Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 82: Cooperation and help

The so-called solution to the enemy is actually showing off military force. Neither we nor anyone in this medium fleet knows that cooperation is based on what we need. What we need is the other party ’s intelligence and geographic knowledge, and the other party needs our strength, so the stronger the strength we show, the more chips we have, which will help deepen our cooperation. In addition, the other party should not be a patient with the second disease. Normally, after seeing our strength, it will be more enthusiastic.

The need to show strength doesn't necessarily require all the staff to shoot, it is better to stay a little mysterious. Therefore, only two of us actually shot. One is really red and the other is Christina.

Christina has exposed some strengths before, so it's okay to shoot again. As for the red ... she is a melee system and doesn't have any fancy ability, so it doesn't make much difference to expose or not. On the contrary, I have special abilities with gold coins and roses, so hiding them can make a difference at critical moments.

"Christina, really red, I leave it to you." Only a dozen enemy ships on the sea have not sunk, so the task is not too heavy. After a brief explanation, I turned to Captain Donovan and asked, "Captain Donovan, can you recall those sea beasts? We will destroy those ships in a while. If your sea beasts are in In the boat ... "

"This is not a problem." Captain Donovan immediately ordered his opponent, and the other party quickly ran out and shouted a few words to the player, and then the player began to send a banner to inform other warships. Soon a sharp high-frequency whistle sounded from the surrounding warships, similar to the dog flute, but because I included the blood of the Demon race in the race in the game, I can also hear this frequency sound .

With the sound of the flute here, a large number of sea beasts suddenly popped out of the windows of the enemy battleships, and then jumped into the water and swam back towards their own battleships. Obviously, this thing is like a pager.

Now that the sea beasts have withdrawn, the rest is simple.

Christina stood directly on the deck and started casting. Did not use her usual signature skills. Since it is a show of strength, you have to show off a little bit, although a simple burst of fireball can seriously damage a wooden battleship. But that seems too simple. Christina summoned a huge water dragon directly from the sea. Not that jet of water. It is a dragon made up of sea water. This dragon is about the same size as a real dragon, and it is considered to be the larger type of dragon. It floats on the sea as nearly two warships end to end.

As soon as the water dragon appeared, it roared and started hitting the ship. Those warships that are only half the size of it are not enough to see in front of this huge water dragon. There is simply no power to fight back. The water dragon's body is made of seawater. After being hit by the shell, there was no response at all. The projectile entered directly from one side of the dragon's body and then penetrated through the other side, although it seemed to be a hole. But as soon as the shell passed, the water healed automatically, and the hole was sealed again. The water dragon did not respond to this, and it was as if it had not been shot, and it was not affected at all.

In fact, of course, the water dragon cannot be invincible. Even Christina cannot do it. Naturally, it is impossible to make an invincible water dragon. In fact, after each cannonball penetrated the dragon's body, Christina needed to use her magic to help the dragon repair the hole, that is, the seawater in this part needed to be re-condensed. This process is magical, so as long as the opponent's shells are hit enough, Christina can also be consumed to the point where she can't add magic. But unfortunately. The opponent's cannon fired too slowly, and the power of the front-loading gun was already small. With the slow rate of fire, the damage to the water dragon couldn't keep up with Christina's repair speed. Although Christina needs to constantly consume magic, her title of the prince makes her possess superman-like magic speed. As long as she does not lose a lot of skills, the general skill consumption is not as fast as her magic speed, so she wants It's basically impossible to drain her.

Although the warships did little damage to this water dragon, the water dragon's counterattack ability was very strong. Every time it waves a huge claw or hits a battleship with its head, it can directly smash the entire ship into two sections. The power is absolutely horrible.

Compared to Christina, on the other side, the true red attack seems to be nothing, it is constantly jumping between battleships, but in fact, if you pay attention to it, you will find that the true red side is actually more scary.

Every time True Red landed on a battleship, it would first empty the surrounding obstacles, and then, after brewing for a few seconds, suddenly squatted and punched it on the deck under the feet. However, it is not the same as her usual fighting style. Normally, this punch will definitely have multiple holes on the deck, but this time the real red fist came down with a muffled noise, and then there was no response. However, if you look closely, you will find that when True Red hits the deck with a punch, the whole ship sinks a little bit, and then a circle of spray will spread from around the hull, and True Red this At that time, he would jump off the deck and run directly to the next battleship.

It seemed that the true red attack left without any result, but every time as long as the real red left, the ship would continue to move for more than ten seconds and suddenly snapped from the middle into two sections and quickly overturned. It can be considered an accident if it is done twice or twice, but every time, normal people can guess, this must be related to the punch that was really red before.

The attack of true red is extremely sharp. Usually, even if it is a mountain, she can smash you with a punch, not to mention just a battleship. The reason for crashing a ship without a spot was nothing more than a purpose. One is that they don't want to fall into the sea by themselves. Twenty is to deter those people. If it is just a simple punch through a ship, this can only prove that you have great strength, but if you can finish it with a punch, it will break the ship again. That means that your use and control of power has reached a state. Therefore, the strength shown by true red is more exaggerated in the eyes of some knowledgeable people than Christina.

At first, there were no more ships left. Under the joint attack of Real Red and Christina, all the remaining warships soon sank to the bottom. As for the supply ships ... eventually they were captured. After the absence of warships, although these transport ships were equipped with artillery themselves, they were too few, and they were wounded. They could not run the other warships, so they all surrendered.

Captain Donovan was obviously very happy after seeing the record of Real Red and Christina. Battling with a fleet more than theirs, not only their own losses were small, they also captured most of the other transport ships. This is absolutely credit. So Captain Donovan was very happy. Even with those who brought her victory, she showed extraordinary enthusiasm.

"I really don't know how to thank you!" Captain Donovan said excitedly: "Your strength will definitely be honored as a guest in our country. Even our national defender is about the same level as you. Exist. I believe the king would love to see you all. "

"No no no, we don't need to see the king, and we don't even have time to go to your country. We help you just want you to help us take us to the coldest place around here."

The only place related to all our intelligence is that the map world we are going to experience will include water and ice fields. The surface is now there. Then our next step should be the ice field. That's why I have such an answer.

Captain Donovan obviously did not expect that we would have such a request. It felt a little weird, but instead of stupidly there, she turned and ordered something. Soon a few crew members brought a roll of paper. Captain Donovan opened it after picking it up.

Although we haven't seen this thing, a brief look shows that this is Zhang Haitu. Captain Donovan asked two sailors to help her pull the chart, and he reached out his finger to a position above him and said, "We are probably in this position now, and then, the cold place you said may refer to the cold Ice continent. It's this place. "

I looked at the location pointed by Captain Donovan, and found that the distance between the two places was quite far, and there was almost a distance of more than one palm on the chart.

"How big is the scale?"

"What are you talking about?" Captain Donovan froze.

Next I told her Captain Donovan and I understood the meaning of scale, but unfortunately their chart has no scale, and the positions on the chart are approximate coordinates. In fact, this thing is similar to the ancient treasure map. The islands and the like above are symbolic representations, not specific locations, but just a general directional thing. Obviously, the navigation technology in this world is not very developed, and the charts have no scale at all. But fortunately, Captain Donovan's father is also a captain, and can be said to have drifted at sea for a lifetime, knowing this frozen continent very well, because his fleet has called ports on this continent. However, the other party is not here now, nor is it in the port of the country where Captain Donovan is located, but is sailing at sea. What's more terrible is that the other party's route is still uncertain, there is no GPS in this place, and the position of the other party cannot be located at all.

"What can I do?" Gold Coin asked anxiously.

Captain Donovan thought to us for a while and said, "Let ’s do this! Anyway, our mission this time is to find the opposing fleet for a decisive battle. Since you helped our master to complete the task in excess, then in return, I will Helping people to the end. I will immediately separate the fleet and let the slower warships return to the port with the captive transport ships and pick the three fastest light warships to take you to the ice continent. "

"But don't you know the way?" The gold coin asked.

Captain Donovan laughed and said, "Did I not have a chart? Although I haven't been there, it shouldn't be hard to find. The ice continent is not a small island, it is very big. Just sail in that direction. It must be You can come across. As long as you see the continental line, you will definitely find the port after running along the coastline. "

"That would feel so much to you. But can I make a suggestion?" I asked out loud.

Captain Donovan asked in amazement: "What advice?"

"I hope not to use light fast boats. Do not use three ships. As long as one, you want the ship in your fleet that is most resistant to wind and waves."

"Why?" My suggestion can be said to be very strange. Normal people will feel abnormal.

I asked for it of course because when we set the mission before, we clearly saw that the weather conditions options were all bad weather, but now there are only four or five winds, and the waves are not very large, which is a relatively normal situation. So, I think that the so-called extreme weather conditions should happen when we sail towards that icy continent. Therefore, bringing light warships with high speed but weak wind and wave resistance is basically suicide. Although we people will not hang up because of extreme weather, if the ship sinks, or if Captain Donovan hangs up, we will find no way out. so. Instead of carrying three small warships doomed to sink. Better to bring a larger and more stable super battleship.

After a little hesitation for a while, Captain Donovan finally agreed to our request, but she did not ask why we had such a request. It can be seen that although she is young, her mind is unmatched by ordinary people.

The fleet was quickly divided under Captain Donovan's arrangement. Most of the ships in the fleet turned around. Only one battleship remained. This is the flagship of this fleet. This is a very huge battleship. of course. This is relative to wooden shell warships, which are incomparable with those of our iron guilds. The smallest armored ships in our guild are 5,000 tons upwards, and this battleship nodded at most 5,000 tons. There is nothing comparable between the two.

As the flagship, this ship is Captain Donovan's largest warship, but it also suffered some injuries in previous battles, but the damage was not great. After a brief resupply, some of the captured materials were loaded onto the battleship, and emergency repairs were carried out. After some minor injuries were dealt with, the battleship separated from the fleet and began to repair while continuing to sail. Minor minor injuries.

After the main fleet left our sight completely, I found Captain Donovan and said, "Captain, we are very tight, so we hope to help speed up the ship. I do n’t know if it is okay. . "

"You want to help us accelerate? How to add? This boat has no paddles. Even if you want to go out to row, there is no place for you to contribute!"

"No, no, no, you can't speed it up with a paddle. I hope I can let my magic pet help to tow your boat a little faster."

"Magic pet? You mean you can summon those Warcraft from the astral world to help you?" Captain Donovan obviously knew the profession of the summoner.

I nodded and said, "It's almost there. But my summoned creatures are large and scary, and I hope the crew can be notified in advance to avoid scaring anyone."

"Of course this is okay. We'll let you know."

After talking to all the crew members in advance, we came to the deck, and at this time the deck was full, even the mast was full. However, when I released the lucky and plague, many people were taken aback. Some people even fell off the mast. Thanks to Christina's preparation, waiting for these people to fall directly below Lost a feather drop up, otherwise the appearance of luck and plague alone can already cause casualties.

The appearance of the two dragons made the sailors on the battleship talkative, but something that surprised them even more happened later. When the little dragon girl appeared in human form, it did not cause much sensation. Although the little dragon girl was beautiful and the horns on her head were also very characteristic, after all, it was a human form, far less lucky and plague with visual impact. However, what the little dragon girl did surprised these people, because after she appeared, she just reached out and made a lifting action, and the battleship slowly left the sea and floated.

Letting a warship of more than 5,000 tons fly is not a simple matter, but the Dragon Girl actually lifted it up so lightly that it was really amazing. But because I greeted in advance, I was surprised and surprised. The people on the ship did not have any emotions such as panic ~ ~ After the warship lifted off to an altitude of about ten meters from the sea, it stopped rising, not Xiaolong Women can't make warships fly higher, but because this is not an air battleship in our guild, it's just a wooden shell warship, and they never considered how to fly when designing. So flying too high is obviously quite dangerous for this kind of ship.

After the battleship stabilized, we asked Captain Donovan to find someone to take up the sails, and then tied the spare turn-over rope to each force-capable part of the ship, and finally gave the other end of the concentrated rope to Lucky and plague. The two dragons just grasped the rope with their claws, then flapped their wings and struggled forward.

As the rope was stretched, everyone on the boat felt the ship's hull slam forward, and many people almost fell to the ground, but once it moved, the ship stabilized and the stone acceleration continued. Because it was suspended in the air and the sails were retracted, the resistance of this warship was already much smaller than before, and the speed was born quickly with the help of two dragons. Captain Donovan stood on the side of the ship with excitement and watched the sea passing by. "If only our warships could run so fast!"

"As long as you develop navigation technology seriously, there will always be a day." I asked after I said, "Yes. How do we go now? Is it straight?" (To be continued.)

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