Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 225: 1 U.S.-Russian combined fleet that was battered

After undergoing an attack of the Frost Rose for more than ten seconds, the Russian iron curtain device finally exceeded the limit frequency because the output was too large. The first problem was that one of the battleships was carrying a giant dandelion iron curtain device. The whole power system of the ship suddenly exploded without warning, and then the explosion transmitted along the long support rod to the top of the dandelion above it, followed by a blue arc of light. Burst. But this is not an end, but a signal to start.

The entire iron curtain device is composed of multiple parts. These components can continue to maintain the existence of the entire barrier as long as the minimum number is not less than a certain value. However, it is like a group of people carrying a log together. It was originally ten people. Carrying it, suddenly someone fell to the ground because of lack of physical strength, then the remaining nine people needed to bear the weight that was originally borne by ten people, so more people began to keep falling. When the number of fallen people reaches a certain value, the remaining people can no longer support the weight of this thing, and then they need to face the collapse of the entire system.

The same is true of Russians with iron curtain installations. In the process of supporting the operation of this huge iron curtain device, the rest of the burden was distributed to the remaining iron curtain device generators because of the explosion of this ship, and the iron curtain device was already in an overloaded state. Suddenly I got more load, which is basically worse. As a result, warships began to explode and ignite in the Russian fleet. In the end, the number of iron curtain devices was not enough to cover the entire defense system. The super weapon on the Frost Rose finally broke through the protective cover of the iron curtain device. Then hit the warship directly below.

The battleship as the ultimate target was almost burned in an instant without any preparation. There is almost a third of the length of the battleship in the middle. This part has almost included all the islands of the battleship, and the rest is The burnt bow and stern quickly sank into the sea with the sound of gurgling white water vapor.

After the ship was burned off instantly, the transmitter of Frost Rose also reached its limit, the beam began to thin rapidly, and the zero degree dropped rapidly. In less than two seconds, it became a bright thin line like a fluorescent tube, and then the thin line suddenly broke. The light particles are broken up and dissipated in the air, but even so, you can see that there are a lot of small arcs on the straight line through which the beam just passed. It is like a serpentine snake jumping in the air. Obviously the air here has been highly Ionization, even some people can smell a special odor. That's the smell of ozone produced when the air is ionized.

"Damn. Can anyone tell me what happened just now?" The Frozen Banshee frowned and looked at us after she got up from the ground, but she saw the frost that was billowing white smoke and slowly closing. Rose front launch port.

In fact, the launch port of Frost Rose was not burned. The reason why the white smoke billows is because the system is forcibly cooling. The sprayed coolant is completely evaporated to a gaseous state before it touches the surface of the launch device. But the cold outside air will cause these coolants to quickly condense back into small droplets. So this looks like the smoke billows. In fact, the principle is the same as spraying water on the hot iron plate, just water vapor.

Compared to the state of the Frozen Banshee, the look of the Gun God is even worse. This kid's ability is almost entirely focused on his attack ability. Therefore, in terms of its own resistance, it is obviously inferior to the Frozen Banshee, so although the infrasound attack just now did not affect the Frozen Banshee too much, the God of Guns suffered a lot. However, when he got up, he got the news that he was more sad than the headache caused by the infrasound just now, because he just learned that his so-called air defense unit had lost a full 30%, which was because their movement was too slow. Some people have not yet come to the surface of the Russian warships to participate in the defense. If they move faster, it is estimated that it would not be as simple as losing 30%, or it may be the end of the entire army.

The Gun God was depressed there because of his condition, and suddenly he heard a Russian player over there shouting: "Beware of shelling."

"Damn, lie down, lie down!" The Frozen Banshee responded relatively quickly, but unfortunately our shelling was too accurate. The first shell that fell directly hit the front armored assault ship of the Russian fleet, but failed to penetrate the stern armor of this special version of the modified ship, but the warships behind were miserable. A heavy destroyer was directly penetrated the ammunition depot by a 608-mm artillery shell, and then a small mushroom cloud rose up. Thereafter, the surrounding battleships were shot one after another, with an average of three to six rounds per ship. Half of them were slightly injured and the remaining The next part was seriously injured, and about 10% of the battleships that were shot were directly sunk, and the most unfortunate among them was the Frozen Banshee and the Gunslinger ’s carrier at this time, which was actually penetrated directly by the center ship by a shell. The armor layer on the top of the island, and the entire ship island was half short in an instant. Most of the back became a large radial hole, and a large amount of metal rolled outward like a flower on the other side, and the smoke in front of the ship island was even more. As a result, the sighting system of the entire ship lost sight. Finally, the warship began to yaw on the surface of the sea. It just crossed over in a few minutes, and even nearly hit the warship on the side.

The Frozen Banshee and the Gun God did not expect that they would be hit directly by the shell. At this moment, the two were lying in the infirmary of a nearby American battleship. The shelling just reimbursed more than half of the personnel in the bridge where they were located. Gun God and Frozen Banshee survived because of their high level attributes. If their response is slower, it is estimated that this will already be waiting for resurrection at the resurrection point. Already.

"In this way, I worry about how long our people can persist." Gun God said looking at the Frozen Banshee.

The Frozen Banshee glanced at the gun and said, "Now you can only pray that they can exercise maximum restraint. Don't insist on our arrival in China's offshore waters. The only thing to worry about is Frost Rose Alliance instead of us."

"I also know this, but I'm worried that the people below can't control it! It's too aggrieved to always be beaten passively."

As soon as the voice of the gun **** fell, a howling sound was heard. Then there was a dull explosion, and soon the battleship they were on was also a violent ups and downs. After 10 seconds of inactivity, a crew member came in and said to the Frozen Banshee, "Chair of the Frozen Banshee. A dozen ships are dead. "

"I see, I have something to report immediately." The Frozen Banshee waved her hands weakly to let the player back down, then stood up with support, and the priest who was releasing the healing technique quickly went up to support her. "No need to help me, I can barely move." The Frozen Banshee looked at the outside, and thought about changing her voice: "Let me help the bridge, the fleet needs command."

The gun **** next to me heard this and stood up. Then someone soon helped him to follow the Frozen Banshee to the bridge over there.

Within the bridge here, the frozen banshee saw a burning flame. The lower half of the bridge glass in front is black, and you can see the flames jumping continuously, even the strong sea wind has not let them go out.

Probably noticed the Frozen Banshee's attention on the flame, and a player next to him said, "The Frost Rose League has just changed its shells. They fired something similar to a white phosphorus bomb. The surface of our battleship was burned It ’s flaming. In addition, some people just found out that the Air Force of the Frost Rose Alliance is forming a team. "

When the Frozen Banshee heard the words of the man, she looked up at the sky, and sure enough, the air unit that had been in the circle was forming a team. Now it can be seen that several more obvious echelons are forming.

"Pay attention to air defense, Frost Rose Alliance's air force is coming down." Frozen Banshee said.

"But our deck ..." The player pointed at the lower deck in front of the fire, and the consciousness was obvious. Who would you let that place go up? Isn't this equal to suicide?

Sure enough, the Frozen Banshee was also stuck. She also knows that it is time to conduct air defense operations, but the problem is that the warship deck is now the same as the iron plate used for teppanyaki. How do you say people stand in such places?

After the Frozen Banshee got stuck here, I didn't expect that the gun **** guy was a clever idea and suddenly thought of a way. "Frozen Banshee, do you have deepwater bombs on the warships in your guild?"

"Of course. Why do you ask this?" Frozen Banshee asked in confusion.

The Gun God shouted excitedly: "Let the warship on fire launch a deep-water bomb under the sea in front of him, set a depth of ten meters to rescue the line, do not set it too deep."

The Frozen Banshee called instinctively as soon as she heard it. "Fix ten meters? That will only hold the seawater ..." When she said that, she suddenly held her back, because she suddenly understood the meaning of the gun **** and turned to the people around her: "Yes, yes, go to order immediately, let it catch fire. A deep-water bomb exploded in front of his ship and set a depth of ten meters. "

In fact, the method of the gun **** is also very simple to say. It uses the explosive force of a deep-water bomb to lift the seawater up, and then the battleship rushes into the sprayed water at full speed. The falling seawater is equivalent to spraying the deck. Extinguishing fire can not only extinguish the fire, but also cool the deck.

Deep-water bombs have a very strong explosive force. Even if they explode at a depth of 50 to 60 meters, they can set off a water column with a height of tens of meters. If the water depth is set to 10 meters, the water spray will definitely fly up. It's ten meters high, and the water splashes that are lifted up will be very large, enough for the battleships here to take a cold bath to cool down.

According to the method provided by the gun god, the Russian and American fleets quickly completed the cooling operation. The huge waves caused by the deep-water bombs generated by the projector were surprisingly good. When the warship passed through it, it seemed that it was coming. After a short dive, the burning matter attached to the hull was instantly washed into the sea, and the high-temperature flames were cooled by the sea water. Although the deck was still smoking, the temperature was not enough to hurt people.

When the Americans and Russians are busy below, our side is also very busy, because the infrasound attack just now affected us and your side, which is not a good sign. Of course, because of the long distance, the players on our side are relatively less affected, so we soon recovered.

The first thing that the normal Chong Wang did was to order the main force fleet in the distance to send a round of shelling to the US-Russian combined fleet. This was the shelling where the Frozen Banshee and Gun God were blown up.

Of course, one shelling is not enough. So subsequent firings started uninterrupted, and in the end even the incendiary bomb was used. There is no such thing as a white phosphorus bomb in the game. Although it can be made, it is not necessary. We use a solution of fire element collected from a plant called flame flower, which is usually stored in a vacuum tank. When you need to use it, mix it with ordinary water according to a weight unit of 100,000, and then you can get a fuel similar to gasoline. The biggest feature of this kind of thing is that the burning time is very long. When we did experiments before, it happened that a small pool of solution burned continuously for more than eight hours.

Compared to white phosphorus bombs, this thing is easy to make. And the cost is very low. Storage risks are also much smaller. The only disadvantage is that in case it is not as viscous as real oil, it can be washed off after spraying on the target surface, but how many people are free to water after a fire is a problem. Those who have not been exposed to the fire may not know that the large-scale fire scene is not the small flame of your home's gas stove. A bonfire with a diameter of one meter. It is impossible to stand within a radius of two meters. The heat will make your skin sting instinctively hide behind. And if this flame becomes a bigger sea of ​​fire. You can't even approach it across seven or eight meters. Therefore, don't think that you can use a small bucket or washbasin to extinguish the fire after the fire, it is only possible with a small flame. There is absolutely no way to extinguish the real fire.

Although the flames were extinguished, at least we created considerable confusion for the US-Russian Fleet, and at this time our Air Force had really hovered over the enemy's head for a long time and really started to fight. The previous ones are just petty.

"All flying warships are prepared to target the US-Russian combined fleet, give up the disabled targets, and give priority to those warships with little or no damage. Listen to my countdown, five, four, three, two, one, fire."

With the order of the King of Breakthrough, the gang of warships that had always been above the US-Russian joint fleet suddenly began to shell at the same time the US-Russian joint fleet below, and it was not a normal shelling, but a fixed-point clearing after precise aiming.

Because of the special characteristics of flying warships, their attack positions can often be accurately bombarded from top to bottom without interference. Although the distance is very close, but because of the difference in height, the enemy enemy ships below cannot shoot even with large caliber guns. To them, as far as anti-aircraft guns are concerned, it's okay to hit small planes with that kind of thing. It's basically the same as scratching these thick-skinned warships. Do you think that those warships may be afraid of the anti-aircraft guns with a one-meter-thick armor plate? You should know that although the anti-aircraft guns have a high exit kinetic energy, the shells climb all the way, and the kinetic energy will be quickly converted into high-potential energy. As a result, when the shells reach the vicinity of the flying battleship, there is not much energy. Wouldn't it be kidding to expect this shell to penetrate more than a metre thick of armor?

Just because air warships are not afraid of anti-aircraft guns, they can approach fire unscrupulously, and their own artillery ammunition hardly loses any kinetic energy when attacking from top to bottom. The range will increase a lot and the power will be a lot greater.

Just now the Frost Rose was forced to cool down due to the main weapon attack. It has not participated in the ground attack for the time being, but the Eternity was carrying a bunch of younger brothers on the U.S.-Russian joint fleet below. Cool.

Of course, playing well on our side means that the U.S.-Russia combined fleet is miserable. Although the previous long-range artillery was also very powerful, in fact, those main guns that could attack them at that distance were our main battleships. In addition to the missed part, the ammunition density was actually not large. Fewer effective hits. This damage is still bearable by the US-Russian combined fleet, which is why the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God did not surrender directly, but rushed to our attack towards Isinger because they knew that we would not Maybe long-range artillery alone killed us before they reached Isinger.

However, what I said before is the case where we only use long-range bombardment. The current situation is obviously not a long-range shelling, but a flying battleship from the sky. Although there are only two hundred flying warships in our guild, the number is far less exaggerated than the battleships, but these flying warships do not have to attack with the main gun, and their auxiliary guns can easily reach the following. The target, and the shells falling from the sky are so powerful that there is basically no way to defend. The armor on the battleship itself is mainly concentrated on the side, and the thickness of the top armor is limited, so in this case, the artillery damage to our flying battleship is very large. After all, flying warships are almost directly shooting, and this huge accuracy has caused the loss of the US-Russian joint fleet below to be very huge and fast. After less than five minutes of free shooting, more than 1,500 warships in the US-Russian combined fleet have lost their ability to continue to follow the fleet, and hundreds of sunken warships have been destroyed. The banshee and the gun **** felt that their hearts were as uncomfortable. In addition, the above losses were only five minutes of shelling. At this speed, their fleet was completely dead for up to two hours, so this situation was an absolute disaster for the US-Russian combined fleet.

"Well." When the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God were both sad and sorrowful, they suddenly heard a questioning voice from a Russian player next to them, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on this player.

"What do you mean?" The Gunslinger asked out loud.

The player ignored the gun **** and looked directly at the Frozen Banshee, saying, "Boss, I found that the frequency of shelling of the Frost Rose Alliance's flying warships is getting slower and slower."

"Huh?" As soon as I heard this, the Frozen Banshee rushed to the window as soon as possible, and then watched the shells that kept falling from the air. Because it was a direct-looking shot, you could see a clear ballistic trajectory, and passed These trajectories can accurately calculate the number of shells fired. With the time information, it is indeed relatively easy to calculate the firing frequency of our battleship.

The Frozen Banshee who had been fighting in the window for a while suddenly said with excitement, "Haha, they are almost out of shells."

With the words of the Frozen Banshee, the Gun God also realized something. Although the battleship of the flying battleship just now is very cool, the shell still needs to be consumed. However, the carrying capacity of the battleship is limited. It does not mean that you can take as many as you want. In addition, the flying battleship itself is a flying unit and its own armor. And the weight of power systems and the like is already scary, and supplies such as artillery shells cannot naturally carry as much as sea battleships. All said, the shells of these warships must be less than the surface hulls.

After considering this situation, the gun **** immediately shouted excitedly: "Hahaha, now we have been saved."

In fact, the number of shells carried by these flying warships in our guild is almost running out, which is also the main reason for the decrease in the frequency of shelling. Some people may be surprised that the players in our guild all have phoenix dragons. Although these ordinary phoenix dragons cannot open up as much space as my queen of phoenix dragons, it is absolutely no problem to just shove in thousands of shells. Even if there are only a few players on a battleship, the number of shells carried is very amazing. How can there be no shells?

Yes, everyone thinks it's good, but unfortunately, when you think about this kind of thing, you also want to get the system ~ ~, and according to the rules of the system, all guild materials cannot be carried in personal space. In other words, consumable materials used by the guild cannot be packed into the space equipment of individual players.

Cannonball is obviously not for personal use by players, so cannonball belongs to guild equipment and is a consumable. Therefore, this thing cannot be installed in the player's Fenglong space. After all, Fenglong space can also be considered as the player's personal space. Equipment space, also can not carry guild equipment.

Because of this setting, our battleships cannot rely on players to bring cannonballs, but only let them be loaded by themselves. This is also the reason why warships in all countries have a soft underbelly such as ammunition depots. If you can really talk about how artillery shells are stored in space equipment, do you think that the brains of those who design warships have broken their brains and designed an ammunition depot to fight? Obviously not. The real reason is that the artillery shells must be carried by the warship itself, so only a special ammunition depot can be designed.

"Are there no shells?" The U.S.-Russian joint fleet below found problems, and of course we noticed the problems ourselves. Chuang Wang asked the data controller and was immediately confirmed that our shells were running low.

"There can be no shells without shells." I said, "Isn't there still those Storm Ruler attack aircraft? It's time they shot." (To be continued ...)

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