hopes that he who was just strangled is himself. He is not stupid. Originally, the task interception work here was done by Masamoto Matsumoto and August Kaoru. Although this task was not destroyed, at least the gold coins were not completed. As a result, he did not help and killed Masamoto Matsumoto. That is to say, the task of destroying the task fell on the shoulders of his ghostly Nobunaga. . If he succeeds, it's okay to say, but if he fails ... the consequences of Nobunaga's hands are a bit daunting. It is estimated that he will be drowned by the saliva of Japanese players when he turns back.

Despite the reluctance of Nobunaga's ghost hand, this is already the case. Matsumoto was very honored to die. The first decision to rescue was not to say that there was no problem. At least the operation itself was for good intentions, and Matsumoto had said before he rushed out to save Nobunaga. That reason is also very reliable. Therefore, Matsumoto's death can only be said to have resigned from the mission, not only throwing responsibility to Nobunaga, but also not to be blamed by Japanese players.

The ghostly Nobunaga who picked up a hot potato for no reason is now truly dead. And the worst part is that you don't want to die now.

Matsumoto Masako hangs up, and August smoke and Nobunaga's own men are wounded. They are now blocked in the corners. Seeing it was almost over. In a situation where strength and numbers are all absolutely disadvantaged. The ghost-hand Nobunaga really doesn't know what to do next to get this task done. Is this completely a dead end!

Suddenly I was thrown such a mess on my head, and I didn't have a reason to do it now. It's no wonder that the ghost hand Nobunaga is not depressed. But at this time, there is nothing you can do. Now that the mess has been thrown up, Nobunaga's hand can only find a way to resolve the immediate crisis before talking about it.

Looking at me with a smile and coming over, Nobunaga's hand suddenly launched a backlash, hoping to make a surprise attack by taking advantage of his sudden strength recovery. Of course, the results are sad. He was not my opponent at all. After two or three strikes, I was shocked back again. Although he was not injured, the most serious problem was that he couldn't break through my defense at all.

When Nobunaga's Nobunaga was still hesitating over there, suddenly there was a loud noise, accompanied by a scream, and there were only two hands left in the last of Nobunaga's last hands to support the upper part He fell to the ground and mourned, his lower half of his body had completely turned into coke, and when the ghost-handed Nobunaga looked over, he saw Christina ending the battle with a Chiyan arrow.

His last man was killed here. But Nobunaga's hand had no other choice, and he wanted to fight back, but unfortunately he heard an exclamation from the other side accompanied by an explosion, turned around and saw that the real red and August smoke were separated to the two sides. Fly away. Boom twice, and the two landed separately. August smoked rolled down the ground after landing, and was finally blocked by the wall, then there was no movement at all. On the other hand, after the red fell to the ground, it seemed to be struggling to climb up from the ground, and wiped the blood on the corners of the mouth while walking towards this side with some wrong postures.

"Damn, this August fumigation is quite difficult to deal with!" Speaking of this, Zhen Hong suddenly said to the ghost-hand Nobunaga, "Thank you for speaking, if you haven't dragged your hind legs, you must kill August fumigation Matsumoto is really struggling. "

As soon as he heard this, Onibe Nobunaga knew that he would suffer because it was not the first time that we had done so. The ghost-handed Nobunaga knows our means, shoot the video of the battle, and then publish it, and in the battle we will continue to induce him to make mistakes, so the Japanese players who see the video feel about his ghost-handed Nobunaga Will get worse. This is definitely a very propaganda attack. It is a soft knife that kills no blood, but it is really painful to cut it.

"What the **** do you want to do?" The ghost-handed Nobunaga was completely desperate, and he was now slightly better than a mental breakdown, and even resistance stopped.

"What do we want?" Christina said looking at Nobunaga's ghost hand. "Of course we want you to die. But, depending on how you are now, we have no interest in starting anymore. Then, you can get rid of yourself Go to death? "

"You ... you ... don't bully you too much!" The ghost-handed Nobunaga seemed to have recovered a little courage.

Zhenhong deliberately arrogantly said, "We're bullying you, what are you doing?"

Not to mention, it's really cool to say this kind of words with the absolute power to suppress the other side, at least now Nobunaga's words can't be answered. He certainly wants to treat us, but the problem is that he does n’t have such strength, so it ’s just a joke ~ ~ Threatening others can only be said when you have the strength to do it It's a threat. When you can't, it's a joke.

"Hum, don't be too proud of you." Suddenly, Nobunaga's hand remembered that there were still many Japanese players outside the mission entrance, so he said, "There are still many of us outside the mission entrance, as long as they rush into this mission , It can undermine your mission. "

"About this. Don't say they can't get in. Even if they do come in, do you think they have time?" At this point, Rose paused suddenly, then said, "Oh yes, I want to It feels like you. If it weren't for your reason, it would n’t be so easy for us to enter the mission space. No wonder everyone said that they are not afraid of god-like enemies, but they are afraid of pig-like teammates. With your pig, Japanese players Really miserable! "

"You, you, you ..." The ghost-handed Nobunaga couldn't make you come out in the end, because I had stepped forward and put one hand on his shoulder to put eternity into his heart. This guy has no sense of fighting at all, and I was strangled to death without even resisting. He kept pointing at us and couldn't say his last words. I think that rather than being strangled by the ghost-handed Nobunaga, it is better to say that he was suffocated by us. After all, our run of words just now is powerful enough. If he had committed suicide early. Thanks to the ghost-handed Nobunaga, it can survive to this day. I have to say that this guy is so thick-skinned. (To be continued ...)

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