Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 205: There are so many accidents

Gorilla is certainly not able to survive, because our three-dimensional blocking method is too thorough, and I am not the kind of impulsive person, knowing that the tactical goal is to delay time instead of killing this guy, so I do n’t Go to the gorilla over there, and only let his pet to interfere with his approach to my purpose, as for myself, I was riding on Yeying's back and watching it all.

Compared with the high-speed maneuvering ability of the bird, the explosive power of the night shadow is obviously better. The most important thing is that the ability of the dream shuttle to operate at an extremely fast speed, which is almost comparable to instantaneous movement. No matter how good the bird's acceleration is, it also uses aerodynamics to move, so the trajectory is traceable. As long as the advance is calculated, it may not be hit. But the night shadow is different. Once it disappears from a certain location, it may not be what it is.

However, I also found a hidden limitation in this strange place, that is, I don't seem to be able to be too far away from that gorilla. My original idea was to let Ling ride Night Shadow to direct the magic pets to fight here, anyway, she could mobilize my summoned creatures. As for myself, the original plan was to fly upwards as much as possible, because the gorilla will surely keep falling after being disturbed. In this case, I will fly up and fall, and the distance between us will increase. In this way, as long as I am not stupid to come down and die, even if he has the ability to master the sky, he will definitely take my fault.

However, this plan was quickly invalidated when it was verified, because when I flew upward for a long distance, it seemed like I was suddenly pulled by a force, and I could no longer go up. This power is not a wall blocking it. It acts directly on my body and pulls me down. And, when the gorilla fell down after being pitted, I would also be pulled down by this force. As a result, I did not dare to drop the gorilla how far, and the distance between us was always fixed.

Since I discovered this problem, I know that there must be a distance limit between us, so I can only descend a certain height to swim at the edge of the gorilla's line of sight. This distance is not the limit of the distance between us, but it is almost the same. The reason why I no longer maintain the maximum distance is mainly because when the guy falls down, I will also be pulled down, so if I keep the limit distance, I will frequently face that kind of pulling force and be passively pulled down. This feels pretty bad. Besides. In case that guy has any hidden long-range attack methods, I ca n’t dodge the maneuver by being limited to the maximum distance, so for security, it ’s safer to keep it a little closer. In this way, when he falls, I can calmly lower my height to adapt to the distance limit. And when the opponent attacks, I can have more directions to dodge.

Although the distance between me and the gorilla is not the largest. But this distance has actually reached seven or eight kilometers. People with a lot of eyesight can't see people at this distance, because the size of a person at this distance is just a black point the size of a pinpoint. Basically you need to stare in that direction for a long time to determine whether it exists Such a point. of course. The vision of both me and the gorilla is quite exaggerated, so we can actually see each other clearly, but this distance is actually beyond the scope of most skills. After all, everyone in the game basically uses cold weapons. The combat radius is usually within 100 meters. Even in war mode, the combat distance starts from 78 kilometers, and from this distance, both cannons and Legion-level spells are facing bombers. Ordinary players still need to engage in close combat at the end, so because they do n’t need them, naturally, no one will master this skill that can attack over seven or eight kilometers. Even the magic archer, the strike range of most skills is not more than one kilometer, after all, it is rarely useful for ultra-long-range attacks.

Although the surrounding path was blocked by my magic pets, the gorilla obviously did not give up. After observing for a while, he suddenly made a take-off action, and our crystal immediately predicted the other's The target turned directly and rushed forward with a sickle, trying to pull the pumice stone before it caught it. However, what surprised us was that the intelligence of the gorilla was quite low, and that was just a fake action. As soon as Crystal turned around, he suddenly followed the turn and jumped out of a pumice in the opposite direction.

Although the Dragon's flying skills are very good, after all, the weight is too heavy, and the turn cannot be so sudden. It is not easy to turn back after completing a turn, so although it is desperately trying to catch up, it is still a half slow. beat.

Although the crystal was shaken, the gorilla was not only surrounded by this group of people. When he saw that he was about to fall on this pumice stone, he suddenly saw two fireballs flying over him. He flew directly into his eyes, and hurriedly protected his eyes with his arms in front of him. When the gorilla released his arms again, he was surprised to find that the original landing points were flying around.

Pumice stones are not very solid, at best they are slightly harder than ordinary stones. Under the ray of Mira's destruction, they were bombarded by a third, and the remaining two thirds were not small. , But it can't bear the weight of the gorilla at all. As soon as he fell on it, he felt the pumice at his feet sink suddenly, and quickly. However, there is always a way to get a foothold, so he quickly took off again, but this time it was even worse. When he jumped up, he was smashed by a white lightsaber longer than him. Not only his face was The flesh flew open, flesh and blood flew, and even more terribly, the huge impact completely changed his direction.

Lingling looked at the gorilla that had been knocked down and recovered her holy sword with satisfaction. Just now, this was her full blow. The power was enough to kill many high-level players. Of course, the gorilla is an ancient creature. Even if they were separated by the octagonal serpent, they have surpassed many of us as players, so this is not the time to kill him, but it is not complete. no effect. For the gorilla, this was the first time he felt a huge threat to his life, because only a dozen or twenty more attacks of this level would be enough to kill him.

of course. Although this gorilla is very afraid of this kind of attack, this is Lingling's large skill. It not only consumes super high magic plus a little longer preparation time, more importantly, this skill has a long cooling time, so it is impossible to use it continuously. The orangutan was worried for nothing. However, because he didn't know this, he would now pay attention to Lingling no matter what he was doing, fearing that she would make another surprise attack. After all, the actions of others were only harassment to him, but Lingling's attack could cause serious injury.

The gorilla smashed by the light of Lingling's holy sword quickly found a new foothold. Then he re-stabilized his body. But at this point he didn't dare jump around. Although the previous fake action cheated the crystal, it certainly won't work all the time, so if you want to cheat again, you need to think of another way.

If the average brainless monster would surely continue to try silly, but the intelligence of this gorilla is still okay. So he came up with many methods and tried them. Other than fakes. He also thought of a way for Xi'an to jump up and hit a small piece of pumice to change course, and then land on the real target. The advantage of this method is that he can make one or two turns on the jumping route, so that we cannot determine the final landing point. This increases the difficulty of interception. However, this method quickly proved to be ineffective because there were too many people on our side and he almost killed all his selectable targets. Regardless of whether he could fool us, there were always people He will stay next to his target pumice stone. As soon as it is determined that it is his foothold, this side will immediately take action to destroy the pumice stone or move it. Anyway, it is all kinds of trouble.

After trying many methods repeatedly, the gorilla finally realized that this is not the way. There are too many people on our side, and all of them can fly. It has a super strong mechanical advantage. His combat power is basically nowhere to take root under this foot. It is because there are no ten, there is no capital against us, so even if we do not interfere with him like this, but simply dodge him, he should not expect to catch up with us.

The advantage of a smart creature is that it can predict the future within a certain range according to the status quo. For example, the gorilla predicts that if he continues to do so, he can only do useless work, so he decisively gave up the plan to continue blind jumping, but Start thinking about other methods.

I've been standing on the pumice stone there for ten minutes, and this guy finally moved again. Because he hadn't changed places for a long time before, this time it just moved a bit and we immediately became alert. However, what this guy did did not differ from the previous one. It just walked to the edge of the pumice stone, then squatted down with his four hands to catch the edge of the pumice stone, and then suddenly took off.

He has tried this direct jump way many times before, and he will be intercepted every time. It can be said that it is impossible to achieve. However, this guy didn't even care about the previous failure completely, so he did it again.

Although I don't quite understand why this guy who seemed quite clever before suddenly became so stupid, we can't just look at it or not? Therefore, when this guy took off again, the interfering team on our side immediately gathered around to prepare for trouble. However, at that moment, the gorilla made a surprising move.

Sure enough, ten minutes of thinking is not without effect. The gorilla finally thought of a way. Immediately after he jumped, the crystal rushed towards the pumice stone he aimed at. Of course, flying with power cannot be slower than jumping, so the crystal first arrives with a sickle, and it looks like it will drag the pumice with spider silk as before. However, just at the moment of the moment, the gorilla suddenly raised his arm and flung it forward with all his strength, and immediately afterwards we saw a small white object burst into a white gas in the air. The fog, then flew out with the air waves visible to the naked eye, caught up with the crystal and sickle in the blink of an eye, and then hit the root of the crystal's wings.

With the loud noise, the white object burst into a white powder instantly at the root of the crystal's wings, and the crystal screamed and immediately fell out of balance and fell down.

We were all stunned by this sudden change, but Ling responded quickly and made a correct judgment in less than two seconds. "Plague. Go down to catch the crystal and sickle. Xiaochun goes to help heal it. The others spread out, and the remote fire suppresses it. The guy has small stones in his hand!"

In fact, the method that the gorilla just used was not so complicated. What he did was simply to smash people with stones. The only difference was that his power was so great that a stone was thrown out by him. Supersonic, just when the stone flew out of his hand, the white aerosol that burst out was actually the shock wave shock generated when the stone broke the sound barrier, causing the water vapor in the air to be reduced to water droplets. A white air mass. As for the stones later burst into powder on the body of the crystal. This is of course because the speed of the stones is too fast. In addition, the dragon scale itself is not a fragile thing, so in the end the stone can only burst and turn into a large piece of stone powder.

To be honest, although this method seems simple, it is really not something that ordinary people can use.

First of all. The source of this stone is a problem. Here is the sky. Not the ground. You can't pick up small stones everywhere, so the rock that the guy just threw out must have been posing from the edge of the pumice stones under his feet when he took off. The force required to pull a piece of debris from the pumice with bare hands is enough to stop most living things.

second. Even with the ability to pull a pumice stone, trajectory is a problem.

This thing is that pumice stone is not an ordinary stone. Its own buoyancy changes with height, and this change is not completely regular. Therefore, this thing will not draw a perfect parabola during the throwing process, but will Different trajectories appear depending on the direction you throw, but it is certain that the trajectory will not be a straight line, and there will be absolutely no regularity at all.

Because the trajectory of this thing flying out is chaotic, it is obviously not a simple matter to hit a distant target. You need to know that although the dragon targets are very large, their flying skills are also very good. If the flying speed of the stone is too slow, they can hide from it.

So, in the face of these difficulties, the gorilla used the simplest method of violence—violent throwing.

We all know that the greater the throwing power, the faster the stone can fly, and the faster the flight speed, the smaller the deviation of the stone itself due to its buoyancy during the entire flight, and the faster the speed of the stone is , So the target will not be able to dodge within this time, thus guaranteeing a hit rate. This method may seem simple, but the power required is actually amazing. The stone that had just shot down the crystal was exploded into powder, so everyone did not understand the specific size, but from the flight track, this thing also has a diameter of at least 80 to 90 cm, which means that the volume of this thing Quite big. And the other party can accelerate such a large thing to supersonic speed in an instant, and this power can be imagined.

Immediately after trying for the first time and obtaining the desired effect, the gorilla immediately began to put away the pumice stones under his feet and turned them into a large amount of gravel. He immediately aimed at a nearby pumice stone and jumped over it.

Seeing this guy take off again, the interference team on our side immediately dispatched, Lucky and Xiaosan besieged from both sides, but not too far after seeing that the gorilla suddenly turned around and threw a stone towards Xiaosan. This time, the shot was still heavy and heavy, and the speed was as fast as lightning. When the little three came to the side, he was rubbed by a stone in his back. The stone instantly turned into powder and bounced and sputtered toward the side, but There was also severe pain in Xiao San's body, the entire balance was disrupted, and he rolled it down, but it was not completely out of control.

Fortunately, this situation was immediately served by the long-range Longyan bomb, but the guy tossed it a few times and threw a stone at Lucky again. However, Lucky is higher than Primary Three, and the response is much faster. A magic shield appeared in front of Lucky, and it leaned towards the stone at a sixty degree angle. When the stone hit the magic formation, the whole magic formation was shattered immediately, but the pumice itself also shattered into a large number of small fragments and bounced out to the side. It did not hit luck, and luck snarled directly after completing all this He rushed up to plan for hand-to-hand combat, but as soon as he flew halfway away, he heard Ling shouting, "Lucky, come back."

With a flick of his tail, he turned sideways and flashed off a pumice thrown by the gorilla again, then dived down to take advantage of it. The gorilla obviously didn't want to let go of the luck, and roared and jumped over, but just as he saw the tip of the lucky tail with his paws, he suddenly shot a red beam directly above the gorilla's palm. The fried flesh was fuzzy. The gorilla capture program was also forced to be interrupted.

Fortunately, he escaped from the disaster and quickly returned to Ling's side. Ling stared at him and said, "No one is allowed to approach the guy without the command of the master. Our task is to hold him, not to fight with him desperately. "

Just when Ling's voice had just fallen, the gorilla over there suddenly jittered, and then an image of an orangutan about the size of a normal person separated from the subject. As soon as this new avatar appeared, it flew in one direction in a lightning flash, and disappeared into our sight in a blink of an eye.

Everyone froze for a while, and then Ling was the first to respond. "Hahaha, someone has killed the person responsible for it, and that guy's strength has fallen again."

Ling said that everyone also reacted. Once this guy's avatar dies, new avatars will be split, and then the body will be constantly weakened. In the end all that remains is a very weak ontology. But now it seems that it was Matsumoto who was responsible for one of them. Because the separated avatars are personal size avatars. If the Hachichi snake is completed first, then the ontology in front of me is estimated to return to a minimal state, or even disappear directly, and I am not sure about the specific situation. But I'm sure anyway. As long as the Yachi serpent wins once. The battle over here is over.

Although the reduced avatar is just a player with the same strength, but the people here are not ordinary people, so after cutting these out. The fighting power of the gorilla in front of it is definitely reduced. Of course, now he is still uncertain about us, but at least it is better than before.

We have no idea how much the strength has decreased, but this guy's size can be seen at a glance. The gorilla now looks more than forty meters tall, about one meter shorter than before. This ratio is not large, but this downward trend is good for us.

While we were still entangled with that guy, in the surrounding room, the Yagi snake was fighting the gorilla monster in front of it.

Because I took on the most troublesome main part for him, the Yaki snake always felt sorry for me this time, so it was obviously a bit too desperate when fighting. In fact, this kind of battle is easy to determine the winner, because the Yagi snake can fly, and the gorilla can't fly. As long as a suitable battle environment is selected, the Yagi snake can completely abuse the gorilla to death with long-range attacks, and it is not difficult to pass with zero injury. After all, the gorilla in front of him is no longer the original body. All the attributes of the avatar he deals with are only as close as the Yagi snake, which means that the opponent has neither attribute advantage nor any cheapness to occupy. As long as the Great Yagi snake took advantage of its flying advantages and smashed to death, the gorilla monster did not take him for granted.

Of course, this is the best fighting method that I have estimated, but the problem is that I have ignored the emotional problems of the Yakisu. I didn't expect that the current Yagi snake is so simple. Although it has been found before that he and the real Yagi snake after it are exactly like two existences, the ghost car at this time is indeed such a simple one. Sheet of white paper. The idea in his heart is actually very simple, that is, you are good to me, and I am better to you. This down-to-earth idea will never appear on the next Hagi snake, but the ghost car at this time took this as his own code of conduct, so that when the main body of the gorilla was carried down by me, he It felt as if he owed me, and then here he was chasing after this clone, hoping to kill it quickly to ease the pressure on me.

Although his idea was good, it was a pity that he was completely wrong. The battle on my side was actually quite easy. I didn't even participate in the battle myself, let alone drag on for a while. Even the gorilla who stayed here for a year and a half could not treat me like that. So, according to my plan, we could easily handle this gorilla. It's a pity that the Bachi snake is wrong. He thought that my life must be a life of nine deaths, and maybe he would hang up in the next second. After all, the strength of the gorilla in front of him is there, and my strength is not an opponent at all.

Because of this misunderstanding, the Yachi serpent gave up its advantage. Instead of distancing the distance to consume this guy with a long-range attack, he rushed straight up and started fighting with the gorilla.

Although the Starlight Reversing Compass suppresses the strength of all avatars to the same level as the combatants in each room, the problem is that different creatures and different creatures fight differently. The compass suppresses only attributes rather than combat characteristics. Therefore, although the properties of the Yagi snake and the gorilla monster are roughly the same, it is quite unfortunate to give up their advantages and fight in close combat with the gorilla monster.

Fortunately, the Bachi snake was not stupid. He chose the sky environment, but not the pumice environment. But the sea of ​​clouds. That is to say, all the plums are like mountain plums below. Although the area of ​​this mountain apex is not very large, it is at least much larger than pumice stones, and the most important thing is that it is fixed and does not move. So gorillas can take full advantage here. Naturally, the combat effectiveness is more than one.

The fighting on both sides soon became heated. The Yagi snake and the gorilla started desperately, and of course, the result was not unexpected. The bird-shaped Yaki snake was not an opponent of the gorilla. He was soon dying. Fortunately, this guy is not stupid, at least he still remembers the rules here. If he dies, the avatar he is fighting now will not return the power to the body, but will appear in the battlefield where I am in the form of a second existence. By then, I will face two gorillas. Already.

Because I still remember this, after discovering that he was about to hang up, the Yagi snake finally stopped contacting the gorilla, but chose to widen the distance and start taking the other party in a circle. All he can do at this time is to delay as much as possible. After playing Matsumoto, they can kill a few more avatars. In this way, I may kill the subjects on my side and let everyone win.

The small mistake on the Yagi snake was the reason why I could n’t wait for the gorilla to be completely sucked out. Fortunately, Matsumoto was not as good as the Yaki snake, and by virtue of his brain, everyone agreed. I chose the sky environment, and then the director of each exhibition began to deal with the one she was assigned to. In this case, the gold coin that is best at long-range strikes killed the one she was facing first. After all, her Wan Jian Da The array is too powerful, and it is almost overwhelming to face the enemy with its own attributes, and this is why I found that I had separated and got another one as soon as I came up less than twenty minutes.

After getting a clone on the side of the gold coin, Blazing Dragon Ji also accidentally killed a clone. Blazing Dragon Ji was the worst in combat among these people present, at least when faced with a gorilla, the advantage was not obvious, so she should have been able to insist on holding a clone, and then wait for our other rooms to be separated first. Only when there is victory can there be hope for victory. However, what she did not expect was that the gorilla on her side had bad luck. She accidentally stepped over a large pumice stone when she jumped the pumice stone, and then she fell into a sudden dizziness when she fell. It was just this time that Blazing Dragon Ji was not too far away from him, so he rushed up and attacked twice in a row, and the character broke out, and it turned out to be two consecutive attacks and double crit. This is a critical attack and a crit. The damage is turned over and I don't know how many times. I will smash the gorilla in one breath, and then when the gorilla wakes up, it is already seriously injured. It didn't take a few seconds for the Blazing Dragon Ji to be killed.

After Fiery Dragon Ji killed another clone, my clone lost one more clone immediately, and this guy started to explode this time. Because he also found that his strength was constantly declining, and if he continued to do so, he would not be my opponent sooner or later, and then he would really be finished.

However, he was anxious to return to his anxiety, my strategy has not changed, and the distance constantly consumed him, that is, not close to him, and although this guy's throwing attack is very powerful, in fact, it can not be my pet How much actual damage is caused, not to mention that my team cooperates with each other, not only attackers, but also medical personnel such as Xiaochun exist, so as long as he cannot cause continuous large-scale damage to us, only rely on this stone-throwing trick In fact, it won't do much. As for the consumption of our magic power and life value ... this kind of thing is as long as I expected ~ ~ So the energy density in this world is set to the maximum, which is three times, so We have three times the magic recovery speed. Under this premise, our magic power is essentially infinite, because we have not used magic frequently, and the consumption is not large. With three times the recovery speed, the consumption and recovery speed are almost equal. In this case, We naturally don't have to worry about anything.

The situation on the main battlefield is very good. On the other side of the auxiliary battlefield, the Yachi snake is in a deadlock, and basically cannot be expected. Blazing Dragon Ji unexpectedly won once, but there was not much hope of killing another clone. However, except for the two of them, everyone else still has a good fighting situation, and I just need to wait for the gorilla to be weaker and weaker until the gap between me and him is not so big, it is me It's time to start.

I just watched the gorilla and took another one off. The height was reduced again, and then he did not hesitate to let the tank give the guy a shot remotely. The purpose is of course to try this guy now. Not that I can handle it. After all, as long as there is a battle on my side, I can continuously read the opponent's attribute data. Unfortunately, after seeing the results, I knew that it was too early to kill this guy. Of course, if Matsumoto is congratulating them for an outbreak, then maybe. Moreover, I still don't know the embarrassment of the Yachi serpent at this time. I was thinking that others had killed so many avatars. (To be continued ...)

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