Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 220: Fly a kite and play to death.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! ... What's going on?" Shura Purple, standing inside the Frost Rose bridge, was watching the picture taken by the large viewing lens on the crystal, but she suddenly found that the picture was actually Turning. At first she thought the camera was turning, but when she looked out of the porthole, she found that it was not the camera that was moving, but the entire ship. What surprised her even more was that it wasn't just the Frost Rose that moved, all the nearby flying warships were turning around collectively, and those warships were turning, and the invisible effect formed by the mirage system on their bodies was gradually disappearing. Directly exposed to the air, and all turned collectively. "Damn, what is the situation? Why is the battleship turning around?" Shura Ziyi looked angrily at the helmsman and asked.

When the helmsman heard Shura Ziyi's question, he could only answer truthfully, "I don't know, it was the order above."

"The order above?" Shura Ziyi immediately said, "No transfer is allowed, please turn me back. Also, do not shut down the mirage system, restore it immediately."

"Sorry, God of War informed that this was a direct order from the president," said the captain of the ship. Although Shura Ziyi is now commanding here, she is actually the person in charge of the Frost Rose Alliance's Americas, not the captain, so there is still a captain here. She simply took over command.

Immediately after hearing the captain's words, Shura Ziyi shouted at the correspondent: "Get the Eternity right away and contact me Ziri."

The correspondent dared hesitate to see Shura Ziyi's expression of eating, and directly connected the contact signal. "Eternity. Eternity, this is Frost Rose, we ..."

The call inside the bridge of the Eternity was suddenly interrupted just a few times, and then the voice of the original male correspondent became the voice of Xiura Ziyi. "Hey, is Ziri there? What's your situation? Why is the fleet turning around and the mirages all fail?"

"Can you calm down first?" I said.

"How can you calm me?" Shura Ziyi's voice was obviously super excited. "It took a long time to adjust the ambush circle. It turned out that the enemy was about to enter the siege circle. As a result, the fleet turned inexplicably. Now even the mirage system has failed. Such a short distance. We must have seen our warships over there. How can you say that this ambush is still going on? We have ruined our plan that was so easy to arrange. "

"It wasn't our plan that was hard to arrange. It was the plan that the Frozen Banshee had to arrange." He calmly said, "Tell the observer around you, turn the lens to position 160, go to see your surveillance picture and come back Talk to me. "

Although Shura Ziyi was quite angry because the plan was destroyed, I was the president after all. After hearing what she said, she turned back to the observer and said, "Turn the sight to position 160."

"The sighting lens turns to 160. Steering is complete. Focusing starts and the picture is displayed on the main display." As soon as the sighting voice fell, the picture on the monitor suddenly became a distant sea. Then within a moment the bridge quieted down.

The communicator on the Eternity soon rang again. "Zi Ri, what fleet is that?"

"Russian fleet. Don't you see the guild banner?"

"But why did the Russian fleet appear here?"

"This is because ..." The guy who broke into the king suddenly jumped at this time and explained to the speaker. Of course, what he explained was what I just told him, but this guy just said it again in his own words.

After listening to Chuang Wang ’s explanation, Xiuluo Ziyi said in surprise: “So we are doing it? Are we not becoming mantises?”

"Yes, the Russians just want to play a mantis catching cicada-backed sparrow. Unfortunately, our praying mantis has so good eyesight that we discovered them in advance, so we ca n’t play this show now. "I said.

Shura Ziyi thought for a moment: "But now, our plan cannot be implemented. Once the ambush becomes a fleet battle, our losses will be great."

"I know this." Chuang Wang once again explained everything I had explained to him.

"It seems that this can only be the case." Compared with Chuang Wang, Shura Ziyi has to adapt to some of these complicated international relations. After all, as a regional director, she also needs to be exposed to these. Compared with the Chuang Wang, more contacts naturally adapt.

"What we need to do now is to arrange the formation as soon as possible. According to this perspective, we will soon be trapped in the middle of the US-Russian fleet. Then, instead of us ambushing them, they will ambush us." I said: " So what we need now is to arrange the formation as soon as possible, and then set up the attack position, using our high range and high maneuver advantage to play kite tactics with them. "

"Understand." Shura Ziyi understood the reason and stopped arguing with me. After all, my judgment was definitely correct.

Although the tactics used by the Russian fleet and the Paladin fleet are quite good, and our angle of selection is quite in place, it is a pity that the difference in fleet speed is too obvious. The Russian fleet is better, at least we can hang us one after another so that we won't be completely lost, but the Paladin ship will not. After they discovered that we started to collectively turn around, they knew they were exposed, so the warriors of the Paladin began to speed up, and no longer took a zigzag line, all rushing straight towards us at full speed. But it ’s a pity that their speed has not completely risen yet. The fleet on our side has finished turning and started to speed up, and soon pulled the speed above their speed. The group of guys in the Paladin League can only be behind Watching us anxiously.

"President, what should I do? The Frost Rose Alliance's fleet is getting farther and farther!" A captain of the Paladin asked behind the gun god.

At this time, the God of Guns was not as excited as when he had harassed the pilot with a pilot ship before, and now he felt as if the whole person was not mental. He said weakly: "What else can I do? Wait for the Russians to join the fleet and find them in a decisive battle! The Frost Rose Alliance ship is not going to be a day or two anymore. But what's the use of their ship? As long as their land You ca n’t run away. We just have to go straight in the direction of China, and sooner or later they will come and intercept us by themselves. We will fight against us then. ”

"That's what it is."

The Holy Lance Alliance has roughly determined its goal when the Frozen Banshee has roughly completed its strategic adjustment. After the whole fleet has turned, it has started to merge with the Holy Lance Alliance's fleet in the direction of the Twin Cities of Isinger. Passed.

"It looks like they're really anxious!" Our guild fleet relied on the advantage of speed to get rid of the two fleet teams and then moved in other directions. At this time, the mixed fleet on both sides did not come after us at all, but turned directly to our old nest. But making such a decision is a matter of course. I knew I couldn't catch up, and it didn't make much sense to follow. So the two fleets turned to our old nest as I originally thought. In this case, unless we don't plan to have a domestic base, we must come and intercept them.

Speaking of the gun **** and the Frozen Banshee are not universal, the thinking of these two people is still very clear. After their fleets merged, they did not merge into a fleet, but maintained the mode of two sub-fleets to accompany the sailing together. This strategy is obviously very wise. The players of the US-Russian fleet are not untouched. But the first few contacts were against each other. Now suddenly they are organized into a joint fleet, which is obviously impossible. What's more important is that just a few days ago, American talents attacked the Russian research base. At this time, both sides were on fire, and the meeting was not strictly disciplined even if they did not fight directly. Although there is no permanent friend or permanent enemy between nations. But there is revenge between people. So now the fleets on both sides are working together, that is, let the gasoline and the red-hot iron work together. Not only must they be pushed harder, but they must also be guarded against bombing on both sides.

Because of this discordant atmosphere, the commanders on both sides wisely chose to keep the two fleets away. Everyone just moved together a short distance away, anyway, when there is a common enemy, there is no need to worry about internal problems.

Although Frozen Banshees and Gun Gods are very good leaders, the disadvantages of the fleet cannot be compensated by management alone. Besides, who has never lost the command of our guild.

"Boss, do you want to start an interception now?" An hour later, our guild fleet completely separated from the doublet state. Now the three-party fleet has become a triangular structure. At the front, the Russian fleet and the Paladin fleet are followed, the Russian fleet and the Paladin fleet are closer in the three fleets, but our guild fleet always maintains the range of both sides. Besides, they are not given any chance at all.

In fact, if the speed of one's own warship is not slower than the opponent's in a naval battle, it will be slightly cheaper to run ahead. Many people may think that the ship's guns are mainly concentrated in the front, so the front firepower is higher than the rear firepower. Therefore, the side running ahead always has the stern facing the enemy battleship, so it cannot lose its maximum firepower advantage.

That's right, if you simply cannot use the firepower to face the enemy with the sideboard, then the bow is the best, because the bow is not only more powerful, but because of the structural problems, the bow is often more important than the stern. The sharp shape of the ship's bow was very small, compared with the round **** target. However, the above situation is based on the fact that the naval guns of the two sides can confront each other with sufficient strength, but in fact, such conditions are often unlikely to occur when the caliber is comparable.

The gun was fired after running in the front direction, and the opponent's warship ran forward while the shell was flying backwards. This meant that if the advance was calculated, it would actually increase the range of the cannon. After the artillery shell that chased one side flew out, because the opponent's warship and the artillery shell were flying in the same direction, the projectile had to be aimed at the opponent's current position and fired forward, so that it could hopefully hit the target, that is, the actual range of the cannon was shortened Already.

This will result in a range difference, which will occupy the range advantage in the case where the base gun has the same range. The kite tactic is to make good use of this range difference. Of course, if your cannon is inherently far longer than a human cannon. Then there's no need to say anything, just swipe away and fight with each other. Anyway, their range is not as good as you. Before entering the enemy's range, you can immediately turn around and run, wait for the distance to turn and then fight.

This is the case with our Frost Rose Alliance battleships against Russia and the Paladin Fleet.

The Russian warships have higher speeds, stronger defenses, and exaggerated firepower, and the Paladin warships have little performance advantage except for the range and precision of the cannon. However, even the more capable Russian warships on both sides are vastly different from ours in all respects.

In terms of speed, the slowest warship in the Russian fleet has a speed of only 35 knots, while the slowest warship in the Americans has a speed of 33 knots. The slowest speed of our guild warships was forty knots. This speed difference determines that the battleships in our guild can easily throw away the followers in the rear. Of course, both Americans and Russians have many fast battleships. These boats can easily reach speeds of more than forty knots. Some can even reach super high speed of 45 knots. But does this make any sense?

The fastest boats are the boats, and the slowest is often the largest boats in the fleet, and the boats rush up if they leave the formation. There is no other possibility except to be named in turn by our battleships. These boats simply couldn't hold up the rounds of warships on our side. Even rushing away from the formation is still busy.

Speed ​​can't match. Not to mention the range. Among the three-party fleet, the shortest range is the Russian warship. The maximum range of their warships is generally fifty to fifty-five kilometers, but this distance is the maximum range. In fact, it is difficult to talk about the hit rate beyond thirty kilometers. Basically, it's just playing around. The American guns are not very outstanding, but because the Musketeers of the Paladin can advance to become gunners, they have skilled artillery personnel. As a result, the guns of the Paladin Union have a range of 60 kilometers Above, and more than 40 kilometers can be accurately targeted, this is more than the Russian cattle.

But even American guns are still incomparable to us. The range of the ship's guns in this guild can basically reach more than 100 kilometers. In the case of using magic range extenders, it can directly hit 200 kilometers away. In addition, in the case of a pilot ship, the guild's guns can accurately strike targets within any range. That is to say, if all the magic range extenders are used in conjunction with the pilot ship mode, we can completely strike the US-Russian fleet precisely 200 kilometers away. Of course, this so-called precision strike refers to normal shelling, not one-by-one. In fact, as long as the hit rate can reach one-fifth in naval battles, it is considered a precise strike, after all, naval battles are not the same as land battles. Compared with the stable ground, the ups and downs of the seawater have a great impact on the accuracy, so it can actually achieve a good performance in five shots and one shot. As long as the battleships in our guild are under the command of the pilot, they can hit more than 18% even if they are 200 kilometers apart. If they do not use the magic range extender, they will be 100 to 120 kilometers. The range of the hit rate will be as high as 30%. If the distance is shortened to less than 80 kilometers, the hit rate will increase by 55%. Within 60 kilometers, the hit rate will be 85%. Within 50 kilometers, all the hits can be guaranteed. The probability does not exceed 5%.

Such a terrible range advantage is why we are not afraid of the union between Russia and the Americans. Although the guns that can reach a range of two hundred kilometers are only the main guns of each ship, we don't have to shoot that far. American guns generally have a range of more than 60 kilometers, and the limit range of the former main gun is about 70 kilometers, so we plan to bombard Americans at this distance of 60 to 80 kilometers. Although this distance is actually within the coverage of American guns, because there is no pilot ship, and there is no target radar in the game, their warships are basically blind hit at this distance. On the undulating sea, use the gun's extreme range to shoot conceptually in a certain direction. If they can have a 1% hit rate, even if their character is strong, we don't care about following them at this range. Confrontation, anyway, our battleships are not papery, we really want to desperately, our Frost Rose Alliance battleships are actually more protective than them.

An important parameter of the last battleship is firepower. This is mainly the strength of the main gun, because the secondary guns are self-defense firepower. This kind of long-range artillery battle basically has no chance to use, so what can be used is the main gun.

The main guns used on the Russian side are all enhanced large-caliber semi-magic cannons, that is, the projectiles of this artillery are not entirely propelled by gunpowder. They will add magical arrays in the barrel to enhance the power of the cannonball and The role of range. Of course, because the manufacture of this type of cannon is relatively troublesome, the Russians will not equip him with a semi-magic cannon except the main gun.

Because the magic array is used to enchant the fired shells in the cannon, the Russian shells generally have double damage, that is, they have energy attributes in addition to the explosion in the physical direction. This energy attribute is usually based on pure destruction, but it does not exclude the presence of special ammunition with curse effects such as slowing.

Compared to the cannon power of the Russians. The conventional ammunition used by the Paladin cannons is much worse. But Americans are not the same as Russians. Their gunners are skilled, so the power of American shells is actually not much smaller than that of Russians. The difference is that Russian shells are more complicated. High production costs. American shells, however, consume the mana's mana. Once the gunner's magic is exhausted, the shell will become normal power.

The idea of ​​this guild is similar to that of Russia, because we don't have so many professional gunners who are transferred by musketeers, so we can only make articles on cannons and ammunition. The battleship guns used by our guild warships are particularly large. Generally can reach more than 400 mm, the largest has more than 600 mm. Large caliber main guns mean that the projectiles are large, and the charge of large projectiles can naturally be greatly increased. Therefore, our guild designed the main ammunition of three categories and multiple models.

The first category is shotguns for ultra-long-range strikes. This type of shell is similar to a cluster bomb, with about 300 submunitions filled in a parent ammunition, and then detonated in the air to form a distribution area, so the probability of hitting the shell will be greatly increased. Of course, the disadvantages are obvious. The power of small ammunition is too small to be useful for some battleships that are rough and thick. A similar incident occurred in a small-scale friction before. At that time, a British battleship was hit by seventeen divergent shells and was shot more than 3,000 times. The entire battleship was almost impossible to find from beginning to end. Places, all the places that can be seen are large and small pits and blackened traces, but the sailing and combat capabilities of the ship have not been affected at all. It feels like the warship is a beach after being hit by heavy rain. It's all pits, but it's basically nothing. This shows that shotguns are basically ineffective against large targets.

The second type of ammunition is conventional ammunition. This kind of ammunition contains explosives inside, but in fact it is also divided into many models, generally chemical products, with moderate power, and is the main combat ammunition.

The third type of ammunition is called decisive ammunition. This ammunition is a bit longer than ordinary artillery shells. The warhead is equipped with an innocent soul, and a special magic array connects several special magic arrays at the tail of the ammunition. This structure allows this unjust soul to maneuver the cannonball like a pilot for aerial maneuver, and eventually hit the target accurately. The hit rate of this type of shell is generally 100% within range. Unless it is accidentally intercepted, it will hardly go wrong. After all, this thing is equivalent to someone driving. Of course, because the ammunition itself still relies on inertia for unpowered flight, although it can turn, the deflection angle will not be too large. However, when we fired the gun, of course, it was aimed before it was fired, so what the innocent soul had to do was correct the deviation caused by the opponent's movement and wind resistance and our aiming error.

The grievances in this type of shells are specially trained. They usually do not enter the shells. They are only allowed to enter before firing. When the shells explode, they can run back by themselves. Of course, they can survive the explosion not because they are undead and are not afraid of physical attacks, but because the magic array they use to operate the cannonball actually carries short-range teleportation capabilities and can send them back to the ship before the final impact.

Because this type of shell is expensive and its hit accuracy is almost equal to 100%, this type of shell is usually filled with liquefied magic crystal steam as an explosive. Some models even add red liquefied magic crystal steam made of red ruby ​​crystal. . The explosive power of this red liquefied magic crystal steam is more than eight times that of the ordinary version. One 500-mm-caliber shell of this type can fill 30 kg of red liquefied magic crystal steam, and its power is enough to smash a small town Flattened, of course, any warship of less than 200,000 tons can be restored to the state of parts. Power is absolutely heartbroken. The cost is even more scary. The cost of a 10,000-ton warship with a cannonball top. However, given the power of this thing, it is sometimes necessary to prepare a few rounds.

Regardless of speed, range, or power, the US and Russian fleets are not our opponents. Their advantage is that they are large in number. Because the Paladin and Russia are not very poor in technology, although their warships are not as good as ours in terms of performance, but apart from the obvious range gap, the gap between them is not too obvious, so we really need to engage in contact warfare. If so, we can achieve at most the degree of one ship for five of them. of course. If it is normal fighting. We would not contact them at all, and using speed and range to fly a kite is enough to kill them. However, it is now a large-scale decisive battle, and the goal of the Paladin is to land on our coasts. So we can't run. Once they are close to the coast. Unless we really plan to fight them, we can only let the fleet meet.

In summary, all we have to do is to weaken the Paladin and Russian fleets before they approach our coastline. Make sure they don't pose a threat. The hope for the victory of the Paladin and the Russian Fleet is to get closer to the coast of our country before the strength of our own fleet is lower than that of our fleet, because we will be forced to fight against them at that time, and then we will have absolute strength.

After the Triangle Fleet of the Tripartite Fleet was completed, the fleet of our guild finally began to change. The first to move were not fast battleships, but the mainstays in the fleet, those large capital ships.

These battleships began to actively reduce their speed and arranged in a column, and then the fleet began to snake, turning the entire fleet's course into a zigzag course. The purpose was not to avoid submarines, but to prepare for artillery.

The American and Russian fleets are behind us, so when our fleet began zig-zag, we could always have one side of the battleship slanted towards the American and Russian fleets behind, as long as the ship At an angle of forty-five degrees between the body and the course of the opponent, all the side firepower of our battleship can be fully used.

Because the distance is not too far, and the American and Russian fleets have their own investigative methods, they can also see the formation of our side.

The gun **** immediately ordered when he got this information. "Send a signal to spread the fleet and try not to get too close. The Chinese are going to start shelling."

"President, we can't fight back at such a distance!" Said the person next to him.

The Gun God nodded and said, "Why don't I know? But in order to force Frost Rose Alliance to fight against us, we can't give in. Send the fleet to maintain speed, the wounded battleships can slow down and regroup to form a second echelon , But as long as the navigation agencies have no problems, we are not allowed to slow down. We have to rush near the coastline of China, otherwise there will be only one, and that is completely complete. "

"Yes, I see."

At the same time that the order from the Gun God was issued, the Frozen Banshee also received information. When she similarly ordered her own warship to spread out, she discovered that the American side's fleet had been dispersed. The corner of her mouth raised a little and said, "The Bastard **** reacted quite quickly."

"If it weren't for the future battles, they would depend on them. I really want to bombard them now." Said a Russian player beside the Frozen Banshee. He is the captain of this battleship, and the Frozen Banshee is the fleet commander.

"I also know that everyone is angry with them, but at least now our goals are the same. For our land, bear with me first!"

As the fleet of Americans and Russians changed here, the formation of our fleet soon changed completely. High-speed light warships have all moved to the sides of the American and Russian fleets in order to make room for the large warships to maneuver. The advantage of this is that you can monitor the position of the American and Russian fleets from different directions, and you can pounce on them at any time when necessary.

"Report, the fleet conversion is complete." Soon after I got the report inside the bridge of the Eternity where I and the King who broke through.

I nodded and said, "God of War, look at you now."


After the military **** agreed, the correspondent called out at the same time in the bridges of the main battleships below. "Here comes the command message."

"Read the coordinates, fill all the positions with armor-piercing shells and prepare for battle."

With a busy moment. The main guns on all warships began to turn, and then aimed at the coordinate positions they obtained. In fact, this position was the data obtained by the war **** through three-dimensional calculations through the information returned by dozens of pilot ships located in front. Now these data are directly transmitted to the bridges of various warships, and even their own heading coordinates and relative positions are calculated, so everyone only needs to fire in the specified direction according to the instructions, and there is no need to perform any more. Calculation.

After all the battleships adjusted their shooting data according to the data, they fired uniformly according to the countdown of the army god. This design parameter also has time coordinates. The data is accurate only when it reaches a certain point in time, so this attack command can only be issued by the **** of war. Fortunately, there is a crystal communicator on our side that can transmit information in real time. Otherwise, even a command system such as God of War is useless.

As soon as the artillery on our side rang, the American and Russian fleets knew it. They certainly didn't hear the sound, but the investigating unit saw the fire across.

"The other side fired."

The Frozen Banshee and the Gun God heard the report at about the same time.

"Each ship dodges."

With the words of the two leaders. The American and Russian fleets began to twist on their routes. The effect of this is similar to the irregular line change, which is conducive to increasing the avoidance probability.

Almost the American and Russian fleets had just begun to maneuver, and the barrage on our side arrived. At this time, the distance between the two sides is about one hundred kilometers, which is 100,000 meters. It takes almost two minutes for the projectile to cross this distance. In the meantime, the fleet of Americans and Russians has just completed the transmission of orders.

Because the speed of the cannonball in the last section is already very slow. So you can hear the whistling of the shells falling first. Then I saw the shells smashing like rain.

Boom ... Boom Boom ... Boom exploded instantly in the front area of ​​the fleet. Although the snake-shaped maneuver was used, our guild side used multiple battleships to cover a target and fire. Therefore, even maneuvering is useless. The barrage shrouds an area near the opponent's normal course. Therefore, as long as the opponent's performance does not change, it is beyond this range whether it is dodge left or right or accelerate. Therefore, shots become inevitable.

Looking at the surrounding water column and the fire not far away, the Frozen Banshee frowned and said, "Let the statistics below be rushed."

At the same time, the God of Guns made a similar instruction, and soon after both sides got the loss report, but before it was time to look at this thing, the second round of shelling on our side came again.

Compared to the last time, the accuracy of this bombardment has improved significantly. Although our fleet is driving at a high speed in the zigzag route, because it is on a zigzag route, even if the speed is higher, it is actually being approached by the opponent a little bit. Of course, this is deliberate, because the set strike distance is 60 to 80 kilometers, and the distance between the two sides is now 100 kilometers. Therefore, the zigzag route our fleet now takes is particularly flat, and the speed of the fleet is also It's very slow, just to make the American and Russian fleets follow.

Just after the first round of bombardment, our pilot ship sent the firing results back to the ships and the gods of war. Each of the warships and gods of war has adjusted the parameters a little, and because the distance is further closer, interference such as sea wind and the like The effect of the factors is also decreasing, so the effect of this second round of bombardment is obviously much better than the previous one.

"The interval between the two rounds of artillery is only three minutes. The Frost Rose Alliance's fleet is too strong, right?" Someone said around Gun God and Frozen Banshee.

In fact, the interval of one shot in three minutes is very long, but the second round of blows just now is not just continuous firing. In fact, most of the first round of shelling of the fleet was school firings, which basically did not count on hits. Just to see if the parameters are reasonable. However, not only did our first round of bombardment hit, but it seemed that the hit rate was not low. This second round of shelling is the beginning of the real strike for the normal fleet, and because the shooting parameters are obtained, the second round needs to be precisely adjusted for the firing yuan, so the speed of the second round of shelling is usually not too fast. In particular, this is a volley. If the ships release their free shots, the speed will definitely be much faster than this.

After the second round of bombardment, many battleships in front of the American and Russian fleets suddenly lost their combat capabilities, and some of them were sunk. One of the most unlucky light cruisers was hit by a shell directly to the ammunition depot, and then the entire ship was blown into several quarters due to detonation.

The frozen banshee and the gun **** did not sigh any more, and suddenly they heard the whistling sound again.

"Damn, the third round of artillery hits. Is this an interval of thirty seconds?"

"Twenty-six seconds," a player shouted, "the interval between the third and second rounds is only 26 seconds, and the next time may be within 15 seconds."

This guy's experience is clearly accurate, because just 15 seconds later, our fourth round of artillery arrived. Compared with the previous three times, the hit rate this time seems to be unprecedentedly high, once sank more than 30 large and small warships, and nearly 50 were injured in varying degrees. This loss is really not ordinary.

Just as the American and Russian fleets were waiting for the fifth round of shelling, the shells suddenly disappeared. After waiting a minute, I didn't see the fifth round of shells. Both the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God were wondering why this happened, but they did not know the answer before we solved the mystery.

Just as the Frozen Banshee and Gun God racked their brains to think about why we stopped the shelling, the American fleet suddenly swelled up a large package, and the seawater sprayed out could be seven or eight meters high. The seafarers on a battleship were instantly pierced.

"What's the matter?" Gun God also saw the water column, so he asked immediately, but before waiting for the people below, he saw a battle cruiser in front of Gun God's flagship burst out suddenly. The huge fireball, the bow of the ship jumped up, and then slammed back into the water and began to sink quickly.

"It's a mine!"

To be honest, neither Americans nor Russians expected that there would be mines, because this thing is too far from the image of our Frost Rose Alliance. It can be said that something like mines has almost no technical content ~ ~ Of course modern high-tech mines such as self-propelled mines say otherwise. Simple fixed mines or floating mines are actually very simple in structure, low in production cost, and can be produced with almost a bit of industrial capacity. And our Frost Rose League has always given people a lot of black technology, so they never thought we would use such backward things. This is like how many years of interstellar warfare with aliens, and suddenly encountered the pits dug by the aliens on the ground, most people are unable to react, because the habit becomes natural, and it is completely unexpected that the other party will use this low technology Content stuff.

Of course, what they don't think does not mean we can't think of it. Although our Frost Rose League is very technical, we actually only look at the results and never pursue technology for technology. As long as it is easy to use, we can use it even with a slingshot. No, isn't something like mines still working?

Boom boom ... With the discovery of the first mines, one after another in the American fleet had warships struck by mines. Compared to artillery shells, these mines were more powerful. Battleships below the battleship level basically ended up when they encountered one. From this point of view, seven or eight warships were overturning and sinking. The sea was full of fragmented hull fragments and crew members falling into the water.

"Zi Ri, I'm fu ...!" Gun God punched the console with a strong punch and screamed, but unfortunately all the words behind him were banned, and no one except him had heard it. (To be continued ...)

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