Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 247: Difficult guy

Although I have overestimated the effect of this thing, it turns out that the power of this thing is still far beyond my expectations.

Just after the guy was transformed, the two squirt sacs behind him immediately started to work, and instantly let him talk about raising the speed to a rather exaggerated level, and then in the blink of an eye came to me and hugged me .

It ’s rare to hold people in the normal fighting mode, because holding your opponent's two hands is needed, and the opponent ’s arm will not be controlled. Therefore, not only will you lose your means of attack after you hold your opponent, It also gives the enemy a chance to attack you. Of course, if you are a muscular man with a height of two meters and thicker arms than other people's thighs, it is also a good idea to use this trick to hug a thin guy and then pull it out of breath. The problem is that under normal circumstances, the physical fitness of the two sides of the battle will not be too obvious, so most people do not need this trick.

However, this guy obviously does not belong to the majority category. He was actually a little taller than me at this time, but he still hugged my waist and kept tightening his arms, but his purpose was not to strangle me, because it was impossible to do To. I am wearing a Dragon Soul suit, which is not a normal armor, it is a full-cover heavy plate armor. To make me feel suffocated, it is necessary to deform the Dragon Soul suit before it can oppress me. To deform the Dragon Soul suit, the most basic one is that you need at least 10,000 power points, and this way The force can only cause local deformation when using weapons, and it is not possible to cause the overall deformation of the armor itself. If you simply wish to squash this armor. It is absolutely impossible to do more than 100,000 points.

After all, the Dragon Soul Set is an artifact in the artifact, which can be an evolutionary type of equipment, and has also been transformed by Hades's cloak. If such a thing can be easily pinched, then the artifact will not be called an artifact.

Although this guy is not very smart, at least he knows that my armor cannot be easily crushed, so he posted it not for strangling me, but for ... discharge.

After successfully embracing me, a large blue arc suddenly erupted on the guy's body, instantly illuminating the sea water around us, and a large air bubble immediately below the sea level completely wrapped us in. This was followed by a loud noise. A ten-meter-high water column rose directly on the sea, shaking even nearby warships.

In fact, the explosion is not the ability of the player. He just released a large amount of current in an instant, but everyone knows it. Water is electrolyzed when it encounters electricity. Oxygen and hydrogen are then produced. That guy has too much current. In a moment, the surrounding seawater was electrolyzed in large quantities, and as a result, a large mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was formed around us, and this is the origin of those bubbles.

Everyone knows that hydrogen can burn in the air. But if it is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, it is not a combustion but an explosion. So, just after the hydrogen and oxygen electrolyzed by the guy were mixed, they were ignited by the arc generated by the guy's remaining current, so an explosion occurred.

"Your sister! Do you need to be so desperate?" I leaned on the deck of a nearby battleship and shook my head, and then stood dizzy and leaned against the wall. It was not just the seawater that just exploded, but me and that guy. My current position is a Russian battleship, but not a biological battleship, just a regular ship. As for that guy, I don't know where to fly. The power of the explosion just now was not small. The explosion of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was similar to a cloud explosion, coupled with the restraint effect produced by seawater. The pressure generated at that moment was so strong that even I was dizzy and swollen for a few seconds. I lost my mind, so I don't know how that guy flew out.

When I stood up against the wall, I heard footsteps, my head was still a little dazed, and the reaction was a little slower. When I turned around, I saw a Russian player swiping towards me with a big axe. Although the person was faint, I instinctively raised one hand to face the axe, and then I heard a loud sound, the axe was directly pinched in my hand, and I couldn't get in.

The player holding the axe stunned for a long time before reacting, and released the axe and fisted it, but I have recovered a little, throwing away the axe with one hand, pinching his fist, and then Outside, he threw him directly out of the deck and threw himself into the sea.

A group of people behind this guy looked at their fallen companions, one by one there jumping back and forth like boxers' attack pace, but the question is, are you planning to attack five or six meters away?

I shook my head again, so that I was completely awake. After thinking about it, I still lost myself a "steel will", and then my head was instantly clear. Although I could still feel a little sick, it was basically normal. .

Re-examining the surrounding situation, I quickly found that the warship that had fallen before was not far away in front of us, but the warship was not so good now.

"God of War, what happened to the warship in front of me?" The warship just now is full of holes and was obviously shelled, but the problem is that I told the warlord before that the priority strike was not covered by creatures. The battleship ended up falling into the water for less than five minutes. After coming up, it was found that the biological battleship was bombed and tattered and it looked like it was sinking. This made it clear that the **** of war was not doing what I asked.

The voice of the **** of war quickly responded: "It is not my responsibility. Vice President Red Moon just ordered to test the ultimate protection ability of the biological warship with this warship. I judge based on the content of your order and the current environment. The original intention of your order It ’s to avoid wasting firepower. I do n’t want to save the biological battleship. Therefore, the order of Vice President Red Moon does not conflict with your order, so I changed the order and called some of the battleships to conduct a fire test on this biological battleship. "

Army God is a battlefield command type computer. He is not exactly the same as ordinary computers, and his intelligence level is quite high. Although still not as creative as humans. But he is not a completely rigid ordinary computer. For example, in the case just now, if it is an ordinary computer, you will definitely not follow Red Moon's commands for firepower testing. Because in the guild, I have a higher level than Red Moon, so my command has higher authority. When the command conflicts with my command, the normal computer should be the command with higher execution authority. However, because of the high level of intelligence, the God of War conducted a further analysis of the content of the order, and concluded from it that the order of Red Moon and I did not conflict in nature, so some of the orders were executed and the Red Moon test plan was changed. From this point of view, the intelligence level of the God of War is indeed quite good.

After listening to the analysis of the army god, I directly affirmed that his judgment was correct, which will help improve the judgment of the army god. In addition to advanced intelligence, Army God has a set of experience accumulation system. After he has made a judgment, I can evaluate afterwards whether his judgment is correct. The God of War will constantly adjust his own judgment mechanism based on the feedback I give to improve the accuracy of judgment.

Since this is just a test target, it's not a big deal. I quickly spread my wings and flew towards the warship, then landed lightly on its deck. Now the ship has apparently cracked a lot. There are traces of distortion. And most importantly, the biological tissue on it is rapidly decaying and falling off.

When I first asked about the army god, I got information about this thing from him by the way. It is certain that the biological shell has its limits. If you take too much damage, this thing will lose its regeneration ability. Then it shriveled off, as if the plant had withered.

Because the battleship itself was severely damaged and the biological shell was lost, this ship is now almost finished. In fact, if it wasn't because I had just communicated with the army god, now it has been killed by the second round of fire. However, because I asked War God not to attack the ship for the time being, subsequent shells did not fly over.

Although this ship was severely damaged, it hasn't really reached the point where it must sink. In fact, it can actually run now, and the speed is not too serious. There should be a lot of water on the starboard side. However, during the period when I boarded the ship, the battleship was gradually regaining its balance. Obviously, the damage management was being rescued. It's just that their rescue method is not drainage but drainage. The pressurized water tank on the right side of the battleship was probably completely damaged, so the water inlet compartment could no longer be sealed and drained. However, it can be seen from the fact that the warship did not sink. The hull ’s water compartment should be sealed, so as long as it is not further attacked, it will not sink. Just to restore the balance of the hull, they are giving the left side the balance. The pressurized water tank is filled with water, so that the hull's draught will increase, which will slightly affect the speed, but at least the hull can restore balance.

Feeling that the left side of the hull was sinking slowly, and the deck gradually returned to balance, I guessed that the ship should be fine. Unscrew the closed outer compartment smoothly, and after entering the interior, you can see the mud-like things on the ground. In fact, it wasn't rotten mud, but rotten meat after the biological tissues rotted, but now the flesh was no longer seen, it felt like rotten mud.

Going down to the inside along the way, I encountered a few at the not-so-distant intersection, because it was not a combat type, so I directly controlled it. After forcing it, the location of the Frozen Banshee was determined. After killing a few at random, I followed the route of the forcing and walked towards the rear of the hull. Not too far was a downward staircase. After walking down two decks from here, I stood directly in the water. There is already more than one foot of seawater on the floor of this cabin, but the pump is working, and it can be clearly felt that the water surface is slowly descending. However, my goal was not on this floor, but in the lower cabin, and I had no choice but to put the mask into the vortex in front of me. This vortex is actually a passage to the lower level. But because the bottom is pumping water, the water from the upper layer is flowing down from this side, so a vortex is formed here.

Jumping directly into the vortex, because of the resistance of the water, I landed gently on the floor of the lower cabin, but because the water is all around, the visibility is not high. From here, we paddled forward, and after a short walk, we saw a closed hatch, and the Frozen Banshee was behind this. But there should be no water over there. This door was put down to isolate the cabins on both sides, but now I want to go over, this door naturally needs to be removed.

The ordinary metal in front of Eternity is tofu dregs. An opening was cut in the door a few times, and the water pressure automatically opened the opening. The seawater blasted into the opposite cabin, and even I was sucked by it. But the person across from me was worse than me, and was suddenly washed away by the sudden rushing seawater.

Because the battleship was sealed, the water inflow here was not too serious. After the seawater surged over, it stabilized quickly, and the water surface only reached my waist. Under the water, several Russian players climbed up horribly, they were all overturned by the sea, but at this time it was actually better to get up in front of me. I calmly walked past them who were still coughing, and then touched everyone's neck by hand, and then the person covered his neck and lay back in the water. As I walked all the way, the sea water under my feet quickly turned into a magnificent rose, and the last two players in front of them were holding their arms timidly while standing in front of a door.

"Is the Frozen Banshee inside?" I asked.

Those two players didn't answer, but the Frozen Banshee inside answered my question by themselves ~ ~ What the **** are you doing? "With the appearance of the voice, the Frozen Banshee has come out of the room. She is obviously just resurrected, and her equipment has not yet come back completely.

"Don't you know what I'm going to do?" I asked, looking at the Frozen Banshee opposite.

The Frozen Banshee looked at me with a frown and said, "I won't give you that thing. You're dead."

"Just like you, I am confident that I will get that thing, so ... we can only find a way to negotiate. Of course, if you don't want to give it, I can grab it directly."

"Hum, then you can grab it."

I noticed that the frozen banshee's eyes were obviously wrong when she said the last sentence, because she was not looking at me, but looking behind me, so I suddenly leaned sideways to the side wall in the last second. Sure enough, with a loud bang, a huge tentacle slammed into the sea water in front of me, and then broke the seawater by himself, but it did not hit me. However, after this tentacle missed, it was pulled horizontally immediately, and this time I couldn't help it. The attack area of ​​this thing is too wide, and I can't avoid it in such a narrow place, I can only watch myself curled up by it. (To be continued ...)

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