Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 218: Fleet battle preparation

Nobunaga's hand and the eight-headed snake and a group of senior players in the ghost hand league considered for a long time without thinking about who was going to frame them, and they couldn't figure out how others had framed them.

In fact, regarding the video of last night, Nobunaga's hand and the Yagi snake have repeatedly researched many times. According to their observations, if the Yaki snake that attacked the city was disguised by other creatures, then only It can be said that the attacker should be a creature with eight heads, and the size of this creature should be similar to that of the Yagi snake, at least the part exposed from the ground should be similar. Because according to the damage in the picture records, the eight heads had caused damage to the surrounding people and the ground at the time, and they had been hit by flying stones or spattering flames during the movement. According to the changes in the movement trajectory, the eight heads are not completely illusions. At least there is a physical existence, and the shape is not much different from that of the head of the Yagi snake. Otherwise, if it is purely an illusion, then at first sight, It may be possible to lie to the past, but when you research it repeatedly, you will still find a shot of wearing, such as passing through the entity. After all, illusions are false, they can't touch anything. Of course, real illusions also exist, but there are not many people who can use that kind of thing once, and it cannot be so large. Besides, the scene changes at that time can show that the attacks from their heads were genuine, and this was impossible even with real illusions.

Because these situations were analyzed, they finally agreed. The thing that pretends to be an octopus serpent should at least have similar physical characteristics to the octopus serpent.

Although there are a lot of monsters in the game, it is really not too much to grow to the scale of the Hachichi snake, not to mention the fact that at least eight snake-necked dragon-like heads are required. This limit is quite small. There are only two possibilities that everyone can think of. One is the nine-headed sea snake Hydra mentioned earlier. This guy is one of the most likely impersonators, because first of all, Xu Dela has nine heads, which fully meets the requirements, and although Xu Dela's head is obviously different from the head of the Hachichi snake, the structure is basic. Quite a lot, as long as you use the illusion to disguise it outside, you can make false real. As for the extra head ... this kind of thing is even simpler. Just don't stick out of the ground. Anyway, Hudela is the same as the Hachichi serpent. All heads have independent long necks. So there is no concern at all about the impact of the scope of activity.

In addition to his physical characteristics, Hüdra has several advantages in imitating the Yagi snake. For one, Xu Dela is not an ordinary monster, but a **** beast. And it has always been one of the main combat capabilities of the Olympus Protoss. Is one of the war beasts of the underworld. Later, Hades took the Olympus Protoss as a collective to the Frost Rose Alliance to join the Protoss of Chaos and Order. Hudela is on the list of people who have changed jobs. In other words, Xu Dela has the innate conditions, strength and motivation to do this.

However, there are still some doubts. For example. Hydra is a sea beast and doesn't like fire, or he doesn't like fire at all, and he doesn't have fire spells at all. However, the camouflaged Yagi snake that night was directly the city of fire, and from his leisure time in the flames at the time, the camouflaged Yagi snake was at least also immune to flames. Pull some wrong numbers. In addition, the Yachi snake came from the ground at the time, and Xu Dela was not good at making holes. In Hudela's size, if someone asked him to dig a passage for him to come back, the amount of work would be too great. In fact, the tunnels that are actually dug out are all traceable. After all, the tunnel is placed there, and there may be collapses and the like at any time, so various traces appear on the ground. However, after the attack that night, the opponent used the ground drilling method commonly used by soil-based organisms instead of actually digging a passage. This point is again inconsistent with Huidra's ability.

In addition to this Hydra, the ghost-handed Nobunaga can think of a biological Hydra.

Hydra is actually a descendant of Hydra. The difference is that Hydra is a special individual among Hydra. He is a deity, has normal intelligence, and has super long abilities. He lives in the sea. The Hydra is a swamp creature. They are all direct descendants of Xudra, but they are not as powerful as Xudra, and they have changed from pure water, poison, and darkness to water and poison. Third, the ability of the soil system, that is, the dark spell has become the ability of the soil system.

From this point of view, Hydra seems to be more suitable than Hydra to impersonate the Octavius ​​serpent, because they can understand the magic of the soil system and can sneak. However, Hydra is actually more unable to impersonate Yagi, because their body size is less than that of Yagi, and Hydra does not have the ability to change its size like Xu Dela. The last point is that Hydra, like their ancestor Hudela, do not have fire skills, so there is no way to talk about that fireball.

Synthesizing so much information, the ghost-handed Nobunaga couldn't find a suitable existence to pretend to be an octopus snake, so they began to infer that the impersonator may be a little known, but very powerful, has eight heads, and is good at fire Creatures of the Department of Earth and Earth. Moreover, this creature has a certain intelligence, because the disguised Yagi snake once spoke, so this cannot be a simple beast that does not understand anything, and he should at least have advanced intelligence.

Despite the analysis of these conditions, Nobunaga's ghosts were still at a loss because they couldn't find any creatures that met these conditions, but on the advice of a guild member they quickly linked the attacker's information to In the task system, the conditions given are required to provide rough information about the creatures that meet these characteristics, and different rewards will be given according to the details of the information. Of course, Hydra and Hydra, and Yagi, were themselves excluded.

Many Japanese players have sneered at the sudden offer of such a reward task by the Ghost League. The reason is that Masamoto Matsumoto guided the public opinion of players in Japan at our request, and the final public opinion guidance was that Ghost League wanted to use this method to clarify the relationship, so that everyone thought that night was really not The Yagi snakes attacked the city, making a gesture that they were also looking for attackers.

Because this guided argument is actually very convincing, just simple guidance has become everyone's consensus. The result is that although the ghost-handed Nobunaga released such a reward, the result was that no one took the task at all, not only because there were not many creatures that met the requirements, but more importantly, Japanese players were disdainful of them. Irresponsible action.

Regarding the receiving situation of the task, the ghost-handed Nobunaga had no intention to think about it now, because they didn't know who they were pitted by, and they were still looking for the target nervously. This state of no target at all made them feel like they were blindfolded and put on earplugs to fight the enemy. It's just a passive beating. Even if you have the strength and don't know how to make it out, a random fist will not only have no effect, but will further exacerbate your own image deterioration.

When the ghost-handed Nobunaga and the Yaki-dachi snakes were nervously searching for who overshadowed them, the president of the attacked guild finally made a decision. With a group of players under his command, ran to Russia and found Masamoto Matsumoto.

"Chairman Matsumoto. We are here to ask you to save us!" Because before you came, you have learned about the current situation through "inspiring". So these people have already prepared in advance, they are very clear, this time is to make the best of shame. Even as a grandson and bearing His Majesty's humiliation, you must hold Matsumoto's thigh tightly, otherwise, what is waiting for them is to die out completely. Therefore, these people don't care what they are now. As soon as they saw Matsumoto Masako, they collectively knelt down in front of Matsumoto Masako, and then bowed their heads with their heads against the ground and finished talking about their requirements. This is clearly the posture of "you will not rise if you do not agree".

"What are you doing?" Matsumoto looked at the person kneeling and immediately made a look of overwhelming expression. Of course, he knew everything, after all, he arranged things by himself. "Get up and talk!"

"No, please save us, you won't get up if you don't promise!" A player looked up and said such a thing, and then put his head on the ground again.

The next president of the Japanese guild stood up angrily and said, "What are you talking about? The genius said rightly that we were to get retribution, and then we would leave the alliance. This is all right, just ran back and called Help me, what do you think of us? You ca n’t be a domestic slave by calling? ”Although Matsumoto knows all of this, the surrounding Japanese guild presidents are really angry, after all, on the surface, , The other party's behavior is quite deadly, and there is no moral basis at all. That's why these Japanese guild presidents are so confident.

"Chairman Matsumoto, presidents, we know that this is our own mistake, but we are really at a loss now." The Japanese guild president said on his knees: "We have completely offended the ghosts now Nobunaga and Hachimanchi, everyone knows the virtues of these two guys. They are now being frustrated by the public opinion of the players. Once they think of it, we must be the disaster. So we want to come If you want to go, only President Matsumoto Masaka and the Great Japanese Empire Revival Alliance can save us! This time we are brazenly carrying everything of our own to trust. We no longer require independence to be a member of the alliance, we We are willing to be completely merged into the New Black Dragon Club. We want to become Chairman Satsuma Matsumoto's sword. As long as President Matsumoto is willing to accept, we are willing to do nothing. "

This guy ’s words said that the surrounding Japanese guild presidents are all silent, because they have already whispered to the limit. For a piece of rotten paper on the ground, even if they step on a few more feet, there will be no sound. Any changes, so they don't even know how to say each other now.

At this time, Matsumoto was reacting abnormally and quickly. "Are you really working?"

The president of the Japanese guild immediately lowered his head and put his head on the ground again and said, "Shide, we are willing to give everything and do whatever you like."

Matsumoto deliberately hesitated a little bit before he said, "It's okay if I accept you. But after you merge into the New Black Dragon Society, you need to disrupt the original establishment, and you people can no longer lead the original subordinates. And you have made a big mistake before. I ca n’t let you continue to be senior leaders. Although I wo n’t let you and ordinary members be treated equally, before you go through my inspection, you are at most some positions like team leader. Can you accept it at all? "

"It's up to you." The group had already analyzed the situation beforehand, so the psychological preparation was long enough, although it was really hesitant for a long time. But this time it was accepted without hesitation. After all, they were attacked by the ghost-hand Nobunaga. That's really nothing. Now at least the personal level and their equipment and wealth are in their own hands, and they don't really become ordinary players. They are still a little captain. There are still a few people under your command. and. After all, the New Black Dragon Club is not the kind of miscellaneous guild. This is a very powerful guild, and it can be considered a bucuo thing to be able to mix positions in the New Black Dragon Club. Can they hesitate to mix these up? After all, I'm not shopping now. This is an elimination choice made for survival. Where are so many conditions to choose from?

"That being the case ..." Masamoto Matsumoto replied very carefully. "I represent the new black dragon will accept you. Of course, all the things I said before will be carried out, so you should not have any complaints. But I can guarantee that I will not treat you differently because of your previous mistakes, but neither I will give you extra privileges. Like everyone else, you are a member of the guild. As long as you perform well, you will be promoted. But if I make a mistake, I will not be extraneous. "

"Thank you, President!"

"Well, let's all get up. It's too ugly for such a large group of people to kneel here! August smoked, you take them to go through the admissions procedures and arrange the reception. In addition, prepare some staff, do a good job of defense. Ghost hands Nobunaga's revenge means that it will come sometime. We need to prepare in advance. "

"Then they need to be notified in advance about their joining in our guild?" Sakura Yumi asked.

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Of course, Nobunaga's hands will probably give up their revenge plans temporarily because they don't want to conflict with us."

"Haode, I see." Sakura Yushin nodded and August smoked, "Leave this propaganda to me."

"of course."

After Matsumoto Masahara finished them, they immediately ran to start propaganda and guidance, because the operating methods used by Matsumoto Masahara's gangs were copied by our Frost Rose League, so the efficiency was very high, and soon ghosts The report was received by Nobunaga.

"What? They merged into the New Black Dragon Society?" Gui Nobunaga asked in surprise.

The player who reported the letter nodded: "As soon as the news is released. Now their city has begun to clean up external personnel, is preparing for the guild conversion ceremony, and the garrison of the New Black Dragon Society has been stationed outside the city, if we do now ... "

"Pause the plan," said Nobunagai no hesitation. "We can't confront the new black dragon right now. There are too many things to do, and the form is very bad for us. At this time, we can't be impulsive."

"You've become a lot smarter than before," said Yaki Oki.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga reluctantly sat back to his position and said, "People are forced out! Do you think I want this?"

The Hachichi snake shook his head and said nothing, and immediately turned away from the headquarters of the Ghost League and returned to his lair.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga looked at the back of the eight-headed snake and said to the people around him: "Now we are focusing on investigating who is framing us, but no matter what we find, we must not take action. It must be remembered clearly."

In fact, there is a reason why Nobunaga's ghost did not dare to move Masamoto Matsumoto. Originally, Matsumoto Masa was better than Nobunaga's ghost hand, and then Nobunaga's armour got the support of the Yagi snake, and the form was reversed. However, the Hachichi snake proved to be an unreliable existence, so the two sides were in a state of reciprocity. After all, the Yaki Snake is no longer reliable, and it is an incredible fighting power. Most people can't affect him at all, so Matsumoto Masa and Onomi Nobunaga are still equal.

However, things have changed recently. Masamoto Matsumoto took a lot of Japanese guilds to Russia and went to cooperate with us to develop with Frost Rose Alliance. This matter would have taken considerable risks. But now weti things have been successful, and seeing the actual benefits, this has a considerable impact.

Japanese players have seen real benefits, and their support for Matsumoto Masaka has reached an all-time high. At this time, even those who did not follow Masamoto Matsumoto at the time were all desperately trying to make peace. Matsumoto is in a relationship so he can make a fortune with a ride. If Nobunaga's hand stands out at this time and openly opposes Masamoto Matsumoto, it is tantamount to beating Japanese God of Wealth. Breaking people's wealth is the same as killing their parents. This kind of thing is really endless. So, even a reckless husband like Nobunaga, now knows that he can't provoke Masamoto Matsumoto easily. otherwise. He will become a public enemy of Japan.

Also. Another reason that Nobunaga's hand could not move was the public opinion caused by the recent Yagi attack. Although he believed that it was not done by the Bachi snake, but wenti was useless by Thaksin! Now all players in Japan have confirmed that this is the work of the Yachi Great Serpent, even the people inside their ghost league. Except for those who were directly responsible for taking care of the Yaki snakes that night. Everyone else suspected that it was the Yachi snake. Those who are laymen are even less likely to believe. Under such circumstances, Nobunaga's ghost did not dare to move at all.

On the other hand, Nobunaga's sadness was bleak, while Matsumoto Masako was too busy. But everyone is very happy. After all, all the busy things are good, and everyone is happy.

Like Matsumoto Masako, I am also very busy now, because I am standing in the air over the Pacific Ocean for air traffic control. More than 8,000 surface ships of various types are assembled in the sea below me, and nearly 50,000 mobile angels of various types And more than 100,000 small aircrafts were scrambling around me, and there were two hundred large air warships above me. Such terrible formations are gathering supplies here, and more units are coming one after another. Even if there is an existence like the **** of war, the command is still quite chaotic. After all, there are too many people, and people will make mistakes. It is impossible to execute every command exactly like a machine, and it is quite difficult to guarantee a traffic accident in such a chaotic state.

"Zi Ri, what's going on with you? What about my first aerial battle group?" Shura Ziyi's voice in the headphone asked.

"Wait a moment, the captain just read the guidance beacon wrong, and is still returning to the first turning point. I plan to let them follow Maoer's fourth special mixed combat formation to temporarily enter the Eternal."

"What about the Frost Rose? We are an integrated battleship, not a gunboat! What would you tell me to fight Americans without a plane?"

"I didn't say I won't give you a flying formation. After a while, Xiao Hei's Sixth Air Combat Group will arrive. I will let them board the Frost Rose to replace the first formation."

"Little Black? Didn't he go to Gangcheng to get a new plane?"

"Yes, Frost Rose is our flagship, it can't be too shabby. Most haode has given it to you, isn't it right?"

Shura Ziyi asked in confusion: "What's the name of Xiao Hei's new plane?"

"Ruler of the Storm. How's it? Domineering name?"

"What's the name domineering pipe for? What about the performance?"

"I don't know about it, and I haven't seen the real machine yet! But it must be much better than the birds in the first formation!"

In fact, the so-called aircraft is a simplified version of the mobile angel. The humanoid structure is eliminated, and a simpler integrated fuselage structure is used. The shape is a bit like a bat. It's the feel of a modern airplane, perhaps with a mix of magic and sci-fi. Of course, because it is a simplified version of the mobile angel, they are basically drones. Only the captain's aircraft has a driver's seat, and the captain's aircraft itself does not participate in the war. Its functions are similar to early-warning aircraft, but there is no difference between the appearance and the general body The purpose is to make the enemy unable to find the captain's plane and ensure the safety of the commander.

Because there is no need for ground motion mechanisms such as limbs, the structure of this aircraft is much simplified compared to mobile angels. The difference between the two is almost comparable to that of desktop computers and handheld calculators. And because it is a complete air unit, the structure is more streamlined, the air resistance is smaller, and the air combat capability is more powerful. Both the flight speed and the maneuverability exceed the standard version of the mobile angel, and the flexibility is comparable to the air combat mobile angel. But the speed is much faster than the air combat mobile angel.

Of course, the simplified version of the aircraft also has many disadvantages. The main weti is that the armor is almost equal to nothing. The main feature of this thing is that it is finished after rubbing it, but there is no benefit of armor without armor. Because the ground movement mechanism and the armored shell are omitted, this aircraft looks larger than a mobile angel, but weighs only a hundred kilograms, and has the same propulsive force as an air combat mobile angel. Therefore, these guys have accelerated performance and extreme limits The speed is much faster than the mobile angel. After all, the propellers used by the two are exactly the same model down on a production line, and the load has dropped so much that the same propellers are used. The speed naturally goes up.

In addition to thin armor. This simplified version of the aircraft also has a wenti that is stupid. Because this kind of thing is the equipment to save money, the built-in control system is not the kind of artificial soul used by mobile angels, but a dedicated simplified artificial soul.

The intelligence level of this artificial soul is very low, it can only reach the intelligence level of the beast. Although this thing can also speak. But not talking to you. Instead, answer or make tactical requests based on pre-installed instructions. To put it simply, it is like an automatic answering machine. When certain conditions are met, the corresponding recording is automatically played. It is as simple as that. It doesn't actually understand the language itself. Only command commands can be understood, and special operation commands must be used. For example, if you order these guys to attack a certain target, you can only say that you attack or destroy the two pre-installed command words. If you use "shit" or other language forms, both players and npc can understand, but these Things cannot be understood. So in fact, there are still a lot of this stuff.

Of course, despite a lot of weti and thin and fragile skin, the advantages of this thing are still very obvious.

First and foremost the advantage is that this gadget is cheap, super cheap. The money to make a standard version of Mobile Angel can produce twenty pieces of this stuff with a little bit left.

Secondly, it is simple to produce and maintain. Because of the modular design, in addition to the shell is the propeller and the control core, the rest are some super simple small controls. Most of the space inside the shell is a magazine, basically it can be said that there is nothing inside. Therefore, it takes only one-tenth of the time to produce a standard version of Mobile Angel, and it requires very little equipment. Therefore, it is possible to open more production lines. As long as the money is sufficient, it can be completed in a short time. Insanely violent soldiers.

Third, the rare materials used in this gadget are almost non-existent. In addition to the black core used in the control core and more than twenty kinds of trace rare materials used in the propeller, they are all common goods. Therefore, the demand for this kind of minerals is very low, and we do not need to affect the output for additional reasons. Such things as mobile angels, who have money and time and cannot produce in large quantities, are completely absent from such things.

Because of the above three advantages, we can spend a lot of money to get a large group of aircraft formations in a short period of time. First of all, no matter what the combat effectiveness is, at least covering the sun and flying away can scare many people.

Based on the above characteristics, we have produced a large number of simplified versions of the aircraft, and the first of these models is a preliminary trial version called the bird. The bird's degree of simplification has reached a terrible level, and almost everything that can be saved is omitted, and even the internal ribs are made of tanned devil's vine. The outer shell is an aluminum skin directly, and a light steel keel is used as a support in the middle. The thickened steel structure is used to support the keel around the propeller. The control core is suspended in the middle of the keel with sixteen steel ropes, and the control switch The links all rely on magic transmission lines for soft connection. Basically, the structure of this thing is nothing. The interior is almost empty, and there is nothing in it if you remove the skin.

Thanks to the maximum lightweight structure brought by this structure, this aircraft has excellent acceleration, which is slightly ugly in appearance and too brittle. After all, it was to save money and produce in the first place, so the first model tried its best to achieve these two goals.

That storm ruler is an improved version of the bird, because experiments proved too simple and not good, so the later storm ruler made some enhancements. Of course, the more important reason is that the air warship needs an aircraft for mid-range interception and long-range reconnaissance. The mobile angel has a short air time and high energy consumption, so it is not cost-effective. On the contrary, a lightweight fuselage and an aerodynamic structure will save a lot of aircraft.

Because defending air battleships requires a certain amount of combat power. Therefore, the structure of the storm ruler has been adjusted. From the initial lack of armor to heavy armor protection at key parts, light armor protection is used in insignificant areas. It is also equipped with a low-energy magic protection device. The incoming physical weapon played a very haode-deflecting role.

In order to arrange the armor conveniently, the thrusters of the storm ruler are all concentrated together, and they are protected by heavy armor together with the control center and the ammunition and fuel tanks. These parts use the same special steel as Mobile Angel, while other parts are made of lightweight aluminum alloy, but much stronger than aluminum skin.

In addition to these gadgets, the Storm Ruler has also enhanced its weapon configuration. Because I haven't seen entities. So I do n’t know how to install it, but I overestimated the original design standards. This should be equipped with a miniaturized magic light cannon. This gadget has just recently been researched into a miniaturized version that can be installed inside the aircraft. The miniaturization installed on previous warships is only for warships. It's actually very big for the aircraft. But because the volume becomes smaller. This power naturally dropped a lot.

and also. This storm ruler should be equipped with a device that understands ionizing rays and hot rays. Because these two are magical array transmitters, the structure is much simpler.

of course. The most important weapon of this thing is the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, and it can carry hundreds of rounds at a time. The power is absolutely large enough, it is too expensive to fight, so it is generally set to use other weapons as a priority mode, only facing large Or the armored target will consider the use of missiles.

In addition to being equipped with more than a hundred pen-sized liquefied magic crystal steam missiles the same as those used by Mobile Angel, the Storm Ruler is also equipped with six large liquefied magic crystal steam missiles, which are targeted at the enemy. Battleships and heavy defensive units in the city. Of course, because the liquefied magic crystal steam is too expensive, generally such large missiles with the size of two large thermos flasks are not directly mounted, but are specifically mounted as needed. After all, the liquefied magic crystal steam is too expensive. In the case of this bomb, the price of one storm tops the cost of the two storm rulers. We will not use that kind of thing unless we have to.

When Shura Ziyi heard that there was support from the Storm Ruler, he would not complain to me, but I had to continue to cope with more and more inquiries.

Although we often say that people have more power, sometimes you have to admit that when there are more people, there are more things. That is really a constant situation, and some are so strange that you can't believe it. However, if you think about it from another angle, there are more than 100,000 vehicles and millions of people acting together. If there is really no point in wenti, then it is called wenti. So now our situation is normal. After all, we are all players. This action is also a temporary task. Before, there was no time to practice. I am very satisfied without making a big mistake.

"Call the control center, here is the Sixth Aviation Combat Group, and ask for guidance."

"Give me a signal, I can't see you."

"We circled around the Great Vortex, and the formation currently maintains a diamond array."

"I see you. I rely, why is the storm ruler so big?"

"I just received the goods, how do I know?"

"Okay, you go around, wait a moment." I cut off the communication here and connected to Shura Ziyi again. "Report you bad news. The Storm Ruler has arrived."

"What bad news is this?"

"The ruler of the storm is three birds, at least five meters long, with a wingspan of more than seven meters. I don't know if it has folding wings. The hangar door on your side can't get in!"

"I'm dizzy, what do the designers think? Don't consider parking standards?"

"The Storm Ruler is an air battleship support aircraft. The design is not intended to enter the hangar, and each ship will not bring too much. How can I know that the first formation will run out of position! Forget it, I will let They tried to get on board in the past. "

"No, let them all come over."

"What? What if you can't get in?"

"I can definitely come in."

"How could it be, you ... uh, yes, you still have an airdrop cabin, I forgot this!"

"Hurry up and let them come when you understand. Our front reconnaissance formation has already seen the American fleet!"

"Haode." Cut off Shura Ziyi, I quickly connected to Xiao Hei's formation. "Xiao Hei, the one with you climbed. Go up to find the Frost Rose. Note, follow her and enter from the airdrop cabin below and not from the landing deck. I'm not sure if you entered the elevator. "

"Well? Aren't you going to the Eternity? There are our special catapults over there!"

"Your sister! Didn't you see tens of thousands of planes scrambling up and down on my side? At this time, I can only find a place for you to land and wait for the formation chart of the air formation to tell you the tactics. Transition. "

"To understanding."

I watched the newly formed formations climb quickly, and then chased after the Frost Rose. I was finally relieved, but soon I found that another large air battleship there was actually descending. Fighters were waiting in the cyclone to assign the landing point.

"Wings of the Wind, what are you doing? Immediately rise. You are going to rush into the fleet!"

"Sorry. We'll pull it up right away. When an airplane landed, I didn't know how to hit it directly on the command tower. Fortunately, our side flashed fast, or we would have been shot down by our own plane!"

"Is the battleship damaged?"

"All the windows of the bridge were reimbursed. Didn't you hear that the wind sounds like a tsunami on my side?"

"Hundreds of thousands of planes are scrambling around by myself. Do you say I can't hear you?"

"I didn't say it."

Watching the wings of the wind gradually increase. I'm relieved here again. After that, they commanded nearby fighter groups to find places to land. Because there are no follow-up aircraft groups around, the formation around me has gradually decreased, and the command has become more and more simple.

"Chuang Chuang. Are you there?" I called Cang Cang directly after seeing that the planes around me had landed.

Chuang Wang immediately answered, "I'm here. Is there anything?"

"I heard you were on a pilot?"

"Yes, I'm right next to the enemy. They have found us."

"What are you doing so close?"

"It's not what I ran so close to. Their fleet is too big. I can't count the number of their ships on the periphery, so I had to rush in and count."

"I depend, can you not die? By the way, I'll let you know that our formation has been completed. If you want to take the command of the town, please roll back quickly. Also, report the distance now, let me see Will our long-range weapons be able to achieve range? "

"Not yet, it's too far. Unless you let the Frost Rose and Eternity attack with axis guns, don't think about it."

"Of course you have to wait for the flagship that is close to them to use it. Isn't it a waste to slap it out so early?"

Chuang Wang also complained: "Just. Next time, tell the research department to find a way to get a diffuser out of the way, so it will take a few hours for Haode to kill someone!"

"If it's useful, bucuo. It's okay, you come back quickly, we have entered the battle sequence here. Oh yes, by the way, you go directly to the Eternity, the Frost Rose is taken over by Shura Ziyi."

"I'm dizzy, that girl!"

"You can argue with her if you can, I can't argue with her anyway."

"ok, ok, I got it."

The special-type pilot ship that had been around for a long time in the middle of the American fleet finally turned around and left the American fleet with the order of the king, and behind them was a raised **** and abusive sounds. But it's no wonder that Americans are of poor quality, mainly because this kid is too irritating. When driving a ship, he rushed to the middle of his fleet, and then ran around like a rat in the middle of his fleet. Can you say that the Americans are angry?

Of course, there is a reason why this little finger can enter and run out in a circle. In fact, the pilot ship he was riding on was not a normal pilot ship, but a special version pilot ship.

The pilot ships of the guild are generally large-scale speedboats equipped with large-scale sighting systems and medium- and large-scale thrusters. Speedboat. However, although this ship has 3,000 tons, it is equipped with four propellers dedicated to large warships, and it is a special version of the feed. Therefore, the speed of this thing is basically the same as that of a sea mouse. It is completely a crazy dog. You can't even turn the turret within a kilometer range, because you can't keep up with its speed. In addition, in addition to the super fast speed, this specially equipped version of the pilot ship is also equipped with a special guidance system. When necessary, it can turn at almost the same angle as the right angle. Therefore, the shell and steering ability are extremely abnormal. Various warship owners The artillery can't aim at this thing at all, and only the small-caliber auxiliary weapons can lock the attack, but the special pilot ship itself is equipped with a large force field shield generator, which means that this thing has city-level defense force.

As a result, the American Wenti faced was unable to destroy her weapon, and the weapon was not powerful enough, she could only watch this guy rush into his own formation. And after it entered the fleet, the Americans would not dare to fire at random ~ ~ After all, they have too many ships, and they are afraid to hit their own.

After playing with the Americans, this guy ran straight out, and then started to turn back. Of course, the Americans would not be polite to him, chasing him and sending him a series of shells. Unfortunately, this guy's pilot was the same as the back of the eye. A series of positions successfully escaped all the shells. The gun **** standing outside the bridge almost smashed the communicator in his hand.

"Boss, I'm back. Where are you?" Chuang Wang returned to the scheduled meeting point and found out that he did not see his own fleet.

"Yah, you bumped into the stern of the afterglow again. Don't know if you are going to meet the enemy? The mirage system is all open. Do you rush back directly to death?"

"Don't I get used to sitting in the headquarters? I'm in the boat every time I start the mirage system, and I can't remember it!"

"Okay, don't say it, fly up right away, I'll let the Eternity give you a guide signal, and hurry up."

"Coming soon." (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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