Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 85: intelligence

\ "Of course I have contacted you so hard at this time, of course, there is a major event. \" Matsumoto Masa said: \ "Just an hour ago, the army **** just sorted out a bunch of useful information from the collected information. Information, and based on the information, the reference judgment given by the **** of war is that the ghost hand Nobunaga is preparing to forcibly build a peerless master. \ "

\ "Pile a peerless master? \" The gold coin asked: \ "You mean to smash with money? Isn't that method already proven to only build second-rate masters? Nobunaga's hands now do this at this time It ’s just hard work, please? \ "

\ "It was indeed the same as what you said before. The masters spent by the guilds of various countries were just superficial masters. The attributes did not look much different from the masters of war. Even individual personnel had a slight advantage, but it was completely true. It is not an opponent of others. After being blown out a few times, the equipment and other foreign objects on the body are deprived of their strength and then they fall off. There is no way to compare them with real masters. To put it simply, these so-called artificial masters actually rely on money to buy A large number of upgraded medicines and various high-end equipment and magic pet eggs have spawned a kind of fake advanced players in a short time. Such advanced players can really play a considerable combat power when they oppress ordinary players, after all, in terms of data It is indeed a lot stronger than the average player. However, when these so-called masters encounter real masters, various problems will occur, and there is no way to exert their full strength. In this case, they will usually Defeated by a normal master. However, this time the situation is slightly different. \ "

\ "How different? \" Cristina asked.

Matsumoto Masawa replied: \ "Previous tests showed that the masters who piled up money were not really incapable. Judging from the attribute data, these so-called masters are actually not much different from real masters like you. So, what they lack is actually something else, and this kind of thing is fighting consciousness. \ "

The so-called battle consciousness refers to the general term for a series of thinking modes that have an impact on the battle situation, such as the player's ability to judge and respond to attacks in battle, and the grasp of battle opportunities. Some people clearly look at the data and seem to be very powerful, but when they fight It's not someone's opponent at all. The problem lies in this battle consciousness.

Take a simple example. In reality, find two people. One of them is a strong man and has specialized in rhythmic dance and aerobics. Such an athlete. His muscle strength and other physical hardware data must be very high. In addition, Because of the long-term study of rhythmic dance and aerobics, this person's physical flexibility and responsiveness will definitely be very good. At this time, only from the data evaluation. This person's combat power should be very high Because he is very powerful, secondly, he has good physical coordination, fast response, and natural fighting is very powerful. In fact, such people are really very good when dealing with ordinary people. After all, ordinary people are in all The numbers are seriously lower than this guy's data.

Well, think about another person. This person has long been learning Muay Thai. He has a deep understanding of Muay Thai's fighting skills and has won the world-class indifferent fighting championship many times. However, because this man is old, his physical fitness data Began to regress. Actually, physical performance can only be said to be better than ordinary people.

Suppose that the old Muay Thai master is playing against that Hercules. If you look at the data, the Hercules should win steadily, because the Muay Thai master is not as good as the other side in all the data. He does not have the strength to fight, the reaction is not as fast as him, and the coordination is also Not as good as each other. However, if two people really fight each other, most of the first fall is still this strong man, not because of his physical incompetence, but because of fighting consciousness. Although his reaction speed and physical coordination are very good Gao, but he did n’t learn how to fight at all, even if he hit the opponent occasionally, he did n’t know how to expand the result, and the opponent only needed to give him a heavy blow to seize the opportunity to fight him without a chance to fight back. Such a battle can only be said to be The unilateral slaughter. So the battle results are actually more related to the fighting consciousness of both sides.

There is a saying: A sheep led by a lion can beat a lion led by a sheep. Although the original intention of this sentence is to describe the importance of the commander, in fact, if you think about it in another direction, this sentence is also suitable for Describe the relationship between individual battle strength. Our consciousness is the commander of our body, and the strength of the body can only indicate whether your hardware facilities are up to standard, but if the software fails, no matter how good the hardware is in vain. If Superman becomes A vegetative can still be killed by ordinary people, because he can't even fight back.

\ "Do n’t you tell me the ghost-hand Nobunaga they specifically found a martial arts master just to train him into a combat master? \" Zhenhong asked.

Matsumoto Masahiro said very surely: "" You really guessed the right way. That's what the other person thinks. We don't know who this master is for the time being, but we can be sure that there is such a person. And this guy's The training enhancement program is already underway. \ "

\ "It looks like Nobunaga's hand finally realizes that there is no way to strengthen our own power to defeat our president." Christina said.

Matsumoto nodded and said: \ "Yes. Zi Ri is more than just surface data. What really makes the president strong is his fighting consciousness. Even in reality, we do n’t have any game data, and we are not against the boss's opponents. This accumulation of responsiveness and combat skills allows the boss to defeat opponents who are stronger than himself without a big difference in data, but in fact there is no player data in the game that is stronger than the boss, so the boss Becoming the deserved number one in the world, and even if other players have the ability to pile data to this level, they are still not the opponents of the boss. Unless the other party can throw the boss away a lot, they can hope to rely on pure Data compression. [,!] Restrain the boss. \ "

\ "So this time, they are planning to find someone who does not lose Ziri in combat skills to strengthen it?" Rose asked.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga nodded: \ "Once this person's data is pulled up to the level of the boss, the boss's advantage will be gone, the comparison on the data will be close to one to one, and the rest is personal The battle consciousness and fighting skills have been matched. However, the opponent is a fighting master. If you face the boss in this case, it is really difficult to say. \ "

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