Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 143: Kakuda Ichiro who was pitted

Despite suddenly having a large debt, Kakuda quickly recovered from that entangled mood and became extremely excited. Forget about debt, at least, this artifact is at hand. This real feeling of holding an artifact is really ... so cold.

In fact, because the weapon did not belong to him before, Kakuda Ichiro couldn't see all the attributes of this thing when he saw the weapon. He only saw some of the attributes I opened to him. At the time, Kakuda's idea was: Since half of the attributes are so good, it doesn't matter if the rest are garbage attributes. However, what Kakuda Ichiro didn't know was that this knife was not ordinary.

Actually, if you think about it from another angle, would I stay until now? There are not many people who use Japanese sabers in our guilds. But if it is a very good thing, will we leave it alone?

Of course, from a certain point of view, this weapon is indeed quite powerful, and it is even comparable to my eternal, Matsumoto Masaharu. However, although the output attribute alone is not much different from our weapon, this sword has a very terrible attribute-Lord Eater.

Most of the players have not seen this attribute, because it is really rare to bring things with this attribute. In addition to this sword, I have only seen one piece of equipment with the attribute of the attribute. Lying in the warehouse of our guild, no one dare to use it.

Why is it that no one dares to use the equipment with the property of biting? Because this is a long-lasting curse. Not only will it constantly affect the player in the battle, but even more terribly, this thing will seriously threaten the security of the player's character account.

Some people may find it strange that if the equipment itself interferes with the player's battle, this is understandable, but how can a weapon threaten the security of the player's account? The answer is yes. This thing can really threaten the player's account, and the reason is that the two characters are not metaphors, but descriptions of the actual situation. This main bite attribute will keep heating up according to the intensity of the player during the battle. The player must always pay attention to this attribute value and cannot let it enter the active state, because once this attribute enters the active state. It will really begin to devour its users. Not just eating your body, but eating your attributes. The player's various attributes will be randomly consumed by this guy at a certain speed, and during this period, all combat indicators of the player will increase more than ten times.

Let's say that. If an ordinary player is singled out with me with a weapon that has activated the main bite attribute, then I still can't beat me. It can definitely mess me up. And if it is a slightly better first-line player. With this weapon, you can completely surpass me. However, although the power of this thing will greatly increase when it eats the Lord, but because the attribute of swallowing is permanently lost. Therefore, the loss is actually worse for the player than dropping. If you just drop the grade, you just need to practice it again. It's just a waste of time. However, if the attribute value is swallowed, it cannot be retrieved. Although the attribute value will still rise after the upgrade, it is still difficult to upgrade because your level has not decreased. Besides, the attributes of others are the basic attribute multiplied by the level plus some additional attribute points obtained previously, but your attribute becomes the level multiplied by the basic attribute point and then subtracted by the swallowed attribute. The gap between one minus will be infinitely widened. Moreover, the Lord Eater does not say that it is only a matter of eating. As long as this attribute is activated, it will continuously eat your attributes, and if you do not exit this state, you will soon be consumed by all attributes, and become a level up to more than 1,000, but the attribute value is only equivalent to the novice village Player's waste.

Even if it is killed back to the novice village, as long as you re-level the level. After all, upgrading is fast when the level is low. However, after you are still eaten by the main attribute of the empty shell, because your level is still so high, the experience value required to upgrade is still astronomical, but because the attribute is too low, you ca n’t even train. There is no experience in killing low-level monsters. You ca n’t beat high-level monsters. This account is basically abolished. Unless the number is deleted and re-trained, it will not be of any use at all.

In fact, it is really necessary to be smashed into an empty shell. It is great to delete the number and re-train it. Although it can be considered a heavy loss, it does not mean that there is no hope at all. The real headache is after getting rid of some attributes. If you want to delete the number, this character has a high level, and the remaining attributes are not too small, so if you delete it like this, you always feel a special loss. But if you don't delete the number and continue to use it, it will be even more depressing. Because the attributes are lower than normal, leveling and everything will be slower, and because the level of people who are similar to your combat power is lower than you, so people will definitely upgrade faster than you. In this way, it will lead to a later stage. Not to others, and the gap will be widened.

You may have seen it here. It is not the master's body that eats the main attribute, but the potential. After being patronized by this attribute, your development potential will decline, and if it is long enough, even people like me who have a very exaggerated attribute advantage will become a wastewood existence. Therefore, this attribute is just as scary as a biochemical weapon. As long as there is a little choice, normal people will instinctively try not to touch such things. It can be said that things with the property of bite-mastering are born to pit people. Not many people dare to use the property.

Of course, if there are such things in the game, it means that they are valuable. In fact, the main attribute of phagocytosis is not a terminal illness. If you can precisely control this attribute like a machine, you can even use it to become a superhuman existence.

Although the main bite attribute is very harmful, it does not take effect when it is encountered, but requires you to use this equipment to fight, and in the battle, the bite attribute will start to charge as if it is charged. The harder you fight, the faster this device can accumulate energy, and as soon as you stop fighting, this thing will start to cool. As long as you control the rhythm and always ensure that this thing is not 100% active, then this thing is actually The harm to the owner is not much. Moreover, there is also an advanced application, which is what I mean by good use.

When the main bite attribute reaches the critical point, it will not eat your attributes immediately, but will eat your attributes at a rate of one attribute per second. This speed is absolutely very fast. According to this speed, even if my attribute value exceeds the standard, as long as it is swallowed for an hour or two, the potential is basically non-existent, and if it is more than four hours, then Basically a waste. However, if you can precisely control this critical point, and ensure that the main attribute of phagocytosis falls back to the inactive state for less than one second after activation, then it will not devour your attributes.

It sounds crazy, and it seems stupid. But in fact this is a vulnerability that can be exploited. After the main bite attribute is activated, it will increase the player's full attribute value by ten times, which is basically equivalent to putting you into Superman mode. And this kind of increase takes effect at the moment when the main bite is activated, there is no one second interval, and it takes one second for the main bite attribute to deduct your attributes to start deducting. There is an extra time of less than one second. That is to say, in the time less than one second after the activation of the main lord, not only do you get ten times the attribute, but you have not lost anything. Of course, the attribute will be deducted in the next second. But within this second you have not lost anything, and you have ten times the property in vain.

Therefore, as long as you control the rhythm, each time you let the Lord activate, and then quickly cool down, and never let it activate for one second, you can use this ten-fold attribute repeatedly without losing the attribute value at all.

Does this method sound very bunker?

Of course, as long as people with no problem in intelligence know that this method is only theoretical data, not actual operation, because in reality you can't be sure that you can control the activation time to within one second, because cooling is not done instantly. After you enter the activation state, the heating value of the activation state is still rising. If the heating value drops below the activation standard, it needs to stand still for a period of time. The problem is that the range of the calorific value is indeterminate. This data is affected by the intensity of your battle, so one second may not be enough for you to cool down, so it is very likely to exceed one second. Moreover, even if the accumulated heat value after activation is very small, you still need at least the corresponding time to cool down, that is to say, in fact, at least 0.5 seconds of this second time must be used for cooling down, the time that can be combat Less than 0.5 seconds.

Although such harsh conditions cannot be said that no one can do it, I believe no one can guarantee that he will never make mistakes. Once you make a mistake ~ ~, obstacles will appear in your heart, and then you will be more afraid of mistakes. After a few more times, it is estimated that no one will dare to continue using them.

Therefore, although this method sounds very fortified, in fact no one dares to use it, and few people can really use it.

Of course, it's not that no one can really use this ability, because I know that I, Rose, and Ziyue can easily do this kind of thing. Because we are all dragons, the nerve reflex speed is much faster than humans. Humans basically cannot achieve precise control at one-second intervals, but we can do it, so the three of us can actually use this method. However, considering that there is not much equipment with the main bite attribute, we have not really planned to use such equipment.

Kakuda Ichiro certainly knows that he is not a Superman, so he is very self-aware. After seeing this main attribute, he has made up his mind to not activate this main attribute. The spare weapon is fired first, and it will be used after the weapon's main bite cools down. This method is the most secure.

However, even if the main bite attribute is not activated, this thing is not so easy to use, because even if the main bite attribute is not activated, it will affect the player itself, but this is not a permanent effect. Kakuda Ichiro is really super complicated looking at this thing. (To be continued ...)

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