Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 94: City of the Dead

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"How many people will it take to fill the entire lake?" Gold Coin asked.

Rose simply glanced, and then said, "About 700,000 people. Considering the different proportions of dead bones and semi-rotten corpses, the upper and lower errors are about 100,000 people."

"That means there are at least 600,000 bones here?" Cristina asked.

I nodded and said, "Rose's estimate should be more accurate."

"Well, now I regret that I didn't transfer to the Undead Department!" Cristina said jokingly, and the purpose was nothing more than to make everyone a little bit more relaxed. The atmosphere at the scene was too depressing and everyone was trembling.

"Oh, it looks like our investment is responding." As my words fell, the dead man's hot spring suddenly moved again, and I saw the full corpse tumbling and writhing, it felt like there was Something was moving under those corpses, and it was clearly coming towards us.

Because of the speed, the thing quickly reached the shore near us, and then saw the bones on the shore of the lake turning, and then all the bones began to move quickly to both sides, revealing a passage in the bone pile. Almost as soon as the passage was completed, a skeleton wearing a ragged cloth robe and holding a huge sickle in his hand slowly walked out of the passage.

Although this guy looks like a skeleton, if you really think of it as a skeleton soldier. It is really looking for death, because the sickle in the hands of this guy has clearly told us that this is a **** of death.

Grim Reaper is not a god's name in the game, but specifically refers to a class of creatures. Of course you want to say that it is a monster or it can be, anyway, it is such a non-player character set by the system. Although they only have more robes and a sickle out of the ordinary skeleton, this branch is actually completely out of touch with the skeleton. They are a more extreme existence than the Lich. Although it is slightly inferior to the Lich in terms of knowledge and magic ability, this race has far more fighting power than the Lich. They are different from the all-around Lich, the death is a fighting machine. They are the reapers on the battlefield. All enemies are weeds to them.

Because it is very powerful in its own settings, the number of deaths is quite rare. After all, it is an extreme force type. If the number is large, ordinary players should not live.

Although the existence of death is relatively small. But many players know them. After all, every occurrence of this thing is accompanied by a large number of players fighting. So players are very careful about this race. As for the one in front of us ... Barely should be regarded as the middle and lower reaches of the death, or the worst type of death.

In fact, the death gods are divided into three, six, and nine, but in fact, the death gods we see in most cases are the ones in front of us. They are the worst group of death gods, but most people's impressions of death gods come from such death gods, so it can be said that even the worst death gods, the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

Seeing this death coming out, the people on our side have maintained the greatest degree of calmness. No one has acted deliberately. It is not that we can't beat him, but we want to get more information from this guy, so we did not attack him.

Immediately after rising completely from the passage, the death **** stepped forward and came directly to the shore.

Death is not a low-level skeleton soldier, they have quite high-end intelligence, so this death did not rush straight up like ordinary low-level undead, but first looked at those of us with that black eye socket, and then he suddenly slightly He bowed and saluted us. To be honest, if the average person saw this scene, they would be scared of chin, because death is almost one of the most untouchable types. At present, the success rate of such tasks is less than 10%, which shows that this kind of powerful Place. Under such circumstances, the **** of death should not put anyone in his eyes, but the **** of death in front of him is the first to salute us. This is definitely not the treatment that normal people deserve.

"I think you should be the leader of this group of people?" The **** of death looked at me immediately after the ceremony and asked. Through the two holes in his eye socket, you can directly see the two purple soul fires burning under his eyes. Although this death is not high-level, it is actually on the verge of evolution. The fire of the soul in the eyes shows that this guy is changing to a higher level, because the fire of the pure low-level death god's spirit fox is only a ball, which is in the skull cavity where it originally stored the brain. Therefore, it is normal to see from the eyes of a skull a large fire of soul burning in the brain. However, this is not the case. This guy has his own independent soul fire in his eyes, and the main soul fire in his brain is also hidden. There is a layer of darkness on the outside, and the inside is not visible at all.

"I am the President of the Frost Rose Alliance, Ziri. These are my subordinates. May I ask if you are the host here or just live here?"

"I'm just a guard here, neither the owner nor just living here."

"Guard?" I looked at the death in wonder and asked, "Do you have another organization here?"

"Yes," said the grim reaper, "do you want to get inside or do you need anything?"

"Can we go in?" Rose asked directly over me.

The grim reaper turned his head to look at the rose, but because the skull could n’t show expressions or eyes, we could n’t see what he meant, but the guy quickly said, “If you can follow some Necessary rules, we are here to allow outsiders to enter. However, I need to explain to you first, if it accidentally hangs here, we will not care. "

"This is of course." I said, "We have the strength to protect ourselves."

The **** of death nodded and said, "I know this very well, so I will let you in. Otherwise, you will never see me at all." The **** of death said immediately after he said, "In addition, to tell you, we There are entrance fees here, so you need to decide for yourself whether to go in or not. "

"Does everyone who comes here need an entrance fee?" Rose asked.

"No, the residents of this city are free to enter and exit, but you are foreigners. So ..."

"What about fees? What settlement do you use?"

"Our currency is mainly high-energy crystals, but all other items with magic energy can be used as currency. It is better to say things like magic cores. Of course, the crystal with dark energy attributes you just provided is even more It's more expensive. "

"Then what is our entrance fee?"

"Fifteen units of magic power per person."

"How much is a unit?"

The **** of death hesitated a little, but finally reached out and pulled out a purple, crystal-like currency from his chest. But the processing of this thing is very strange. It was actually cast. A crystal that can be cast, which is new. However, what we need to care about now is not this.

After the **** of death took out the currency, he said, "Be careful, this thing is a purple demon crystal. It is a very large denomination currency. I can only get ten such purple demon crystals on duty a year here. This The value of a purple demon coin is 10,000 units of magic energy. "

"Can you feel me?" Cristina asked.

The **** of death was obviously hesitant. But Rose reacted quickly. Just plugged a piece of uncut, fairly large black crystal in the past. When the other party saw the crystal, he handed over the purple magic crystal coin. "Look slowly, it's yours."

Christina is the one with the strongest magic perception here. So after a simple experiment, you know the energy density of this purple demon crystal. According to Christina's test, we have obviously done a loss business just now, because the energy in the black crystal is at least equal to one and a half of this purple demon crystal Coins, and more importantly, according to this **** of death, dark energy is a more valuable currency, and this purple magic crystal coin contains only ordinary magic power. In this way, the black crystal we give at least It is equal to more than twenty such purple magic crystal coins.

Although we made a loss here, but because we let him take a big advantage, then the **** of death became very enthusiastic about us and began to introduce us to some general conditions here. In fact, if it wasn't because we accidentally got the favor of this **** of death, we would want to know these commonsense things when we got inside, and the price paid would definitely be greater. Besides, we didn't really care about that black crystal ore.

According to the introduction of this **** of death, this place should be a complete city of undead, which is full of various types of undead creatures. These undead creatures live in this place, and the Dead Hot Springs above are constantly supplying fresh blood here, so the place is unexpectedly prosperous.

In this city of the undead, everyone lives as if it were a resident of an ordinary city, because very few light forces will appear here, so the degree of antipathy of the undead creatures to the light system is not very high, mainly due to too little contact Many undead are not even sure what kind of damage the light attribute will cause to them.

Because the undead itself is a very low-consumption creature, they do not need to produce much material. The survival of ordinary undead is enough to rely on its own absorption, so there is no need for food supply, and rarely need clothes or the like. Things, as for the living environment ... not to mention that. Undead are rarely picky about their living environment.

However, although these undead seem to have little need, the city is not exactly as lifeless as a dead city. On the contrary, this place is actually quite lively.

First of all, although the undead here has no need for survival pressure, self-evolution and being strong is always the ultimate goal of the undead, so these guys are eager for methods and items that can improve their strength, and there is a market of demand, Over time, a considerable scale naturally formed.

Secondly, in addition to those who struggle for strength, the undead also have some psychological needs. Although the body, after it became an undead, was not completely absent, it was a completely dead body. But just because there is no body that can enjoy material life, the undead have become more eager for the comfort of the spiritual world.

Based on the above two basic needs, this undead city has unexpectedly prospered. Not only there are many undead in it, but also a fixed trading market. Therefore, it can be said that the safety of this place is an undead commercial city. Of course, this is what death told us, we haven't seen what the city looks like for the time being.

In addition to telling us the basic situation here, Death also tells us some more important information. The first is the details of the local currency system. Although we can also trade with raw ore, it is better to go to a special bank to exchange it. They can buy ore. Then converted into the official currency here, the advantage of this is that it will not be hacked. The energy structure of the ore itself is unstable, so there is no way to quantify it specifically, and it is inconvenient to carry. Sellers use various excuses to lower prices. This caused a certain loss. If you go to the bank to exchange money. Although there is a fee, it is actually a safer and more economical way.

Besides currency, there are some other special attempts at this place.

One of the special common sense is that the ability of the Light Department must not be used in this place. Otherwise, they will be under siege. This kind of information is understandable, of course, but there are some things we do n’t understand, such as the undead people here have their own personalities. The skeletons of the undead are all simple, the zombies are all reckless men, the ghosts are very sinister, anyway, each race has its own characteristics.

With curiosity, we quickly entered the city of the undead with the death **** through the passage, and it was actually located on the lakefront of the lake we saw before, but the area of ​​this place was obviously not as small as it seemed on the outside. Inside, it should use a kind of spell similar to compressed space, so from the outside it seems that the island is not large, but after coming in, I found that this place is not only small, but even a little too large.

"Wow, is this place just a paradise for the dark fans!" The gold coins had been called directly after entering the city.

In fact, in reality and in the game, there are many dark fans. They like things like undead or skeletons, and think these things are very cool. In fact, I am one of them. Otherwise, I will not use Isinger as the headquarters of the guild. It is because Isinger is a magic capital and it is a dark style in itself, so I especially like Isinger.

Although this city and Isinger are both dark, the specific architectural style is very different. Essinger is basically black. Most of the buildings in the city are black, or they are dark purple, uniformly using golden hook lines, and using red or blue as the decorative color. No matter what the building is, this is generally the case. Several colors. Colors such as white or green are basically invisible to Isinger, because that is not the style of the dark department.

However, the city was almost pure white. Of course, don't think of a gospel of heaven just because I say the city is pure white. In fact, the main reason why the city is pure white is that it was built almost entirely from bones.

All the buildings in the city use a lot of bones, some are giant Warcraft, some are human, and some other animal bones, anyway, these are white bones, and then used a gray-white adhesive Caulking is also used as an adhesive. The building built in this way is naturally white. After asking about the death that has not left, we even learned that the adhesive used on the building was actually blended with ashes and some special substances. That said, these adhesives are still bones in nature.

In addition to using a large number of bones to build the city, this type of city is also full of various types of skulls, although the humanoid skull is the most, but there are also a lot of Warcraft and even dragons. These skulls are all placed on the main streets of the city, and they are used for decoration. Of course, there are a lot of applied skulls on various buildings in the city. Among them, even the entire wall is made up of the skull's face. This style full of evil value really makes me a little excited.

"Well, this place is inside the city, you can move freely. But do n’t remember to enter other people ’s houses without permission. Stores that are open to the outside are open. If the door is closed, then do n’t Go and open it, otherwise it will be very bad. Then goodbye, I hope you can live alive. "After the guy said it, he went back to the previous channel. Obviously he has a mission here, and he ca n’t run around casually. .

Although a city full of undead sounds scary, it actually doesn't feel so depressing after entering here. To be scary, Essinger is far more terrifying than here. The flow of people or ghosts in this place is very large. But although there are all kinds of strange appearances, but excluding these external things, these undead are actually not much different from the shopping crowd.

Because we were used to it in Isinger, and we got used to the environment very soon. You know that Isinger is also the place where the undead run. Although we don't scare some children. So some adjustments were made to the undead in the city. Those that look disgusting or horrible are concentrated in special areas, and generally those who can dangle on the street are those that look normal.

Of course, we act as guild leaders. Of course, there is no fear of this place because there are many undead in this place, so we almost adapted to the environment here.

"It looks like we need to find out where the bank is here first," said Christina, looking at the large group of undead left and right.

"I think that should be the bank?" Zhen Hong suddenly pointed at a building in front of her. To be honest, the sign outside the building is really simple and easy to understand, because the two skulls and paws are making money, so at a glance, you know that these eight achievements are banks.

It turned out that the true red guess was correct. After entering the bank, we quickly completed the exchange of funds with the help of a very "enthusiastic" undead, and the undead saw that we paid The face of the two purple magic crystal coins became our guide.

While we were adapting to the urban environment, Matsumoto was congratulating them that the situation had changed a little.

The gun **** quickly died because he was outnumbered, but before this guy died, a small peak broke out. He directly used his large skills to seconds off the three guild players and some equipment in the auxiliary guild. Fortunately, this ratio is not very large.

After the **** of guns hanged, Nobunaga's hand focused on the target of these guild members of our guild, but the other party was a professional, and the response was a quick one. The Gun God had just been killed, these people immediately gathered together to form a defensive circle.

Seeing each other's appearance, the ghost-handed Nobunaga knew that he had already been discovered by the other side. The other side's reaction was clear to prevent the later canaries. However, Nobunaga's ghost is clearly the real reason why people formed this formation. The ghost-handed Nobunaga who had surrounded the opponent at this time regained his spirits, because he learned the lesson and called for a lot of reinforcements while the gun **** was still fighting those people, so now the number of ghost-handed Nobunaga The advantages are already quite exaggerated. If the other party resists, they will be killed soon.

Under these conditions, Nobunaga's Nobunaga was naturally very proud, so after the computer room staff surrounded those people, he did not immediately order to start the attack, but instead intentionally put the shelf out of the hiding place, first Instead of looking at those people, he presented them with a strategic plan to show off to Matsumoto and congratulate them: "How? I have a good manpower arrangement?"

Matsumoto is actually disdainful, because he knows the real reason why those people across the side get together. In fact, when Nobunaga's commander ordered his men to surround them, Matsumoto congratulated them that they also received requests for assistance from the soldiers through the **** of war.

They gathered together because someone in the team was preparing a collective teleportation team, and it took a little time. What they needed now was to let Matsumoto Masabu drag the ghost-handed Nobunaga and not start a war immediately.

The reason why these people came here before is to help Matsumoto Masaru to destroy the Nobunaga's purpose together to strengthen the purpose of advanced Japanese players, but now this task was accidentally completed by the God of Guns, so that they continue to stay here. Meaning, so these people immediately decided to leave here.

Because Matsumoto knows that people are leaving, it is natural to ignore the so-called encirclement of Nobunaga's so-called encirclement, but since the other party needs time. That Matsumoto Masaha also had to pretend to be very admired and said a few words.

Regardless of whether the Nobunaga Miyoshi heard Matsumoto's rhetoric is actually not interested, the appearance of Nobunaga Miyoshi seems to be quite useful anyway. However, his good mood was quickly broken, because just when Matsumoto Masako had finished his routine, the group of people in the field suddenly lit a blue and white light spot, and then this light In the blink of an eye, it expanded into a huge light ball and wrapped all those attackers, and then this light ball was reduced to a light point instantly as it appeared, and then disappeared completely after a flash Already. When the light ball completely disappeared, they found out that Nobunaga, along with the light ball, were the attackers he hoped to catch. But stop talking about the attackers now. Even the leaf weeds on the ground where they had just stood were gone. Only the bare ground remained.

"It seems that some people's calculations have failed!" Blazing Dragon Ji deliberately yin and yang, looking at the place where the group of people disappeared.

"What are you talking about?" It was the horrible fireman Nobunaga who burst into flames when he heard the words of Blazing Dragon Ji. He turned and pointed directly at Blazing Dragon Ji and asked, "You try again."

"It is the fact that if you were not in a hurry just to show off your layout, you immediately ordered the start of the arrest. After their team was rushed away, there would be no way to complete the collective teleportation. Even if it could run away a few. It would not be like Nothing like that now? "

"What do you know?" Guiji Nobunori whispered, "I was mentally torturing the enemy. Use this calm attitude to stimulate the other party to put pressure on them. As long as the other party loses their calm, we will later arrest or siege. Will become a lot simpler. But how do I know they have this magic that can instantly transmit a large group of people? "

"Okay. All have been noisy." Masamoto Matsumoto stepped out at this time and said, "Let ’s say a little less. People have already run away, and it doesn't make much sense for us to stay here anymore. Everyone goes back to each of them. Let ’s do this, ”Matsumoto said to Nobunaga Onitsuka,“ Nobunaga Onitsuka, although your mission failed this time, I do n’t think it ’s a complete loss. ”

The ghost-handed Nobunaga looked at Masamoto Matsumoto in amazement and asked, "What do you mean?"

Matsumoto explained, "At least we know that foreign forces like the God of Guns can't be trusted. We ..."

Before Matsumoto Masayuki continued to talk, Nobunaga's hand interrupted him first. "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking about." Guishou Nobunaga said coldly, "I'm not as smart as you, but I'm not stupid. You don't mean to stop me from being Russian Have you cooperated? Well, if I cut off contact with the Russians without their support, my strength would have plummeted. Then you can just hit me, right? Do you really think I am an idiot? It ’s the **** of guns, and my Russian partner is another matter. Do n’t think that we have dealt with common enemies together when I fully believe you. Tell you, this is dreaming. ”

After having said this, Nobunaga's hand did not wait for Matsumoto to explain to them, and he waved and shouted "Go", and then left with the people.

Matsumoto Masaka and August smoked them stupidly standing in place, until the ghost-handed Nobunaga had all their people gone and the four talents regrouped together. August Smoked looked at Masamoto Makimoto with a strange expression. "When did Nobunaga's hand suddenly become smart?"

Matsumoto smiled and said, "It's not that he has become smarter, but that the boy has broken."

"Why?" August smoked clearly did not want to understand where the joints were.

Matsumoto explained: "This time it was obvious that Nobunaga's Miguchi made a mistake. Not only did the mission of cultivating advanced Japanese players fail, but he was also snatched by the gunman, and in the end it was because he wanted to show I missed the best time to deal with those attackers. When we educate the ghost-handed Nobunaga with a preaching tone at this time, we are actually fighting his prestige, because a leader who needs others to preach is obviously not so It's easy to reassure others. "

Sakura Yushin nodded suddenly and said, "I see. The ghost-hand Nobunaga is afraid that our preaching will make all the mistakes clear, and because of being preached, he loses his prestige. He intends to use this method Come and take this thing lightly, it means to lift it up and put it down gently. "

Blazing Dragon Ji also nodded: "I also understand. Nobunaga's hand is not getting smarter anymore. This is just shame and anger. However, I have to say that this time he was beating."

In fact, these analyses are very correct. The ghost-handed Nobunaga is not a smart person. This time the failure is so serious that someone must carry a blame, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga does not want to carry it by himself, at least not all of him. Therefore, although the fire of Nobunaga's hand was addressed to Matsumoto Masahiro, they were meant to be heard by his own people. The purpose was nothing more than to dilute the specific reason for the failure of the mission and divert attention. Meaning in it.

Nobunaga's Nobunaga and Masamoto Matsumoto had nothing important after their separation. The ghost-handed Nobunaga they refuse to continue to train super players for a short time. After all, that kind of high-return task is not Chinese cabbage, not just what you want to do. Need to wait for the opportunity.

The Japanese side was quiet, but our side couldn't be quiet during the mission, and the reason was in the building we found after leaving the bank.

There is a rather tall building behind the bank. This building is ranked as the largest large building in the whole city. So we think this is a very important building. In fact, when we walked back to the street and actually entered the building, we found that it was actually a large shopping mall.

of course. Undead shops will definitely not sell ready-made clothes and cosmetics. In fact, there are really cosmetics here, but these cosmetics are very weird. As for the reason why the undead need cosmetics ... Of course not for aesthetics. It is to blend into human society.

In fact, these so-called cosmetics are things that can disguise the undead as humans. Although some look inferior, some are really pretty good. It is better to say that Christina and the gold coin they bought a life and death is called the magic skin props.

To be honest, this thing seems to me to be the painted skin in "Liao Zhai". As long as you put this thing on your body, you can use special magic spells to deform this thing. Not only can you transform various human shapes, but you Disguise some equipment. Of course, this thing is flawed. First, there is no way to maintain transformation for a long time. Second, because this is magic equipment, magic fluctuations will always exist. It is nothing to some people who are not alert, but those who are alert It must have been exposed immediately. So this thing doesn't really have much practical value.

Women are probably born to be unable to resist shopping. After entering this mall, even roses are a bit out of control. They walked back and forth between layers of products. This one is better than the other one. It ’s really evacuated. Shopping mall means. And, unfortunately, not only do they really have such a large storage space to vacate here, but even more terribly, they do have so much money to buy these things.

The currencies in this city of the undead are just another manifestation of magic crystals. Spar, so as long as we go to redeem, it will be no problem to buy this mall short. In addition, in fact, we also confirmed one thing by the way during the previous exchange process, that is, the magic crystal is indeed the high-energy crystal here, which has been confirmed in the bank. In other words, the task we received before was actually cleaning up a magic crystal mine. As for why it got here ... this estimate will be known after we have investigated here.

Originally, I just did n’t care much about things in this place when I was strolling on the lower floors, but some of them women had a crush on shopping, so I could n’t help thinking about them To buy. However, after we walked the three floors below and entered the fourth floor, we suddenly discovered that this place was not just a place to sell some useless gadgets. Even Rose's expressions returned to a serious look, and apparently they found the things I noticed.

"It looks like we really have to make a big purchase this time!" Christina said looking at the thing facing the staircase. (To be continued ...)

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