Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 181: The last moments of the Russian offensive

As the commander of the Russian offensive force has completely given up his command, this Russian offensive force has completely lost its command in chaos. Corresponding to their situation is that our side not only has A complete command system, and more importantly, a large number of traps and various auxiliary props are also prepared. With all this going on, the casualties of Russian offensive forces are naturally imaginable.

The Russian offensive forces in chaos gradually passed through our various trap divisions, and because the number of Russian offensive forces has been declining, Matsumoto's courage has also grown, and they began to let them try to kill more enemies at one time. As a result That is, the casualties of Russian offensive forces are getting faster and faster. Later, because Matsumoto felt that this was not fast enough, he simply changed the original battle plan, directly let a certain trap zone start in advance, and then intercepted the Russian offensive troops. Later, with a large number of cavalry and long-range strikes, the opponent's follow-up forces were directly driven in the other direction of the forward forces, so the Russian offensive was completely divided into two groups.

The divided first group of military use has a large number of people, accounting for about two-thirds of the total number of remaining troops, the total number is about 50 million, and the other one that was driven out was nearly 20 million. people. Although these two forces combined have 80 million people, they are more than one-fifth less than the total number before the Russian offensive forces, which means that the Russian side has lost so much time. More than 20 million troops.

In addition to the huge impact of such large-scale casualties on the Russian offensive forces, the morale of the remaining personnel was completely lost. If it was said that it was just wrapped around and running. Now I am really running away, and I am aimlessly fleeing without any direction at all.

The smaller one of the two separate Russian offensive forces was handed over to August by Matsumoto Masahiro, who also led a cavalry with Sakura Yushin and Blazing Dragon Ji. This second unit was driven to the reserve theater.

In fact, at the beginning we did not expect that the battle situation would be so smooth. When the battle plan was formulated, everyone was quite conservative. At least we once considered the possibility of the Russian offensive forces not being fooled and then head-on against us. Therefore, in addition to the trap-filled passage where the Russian offensive unit 1 is still walking, we have also set up many separate defensive positions in the occupied area in order to prevent the Russian offensive forces from failing to comply Our planned action. Then our team can at least rely on these defensive positions to deal with Russian offensive forces.

Of course. Even the Russian offensive forces did not cooperate with our battle plan. That doesn't matter, because the Frozen Banshees have been doomed to failure since they believed our false information. After all, the total number of these Russian players sent out is only 40% of the total number of Russian combat troops, while our remaining troops are 60% of the total combat power. Considering that our total combat power and the Russian side are basically the same, and we are the defensive side. Therefore, the 60% of the combat power should eat up the 40% of the Russian offensive forces. There is no problem at all. so. From when the Frozen Banshees sent them out. Their demise is already doomed, and the difference is just what we have to pay for it.

The situation like now is better than the best case we originally expected, and it is even beyond our expectation. Things like war have always been more chaotic. The thoughts and behaviors of various people in battles are usually different, so you can only predict a general range, there is no way to precisely define the entire war, but fortunately this time is going in the direction that is beneficial to us, so Even going beyond expectations is good for us.

The second part of the divided Russian offensive force was quickly guided to the line of defense we reserved, and then first encountered a minefield, which was blown up by an individual and turned over. August Fumigation was originally intended to imitate the original arrangement and guide these people to trap one trap and one trap to step on, but the second offensive Russian offensive force was more chaotic than the first echelon because it had no general command. Although the Russian president of the first echelon did not command anything, after all, there was a commander there. At least everyone around him knew that he would follow him. Therefore, the first echelon was always a whole, and This second echelon was separated from the commander, so although there were more than 10 million people here, they still felt that they were scattered skirmishers. Naturally, they were even more chaotic, and this was blown up again by the minefield. , And soon completely broke down. A good army split directly into at least a dozen brigades scattered in all directions.

It doesn't matter if this unit is dispersed, there will be no way to command the siege in August. Seeing the Russian offensive forces suddenly scattered around, August Xun was so anxious that he almost did not cry. Fortunately, there is still a war **** here as the commander-in-chief. After a problem occurred in August, the war **** immediately began to take over the defense issues here and mobilized the troops to start operations.

Although the **** of war directly participated in the command, but because the station is not our Frost Rose Alliance's troops, the communicators are allotted to the front-line commanders, not everyone, so the command of the **** of war also It is to be able to chop to ensure that our team will not be washed away by the skirmishers of the Russian offensive forces.

The **** of war first let our cavalry troops disperse after the opposing team's dispersal, to avoid direct contact with these enemies, because these people are now fleeing, you can kill him after you kill him, but if you block them Up front, that's troublesome. People are very crazy when they escape. Even if there is a wall in front, they can directly knock you down, so we can't stop them here.

The mobilized cavalry units used their own mechanical advantages to quickly gather after a round of perimeters, and then merged with those infantry guards at fixed points. Then the Russian offensive forces, which started to squeeze in both directions, forced them to turn. The reason for these people to turn is because they are moving in the direction of the first echelon in which Matsumoto is responsible. If these people are brought into the previous first echelon, it may cause unpredictable trouble, so the first priority is to ensure The battle cannot affect Masamoto Matsumoto's side, otherwise good things may become bad things.

The two Russian offensive forces who ran in the wrong direction soon met the blocking force assembled by the **** of war, but this blocking force was temporarily strengthened, and the number was quite considerable. In addition, the front office position gave it at a glance. It is difficult for people to rush through.

This first impression made these players of the Russian offensive forces instinctively want to avoid this direction, and the cavalry forces attacked their flanks from one side, forcing them to turn. In the end, it was almost as predicted by the army god. The two skirmishes did not directly strike our position. Instead, he swept forward.

The two skirmishes, who were re-assigned as guides, were quickly taken away separately, and then led to the back-up positions to fill the mass grave. There are a series of mass pits in this place, all of which are trap structures, as long as the opponent's troops all walk up. Let's pull a rope here. The area of ​​two football fields would collapse completely. Then the ambush troops outside will greet them with bows, arrows, and magic, and even if the fall is not covered, it is estimated that the last breath will be left.

The two skirmishers here were led into position, but the remaining skirmishers were completely out of order. There is no great way for these people to be military gods. After all, we have to face so many troops at the same time. In order to ensure superior strength, most of the staff are at Masamoto Matsumoto. August is a good place to move. There weren't many people originally, and now the opposing forces are running apart. There is no way for us to carry out centralized annihilation. If our side is also separated, there is no way to ensure security. Second, the people here are all guild troops, not our Frost Rose Alliance troops. The command is not smooth, and the personnel Quality is also uneven, there is really no way to control the rhythm of the battlefield. And once the teams on our side are separated, re-gathering is only possible after the battle is completely over, so the **** of war would not dare to let these people scatter and pursue the enemy.

However, although these people could not be dispersed to carry out their missions, the God of War allowed our cavalry troops to start scattered attacks with the smallest system that he could directly command. These minimal systems that can be directly commanded are all in groups of several thousand people. They are obviously used to chase skirmishers, but their mission is not to kill as many enemies as possible, but to destroy as many enemies as possible. At the same time, the opponent's troops were circled back.

These skirmishers have no resistance to resistance, and seeing a large group of cavalry on our side will dodge instinctively. As long as we always ensure that our cavalry regiment is outside the enemy, and then gradually tighten the team, we can disperse these Russian offensive forces are gradually gathering again. Of course, there must be smart people among the enemies who can discover our purpose, but what about discovery? The thousand-man team on our side is itself a large corps. Their skirmishes are not opponents at all. Even if they find out our tactical intentions, they have no way to break through our encirclement.

In August, Xun Xun was relieved to see that the Russian offensive forces were gradually circled back again, but she also knew that after the battle was over, she would definitely be scolded. After all, this time she was considered to have caused a lot of trouble, although Did not cause any actual losses, but that is because the military god's remedy is timely, and the large environment is so, otherwise, such mistakes may cause the situation of the entire battlefield to change, resulting in a one-step mistake.

When August smoked back on the right track, the part of Russian offensive forces led by Masamoto Matsumoto was gradually drawn into a super-large area of ​​ambush. In fact, the players of the Russian offensive forces did not know that they had been moving along a huge circular channel before. The reason our ambush line has this structure is mainly because we want to give full play to the fighting power of our infantry such as magicians and archers.

The Russian offensive forces are mixed, including cavalry, infantry, and even flying soldiers, but it is impossible for our infantry to follow them. They are fleeing. We are setting ambush. If we follow after, there is no advantage at all. Therefore, only high-powered cavalry is the real pursuit and guidance force. They are responsible for constantly consuming the personnel of the Russian offensive forces and driving them along the route we want, while our infantry is divided into two parts.

The long-range strike forces such as the mage and the archer are set within a fixed range, and this range is the central area of ​​the circular runway. Therefore, when the Russian offensive forces continued to circle in this area, It is within the strike range of our long-range arms, and our long-range arms only need to move a small range to always follow the large forces of the Russian offensive forces. After all, the Russian offensive forces have been running in circles, and our troops It is equal to the inner lane of the circular runway. Naturally, the moving distance is much less.

Unlike long-range units, those units suitable for close combat are not suitable for mobile attacks. So what we set up for them is an underground passage. This channel is also circular and connects all the points on the circular runway. According to the characteristics of different combat players, we have specialized institutions, such as the dark room that was previously suitable for assassins and ninjas. There is also a ramp metal mesh suitable for most soldiers. Anyway, as long as the soldiers squat beside their suitable traps, they can destroy the Russian offensive players.

Of course. Although our runway is circular, because this runway is actually very large, not everyone can find them in a circle during the panic escape. When designing this runway, we also considered that the Russians might realize that they are going in circles and change course. Therefore, I made some adjustments to this area, making the circle larger, reducing the curvature of the turn, and setting up some obstacles to mobility. Local areas can take different forks to make them feel plausible, plus the process of escape Most people's attention is not focused on these things, even if an individual finds a problem, it cannot affect the overall situation.

The part of the Russian offensive forces that Matsumoto took out of the run along this killing channel three laps at a stretch began to significantly reduce the speed of movement, which is a sign of endurance. Although everyone will bring enough medicines before the battle, but no amount of medicines can sustain the long-distance run like this marathon. The cavalry on our side is in shifts, which is equivalent to running and resting for a while, and the long-range units in the infantry rarely need to move. Anyway, they can shorten the moving distance, and they are still divided into pieces. After a while, you can withdraw and wait until the next time Russian offensive forces pass by their defense area. In contrast, the melee units below the ground are the most tired, but even they are on rotation, so the endurance is naturally not a problem. After all, the defense area is fixed, and the medicines on the body are not enough. You can also replenish them in the temporary small warehouse set up in the tunnel. The above Russian offensive forces have not only been running, but more importantly, their heavy resupply troops have been killed first. As a result, all Russian players have only their own medicines, and they are carried by the legion. Mass supplies have long been our trophies. What's even worse is that the team is messy, so even the nurse professions such as priests who can assist are out of order, even if you want to find someone to help.

Under the combined effects of various natural disasters, after running a whole morning and circling the death channel for three laps, the Russian offensive team finally began to suffer from insufficient endurance. The cavalry is relatively better, the infantry , Especially the infantry of the mage class is the most obvious, many people have been transferred to the bottom of the team. These people have been protected in the middle of the team because they are mages. Although the team is a bit chaotic, everyone knows that they can't grab the mage's position. Because they need their output during the battle, even if it is dangerous outside, you don't go. Squeeze the mage's position. However, if others do not grab their positions, it does not mean that they will help them run. After these people become slower and slower, they will naturally be dragged from the center of the team to the bottom of the team. Everyone knows the characteristics of the profession of mage. Thin-skinned stuffing is a common feature of mages, so when you see these mages who are gradually leaving the team, Masamoto Matsumoto knows that the opponent has reached the end of the crossbow.

"Attention all units, the battle has entered the second stage, ready to close the net."


The so-called second stage is a stage that we proposed before when we made the plan. The representative feature of this stage is that the enemy's physical strength has generally fallen to the bottom line. That is, most enemies are exhausted. In this state, even if the opposing party suddenly regains its command ability, it is impossible to set off any storms, because an army that is half-dead is unlikely to have the strength to fight with the enemy, except for being slaughtered by others. Nothing else is possible.

In the first stage before, although the enemy is chaotic and has been driven by us, we still need to be careful, because at that time we were like lions driving the herd, although all the cattle They were running in panic, but the cattle themselves still had great lethality to the lions. So you need to drive carefully. but. Now entering the second stage, this herd has become a cow that is almost exhausted. Although the cow is still a cow, it can no longer pose a threat to the lion. So at this point the lions can be assured and bold. Just don't commit two yourself. There can be no danger at all.

At this time, the first echelon of the Russian offensive forces was the half-dead cows. At this time, their movement speed had slowed down significantly, and even when we attacked, their resistance became minimal. This is caused by extremely low endurance values.

In this state, we don't need to be too careful. All players leave all kinds of bunkers directly, and then line up behind the cavalry. The actual battle is really about to start at this time. Of course, this should be called slaughter rather than combat. After all, the opponents are almost exhausted, and there can be no combat power at all.

Seeing that there was a battle line on our side, it was impossible for the Russian offensive forces to sit still. Although their chief commander no longer intends to do any rescue operations, although everyone is tired to vomit blood, although the command system has become a mess, no one knows where his commander is, but the Russian players are quick. Beginning adjustments, I hope to complete a battle line that looks at least like this, at least this way to ensure that the opponents will not be chopped up.

However, although the final efforts of the Russian players are quite positive, it is actually too late to say anything at this time.

While the Russian offensive was still in the team, our side suddenly remembered a booming cannon sound. That's right, our first attack was not the assault team, but the preparation for shelling.

What is defensive advantage? The defensive advantage is that you can drive the cannon, tune the shots, and wait for the enemy to go to the shooting range that you aimed in advance. Now that we have such conditions, of course it is impossible to leave them alone. Therefore, we intend to take advantage of this advantage now.

In fact, although the second stage started, we did not start fighting with the enemy as soon as we came up. At this time, the positions of the enemies were calculated by us accurately. Previously, after Matsumoto shouted out and entered the second stage, our team let the enemies continue to run for a certain distance, and waited until they reached the appropriate position. Breaking their way forward blocked them in this place, because this location is our prepared artillery field. This position is actually located within the shelling range of several nearby cities. It is a firepower intersection, so we can project more firepower at the enemy at once, and the super-high density saturation attack brings As a result, a group of people turned over.

The Russian offensive forces completely lost the last bit of resistance in our shelling. Because there was no clear target, the Russian players in the position now did not even know what to do. If this is a siege battle, they will naturally charge forward against the enemy's gunfire. If this is a retreat, they are bound to run desperately. However, this is not a siege battle, because they have not received any siege order. And this is not a big collapse in the true sense, because they have not really collapsed from beginning to end, and there is no retreat in front to let them run.

Because there is no clear goal, these Russian players do not know what to do at this time. They can only scramble blindly in place. This situation is exactly the wrong way to say, even if they can stop in one place. It's better to stay still than to run around like this.

Due to the high density of the enemy, our artillery continued for a full 20 minutes before it gradually stopped. Until the final artillery shell landed after 25 minutes, the area where the remaining 50 million Russian offensive forces had completely turned into On the surface of the moon, there are large and small craters everywhere. And some places are still big pits and small pits. Anyway, when there is no place to start, there is really nothing at all. It can be said that every inch of land here has been turned over.

Although such a horrible bombardment costs a lot of ammunition, because the density of the enemy is very high, the return is even higher. The 50 million Russian offensive forces directly reduced their staff by more than one-half after the half-hour bombardment. The number of remaining combat players is only in their early 20s, and these people are not in a heyday. Everyone is more or less. There are a few injuries, and the physical strength is seriously insufficient, and the drugs are also used, which is not far from death anyway.

"What now?" A Russian player asked, looking at the chief commander around him.

"What else can you do? Fight to the last person! There can be as many enemies as we can. That's all we can do."

Although this guy has made up his mind before. But at this moment, he still felt quite uncomfortable. After all, such a disastrous defeat was too shameful to say, even if it was not his fault. This also made him quite uncomfortable.

Russian players plan to fight to the last person. And we are really moving forward. However, we did not give up our advantages because the enemy was dead, but we took the residual forces of these Russian offensive forces very seriously. Cavalry patrols the periphery of the war and stands ready to support certain local battlefields. The infantry was advancing in a neat square array, with many shields, spearmen, archers, and mages.

Under this kind of copper-walled and iron-walled battlefield, although players of the Russian offensive forces are about to explode before death, but without full cooperation, this fully-equipped heavy infantry square is completely sent to death, even if the individual combat power is slightly higher At the very least, the person in the front row will be knocked down by the archer and the spearman into a hedgehog.

On the one hand, the slaughter proceeded quite smoothly, and the number of Russian offensive forces fell down like a stopwatch. At dusk, the last person of the first echelon of the Russian offensive forces that invaded our occupied area was finally inserted. He had to open his eyes like a hedgehog and fell into the blood of a corpse.

After the Russian offensive forces on this side were completely cleaned up, Matsumoto Masako immediately turned the remaining personnel to the other side of the fighting area. The battle over August smoked was not over at this time. The intervention of the army **** just encircled all the enemies, but it will take a little time to destroy these people, but now everything is not a problem.

There were not many skirmishes in the second echelon of the Russian offensive forces. More than 10 million people had to escape after being scattered by the minefield. The total number of people was only more than 16 million. Then there were two branches. The troops were massacred by the gods of war because they might interfere with the fighting over Matsumoto's side. In the end, this group of people was finished earlier than the first echelon of the Russian offensive force that Matsumoto was facing. The remaining number of players in the second echelon of the Russian offensive forces is still about 10 million, but these people have been completely dispersed, so they have been driven away by our cavalry like sheep. In the process, nearly one million enemies were destroyed, and only 9 million were actually circled in the end.

These 9 million Russian players are the last force of the second echelon of the Russian offensive. In fact, this is also the surviving personnel of the Russian offensive. However, it is almost dark at this time. The night battle is not good for the Russian offensive. We are also unfavorable, but the situation on both sides is slightly different.

Russian players do n’t want night battles because their equipment is poor and there is not much preparation for night battles. The problem on our side is that night is not suitable for encircling skirmishes. After all, once the enemy is dispersed, it must be certain Vision, but there is no vision at all at night.

Although everyone does not want the night to come, this kind of thing is not something we can decide, so it soon completely darkens, and at this time we have to start a night battle with the remnants of the second echelon of the Russian offensive. .

Actually, our Frost Rose League had a special night battle force ~ ~ but this team was not here from the beginning. There is a need for precise command over the second battlefield, and it is obviously impossible for the mixed forces of various countries to achieve coordinated operations as commanded by the arms, so we try to increase the proportion of our Frost Rose Alliance forces over the second battlefield, and this The side battlefield is left with a large number of Alliance forces. That night fighting unit was originally one of the elites of our guild. Naturally, it was taken away directly, so the fighting unit on this side has no night fighting unit. However, because neither side is very good at night battles, the troubles caused by the night on both sides are almost the same. Of course, there are a few more problems on our side. After all, there are a large number of people on our side and it is difficult to command. The second echelon of the Russian offensive forces has no command at all, and their image of their command system during the day and night is minimal.

The battle situation on the occupied side is nearing its end, and when the time is set back to the morning, the battle on the second battlefield is another situation.

This is not the same as the refreshing battle in the occupied area. The second battle area is a real scalpel-like battle. This is dancing on the blade. Even if we mobilize the commanders in the alliance here, many people still feel uncomfortable, because they have never tried such a precise way of fighting before.

"Attention everyone, ready for battle." (To be continued ...)

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