Starting from Zero

: Chapter 78: The plot mission begins

"There are three difficulty items to choose from." The system answered directly. "The content is no penalty mode, basic punishment mode and ten times punishment mode."

"Is there any difference?"

"As for the punishment, as the name implies, the non-punishment mode means that there is no penalty at all. After death, the task is automatically determined to fail, and then transmitted as it enters the task. It is not downgraded, equipment is not lost, and the personal failure rate is not calculated. The punishment mode is similar to the punishment mode used on the main map. Two levels of death are dropped, and other punishment items are carried out as usual. The ten-fold penalty mode is to directly drop 20 levels when dead, and add extra monetary punishment. Crystals are deducted for each death. Coins were previously dropped and randomly dropped a piece of equipment with indispensable attributes. "

"The severity of the punishment corresponds to the amount of reward, right?" Christina asked.

"Yes. The degree of reward depends on the selected punishment mode. The higher the punishment, the more rewards will be obtained after the task is completed. However, it should be noted that the punishment mode is also the choice of the task difficulty criterion. If you choose the non-punitive mode, then The difficulty of the task will be very low, the basic penalty corresponds to the normal difficulty, and the ten times penalty corresponds to the ten times difficulty. "

"Ten times more difficult?" Zhen Hong was taken aback. "Isn't this too ridiculous? I'm sure it will be ten times more difficult, right?"

"It's up to you to decide for yourself, but you can choose to start the special assistant mode at the cost of adding a level monster to the mission."

"What is special assistant mode?" Rose asked.

"The special assistant mode is a special assistant that provides players with full information assistance. The assistant can contribute to the main system information network and can call all system information. Therefore, it can provide various data evaluations and tactical effect predictions. Intelligence information can provide detailed information after the battle. The system is currently in beta. Therefore, it is only open to some advanced players, and because the system can provide players with a lot of auxiliary information in the mission, it will lead to the mission pass rate Ascending. So to balance the system. Calling the assistant needs to increase the difficulty of the game. At present, the added difficulty is to add extra to the task. However, the player can choose whether to call the assistant. Do you need to call? "

Zhenhong looked at me and asked, "Boss, do we want it or not?"

Christina looked at me and said, "Intelligence is important. But I don't know if this exceeds the value that intelligence brings."

Rose did not hesitate, but said very surely: "We should call."

"Why?" Neither Real Red nor Christina understood Rose's choice very well.

"The reason is simple." Rose explained: "The system said that this existence is designed to balance the advantages of intelligence, and this assistant is not for us. It will be open to all players in the future, that is, use The standard is normal. Our group of people's fighting power exceeds the normal standard of ordinary players, so the same intelligence is more meaningful to us, and the same is less threatening to us. Therefore, if this setting and intelligence There is not much deviation in the value comparison, and we call the assistants to take advantage. This is certain. "

"Your analysis makes sense," I said. "Then we call the assistant."

"Understand, the assistant call is activated. Now this smart phone will switch to the assistant mode and help the player team to set the task." After this sentence, the system voice has changed, directly from the voice of the mature woman to a girl His voice and even his tone of speech changed. "Hello everyone, I am a player assistant. Because I do n’t serve a certain team, so do n’t give me a name, just call me an assistant. Now I start to perform my work. First, about the difficulty of the character Setting, the advice this assistant gives you is to choose ten times more difficult. "

"Why?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise: "Isn't this high difficulty dangerous?"

"It shouldn't be considered dangerous for normal players, but it can't be completed at all. But it's not the case for you. The difficulty of this task is designed according to the standards of normal players, and your individual combat power exceeds that of ordinary players too. Many, so normal difficulty may be easier for you than ordinary players choose no penalty mode. Of course, ten times penalty mode is still a challenge for you, but according to my evaluation of your battle data, as long as you do not appear Accidentally, you can use your combat power normally. The pass rate is as high as 75%. This value is already quite high. So, I think it is worth a try. At the same time, because I can share system data, I can tell you in advance that the ten-fold penalty mode The rewards are very useful and definitely worth the risk for everyone. "

"A 75% win rate?" Rose nodded. "It's really worth a try."

"What is the final prize?" Zhenhong asked again.

The assistant said: "Although I can call the system data, I will not do anything beyond the rules of the game, so I can tell you in advance that the reward is worth your adventure, but I cannot tell you what it is because once you know If you do, you will definitely do the task. This will cancel your judgment and will directly increase your growth probability. This is not allowed. "

"Well, let's believe that what you said is indeed worth our risk, then we choose ten times more difficult." I directly confirmed this choice, anyway Rose also said that the probability is actually very high.

The assistant said immediately after hearing my confirmation: "Then the next thing we need to determine is whether you will make some adjustments to the current number of combatants."

"Can someone come in?" I asked in surprise.

The assistant replied affirmatively: "Yes, according to the reward setting, the reward task allows no more than 30% adjustment based on the original number of people. You now have four people, which means you can increase or decrease one person."

"Does changing the number of people affect the task difficulty and reward?" Rose asked quickly.

The assistant replied: "The change in the number of people will affect the difficulty and rewards. When the number of people increases, the number of monsters in the game will increase proportionally to ensure that the average number of hostile creatures that each person needs to face is basically unchanged, and the task rewards will also be the same. Therefore, to increase the weight of this extra player, the goal is to ensure that everyone's rewards will not change afterwards. "

"Then increase." Rose confirmed it without asking me this time, but I also agreed with the decision. The people we need to add are already very clear, it is just gold coins. After all, it is one of the strongest fighting forces in the guild, and she cannot be left outside. It's better to get one more reward. Moreover, although the task will increase the number of monsters to balance the difficulty according to the number of people, when there are more people, there will be auxiliary advantages. This is equivalent to reducing the task difficulty in turn.

The truth is simple. Suppose there is a group of players with exactly the same attributes. Each person has an aura ability that increases the attack power of all personnel within range by 5%. In this case, if four people fight together. Then their actual attack power is 120% of the normal value, because four people have an aura plus four 5% additional attack power. At this time, if the number of people increases to 5 and the number of monsters also increases, it is guaranteed that the number of monsters that each person needs to deal with remains unchanged. Well, for these people, they are actually taking advantage. Although it seems that the number of monsters that everyone needs to deal with is still so large, there is no reduction in burden due to the increase in the number of players, but because an extra person has 5% additional attack power, in fact everyone still takes advantage. .

We have the same reasoning here. After pulling in the gold coins, it seems that the number of monsters that everyone needs to deal with has not changed, but in fact, everyone's strength will rise after the gold coins join us. So we actually took advantage. Moreover, each player is their own area of ​​expertise, and bringing one more person means one more item that is good at it. Assistance like Rose, bringing her more means that our continuous combat capability has increased. In case of a war of attrition, our winning percentage will increase dramatically. And if it is a battle with a lot of miscellaneous soldiers, gold coins and Christina become the best candidates. Therefore, the increase of people is not only the combat effectiveness of that person, he will also increase the combat effectiveness of others. Of course, the premise of this situation is that the added person's own combat effectiveness is very strong. If it is a person who is below the average value of the player's combat effectiveness, then it will not increase our strength but support the hind legs.

After confirming the additional personnel, the system assistant was silent for a while, probably communicating with the gold coins, and the gold coins appeared directly in front of us within a few seconds. After seeing us, the first sentence of the gold coin was: "You can still draw people in for the losses, otherwise I will lose out this time!"

"Isn't this calling you in?" Christina said.

"So I say it's okay to recruit people!"

"Okay, set up the task quickly." I called the assistant directly after I said it. "Okay, is there anything else to set?"

"Of course. In addition to the difficulty and personnel, the new task needs to be set whether it needs additional experience."

"What is experience value addition?"

"Experience value addition is to provide you with additional experience value. The value is set by yourself. Because you choose the ten-time penalty mode, the experience value of the hostile creature inside has been increased to ten times the normal experience value of this type of creature. You can choose to continue to increase the experience ratio on this basis, but you must increase it by an integer multiple of 0.2, which is an increase of 0.2 and 0.2 such as 10.2 times and 10.4 times. The maximum allowable increase is 100 times. "

"What? 100 times the experience?" The gold coins even drooled when they heard this data.

The assistant stopped the delusion of gold coins in a timely manner, and said directly: "If the system is set, no guidance will be given. The setting rate will be entirely determined by you, but I am your assistant and do not damage the system. Under the premise of the rule, everything is based on your interests. Therefore, my advice after synthesizing all the data I can get is to increase the experience rate to 14 times. "

"This experience rate will force some other setting changes like the previous punishment, right?" Rose asked.

The assistant immediately replied: "Yes, increasing the experience multiplier in the task setting will increase the number of monsters. The specific conversion relationship is quite complicated, but in short, the higher the experience multiplier, the more monsters you encounter, so if you If you choose 100 times the experience, you will likely encounter dozens of times the original number of enemies. According to my analysis, in that case, the probability of you completing the task is not more than 1%, which is destined to fail. "

"So what is the winning percentage of 14 times experience?" I asked.

"Sixty percent." The assistant said, "According to your previous battle records, some of you seem to be able to get a 100% win rate when the system determines that the win rate is 50%. So I judge some of you Possessing some inherent characteristics beyond the system attributes. Based on the "Virtual Reality Game Information Confidentiality Guiding Plan" and the "People's Republic of China Thinking Information Protection Law" and other regulations, the system cannot collect player information outside the game. Therefore, I cannot Make accurate judgments on your special abilities, but according to the probabilistic calculations and the judgment given by the experience accumulator in my artificial intelligence, you actually have an extra win rate guarantee beyond the attributes. Therefore, even if the mission win rate is only It ’s 50%. You should be able to pass safely, but in order to ensure safety, I recommend choosing a 60% probability, which is 14 times the experience value. In this case, your winning rate may be more guaranteed. "

After listening to this analysis, the gold coin suddenly came up with a sentence: "Why do I have a feeling of uncertainty?"

Rose and I didn't bother with the grotesque of the gold coins, but looked at each other, and then Rose said, "If you choose 15 times experience, what is the winning rate?"


"How about 16 times?"


"17 times."


"Please help us set the mission experience multiplier to sixteen."

"I would like to remind you again. At 16 times experience, your winning percentage is only 52%. The winning percentage is already close to your safety bottom line, and this safety bottom line is only applicable to some of you. The team safety line may have to Higher. So you may have entered the red danger zone. Are you sure you want to set this up? "

"OK." I confirmed directly.

"So okay. I'm only responsible for providing auxiliary judgments. The decision is yours. Now set the quest experience multiplier to 16 times. The experience value of each monster you kill in the quest will be what it should be in normal mode. The monster's experience value is 16 times. By the way, increasing the experience value will also affect the probability of the reward. Increasing the experience rate will give you extra rewards, but this reward is random and therefore not measurable. "

"Well, what else needs to be set?"

"Next setting. Please choose the battle scene you want. This reward task allows participants to set the scene environment." After this time, the assistant showed us a series of character scenes directly on the display wall. , Using the split screen mode one by one. It can be seen that none of these are normal scenes.

Immediately after the scene appeared, the assistant continued to say, "Before you choose, you need to talk to you. Different scenarios will bring different mission rewards. Your original mission rewards include scene rewards, but according to your choice , Scene rewards will be different. I cannot tell you the specific reward content, but can disclose a message. What kind of scene you choose, the reward will improve your fighting power under that scene. That is to say, if you If you choose an underwater scene, the scene reward must be something that mainly enhances the underwater combat power of everyone or something. "

"That being said, we just need to choose the battle mode we need, right?" Gold Coin asked.

Unexpectedly, the assistant actually denied: "No, if you choose the combat mode that you lack, your mission winning rate will decrease, because the lack of mode means that you will not be able to fight in this mode. The normal level is therefore called lack. When you choose this scenario, it means that you have chosen a battlefield that you are not adapted to, which will increase the difficulty of the task and cause the winning rate to decrease. If the previous difficulty choice is lower, then It doesn't matter what the scene is, but you have already reduced the winning percentage to 52%. This ratio is very dangerous. So I need to ask you to think carefully about the battle scene. "

Rose nodded: "Indeed, what you said makes sense. It seems that your assistant is still very useful. So, let's choose a scene that is better at or can play the conventional combat power?"

"Our underwater combat power is the worst?" Zhenhong asked.

The gold coin nodded: "I'm not good at water wars anyway."

"I'm not very good, too," Rose admitted.

Christina followed: "I can guarantee the basic combat power remains the same under water."

"My combat effectiveness under water will decline. It seems that we are not suitable for water warfare." I said, "assistant, shield off the actual underwater battlefield environment. How are you, surface warfare capabilities?"

"No problem," Zhenhong said.

"I'm fine," said the coin.


After asking a question, the surface battle seemed acceptable, and then everyone talked about other battles in reality. As a result, the desert scene was eliminated for the reason that it was really red. Her fighting style is not suitable for desert environments.

Next, because the sword array of gold coins needs to be open, the super dense jungle environment and underground environment are also shielded. There weren't many scenes originally selected, and after we deleted a lot of environments, there were only a few environments left.

"At the moment you have only three environments to choose from," the assistant said. "One is the cold battlefield. The other is the magma battlefield. The other is the surface battle environment. According to the mission settings, you need to choose at least two scenarios, but Frost and magma are not suitable for one mission. So you must choose surface warfare and add another tactical environment that you think is possible? "

"Then the cold battlefield," I said, "at least not so dangerous."

As long as the cold is selected to protect Christina, Rose, and gold coins, all three of them may be harmed by the environment in this environment, so the possibility of injury in such a place increases. Frosty is a little better in comparison. However, speaking of the severe cold environment, it is actually similar to the super-hot magma environment, which will continue to damage our fighting power, but anyway, we will suffer, and the severe cold will not endanger life.

The assistant said immediately after I completed the setting: "Then the scene setting is complete. There is one last setting. You need to choose two weather conditions for the two scenes. This task will be performed in harsh environments, so you need to choose The complexity of the weather conditions. "

"Don't you choose the weather type?"

"No, just set the degree of danger of the weather." The assistant said, "The optional items are set as a percentage. One hundred percent is an extreme harsh environment, one percent is ordinary such as simple rain or moderate wind. Natural weather, but this time your mission allows the adjustment range to start at 50%. Based on the previous settings, I recommend that you set the situation at 50%. "

"Is there a reward or difficulty for changing the weather?"

"Of course, the meteorological environment will bring about changes in the difficulty of the mission. However, the reward will not be changed. However, the impact of meteorological conditions on the difficulty of the mission is uncertain, because it is uncertain about the resistance of you and your hostile creatures to the meteorological environment. Ning ’s enemies are more intolerant of harsh environments than you. High settings may actually help you. But this is a random setting, so I recommend setting it to 50% for security reasons. ”

"Since it is uncertain, is it the most secure to set it to the middle number?" Rose said, "the system gives 50% to 100% of the variable, so we set 75%."

"you sure?"

"Certainly. We are very strong. The weather is a little bit influential on us, but our enemies may be greatly affected."

"Then set it up like this," the assistant said, "please start reviewing the state adjustment equipment, you have ten minutes to prepare, or you can call me at any time to start transmission."

I looked at the gold coins and they asked, "Do you have any adjustments?"

The gold coin shook his head and said, "I have been in the guild before. How can I adjust it?"

"Our side is OK," Christina said.

Zhenhong nodded directly: "I can go at any time."

"Then teleport now. Don't wait. My attributes have been restored to full value for a long time."

"Okay, the transmission begins."

This time the assistant was very refreshing and sent us directly. However, after this teleportation was over, we hoped that the assistant could tell us more before, because she actually forgot to tell us that the teleportation location would be on the sea.

Of course, what we set up before is the sea battle scene, so we can't blame the assistant, but you can't really throw us directly on the sea! Anyway, you can give us a hint! No longer, you can raise it a bit, even if it is a hundred meters above the sea. Can I still react and keep flying with my wings? Unfortunately, the assistant really threw us directly to the sea after the teleportation. It's really sea. The soles of our feet were just stepping on the sea level, so they appeared directly above the sea.

After the teleportation was complete, we lost support immediately and started to fall down, and because our feet were directly in the sea water. So it was too late to respond and fell into the water. By the time everyone realized that the sea was underneath, we had even started to float upwards because of the buoyancy of the sea.

"Keekeke ... Helper you cheat!" As soon as the coin came out, he coughed violently. Although everyone has underwater breathing methods such as avoiding water. But no one can respond in such a short time. Not even my consciously controlled mask came down, let alone others.

Except for gold coins. Even Real Red and Christina were stunned. The reflex nerves of human beings couldn't keep up with entering the water at such a short distance. Only I and Rose reacted and closed their breath in time without catching their breath. But the sudden weightlessness also surprised us.

The assistant's voice suddenly sounded at the same time after we all showed up. "This is really not my fault. This is the start of your mission scenario setting. I cannot remind you. In addition, I will be with you during this mission, and my voice is only you can hear. No other existence in the mission can be heard. Oh yes, although I am an assistant, I do not have a part-time communicator, so if you leave, I will provide services to each of you, but will not You are communicating, this is a game limitation, so sorry. But I found that you seem to have a communicator, so it should have little effect. "

"What do we need now?" Rose asked as she stepped on the water.

"You don't have to do anything right now. Just wait here. The plot is about to begin."

"This mission has a storyline?" Zhenhong asked in surprise.

"Of course. This is a normal task, and of course there are processes. Please wait patiently, and soon there will be a task process to guide you. If you don't understand, you can always ask me, I am always at your side."

Although the assistant said that the process was about to start, but I was not used to such a silly wait, so I beckoned and let the birds out. As soon as the bird came out, it plunged into the sky, and soon it got stuck. "Oh? Why is it back again?" Zhen Hong immediately saw the bird ascending and descending, and immediately asked.

"There is a boat over there."

Really red. They looked in the direction of my fingers, but saw nothing. This is also no way out. We are now floating on the sea, only the head and neck are on the water, and the sea is not too calm. There are some waves. Although not very big, there are waves, so we can't see anything in the distance. However, the other side's ship was not far away from us. Soon we noticed a mast, and then the mast began to grow longer, and the bow gradually appeared.



"Assistant. Isn't this the main map?" I asked directly.

"No. This is a mission space. It has its own time and world settings. It is roughly the same as the main map, but without your advanced magic and technological civilization, you cannot build metal warships and magic motive technology."

"That's the level of standard European medieval times?" Christina asked.

"No, there is still magic here, but technology can't compare with your guild."


Just as we were talking, another mast appeared over there, and then the other two, apparently not from a ship but from a fleet. The reason why it is a fleet rather than a fleet is mainly because several of these ships are warships. Although there are fewer warships in this fleet than ordinary ships, but because the proportion of warships has exceeded one third, this is basically a fleet. You should know that in terms of the level of sailing warships, ocean-going multi-band transport ships are right. After all, the speed of these sailing boats cannot be compared with that of motor boats. In the case of wind directions or poor sea conditions, they must detour the road, so the supply fleet needs to be very large.

The fleet apparently found us, adjusted the course slightly after it appeared, and sailed towards us. But I didn't plan to wait for them to come to the rescue, because if that was the case, it would eliminate part of the vigilance of the other party. But they will also be despised by others, and many of our actions will become unconvincing.

"It looks like they are going to save us. We don't have to wait anymore, let's go up ourselves." I said, holding my wings directly behind my back, and then patted them a few times. The body immediately lifted up. Then the sole of the foot was kicked **** the water, and the whole person rose slightly. The wings fluttered a few more times to completely escape from the water.

After I flew up, I went directly to Rose, and then reached out and held her arm to pull her up and hug her in front of me. On the other side, both True Red and Christina rose directly from the water like a gravity-free environment, and in the air, Christina also opened her beautiful wings that made many female players jealous. This pair of crystal wings seem to be envious of many beautiful women, after all, this thing is really beautiful. of course. In fact, male players also want it, not only because it is beautiful, but also because this wing has many extra features.

After Christina and True Red took off, the gold coins also flew up, but the way she flew up was sitting on a flying sword, if it wasn't because she was sitting on the side, it felt like a witch who wanted to ride a broom. Of course, gold coins themselves are not like witches. Even when she just came out of the water, her Tianzun suit was not at all wet. After all, there are only three sets of national weapons in the country. Avoiding water is a basic attribute.

After we flew up here, we started to move towards the fleet over there. We wanted to go up to see the situation. However, the situation turned sharply at this time. Just when we just flew up, the warships on the opposite side made a big U-turn collectively, all turned 90 degrees, aligning the side of the hull to our side, and then saw the positions of the sides of those warships. Rows of small windows open.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Asked the gold coins, speeding up to me.

Christina said: "I'm afraid our situation scared each other. They thought we were going to attack them."

"Then what do we do? Shake a white flag or something?" Gold Coin asked.

"What do you think?" Rose asked back.

The gold coin also scratched his head and said, "It seems to be a bit embarrassing. Forget it, no matter if they really dare to fire, we will fight back. Dozens of broken ships dare to show off their strength, and I will open a few holes for them. Let them go to sea to feed fish. "

"Excuse me, everyone." The assistant's voice sounded in time. "If you are not very busy, I suggest you look back."

"Huh? What do you mean?" The gold coins looked back in confusion, and we reacted the same way, and then everyone understood what the other fleet ’s response was for.

In the direction behind us, a fleet of the same size as the fleet in front of us appeared in our sight. The following fleet is obviously not going to fire at us, they are alert to the fleet opposite. Let me just say it. Although we were not high, it was much higher than the deck. If these warships were raised with cannons on the deck of the ship, we can understand that it would be abnormal to open the gun windows on the side of the ship. The cannon inside has no firing angle at all. What can it do when it is opened? Now when I think about it, I understand that they have to deal with the fleet over there.

Both sides of the fleet apparently found each other, and are now adjusting their routes, approaching while preparing for battle. Obviously, both sides knew each other, because they didn't have any communication and started to prepare for shelling. Although unfamiliar forces at sea will also watch out for each other, this is generally not the case. They now know that the rhythm is to play.

"Is this a scuffle?" Cristina asked: "Are we watching ~ ~ or helping one side destroy the other side by the way?"

After Christina asked, Rose said, "That's not enough? Of course, it's helping one side against the other."

"So which side did we attack?" Zhenhong asked.

"I'm more inclined to attack the fleet on the opposite side, the one over there is a newcomer, and this one was intended to save us at the beginning, let's consider them good people," said Jin Coin.

"Or can we get on board and make a decision?" Zhenhong asked.

"No, we help the fleet here attack the one over there." I set the target directly without asking them at all.

Rose understood my intention, pointing at the fleet over there: "Looking clearly, although the number of fleets on the opposite side is not dominant, the tonnage of the ships is obviously larger than that, and two thirds of them are warships. , There are very few supply ships, and the combat power is much stronger than here. Helping the other party is just icing on the cake, helping the fleet here is to send charcoal in the snow, which do you think is more moving afterwards?

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