Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 228: Be stingy

With the idea of ​​phasing out old weapons, we put all the aircraft into the attack sequence, but the US-Russian joint fleet was overwhelmed, because the attack on our side is almost a deadly suicide attack, so the United States and Russia The losses on the United Fleet are considerable, because we are bombing at all costs. However, even in this way of defense, the US-Russian joint fleet still completed the reorganization of the fleet in accordance with the methods discussed by the God of Gun and the Frozen Banshee.

The reorganization of the US-Russian combined fleet is naturally beyond our eyes, but because we don't know what the Frozen Banshee and Gun God are going to do, we can only look at it and talk about it.

After the formation was completed, some of the battleships in the Paladin suddenly started to slow down, and then the stern propulsion traces disappeared. It can be clearly seen from the sky that these warships were dragged forward by the warships in front. . This situation can be said to be quite strange.

Now the US-Russian combined fleet is suffering from our air strikes. It is said that what should be done at this time is to speed up. However, the US-Russian combined fleet has stopped some of the warships on the initiative without any damage to the ships. It was quite strange that the other warships dragged forward.

"What do you say they are doing?" Chuang Wang asked in confusion, watching the movement of the US-Russian joint fleet below.

A player next to our bank said, "Anyway, it's not good. But as they slow down, they can just beat them hard."

"It's a pity we don't have any shells," said one player. "Otherwise, another round of shelling for the US-Russian Fleet will definitely kill many warships."

"Don't we have shells, don't we still have energy weapons?" Chuang Wang shouted to the weapon command center: "attack with energy guns. Give priority to those tugboats."


After obtaining the permission, our flying warships have ceased for a long time and immediately began to carry out energy strikes against the U.S.-Russian joint fleet below. We did not do this not because we did not expect it but because we were worried about accidental injury.

Before, we had nearly 100,000 various types of aircraft flying back and forth underneath. Although the flight path of the energy weapon was obvious, at that time, the aircraft that I put my attention on was the enemy ship below. Distractedly observe the friendly firepower above, this burden is too great. Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, we simply let our own air warships stop shelling, so as not to accidentally hurt our allies.

However, there is no such problem now. Air strikes have lost more than half of our aircraft, and the remaining density is not high. After concentrating it to attack enemy ships in a certain area, the remaining areas can be bombarded at will. This division of labor can not only increase deterrence, but also ensure that we do not suffer accidental injuries.

Although the Frost Rose and Eternity ’s air warships violently shelled the US-Russian joint fleet on the sea, there were too many warships in the US-Russian joint fleet, and our energy weapons also had ammunition flying too slowly and with precision The lower problem, so basically did not produce much effect, although it did sink a lot of warships and caused a small range of chaos, but overall it is of little significance.

Facing the artillery fire and bombing that I set off, the warships of the US-Russian combined fleet have finally completed their final preparations, but our side is even more puzzled, because we can clearly see in our observation mirror that a ship A group of npcs were dragging a long pipe under the command of a player and dragged out of a special channel below the deck, dragged by the Russian gunship's deck.

Because we borrowed special observation equipment from the spacecraft to see it, the picture is very clear, and it feels like standing on the other party's deck to observe it. That pipe was clear in our sight. This thing is a kind of rigid pipe, the diameter may be thicker than the waist of some beautiful women. The pipe itself is wrapped with a metal net, and an unknown material is used inside, but according to the response of those npc, it can be determined that the weight of this gadget is not light, because a dozen people dragged this gadget is still very strenuous. You should know that these combatants in the game are very powerful. Even if the npc on the ship is not comparable to the marines, at least one person has the power of three or four people in reality. More than a dozen people blushed with a thick neck even dragging this thing, and the weight of this thing is obvious.

… After struggling to drag this thing to the front of the deck, a player who had been waiting there for a long time took out a tube like a bazooka from a large box beside him.

"I rely, what's this? Bazuka?" Seeing that bazooka-like thing, I and the Chuang Wang both stumbled, because there was no bazooka in the game at all. There are things like rpg rockets, but that thing is very different from the one in front of you.

The rpg rocket is a cone-shaped warhead similar to a small artillery shell with a long tail weapon behind it. Speaking of which, this thing is actually a kind of fireworks commonly known as channeling sky monkey. When in use, insert the rear slender tail tube into the same thin launcher and carry it on the shoulder. The biggest difference between Bazuka and rpg is that Bazuka can say that the entire projectile is stuffed into the launch tube, and there is no need to expose the warhead like rpg. Of course, because the warhead had to be pushed in, Bazuka's tube was much thicker.

Now that American player is using a thick launch tube like Bazuka, and the middle part of this gadget also has a seemingly complex aiming device and a shoulder rest for stability.

After the player took this thing out, he really carried it on his shoulders like using Bazuka. Then the previous group of npcs struggled to drag the pipe behind the player, and then the pipe was directly inserted. At the end of the gadget that the player was carrying.

If the player was carrying this stuff before it felt like they were using a shoulder-mounted missile, now this thing looks more like a fire squirt gun. Of course, this thing is more than the fire water gun, but this thing is dragging a large pipe behind the fire water gun, and the pipe is very heavy.

"What are they doing?" One of our guild players asked.

"Ghosts know," Chuang Wang said immediately after he said, "Whatever it is, it's not a good thing anyway, everyone pays a little attention."

While we were studying this weird thing, on the American deck, the player we were studying was standing there with a circle switch on the adjuster's sight, and the two behind him Each player quickly turned the two handles on both sides of the pipe to completely lock the pipe and his launcher, and the npc behind was carrying the pipe and standing behind him.

This pipe is very heavy. If no one helped carry the pipe in the back, the guy in front would not be able to carry the launcher, because the pipe in the back would press that person down. However, these npcs were quickly understood, because two people pushed a metal stand with wheels from behind to support the thing.

After seeing that the bracket was fixed, the two players who fixed the connection port checked the connection port again, and then patted the shoulder of the player in front and said, "OK."

The previous player did not give any answer, but he directly raised the front end of his weapon, and then aimed at a Storm Ruler attack aircraft flying towards this side. Then, all of us With concern, the guy shouted, "Give me energy."

A player quickly shouted at an expressive tube around him: "Change power."

In the battleship engine room where the other end of the microphone is located, several operators quickly ran to a row of huge machinery and pulled several operating handles, then closed several gates, and finally pulled out a huge pipe to connect On the other interface, two people worked together to turn a pressure valve on the side of the wall once. Seeing the green indicator crystal on the machine light up, these talents ran back to the microphone and shouted, "The power has gone up."

… After hearing the sound in the microphone, the player next to him immediately shouted to the player carrying the strange weapon in the middle of the deck: "Hey, the power is coming."

The player moved his eyes away from the sight in front of him and looked at a crystal ball on the launcher he practiced on the side. After finding that the little thing was on, the guy aimed his eyes at the sight again, and then The crosshair in front of the storm ruler in front of the storm ruler and shouted: "Damn ..., let me die!" Obviously the guy used swear words and was banned for a while, but this guy His language didn't attract anyone's attention because, just as he shouted that, he pulled the trigger in his hand.

As the trigger in this guy's hand was pulled, the front of the launcher suddenly emitted a bright white ray. To be honest, when this thing was launched, we were very surprised, because no one on our side had thought that the long tube that looked like a child could get in. It turned out to be a piece with no thick fingers. Thin line. However, we soon realized that this was a mistake, because when the beam hit the surface of the Storm Ruler attack plane in front and left a noticeable spot, the opponent suddenly pressed half of the trigger completely down. At this time, a white dazzling flare flew out of which launcher.

The speed of this light bomb is very fast, and there is almost no time to respond. The storm ruler attack aircraft in front was hit directly, and then a white flame flashed, and our storm ruler attack aircraft directly became flying. The debris smashed into the sea.

This glowing bomb seemed to sound the Assault. Players with similar launchers on American battleships began to aim at nearby aircraft and pull the trigger at random, because the previous thin line of gas reached the infrared sight. The effect, coupled with the speed of the light bomb's flying speed is almost at the same time as firing and hitting the target, so there is no chance of dodge at all. The storm ruler attacker on our side is almost like the flies that have been shot down. In just one minute, we lost almost two hundred aircraft on our side.

"Just a joke?" Seeing the aircraft on our side was so vulnerable, even those of us who had planned to eliminate this thing felt a bit unacceptable. But think about it the other way around, in fact this situation is normal.

It has been said before that the transmitter used by the other party can emit a very strong beam of intense light before the official firing. This thing is equivalent to an aiming beacon. As long as the beam is aimed at the target, a flare appears on the target. Already aimed. And the speed of the light ball that was subsequently launched was not the speed of light, but it was at least twenty times the speed of sound, so there was no way to avoid it. These two properties ensure the accuracy of this thing, and the launch speed of this thing is surprisingly fast. There seems to be no firing interval at all. We feel that it pauses entirely because the player using this thing is looking for the target and itself. Has no bearing on the frequency of occurrence.

Finally, in addition to the characteristics of the thing itself, the fact that the user of the thing is the player also played a huge role. Compared to the large slow-moving gun mounts, this thing is carried by people. Think about how long it takes for a person to turn around and you can see how fast this thing is aimed.

Because of the various attribute characteristics of this gadget, the killing efficiency of this gadget is simply incredible. The flying units of our guild can hardly get close, and they are quickly lost a large piece. The remaining flying units though Still struggling to death, but still unable to change this ending. The interception speed of this thing is too fast. Especially when the enemies are all flying from one direction, it can almost make two rounds per second, and it is almost empty.

... We all have a horrible weapon with such a terrifying weapon, but soon we realized that we could not let this thing continue to be powerful, because then the sacrifice of our storm ruler attack aircraft would be meaningless. Although these Storm Ruler and Bird attack aircraft are things that have been decided to be eliminated, it is not our intention to be wasted like this.

"What do we do now?" A player looked back at me and the Chuangwang waiting for instructions.

The Chuang Wang was obviously hesitant, but I didn't have that much concern. "Let the aircraft go high first and observe the situation. Also, test the range of the opponent."

After receiving the order, the commander quickly issued the order, and the Storm Ruler and Bird Attack aircraft quickly separated from the opponent's warship and began to climb, and the enemy's secret weapon was constantly chasing. As our aircraft was hitting, and the hit rate was still high, our attack planes were successively destroyed during the evacuation process, and so far no signs of the opponent's reaching the extreme range have been found.

However, the distance is not completely useless. Although the speed of the light bomb fired by the opponent is close to twenty times the speed of sound, as the distance increases, the hit rate of this kind of thing starts to drop significantly. On the one hand, because it becomes more difficult to aim after the distance is widened, sometimes the hand shakes away from the target. Moreover, even if you aim, it is not completely impossible to dodge.

Although the light bomb's flying speed is fast, it will not turn. When the distance is wide enough, it will take several seconds for the light bomb to exit from the bore and hit. This time is enough for our aircraft to dodge.

Probably realized that we were unable to hit our cemetery, and the opponent's weapons immediately replaced the target. We were surprised to find that the other party aimed the beam of light as a reference for our flying warship.

"I rely, this thing won't be able to hit the battleship?" We were panicked when we saw the other side actually aimed at our flying battleship, because the aircraft lost some we didn't care, but the price of the flying battleship, we would all feel bad to death of.

I ’m really afraid of what ’s coming. Just when we were terribly worried, the opponent actually opened fire, and this time is not the same as before. The opponent uses a centralized strike method. All those attacking weapons are aimed at Frost Rose, while the other warships were not targeted.

"Damn, Shura purple, quickly activate the protective cover." Chuang Wang found that the Frost Rose on the opposite side had not yet activated the protective cover, and immediately picked up the communicator and shouted.

The voice of Shura Ziyi came out of the communicator. "It's activated, haven't you seen the flash of energy barrier and air friction?"

"Oh, I'm so anxious!" After being reminded, Chuang Wang really saw the faint flash.

There are many types of protective covers, some of which are types that can be seen directly after starting, and some are completely transparent. The flying battleships in our guild use the latter, which is a completely invisible protective cover. Of course, it is not really invisible. This protective cover is indeed invisible without external force, but it will emit light when it resists with the outside force, and this luminous phenomenon is quite impressive, even for winds of level 6 or higher. Let the shield glow a faint glow. However, the wind in this area today is relatively gentle, and it is probably just the sixth level, so the light on the protective cover is not too obvious.

No matter how we prepare here, the following US-Russian joint fleet is not intended to wait for us. After aiming at the bottom of the Frost Rose, the following Paladin players pulled the trigger one by one, so they saw a large channel of light rising from the battleships of the Paladin, rushing towards the Frost Rose. .

... Boom ... Boom Boom Boom ... A series of light bombs hit the protective cover under the Frost Rose, and then burst out a large group of white flashes, and the fierce and dazzling light continued to bloom on the surface of the protective cover, The lights inside the Frost Rose battleship flickered for a while, which was a reaction that the shield consumed a lot of power and caused insufficient energy in the lighting circuit. But despite the flashing lights, the power system of the spacecraft was not affected. The large flying warships in our guild use three sets of power systems. One set is responsible for the shield and the interior lighting and some low-energy-consumption internal facilities. The second set is dedicated to power output to maintain the flight attitude of the warship. The third set is the dedicated energy output of the weapon system, and it is also a backup energy source. Three systems; the theoretical output is more than two or three times higher than the actual complexity. Even if one or even two systems are paralyzed, the remaining core is enough to allow the warship to fly back, and it can maintain basic combat power and protection. cover.

"Damn, why are the other things so powerful?" Looking at the flickering lights, even if Shura Ziyi didn't know much about the theory of magic machinery, he knew it was caused by the other's attack.

"Don't worry, your protective cover is still intact." Seeing the whole process of being attacked by Frost Rose, Chuang Wang immediately comforted Shura Ziyi.

Shura Ziyi immediately said, "I know that Frost Rose is okay, but it may not be necessary to come back a few times! Come and find a way!"

"The method is very simple, just run quickly." Chuang Wang said while letting the eternal climb.

Seeing that the Chuang Wang was not kidding, Shura Ziyi also ordered the Frost Rose to start climbing, but seeing our response below the US-Russian joint fleet was jubilant.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, the bunch of widowers in Frost Rose League finally knew that they were afraid!" An American player yelled excitedly.

A player next to him said with a smile of joy: "Don't stop! Continue to boom, the Frost Rose Alliance's spacecraft will run away, indicating that the attack poses a threat to them. Hurry up a few more times and fight for several ships Now. "

In fact, it is not necessary for this player to say that the gunners below have not done it. The biggest advantage of their weapon is that the rate of fire is very fast. Before, the aim was delayed because of the need to change the target. Now, aiming at such a large target naturally does not need to delay time to aim, so we finally saw this thing. Rate of fire.

The launch frequency of this powerful shoulder-mounted weapon is really very fast, but it has not reached the point of completely no interval. According to our observation, the maximum rate of fire of this thing is about three seconds and two rounds, which is one second. Can be launched once in half. This speed is definitely quite fast.

"Too scary, right?" Looking at the large white dots below like a raindrop flying backwards, we all looked cold and sweaty on the eternal side, because we knew that under this attack density Frost Rose will not last long.

In fact, our guess was nothing wrong. Just as the American player below speeded up, a player inside the Frost Rose above reported anxiously: "Captain, the shield is almost unbearable!"

As mentioned before, Shura Ziyi only commanded the Frost Rose, and the ship also had its own captain. The captain is responsible for tactical problems. The captain immediately calmly ordered the following personnel's report: "Parallel No. 1 furnace and No. 2 furnace in charge of the weapon system should be connected in parallel. The output of the two furnaces should be sufficient."

"But the radiator ..."

"Send someone to stare at the radiator, you can't hold it any longer and tell me."

"Okay." The player immediately turned to command the arrangement, but the attack below did not decrease at all, but grew faster and faster, and the protective cover outside the Frost Rose at this time had begun to fade. This is a sign that the shield is underpowered and about to be broken.

… Seeing that the Frost Rose Alliance was at stake, Chuang Wang shouted directly: "Turn around and rush under the Frost Rose to help them stop for a while."

"Understand." Shouted sharply and quickly: "Turn to 290, level, full speed. The protective cover is activated, and the maximum output."

With the order here, Eternity made a left turn and rushed towards Frost Rose, but because Frost Rose was climbing, the eternal number changed to level flight directly under Frost Rose, and then A sharp brake blocked the opponent.

Although American players also know that the protective cover of the Frost Rose is about to die, but the Eternity is not much smaller than the Frost Rose. This next step will directly protect the Frost Rose above it. They are basically You can't find the shooting angle, and even occasionally a name or two is useless for the Frost Rose shield.

Immediately after drilling under the Frost Rose, it became a new target, and then was hit hard. Fortunately, we completed the double solar furnace docking in advance, so the protective cover was very strong, but soon the Frost Rose The problem first appeared on our side.

"Boss, the radiator is about to die!" Shouted the player in charge near the radiator of the shield launcher who quickly connected the ship.

We are not surprised to hear the report here. Because according to the original design, this protective cover is driven by a solar furnace, and because the protective cover consumes several times the energy of the actual output of the solar furnace, the protective cover normally only takes the standard amount from the energy pipe. Therefore, the design of this radiator is also prepared for this situation, it can perfectly guarantee that the temperature of the shield generator does not rise in the normal energy consumption mode. However, the situation is obviously abnormal now, because the attack below is too fierce, and we even have to connect two sun tears to this one shield generator, although the shield generator itself is of high quality, withstanding this kind of Consumption of modes, but the radiator can not stand up. Suddenly increased the heat dissipation several times. This heat sink, which was not originally designed for this mode, can persist until now, which shows that the original design is quite good. However, there is a limit to how good quality can be. With such a high output, the radiator is finally about to die after five minutes of persistence. But at this time it is still working, only the surface heat sink has turned red. The players and the NPCs who were next to each other used cooling magic and water splashing to help dissipate heat. The effect was indeed there, but the water was used up quickly. After all, this is a flying warship, not a surface ship, otherwise water cooling will definitely not cause such a situation. As for frozen magic ... there are not many players on the battleships, and even fewer ice magics. Now that the magic is exhausted, there is nothing to help.

Without the aid of cooling water and ice magic, the temperature of the radiator is obviously out of control. Once the high temperature causes the heat sink to soften, without a reasonable structure, the heat dissipation efficiency will decrease, and the melting speed will further accelerate, and once the heat sink is burned, the next strike is the protective cover generator.

After hearing the player ’s report, I summoned Everett with a ring finger, and asked him to deal with it, and said to the communicator, "I think of a way to persist for another 30 seconds, and someone will help you immediately. Processed. "

Everett is the standard flame system, and he is a creature of construction. He has a special ability to absorb the surrounding temperature to supplement his magic. This absorption rate depends on the temperature. In a zero-degree environment, Everett's ability can hardly provide himself with any energy supplement, but if the temperature reaches one Baidu, this ability to absorb heat can make Everett recover two more magical power per second, And now the temperature of the radiator is almost five baidus. At this temperature, the absorption efficiency of Everett will be very fast. Of course, Everett alone can't withstand this temperature rise, and letting him go is just to temporarily suppress the temperature, because we will soon leave the attack center.

… Eternity just came down to temporarily shield Frost Rose. After Frost Rose ’s protective cover charged up, we broke away from it and started to climb faster, and Frost Rose also cleverly blocked us. Let's take the attack for us to give us a chance to pant.

Immediately after our battleships began to cover in this way, the Americans immediately realized that they could not shoot down our large battleships, because both battleships could carry their continuous attack for seven or eight minutes, and after this time the two battleships would be completed. Position exchange, so that the blocked one can seize the time to cool the radiator and recharge the protective cover. When the ship reappears in the sight of the American attack, its protective cover has completely returned to normal. You can add another seven or eight minutes. Therefore, this style of play is not useful to us at all.

After seeing the situation here, the Frozen Banshee shouted at the gun immediately: "Hurry up and let your people shift the target. Starting from the smallest ship, don't be greedy to find a large target. Those giants you can't move. "

In fact, it wasn't necessary to remind the gun **** that the frozen banshee had discovered this problem, so he quickly issued an order. Those players themselves also noticed that this warship could not move us, so there was no resistance, and they were ordered to immediately change the target to the smallest ship in our fleet.

Such intensive attacks all flew to the smallest warship, and the warship was immediately surrounded by large and small fires. A large number of white light bombs hit the little guy, and his protective cover was soon forced. Limit state.

Compared to very large air battleships such as Frost Rose and Eternity, the selected battleship is a destroyer class ship, so it only has a solar furnace, and the power system and weapon system and protective cover are all used This energy source, after all, we did not expect the destroyer to carry the other large battleship set fire attack! However, the Paladin was actually pragmatic this time, and the fire target was directly standardized by the destroyer. As a result, the destroyer's protective cover only faced the danger of collapse soon after less than two minutes.

"Damn, it's too far away to rescue!" Said the invading Wang angrily looking at the destroyer over there.

I'm much calmer than the King Breaker, because I've seen a heavy cruise next to me speeding up, and I'm about to get under the opponent. However, it is not known whether the other party will have time to protect the destroyer, because the destroyer is obviously unable to support it.

Just when the heavy cruise was about to block the destroyer, a strong light suddenly flashed on the destroyer. The shield that had been struggling to support it suddenly burst like a soap bubble, and then the bottom of the flying battleship was suddenly suddenly massive. When the artillery fire hit, hundreds of caves, large and small, were shot out instantly.

With heavy billows of smoke, the destroyer began to sink quickly. The heavy cruise that was going to protect it once saw the other party smashed down and was frightened to follow the downward dive. After all, the heavy cruise was 20% larger than the destroyer. It would not be a joke if it was smashed.

Fortunately, the destroyer did not completely lose its power. Although it was sinking, its speed was relatively slow. The cruiser could keep up. The other heavy cruise next to it quickly leaned up from the side, and then shot a few anchors from the side of the ship's side to anchor the destroyer's side, and then another light cruiser-class flying warship also went up. The destroyer was hung by a zipline from the other side. The two battleships climbed together, and the steel cable immediately straightened. The destroyer immediately stopped sinking, and was dragged to evacuate quickly. The next few flying battleships came over to help block the bullets. Finally, they used alternate cover. The destroyer was kept from sinking directly. But it was obviously not bad to see the smoke billowing.

Watching the flying battleship on our side ran away, all the players in the Paladin League were terribly excited, and the players in Russia were in the same mood. Although this is not their credit, but now they are the US-Russian combined fleet, so As long as our battleships in the Frost Rose Alliance eat them, they will be happy.

"Huh, fortunately, it was not sunk ~ ~ Chuang Wang looked at the towed warship and breathed a sigh of relief:" If this is to be dropped off, Sister Rose may not be sure after returning How can you count us! "

I smiled and explained to Rose: "When did she normally care about you?"

"Boss, you have to flatten out a bowl of water! You can't be so thin because Sister Rose is your pillow person!"

"Get out of here, and think hard about how to deal with the new weapons of the Paladin."

Chuang Wang was stunned as soon as he heard this. "That thing is so powerful, and the rate of fire is fast. What do you want me to do? But that thing is obviously a direct attack, not a turn. Our fleet can use the range advantage to bully them by hanging from the horizon. "

"The fleet main gun alone is not enough to destroy the enemy's main force. Do you have any other way?"

Chuang Wang hesitated a little before he said, "Yes, yes, it's not feasible if I don't know."

"Speak to hear." Rs

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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