Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 195: This is a chance!

The frightened Russian coalition confronted our army for half an hour before our battle, and then suddenly turned around and ran away as if it had suddenly reacted in horror, and the speed was fast, and in a blink of an eye Out of the attack range on our side. Of course, Xin's attack range is certainly enough to get that level, but she obviously does not want to get involved in such things.

Before letting go of those Siberian protoss, Xin once said that she didn't want to involve too much causality. This kind of thing may sound like an excuse to others, but it sounds like a very reliable truth to me. The existence of cause and effect among the protoss is the highest super protoss. For example, some lower protoss do not need to worry about this thing, because this kind of cause and effect involves laws, and the lower gods have no contact with the laws at all. Ability, naturally there is no need to worry about such things.

Looking at the front Russian players leading their army into the desert, we did not pursue or cheer on our side, but turned around and looked at Xin still floating in the sky, waiting for her verdict. Although this person is her own person, the strength she has shown is far beyond the average person's ability to fight, so after seeing the Russian side running away, we do n’t need to order it, and naturally we will focus on Xin's body.

I do n’t know if I do n’t want to chase us or for other reasons, Xin just floats there until she can't see the shadows of the Russian players. She suddenly turned around and flew back, and suddenly said something when passing by me. "Let everyone go their own way. Those foreigners should not dare to come again."

I nodded and sent the instruction quickly. The players below acted as if they suddenly received the thawing instruction, and I quickly followed.

"Old ancestor ..."

"Call me Xin."

"That, Xin. Before you ...?" I asked carefully, although I was a little worried, but I knew Xin wouldn't lose her temper because of such things.

Sure enough, Xin didn't even bother to hear my question, and said directly: "I see that you have good qualifications, so you are in love, but I have also seen the situation on your side. If you do n’t solve it in a short time You will not be free. "

"Thank you, Daen." I'm not a gimmick. The meaning of others is already obvious. This is to see that my qualifications are good and I want to teach and teach me something, but others are powerful, and I simply went through everyone's words to understand the situation in Russia, so she analyzed it. People like me must be in charge of commanding here. But she didn't want to wait. So I used Thunder to defeat all the thoughts of the Siberian Protoss and Russian players. All their hopes were crushed directly in the form of force majeure. Although people have a bad memory, even if they are hurt this time, they will gradually forget. Then come back. But that also requires a process, doesn't it? Therefore, it is unlikely that there will be any further movement on this side at least for a short period of time after Xin has done so. After all, there are only four days left before the occupation time, that is, about one hundred hours later, we can accept the formal asylum in the court of heaven. With the strength of the Russian players, without the Siberian Protoss participating in the war, at the same time, declare war on our players and the forces of heaven. This is basically a dead act. As for the Siberian Protoss ... I don't think they dare to die again by their courage.

After all, she has done so much for me. Of course, Xin is qualified to be thanked by me, so she accepted it. After we got back to the meeting room at the Essinger Mobile Fortress, I convened some of the leading leaders in the guild and arranged for them to work for this period of time. After all, I will follow Xin Studying and studying, they need to deal with everything here, of course, you must explain in advance.

To my surprise, Xin told me when we had a meeting that I could bring real red and gold coins together, and of course I could not refuse such a good thing. Unfortunately, Christina does not have this opportunity, after all, her identity is different. Although for us Christina is the cutting-edge force of the guild like true red gold coins, but for Xin this is a foreigner, and true red and gold coins are more important than their own people. The device, which represents the fate of the country, is a very important thing. I guess it's because of these two sets of Chinese wares that I can bring them both.

After we were done here, Xin didn't make nonsense, just stood up and went out. Of course, we immediately followed.

"Where are we going to train this time?" As soon as I left the conference room, I caught up and asked, after all, Xin was no faster than a teleportation team. If you know the location in advance, you can use the teleport array to pass.

Xin probably guessed what I meant. She didn't tell me anything at all, but she looked at me and asked, "Do you still need to improve combat effectiveness?"

Suddenly I heard such words, and immediately hesitated, then asked, "Can you bring more people?"

Xin smiled and nodded. "I know your value to our country, so strengthening your strength is good for all of us. Anyway, I have planned to train you. One sheep is in a hurry, and a group of sheep is also released. Just bring a few more at once. No problem. "

"That was just ...?" I meant to ask why Hongyue and Christina didn't say when they were there, after all, they were all high-level members of our guild!

Xin explained patiently this time. "How many of those people who just met are mixed on the battlefield every day? As for that Christina, what is her qualifications is not bad, and I do not mean that she is a foreigner, after all, I am not a human, but she is a human I don't care much about the branch. But her energy operation method is very different from mine. I also know a little about her energy operation method, so it would be better to let her explore it by herself.

When I heard Xin ’s explanation, I also understood her good intentions, so I said, “That ’s the case. I do n’t know how many people I can take?”

"It's up to you to decide for yourself. I don't mind anyway, but I have to declare first that the training is a bit special, and my strength will be scattered, the training time will be shortened, and I will not learn anything. But don't blame me. "

"Can you give some advice? How many people are more appropriate?"

"Of course I think that the smaller the number, the better, but less than ten people will not affect me too much. You can decide for yourself."

After listening to Xin's suggestion, I thought a little bit about the road: "So, let me bring four more people, plus the three of us are seven, shouldn't it matter much?"

"This number has little effect. You call someone."

"This. I don't know where we are going to train?"

"I will naturally take you after you gather people together." Xin never said where to go, but this caused me some headaches.

"That, that's it! The other four people I want to bring with me are special because they can't let us see us traveling together. I want to ask somewhere first. Then let them pass by themselves. We will meet there over there. .Avoid being discovered. "

"That's the way it is." Xin thought for a moment and said, "What is the scope of your secrecy? No one can know or some people can't?"

"Range?" I thought for a moment: "The scope is quite large, anyway, we know very few people inside our guild. Outside our guild, nobody knows it."

"Do you need to hide that day?"

"That's not necessary. It didn't let Heaven know that it was just because it had nothing to do with Heaven. It didn't need to hide anything. Anyway, even if they knew it, they would try to help us hide it."

"That's fine. You can just let them meet at Nantianmen."

"Nantianmen? That's fine."

Nantianmen has a dedicated teleportation array established by our guild. Although any teleportation array can be connected to that teleportation array, due to the dual restrictions set by our guild and heaven, there is absolutely no way to teleport unless you have special permission. The past. Besides, we did not spread the teleportation coordinates of Nantianmen, so there are really few teleportation arrays that can directly connect to this teleportation coordinate.

Since it is to converge at Nantianmen, it is simple. I contacted Matsumoto Masa directly with a communicator.

"Chairman, what's the matter?" Matsumoto thought that after the signal was connected there, he thought it was something he should do.

"Good thing."

"Good thing?" Matsumoto was excited when he heard good things. "What a good thing? Is it a raise?"

"Increase your salary! You will arrange the work with August Xun and the three of them at once, and leave the things at hand to others to handle. I have a super **** here to take us to train, I help You have won four places. "

"I trust, this is a great thing!" When Matsumoto Masa heard that the super **** immediately knew who it was, after all, Xin had just crushed the Siberian protoss before the battle, and now almost half of the world knows it, Matsumoto It is certainly impossible for such a person to have no news at all.

"Well, you move quickly, don't let people wait."

"Oh okay." After Matsumoto had finished speaking, he suddenly remembered important things before asking, and said quickly: "Ah, don't hang up. How long will our training take? If it takes a long time, I will arrange more Something is up. And where will we meet in a while? "

"Wait a minute." After I said it, I turned to Xin and asked, "Xin, how long does our training take?"

"It depends on your situation. At least two days, and more than three days."

"heard it?"

Matsumoto immediately said over there: "Yes. Then, where is the meeting place?"

"After you're done, go to Essinger's Teleportation Hall, and then find a teleporter with a private room. Don't go up directly. You can't find the target in the teleport list. First restart with your Frost Rose League special identification badge Teleport the array, then do not use voice control, select the manual menu, there will be a special coordinate option in the transmission list, you can use voice control after clicking in, you can set the target Nantianmen directly. "

"I rely, is this going to heaven?"

"Just gather there, I don't know the ultimate goal yet!"

"Oh, understand, we'll be right there."

Immediately after the explanation, I immediately let Xin go to the nearby teleportation team with us. Unlike Matsumoto Masa. We are full members of the Frost Rose Alliance. There is no need to hide this identity, so you can directly use any of the Isinger mobile fortresses to teleport. Masamoto Matsumoto is still an outsider in name, although he uses himself That special badge can indeed use all the facilities of the guild, but the problem is that with so many foreign players here at the Isinger Mobile Fortress, in order to avoid being found to be a handle, Masamoto Matsumoto can only go to the teleportation hall The public areas that are open to the public use teleport arrays. As for us, there are not so many restrictions, anyway, the city's teleportation array can be used.

Because there is no need to find a teleportation team and no explanation, so we must be faster than Matsumoto Masako. When we arrived at Nantianmen, we waited for another ten minutes and Matsumoto just congratulated them before they came over. But considering the time to find the teleportation team, their speed is already quite fast.

After seeing Matsumoto congratulating the four of them suddenly emerging, Xin frowned obviously, then looked at me suddenly and said: "So it is so strange, otherwise you said to keep it secret. I really looked down on you before. I didn't expect to be able to do this! "Because the leaders of the guilds came to prepare for the war when the Siberian Protoss came over. So Xin probably knew that Matsumoto was congratulating them as the commander-in-chief of Japan. Status is not trivial, but now she knows that the commander-in-chief of this Japanese region has been ours for a long time. The news is indeed a bit explosive.

Although hesitated for a moment, Xin was relieved very quickly. After all, this was the chief commander who controlled other people, not that we were controlled by others, and naturally there was nothing to entangle.

"Since your identities are so special, it really needs to be trained." Xin looked at Matsumoto and congratulated them and looked up and down, and said to August smoked them: "The three of you are also very strange in strength system. I don't know much about this, I can only give you guidance on fighting skills. As for you ... "She looked at Matsumoto for a moment and asked:" Are you interested in changing your career? "

"This ..." Masamoto Matsumoto apparently hesitated.

When I went up, I slapped his head straight down and said, "Cann't Xin still hurt you? I'll let you change it. What hesitation?"

Only then did Matsumoto respond. People can train us of course to hope that our strength will increase, so this proposal will only increase his combat power without decreasing, so this proposal need not be considered at all, and it will be right to agree to it. .

When I said that Matsumoto Masako nodded in agreement, of course, I turned to Xin and asked, "Then this is so fixed. When are we going?"

"You can go now, but you need something before you go." Xin said without turning to me and turned to the four heavenly kings over Nantianmen. "Go and get me some colorful stone powder."

As soon as Xin had finished speaking, the four heavenly kings on the other side went straight to the knees. "Old ancestor! That colorful **** stone is an ancient treasure, let's not take it, we have never seen it before!"

Xin heard the other person's words for a moment, and then suddenly said as if suddenly remembered: "Yeah! How can I forget this!" She waved and waved to the Four Heavenly Kings to leave, then turned to me and asked "This time I will train you, so you may have to figure out your own way."

We thought that we could go to the training place right away and we were all a little bit surprised when we heard this. I have seen this colorful stone, and our guild does have it, but the problem is that it is already used in Isinger Mobile Fortress. If you want to take it out, it will affect the part of Isinger Mobile Fortress. Function, it can't be taken out at all! As for the words of looking for the heaven court ... Do not even think about this kind of thing, because the value of this thing is very exaggerated, so in general, the heaven court will not give away easily.

"So what ... is it really necessary to make colorful stones?" I asked Xin Xin with a frown.

Xin probably understood the two just now, this colorful stone is already a scarce resource in modern times, so this thing is really hard to find now. "It's not necessary to have colorful stones, but there are so many things in our time, so I will just say that I haven't expected that these years will become a hot item."

I was relieved to hear that it was not a colorful stone. "So, besides this colorful **** stone, is there anything else to replace?"

Xin slightly raised her head and used one hand to point herself to the chin for thinking and said, "Let me think about it! Except for the colorful stones, it seems that the bones of the beast can also be."

"Skull of a beast? That stuff is harder to find than the colorful stone!"

"Is this thing gone?" Xin asked in surprise, and then said: "Then Qiankun Iron will do."

"I haven't even heard it."

"Tianling banana leaf, is this available?"

"It looks extinct!"

"Then grab a purple thunder **** eagle and put some blood on it."

"Can Tianlei God Eagle be replaced?"

"Is it extinct without the Purple Thunder Eagle?"

"That's not true, it's evolved. Two new species at the branch, one is the Tianlei Temple, and the other is the God of Wind God, both descendants of the God of Purple Thunder God."

"That's it! Then let's see if there is anything else! I haven't seen these two kinds of things, I don't know if they can be used." Xin continued after saying: "I did not expect such a big change in these years. Ah! It seems that animals cannot be counted on, and the dead should not change so much. Let me think about it again. Celestite, Wuyangshi, Ningshuipi, Tiger Sapphire, Heartbreaker, Rhodite, these Do you have anything? "

"Never heard of it."

"It's troublesome!" Xin frowned. "If there is nothing, I can only pass by myself! It will not work with you!"

"So what. What attributes do you need for these things?" Gold Coin suddenly asked: "Although many things in the past have disappeared. But many new things have appeared over the years, so just know what you need is In terms of certain characteristics, we don't necessarily have them. "

"That makes some sense." Xin nodded after she said, "In fact, it doesn't need anything special, just a substance that can affect the stability of space-time."

"Affects the stability of space-time?" I thought for a moment and then suddenly thought of something. Then he pulled out a black non-slip stick directly from the Fenglong space. "Can this be?"

Xin took it and took a look at it, then immediately smiled and nodded: "Yes. This thing is quite suitable."

I was relieved as soon as I heard it. "How much do we need together?"

"This is enough for you to go back and forth seven or eight times." Xin said.

"It used to be so small!"

"This thing is not worth it?" Xin asked, looking at the thing in her hand.

"This is called Mo Yu. It is one of the building materials of the teleportation array. Although it cannot be said that the output is large, it is definitely not a scarce resource."

"It doesn't matter whether it is scarce or not. Anyway, it's enough." Xin said and continued: "If there is something, you need to find a flat ground below, and no one can disturb."

"Just ask them." I pointed to the next four kings.

The four kings have been watching us all the time, and immediately took the initiative to say, "There are many places like this, the ancestors need to come with us."

Under the leadership of the four great kings, we found a place like an altar near Nantianmen. This place is surrounded by an empty sea of ​​clouds, with a stone platform in the middle, and there is only a small road connecting to this side. It is said that this place is specially used to punish the wrong gods and throw them into the lower bounds for reincarnation. Therefore, unless a **** has committed a crime, the usage rate is very low. It has been used a dozen times since the establishment of the court It does not have to happen once every one or two hundred years.

After looking at this place, Xin nodded immediately: "The location is good, let's start from here."

The Four Heavenly Kings heard that we recognized this place and left here directly, Xin asked us to stand outside first and then start construction. She first broke the ink jade in her hand directly, then crushed it with two hands to make it into jade powder, and looked at Matsumoto next to congratulate them with sour teeth. It feels that Xin's little white hands are not hands at all, it is an integrated body of magnetic restraint outside the 10,000-ton hydraulic press. The former Siberian protoss allowed her to rub it casually and squeeze it into a crystal ball. Although this jade is not a metal, it is amazingly hard. If it is not too dense and it does not have elasticity, it will easily break. armor. However, it is such a hard thing that people can grind it into flour just like rubbing the crust twice. How much energy should be on this hand?

After crushing Mo Yu into powder, Xin began to draw pictures with Mo Yu powder on the ground. From the shape of the periphery, it can be determined that this is a law formation. But the structure is very strange, not much aesthetic, and asymmetric, which is very different from the kind of magic array that we usually see no matter which direction it is viewed from.

This magic array not only has an asymmetric structure, but also has a lot of lines. Xin's speed is actually very fast, but it still took a full ten minutes to get it done. After drawing this magic circle, she turned around and found me and gold coins staring at the magic circle on the ground in a daze. I looked at us a little curiously, and then Xin came over and asked, "How? Can you understand?"

I nodded first, then shook my head quickly. Xin asked in confusion: "Whether you nodded and shook your head can understand or not understand?"

"You can understand them separately, but you can understand some things together."

Xin asked in surprise: "Where do you not understand?"

I pointed to one of the areas and said, "Here, the energy is directed to the second circuit. Then I feel like I should create an open circuit. Let the excess energy be released to achieve the highest stable energy The effect of compression. But this place does not directly merge into the outer loop, but instead makes a large bend in the reverse direction, and then diverts through a series of complicated loops. Finally, it actually returns to the input side. You are recycling energy I did n’t understand the magnitude of the increase in output power or the desire to save input energy. And would n’t this cause disorder in the energy structure? ”

Xin was obviously quite surprised at what I said. "You actually understand it. It seems that I still looked down on you before." Xin said after pointing at the magic circle circuit, "Here it is exactly what you said. I want to make a The open structure that stabilizes the energy intensity will radiate the excess energy, but this way the direct line will cross the energy step-down supplementary circuit here. So I have to turn the energy lead to the inside and then pass the multiple magic array structure The shunting eventually releases the excess energy in the form of heat radiation. Although this will generate a certain amount of interference and increase the control difficulty of the magic array, but this can complete the entire structure of the magic array, which is better than connecting lines that can't be drawn? "

After listening to Xin's words, my boss opened his mouth directly, and then until the opposite Xin's expression began to become a little unhappy, he carefully opened his mouth and asked, "So what ... won't you know the virtual connection?"

"Virtual connection? What's that?"

"Sure enough, I don't know!" I sighed helplessly, and then said: "This virtual connection is a magic array drawing technology invented by a foreign magician, and its effect is similar to the magic overpass. Oh right, You do n’t know what is called an overpass. Let me explain briefly, this technology is a technology that allows two magic lines to cross on a magic array plane, but the two do not interfere with each other's respective energy flows. "

"What? Magic circles can still cross?" Xin's response was much larger than I thought.

"I didn't know at the time, but it is possible now, and this is not really a crossover. This is how I compare it. In fact, the two magic lines are still independent of each other. It is to use some small means to allow the two to cross. It does not interfere with each other. Moreover, the hand-drawn magic arrays you use now are not very common. Now we generally draw the magic arrays in advance with the help of auxiliary tools, and then just take them out and use them. In addition, the magic array hand-painted on the scene can only be one layer, so the structure must be simple, otherwise it will interfere with each other, and it is also easily affected by the status of landmarks such as wind and water. In contrast, we do it in advance. A good magic array can not only have very luxurious materials, but also achieve multi-level magic array three-dimensional crossover. In this way, if you encounter crossover lines, you don't need a virtual connection method to directly pass one of the magic wires to the back of the magic array, and then Just wait around the cross line and wear it back. "

The way I said is actually similar to the wiring on a circuit board. If you have paid attention to the circuit board inside the appliance, you will know that because there are so many electronic devices nowadays, if all of them are on the same plane, it will inevitably happen that they need to cross. Although the wires can also be crossed by using jumpers, the problem is that the circuit board is printed. There is only one layer of wiring on each side, so there is no way to cross. The solution to this problem is to print the circuit on both the front and back of the circuit board. When you need to cross, let one of the crossing lines pass through the circuit board and go around from the back. Wait for it to go back. . Then you can go your separate ways.

In fact, the magic array in the game can also be realized using this principle, and the effect is very good. Not only is the construction very simple, but it will not affect the working effect of the magic array. Because of the existence of this kind of thing, a lot of very complicated magic equipment will now appear in various guilds. These are completed by the compound magic array after the magic lines cross. Of course, this is only the initial application, which is equivalent to the early steam train and tube computer. Although the principle is such a principle, the technology is actually very backward.

For example, the magic arrays used by the mobile angels of our guild are basically three-dimensional composite magic arrays composed of hundreds of layers of magic arrays stacked together. Not only is the structure and function of the internal magic circle extremely complicated. There is also a layer of enhanced protection magic array that is used to protect the magic array itself. This is equivalent to encapsulating the magic array. It can protect the structure of the internal magic array and prevent the technology from being cracked. problem. Because once the magic array is destroyed by a strong external force, it will force the outer package shell to automatically boost the resistance to external force invasion. Once the external force is too strong, the protection limit is exceeded. That will cause the magic array inside the packaging structure to melt down as a whole, and it will not be able to identify and copy it at all.

It can be said that the technique used on this magic array drawn by Xin is to our magic array. It's like the difference between the first generation of transistor computers and the portable electronic devices that everyone uses today. The technology gap between the two is really too big.

Xin originally thought that I must have never seen her things, but I did not expect that this would happen, which made her feel very disgraceful. Fortunately, Xin's temper is quite okay, so after just blushing a little, she began to ask me about the connection of the magic array and the stack of magic arrays.

In fact, I ’m not a pattern designer, but I ’m a semi-deaf person, so I can explain it with an explanation. At the end, I told Xin: “We have people who specialize in this in the guild. I ’ve only seen it during the past inspections. Some, because I have a good memory, I remember. If you want to learn, I will take you back to them to learn, to ensure that you are satisfied. "

Xin knew that it was not the right time, so she looked at me and said, "Forget it, this thing won't be in a hurry. I'll start training you first!"

Because the magic circle painted by Xin is painted with powder, the structure is quite unstable. Thanks to the wind in the heavens, otherwise the powder in this place is estimated to be blown away after Xin's painting. But even if there is no wind, we have to be careful, because the wind brought by the footsteps when we enter may cause the particles to drift, and the magic energy of these things is equivalent to that of copper wires and electricity, which are good conductors. Once a short circuit occurs In the following situations, burning the magic array is nothing, but I am afraid that it will directly send us to somewhere we don't know, which will be a big trouble. Therefore, the ancient magic circle is really quite unreliable, just like a car without a shell, it is too dangerous.

Although this magic array is not reliable, Xin's ability is still very good, so even this magic array she can use very stable. After we carefully entered this magic array, Xin started the magic array directly, and then the scene around us suddenly started to spin up, and it became faster and faster. The cherry rain **** chick first had a problem, and suddenly she bent down to help the Blazing Dragon Ji around her, and Blazing Dragon Ji's face was not very good-looking, obviously it was disgusting.

In fact, besides Xin and myself, everyone else was a little more or less dizzy, just a matter of degree. After all, this crazy rotation itself is not acceptable to ordinary people, they are not pilots, and they have no professional training. , Halo is normal. As for me, because the dragons are not the same as humans, this feeling has almost no effect on me. Xin is even less, after all, she made it herself.

After spinning for a while, it started to decelerate, but although the surrounding environment was not clear, it was clearly certain that it was different from before. When we entered here before, the sea of ​​clouds was almost white, although it was not clear what was going on outside, but the purpose was a green color, which made it clear that it was not the original environment's color. It seems that Xin should have sent us to some very strange place with this temporarily drawn teleportation array.

"Okay, we're here." After the magic circle stopped completely, we finally determined the surrounding environment. This place really is not inside the heaven, but somewhere on the top of a mountain. Except for the blue sky above our heads, in the range visible to our naked eyes, there is only endless green.

"I rely, where is this?" Zhenhong looked around, and then found that nothing could be used as a reference.

August Xun also frowned: "The map coordinates are not displayed. We are all black except where we are!"

"It's actually a place that our guild map doesn't cover?" I was surprised when August was smoked, because the public map of our guild in all parts of China should have been completely covered, but the problem is this The place is not marked on the map, and the surrounding area is black, which means that this is an unexplored area, a place that no one in our guild has visited.

"It looks like copy space." Sakura Yushin said while rubbing the corners of her mouth, she couldn't help vomiting just after the magic circle stopped completely.

We're discussing the location here, but the gold coins were suddenly indifferent and exclaimed: "I'm going to go! The free energy concentration in this place is actually over 1,300 times the normal map!"

"What? Isn't that self-recharging everywhere?" As I said, I found a pale pink stone directly from my body. This is actually a red-lined magic spar, but just because the energy is almost depleted, the color has turned into pale pink, and it will become completely transparent as long as it is used for a period of time ~ ~ Of course, I It is impossible to really use the energy in the light, because the red spar can be recharged. As long as the energy is not used up and the crystal is broken, it can be recharged repeatedly, and there will be no reality such as energy memory. The batteries are often broken.

Taking out this insufficient red ruby ​​crystal is to test the energy concentration here, because the process of charging the red ruby ​​crystal is actually an energy absorption process. Generally speaking, the higher the external energy concentration, the faster the charging speed of the red-lined magic stone, and once the external energy intensity and the self-energy intensity of the red-lined magic stone reach a flat state, the red-lined magic stone will not absorb again. Energy, and if the energy of the outside world is to the energy density of the red spar, the red spar will start to release energy. This is actually the same as atmospheric pressure. Energy also has pressure, and it will automatically flow from the place where the pressure is high to the place where the pressure is low.

The red spar crystal in my hand is a very ordinary red spar crystal. If it is in normal space, it will not be self-charged. Special equipment is needed to add magic power to it. However, just after I took out this red streaked magic spar, it actually lit up in my hand, and then I saw that its color is gradually changing from pink to rose red at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. It soon became completely red.

"I trust, it can really recharge the magic spar! What the **** is this? Actually, the energy density is so high?" (To be continued ...)

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