Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 237: Harvest season

"Each fleet is prepared. The enemy has entered the predetermined position. The muzzle of the first formation is to the left and the muzzle of the second formation is to the right.

After the warlord ’s announcement, our fleet quickly adjusted the firing yuan, and then waited for the front of the Mist Fleet to give us guidance information. At this time, the Mist Fleet was busy adjusting its position.

Although the Mist Fleet has an advantage in line of sight in the mist, the problem is that the entire fleet must be interspersed with the formation of the US-Russian Fleet and cannot be seen by the other party. This is not a simple matter in itself. Although the fog of the fog fleet is different from the naturally occurring fog, the concentration is much higher than normal fog, but the fog is not completely dark after all, so there is still a little line of sight on the US-Russian joint fleet. In terms of the size of the Sailboat of the Mist Fleet, in order to ensure that it cannot be seen by the other party, it must be at least fifteen meters away from the other party. However, because the ships of the US-Russian combined fleet did not navigate in the fog, the spacing between their fleet ships was not stable. Originally, these warships kept a distance of more than two hundred meters from each other. It was really simple for the Mist Fleet ’s ships to pass through them without being found, but after a while in the fog, the distance became Quite a mess. The distance between some warships can be extended to more than 500 meters, and some even sail side by side over 20 meters.

It is precisely because the formation of the US-Russian combined fleet is very chaotic, and this position is constantly changing. Therefore, the Mist Fleet warships need to be inserted into these gaps lightly and can not be seen, then they need to be very careful. However, although it took a bit of effort, the Mist Fleet finally reached a suitable position safely.

I was standing with the ghost captain of one of the misty ships in the bow of one of the ghost ships. Next to us was a neat row of front-loaded artillery. A large group of demon monsters such as skeletons and evil spirits were busy loading shells. At the back of the mast is a large row of water ghosts wrapped in kelp and shells. Don't think that the ghost ship will fire at you, these guys are actually better at battle. These water ghosts stood on the mast just to jump down directly from the top, and use the strength of the rope to swing to the enemy battleship opposite. Of course, their mission this time is not to play in the past. It is responsible for installing the positioner. In addition to firing the locator. We also have many locators for precise positioning, but this type of locator needs to be thrown manually. It is used like a grenade, although there is no safety switch. But you must first press the switch. Then you can throw it. Otherwise this thing will not take effect.

The water ghosts on those masts each carry a backpack on their backs. There is an opening under the special backpack, and you can pull out a locator by just touching your hand. When using, just press the start switch and throw it out. Of course, you can find some hidden places to tuck in. This thing comes with a magnetic attraction function, the steel structure is everywhere on the battleship, and you can stick it directly wherever you put it.

"This should be their flagship, right?" Looking at a huge black shadow a hundred meters away, I asked the ghost captain around me aloud.

Captain Ghost held a tattered booklet with yellow eyes that were all squinting, and flipped it against the shadow of the opposite ship. Although the gadget in his hand looked like it was very old, it was quite a magical thing. This thing is called the Ghost Navigation Manual. It looks like a diary with a hard cover, but in fact it is a treasure. Although this thing looks like a hundred or two hundred pages, it actually has an infinite number of pages. If you are not tired, copying the big encyclopedia will never fill up. Moreover, this thing has the same sensing ability as the robot cat's different-dimensional pocket. As long as the corresponding information is recorded in it, when you want to find it, just open a page in the middle part, it must be the content you are looking for. Of course, the premise is that this information must be recorded in it, and it will not be displayed if it does not have it. However, although this gadget can automatically search for the information you want, the input of the information must be copied by yourself. Other people can't write a word for it.

This book in the captain's hand is his personal handbook. The above contents are copied by himself, and the content is very informative. Among them, there are not only some things like diaries, but also introductions to the ship shapes of various enemy ships. There are also hand-drawn sketches.

Captain Ghost held this thing and turned it two pages before saying directly: "This is the Super Battleship Banshee King, which belongs to the Russian Banshee House, with a displacement of 197,000 tons. It is a big guy."

"That's it." I took out Eternity and asked, "The enemy's line of sight is only fifteen meters, right?"

"Yes, fifteen meters away, we can never see us as long as we don't fire."

"Then approach to eighteen meters to prepare for shelling. By the way, notify other warships and follow the instructions to fire uniformly after approaching."


Because the fog fleet has a line-of-sight advantage in the fog created by itself, when we approach the enemy ship eighteen meters away, we can already see the clear enemy ship on the ghost ship, even the opponent's deck. The personnel on board can vaguely see a rough outline, and the other side can't even see our outline of the battleship.

"The ships are already in place." Captain Ghost quickly returned a report to me.

I nodded and raised the eternity in my hand, while shouting in the communicator: "Attention the ships of the Mist Fleet, aim at the enemy ships, and prepare ... to fire."

The salvo of a sailing ship is not a full-volley volley, but a sequential volley. First, the gun with the highest position on the bow of the ship starts firing, and then the artillery on its lower deck fires at 0.5 second intervals, and then the interval At 0.5 seconds, the artillery on the side of the first fired artillery fired, then the artillery below it, that is, each layer of artillery fired at intervals of one second, and the next layer was zero delay from the previous layer. Five seconds. If there are three or four gun positions, the interval between the upper and lower gun positions will be shortened to 0.3 seconds or 0.2 seconds. Anyway, try to ensure that the first gun of each floor can complete a round of firing within one second. Of course, this time is only about an interval. Because it is manually ignited, and the speed of each old-fashioned artillery is different, the interval is not completely stable, but as long as it is implemented according to this standard, even if it is earlier or later, it does not affect it. effect.

As my shooting order was issued, the battleship we were in and all the ships belonging to the Mist Fleet started to fire in sequence at the same time. The U.S.-Russian fleet opposite it did not expect to encounter artillery at this time. What made them unexpected was that the bombardment was so close. It was almost already firing on them.

The distance of eighteen meters makes it almost impossible to feel the interval for the shells. Almost immediately after the sound of shelling, a large hole was immediately added to the US-Russian combined fleet battleship over there. What you can see on the side of the US-Russian joint fleet is the red light that lights up in the distant mist and the large holes that constantly appear on your own battleship.

That's been said before. The cannon of the Mist Fleet, although it looks like an old-fashioned front-loaded gun. Moreover, they fired solid iron bombs. In theory, they should not be able to cause any damage to these iron shell warships of the US-Russian combined fleet. But in reality, the situation is completely different from what is imagined. The guns of the Mist Fleet have special attributes. When it fires at others, the armor of the opponent's warship will become the hardness of the wood of equal thickness. Therefore, the steel battleship is not necessarily safe in front of the Mist Fleet, it feels like the old artillery fire of the Mist Fleet is not at all A solid iron ball, but a tungsten core armor-piercing shell.

Because the shelling happened too suddenly, there was almost no preparation for the U.S.-Russian joint fleet and it was hit by a dense cannonball rain. Fortunately, although the artillery shells of the Mist Fleet were extremely armor-piercing, even their battleships were not necessarily blocked. Live, but the explosive power of these shells is very average. Although these artillery shells can actually explode, this power is really negligible. Unless the ammunition pile hits, even if it is injected into the ammunition depot, it will not necessarily detonate the ammunition.

Although the power of artillery shells was not as great as imagined, the US-Russian joint fleet's warships did not have any major casualties in the first round of shelling. However, almost all the US-Russian joint fleet warships that were targeted were beaten like sieves. The side facing the Misty Fleet battleship is almost entirely a cave. Although each hole is not too large, it is scary enough to look at such a large dense bullet hole.

"Damn, it's the Frost Rose Alliance's Mist Fleet. Fight back, fight back." The captains of the US-Russian United Fleet on the battleship screamed, but soon they realized that their order could not be executed because they found that I can't see the enemy ship at all, and what's more terrible is that they are still very sure, there are a lot of own warships in the direction of the shells. In this case, firing at random, the probability of hitting their own is much higher than that of hitting the enemy, so these captains immediately cancelled the order immediately after issuing the order.

"What can I do?" The Gun God and the Frozen Banshee were also rushing in circles around the bridge at this time. The problems that the captains can think of, of course, they both want, but like the captains, they do not know how to fight back. All of them are surrounded by their own warships. What's more terrible is that they ca n’t see the exact position of the enemy. They know the general direction. Although the sound seems not far away, what happens if they do n’t hit? The battleships are all surrounded by their own people. The probability of hitting them is too high. Most people dare not bet at all. Besides, the Frozen Banshee and Gun God are the highest commanders of the fleet. Of course, this order cannot be given.

The Frozen Banshee thought for a while and then directly opened the guild channel and shouted: "Attention all warships. After seeing the enemy's gunfire, move closer to the enemy, and you can see the enemy as long as you are close."

The words of the Frozen Banshee can be said to awaken the dreamer. Everyone is worried that they can't see the exact position of the enemy, but when the enemy fires, they can still see the muzzle flame, so they only take the initiative to see the muzzle flame. Move closer to the enemy, and once you get close enough, you can naturally see the enemy.

Although the U.S.-Russian combined fleet can no longer see each other because of heavy fog, the guild channel is still good, but this thing cannot cover the entire fleet. The peripheral ships can only hear the sound of transit , And this guild channel cannot be used to maintain formation. Because you ca n’t see anyone at all, and you do n’t have a reference without communication, you ca n’t accurately locate yourself or others, so you never thought of using this gadget to locate yourself or others, but now ice Feng Banshe suddenly shouted such words on the channel, but it reminded everyone.

The U.S.-Russian combined fleet that had endured a round of shelling did not respond at all, but the small guns on some battleships fired a few cannons, and most of them did not hit the target, and one of them missed their own. However, now there are suggestions for the Frozen Banshee. Everyone started eagerly waiting for the next round of artillery and then posted it to revenge our fleet fiercely.

but. What surprised the US-Russian combined fleet was that the expected second round of shelling did not occur at all, and the surrounding attackers suddenly disappeared as if they had disappeared. Although the players of the US-Russian Fleet searched the sea for a long time with their eyes staring, they still saw nothing.

"What's the Frost Rose League doing?" The long period of silence made the psychological pressure of the gun **** continue to rise. The quieter the situation, the more nervous he becomes. Because it feels like knowing that the enemy is around without being attacked. It is unbearable.

Similar to the God of Guns, there is the Frozen Banshee, but she has to calm down a bit. After all, the pressure of the Russians is not as great as that of the Paladin. If the Russian side fails. The cost is that the occupied eastern region may have no hope of returning any time soon. For the Paladin, failure represents a complete loss of the future. If they ca n’t win this time, then the Paladin alliance will no longer exist, so the Gun God side is totally a war of backwaters, and naturally the psychological pressure will be much greater. It ’s not that the Frozen Banshees have more psychological qualities than the Gun Gods. it is good.

"There should be something planned over the Frost Rose Alliance." The Frozen Banshee said, "But we are now passive, and all we can do is keep moving forward. The Mist Fleet cannot cover us all the time, I was before After collecting this data, this dense fog state also needs to consume magic and other things, and it will not be maintained forever. Therefore, we can rest assured that they are more pressing now than we are. "

After listening to the words of the Frozen Banshee, the gun **** finally felt a little relieved, just like the Frozen Banshee said, the fog of the Mist Fleet also has a time limit, so we should pay more attention to them than they do. The party of time. However, the more God of Guns, the more we can't figure out why we suddenly stopped the attack after the first round of shelling.

In fact, the answer to the question about the Frozen Banshee and Gun God is very simple. The reason why they don't know it is because they can't see the whole battlefield in the fog.

The real reason why the Mist Fleet stopped artillery was to make room for our main fleet. In the first round of shelling, most of the shots were actually new projectiles rather than attack ammunition. In addition, those beacons launched by the water ghosts crawling onto the opponent's battleships. Now those attacked ships are full of positioning. Beacons, although they are still obscured by the fog, on our display they are as eye-catching as the lighthouse in the night.

"Very good, the signal is clear." Chuang Wang answered my inquiry with a communicator.

Knowing that the signal marking was completed, I immediately let the Mist Fleet to the rear of the U.S.-Russian Fleet and no longer mix with them, so as not to be hit by our own shells. After all, the sea waves are so large that our artillery may not be assisted by beacons That's a hundred hits. What's more, there are many Japanese warships in our joint fleet. Most of them do not have a unified command system, so it is basically impossible to reach our hit rate. Therefore, it is best to open the Mist Fleet. The distance is relatively thick.

After our distance was widened, I directly issued a new number to the fleet side, and the King of Crash began to shout immediately after seeing the signal: "Attention of all ships, according to the target position sent by the **** of war, start to aim . "

The coordinate positions generated by the beacon transmitter are not directly input to each battleship, but are all received by the **** of war, and then coordinate classification is performed. According to the tonnage of the marked warship and its location, find out the warship with the proper firepower and the appropriate distance in our fleet, and then assign this target to it.

After being assigned by the God of War, each battleship in our fleet only needs to attack one target. The advantage of this is that it can facilitate the uniform firing of all artillery on the battleship. Otherwise, if a ship is to attack multiple targets at the same time, the angle parameter or something will become very troublesome. In addition, the coordinates assigned by the **** of war are basically not too far from the position of the battleship that received the mission, and they must be targets that can be effectively damaged by the opponent, and the battleships will not be assigned to own destroyers for shelling.

"Everyone pays attention to firing at will after completing the calibration. Repeat, firing at will after completing the calibration without waiting."

After the last order of the **** of war was issued, I released the fleet, and the warships belonging to our Frost Rose Alliance started the shelling almost indiscriminately. After all, our guild warships had a uniform firing parameter input system. Just get the azimuth and distance information of the enemy. You can quickly adjust all the firepower of the entire ship. This is much simpler and faster than manual calculation of the Japanese fleet. Therefore, at the moment when the order of the **** of war was issued, our warships began to roar almost at the same time, and the Japanese fleet's warships started firing after a delay of more than ten seconds.

"God of guns? Did you hear anything?" The Frozen Banshee suddenly rose from her seat. Then he looked nervously at the gun **** and asked. The Gun God frowned at the Frozen Banshee. Apparently he heard that voice.

"Sounds like ..." The Gun God suddenly hesitated for a moment, then exclaimed, "Bombard, avoid!"

Although the gun **** response is fairly fast. Unfortunately, this reaction speed is significantly slower for the shell. At the same time the Gun God shouted such a word, a large group of artillery shells fell sparsely, and the hit rate was surprisingly high. The surrounding warships, including this one, were also taken care of by the barrage. While shouting "Bombardment Avoidance", he ran to the helmsman and was ready to grab the steering wheel. The **** of guns felt as if he had flew halfway. The three shells exploded almost in sequence on the front deck of the warship. One of them hit the bow of the ship and cut off the entire bow. The second shot hit the deck in front of the first turret. In the area, a large hole was opened directly there, and the third round and unbiased center turret No. 1 instantly penetrated the armor on the top of the turret, then exploded inside the turret and lifted the entire turret's parts everywhere.

Because all three shells hit the bow area, the front end of all the warships suddenly sunk, and because the bow wave breaker was blown up, the reverse flow structure was damaged, and the sudden increase of resistance caused the warship to come violently. A sudden brake, which is why Gun God feels like he's flying.

Suddenly slowed down the warship, the gun **** directly installed the front operation platform, and then rolled over from the operation platform and turned over to the front of the operation platform before being blocked, but he was a bit cheaper, although he fell Not light but escaped the scuttled porthole glass. Of course, this kind of thing itself will not cause much damage.

The speed of the Frozen Banshee and Gunslinger ’s ship dropped sharply when it was shot in the bow, and the interval was less than two seconds. In the middle of the battleship, the side of the central part of the island was suddenly penetrated by a large-caliber shell, but it is unknown Luck broke out for whatever reason. The artillery shell did not explode. It passed through the side armor of the middle part of the island and poured into the personnel rest area below. It finally got stuck in the central ammunition depot just one wall away, and it did not explode in the end. However, as the shell landed, it was followed by another three-round hit. This time their luck is not so good.

The first shell of the second three-round shot hit the side armor directly and exploded outside the armor belt. Because it is the thickest position of the armor on the battleship, the explosion caused only a large area of ​​armor deformation and failed to penetrate, but the second shell immediately hit the same position. This time, it opened directly on the deformed armor. A large hole was made, then penetrated the internal fuel tank and caused a violent explosion. The whole warship jumped up a bit, and then suddenly fell to the surface. The whole ship can see the obvious deformation and distortion with the naked eye. However, the last shell still missed the ship, but instead hit the front shield of the fourth turret pointing in this direction. Although the shell did not penetrate the main armor, all three gun tubes were blown up, and a huge dent appeared on the front of the bare turret, which was completely scrapped.

After these three rounds, the warship was successively attacked by several shells, but all were missed and missed. However, even so, this battleship is sinking at an exaggerated speed, and even if no shells continue to hit, it will not escape the sinking fate.

As soon as the Frozen Banshee got up from the position, she saw Gun God covering her head, and the faces of the two were not very good-looking. This is the third time the US-Russian United Fleet has changed its flagship. Until now, they In fact, there is no regular game against our fleet.

"Come on my boat," said Gun God, glancing at the Frozen Banshee. "Your battleships always seem to be focused."

The Frozen Banshee did not refute this matter, but instead nodded and followed the God of Guns. As for this ship, there is no need for rescue. The shell that hit the fuel depot previously has deformed the warship keel. If it is broken, you can repair it. Only the keel is the core of the warship. Once this thing is If something goes wrong, even if it can be pulled back to the port, it can only be disassembled and reused. It cannot be repaired at all.

While the Frozen Banshee and Gunner were busy changing their flagships, those warships previously attacked by the Misty Fleet in the US-Russian Joint Fleet were successively hit by our long-range firepower, although some of them were lucky and were not directly destroyed However, most of the warships were severely hit, and nearly half of them were sunk directly.

This is the worst loss since the merger of the US-Russian Fleet. And this loss made both the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God feel their hope of victory is very slim. If our previous fighting could only be regarded as harassment, then this is actually a hunting operation. The attack on the China-US-Russia combined fleet just now sank more than 70 warships, and almost all of them were large warships. This is what worries the Frozen Banshee and Gun God.

The attack targets on our side are all large warships, which means that we can see their warships, otherwise we cannot explain how we choose our targets. However, if we can see their warship, they will always be shelled, and because they cannot see us, they will not be able to fight back. In this way, their warships can only be passively beaten, and the loss rate is quite exaggerated, and they will soon lose their combat power completely.

Because of the discovery, the Frozen Banshee and Gun God are now very lost, and they are a little overwhelmed. Originally, they also expected to be close to Isinger, close to our country, and then forced us to fight against them, but never expected that we would come up with such a tactic. They are trapped in the mist and they have no chance to counterattack at all, but our warships can pour out their firepower recklessly and fight in this way, not to mention China's offshore, whether it can bypass Japan is a problem.

"What shall we do?" (To be continued ...)

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