Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 131: Preparation for robbery

Chapter 131 Preparations for Robbery

The existence of the Leading Party is much simpler. Although these three guys have not actually walked through the passage below, they know at least the general direction, like the neighborhood where you live. Although you do n’t go to some areas, but Don't you get lost in it?

Based on their three guidelines, we chose to move from this layer above the head, because there are fewer people on this layer and it is easier to avoid people here.

There were n’t many people here, and they were basically occasional, and they were still life occupations. They did n’t have the ability to detect, so we easily took the illusion and successfully walked past these people, except for the need. Putting footsteps aside, there is almost nothing to worry about.

Through a large area of ​​machinery and equipment, we quickly entered a new area. This area is slightly different from the area we came before. There are no machinery and equipment here, but there are a lot of control switches, and there are pipes everywhere, dense like spider webs, and I do n’t know how those people know which pipe. Where is it going? I just feel dizzy at a glance!

When passing by this place, Blazing Dragon Ji suddenly dragged me, and I looked back at her in doubt, but she pointed to the top of her finger, and then reached out and compared it with an explosion gesture. Although she didn't say a word, I immediately understood what he meant.

At first glance, this place is the core control area of ​​those machines, so it must be very important here. Well, if we install a remote control bomb here ... it will definitely play a big role when necessary.

"Smart." I said a little praise. Then he looked up at the dense network of pipes on top of his head, and then jumped up onto a thick pipe on the upper level, and then continued to jump up on this pipe, and jumped to the pipe network in this place twice. Near the center point. There is a copper metal ball in this place, and at least a dozen pipes are connected to this thing. I directly took out a liquefied magic crystal steam bomb, and then used the sickle's silk as an adhesive to stick this thing directly above the metal ball, so that people passing through the passage below looked up even if they looked up. This bomb is gone.

After finishing this thing, Masamoto Matsumoto also realized that we should stay a bit, so we started to drop bombs everywhere in the course of the next operation. Of course, all the bombs were remote control bombs, only we let it explode. explosion. Unfortunately, the remote control bomb in the game actually uses the one-to-one correspondence of the resonant crystal to detonate the bomb. So there is no way to control multiple bombs with one remote as in reality. The result is that we have dropped at least 30 bombs along the way, and we have 30 or more detonating crystals in our hands, and because these crystals all look the same, we do n’t know which bomb corresponds to which. A crystal.

Although it is not clear which crystal position the specific bomb corresponds to. But at least we know that if all these crystals detonate. Enough to **** this mobile city.

"It's almost OK. Don't put so much, right?" I couldn't help reminding Matsumoto, who had just drilled out from behind a seemingly complicated machine. Ever since I saw that I started to deploy bombs due to the prompt of Blazing Dragon Hime, this guy Matsumoto Masaharu was obsessed with installing bombs in various locations. In my opinion, this guy is an agent movie who has watched too much and is enjoying himself now. Maybe this boy is now loading bombs while fantasizing that he is 007.

I was reminded by Masamoto Matsumoto, a little embarrassed, and said, "It's almost there. Well, are we here now?"

I helplessly pointed to the top of my finger, and then said, "I already checked it when you loaded the bomb, and this is the experimental area."

"Those three ..." Masamoto Matsumoto wanted to ask about the three tongues. As a result, he saw that the three sculptures were being carried into the gate of the earth by my magic pet. In fact, I really did not intend to kill these three captives, because they are free and skilled research-type. According to the system settings, this kind of resource should be regarded as a kind of resource. As long as it is capable of developing new technologies, it will require such human resources. And, unlike fighting, these non-combatants are rarely hardcore, and there is no camp awareness. Basically, they work for whoever they are. After being captured by the enemy, as long as you do n’t kill them and give them the same treatment, they will immediately serve you. It can be said that there is no resistance at all. idea. The advantage of this setup is that they will not actively harm these research types when there is a war between the guilds. After all, they are not **** and have use value, so everyone will not kill do not kill.

Need to pay attention here. Although this type of non-combat is usually easy to change, this means that after being caught in the enemy's territory ~ ~ It is not that they were the grass at the beginning. In fact, if it is in the enemy's city, these will have a certain degree of resistance, and the strength of the resistance will be distinguished according to the good and bad conditions of the guild. If these guilds have a high degree of recognition, they will even pick up weapons and fight desperately for you. Therefore, before being caught in your own guild, you can't even underestimate the freedom. Of course, the premise is that the other party will be good to them, otherwise these guys will not fight for you for that guild.

"Would you like to go up?" I asked, looking at Masamoto Matsumoto.

Matsumoto shrugged and said blushingly: "No need to use it. Now that you are all confirmed, let's start. But how do we get in? Do you rush in like a bank robber and yell it is a robbery and let them take Are the technical results called out? "

"How is that possible?" Cristina said directly: "Although we have arrived, we still need to be careful. The first step after a secret invasion is to find the data storage first. Only after confirming the information is in hand can we start the robbery with great fanfare. Please be professional Can you order it? "

Kakuda Ichiro said, "We are not professional robbers. How professional?"

"Fortunately we are!" (To be continued ...)

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