Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 102: Meet and discuss

In general, this auxiliary creature given to me this time is quite okay. Although it does not have the ability to directly participate in the battle, it is usually not a problem for normal use.

After explaining all the things in the guild, I let True Red and Rose all go their separate ways, but instead of letting Christina go, I took her to the Fulcrum City.

Before teleporting, Christina and I did some disguise. Instead of using illusions, I found two hooded robes. The biggest advantage of this black robe is that you can not see any of your characteristics, because the clothes are too wide and the hood is not supported. Naturally, pulling down the brim can cover your face, and the long robe can be dragged all the time. On the ground, the sleeves above are longer than the length of the arm. As long as you shrink your arm a little, you will not expose any part. There is such a thing, although it may look strange, but as long as others don't come up and open your hat boldly, then it is impossible to know who you are, even if you use the detection spell, after all, this is not an illusion but Shelter.

After leaving the Fulcrum City in such a strange costume, Christina and I quickly dived into a nearby mountain forest, and then entered an underground leveling point along a passage that had been explored in the forest.

The total area of ​​the environment map in the game is actually much larger than that in the real world. Although the game has been added with many things like monsters, the actual number of creatures has increased many times, but because the game map is more realistic than It's a lot. So in fact, everyone in the game will not feel how crowded the world is. The reason why the map of this game is larger than in reality is mainly because the world time in "Zero" is layered. In addition to the surface world, there are numerous copies, underwater maps, and underground maps.

Japan, a country with a large population and small land, has a very high population density. In order to make reasonable adjustments to the population density of Japan, the map of the Japanese region in the game may be the most widely distributed and largest map area in the world.

Underground passages can be seen everywhere in Japan. As long as you pay attention, basically every large leveling area has some specific leveling points. So, to find an underground world, it is very simple in Japan.

The reason why Christina and I want to enter the underground map is not that we want to level here. It was because we were going to meet Matsumoto and congratulate them. It is obviously impossible to shake the past from the ground, so we can only choose to approach Matsumoto from the ground to congratulate them. Of course, we can't go straight to where Matsumoto is congratulating them. We have to contact them outside the city. This makes it possible to guarantee security.

Christina and I moved into the deep tunnel quickly after entering this long-established tunnel. It is similar to the surface leveling area. The leveling area in the tunnel is also distinguished from the advanced monster area and the ordinary monster area. And this distinction is divided by depth. The leveling area on the surface is that the deeper you enter the leveling area, the higher the monster level, and the same is true for the underground leveling area. The more you go deep into the tunnel, the higher the monster level. In this case, Christina and I went deeper into the interior, and the surrounding monsters began to continuously improve the level. Soon we entered the depth of monsters, generally around 2,000.

At this depth, all the monsters we encountered were quite advanced monsters, which greatly restricted our speed of advancement, but such a map also helped us solve the problem of being tracked, because no one can This level of monster zone shuttles, especially in the authentic environment, and the road is narrow. If you do not want to return to the original road after encountering the monster, you can only break through it. If you want to touch it quietly from the monster ... it may not be impossible. , But by no means easy.

We started to call the Blazers after advancing a certain distance in such a monster zone, and then proceeded horizontally in the passage. The advantage of passing through the wall in this way is that the enemy will not be able to pursue, because we will collapse the area we have passed, so that the enemy cannot catch up.

After digging for a certain distance on our own, we entered a new channel. This channel is actually a task area, but the direction is different. Another reason we chose this kind of mission area to get rid of the chase is because there are many exits in this place. We only need to drop the chase in a certain area in the middle, and then others do not expect to find us again because of the underground passage. The environment in China determines that it is difficult to leave traces such as footprints in such places, and because there are too many exits, once you turn the road, it is difficult to find it.

The most important point to advance in such a place is to have a good grasp of the direction, because there is nothing in the underground environment for you to use as a reference object. In this kind of place, you can't tell the northeast, southwest, and northwest when you turn a few turns in the passage. Underground world maps are often magnetic anomalies. Compasses are all displayed in such places. Therefore, it is very easy for people with a bad sense of direction to get lost in the underground world, and as long as we dig around in this place, we will soon be able to stun the followers.

It took us a full hour to pass the nine-track and eighteen-turn underground passage, and one hour later, two ordinary-looking players walked out of another exit at least fifty kilometers from the entrance we entered. Both of them are wearing rare outfits. Although everyone knows that outfits are good things, the problem is that they are too difficult to find. Everyone usually gets the pieces of equipment, and these things are in their hands. It is also necessary to eliminate some of them based on the attributes, and it is good to use the rest. It is also expected that they are a complete set, and those books are equivalent to dreaming. Therefore, the equipment of most players is actually very messy. Fortunately, the designers of "Zero" have done some appearance optimization on the equipment. Although different sets of equipment can be clearly seen at a glance, at least it is not messy. It's too ugly, at best it's not very coordinated.

but. The equipment styles of these two players are uniform, and there are unconventional interfaces, and many parts have uniform and similar marks. All of this shows that this is a suit, and the suit is more than the general decentralized equipment. The combination attribute is a kind of thing, so most of the sets can be said to be good equipment. At least when the level is not too bad, players prefer the lower-level ones rather than the high-level parts.

Although there is nothing particularly exaggerated in the suits of these two people, they look beautiful and have a generous shape. Belongs to that design. It should be good equipment of medium and high grade, especially the weapons of two people, with a light on it, indicating that this is at least the Holy Spirit equipment.

Although the equipment of two people is not so gorgeous. But after all, it's pretty good. So the return rate along the way is still quite high. of course. Perhaps the more important reason is that the female player of these two players looks like a big beauty, so it attracts the attention of other male players. As for that male player ... this guy's occupation is Japanese Samurai, and one of the most commonly used equipment of Japanese Samurai is the grimace mask. So the appearance of this guy can't be seen at all. But judging by the long silver-white hair scattered behind this guy's helmet and the outline of his face, this should be a handsome guy.

Just after the two players came out of the exit, not far away, several Japanese players also gathered together. One of them looked anxiously and asked the others: "You guys I found nothing. "

One of the Japanese players replied, "No. All of us here are ordinary players. There are no noteworthy targets."

After listening to the questioner, the atmosphere was lame and said, "Damn it, they were run away again."

"Why do they say they ran away?" Another Japanese player said, "Zi Ri and the Christina just stayed there for an hour, maybe they haven't come out yet! Besides, you can be sure that the two people must Are they? "

"Idiot!" The questioning Japanese player yelled indignantly: "Our spy reporters squatted for three days and three nights at Isinger. They watched Ziri enter the teleportation team, and we The people here also saw the two people in the robes appearing in the report. They can be sure that the two are Ziri and Christina. They must have planned to come to Japan. But we actually lost the people. , How do you say we want to explain to the boss? "After that person, the person who found himself talking did not answer himself, looked up and found that this guy was looking at a certain direction and was walking, and when he was following this person Looking at the past, it happened that the two players in suits passed by near them. The dazed player seems to be watching the female player of those two people. After seeing the situation, the talking Japanese player broke out immediately. He went up angrily and slap on this guy's head, then cursed: "When are you still thinking about looking at beautiful women? Immediately ask someone to give me a hole to look for, and don't come back if you can't."

"But there are so many forks in this tunnel, we can't check it even if we send everyone in!"

"Don't talk nonsense to me, I'll let you find it, and I'll look for it. Beware of the disobedience, I picked your skin." This guy turned angrily after speaking, and a few people there were ashamed The people who called their own horses simply assigned a task and went into the cave there to find someone.

And just after these guys entered the cave, the two players who walked past them could not help but laugh suddenly after entering a quiet section.

"Ha ha ha ha, those idiots are laughing and laughing!" The female player of the two players actually said that Christina's voice, but Christina is a standard Aryan, the standard blonde, the skin is also very white, this It is a characteristic of Europeans, but although the beauty in front of her is as beautiful as Christina, she is a standard Asian, which is completely indistinguishable from Christina's own image.

"Don't laugh anymore. The shape of our two has changed so much that they can recognize ghosts." At this time, the Japanese warrior next to me, that is, I said.

In fact, the two people here are me and Christina, and the reason for the change is so large, mainly because we have used some small tricks to cheat those Japanese players.

The reason why Christina will come to a big change is because she activated her own emperor's talent-mimicry. The Elemental Elf itself is a formless energy creature. Without special settings, their appearance should actually be a sphere. The reason why the element elf we usually see looks like a little girl with long wings is because they like this style very much, so they intentionally mimic this. If you restore your own shape, these girls are simply spheres.

Christina has all the abilities of the Elemental Elves, including mimicry, after gaining the status of emperor, but Christina is not an assassin. As a turret and a multi-function artillery, Christina is shocking no matter where it appears. So she rarely uses this auxiliary ability to change shape. but. Because it is not usually used, Christina will look so good when it is suddenly used, because no one can imagine that Christina can be transformed into an Asian. This peculiar ability has made Japanese players completely in the wrong direction, they have been looking for a European. As a result, even the dumb guy stared at Christina for a long time. Almost even drool came out. But he was actually admiring the beauties at all. He never thought that the beauties he had seen all the way were actually what they were looking for.

Of course, just changing foreign trade is not enough to fool everyone. After all, Christina's equipment is also quite famous, so Christina took the time to change the equipment while in the tunnel. Now the set on her body is also a mage equipment, but it is very different from her original set, because her original set is an artifact set, and now this set is a holy spirit set, and it is Asian style, and European equipment is very different. Therefore, when an Asian beauty appears in a Japanese gaming area wearing an Asian-style outfit, everyone will immediately think that this is a local girl, and no one will think that she will be European.

Compared to Christina, I don't have that convenient ability. Although I have two numbers that can be switched, it is completely possible to switch the purple sun form to the silver moon form, but because the silver moon form is completely a beauty shape, I easily do not want to change. However, even if I do n’t change the number, there are ways to make me unrecognizable.

Compared to Christina, a level of strategic nuclear weapons, because I often run outside, from time to time, I need to sneak in and other actions, which determines that I need all kinds of camouflage. In order to deal with this situation, I asked the foundry master in the guild to help me design a very special equipment.

This set of equipment is actually a set of heavy armor suits for soldiers with pretty good attributes. However, although it is a standard suit of soldiers, it has the characteristics of Japanese samurai equipment. In other words, as long as I do n’t expose myself, others are I can't tell that I'm actually a warrior, not a Japanese samurai. As for the hair that extends from the helmet ... Isn't it difficult to design a wig?

In fact, this silver hair is not connected to my head, but is connected to the helmet. When I put on the helmet, I just need to stuff my own hair into the helmet, and the wig pre-installed under the helmet is It feels like my hair is coming out of it. Although this design is very simple, it is actually the same as many magics. Most people will be easily deceived before they think about it.

The biggest benefit of this strange design is to use various misleading images to widen the gap between the image I showed and the original image. In this case, normal people will not guess that I am actually Ziri. After all, no Japanese player can imagine that I would actually have a Japanese specialty job. After all, that armor is too deceptive.

Under this disguise, we easily got rid of the crowd, so that no one wanted to get the two of us, the Frost Rose Alliance, which made Japanese players hate it.

After successfully leaving the leveling area, we used the Japanese side's teleportation array to teleport directly to a city near their area, and then the people on our two sides entered the training area controlled by the New Black Dragon Society from two directions. Grade zone.

This leveling area is a leveling point that Matsumoto is congratulating their new black dragon club, because of its large area. Monsters are of high quality, so they are used as a training area for key personnel. Players of the New Black Dragon Club are guarding each entrance of this leveling area, and Matsumoto is not conquering the entire leveling area, they will only be closed for a period of time when their personnel need training. The advantage of this method is that it will not arouse too much resistance, and Matsumoto is also convincing that they have a reasonable explanation, such as researching secret skills.

Right now the leveling area is not under blockade, so Christina and I have not been blocked from entering the leveling area entrance here, and Matsumoto has no need to worry about them.

After entering the leveling area, both of us started to move towards a certain area according to the established route, and soon we met in an advanced leveling area. This place is already very deep, and ordinary players can never enter. And because Matsumoto Masaru greeted the new Black Dragon Club player before entering here. So subsequent personnel will be intercepted, so even if there is still a tail, they can't keep up.

"Will ... long ...?" Matsumoto was congratulating them when they suddenly saw me and Christina.

Christina and I deliberately smiled and didn't speak, but the opposite Matsumoto Masako and August smoked them were very surprised to lean on. In fact, they can be sure that this is Christina and me, and the reason is that they have a communicator headset in their ears. Now both parties are in positioning navigation mode. So they can be sure that no one is wrong. However, seeing our current image, Masamoto Masaharu, they were really unresponsive.

Sakura Yu looked at Christina for a long while before suddenly saying, "Are you Christina?"

Christina couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Hahahaha, your expressions are really funny."

"It's you!" Blazing Dragon Ji suddenly relaxed at this time. Because although the shape has changed a lot, we haven't changed our voices, so we can hear it when we speak. "How did you two become like this?" Blazing Dragon Ji asked excitedly.

Christina smiled and explained to them the principle of deformation, and I was even simpler, just take off the helmet.

Seeing the wig connected to my helmet, Matsumoto Masahe couldn't help but said, "I rely, your design is really ... really ... I don't know what to say. By the way, how do you transfer to Japanese characteristics? Are you working? "

"How do you know that I transferred to a special profession?" I asked.

Matsumoto Masako still has a little cyanosis, and August smokes a quicker response, and asks directly: "This is not a Japanese samurai suit?"

I smiled and nodded: "This is specially designed by someone I find. It can be fake or real, but in essence this is a heavy plate armor, and it is a standard warrior suit."

"I trust, your idea is too good, simply changing a set of equipment can turn into this look, too powerful." Blazing Dragon Ji sighed.

"Okay, let's be quiet." I motioned to Matsumoto to congratulate them to calm down, and then said: "Now talk about business, we all traveled so hard to run and not show off your equipment."

When it comes to business, Matsumoto Masa becomes serious. "Okay, we talk about business, but before that we need to change places. This place is not a good place to talk."

In fact, Matsumoto Masa made a lot of sense, this is just where we meet, not where we chat. The sound in this channel will be transmitted in a concentrated way, so the sound will be transmitted over a very long distance. Although it will interfere with each other after multiple rebounds of the echo, people with special hearing assistance can still hear it. Therefore, this kind of place is not a good place to speak. In addition, this is the high-end monster area after all. What do we say when a group suddenly emerges?

The way to get out of here is simple, just use directional teleportation, but instead of teleporting to other places, but a special new black dragon club base in a nearby city. There is a secret room in this place, which is very suitable for conversation. As for the place where our teleportation appears ... This is actually a public teleportation point, but it is only open to the interior of the New Black Dragon Club. Christina and I couldn't teleport directly because the two of us were not members of the New Black Dragon Society, so there was no way to come, but as long as Matsumoto was congratulating some of them with us, there would be no problem, because the teleportation array would only identify one Human identity. As long as one person meets the requirements, others can follow along.

When a group of us appeared at the teleportation point in the city of the New Black Dragon Club, the surrounding Japanese players immediately bowed and saluted to us, because Matsumoto was his boss after all, so he was specially respected. When Matsumoto took them to leave with us, these talents returned to normal, and no one asked about the origin of me and Christina. After all, we followed Matsumoto, and Matsumoto was the boss here. Investigating the boss's actions is not a good thing. To talk lightly is nosy. Seriously, there is a suspected spy.

After walking with Matsumoto Masako into the secret special secret room, we found out that there were actually a few of our guild players we sent to Matsumoto Masaga. Of course, these were our Frost Rose Alliance members, but now It has been replaced with the identity of the New Black Dragon Society. They were all I sent to Matsumoto Masa to help. Therefore, it must have a convenient identity. Their identity in the Frost Rose Alliance has long since been cancelled. Now from a system perspective, they are the people of the New Black Dragon Society.

The main work of these players at the New Black Dragon Club is to operate the communication hub in front of us. Since the last time Matsumoto congratulated them on their communications hub being taken away by Nobunaga's hands, we realized that a communications hub cannot be equipped with just one.

Last time they attacked Matsumoto's city for the sake of Nobunaga. As a result, the communications hub was accidentally robbed, and the communications hub at that time was the only communications hub in the entire Japan region. The function of this thing in the communication network of our guild is a bit similar to the program-controlled switch in the telephone, and the communication hub is different from the program-controlled switch. There may be many switches, but the number of communication hubs is very small, and there is only one in Japan.

Because this communication hub is the only one in Japan, our communication network in Japan was paralyzed immediately after being received by Nobunaga. Although everyone's communicator is good, but because the transfer device does not exist, everyone's communicator is like a mobile phone leaving the transmission tower, which is basically a decoration.

However, the last time reminded us in disguise, so it is not a good thing to try it. We learned from this and started to equip each region with dual communication hubs. When one communication hub is attacked or other problems prevent it from working, another communication hub can immediately begin to intervene in the communication network.

The exchange method we use is not to let the two communication hubs go online to work together, but to let one of them always take the task online, and as long as it does not cause problems, the other communication hub will not go online. However, although this backup communication hub will not go online, it monitors the entire communication network at all times. Once it is found that the network 1 is paralyzed or invaded, the backup machine will immediately start all functions and start online. When it goes online, all online communication equipment will immediately change the working frequency band to enter the second network, and this second network will shield the first communication hub and the intruded terminal. That is to say, no matter what kind of invasion our communication network is subjected to, we can instantly repair communication failures and ensure network security. Of course, the possibility of a problem with the two sets of equipment is not impossible, but it is always better to have a backup solution than one set.

What we are seeing now is the standby machine, and the main communication hub is actually below the headquarters of the New Black Dragon Club. This can also be regarded as a disguised black lamp. Many Japanese players are estimated to be dead or not. Our Frost Rose Alliance's intelligence transfer station is actually below their headquarters building, and the people of the New Black Dragon Club are maintaining it.

Those players who are in charge of operating the equipment saw Christina and I appear here with a vigilant look at Masamoto Matsumoto. The look was asking Matsumoto Masako who we are. After all, these players came from the Frost Rose League. People, they know how important this communication hub is, and how well they feel about their identity. However, when I suddenly saw Matsumoto congratulating them and brought in two people they didn't know, they were naturally very nervous. If it weren't for Matsumoto ’s continual proactiveness, these people would have thought Matsumoto was congratulating them.

"Hahahaha, look, isn't it scary again?" Blazing Dragon Ji said with a smile.

I also smiled, and then took off the helmet. And those who are just as close to the enemy as the bank immediately relaxed, and then turned into an excited expression. "President? Why are you here?"

"I and Matsumoto congratulate them on something they need to discuss. Isn't it just safer for you?"

A few people nodded and said they understood, and then returned to their work after a few greetings with us. After all, although their machine was not online, they had been listening to the network, so they couldn't be left alone.

After greetings with members of the guild, I entered the room with Matsumoto Masako together. There are several rooms in this computer room, all of which have special uses. The room we entered was not a conference room but a small warehouse, but it was temporarily used as a conference room.

After we entered, Matsumoto closed the gate. Then he nodded to signal that August smoking could begin. In August, after seeing Matsumoto nodding his head, he immediately walked to a box stacked beside the corner. Then he took a crystal ball out of it, and then took out an excitation device.

We are no stranger to this crystal ball, after all, this thing is the memory crystal, the camera in the game. This stuff is used by almost every player. The difference is just that people don't use such a large size. The memory capacity of things like memory crystals is related to their volume. But this is not a matter of proportionality. It's a matter of geometric progression.

When the volume of the memory crystal is increased, its ability to record information is increased by the square of the volume increase speed, that is to say. The amount of information recorded in a one cubic meter of memory crystal is far more than the amount of data recorded in two half-cubic memory crystals.

The memory crystal just taken out in August is already bigger than basketball. This level of memory crystal is actually quite rare. Although there are several larger ones in our guild, they are all Special supplies, this size is usually very rare.

After placing this memory crystal on the activation device, August smoked a little operation on it, then the activation device immediately activated the memory crystal, and the memory crystal quickly projected a beam of light toward the front wall, and then on the wall A picture is displayed.

This screen surprised us again, because memory crystals generally record stereo images directly. Don't look at the memory crystal as the high-tech camera in reality, but the actual function of this thing is actually more than the camera cow. The picture recorded by this gadget is not flat at all, but a 360-degree all-round image, and you can move around the picture during the projection. If it ’s a movie or TV, you can create a 3d effect, but that 3d just makes you look three-dimensional, but it ’s not really a 3d, because you see it from any direction. It's the same picture. However, the picture projected by the memory crystal is not the same. The projected image is similar to the real scene. You can move around it and then you can see the memory picture from multiple directions, such as using the memory crystal to remember the next person. The freeze-frame picture, if it is a video camera or a camera, no matter how you flip the photo or play the screen, what you see is just one direction of the person in this picture, but if it is a memory crystal to record a frame, you only need to surround it This person's projection can be seen in all directions in one rotation.

However, although the memory crystal can record a full three-dimensional simulation scene, it is not necessary, that is, the memory crystal can actually record a plane picture like a camera. This recording method looks much worse than the stereo image, but there is a benefit that this method does not have, which is to save space.

The amount of information to be recorded in the three-dimensional picture is too large, so it will cause the memory crystal to not remember too much, but it will be different if it is changed to a flat surface. This recording method can extend the recording time by more than ten times and can record. more information.

Now this memory crystal is very large, which means that its capacity is quite scary, but even for this level of memory crystal, Matsumoto is actually using two-dimensional images to record information, which shows that what needs to be recorded. The amount is very large. And all I know is that there is actually only one kind of information recorded in this way, and that is ... research data.

As I said before, our Frost Rose League has several memory crystals larger than this, and those few memory crystals except for one of them is the recorder of Babel Tower. The rest are used to store the research materials of our industry. After all, the library alone can only say that it saves all of our research data, but during the research process, I occasionally need to check the previous research records, but the library search is obviously too slow, so the memory crystal has become a Reasonable solution. Of course, the cost of this reasonable method is not cheap, which is why our Frost Rose League wealth is so bold, and other guilds may have such a need and would not use memory crystals.

Sure enough, the picture opened in August is not a special record of the projected information, but a full wall of experimental data. Thanks to me, I'm still a bit involved in these things, so I can probably see them. This is a research explanation of some magic formations and some basic principles of magic. Of course, because this is a research record rather than a conclusion, the content is very messy, but as the picture continues to scroll. I gradually discovered the research direction of this thing.

"Is this a study of the grafting structure of a magical array?" I looked at Masamoto Matsu in surprise.

Matsumoto Masako was surprised when I heard my question. "I depend. Do you understand?"

When I heard what Matsumoto was saying, I immediately guessed this guy's intention. He just waited to see me ugly. I didn't expect that I could understand. "Hey, you're so foolish as the chairman of me?"

"Okay. I'm convinced." Matsumoto began to formally introduce after he said: "This information is a super-secret research material stolen by our senior spies stationed in Ghost League, and according to this information, They seem to have obtained some very special research technology from somewhere. This technology is still a semi-finished product, but it is very close to the finished product. The core of this technology is that it can be based on existing equipment , Graft equipment that players already have. "

"Can you say it easier?" Cristina asked. Although she understands these things better than me, after all, we just looked at the beginning of that research record, and we didn't see anything substantial, so even a genius can't guess the following things out of thin air, right?

After hearing about Christina's request, Masamoto Matsumoto said, "Simply speaking, it is ... is ... I really don't know how to say it simply! But for example, suppose you have a set of armor, the armor itself The attributes are fixed and will not change. However, with this grafting technique, you can find another shield, then use the grafting technique, and then cooperate with the equipment forging technology to connect the shield to the armor, and then The armor's defense will become the sum of the original defense and the shield's defense. "

"Isn't that just a fusion of equipment?" Christina asked in surprise.

"No, no, it's not the same as equipment fusion." August Xun inserted to explain: "Equipment fusion is the complete fusion of equipment, only later will become a new equipment, and the number of fusion is actually theoretical. There is no upper limit. The key depends on how lucky you are. As long as there is no failure of fusion, you can continue unlimited fusion. However, this equipment grafting technology feels like a semi-finished fusion technology. They use some simple The equipment can be grafted, and does not require too high melting technology. In addition, after the grafting technology is grafted, the appearance of the two pieces of equipment can be seen. The two pieces of equipment are actually connected together, but not completely. Fusion into a whole, you can still see their respective shapes, and because this graft fusion does not actually change the volume of the equipment, the fusion must not be too much, otherwise multiple pieces of equipment will become an impossible A large iron ball that moves. Although the attributes seem to be improved, if you ca n’t move, the higher attributes are also displayed! "

Christina suddenly asked at this time: "I think I probably understand what you mean. Basically, this grafting technology is a simple fusion method. In addition to the super low probability of success and the high requirements for integration with equipment, , This method can be applied in a large number, and can greatly improve the equipment attributes? "

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Not only can the attributes of the equipment be merged, but also the equipment that is connected can be disassembled when necessary. However, the biggest problem with grafting equipment is that this grafting method is greatly affected by the shape of the equipment and cannot be grafted randomly. . For example, if you put several leggings on an armor, this equipment cannot be seen. However, even if you simply graft two or three pieces of equipment, you can easily double the attributes of the equipment. After all, two or three times the number of equipment , There are definitely a lot of boosted attributes. "

"That is to say, the ghost-handed Nobunaga now have a technology that can greatly improve the equipment attributes?" I asked out loud.

"It's a semi-finished product." August smoked reminded: "This kind of thing has not been fully researched. It is said that there is a technical difficulty in a certain place and the research project is stuck here. In addition, this technology is not like watching It's that simple. "

"I know." Christina nodded. "Equipment attribute grafting, obviously the internal magic array is interconnected, and to do this requires a very deep understanding of compound magic, and the use of this knowledge, practical It can be used in multi-layered magic arrays. A lot of technologies from Russia that we got from Nobunaga's hand show that Russia has this kind of multi-layered magic arrays, so ... "

"Do you suspect that Nobunaga's technique comes from Russia?" Masamoto Matsumoto asked.

Christina shook her head and said, "No ~ ~ The technology on the Russian side is a little different from this one. If the technology of the ghost-handed Nobunaga had not recently come out of the Russians, it is that he has another cooperation. partner."

Blazing Dragon Ji asked: "But our spy did not find that Nobunaga's hand had contacted the new forces? This level of technical cooperation must not be concealed, at least it cannot be concealed from insiders."

"That shows that technology is not from outsiders' guilds, but from Russia." I said.

Christina frowned: "If the Russians fully possess this technology, it will definitely have a significant impact on our future battles, but I think they will definitely need any special conditions to develop this technology, such as ... Category."

"You mean they use ghost-handed people to help them do weapon tests?" I looked at Christina and asked.

Christina nodded surely: "Yes, so we can't do what they want."

"Then what do we do? People who can't see the ghost-handed Nobunaga wearing this equipment will not fight?" Asked Blazing Dragon Ji. (To be continued ...)

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