Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 108: Meet the enemy

"I have no idea about whether the Frost Rose Alliance will accept this proposal. I ca n’t pack tickets. After all, this is not something I can decide. It is only an estimate. The reason why I held this meeting was because our intelligence staff just got one. Very important information, but due to the need for confidentiality, I cannot tell you the content of this piece of information. What I can tell you is that if we act now, it will be possible to get several major technological achievements of great significance across the ages, so I am so anxious to invite you here to discuss this matter. After all, this time I will cooperate with Frost Rose Alliance, so I expect that there will be some people who are in conflict, so I will discuss with you in advance. However, as me, Of course, I hope to promote cost-effective cooperation. After all, after my analysis, the benefits and risks of this operation are completely unequal, the risks are small, and the rate of return is high. So I do not want to miss such an opportunity.

If you do not object, then I will personally meet with Ziri to discuss this matter, and based on my understanding of Frost Rose Alliance or Ziri, he will most likely accept our proposal. I have at least 75% confidence. "

"Why are you so sure?" Asked the president of a Japanese guild.

Matsumoto looked up at the other party and said, "The person who knows you best is actually your enemy. I have played with Frost Rose Alliance and Ziri for so long. Naturally, I know the behavior of Frost Rose Alliance and Ziri very well. Purple This person can be said to be an absolute rationalist. As long as it has nothing to do with dignity and integrity, Ziri doesn't care about something that doesn't matter, but he attaches great importance to the general interests. That is to say, Zi Japan is the kind of person who knows how to appropriately give up some small benefits in exchange for greater benefits. Such people are actually born businessmen. As long as they feel profitable, they don't account for some minor issues. So Say, whether we work with us or with Americans, it is not a problem for Ziri, as long as it is profitable. As for the Frost Rose Alliance, the organization's style of operation is also quite international, which may be It has a certain relationship with them being a multi-national player mixed type. So Frost Rose League is very active in the face of benefits, not because we are Japanese We direct refusal.

Also. I forgot to explain to you before. The reason why I want to cooperate with Frost Rose Alliance. Another reason is the commerciality and formality of the Frost Rose Alliance. They are very regular in cooperation with others. After setting the cooperation mode in advance, they will work strictly in accordance with the agreement and will not occur after the fact. Peeling or deliberately pitting allies. In contrast. Whether American or Russian. Predatory is too strong. Cooperate with them. It's very likely that we are doing our best but we can't get anything. I think everyone should have a deep understanding of this. "

As soon as Matsumoto Masa said this, the people below were silent together, because they really understood what Matsumoto Masa said. In reality, Japan has been pitted by Americans more than once. Do something together in the name of cooperation. Each time, Japan is charging ahead. As a result, the Americans take advantage of it. As for Japan's benefit ... "Who is Japan? Allies? How do we not know?" The United States People answered.

Because I have suffered too many times in this regard, I think of the reputation of our Frost Rose Alliance. Even if we have fought with us for so long, the presidents of these Japanese guilds have to say that the credibility of Frost Rose Alliance is indeed Very reliable. At least follow us to do nothing.

"So Matsumoto Masayoshi, we fully understand what you mean, can we start voting now?" Asked the president of a Japanese guild.

When Matsumoto looked at it, there was really nothing to say, and he nodded: "Then vote. The old rules."

Matsumoto's voting method is similar to the electronic voting device, but it is a magic array system. In front of the chairman of each Japanese guild, there are two magic formations, which are connected to a corresponding magic formation on the roof of the conference hall. As long as you input magic into the magic array in front of you, the small magic array above your head will glow. Therefore, the presidents only need to select the magic array representing the schemes they support and input the magic power. After that, just count the number of magic arrays on the top of the head to see the number of votes. Of course, you can abstain from voting, as long as you do not start on both sides.

This set of things does not have an automatic counter, so the number of magic arrays needs to be counted manually, but this time obviously it is not necessary to count the number, because in the end, except for one vote of opposition and the number of abstentions that do not know how many votes, the rest are all cast Yes, this ratio is already an absolute majority, so Matsumoto said without hesitation: "Since the vast majority of people support this proposal, I will go to Ziri to talk about it, but before the specific results come out Please keep this a secret. Once the Russians know that we have cooperated with the Chinese, it will be difficult for us to use the pretext of helping the Russians to fight the Frost Rose Alliance to safely send troops to Russia. "

The presidents of the guilds nodded, and after a brief explanation, Matsumoto announced that the meeting would be temporarily suspended and told the presidents not to rush off the line for now because he and I would definitely not take too long to discuss this matter. Time, so it is very likely that a meeting will be held immediately to discuss subsequent action plans. After everyone promised to wait online, Masamoto Matsumoto officially ended the meeting and left here.

Although many Japanese guild presidents knew this time, because it was necessary to shield such information from Russian intelligence personnel, Masamoto Matsumoto still couldn't go to me with an open mind. Of course, because I have known this meeting for a long time, in fact we are just showing it to others.

Mr. Matsumoto first found a person to send a letter, and then successfully numbered our connector staff on the street. Finally, after briefly speaking with our connector staff, those connector staff immediately contacted our pretend pretend. Here at the headquarters, a few minutes later the counterparty told Matsumoto Masaka and several of Matsumoto Masaka's entourages an address. Let them wait there and someone will pick them up to meet us.

Although this time the matter was to talk to me about cooperation and have already said to the presidents of those Japanese guilds, but in order to clarify the relationship, Masamoto Matsumoto did not intend to talk to me alone. Of course, there is nothing to talk about between us. Even the task itself was discussed by us and thrown to Masamoto Matsumoto for execution. What else can we talk about? What we really need is not to let me talk to Masamoto Matsumoto, but to let the presidents of the Japanese guilds listen, so that we can get Matsumoto Masaru clean from this matter. At least they can't make them doubt the relationship between Masamoto Matsumoto and us.

After getting the exact location information, Matsumoto rushed to the location quickly. This place is actually located in a rather dangerous leveling area in Japan. Of course, this kind of place is best for things like secret meetings, because all kinds of places are dangerous, and danger means that most people are unwilling to come in. Can't get in at all. Those who can reach such places must be people with certain strength. And there are not many powerful people. Therefore, such areas are usually sparsely staffed, and it is better to do something unseen.

Masamoto Matsumoto originally wanted to convince everyone that he hadn't done anything sorry for Japan, so of course he brought as many witnesses as possible. The person who finally decided to negotiate with Masamoto Matsumoto was defined as twelve. Plus Masamoto Matsumoto has a total of thirteen people. Except for Matsumoto Masaru, the remaining twelve are real Japanese players. Before this, these people had nothing to do with our Frost Rose League. Of course, they were not chosen because these people did not like us, but because they were all presidents of large guilds. Twelve of them controlled half of the power in this alliance, except the new black dragon society. . Therefore, as long as the twelve people think there is no problem, even if others think there is a problem, that is not a problem.

"Is this here?" When these 12 people followed Matsumoto Masa to the designated place, they did not see any of our guild waiting here, so the first reaction was to be fooled. After all, the relationship between the two sides is really Not to mention the slightest kind of friendliness, no matter what we do to them, it is indeed not excessive to be an enemy.

Of course, Matsumoto knows that we will not pit people, but at this time he can not show any calmness, but should be more nervous, so Matsumoto said in a very confused manner: "The location should be right Ah! I just follow the map coordinates. Unless they are not talking about this map, it is impossible to get it wrong, it should be right here. "

"But why haven't the people of Frost Rose League arrived yet?" The other president asked.

"Will it be too early for us to come?" Another president asked.

Matsumoto looked at the time and said, "It's really early. But it's only a few minutes early. It should be on time to meet the party. It doesn't matter, let's wait for a while! Come anyway Now, what if you are tricked? You can't go back now? "

"I knew that we shouldn't cooperate with the Chinese. We didn't find ourselves happy." After all, they were all the presidents of the Japanese guilds who held great opinions on us. Now I found out that I might be tricked immediately. Showing extreme dissatisfaction, some people have even begun to blame Matsumoto Masa, who would come up with such a shit-like plan.

Of course, Matsumoto will not let people vilify him, but he can't be too vowed, so he can only argue arbitrarily: "The appointed time has not yet come, and it has not been determined that it has been played, you are now Just blame what I mean? Don't forget that this was not an order I gave directly. I also asked for your opinions. Didn't I see you stand up against it at the time? "


"Shh, don't be born." One of the Japanese guild presidents who did not participate in the quarrel interrupted the quarrel and asked, "Did you hear any voices?"

Now that he asked, everyone naturally started to pay attention to it, and because they suddenly stopped talking, the surrounding sound became clearer naturally after the noise disappeared. One of the players did find the problem quickly. "Wait, there seems to be a sound, a ... a very strange sound."

"I seem to have heard this voice," said one player.

"Yes, I feel like I've heard it before," said one player. But everyone responded the same. I felt like hearing it, but no one could remember what it was.

Although everyone is puzzled, the sound does exist, and it is obviously getting closer and closer. After all, the sound that was only faint before is now quite obvious. However, while everyone was still guessing, a large group of birds suddenly flew up behind a small hill not far away, which was accompanied by some intermediate and advanced Warcraft. This discovery made the presidents of the Japanese guilds all focus their eyes there, just after everyone's eyes were completely focused. Behind the hilltop, a huge ship bow appeared slowly. And with the emergence of this ship's bow, the later part also began to get out of the mountain faster and faster.

When I first saw this ship's bow, many Japanese guild presidents thought it was an ordinary battleship, but soon they responded, and the ordinary warships that could come from the sky were also flying warships. This kind of thing is definitely not an ordinary ship for Japanese players. After all, as long as it can fly, it will not be an ordinary battleship.

In fact, this warship is not only flying. The size is also quite large. The main reason that it could be blocked by a small mountain pack was due to distance and angle. It's as if a small moon can block the sun's brilliance during a solar eclipse, as long as it's in the right place. Even a dollar coin is enough to block your entire line of sight. Therefore, a battleship blocked by a mountain is not necessarily smaller than a mountain bag. In fact, this warship is not only larger than the mountains, but several times larger. If this mountain is shaped into a battleship, it is estimated that not even one-fifth of this battleship will be reached. Such a huge battleship approached at a very low altitude by rubbing its treetops. Such a big thing is going to fly, holding up its anti-gravity field is naturally extremely horrible and powerful, and under the interference of such a neutral stand, the surrounding ground is constantly shaking as the thing moves, feeling It was as if standing on a swing exercise machine, the whole person shook with the ground uncontrollably.

"Damn, is this Frost Rose League going to give us power?" Someone finally responded. Well said, it was negotiations, and it turned out that there was such a large warship. Was this to negotiate or to show off military force?

"Whatever it is, at least people are here," Matsumoto said after he said, "Remember, everything is for the benefit, and try to bear it out for a while. Although you can't be weak, don't over-stimulate the Chinese, we are not When they come to fight with them, they must first suppress their resistance if they want to cooperate, otherwise they don't want to talk about anything. "

"We know," said one of the Japanese guild presidents. "But what if the Chinese take the initiative?"

"Stop it." Masamoto Matsumoto's answer was super simple, but the simple two words made the presidents of the Japanese guilds all quiet down. In fact, they were not quiet and useless, because with the As the distance approaches the surrounding noises also start to grow. The warship did not know whether it was deliberate or how it was done. The sound of the propeller was so scary, that the deafening noise could be heard over a kilometer, and the sound was still expanding as the distance approached. Now Matsumoto is congratulating that even if they shout each other, they can't understand what the other party is saying. Fortunately, this situation did not last too long. After the thing successfully flew to the vicinity of Matsumoto Masahiro, it began to descend. After the thing successfully landed in the sway of the mountain for a while, it was noisy. His voice also began to change rapidly, and as the volume decreased, everyone remembered where the voice had been heard.

airport. Everyone suddenly remembered that this sound was actually like the sound of an airplane engine, of course not a jet fighter, but the sound of a turbofan engine mounted on a large passenger aircraft.

With the thing completely shut down, a Japanese guild president suddenly said, "If this scene is seen, our famous festival will be completely saved!"

Before Masahiro Matsumoto spoke, there was another badge saying, "How is that possible? Don't forget that we had a meeting before we came out. There were more than a hundred guild presidents to help us prove that, are you still worried about unclear explanations? ? "

"This is also true. But I still feel weird. If Frost Rose League refuses to accept our agreement, it will be a big loss. You don't know how determined I am to convince myself to come over!" That Japan trip The chairman suddenly said, "Well? What is this going to do? Is that something going to attack us?"

The reason why the chairman would say this is because the top of the opposite battleship actually opened two rows of rocket launchers like rocket launchers, but this thing is definitely not a rocket launcher. Because rocket launchers cannot have such a large caliber. The launch tubes on this gadget are all six diamonds, and the nozzles of each launch tube are enough to fit into a mini car. If such a large nozzle is a rocket launcher, it is simply used by Tucheng. After all, With a volley of caliber, almost one city is gone. Of course, these Japanese guild presidents are not stupid. Of course, they know that this cannot be a rocket launcher, because the cost ratio is unreasonable. This kind of thing is not impossible to create, and it is not completely useless. Just not worth it. Being able to build this kind of thing is not as valuable as spending money to get something else. Moreover. With so many super-caliber rockets loaded on the spacecraft, in the event of a detonation after being hit, wouldn't it be unpleasant to find it yourself?

The facts are also similar to those guessed by the presidents of the Japanese guilds, which quickly rose after the top armor plate was deployed. Then he turned to both sides of the battleship. Immediately afterwards, I saw that those things started firing one after the other like real rocket launchers. The speed is very fast, the interval between every two launch ports is only a few tenths of a second, and a total of sixteen transmitters are launched together. The scene can be said to be quite spectacular.

The things thrown out by the launcher are very large and look short and thick. The trajectory of the fly-out is the same as that of a mortar, and after a small cut obliquely upward at an angle of seventy degrees, It started to descend, and soon landed over the nearby forest. However, just when the presidents of the Japanese guilds thought that these things were going to be smashed into the woods, they suddenly broke up. The huge metal device suddenly burst in the air, and then the presidents of the Japanese guilds instantly felt a sense of awakening, because after the metal jar exploded, they actually appeared as mobile angels. They were too familiar with this thing .

"What is Frost Rose League doing?"

"I don't know, maybe it's the defense." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "We are worried that Japanese players misunderstand us. Why is Ziri worried that Chinese players misunderstand him?"

The presidents of the Japanese guilds nodded and said, "It makes sense, too. If the Chinese know their leader Zi Ri and discuss things with us, no matter what the discussion is, at least Zi Ri needs a lot of effort. So that people can understand what he's doing, so in order to save things, it's better to block the news now so that people don't know we have met. "

Matsumoto Masahe heard that someone had already made up for a reasonable explanation, so instead of talking, he looked at the air battleship over there waiting for our action.

We don't intend to delay time here. The fewer people who know this kind of thing, the better. We certainly don't want unrelated people to know, so we must act fast. After the deployment of the mobile angel force was completed, those people found that the side of the warship suddenly opened a considerable hatch, and immediately afterwards saw a very large dragon came out from the inside, which was actually taller than those nearby. The super giant wood is more than twice as tall. The big trees more than ten meters high look like short bushes in front of him.

After the dragon appeared, it looked around from side to side, and then suddenly slammed its wings apart and struck hard. The huge body suddenly emptied, and then one turned over and flew in the other direction until the dragon flew away. Afterwards, many people found that there were several small dots in the sky that were approaching quickly, but because the previous attention was on the dragon, they did not know when these small dots appeared.

"That should be the Ziri them, right?" Asked the chairman of a Japanese guild beside Masaru Matsumoto.

Matsumoto shook his head and said, "It's too far to see clearly, but Ziri should be inside. I know who the glittering one beside me is."

"Apart from the real red show, who else has the equipment to show that show?" A Japanese guild said with sourness, and the tone of the tone was a deep grievance, and the typical ca n’t eat grapes and say grapes acid.

In fact, you ca n’t blame the really red equipment bag. After all, the shape of the equipment is not your choice. You ca n’t wear it because the equipment is too beautiful, right? Besides, this set of real red is a national weapon, and the national weapon is all equipment with national characteristics. In most stages of the feudal era in China, yellow has always been a symbol of nobility and supremacy. Just look at the clothes worn by ancient emperors. In China, yellow color or gold is considered to be the most noble color, and even special laws have been issued to restrict ordinary people from wearing and using yellow things.

The national instrument itself is the same as the national flag, and it has the nature of a pointer. Therefore, it is logical to use the most important color of the country. And the final result of this setting is that true red is forced to become a golden saint, with a gold armor, as long as the sun is a little better, people who stand opposite can not even look directly at the true red to avoid flashing their eyes. It is no wonder that the president of the Japanese guild would be jealous of such exaggerated equipment. It is estimated that if he had such a set of things, he would not say that kind of thing.

In the course of the exchanges between the presidents of several Japanese guilds, the figures have approached them at a very fast speed. Although they have not yet landed, they can already see the appearance of the people.

There were more than a dozen people coming from the spaceship. One of the heads was a black horse-shaped mount riding on the sole of a foot. I can recognize it at a glance, and most of the remaining people flew over by themselves. One of them was really red, which was discovered long ago, and one of them was a rose. The other is Red Moon. The remaining few are senior players in the guild. It is just that the presidents of the Japanese guilds on the other side only knew a few of them, and few knew them all. After all, our guild is a worldwide guild, and high-level personnel need to be stationed in different regions. So what appears in Japan is only part of the strength of our guild. It is normal for these people to fail to recognize them.

"Does Frost Rose League take us seriously?" Masamoto Matsumoto said intentionally, although the Japanese guild presidents didn't say it, they were very happy, because if we came here too Ordinary means that we don't care about the strength of Japan. On the other hand, when we have so many senior personnel, they show that they are valued, that is, their disguise proves that their strength is not bad, at least it is worthy of our Frost Rose League.

Soon the people on our side finally reached the sky above them and circled around them, and then the night shadow suddenly took the lead and dived down, and after landing, it rushed forward a lot, until it was about to hit Matsumoto Masa At that time, I pulled the reins violently, and the night shadow immediately stood up. Two forefoots waved in front of Matsumoto Masa, but they didn't really kick him, and Matsumoto Masa also stood still. It looked like Quite a cow fork, but those guys who followed him wouldn't be able to do it. A few of them were even scared to take a few steps back, but they really realized that they were shameful after they actually retreated. The move I just made was clearly the dismissal of power, and Matsumoto Masako stood still, even if it held up my pressure, and even played a certain counterattack effect, which gave them a certain upper hand for their negotiations, but These people who hide behind them obviously weaken the momentum of everyone, so these people step forward immediately after backing off, but unfortunately it is too late to return at this time. Some things cannot be made up once they happen.

"Is this how you say hello to others?" Matsumoto Masa stood there, ignoring Ye Ying's hoof close to him, and asked in a rather cold voice.

This kind of slightly ironic words is obviously quite irritating. If I were true and Matsumoto Masa is the enemy, I would eat it at this time, but we are not, but on the surface I still have to pretend to be Matsumoto Masa. He posed for a moment, deliberately pretending to be speechless, and then controlled Ye Ying to put down his forefoot and turn over from Ye Ying.

"It was you who invited us out to talk about things, so it seems inappropriate to ridicule us?" I said calmly in front of Masaru Matsumoto.

Masamoto Matsumoto also said quite calmly: "It's not polite to use a mount to frighten someone by kicking someone out?"

The presidents of the surrounding Japanese guilds still felt that Matsumoto Masa made them bear a little too weak. Who knows that Matsumoto Masa was so tough after meeting them, but he didn't want to give me a pinpoint to Mai Mang. But it was quite unexpected for these people, but they didn't hate it at all, but they were a little excited.

After counterattacking me properly, Matsumoto Masa finally interrupted this boring argument between us and began to talk about business. "Everyone is an adult. Let's put aside those childish things for a while and discuss how old things are?"

"You won't come if you don't plan to listen."

"Now that we have reached a consensus on this point, I will go straight to the point. We are looking for it this time. I mainly want to discuss cooperation with you."

"Cooperation?" I deliberately raised the voice of my voice by eight degrees, and it was obvious that the voice changed because of surprise. "Are you kidding me? Want us Frost Rose Alliance and your new black dragon to cooperate? Why don't you let the two temples of light and darkness discuss the merger?"

"Don't rush to deny. You and I understand the contradictions between China and Japan, but I don't think this is an obstacle preventing us from cooperating. As long as the benefits are sufficient, there is nothing that cannot be traded, isn't it?

"In theory, I agree with you, but sometimes I still reject some seemingly profitable transactions, such as those involving your Japanese."

"It depends on what type of sale. The reason for your rejection is simply because those things are dispensable to you, so you chose to reject us without affecting the development of Frost Rose Alliance, but if Are some very big benefits. And just so useful to you? "

I paused a little before I said, "To be honest, I'm curious why you are so sure that the benefits you say are useful to us. But okay, I admit that you moved me." I stood sideways and stretched out my hand as I said Did you mean it.

"What are you doing?"

"You wouldn't really plan to talk to us here?" I said, "Since you say there is a great benefit, it means that this matter must not be too small. In other words, we must not be able to finish the sentence in two or three sentences. The whole content, and unfortunately we encountered a little trouble on the way here. So there is no way to stay here for a long time. You either have to reschedule with us. Or you can go back to us and find a safe place to talk slowly. You Which one do you want to choose? "

Matsumoto did not answer directly, but looked back at the other Japanese guild presidents around them. After exchanging their eyes, one of them said to Matsumoto Masa, "Go with them. The great thing is us These people hang up once. I don't think President Ziri will lie to us in such things? "

I smiled and nodded, but didn't explain anything, and Matsumoto Masako hesitated for a few seconds and said as if he had made up his mind, "Death is dead, we will go with you."

Immediately after getting the consent of Matsumoto Masahiro, the thick communicator shouted, "Okay, come here to pick us up, we leave here."


With my order, the warship on the opposite side suddenly issued a deafening whistle. The dull sound echoed over the forest for a long time. Everyone who heard it felt that his heart was being heard by the heavy flute. Affected.

With the whistle ending, the huge spaceship rose slowly. This thing can fly. Those Japanese guilds have known for a long time. After all, it just came over, but what's the matter with this voice? When I came, my brain was almost flowing out. Is this just a little longer? It turned into a silent spaceship?

"Your spaceship ...?" Masamoto Matsumoto asked not because he was colluding, in fact he was really strange. The anti-gravity device used by our guild spacecraft is basically free of working noise. The reason why the spacecraft moves with sound is entirely due to the vibration of surrounding debris caused by the local area gravity disturbance caused by the anti-gravity field. This sound will not be emitted when the spacecraft is lifted to high altitude, but as long as the spacecraft is close to the ground, a continuous booming sound will appear, which is actually caused by ground vibration. However, the movement when the spacecraft just arrived was obviously not caused by vibration. The real spacecraft vibrates not only because of this sound, but also not so much movement.

Of course I know the question about Masamoto Matsumoto. After all, I was annoyed by this voice for a long time. "Actually, there was something wrong with our spaceship, so that kind of noise was caused. I just repaired it while I was stopped. It should be troubleshooting."

I did not explain in detail. After all, there are still many Japanese guild presidents, but I do not explain it because I am afraid they do not understand. In fact, just now it was not applause, but injury. On the way here, our ship was very unfortunately involved in a traffic accident. Two unlucky eggs flying together in Japan actually hit our ship with a flying dragon. At that time, our spacecraft was flying at a low speed and activated the mirage system, which looked like a huge piece of pure and transparent ice. It's easy to ignore the past when not paying attention. The two unlucky people neglected this goal because they were too engaged in the chat. As a result, the bipedal dragon, born with short-sighted eyes, hit our ship under the command of the distracted master.

Such an impact accident would have no impact on our spacecraft. After all, it is an air battleship, and its defense is still quite terrible. If it is impossible to be hit, it will cause problems. The bad luck is not good in the position where the two hit them, just in a crowded area. Originally, because there were too many Japanese players in this place, we started the mirage system and hoped that they could sneak away from their heads after being invisible, but these two unlucky suicide attacks directly exposed our position.

Two objects flying in the sky suddenly hit an invisible wall, and the fool knew that there was a problem there. As a result, a very curious guy threw a large range of strong thunderbolts onto the field. Although our spacecraft is not afraid of lightning strikes, it is a pity that the mirage system cannot support this, and signal interference appears in the field of lightning strikes. Then the following Japanese player noticed that the sky gradually flashed like a mosaic. Then, the appearance of a battleship was roughly revealed in the continuous flashing.

Although in the short period of time when the mirage system was disturbed and there was a problem, we quickly responded to increase the output power and hurried away, but those Japanese players still hit our spacecraft many times. Fortunately, the protective cover was very powerful and blocked all s attack. Except for the first attack. That attack didn't know which **** did it. It's almost like God's help. It turned out that the high-pressure exhaust port dedicated to our solar furnace hit the exhaust engine exactly as soon as the opening of the high-pressure exhaust port was opened. As a result, the entire exhaust mechanism had a magic backlash, and the entire circuit burst.

After the exhaust system had a problem, the spacecraft's power was lost directly. And in order to counteract the problem of insufficient lift, it switched directly to the turbine-assisted propulsion mode, but I do n’t know if the steam turbine was also affected by it. After the start of this thing, it made a huge noise comparable to that of a jet engine. The sound Matsumoto was congratulating them. You can hear it for a kilometer, and you can imagine what we look like in the boat. Thanks to the speed of the spacecraft, it supports the Japanese players who landed here. Otherwise, when returning to the sea, if there is still this movement, I may have to consider going back in other ways.

The restarted spacecraft quickly flew over our heads and dropped a rope directly. One of the presidents of the Japanese guilds looked at the rope and asked in amazement, "You advanced ships like this use this kind of thing?"

"Thanks to your enthusiastic Japanese players, our automatic elevator was also broken." Hongyue ironed.

The presidents of the Japanese guilds didn't say anything, they just shut up and climbed up, while Matsumoto Masako didn't use a rope at all, and directly grasped the two Japanese guild presidents who were close to him and flew up. All of us here can fly, but we have no intention of bringing people, so we just flew first. Several of the remaining Japanese guild presidents also flew, and as a result, no one actually took them up with a rope.

Because we were all flying up, the hatch of the hanging rope was not very easy to enter. After all, the entrance was too narrow, and the wings were too wide to enter. It could only land from the top of the spacecraft.

When I looked at it from below, I just felt that the spacecraft was large. After waiting for it, the presidents of the Japanese guilds realized that this thing was not only big and simple, but its equipment was also very complicated. Such a huge battleship can easily fly up, which is already a great thing in itself. What is more exaggerated is that there is no too obvious sound when this thing flies, and it is not even as loud as the surrounding wind, and when they succeed After landing, this thing actually started to disappear from the ends of the head and tail a little bit. Soon, even the deck they stepped on became transparent. Standing there felt like standing in the sky, and they could directly look at the earth. .

"This is the mirage system?" One of the presidents of the Japanese guilds asked in surprise. As the president of the Japanese guild who has fought with our Frost Rose Alliance for so long, none of these people knew the mirage system of our guild. Before Japan had its own large fleet, it had not been known how much The loss of this thing. However, the mirage system at that time was actually very simple, at most, it could only make warships less visible at a long distance. The effect of turning the entire ship into a huge transparent ice crystal like this is only recently developed. Come out, most of the battleships in our guild have not used this system yet.

We did not conceal the issue of the president of the Japanese guild. Anyway, it is not a secret. What Japanese players do n’t know is just the design principle and implementation of this thing. It ’s not that they have n’t seen it. It's no big deal for them.

"Yes, this is our mirage system, but this is the third generation. The kind of camouflage you saw before should be the second generation. There is another kind of fogging around the battleship. The one is the first generation, but the first generation has been eliminated long ago, and the second generation is also waiting to be replaced. In the future, it will be replaced with this three generation model. "

A Japanese guild president finally couldn't help saying, "The technical strength of Frost Rose Alliance is really very strong!"

"Thank you for the compliment, but we will not be soft to you because of your compliment."

"Well, our samurai of the Great Japanese Empire also has its own pride and does not need your charity. It is also the honor of the samurai to die outright on the battlefield."

"So what can we not discuss about your samurai spirit?" I said: "In our opinion, your spirit is a disguised religious maniac, so in order not to quarrel immediately, we still do not talk about these comparisons Alright. Come in and take a rest with us now, and soon we will be able to reach Fulcrum, after which we will teleport back to Isinger, where we have an absolutely secure room to ensure that it will not be heard Don't want what they hear. "(To be continued ...)

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