Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 208: Afraid 8-Dig Snake

"You must know, don't you?" Baqi serpent looked at me very seriously and said, "Please, tell me. As long as I can keep this head, let me do anything."

"This ..." I hesitated for a while before I said, "In fact, it doesn't really matter if I tell you, but the problem is that even if I tell you in advance, the result will not change."

"Why?" Hachichi asked quite incomprehensibly.

I said helplessly: "I think you should know a little about this. Causality, chance, and a lot of things are doomed. Even if I tell you in advance what will happen, and then you try to avoid it, eventually you will leave. Go down the same path. "

As soon as he heard what I said, the Hachiko snake softened, because he knew that I was telling the truth, and he knew a lot of powerful creatures of this level, so he also knew that what I said was very reasonable. . However, it is obviously not the type that is easy to give up. This is a personality trait, not a behavioral trait, so it is the same whether it is the modern Yaki snake or the Yaki snake in front of us. Without this spirit of non-abandonment, the Yagi snake of modern time and space would not be so good in Japan.

"No, even if I knew it was impossible, I would still try hard. If I did n’t do it, it would be absolutely impossible, but as long as I did, there would still be some hope, wouldn't it? "

The words of the Hachichi snake were too aggressive, and I was embarrassed to refuse him, but I really didn't know what to do in the face of this situation. But to be honest. Although the Hachiko snake in front of me and the Hachiko snake in modern times are clearly one, there is a big difference between them in the principles of affairs. Although the modern Hachiko snake is annoying to me, the Hachiko snake in front of me is honestly quite my favorite. But if I really have to find a way to save him ... not because I don't want it, but not, I don't have that ability.

"I'm really sorry, I'm really helpless!"

"But I ..."

The gold coin suddenly held me at this moment and said, "Otherwise, let's ask Xin, maybe there is a chance?"

When I heard the gold coins, I could only go down the donkey. "Forget it, it's over for a while. I'll take you to meet the mighty one who brought us here, if there is anyone in this world who can save you. That's her only."

"Is there such a thing?" The Yaki serpent shouted happily as soon as he heard the hope. Then he urged: "Let's move quickly and see that power immediately."

I nodded and responded to the compass's prompts to start pulling the new detached room into the main battle scene and coming to us.

Subsequent merger and annihilation work went very smoothly. Matsumoto was congratulating them that the avatars they belonged to did not have such a cow on the side of the Yaki snake, and it was almost immediately under the siege of so many of us. So we quickly gathered everyone together and successfully completed all the tasks out of the main control room here.

When we came out, we saw huge corpses on the ground. The orangutan was dead by this time. And the way of death was very strange. No wounds were visible on the body, but it was dead. This star reflection compass can almost be said to kill without seeing blood!

At the end of the battle here, we each received a lot of experience. Then I wanted to see what Tiancaidibao was just stolen from the gorilla, but the Yagi snake was anxious to ask the situation, and I could n’t wait for me to research what kind of Tiancaidibao. Pull us Just run.

"Hey, hey, the direction is wrong!"

"Don't you say it earlier!" The Yaji snake turned straight in the opposite direction as soon as he turned around, and soon we returned to the hill where we had arrived before.

It ’s certainly not surprising to see us returning Xin, because our bodies and weapons are condensed with her power, and each team here is followed by a clone of Xin, naturally she can always know Our location.

When we appeared on the top of the mountain, as soon as we saw Xin, it transformed into an adult humanoid and flew up and it was a string of rattles. "God, please save me!"

"A few heads won't die, what are you doing with such a big reaction?" I watched the Eight-Big Snake on the ground and walked over directly, then stood beside my own body and asked Xin: "How can we change back to the body?"

Xin glanced at the big snake in front of her, and then raised her hand and waved it. Then I found that my eyes suddenly turned, and then she sat up from the ground. Obviously, it had been replaced. After looking around to confirm that everyone changed back, I walked back to Xin again and said, "Xin, this Hachichi snake helped us a lot in the battle here, although he was a bit **** after that. , But this Bachi snake has not done those things yet, so ... "

"You don't have to explain anything to me. This is your business, not mine. I don't care what he has done and what he will do. I care if you can open up territory for my Chinese protoss. Since you want to Help him, then help him. "

"Thank you, ancestor."

"I said, call me Xin. Also, don't thank me, because I can't help him at all, it's you not me who can help him."

Xin's words made me stunned a moment, and the Yaki snake next to him looked nervous and looked at me and Xin waiting for us to explain to him what the situation is now.

In fact, I am even more confused than him now, so I am a little dizzy. "What ... Xin, don't you joke with me? How can I do such a thing as a change of life? Don't make us happy!"

"I'm not happy there, I mean it." Xin said very seriously: "You should know that you are adventurers, in contrast, even more special than our gods. You can say that you It ’s not in the Three Realms or the Five Elements, otherwise you thought why would you be resurrected in that resurrection temple instead of going through the six reincarnations of Yin and Yang? ”

To be honest, I haven't really thought about such things before. But after hearing such words suddenly, I also stunned, and then reacted. Although this is the first time I heard about Xin, it only makes sense if you think about it. If the world in "Zero" is regarded as a real world, then we players are like voyagers emerging out of thin air. We are foreign to this world and do not belong to this world, so many rules of this world are invalid for us.

Among them, the most obvious problem is Xin's death.

According to the settings in the game, after the death of these npcs, they need to take their own death routes. Like a **** or something, as long as the soul is immortal, it will not die, but if the soul is gone, it will completely die, and after the death of ordinary ordinary creatures, the soul will enter the death institution of their country. In our country is the land government. After that is the well-known process. Then in the end, whether he went to **** or re-born after six reincarnations had their own destiny arrangements. The situation in foreign countries is similar, that is, the land government has been replaced by various institutions in the underworld, which is almost the same anyway.

However, players have never been more than these things. After we died, we went directly to the resurrection temple. This is completely different from npc. So according to Xin's words. We are the kind of being beyond the rules. The so-called jumping out of the Three Realms is not in the Five Elements, which is what we are.

Because we are not bound by the rules of death, many things are meaningless to us. In this case, we may really be able to solve the problem of the Yaki snake. But the problem is that I don't know the specific method!

"Xin, just tell me what I need to do? Although I think you're right, I don't know what to do!"

Xin didn't plan to hide it either, so she said directly: "It's very simple. In this world, his fate is doomed, so no matter how hard he tries, he will eventually embark on the path that he will inevitably go, that is Nothing is useful. However, if he is not in this world, then all of his preset fate will be nullified, because no matter which world he goes to, he is not an aboriginal of that world, so he is there Bien has no fate. In this case, his future development will depend entirely on himself. "

After hearing Xin's words, I was even more confused. "But how do I get to the new world? I don't have the ability to send him to another time and space. Even if you want to take him to our time and space, you can only rely on your strength? Why rely on me? "

"Because I don't have any extra power to bring him back to our time. He is different from you. His energy intensity is too high, and I don't have that ability."

"But I also have no ability to take him through time and space!"

"No, you have." After listening to this for a long time, Matsumoto was congratulating them and they finally understood them.

Suddenly I heard Matsumoto Masa's words and looked at me in confusion. Matsumoto Masa pointed to Yeying I hadn't taken back and said, "Isn't this your ability?"

"Night shadow?" I turned to look at the night shadow, and then immediately realized that they were not talking about night shadow, but the magic pet. "Yeah! Why did I forget this!"

In fact, Xin said what they meant was to let me turn the Yaki snake into my own pet, and then when I went back, I could take the Yaki snake together. Waiting for our world, because there is already a Yagi snake there, so the fate of this Yaki snake is brand new, because no fate has been arranged for him there. Moreover, it has become my magic pet, he is my subordinate player's existence, and is no longer as simple as the aboriginal people, so no matter what happens at that time, there will be absolutely no danger to the Hachigi Serpent. Because the magic pet itself is immortal, even if it is dead, it can be resurrected infinitely, which is the same as the player. The best way for all Yagi snakes to keep their heads is to become my magic pet and follow me, so that they can get my protection.

"What the **** are you talking about?" Obviously the big snake didn't understand what we meant, and some looked at us and asked what was going on.

I watched the Eight-Big Snake and re-explained: "That's it. You just heard what Xin said. We are adventurers. We are not restricted by cause and effect. You can be my magic pet, so you don't An individual again, but at the same time you will have the same infinite rebirth opportunities as me. And once you become my magic pet, you can follow me back to my era with you, and you will be a whole new existence there, That world does n’t have your cause and effect, so you can plan your future at will. Of course, because you have become a magic pet, you and I are tied together, and never want to cut. ”

"This one……"

Of course, the Hachiman serpent knows what a magic pet is. He said he was hesitant to say that this demon pet is actually a slave, but he is very worried that he will lose a head, so he is very contradictory now.

"Did you also have me in your time?" Yaki Snake asked suddenly.

I took out a memory crystal directly, and then projected a picture. This is a picture of the Yagi snake that we recorded when we were fighting, but I just freeze a picture for the Yaki snake.

When he saw this picture, the Bachi snake was completely stunned, because he has only eight heads in the picture, and the whole body is covered with blood sacs of all sizes, which looks like snake skin. In fact, it is all about sores and burns. Compared with the current Hachigi snake in the shape of a nine-headed bird, the picture is simply the Hachigi snake that is completely out of phase. This huge gap is very scary for normal people to see ~ ~ Why do I change Is it like this? Asked in horror, the Yachi snake looks at the picture. Although the big snake in this picture is very different from what he is now, it is himself after all, so roughly the size and head can be seen It's very clear, so Yaki Snake is very sure that the ugly monster in the picture is himself.

I didn't want to lie to him either, so I said directly: "You were cut off a head when you were fighting with people here in Huaxia, and offended the protoss forces that emerged in the Huaxia area after the offense, which is a powerful organization called Tianting .The one you see now is called Xin, and she also has a friend called the Hongjun leader. The Hongjun leader and Xin are a level of existence, and the heaven is created by the Hongjun leader. You are in Huaxia area Lost a head and was expelled to an island on the sea. There is still no man's land, but there will be people living in the future. You hide in the volcano there, relying on the flame energy to repair your injuries, and at the same time because the injuries are too heavy Your strength has fallen sharply, but because you have been in the flames for too long, they have been eroded by the flames and the heat of the ground, which has gradually caused your feathers to fall off, and very unsightly blood crickets and poison sores have grown. That's what it looks like. "

"No, I don't want to be like this!" (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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