Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 186: Block and grab time

Although the Russian air cavalry showed extraordinary bravery and even used their bodies to deflect bombs, the result of this did not make any substantial changes in the battle situation. Giant Butterfly City did not drop one or two bombs, but hundreds of thousands of bombs, some of which were giant explosive bombs weighing one ton, but more of them were smaller equivalent bombs or clusters. Bombs. These air-explosive cluster bombs will burst automatically in the air at a distance of 800 to one thousand meters from the ground. After this explosion, the internally loaded 8,000 submunitions will be scattered towards the surrounding area. Once these submunitions are destroyed It will self-explode after a certain time after being sprayed out. This must be an initiation method. Although it is not as good as a bump-type effect, it is at least relatively safe and at least not accidentally started.

After being intercepted by some heavy bombs, players on our side can start to realize that these air cavalry will affect our bombing effect, so they switched to small bombs to kill the air cavalry they killed themselves first, and the effect was also not bad. Although it is not very cost-effective to replace an air cavalry with a small bomb, it is at least more cost-effective than consuming a giant bomb weighing one ton.

After the number of Russian air cavalry dropped significantly, the bombing on our side immediately became more crazy. A large number of bombs began to be thrown downwards in a mixed throw, and the Russian players below were obviously not scattered enough to open, so we were heavily killed. These super bombs can often kill a vote as soon as they land. The Frozen Banshee is watching her own staff constantly falling down, but she doesn't know how to solve it. After all, it was already wrong. It is now impossible to rely on immediate response.

Although the Giant Butterfly City carried a large number of bombs, the throwing speed was also quite amazing. In less than 15 minutes, Giant Butterfly City had already thrown more than 20,000 bombs of various types this time, and then The U-turn went directly over the head of the Russian player and flew towards the country. This type of bombing requires a lot of conditions, and it is not always possible. At least in the short term, there is no chance to come again. Therefore, Giant Butterfly City was notified in advance. Do not land after the bombing. Directly land in China, anyway. He is no longer needed.

After the Giant Butterfly City dropped the bomb, the load dropped. The altitude gradually climbed to 20,000 meters. Then it began to enter level flight, and basically no **** was required at this altitude, so our mobile angel formation separated and landed in the nearby area. This change changed the face of the Frozen Banshee.

It is said that this group of mobile angels should be **** formations, even if they do not follow the giant butterfly city. That should return after the mission is complete. But this time the Mobile Angel Formation landed nearby. This is not quite right. However, the Frozen Banshee is not stupid. After a brief consideration, I understand what we are thinking. This clearly means to kill everything.

Although the recent bombing said that the reinforcements of the Russians had blown up the individual, it was not miserable, but the death rate was actually less than one tenth. of course. A one-tenth reduction of nearly 200 million troops is a terrible reduction, but the number of remaining combatants is still more than 150 million. Most of these people are players, but the proportion of players is Is not high. And that's where the trouble is. In addition to the advantages of individual combat power and flexibility compared to players, the biggest advantage is that players can heal themselves, whether it is using drugs or healing skills, or go to other healing departments to help, in short Players can usually recover quickly after the war. But the problem is that there is no such ability.

The legion in the game is equivalent to a mercenary, but it is very different from the actual mercenary. The game is a one-time payment for a lifetime buyout. Unless you are too bad for them and cause rebellion, generally this part will follow the line Will fight to death. Well, since everyone has sold you the whole thing, then you are embarrassed to let them go to the battlefield to bring their own weapons and ammunition? Therefore, the guild's weapons and supplies are provided by the guild, but considering the number of people, this consumption is obviously quite horrible. Unlike the players, the combatants will not pay the membership dues, which is from their number No money was received, but a lot of money was invested to support these people. In this way, the guild's economy is a huge burden, and because of this, it is unlikely that the guilds will dispense a large amount of medicine to the legions.

Now Russian players are having trouble in this regard. Although the previous bombing only caused them to lose less than one-tenth of the number, the wounded accounted for more than 60% of the total strength, which means that more than 70% of the total strength of the original force could not fight at the time of departure. Already. Obviously, it is difficult for some strong men to continue to do something in this case. Therefore, to get this unit to work, treatment services are needed. But the medicines are too expensive, they do n’t have enough quantity, and the treatments relying on the therapists take a long time. This has created a major contradiction, that is, to spend money to quickly cure these people and slowly use those treatments. A little bit of healing for the player's healing skills.

From an economic point of view, of course, it is better to take it slowly, but the problem is that Russia is now in crisis. Our Frost Rose Alliance coalition is raging all over Russia, so they need this main force that we dare not dare to touch. Play a certain deterrent and containment role. How can they have time to treat slowly under such a premise?

The Frozen Banshee looked at the huge number of wounded and hurriedly turned, but she was useless to transform into a gyro, this kind of thing could not be fixed at all. The treating staff is just that, and now they have to hurry, either spend money on medicine or wait for time, there is no other way to choose.

After thinking about it for a long time, the Frozen Banshee finally decided to spend money. After all, if you do n’t want to spend this money, our Frost Rose Alliance forces will inevitably burn and plunder around Russia. At that time, the loss will not be just like buying medicine Already. and. Another factor that helped the Frozen Banshee make such a decision was the mobile angels who had just landed nearby. The purpose of these mobile angels landing here is obvious, they are to be vultures.

Vultures are scavengers and will spin around corpses or dying animals, just waiting for a piece of cricket. At this time, the mobile angel is similar to that vulture, but they are not waiting for the corpse, but they want to reinforce Russia. Sixty percent of the wounded in the army became corpses. Once the Frozen Banshee chooses not to rush to cure, then these mobile angels will inevitably find opportunities to come in and take advantage. Taking advantage of the fact that all of them are wounded, the mobile angel force can definitely cause quite horrible casualties. After all, many wounded people have only blood skin left. It's over for a moment. If you are attacked at this time, the damage is definitely greater than that under normal circumstances.

In fact, the decision of the Frozen Banshee really helped herself and these Russian players, because just after they issued an order for everyone to use the medicines on their bodies before they were reimbursed by the guild, the Russian side The investigators found a large number of cavalry cavalry around us.

This air cavalry is not a player formation of our guild, nor is it a spear. It's the air cavalry that Tian Tian will ride on.

Tianma can walk in the air. Tianbing Tiangens are also very powerful troops. Appearing here in the form of a pair of editors at this time clearly intends to take advantage. If the Frozen Banshee hesitates for a while, waiting for these air cavalry to arrive, it is too late to even issue medicine. but. This time is the first time they have started luck. Because of the early distribution of medicines, these troops and players have received a certain degree of care. Although it cannot be said to be in its heyday, at least this army has basically recovered its combat effectiveness. Anyone can come up and take a bite of the remnants.

Looking at the Russian legion that has basically completed the treatment and started the whole team, the hunting team on our side did not go directly to fight it. After all, although the Tianbing is a very powerful army, it is an army, and players and mixed legions There is not much advantage in head-on confrontation, not to mention that this hunting team is not a lot of people, of course, can not approach at will under the premise that the number is not dominant. However, although these soldiers did not dare to approach the opponent's front, they have been roaming outside the attack range of the opponent's front. They are watching these Russian players as if they are predators wandering near the herd. They are getting nervous.

In fact, in addition to exerting psychological pressure, the hunting team has other functions. The most important bright point is that it completely seals down the enemy's reconnaissance force. It was impossible for such a large group of people not to set up road-finding troops nearby, but because our hunting forces have been operating within their sight, it has made the Russians unable to collect intelligence. Even if the investigation team is sent out, it will be quickly killed by our hunting team. At this time, the Russian Corps has almost lost its ability to detect the outside world, and even remote command communications require a special brigade escort. Slightly fewer personnel will be connected to Xun personnel will be fired.

In addition to this information suppression, another role of the hunting group is to completely suppress the speed of their actions. Due to poor command communication and no external investigation, the Frozen Banshees did not dare to move fast. The army movement speed of the legion-level units was originally slow. Now they must be carefully attacked at all times. This speed has become a snail crawl. General status. The Frozen Banshee knows that this is not possible, but there is no way at all, because she is afraid that if we do not notice, we will find a chance to be overcast again. They can't afford to lose, so they would rather climb slowly than take risks.

The last main force of Russia led by the Frozen Banshee was blocked on the return road at a speed like a snail, which gave our siege forces a lot of time. The main cities of western Russia are waiting for their main force to come back to rescue the field, but the frozen banshees are slowly crawling on the road, they want to be fast and dare not, they are desperately anxious, but they still dare not move forward .

Compared to the worrying and worrying situation in Russia, the atmosphere on our side is much easier. With the cooperation of our superior firepower, the siege forces quickly took down both of the first target cities. Afterwards, the second-line troops entered the city and began the plundering plan, while the first-line attack forces did not stay. After playing a pair in the city, he left the city from the other side, and then rushed to the next target city with the help of the transport team of our guild.

Because at this time intelligence warfare has basically lost its meaning. Our guild cannon fodder on the outskirts of Bear Fort no longer make unnecessary sacrifice. Essinger's Mobile Fortress began to advance towards Bear Fort, relying on its own firepower and the strength of several Zerg castles attached to it to completely flatten Bear Fort. The original cannon fodder was quickly transformed into a looting force, which was responsible for looting the city that had been captured after the front main force broke through the city defense. At this time, our attacking force also changed from two branches. Three.

The reason for the division is mainly to maximize the benefits. At first, because we did n’t know how the Frozen Banshee would decide, we did n’t dare to play too much. We just divided the two troops out to ensure the combat effectiveness of the branches. On the other hand, we also moved the fortress in Isinger. While retaining a general reserve, at least make sure that there are no problems in the battle here.

But it's different now. Frozen Banshee's hole cards have been revealed, and the intelligence battle on both sides has completely ended. We have nothing to hide. Do n’t worry about the Frozen Banshees. What more can they do to eat up our offensive troops. At this time, it does n’t make much sense to maintain the status of the offensive troops. As long as they can lay down the city, the troops are enough. There is no need to concentrate troops.

On this premise we divided the army into three parts. Attacks on three cities simultaneously. The Isinger Mobile Fortress is always guaranteed to be in the middle of the three offensive routes, because in this way, the Isinger Mobile Fortress can use its own long-range firepower to support nearby friendly forces. Equipped with an artillery regiment accompanying our three armies.

The pressure on our side of the three roads is so great, of course, the Russian side has long been unable to withstand it. The guilds of the cities that have been attacked and in the direction of our attack have rushed to the Frozen Banshee for help, but the problem is that after the first messenger was sent out, it was like Shi Shenhai, without seeing a spray. Soon the news of the messenger's death was passed back, and after the resurrected messenger report, these guilds knew that the situation on the Frozen Banshee was also a mess. The main force was stared at by many hunting groups in our guild, and their messengers could not enter at all.

In desperation, the presidents of the Russian guilds could only find a way to make up a small unit with a reasonable number, and then let them send the letter. Originally, they were short of staff because of our attack. Now they still have to send people out to send letters. Of course, these presidents are more depressed. However, the news was always sent out, so there was nothing they could do.

Originally, after sending this force, the presidents of these Russian guilds thought that the Frozen Banshee would definitely come to support after receiving the information, but the result was different from what they thought. It wasn't that there was something wrong with the Frozen Banshee, nor was it because people didn't want to help, but because the messenger actually hung up again.

"What are you talking about?" A Russian guild president asked in disbelief looking at his messenger.

The messenger looked at his boss helplessly and repeated the words just now. "I said we don't even want to go in even if we send more people. Outside the army led by President Frozen Banshee is the main player of the Frost Rose Alliance. Her flying sword can cover all areas of her sight. At that time, we did not rush in with more than a hundred cavalry troops. The other group disturbed a large circle of more than ten kilometers. The internal frozen banshee chairman also sent them because they found the situation here. When someone came out to respond, they were intercepted and failed to catch up! "

"The Frost Rose Alliance is trying to kill us!" Several Russian guild presidents sighed anxiously, but there was nothing they could do.

At this time, a player suddenly proposed: "Yes, I think of a way."

"Come on." Several Russian guild presidents suddenly heard that there was a way to surround them.

The player was not frightened, and immediately said: "Although we can't enter the encirclement, we can go to a Banshee Alliance player to send us a letter!"

"A player of the Banshee Alliance?" One of the Russian guild presidents did not respond, and said directly, "When the Frozen Banshees left, they took all their fighters to the guild. We went to their headquarters. It's just a group of logistics personnel, and the combat effectiveness is not as good as ours! "

"Stupid you!" A Russian guild president next to him is finally smarter and thinks about what this player means ~ ~ He means we can just find a player of the Banshee Alliance so that they can Communicate with President Frozen Banshee using the guild's common battlefield channel. Although that function has a limited scope for transmitting information, it is at least wireless communication, and it is always more convenient than transmitting messages. As long as that player can get close to the perimeter of the line of defense, it should be able to catch up. "

"Yeah! Why didn't we think of it!" Several players laughed excitedly when they heard the news, and then began sending people to find the player of the Banshee's house, although the frozen Banshee took away the combatants. , But like the first president of the Russian guild said, they also have logistic staff in the guild. This battlefield channel can be used regardless of your position in the guild, as long as the guild's personnel are available, so as long as you find a player of the Banshee's house, you can use it as a wireless walkie-talkie to let him help contact the frozen Banshee, so the frozen Banshee can establish contact with the outside world.

These Russian guild presidents were calculating the feasibility of the matter there. I did not expect that the door of the meeting room had been knocked open, and they saw them all stunned because this was actually a player of the Banshee House. And it's also a close friend of the Frozen Banshee, who have seen this woman before.

"Elsa? Why are you here? Shouldn't you have been surrounded by the Frozen Banshee?" (To be continued ...)

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