Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 179: charge? Run away?

"Hurry up, everyone will run for me. People over there are not allowed to stay in the city, find places to wait, and are not allowed to stand on the main road."

The inside voice of Isinger Mobile Fortress is full of the voices of our Frost Rose Alliance players. They are now serving as traffic police, and their mission is to squeeze hundreds of millions of players and troops from various countries into the Isinger Mobile Fortress. The way to open the second battlefield in this battle will be the frog jumping tactics of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress, because each space jump of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress will only consume energy according to the distance traveled, and will not be weighted It is impossible to let Isinger move the fortress to jump back and forth on several batches of transport personnel. To ensure minimum energy consumption, all troops participating in the second battlefield development mission need to be taken all at once. This is an economic need and a tactical need.

Although the total number of troops to open the second battlefield this time is only 30% of our total combat forces, the problem is that this joint operation gathers the strength of a large number of major popular groups in the world, so even 30% will easily exceed 100 million. It ’s a big enough and strong enough fortress of Essinger, otherwise so many people ca n’t really fit in. However, that's more than 100 million people! Even very large cities such as the Essinger Mobile Fortress are full of people, not to mention the houses and roads, even the roofs of many houses are full of people. Now Isinger's Mobile Fortress is really overcrowded.

The work of plugging people into the city has actually started since last night, but what was plugged back then is now the player. Compared to this, the player's discipline is a bit worse, but fortunately I have decided to take these actions The bosses of the meeting are all taken away, so under the premise of strong people sitting in the town, the discipline here is okay. At least everyone quickly entered the city.

Busy until ten in the morning, the last player finally entered the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Then Essinger moved the fort to begin the teleportation process.

I have to say that it ’s a little too hard to stop more than 100 million people coming in. Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress needs to be lifted up before the transmission starts. As a result of the severe overload, the power unit was almost not burned out during takeoff, thanks to the command and dispatch. The personnel responded quickly, allowing all the large ships docked above the Isinger Mobile Fortress to take off, thus alleviating the burden on the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Otherwise, the plan will fail because of the overload of the anti-gravity device.

Although it was a bit awkward, Isinger's Mobile Fortress was quite powerful on the whole, and successfully and smoothly transferred more than 100 million people who had come in this hard to Russia's western region.

Over the Sistine Castle, knowing in advance that there will be an attacking Russian player today is nervously waiting for a possible attack, and suddenly found that a small black spot appeared in the sky not far ahead, and then the black spot expanded instantly. Then a huge ghost image of Isinger's Mobile Fortress appeared in mid-air, and then this ghost image began to stare quickly, and finally appeared directly in the sight of everyone.

Seeing the emergence of Essinger Mobile Fortress, the following Russian players activated the city defense system as soon as possible, but in the end they did not have time to take action.

First, the folded armor at the bottom of Isinger's Mobile Fortress was unfolding all around, then the armor plates in a large circular hole were unfolded, and one thing that was obvious at first glance was the energy weapon. then. In the surprised eyes of all Russian players, the tip of this thing gradually lit up, and finally shot a thick white beam of light directly hit the ground, and then a circle of shock waves spread out and swept the entire city. The Russian players who originally stood on the city wall were instantly lifted under the city wall and killed a lot of people. The weapons on the city wall also suffered a devastating blow, and the city gate was blown directly, even the city wall. Most of the houses collapsed, and more than half of the houses in the city were lost.

The city can be said to have been destroyed in half. And it wasn't a direct hit. Essinger's mobile fortress has a well-deserved reputation for using the city's radiation cannon.

In fact, according to the original plan, Isinger's Mobile Fortress should appear directly above the city, and then use a radiation cannon against the city to erase the city from the map in one breath. However, due to a serious overload and a series of damage caused by the previous overload of the power system, the jumping position of the Isinger Mobile Fortress has shifted by several kilometers, and the result should have appeared in the Isinger Mobile Fortress directly above the city. Ran outside the city walls. But it's not bad, the deviation is not too far. In addition, the weapon used against the city itself is a large-scale strike, so it is not necessary to aim too accurately. Even if a shot is made against the open space outside the city, the city is almost destroyed.

After destroying the city's defenses in one shot, Isinger moved the fortress and slowly lowered his altitude. However, it did not land directly, but stopped at a height of only ten meters above the ground. Players have their own abilities, and even if they do n’t have the ability to fly, they are unlikely to be thrown out of such a high level by themselves, so letting them jump straight down is the fastest way to unload.

If Isinger moved the fortress to the ground, the hatches at the bottom of the city would be useless. Now, this can not only open the hatches at the bottom to let people out, but also launch a large number of steel cables from all directions towards the ground. Then let these players and troops slide straight down the cable. This kind of thing is nothing to the player, and it can fully speed up the release.

With more than 100 million people stuck in a city, going out is not that simple. You know, let them come in, but from ten o'clock last night to ten o'clock this morning, it was twelve hours! Although it is faster to get people out than to put them in, we don't have twelve hours to release people, let alone twelve hours, even two hours are too long for us. Therefore, we need to use all means to transport people.

Thanks to the relatively large number of exits at the bottom of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, a circle of steel cables around the outer armor, dozens of short-range portals, and the transport capacity of flying units, all these things started together. In the end, we were still busy with one It took half an hour to get them all down. Of course, more than 100 million people were unloaded in an hour and a half. This speed is a miracle everywhere.

In fact, although we directly destroyed the city, because the Russians were well prepared, their reinforcements came quickly, but these people did not contact us after they arrived. It ran away after a few hits.

I know what Russia means. They are afraid that we will find out that they have known our plan "in advance" and changed their strategy. That's why they sent troops to attack us, because this is the correct response without knowing it. When we showed them to the show, the Russian players did not forget to show us the show.

Although contacted with our troops, the Russians immediately withdrew the nearby cities and used the grounds of "the enemy is too strong to be invincible." This is also part of the original plan, and now they are moving forward according to our preset script. Until now, the Frozen Banshee did not exceed our expectations in every step. For a project of this size, this is already a terrible achievement.

After the Russians came and harassed a few times, the troops on our side did not pose a defensive posture. Instead, they all started to form a combat offensive queue, and many large flying warships also flew from the Isinger Mobile Fortress. What is needed now is offensive power, and these battleships are not good for field battles, but siege is a good hand.

As the large corps on our side unfolded, the Frozen Banshee was exercising in the combat headquarters.

Don't forget that I also explained to the giant mosquito outpost at first, and let them be responsible for staring at the Frozen Banshee, and the Frozen Banshee knew that they were unlikely to block our investigation, so they could only act. but. The ability of the Frozen Banshee should not be wasted during the acting. So the Russian side used a very special method, which was to divide the army directly into two halves.

The Frozen Banshee pretended not to know the situation at all, and directed the defensive forces to intercept these people brought by Isinger's mobile fortress, and the part of the forces that attacked our occupied area was completely handed over to another Russian guild President. This person is also a very outstanding one among the presidents of the Russian guilds. He has a very high command ability and has led Russian players to win victories many times. Therefore, considering that I said that the giant mosquito sentinel would stare at the Frozen Banshee, the Frozen Banshee gave the full authority of this part of the army to the president of the Russian guild in advance. Act separately. And when we monitor the Frozen Banshee, we can only know the situation on the battlefield here. We can't understand that they actually have a troop running to our development zone.

Of course, this is the self-conceived result of the Frozen Banshee, in fact, everything is under our calculations and surveillance.

However, it has to be said that stress makes progress. The Frozen Banshee knew that I would monitor her all the way, so she also made a command plan before the operation, which was to use code words all the way. She communicated with her two heralds in advance, and then came up with a set of command languages ​​similar to secret words. When she said she was going to attack a certain position. In fact, it is another order, and all the command orders cannot be simply understood according to what she said, which will only be misleading. The purpose of the Frozen Banshee is to let us rely on her command as a reference, and when we find out that the army is actually not that action. We will definitely suffer here. However, what the Frozen Banshee does not know is that although we did send someone to monitor her, we did not expect to use her command as a reference, because our only reference was the outcome of the battle over the development zone. This was the decision. The key to our next action plan is as far as the command of the Frozen Banshee ... that actually has no effect on the battle situation. After all, this is an urban offensive and defensive battle, not a field battle. Basically, nothing can be used for planning. As long as the guards in the city have no problem in fighting, the rest is exhausting.

The Russian tentative forces contacted us and evacuated, and then began to put on a posture that was unable to perceive the city. Our side then began to arrange positions where they could see directly outside their walls. There was a stance to prepare for a siege, and at this time, the attacking force led by the president of the Russian guild had moved to the periphery of our occupied area at a very fast speed. In fact, they set off early in the morning, which means that this war actually started with the Russian offensive. It really counts them as attackers.

Because we set off early, we approached each other's stronghold almost at the same time as us. The president of the Russian guild looked at the map and listened to a flying Warcraft knight next to him to tell him the results of the recent aerial reconnaissance.

"I saw a point of defense at this position. There seems to be a magic crystal cannon here, as well as this position. But after watching the barracks for a long time, no one entered and should be empty. And their rear is almost It's a no-man's zone. Only non-combat workers are working, and neither the player nor the combat troops see it. "

"Haha, it looks like we are about to turn around this time," said the president of a Russian guild next to him with a smile. "It looks like the previous information is correct. This time we can even out this occupation of the Frost Rose Alliance. Area, reclaiming our land. "

The leader of the leading Russian guild said, "Although this is a good thing, don't be too undervalued. Although Essinger's mobile fortress has already left, and he has taken away a large number of offensive forces, you should not I forgot. Isinger ’s mobile fortress can be moved in space. It ’s so anxious that it can move back at any time. So we ca n’t be careless. Move fast. And we must not give them a chance to breathe. ”

"Understanding, isn't it just to carry forward our glorious tradition? We understand this." The presidents of several Russian guilds all said impatiently. How could they not be excited because of such a long ago, a rare opportunity to fight back. This excitement is a bit out of control, so one by one, they all seem to be out of control. However, the guy leading the team was actually very excited, so he didn't think too much.

"Okay. Now calm down, let everyone rest for five minutes to recover their strength, and then we start the total attack. After a while, the battle is only allowed to charge, not to stay, you ca n’t go back without cutting through the opponent ’s entire position, understand?


"Okay, let's go down and restrain our own people. Five minutes later, I will order to act in unison."


The presidents of the Russian guilds left the guy here to return to the front of their team, and then ordered everyone to take a break to replenish their strength. In the past, in order to reduce the probability of being discovered in advance, they marched all the way. Many people were dissatisfied, so now they need to take time to rest and add. In addition, wear and tear on some equipment or other minor problems should be dealt with as soon as possible, adjust yourself to the best state and start the attack.

In fact, these people didn't know that in the bushes not far away, they were lying on a creature that looked like a night monkey. This little thing has a pair of oversized eyes, and the head is also disproportionately large. but. This looks pretty dumb, very popular with girls. However, although this thing looks cute, it is not a simple pet, but a kind of Warcraft for detection.

This thing is small and fast, the most important thing is that it is very intelligent. He is good at stealth operations and possesses anti-reconnaissance magic. He can quietly approach large enemy forces for close-range reconnaissance. Now this little guy is watching his surrounding Russian players with his super long vision, while on the other side of the position. A player next to Matsumoto Masahiro also had golden eyes, and what he saw was the picture that the little thing saw.

"The enemy has reached the critical line, and they say they will start in five minutes."

Because the remaining guild president here is Matsumoto Masahiro, he is now the general commander here, and the remaining players are under his command. Of course, this position is determined by "lottery". As for fairness ... Masamoto Matsumoto and us are enemies, who would doubt that I favor him?

"Very good," Masamoto Matsumoto said with a smile. "Go and tell your brothers in the front, don't fight too hard when fighting, we need to reduce the number of casualties.

"Understand," the player agreed with a grin, and then left.

Five minutes was short, so it passed quickly. Just five minutes later, the leader of the leading Russian guild suddenly stood up and jumped on his mount. The people behind him had already waited for him to act, so of course he immediately jumped on the horse Your own mount. Looking at the team behind him, the president of the Russian guild raised his weapon and waved forward, and then shouted, "Go forward, Ulla ..."

"Ula ..."

With the yelling of Ulla, this huge team of Russian players suddenly moved from extreme silence to extreme movement. Everyone was running and shouting, and then rushed into our position.

Standing in front is an occupied area of ​​the French guild, but they are not afraid at all now, because their order is to run immediately after finding the enemy. So when they saw the Russians on the opposite side, they immediately executed the order well.

As the front French player ran, the Russian player's team immediately rushed into our line of defense. Then they started to sing all the way, because they were not resisted at all. Those players are not only scarce, but they almost run when they see them. As a result, they seem to be running in the no-man's land, and they are not fighting at all.

Because the resistance here was too weak, the leading Russian president immediately discovered that the situation seemed not right. The Frozen Banshee can completely hand over the task here to the guy, indicating that the president of the Russian guild also has two brushes. The problem was that he knew too little information. Under the guidance of a series of false information, he could not make a correct judgment at all. As for now ... he did find some anomalies, but the problem was that the order he ordered before the departure was a decisive charge and never stopped. Now even if he shouts, it is estimated that in addition to this small group of people around him. It is impossible to stop other troops. In other words, now he has actually lost command of the army.

In fact, most of the troops are the same in this case. Unless we wear a communicator to everyone like our guild, and there is a commanding system such as the God of War that can accurately control everyone's command, There is no way to stop at this time.

In fact, at this time, this guy was already running away from his own thoughts. Originally because his mount was better, he rushed to the front, but because he found a problem, he began to slow down unconsciously. As a result, the team behind him got faster and faster, and gradually leveled him, and because the people behind him were still accelerating, he and his mount were already being carried forward by others. Now he couldn't stop even if he wanted to stop.

The troops in the charge were quite fast. This army quickly entered all our positions. After they all entered our position, the front of our line of defense was at the forefront, but the original ground was Suddenly collapsed many large holes. And the collapsed part did not suddenly become a large pit, but one end sank and one end did not move, forming an oblique drape. At the end below the ground of these slopes, a large number of heavily armed cavalry was ready. Seeing that the front door suddenly opened, the cavalry did not need to order, and rushed out in accordance with the instructions previously obtained.

These people rushed out from under the first line of defense. And the Russians have all passed ~ ~ so these cavalrymen are running out behind the Russians. The Russian infantry who fell behind suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes from behind, and when they looked back, they saw a wall-mounted iron rider rushing over, and then they were knocked directly to the ground without waiting for their defensive posture. Then he was stepped into a meat sauce by the following warhorses.

If these people formed a line of defense, the cavalry would not be so easy even if they could kill it, but unfortunately they and the cavalry were running in one direction, and the result was as if a large group of cavalry was chasing the deserter and rushing from behind Go up and down and then continue to chop the person in front.

During the running of Russian players, people constantly ran out on the land around them and behind them, and then joined the pursuit, while the charge of the Russian players was completely turned away, because all the followers were chasing and they I have been running, and now I ca n’t stop and dare not stop.

When the guy leading the team found that there were all enemies around, they were actually trapped in our encirclement. The guy knew at the time that they were finished. Don't say these people have defeated us, it is not necessarily that they can go out alive. This battle was a complete conspiracy, and the most abominable thing was that they even plunged in. But it's too late to say anything now. They have been completely rescued. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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