Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 156: Counterattack plan for Russian players

Although the Frozen Banshee said that everyone wanted to find a way, but the situation was so unfavorable, the way was naturally not so easy to think about, and everyone didn't know what to say except for a moment.

This deadly and depressed atmosphere lasted for nearly ten minutes before it was suddenly broken with a person's loud cry.

"Ah, I have."

"What's up?" The Frozen Banshee looked angrily at the shouting guy. After a few minutes of silence, the guy suddenly yelled and startled everyone.

"There is a way." Without paying attention to the expression of the frozen banshee, the guy shouted excitedly: "I have a way."

"Come on. What method?" I heard that there was a way out. The Frozen Banshee couldn't care less about anger. Everyone excitedly watched this guy waiting for his answer.

After hearing the question from the Frozen Banshee, the guy didn't say his way directly, but asked instead: "Do you still remember the ice cellar over Siberia?"

Suddenly I heard such a question. Everyone who was waiting for the answer was a stun, because they did not expect the other person to be so jumpy, and suddenly asked such a question that didn't seem to be related.

Speaking of this ice cellar in Russia is also a little bit famous, and the reason is that this place is recognized as the hardest copy of Russian players.

In fact, the ice cellar is a huge underground passage group, in which there are a large number of monsters of the ice system, and the area of ​​this underground passage group is huge, so far it is uncertain how large the total area is. Because the channels in many directions have not seen the end, and the low temperature environment and the huge number of monsters inside have caused the extremely harsh environment here. The average player here simply cannot do anything.

Of course, there are players who will go on difficult maps. For example, advanced players such as the Frozen Banshee, sometimes you need a place with a high level of monsters and a high density to level up. After all, the monster strength is too low. It means that the experience value is not high, so advanced players like to find this kind of leveling. And because there are extra rewards for opening maps, everyone is keen to explore places that no one has been to.

For this reason, the Ice Cellar has also been explored by many advanced players. Among them, the Frozen Banshee tried this place many times. but. Although even the Frozen Banshee claims to be able to compete with me in the ice zone, it has still been planted in the ice cellar many times, and the cause of all this is because of one or a kind of monster.

This creature is an ice-based Warcraft that resembles a large cat. The posture is between tiger and leopard. but. There are no markings on this guy. It was all white hair from beginning to end, and no hair was visible.

Although he has witnessed and played with this creature many times, the Frozen Banshee and the senior Russian players who follow him here do not know whether he encountered one of a certain kind of monster or only this monster. Because they never beat this thing.

People who have not played a virtual online game may not know that various game maps actually have their own fighting characteristics. In addition to the various attributes on the surface, each map area has its own characteristics. For example, air combat focuses on speed and long-range attack power and accuracy, naval combat focuses on the cooperation of large corps, and land combat focuses on teamwork and battle formation. And in this underground battle environment, the most important thing is personal strength.

It is not the same as ground warfare, because fighting under the ground is limited by space. You can avoid space, you ca n’t fly, you ca n’t move left or right, or you move forward or backward, so you must have enough defense and attack capabilities, and you have to Can deal with various problems alone, because the space in the passage of the underground world is too narrow and cooperation is very difficult, and no one can show up. The only people who really meet the enemy are the first few people, so everyone is required. The combat effectiveness must be high enough.

Because the battle in the underground world requires personal strength, and many people can't exert any advantages, when facing the unknown Warcraft, the Frozen Banshees can only face the enemy alone, even if they want to use the sea tactics. It ’s unavailable, and the Frozen Banshee ’s strength is not the opponent of that thing. As a result, they have played a lot of times, but they have not been accounted for once. Every time they are either lost or lose a lot of money, they run away. Therefore, in this case, there is no way to confirm whether they encountered the same monster.

According to the information that the Frozen Banshee now has, this monster has either a large range of activity or a large ethnic group with a wide distribution. Anyway, they have encountered this thing in many places in this ice cellar, and The distance between the two farthest points exceeds 300 kilometers. With such a large range of activities, there is no way to determine the whereabouts of this thing. Every time you accidentally hit this thing, it is basically a win. However, this prize is not a good thing, but it will send you back to the city for free.

Suddenly asked a question about the ice cellar, the first reaction of the Frozen Banshee was to think about this monster, and then look at this guy together. The Frozen Banshee asked, "What are you talking about?" She really didn't know what this guy meant, because although the ice cellar was dangerous, we wouldn't be foolish to send it to death, so here for them It doesn't make any sense.

Seeing that everyone didn't understand it, the guy simply said, "Oh, do you still want to understand? The snow-white guy has a high fighting power. The Frozen Banshee you have experienced it yourself. The fighting power is definitely beyond. With the level of players, even Ziri should not be able to take advantage? "

The Frozen Banshee thought for a moment and said, "If Ziri's combat power is only those that are shown when fighting with me, it is definitely not an opponent of that thing. No, it should be said that even three or four Ziri will not work together. . "

The player said immediately after listening, "This is it. The combat power of that thing is super strong, even if it comes to Ziri, it doesn't matter if it comes to three or five, so this thing should have the ability to completely disrupt the Frost Rose Alliance action plan. . "

"But what about this?" A Russian player asked, "This thing doesn't listen to control, and Ziri will not be stupid. They will drill into the ice cellar, it is useless. "

"No, it's useful." The Frozen Banshee suddenly called out, because she had just figured it out suddenly. Because I have actually played against this thing, the Frozen Banshee has a comprehensive understanding of it. This thing is not only very powerful, but also has a characteristic of being quite addictive to killing. It likes to take the initiative to attack. Any target appearing within its sight range will never be missed. This is why they have suffered heavy losses after encountering this thing. However, in a sense, the topographic structure of the ice cellar just limits this characteristic, because the underground passages that are naturally formed are not straight, but almost all are curved, so as long as the distance is a little farther, sometimes 20 meters away Can't see anyone. In addition, there are so many forks in this place. Every time we encounter this monster, everyone runs separately. This can guarantee a few good luck. Otherwise, in an open area, this thing is definitely how much to kill, how much. Without leaving.

It is because this thing is extremely addictive and does not let go of any visible targets, so the Frozen Banshee suddenly wants to understand the meaning of that player. He wanted to lead this thing out, direct it to the occupied area, and let it fight us.

The killing characteristic of this thing is so strong that it is actually very easy to attract him. You just need to arrange more people and then move the thing by one person at a time. It will definitely chase after everything, and as long as there is no break in the middle Situation, this guy will gradually be attracted. Of course, the cost of this method is not small, because this thing is fast, so many people will definitely die along the way. And this ice cellar is not the only kind of monster, so it must take a lot of sacrifice in order to find this thing. However, this loss is totally negligible compared to the lethality caused by this thing when it reaches the places we occupy.

"It looks like the president understands." The person who proposed the solution looked at the frozen banshee and knew that she had figured it out.

The Frozen Banshee nodded and said, "You are going to let us sacrifice some people to find this thing, then pull it out, pull it all the way to the area occupied by the Frost Rose Alliance, and then use the killing property of this thing to make it in Frost Rose. Is it true that the Alliance ’s area of ​​control is a massacre? "

"Haha, the chairman really is the chairman, that's what I mean. With the combat power of that thing ~ ~, it must be like no one is there. It can definitely cause the other party's chaos. We want All that is done is to wait for the result. If Ziri can't beat that thing, it will be simple. After that stuff chases the people of Frost Rose Alliance all the way, killing all the people there will kill them all the way to China. It ’s okay with us. In case Ziri can hold this monster, then we need to attack while Ziri is entangled, so that at least the strongest combat power of Frost Rose Alliance cannot be fully exerted. Nothing works. Isn't it great for us? "

The Frozen Banshee nodded and said, "The method is good, we can start the operation now, but we must arrange the coordination work well. There is nothing inside the ice cellar. Once this guy comes out, there must be no one to interfere with our actions. , Once this thing has not been led to the site of the Frost Rose League, but killed on our site, then we really have trouble for ourselves. "

"The chairman can rest assured. As long as we clear all the people in the visible area near the exit, set up an isolation zone along the way, isolate all people, and only let the bait attract the other's attention, so that we can take it all the way The Frost Rose League's chassis went up. By then ... hehehe, there was a show. "

"Then, let's do that. It's time to let the people in Frost Rose Alliance know that we are great." (To be continued ...)

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