Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 141: Approach

I manipulated the body of this angel, followed by four followers controlled by the white soul. Although the four of them had the appearance of the four angels, and even their voices, they did not have any attack power, so they are now nothing more than four furnishings!

With this skin, we can shake in the temple too. A few bright angels came over head-on, and the leading one nodded to me, and I nodded to him as well, he took his men and passed us by without notice. Hee hee! Pretend success!

虽然 Although it was controlled by the Light Corps, it was a dark temple after all, and the Light Corps occupying it was too late to divide the patrol personnel in detail. The core base like Long Yuan (not the one in Nanjing) has several guards. If you wear the clothes of the outside security forces and enter the area below, you will be recognized immediately! I think the Light Temple should also have this kind of setting. For example, the outer patrol is a paladin and the inner is an angel. In this way, the patrol area is divided to prevent enemies from mixing in. However, this plan has not been implemented for the time being just occupied by the Bright Army, which has created conditions for some of us to counterfeit and muddy water!

He touched the small building behind the temple all the way, and first observed the location of the following dark whistle. Both dark whistle were in the correct position. There are 20 angels standing next to that small independent warehouse, it seems that they are responsible for keeping the door! Good luck, just happened to change posts. A line of guards came up in a neat line. The two teams saluted each other after meeting, and then changed positions. Both sides kept sinking during the whole process. It seems that there is no such thing as a password, it is probably temporary, and the management is a bit messy!

I just hid under the wall and carefully watched that they changed positions again. It seems that the movements and other things have not changed. It seems that it is due to the omission caused by the management confusion! After observing, I began to walk back with the four players behind me. Safely returned to the door of the room in the middle of the corridor, knocked on the door, triple light. The door opened a gap, and we quickly flashed in!

I introduced the situation I saw and carefully studied the plan. We decided to kill a whole team and replace it with a white soul. In this way, we can mix up the team posing as a successor during the change of posts. There are only four people in total, just replace them with ours!

After planning, we started to act. First of all, we are engaged in a few angels. I asked everyone to hide behind the door, I stood at the door waiting for the fish to hook! After waiting a few minutes, I saw a five-man team coming up, and I hurried to meet it. "5 of you come here to help, we found a small secret road stuck by something, you come and help!"

5 angels ran over immediately. I stood at the door and pointed inside: "It's inside, go in!"

I waited for five people to come to the door, and I kicked all five in. Everyone was ready to go inside, and three or two hems were flattened out. Replace the original soul with a white soul, and we have 10 fake angels even inside me! Going out and cheating twice, we have 20 angels. Aimenis used illusions to mask the actions of players who did not enter the angel's body. Our 20 angels walked outright. Use our body to form a circle to sandwich them in the middle, so you don't have to worry about being hit if you walk outside!

I walked all the way to the place where the angels of the next post slept, stunned the guard at the door and got in. The 20 guys in the room are still dreaming!

Amenis went up and gave them one by one using masking illusion, so that unless they wake up by themselves, they wo n’t respond even if they fight outside! Let the darts watch the wind at the door, and in the room I began to use Tai Chi to lock the soul array one by one to pull away the soul. After 20 souls were taken out, 19 white souls were drilled in, and I changed to the angel body leading by them.

It is not yet time to change the post, so that everyone will be hidden in the room. I took Emmys and True Red, Shadow Spring, three nihil guards, and several white souls to the dark whistle! The first whistle was in the second floor of a separate small building. Under the protection of Aimeness, we were unknowingly sneaked in. Go up to the second floor and find the doorway corresponding to the outside window according to the memory. After letting Amenities arrange the illusion, we carefully opened the door. Now it seems that the door is still closed, but we have already opened the door, as long as we do not make a sound ~ ~, no one will notice us!

The door opened, and the situation in the room was clear. Two dark angels leaned against the window and looked out of the window seemingly dazed. Although the dark angels sound like members of the dark forces, they are indeed a part of the light forces. The only difference is that their night vision is very good!

I really thank the designers of the Dark Temple. The fluffy carpet on the ground made us walk without any sound! Quietly approaching behind the two angels, I compared my hands with one, two, three, and two nihilistic guards started to work together. The dark whistle was immediately lowered. I destroyed the two dark whistle souls, and let the two white souls take over the work of those two souls! Take everyone to touch the location of another dark whistle again! This side is also simple and flattened out. After changing into the dark whistle controlled by Baihun, we returned to the other person's hidden room!

Waiting for time, we will set off immediately. I took 19 fake angels controlled by white souls to pretend to change positions! The 20 guarding angels did not notice our differences at all, and easily deceived our opponents. The entire periphery of the warehouse was taken over by us! The goal now is the 8 angels in the room!

I pulled a false angel out of the illusion of Amenis to take my place. I entered the illusion myself, so I could observe the situation in the room!

地方 This place was originally a warehouse, so there were no windows at all, and my only option was to climb up to the roof. Gently go up to the roof, remove the tiles one by one and finally see the inside!

I rely! Hold on, hold on! Al Ni actually wore a hole suit and was tied to a pillar in the middle of the warehouse. The hole suit was clearly her robe. I don't know why it turned out like this! Do those angels also do things that abuse the captives?

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