Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 150: Japanese players' abacus and weird attacks

Because the price is favorable and the risk is very small, the speed of recruiting our allies is almost as fast as the spread of forest fires. It has been burned all over the world. All the places where the Bank has transnational transport arrays have entered congestion. The great thing is Isinger Mobile Fortress. After all, there are several entrances, and the exit can be this one. However, the flow of people is still quite fast.

As the troops of various countries who arrived at the scene arrived one after another, these people immediately started the predatory operation. The first income from invading a region is the funds obtained by plundering. This is the initial income. Although it belongs to non-renewable resources, it is a kind of income with huge gains in the short term.

The large-scale retreat of Russian players left a large number of cities near the region, and this position has actually penetrated far into the Russian interior. At that time, we hit all the way, and many areas in the rear were not occupied, which means that we can still grab again. Therefore, not all of these coming guilds rushed forward, but scattered one after another, and even the cities along the way were basically controlled. However, to say that the biggest gain here is of course the national guild, because Russia and China are originally bordered, so the Chinese guild did not come completely from the teleportation array, and some came directly from the border line.

Our guilds did not stop these people coming from the border, but special personnel were dispatched to require all guilds, groups, and individuals entering Russian territory to sign cooperation defense agreements. The name of our Frost Rose League is ahead, and no major guilds around the world have raised objections. These guilds are basically very cooperative.

With more and more people entering Russia, plundering work is gradually speeding up in various places, and during this period, the people in our guilds were too busy, mainly because many guilds showed poor performance. rule. For example, there is a Japanese guild called the Lutheran League, which is obviously a small and medium sized guild. The area of ​​the area they are robbing is obviously larger than the area they can build themselves. In other words, these people simply want to grab one, and have no plans to build anything. This behavior is very detrimental to our overall defense line, because other people may not want to occupy the area you plundered, and this creates a lot of blank areas. Too much blank space will affect our later resistance work. Moreover. If these looted clean areas increase, subsequent guilds will not have their first income, enthusiasm will decline, and even the looting of others' things will begin. This may lead to internal conflict. So this kind of transitional predatory behavior is completely a scourge.

We have no intention of compromising this kind of black horse this time. The attitude was abnormally strong, and they were expelled immediately when they found out, and they were not given the opportunity to explain at all. Because of our strictness. Therefore, other guilds did not dare to take risks, and naturally this phenomenon was controlled to a certain degree. Unfortunately, there are always people who think they are smarter, so we need to deal with them from time to time.

In addition to this kind of transitional looting, there are actually many disputes that we need to deal with, such as regional delimitation. Some guilds are busy plundering, and some guilds are quickly starting to build city enclosures, but because the exit is only the Essinger mobile fortress, people who are unavoidable will consider robbing the nearest place, and these people because of the order of appearance There are priorities, so it is easy to have disputes because of land grabs and conflicts. Of course, we need to mediate this kind of thing. Fortunately, these guilds sell our face. As long as they mediation a little, they will basically obey management. After all, it is a pioneering period. Everyone is in a hurry. Large guilds are more rational. Knowing that at this time, instead of entanglement with this kind of small friction, it is better to seize the time to go out to open up the land, as for the small guilds are completely afraid to fight with us.

In addition to these disputes, what we really need to watch out for is actually the Russian counterattack. Although the main force of Russia is now defeated, so there is no unified resistance, but each city has its own guild. When these areas are plundered and invaded, other guilds may not be controlled, but the city ’s own guild It's impossible not to defend, and some Russian guilds even sent troops such as Rangers to attack the invaders' logistics and construction troops outside.

This situation is fully in line with the contents of the joint defense agreement. It belongs to the work that must be managed by everyone. Therefore, the guild has conducted an elite call for all guilds or groups that come here, which means that there are one hundred people. The team is going to come out to participate in our defense work. For the tens of thousands of large guilds, it is normal to send hundreds of people. After these teams are concentrated, they will be reorganized by our guild, and then divided into multiple mobile patrols to intercept the rangers. Sometimes they will suppress the more resistant Russian cities. Anyway, these Russian forces must Remove as soon as possible, staying in the occupied area is like nails one by one, it is definitely not a good thing, it is better to remove it.

"It looks like it's basically on track." After arranging a dispute easily, I looked at the same construction site around the building and said.

The rose beside me nodded and said, "Although it is basically on track, your work is not over."

"I know this, it's just that the equipment is too big. If I block the teleportation side, I'm afraid that others will gossip. So Judie City has been transported here all at once. Right after entering Russia, I will direct installation and mining when they arrive."

"Okay, you can control the time yourself."

The task I said to Rose was actually a predatory mining task. We don't actually intend to occupy Russia for a long time. The main problem is that Russia is not a small country in general. I think the possibility of long-term occupation is not very high, and the investment is too high, which is not cost-effective. However, the resources on Russia's side are quite abundant, so although the occupation period cannot be too long, the mineral resources must be taken away.

If you use ordinary human mining, the mining speed will inevitably be slow, so our guild intends to use large magic machinery and soil magic to carry out destructive mining. The advantage of this is that it is fast enough, but the disadvantage is that the total output will decrease. However, these mines are Russians anyway, and we ca n’t take them away. Even if we use destructive mining, we may not be able to guarantee that they are fully mined. Finally, we must blow up the mining area to increase the difficulty of re-mining. So we do not destroy anything. Don't worry about it, as long as you can get more things out in the shortest possible time.

As soon as we finished speaking, we heard the communicator ring. "President, Matsumoto is congratulating them for asking for an extension of the alliance agreement and asking if we agree."

"Extending the agreement?" I reacted after a moment's fuss. This should not be the meaning of Masaru Matsumoto, but the meaning of the presidents of the Japanese guilds. It is impossible to miss such a good opportunity this time to expand territory on the Russian side. First of all, as a partner who came to Russia to grab technology with our partners, the Japanese side has a huge advantage in this expansion, because their main force is already here, and it is the first to know the news. of. Secondly, Japan is a country with relatively scarce resources, so the significance of overseas colonies to Japan is extraordinary.

It is precisely because in this expansion event that the Japanese side is very active and their desire for these lands is also very strong, so the presidents of these Japanese guilds came up with a method, which is to use the previous Alliance agreement to extend it.

The key point of this expansion is the cross-country teleportation array of our guild. This is the key point to support this operation. Therefore, even if the Japanese guild will have a large number of main forces in Russia, there is still no way to gain any initiative. . However, because of the alliance agreement between our two parties, as an ally, the Japanese side can benefit a lot from me. This is beyond doubt. Therefore, the Japanese side came up with such a method, taking advantage of the opportunity that everyone is busy expanding their territories now, on the pretext that time is tight and there is no time to deal with the dissolution of the alliance, simply delay the time temporarily, that is, actually extend the alliance Time, and during this time our Frost Rose League is still in charge of the command and coordination of this operation. The existence and cooperation of the Japanese side as our referee will naturally benefit a lot. Apart from that, as long as we give a slight tilt to the issue of territorial disputes, they will be able to reap a lot of benefits.

Although I understand the Japanese abacus ~ ~, this kind of thing is harmless to us, and it is also helpful to our Japanese strategy, so it is naturally impossible for us to make things difficult. they. Let the **** of war tell us directly that we agree to suspend the time for the dissolution of the alliance. As for the subsequent events, I believe that the Japanese know what to do.

After dealing with things on this side, I thought about going to see the situation in Judie City. I didn't expect that I hadn't come to contact that side yet, but that side contacted me first.

"President, help!"

"Where are you?" Although the communicator could hear the voice, there were so many people in the guild. I could not hear everyone's voice except those who were particularly familiar with it.

Hearing my question, he said immediately, "I am the commander of the Giant Butterfly City, Zongzi!"

"I rely, what's the matter with you? What is your rescue team calling for help? You are not flying at the front!"

"You ask me who I ask! I didn't find these people!"

"Okay, I know, tell me where you are, I'll be right away." (To be continued ...)

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