Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 141: Strange side by side

"It's too far away to fly back to Russia?"

"Don't worry, I already called the taxi ahead of time." As soon as I finished speaking here, I saw an electric arc suddenly appeared in the air in front of us, and a crackling electric shock sounded along with the flashing of the arc. When Kakuda Ichiro did not respond to what was going on, a black area had burst in the space in front of us. This area continued to expand, and in the blink of an eye it became a two-meter-high, but the largest width There is only a gap of ten centimeters.

Just when Matsumoto Masako and Kakuda Ichiro were wondering what it was, a few fingers suddenly stuck out in the gap in front of them, and they clasped both sides of the gap. Kakuda Ichiro was frightened by the suddenly protruding finger and jumped out more than two meters directly, making Matsumoto congratulate them, but he was startled.

Just after Ichiro Kakuda jumped out, the hands that stretched out the gap grabbed the edges of both sides of the gap and suddenly tore to both sides, and instantly widened the gap to a width wide enough for people to pass through. This is Pandora's figure.

"Sir, I'll pick you up," Pandora said after jumping out of a crack in space.

It can be said that Matsumoto Masaka and Kazuda Ichiro formally saw this kind of space tearing ability of Pandora for the first time, but unlike Kakuda Ichiro, after all, Matsumoto Masa is his own person, so I knew that Pandora had similar abilities. But this was the first time I saw it. However, as a completely unknown Kakuda Ichiro, this shock was unprecedented. This ability to directly tear up the space is really great, and it can forcibly tear open the space where there are no coordinate points to establish a stable space door. This is not a comparable technology to the transfer array.

I knew that Kakuda Ichiro was quite surprised. I didn't mean to show it off, but I explained: "Pandora is a famous **** in the world after all. It's not too exaggerating to do this, right? Let ’s use one The famous protoss opened a stable space channel, this use is actually a waste. "

Although Kakuda Ichiro heard my explanation, the shock in his heart did not drop at all. After all, this kind of thing was still too scary for him. Being able to establish a space link is not much. Many creatures have this ability, and even the scrolls of the space system or the teleportation array themselves can achieve similar functions. So that kind of spatial link is not amazing. on time. This ability of Pandora can forcibly open the space channel and complete the connection at any position according to his own wishes. This method means that the opponent can directly transport his own personnel to the rear of the enemy, although the number of people relying on Pandora cannot be too large. Many, but a major feature in the game is the highly concentrated combat effectiveness. Not to mention that Pandora can teleport dozens of people at once. Even if only three or five can be transmitted, it is quite incredible. Think of the consequences of Christina and me appearing in the enemy's base camp together with a real red?

In fact, Kakuda Ichiro still thinks too much. Pandora does tear open space. But far less exaggerated than Kakuda Ichiro thought. What Pandora can tear is just the kind of unclosed space. If a space-shielding device is activated in a city in a state of war, Pandora will need some additional magic to support it if it wants to enter, and the connection time will become a bit longer. And after opening the channel, the channel itself will not be too stable, and will probably be closed again soon. So, although Pandora's ability may seem exaggerated at first, it is not really so bad.

No matter what Ichiro Kakuda thinks, I have already gone with Masamoto Matsumoto anyway, and Kakuda Ichiro, who was pushed by August, reacts and walks into the transmission channel. When I come out, I find that I have already In a teleportation formation above Isinger's Mobile Fortress.

I said before that Pandora's ability can be activated by borrowing some magical arrays to forcibly break through the blockade of the space. In other words, some special magical arrays help Pandora's capabilities. Just now Pandora did not start empty-handed, but borrowed the ability of a ready-made teleportation array to launch. The advantage of this method is to save energy. Of course, Pandora chooses this method when conditions permit.

Because the position of the Pandora's teleportation array was on the third wall, we could see the battlefield outside when we appeared. As the third wall inside the Isinger Mobile Fortress, the height of this position is relatively high, so you can see the surroundings, so Kakuda confirmed at first glance that he was on the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

After I emerged from the teleportation channel, I found at first glance that the battle inside the Isinger Mobile Fortress had entered a fevered state. The rear of the third city wall under my feet had not yet been breached. The battle was mainly concentrated on the second city wall and the third city wall Between the two positions, but because the control of the Isinger Mobile Fortress has been restored, the air defense area in the city has been activated, resulting in basically all the personnel currently seen fighting ground battles, with only a few riding Flying magic pets fight in the sky.

The air defense area used by Isinger Mobile Fortress is not the same as the familiar air defense area. The forbidden air field is an ability between rules and spells. The spell level is a forbidden spell level. The effect is to prohibit all air flights. Except for the inertia jumping flight mode, all other flight modes are not affected. Will be useless. However, the magic circle in the forbidden area has not yet been obtained in our guild, so there is currently no way to make this forbidden area. However, although it is not possible to make advanced air-defense fields, we can create air-defense fields with one hand.

The real role of this air defense field is actually similar to the magic jammer, the effect is to interfere with all known flying spells. And this jammer also has a very unique feature, that is, even if the opponent flies into the city range using a spell we have never seen, this jammer can also analyze its spell fluctuation immediately after finding the opponent, the fastest As long as ten seconds, a maximum of one minute can crack the opponent's flying spell fluctuations and achieve suppression of this type of spell.

The biggest benefit of this powerful spell field is that it costs very little and can be turned on for a long time. It also has the advantage that most of our personnel's flight capabilities rely on aerodynamic principles rather than spells, so they are not affected. Therefore, this kind of air defense field may be more useful for our Frost Rose Alliance than the air defense field. After all, this thing restricts the enemy's flying ability while limiting ourselves to almost zero. This is more than the air defense field. much better.

Of course, because the air defense field uses anti-flying spells to achieve air defense, if the other party uses flying mounts like us, we will be okay. Those large flying creatures rely on wings to fly, the principle is the same as the popular principle of birds, and this principle will not be prohibited.

Looking around, we can see that about seven or two bipedal dragons are entangled with our air combat mobile angels in the air, and further away, a large number of mobile angels can be seen fighting various messy flying creatures. . As for the dragon ... there are indeed a few players in Russia. The problem is that Isinger's Mobile Fortress has a dragon den. The dragon family has an internal rule that if encounters occur between dragon families of different forces, if any dragon feels that fighting is dangerous to itself, it does not want to sacrifice in vain. You can apply for combat effectiveness comparison. Then asked the dragon with the same combat effectiveness not to participate in the battle. In other words, if the dragon does not want to fight. You can give up fighting by taking a one-on-one break. If the dragons on both sides do not participate in the battle, the fighting power of the dragons on both sides will be offset, which can avoid the unnecessary loss of the dragons.

There is no way for players to interfere with such rules. At least you can't interfere directly. As long as your dragon doesn't want to fight, you can't control him to forcibly enter the battle.

Because there are dragon caves on the Isinger Mobile Fortress, the dragons belonging to Russian players will understand after arriving near the Isinger Mobile Fortress. It is normal for them to be killed or captured if they join the battle. Yes, so the several dragons proposed a truce. As a result, we selected a corresponding number of dragons to sit with them at the dragon's lair and watched the excitement. The dragons on both sides did not participate in the battle, which was considered to offset the advantage.

Of course, the fact that the dragons of Russian players do not fight does not mean that the dragons of the Frost Rose Alliance do not participate in the battle. Although they are offset by a few, there are more than one dragons in the dragon cave of our guild. The result is Russian air power. We were hit pretty badly.

Although it is said that Russian players cannot take advantage of air combat and are completely suppressed, ground combat is different. Because of the fall of Essinger's Mobile Fortress, the fellow members of the Siberian Protoss easily entered the city. Therefore, our personnel will inevitably have some jeopardy in the battle and some large skills will not dare to use anything. Of the Siberian Protoss obviously suffered.

Fortunately, although the Siberian Protoss have certain advantages, the advantages are not obvious, and our chaos and order Protoss are not mixed. Relying on the advantage of home theater combat supplies and the help of mobile angels to the Protoss, the chaos and order of the Protoss finally resisted the pressure. Instead of driving the Siberian Protoss into the core area, they blocked all the Siberian Protoss. Between the area between the second and third walls.

"It doesn't look too late for us to come back," said Christina, watching the situation below.

But Matsumoto said, "It looks like a big city loss!"

Kakuda Ichiro was distressed immediately when he heard this: "How much will it cost!"

The gold coin smiled and patted Ichiro Kakuda on the shoulder and said, "Rest assured, as long as you share a little bit of technical achievements, we can waive your part of compensation."

Kakuda Ichiro is not stupid. When he heard this, he shook his head and said, "We would rather compensate. Don't dream."

"Well, if you want to lose less money, go ahead and help." After August Xun said directly to me: "President Ziri, will we not be treated as enemies if we continue this way?"

"Rest assured that Isinger's Mobile Fortress has its own control system and will not mislead the enemy."

"Then I'll rest assured. Don't stand stupidly, hurry up and join the battle."

With August's words, Matsumoto Masako also entered the battle without saying a word, but I did not go to fight the first time, but dumped all the things that were previously stolen from the Russians. There were people sent back to Isinger Twins, and then I joined the fight.

Because I have to arrange the transportation of materials. So I delayed a little time, and when I rushed to the battlefield, Ichiro Kakuda and Masamoto Matsumoto had already started fighting with the enemy.

Kakuda Ichiro has chosen his goal at this time. That's a very bullish Siberian protoss. This guy is not the same as the general Siberian protoss because she is a female. I don't know if Kakuda Ichiro has any distortions. I like to stare at the girls and see how the beautiful Siberian Protoss screamed and rushed up. Of course, the Siberian Protoss is a god, after all, even if the Siberian Protoss is a new protoss, the Protoss is a protoss, and even if it is a new one, no one can touch.

I saw Kakuda icing up. The female Siberian protoss threw out a blue arc. There would be a small white cyclone around the arc, which didn't seem to be very good, but after the hit, the power was surprisingly great, and Kakuda Ichiro flew out in the opposite direction.

Kakuda Ichiro thought it was going to fall. Who knew that when he was still in the air, he suddenly felt caught. Then it was put on the ground. It was not until then that he found out that it wasn't the player who helped himself. It's a mobile angel.

To be honest, Kakuda Ichiro has not seen Mobile Angel once or twice, but every time before it was out of hostility. And he was very fortunate to have killed three Mobile Angels himself. This number is quite high in Japan, because our guild ’s mobile angels have not lost much since they started fighting. Being able to kill three mobile angels has shown that Kakuda Ichiro ’s combat effectiveness is quite good.

Although three mobile angels have been killed, Ichiro Kakuda has no contempt for this man-made object. On the contrary, because he once killed Mobile Angel, Kakuda Ichiro actually knows these guys' fighting power better than ordinary Japanese players. It can be said that Kakuda Ichiro loves and hates these mobile angels. Love is because the combat power and appearance of these things are really good, it makes people have the urge to want to get one. However, in many cases, the mobile angels appeared as the enemy of Japanese players, so Kakuda also had a lot of complaints about this kind of thing. However, today's situation is different. It is quite unexpected that Kakuda Ichiro was rescued from the air by a mobile angel.

Kakuda Ichiro who had been put down had no time to feel emotion, and suddenly found that the Siberian protoss in front of his hands aimed at himself again, and his palm was glowing, watching the light spots around him quickly gather, the fool also knew that people would zoom Already. In the face of this situation, Kakuda Ichiro, who had just received a heavy blow from the front, couldn't climb at all, and naturally he couldn't avoid it. However, to his surprise, just when he thought he was going to die, the mobile angel who had just put him down grabbed one of his arms and dragged it towards the side alley, and it was there When the palm of the opposite Siberian Protoss fired a white arc of lightning toward this side, a mobile angel that was more than twice the size of the previous one actually fell from the sky and banged in front of Kakuda Ichiro.

This is not an ordinary mobile angel, but a mobile angel for the Protoss. Compared with ordinary mobile angels, the mobile angels of the Protoss are top-notch from workmanship, materials, and even the internal magic array. The manufacturing process that spares no expense brings unparalleled powerful combat power. Even in the presence of the Protoss, the mobile angels against the Protoss can still be tough.

The quake generally hit the front of Kakuda Ichiro before landing on the protoss with a mobile angel. The thick three-finger super heavy shield hung on one side and the shoulders carried the attack. The arc blast on the shield immediately inspired the magic array above. Several crystals on the Protoss of the Protoss suddenly lit up the dazzling blue light. If you look closely, you can also find that something is turning and a roar of smile is emitted. .

Along with these blue lights, a layer of golden magic shield appearing on the shield suddenly turned into a glare-proof light barrier, which even dispersed the opponent's arc by more than half. Only a small finger-like arc penetrated the light shield and hit it. The back of the steel shield, then a burst of flashes on the shield hit the front of the shield into a black pit. This pothole is only the thickness of a finger, about half a centimeter deep, and the surface is blackened. Obviously it was burned, and the mobile angel of the Protoss was also overturned and smashed into Kakuda Ichiro because of the huge impact when the thing burst.

I was still in shock. Kakuda never thought that although he was protected by a mobile angel against the protoss and escaped the magical attack launched by the opposite Siberian protoss, he was rescued by his mobile angel Smashed to death. However, just when he thought he was going to die by accident this time, the previous mobile angel against the protoss actually bounced a few thrusters from the back before he was about to hit him, then accompanied by a roar, that The tilt angle of the guy, which was already close to twenty degrees, suddenly returned to normal.

Suddenly re-emerging the protoss using the mobile angel without any pause to directly bend over and made a start, then the propellers behind them exploded again, ejecting an exaggerated propulsion flame. If it weren't for Kazuda's mobile angel action, he would pull it away. At this point, Ichiro Kakuda, who would at least be injured even if he was not burned to death, was not affected, but felt that a heat wave had blown in the past. However, the Protoss mobile angel over there showed the horrible stunt of the protoss—the brutal collision.

Warrior primary skills during brutal collision, but this skill is actually a basic type of skill. It can be said that it is a classic skill that can be used from one hundred to 10,000. No time is out of date. This savage collision with the protoss using mobile sky is actually just a name we have named ourselves. Not a system-recognized skill. This ability is actually the powerful propulsion borrowed from the propeller, which in the short time uses the propellers of the legs to cooperate to generate a huge propulsive force, thereby achieving the effect of a short sprint. The biggest advantage of this ability is that it can use a short distance to accelerate to a terrifying speed, which can generate a strong impact force to knock the enemy flying or knock it out of a certain position.

Because the weight of the Protoss using mobile angels is several tons. Coupled with the heavy shield in hand, this charge was almost like a locomotive, and rushed to the Siberian Protoss with a huge impact and thunder.

The opponent did not succeed and did not expect that the mobile angel using the protoss could immediately launch a second attack and quickly dodge, but the mobile angel using the protoss could still turn during the charge, and slightly adjusted the angle to let the other dodge all In vain.

If it is an ordinary little girl, it is estimated that everyone can see the same effect of hitting a watermelon with a shotgun, which is definitely an instant burst of **** rhythm. However, this is a Siberian protoss, after all, a real deity. Although she is not a melee system, she is not a player in terms of physical fitness or can generally be compared.

At the last moment, there was nothing to worry about. This Siberian Protoss beauty grabbed both sides of the shield with both hands to resist the impact of the opponent directly before the impact, but the strength of one partner was too great, although she caught After the impact, the whole person was still pushed hard and slid backward for three or four meters before stopping. Two large trenches were plowed out by her two feet on the ground, and the rocks became a powder.

"My great **** of the sky!" Kakuda saw that the soldiers on the opposite side had met in just two seconds, and was speechless. He never expected that the fighting angels of our guild were so exaggerated. After all, he had only fought with ordinary maneuvering angels before. He had never encountered a maneuvering angel against a protoss, and he did not know that using a maneuvering angel against a protoss would be better. The average mobile angel is so strong.

Although the Siberian Protoss on the other side resisted the maneuvering angels on the Protoss on the other side, the two were deadlocked there, and at this moment, the Siberian Protoss suddenly flashed their eyes and two blues on their arms The colored arc appeared from the shoulder, and then rushed around her arm into the palm of her hand, followed closely by the beauty of the Siberian Protoss, and yanked forward. I only heard a loud noise like a bell in a mountain temple. The mobile angel with a height of more than three meters and a weight of nearly ten tons was shocked by this palm. However, despite being temporarily repelled, this mobile angel for the Protoss did not fall down directly, but started the propeller in the air for a short time and then landed on the ground smoothly.

Kakuda Ichiro, who was about to continue watching the situation, suddenly felt a refreshing sensation on his body. Looking back, he found that the mobile angel behind him opened the armor of the abdomen and showed two green magic arrays, like two eyes. . Two green beams of light are projecting onto the two magic circles to connect to him. In the beam of light, many emerald-green light spots can be seen constantly flying into his body. At the same time, the injuries on his body are rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Isn't it? Mobile Angel has healing power?"

In fact, Kakuda Ichiro's surprise is also normal, because he has never seen such a mobile angel before. In fact, our guilds have just been put into use, and there are not many such mobile angels. They are special and special models and are relatively rare in their own right.

Just when Ichiro Kakuda felt that his injuries were rapidly recovering, the female Siberian protoss there had already gone back and forth with the protoss using mobile angels for at least 20 strokes, each time using protoss mobile angels Out of disadvantage, but this guy just doesn't fall.

Unlike the player, the mobile angels used on the Protoss are just like siege weapons. So they are not affected by divine repression. And as a siege weapon, the health of these guys is expressed in terms of durability, and durability is more used than health. After player experiments, a point of durability is actually equal to more than 130 points of health. The majority of players' health values ​​are in the thousands to 10,000. Those who can pass 10,000 are senior players or professional blood cows. But the durability of siege equipment basically starts at several thousands. Tens of thousands are in a normal state, and even tens of millions of billions of things are very common, because everyone usually looks at the humble city wall is a kind of durable at least 10 million things. And according to the different building materials of the city walls and changes in structure. Some high-end city walls, such as the one above Essinger's Mobile Fortress, have durability of billions. Even if no one manages it, destroying such a wall requires a continuous attack by a deity one day and one night.

Of course, the mobile angels used by the Protoss cannot be as strong as the city walls. After all, Isinger ’s walls were originally metamorphosed, but the durability of the mobile angels used by the Protoss is not comparable to ordinary goods. Do not be a problem.

Facing this kind of durability, even the protoss does not mean that two casual hits will break. This is why the female Siberian protoss clearly dominates the upper hand, but they can't figure out how to use the mobile angels against the protoss. Although this mobile angel against the protoss has been attacked many times before and after, but each time it only caused a slight Damage does not affect combat effectiveness at all.

In the face of this situation, the Siberian Protoss began to become anxious, and constantly increased their attack strength and frequency, but the result of this was that although it was a bit unbearable for the Protoss to use the mobile angel, it also had her battery life. Was greatly affected.

The Siberian protoss who had expected to use a powerful output ability to kill the protoss using mobile angels did not wait for their desired results, but instead waited for the reinforcements of the protoss using mobile angels.

Kakuda Ichiro rushed out without waiting for him to be completely cured. Kakuda Ichiro, whose health has been restored to more than 90%, jumped all the way from the house on the side of the opportunity that the Siberian protoss was dragged by the protoss by the mobile angel, and then was attacked by the protoss by the mobile angel The moment the Siberian Protoss stopped, Kakuda suddenly jumped off the roof.

The Siberian Protoss has just stopped using mobile angels against the Protoss, and is now using spells to prepare for a vengeful attack, but unexpectedly someone from Leng Buding jumped off his head. As a result, he had to throw the spell that had just halved to half of Kazuta Ichiro.

Kakuda Ichiro saw this spell but did not evade it. He wanted to split the spell and storm it, but just before hitting the spell, a huge black shadow whistled and flew over, grabbing Kakuda. Ichiro hit the magic before, then the spell was detonated and the shadow was blown up. Kakuda Ichiro passed through directly from the smoke of the explosion, and the long knife in his hand split against the head of the female Siberian protoss.

I did not expect that his attack did not stop Kakuda Ichiro even let him rush up, the other party panic arcing with his hands condensed Kakuda Ichiro's blade. Don't look at this beautiful woman's hands as white and tender as boiled eggs, but it was these hands that easily held Kakuda Ichiro's samurai sword, and it turned out that they could not be lifted in the air by others.

Although Kakuda Ichiro was blocked. But he knew he actually made a big contribution, because he had heard the thunderous footsteps. Sure enough, when the goddess in front was about to throw Kakuda Ichiro out, the opposing protoss using a mobile angel suddenly bumped into it and hugged the Siberian protoss and flew out.

With a bang, the Protoss holding the Siberian Protoss ran directly into the building there, but the Protoss using the Mobile Angels was quickly thrown out, and then saw that the original image was still perfect The goddess of the Siberian tribe supported the wall and came out of a large hole in the wall with one arm. At this point she had lost the calmness she had before. The injuries on her body were not too serious, but her left arm seemed to be abolished. There has been no response. In addition, there were several torn marks on her clothes, which looked as if they had just been abused by criminals.

The reappeared Siberian goddess goddess eyes were full of anger, but looking at the maneuver angel that she hit against the protoss turned over and jumped from the ground, although its chest also had a large hole running through it. . But this guy seems to be fine. It seems that the combat effectiveness has not been affected at all.

of course. It is impossible to remain unaffected. However, the mobile angel for the protoss was originally designed to hunt the protoss, so many internal things have emergency replacement circuits, so the ability to resist damage is quite strong. Even the scarred holes are not necessarily paralyzed. Of course, these guys have one final trick-self-explosion. But because this is our own site, it will not work for the time being.

"Damn, you tin can, you dare to hurt my perfect body." The Siberian goddess looked angrily at the moving angel on the protoss, and then turned her eyes to Kakuda Ichiro.

Kakuda Ichiro's eyes did not have the slightest fear. Although he may not have found it himself, the mobile angel of the protoss did give him considerable confidence. This kind of companion with strong combat power and the ability to resist enemy attacks like a tank can form a stable support point on the battlefield. This is very useful for combat, so even if Ikuro Kakuda himself has not noticed, he has actually been The use of mobile angels for the Protoss is included in the scope of cooperative operations, and he has thus created a sense of protected security.

In the angry words of the Siberian Protoss on the opposite side, a whistling came from the sky, and Kakuda looked up and saw two huge black shadows passing by the sky on the left and right, and then not far away. An emergency turn around the air came back again.

Of course, the Siberian Protoss also noticed the changes in the sky, but her mood was different from that of Kakuda Ichiro, and she was now left in despair, because the two things were recognized before they landed. This turned out to be two mobile angels against the Protoss.

The three parts use a mobile angel with a Kakuda Ichiro. According to the previous situation, this combat power is absolutely crushed for the Siberian protoss.

The arrogant words that had been arrogant before seemed to be the revenge of the Siberian goddess. At this time, the goddess of the Siberian protoss had been thoroughly counseled, and was stepping back, while the two newly dropped mobile angels on the protoss were neat The huge chainsaw sword hung there was taken out from the back, and then the wrist turned around with a boom, and two chainsaw swords roared at the same time.

"I trust, this weapon is really handsome!" When I saw the huge jagged blade turning suddenly, Ichiro Kakuda felt an excitement immediately. In fact, most men will like this chain saw sword used by the Protoss with mobile angels. After all, the rough style of this thing is very in line with male aesthetics.

With the great sword in hand, the pair of protoss soldiers next to Ichiro Kakuda left with a mobile angel and raised his left arm to point at the Siberian protoss on the other side. Then he saw that a piece was opened on his arm, and then a The small launcher popped up and shot five small rockets in one breath.

Kakuda Ichiro was still wondering if the mobile angels on the Protoss were using the powerful weapon of liquefied magic crystal steam missile in our own city, but the next second he knew he was wrong. This small rocket is not a liquefied magic crystal steam missile, but an unknown weapon.

This rocket obviously also has tracking capabilities, and will explode after landing, but the explosion force is very small, but it will emit a large white mist. Immediately after the smoke appeared, a burst of electric light was emitted, and then the strange goddess of Siberia inside heard a strange moan?

Kakuda Ichiro looked over there with a strange expression, because the sound was obviously not the sound that should have been attacked, but because of the fog, Kakuda Ichiro did not know what was going on inside.

In fact, this weapon is also a new weapon that has just been developed to deal with the Protoss. The raw materials used in this kind of thing are actually nothing else but the power of faith.

Our guild now has a Faith Force Collector. As a result, the output of Faith Force is overwhelming, so much that it can't be used up, so some people have begun to think about whether to deal with these Faith Forces in other ways to make them different. effect.

The original researchers who proposed this idea only hoped that, as if milk was processed into various dairy products, the power of faith would also be transformed into some other easy to store. And other substances that have a certain effect. However, in the experiments, a very different product was unexpectedly made.

The smoke in front of them is the application of this product. In fact, this smoke is a blinding method, just added artificially, the purpose is to block vision. The real effect is actually the kind of arc.

It's not an arc, but an energy burst. It's just the mutant product of the power of faith. A special energy. Because it is born from the power of faith, it is both a ration and a big supplement to the protoss. So this new product will not cause any resistance in the physique of the Protoss. In other words, the oracles couldn't resist this kind of thing.

As for the usefulness of this kind of thing ... there are all kinds of people selling around the world that can be very hilarious after eating, but you should not be unfamiliar if you eat too much. Yes, this thing has a similar effect to the Protoss as that illegal contraband. As long as you are in contact with the other party, the oracle can become very cool instantly. At that moment, even the thought of dying without death will appear.

Because of this special effect of this kind of thing, we decided to make it into a weapon and then use it against those hostile protoss. However, the shortcomings of this thing are actually obvious. The first thing is that this thing is a derivative of the power of faith, so it has a very strong sense of intimacy, and can't be used casually. It can only be used in certain situations where it is certain that it will not be found. Secondly, although this kind of thing has the same hilarious ability as the contraband, it is not known whether the effect of the thing itself is too bad or the protoss physique is too good, anyway, the effect of this thing is very short.

After voluntary attempts by chaos and order protoss volunteers, it was found that this thing caused the protoss to lose combat power in only a few seconds. Although the comfortable feeling will last for more than an hour before it completely disappears, except for the first few seconds, Basically it will not affect the action. Even because this feeling can also offset part of the mental fatigue and play a refreshing role, in fact, after ten seconds, this thing will not only have a suppressive effect, but even have a positive effect.

But think about it. The power of faith is Dabu Wan to the protoss. How can things processed with the power of faith become the poison of the protoss?

Of course, although the shortcomings of this thing are obvious, the benefits are equally obvious. Although the time of a few seconds is a little shorter, on the premise of our preparation on the battlefield, a few seconds is actually enough.

At the moment when the moaning sound just appeared in the smoke over there, the three parts on this side suddenly rushed up together with the mobile angels, and then because the opponent's body was too huge, the violent wind brought directly to the smoke. Blown away. However, when Kakuda Ichiro saw it, he saw two of the Protoss holding the arms of this Siberian Protoss with a mobile angel, and the remaining Protoss using the Mobile Angels suddenly raised his arms and then raised his palm. Opened, a luminous body was protruded from the palm position.

This triangular pyramid-shaped luminous body is a full inch long, but very dazzling. The protoss with the mobile angel directly used this thing to shoot against the forehead of the Siberian goddess, and the opponent's original struggle to resist was stopped at that moment.

Looking at the unresponsive Siberian Protoss, one of them used a crystal ball on the arm of the Protoss to shine in front of the other. After confirming that the Protoss had no ability to resist, he suddenly picked up the guy and flew. . As for the remaining two mobile angels against the Protoss, they flew together and flew towards the next battlefield.

"I depend, you do n’t take me alone?" I just complained with Ichiro Kakuda, who fought side by side with the mobile angel with the Protoss, but before he shouted, he saw that the side wall was suddenly penetrated. A big hole, then saw the fiery fire dragon Ji and August smoked left and right arms holding a rather burly guy is pulling down, and the cherry rain **** is hanging on each other's back Smashed this guy's head with a reduced staff.

Ichiro Kakuda, who was silly on the side, ~ ~ Yao Yan shouted quickly: "Don't be dazed, come and help!"

"Oh." Kazuda Ichiro agreed and rushed forward, shouting, "What are you ...?"

"I encountered it halfway. This guy's defense is too high to move!"

"It's okay, look at me." Kakuda Ichiro didn't seem to hang them on this guy together after August rushed, because there were three people hanging on it, the Siberian protoss actually basically had no ability to move, only on the ground I can't stand up at all. And it seems that August smoked them did not intend to let him go.

Kakuda Ichiro rushed straight up and used one of his most familiar skills, which is also a skill that Japanese samurai players basically have more or less.

Just like the savage collision of soldiers, the samurai sword-drawing technique is also a practical skill. It has been very useful from the beginning, and it is still effective after the level is high. On that guy's stomach, as a result ... only heard a loud noise, Kakuda Ichiro made a full circle and fell a big heel.

"I depend. What defense is this?" (To be continued ...)

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