Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 291: Super mass grave post

"We will not ask about how to save you for the time being. We are already behind a lot of progress now. Everyone hurry away. I don't want to delay here for too long."

"Oh, yes."

In fact, this group of people was also terrified. I said that they would certainly not refuse to leave, and immediately followed me. But after leaving here, I accidentally found something interesting there.

This is a gossip mirror, just the size to hold in one hand. The gossip mirror itself is very simple and doesn't seem to have any special features at all, but this gossip mirror starts automatically when we pass by from below.

Previously, because of the existence of that group of people, there could be many people to help distract the ghosts, so I always let the king protect the Tsar, and other magic pets are used to summon, but now the people who follow us are left For a few people, naturally they can't distract those ghosts as well as before. Therefore, in order to strengthen security, I not only let the king be outside, but even Sha Yezi, Yumei, and Xun were released.

With the four of them, you can keep the Tsar's super crispy skin from being killed as soon as you encounter any problems. However, when I took the four ghosts and the tsars and they passed the back door, the gossip mirror on the door suddenly shot a yellow beam, which was in the middle of the four ghosts.

The sudden beam speed was too fast, and the king was hit without any response at all, but the king frowned, and raised his hand to strike the sword. Because I was right under the door, I caught it. This thing is no longer glowing in my hands. It was quiet immediately. Then we did a few experiments to prove that this thing has the ability to attack the existence of ghosts autonomously. This is very similar to the legendary magic weapon, but this thing is not exactly the same, because it has no attributes.

As a piece of equipment, it should have attributes. After all, this thing really attacks the king. Although it is not powerful, after all, it is effective. I have tested it after that. As long as ghosts appear in front of the mirror within 30 degrees left and right, this thing will attack autonomously. And once locked in. You can continue to attack even if the mirror is turned, unless the mirror has a large rotation angle to make the target move behind the gossip mirror, it will automatically stop.

Because the attributes are not visible, there is no way to identify them on the spot. I put this thing on my body. As a result, I found that this thing seemed to have an exorcism effect.

At first we didn't know what was going on. I found that I hadn't encountered any ghosts since I came out of the big house, and even the surrounding fog seemed to fade a lot. With this convenience, we quickly bypassed the big mansion in the middle of the village to the back of the village. Just cross a few more streets and go out. However, this weird situation disappeared after I couldn't study the attributes of the gossip mirror and threw it into the Fenglong space. I used to keep the stuff in my hand, and now I was isolated after throwing it into Fenglong Space, and then we started to recover the previous situation, which is constantly bumping into ghosts, first encountering a house in a house Head ghost, and then met a ghost wearing a leather skirt and an iron fork, and finally encountered an extremely difficult to deal with evil spirits. Of course, it is relatively difficult to deal with it, which is relatively speaking. However, this time I also realized that there is a reason for this phenomenon, and then we quickly found out that the reason is the gossip mirror.

However, although we found that this thing has an exorcism effect, we haven't done any other research on this kind of thing, because this thing is really not eye-catching, it has a real effect, but it doesn't even have a property panel, this kind of thing How do you let me study?

After frustration, I threw this stuff at the Tsar and let him hold it, so that it could be used as an amulet, at least we can relax a bit.

After putting on the gossip mirror again, our task became super simple again. We found the house that went to the last street smoothly. After passing through it, we entered a relatively wide street. This street is the main road in this village, that is, the street that passes through the village. If it weren't for a huge ghost house in the middle of the village who didn't dare to enter, we could have been here by directly following this road at the village head.

After choosing the direction, we continued on the road and after a short walk we saw the exit of the village. There is a small bridge over here, and even after walking over, it completely leaves the area where the village is located. However, just as we crossed the bridge, the gossip mirror in the czar's hand was as if he had hit something of a barrier. There are no obstructions here, we can come in and out at will, but as long as the gossip mirror gets on the bridge, it seems to be stuck by something, no matter how hard it is, it stays intact.

After trying for a long time to determine that there really is no way to bring this thing over, we can only helplessly throw it at the village entrance. Finally, our summary of this thing is that these 80% are a quest item, which is a small reward that can reduce the difficulty in the task. This kind of thing is actually included in many tasks, for example, some npc wizards that can talk can appear in some underground maze tasks. If the player ignores it, the later tasks will be quite difficult, and if you find out , Then you can save a lot of things.

This gossip mirror Bacheng is similar, if we do not find out, the task can still be completed, but the difficulty will become very large, and with this thing can be much easier. Unfortunately, the effective range of this thing is obviously only useful in that village, which is obviously useless here.

After leaving the village, we returned to the woods again. The village was originally built at the foot of the mountain. It was originally wrapped in a large forest. After we passed the village, we started less than 500 meters into the mountain road, and this Mountain roads are not the same as ordinary mountain roads. Say it is a road, it is too narrow, and there are no obvious signs of the road on the ground. It can only be said that the surface vegetation is slightly looser, and it is slightly more than wading a road directly among a pile of shrubs and weeds. Easier. of course. It is not appropriate to say that it is not a road surface, after all, it is better to walk than other places.

In fact, this kind of path is basically the beast path in the forest, which is the kind of path that animals step on. Animals do n’t wear shoes like humans, so the damage to the ground is small. In addition, animals will instinctively avoid surrounding plants when they move and do n’t go back to gnaw them. Therefore, the way that animals walk out is far from the way that people step on. So obvious.

This path is almost like this, not only not obvious, but also very slippery, all the branches and dead leaves on the ground, the soil below seems to be full of water. It looks nothing. A watermark will be printed when you step on it.

"Is it always the same way behind?" I asked the people behind, they are the living map here.

One of the mage players said: "The road ahead is slightly better than this side. This is the hardest part to take, but there will be a lot of ghost activities from the beginning. So this road is actually a good road."

I nodded to understand. Then he looked forward and said, "Tsar. You ride my mount."

The Czar was still looking around when I heard what I said, but when he turned his head, the night shadow appeared directly next to him, which scared him. But this guy soon recovered. Then a look of narrow eyes stroked Yeying's body. Ye Ying was obviously very dissatisfied with his actions, and snorted and blasted a large mass of Mars from his nose to startle him again, but it seemed that the guy was more devoted to Ye Ying.

"What's the matter, hurry up." Seeing that guy was constantly touching there, it didn't seem to be draining water, I went directly to grab his collar with one hand and threw it on the back of Yeying , And then said to Ye Ying: "Protect him. If you are in danger, take him away first. This guy is a crispy one, and you will die when you touch it. Be careful."

Ye Ying looked at the Tsar on the back of his eyes in disdain, and then nodded, "I just put a balloon on my back."

"Yes, that means it."

"Am I so vulnerable?"

"Yes." Ye Ying and I said in unison.

The Tsar was attacked by us and did not speak directly, because he also found that he really did not have much chance to argue. Compared with us, he was indeed a fragile balloon, which broke when he touched it.

The latter group saw the Tsar's envious expression when he mounted the horse, but they did not complain, because they all knew that the Tsar's guy was my client, so it was normal for the treatment to be different.

After throwing the Tsar on Ye Ying's back, we moved significantly faster. Once Ye Ying took him, I was not so worried, and I can move forward with confidence. Secondly, this guy uses a trumpet. The attribute is the worst here. The movement speed is naturally slow. Even the physical attributes of the mage and priest girl in the team are a lot higher than him. Now he does n’t need to When the ground is gone, we don't have to adjust to his speed.

After speeding up the trip, we quickly passed the most difficult uphill road. After crossing this road, the mountain road was much better. Although the mountain road here still has a small slope, it is no longer a very steep mountain road, and there are obvious artificial traces on the mountain road. The trees along the road have been restored and the ground is clearly paved with stones. Traces. Of course, obviously this place has been deserted for a long time, so it is basically still overgrown now, but after all, it is a place to repair roads, no matter how bad it is, it is much better than the beast path.

According to the few surviving players, this road should have always been to the foot of the mountain, but since the village below has changed, no one has left the road, and then it is gradually abandoned. When the road was just uphill, the original road was washed away because of a landslide. Later, the animal stepped out of a beast path again, so it was so difficult to walk. Because the terrain is relatively flat and there are no landslides, some traces remain on the road.

Of course, the above information is not the experience of these players, but the information provided by those npcs in nearby towns. According to the information provided by them, the mass grave post in this mountain is the mass grave post shared by all nearby cities and towns. This road into the mountain was very good before, and even a horse-drawn carriage can be passed. Now it is just like this because of the wasteland.

I am not very interested in the situation on the road. I am interested in how big the mass grave post will be. From the information I heard before, I just know that this mass grave post is very large, but there is no too intuitive concept of how much it can be achieved. So I would like to know how big this so-called super mass grave can be.

My thoughts have not been realized yet, but first let me see the special monster here-ghost.

We were walking well, and suddenly found a rope hanging from a branch of a large tree on the side of the road, and a corpse swayed in the wind on the lower end of the rope.

To be honest, the dark forest and the corpse hanging on the tree, normal people see the unconscious body will be full of hairs, and we have not reacted much now, the key reason is not that we are bold, It is because the previous one has adapted to this environment. Although those people were still scared, they were much better than before. After all, this is just a corpse hanging from a tree. Not too scary.

Our team quickly came to the corpse, and I turned to look at the corpse, but when I looked at him, the corpse hanging from the tree suddenly opened his eyes. Staring at my eyes fiercely. Unexpectedly, a scream came around. And two. The two girls were making a sound. Obviously women still have difficulty adapting to this environment.

"Ok, ok, don't make a noise! ​​Just hang the ghost, if you call it anymore, the ghost will scare you away!"

The two girls stopped when I said it. The situation was sudden before, but they have been used for a while after the reaction, but they quickly controlled themselves.

I was sure these two girls were quiet before I looked back at the hanged ghost. This guy is dressed in white, can be half a foot long with his neck hanging out, his face is completely blue-purple, and his eyes are bigger than those in the sun. Of course, these glasses have no sense of cuteness, but they are scary and not worth living. That kind of, after all, the eyes are big because they are glared, not the eyes themselves.

I looked at the hanged ghost a little bit, and sensed the energy level of this guy, and then I felt relieved to the humane behind me: "Don't be afraid, this guy is a new ghost, the magic power is too weak, even doing movement No, unless you go up to die, there is no danger. "

"It sounds weak."

"It was weak, okay!" I lost interest in the hanged ghost after I said it, and then started to move on. However, this place deserves to be called a super-burial burial post. After passing the position of the hanged ghost, after walking less than ten steps, I suddenly felt something stepped on my feet, looked down, and it turned out to be a broken foot, only a foot And half of the calf, the upper part is gone. I kicked the broken foot into the bushes next to me, and I continued to walk forward. The others behind were not scared because I didn't see it.

After walking forward not too far away again, I saw a small grave bag standing a few meters away from the roadside, and beside this grave bag, there was a little child wearing bare pants and squatting beside the grave bag. Play mud there. Of course there will be no children in this kind of place, this is obviously a little ghost, because his body is pale all over, and when he felt the sound of our approach, he even looked back at us.

It was better for him to stay still, but this time he turned the two treble detonators behind, because the child's eye socket was actually two black holes with nothing in it. The ghost's pale skin contrasted sharply with the two black holes, and suddenly it was scary to see it, especially in this environment.

Fortunately, although the other party glanced at us, but did not rush over to attack, but seemed to be very timid, jumped up and hid behind the grave bag, but instead of disappearing, he kept hiding there and extended a half head Looking at us, it was as if the child was afraid of seeing a stranger.

"Look at you pitiful, it's up to you." I turned to Sha Yezi at the back and said, "Go and bring him over. We need a guide."

"You let me go?" Sha Yezi looked at me and asked in surprise: "Aren't you afraid to scare him away?"

"Are you a woman, aren't you? Coax your child?"

Sha Yezi shook his head decisively. "You make me cry and cry. It's okay for kids. Coax them. Even when I die, I'm still a big yellow girl. I don't have this experience!"

"I rely on, can I let myself go?"

"I'll do it." The king walked over without waiting for my answer.

Originally, I thought that the spirit of the king should not know how to coax a child. After all, the thinking mode of normal people is to think. The hero must have remembered the relevant information during the war, and the king was still a man. Of course, such a murderous hero could not be related to things like bringing children.

However, the king actually proved to us that the heroes born on the battlefield actually coaxed the children and were very good for the children. As for why ... my analysis is like this. Ying Ling is a collective of souls gathered from all the unyielding souls who died on the battlefield. Therefore, the main emotion that Ying Ling has in the end should be the final thoughts of those killed soldiers. Because the soldiers were fighting when they died, the battle-related things must be dominant, and at the same time, they will leave a lot of perseverance and personality to the hero. but. Do n’t people miss home when they die? Obviously impossible. Before death. Most people should miss their wives and children at home, right? Therefore, Ying Ling actually has hidden attributes-good dad.

After the king passed, the little ghost did hide from him, but he didn't know what the king said, anyway, it was a few simple actions and a few words. The child walked timidly to his side. Then after the king squatted down, he quickly went to his arms and smiled happily.

I have to say that at this moment the image of the king completely subverts our perception. But it seems reasonable to think about it carefully.

After a brief exchange, the king brought the little ghost back. The little guy was quite scared to see us, but I had special attributes for negative energy creatures. Any non-energy creature, in a non-hostile state, will have both emotions of awe and fear, that is, my affinity for undead creatures will be very high, and they will be a little afraid of me.

In order for this little ghost to be our guide, I took full advantage of my affinity attribute, and then used the magic weapon to cheat children-lollipop. Of course, the kid didn't eat sugar, and he loved black crystals at the time. I took out a piece of black crystal that was too big for him and passed it. "Come on, uncle gives you sugar. Licking it, it's sweet."

"Are you going to be a strange uncle?" The girl behind was quite scared. After seeing my performance, I felt that the atmosphere of horror was gone.

After all, the kid is a kid, and his thinking is relatively simple. Under the persuasion of the king, he took the black crystal and licked it, and then fell in love with the taste instantly. Just as herbivores cannot refuse salt, undead creatures cannot refuse black crystals.

The little guy is like a little squirrel holding this piece of black crystal smaller than his head desperately licking endlessly, looking at the little chubby face and cute movements, if there are no holes in the eyes, it is exactly Cute cute little girl next door. It's a pity that those two holes are so prominent that even I can't completely ignore them.

"Well, boy, you and your uncle now know each other. My uncle's name is Ziri. What's your name?"

"Ball ball." The little ghost quickly reported his name in the gap between sweet black crystals.

I nodded and asked, "Then the ball, uncle wants to ask you some questions, can you tell me, OK? As long as you tell me, I will give you another piece of this delicious food."

As soon as I heard it, the little ghost immediately stopped licking the piece in his hand and looked at me and asked, "Really?"

"Of course." I directly took out a larger piece than the previous one, and then said, "Look, I have all taken it out, how could I lie to you?"

"Well, what are you asking, uncle?"

"I want to know, what ghosts do you know here?"

"I don't know ghosts!" Said the child innocently.

I was a little stunned before I reacted, and the child didn't understand what death was. "Well, that's asking if you know any other children around here, or uncles, aunts, grandpas, grandma, etc."

"Well, I know a lot of people!" Said the little ghost. "There is Xiaojiang living there, and there are Cocoa, Wanggou ..."

The child didn't talk at all. He gave out a bunch of names in one breath, and it took him a lot of time to understand the basic situation.

This little ghost hasn't been dead for a long time, but it has also been for decades. I have known many ghosts here, but they are very low-level beings. Like ghosts, they have class differences. This little ghost and all he knows are the lowest level ghosts. They are lonely wild ghosts with little strength, but they can't be reborn. In fact, they don't have much mana and can bully ordinary people at best. It's okay to meet Yang Yang who is a little better. Higher levels are evil spirits or grievances. These guys are all dead or unwilling to exist. Because they are too obsessed, they turn into ghosts and ghosts after death. They have a high combat effectiveness, but they have no brains and are in a semi-mad state for a long time.

The third class is those ghost soldiers. This kind of existence is quite mixed. Some are lonely wild ghosts who have died for many years. They gradually serve as mana, and some are revengeful ghosts and wraiths who have restored some consciousness. Others are purely absorbing yin and reaching a certain level. Anyway, this level is more powerful.

The fourth level is the ghost general. This level is the enhanced version of the third level, the combat effectiveness is very strong, but to be honest, to the people behind me. This level is more reassuring to them. Because at this level. Ghosts are actually not scary anymore, that is, they have strong combat effectiveness, so they can be treated as powerful monsters. There is no psychological fear.

The fifth level is the level above the ghost, but the level of the little ghost is too low, so I do n’t know what those ghosts are. Anyway, he knows that there are worse than the ghosts, but he has never seen it himself.

After knowing the general structure of the mass grave from the kid, I also asked about the general situation here. Generally speaking, the ghost that attacks people has nothing to do with the level. This is the same as living people. It is not that people with high military values ​​love to bully people, but that they depend on their personality and character. The same is true of the ghosts in this mass grave post. Although some are lonely souls and ghosts, they confess their fate, so they will wait peacefully for their natural death or gather enough anger someday to reincarnate or be here as a ghost soldier and go on a cultivation path.

Similarly, although some ghosts are also lonely wild ghosts, they are not willing to die, they want to find dead ghosts, and then they will attack the living people who can be seen everywhere. According to the introduction of the ghost, the ghosts of these two mentalities are basically half to half on this side, and there are usually more on both sides. As for talking about grieving spirits, there is nothing to say. This level is all crazy, and it is normal to see people jumping up. As for the top one, it's back to the previous situation, it depends on the ghost, it has nothing to do with the level. But the ratio is also mostly one to one. As for the level of ghosts, it will be different.

At this level, basically a ghost will attack people, but they will not attack every time, because they already know how to measure the stakes. If you find that you are strong, most of them will not move you, but if you run into worse than them, then I am sorry.

After learning about the social structure here, I learned from the little ghosts that this place seems to be more than just a lot of ghosts. There are zombies and demons here. The number of zombies here is not too many, but there are also many. After all, the mass grave post is too large, the base of the corpses is very high, and this place is also a place where the smolder gathers, so it is normal for zombies to crawl all over.

As for the demon ... this category belongs to the minority group here, with a small number, but the fighting power is slightly stronger than the other two branches. It can be seen that the demon's single fighting power is relatively good. If it is not too small, they are in Here is the thorough boss. Of course, even now it is still part of the superstructure.

After asking all the information I could ask, I took this little ghost with me, but how to get there was a problem. It would have been better to have him sit on Yeying's back, but the problem was that the Tsar was on it, and it was crispy. Although the little ghost is acting very well now, I dare not let him be with the Tsar, because even the little ghost has the ability to kill the Tsar. Who told him this trumpet entered the advanced area!

If you ca n’t ride the night shadow, you can only go with the king, but you ca n’t let the king hold it, because the king may need to fight. In the end, I thought about summoning Ling.

Not to mention, Ling is also very coaxing a child, making this little guy very passionate about her in less than five minutes. As a mage, Ling can stand in the middle of the team to attack, so it's no problem to bring a little ghost.

The team returned to the road, and the woods became quite sparse after bypassing the small grave bag. Looking forward from here, you can see a not too neat mountain valley. The mountain on the left is higher and the right is lower. A large, dense grave bag extended from the edge of the line of sight, almost filling every inch of the land here, and the road was completely gone to this side. If you want to continue, you can only go from this piece of grave bag. Go across.

If it ’s just some graves, you may not know the key mass grave post. He is completely different from the modern cemetery. The mass grave post is called here because the bodies were buried randomly, and some were not buried at all. A better one is a simple grave bag. There are no monuments. Ordinary is to dig the pit and bury it directly. Others are placed in the coffin and still under the open air. Worse, there are no treatments at all. Basically it is equal to Just throw the corpse and leave it alone.

However, in addition to those buried in the coffin. In fact, everything else has the same ending. Most of those buried directly in the soil will be planed out by beasts during the day. The bodies were then towed everywhere. It is slightly better to put it in the coffin. Although it is not buried, the coffin can ensure that the beast cannot enter, but the wood will rot over time. The body would still be exposed. It was just that the body was no longer attractive to the beast. So it is usually not destroyed, at most it is exposed.

Of course, it's not that the absolute in the coffin is better. Because sometimes people who throw corpses at the mass grave will open the coffins that have not been buried to see if there is anything they can take. Of course, all the people who can throw here are poor, so there will be no funeral items. , But always have clothes. Those who can come here to throw corpses are not likely to be rich people, all are bitter haha, so even if they are clothes, sometimes they will not let go, even if those things are the things of the dead.

If the slums are the dark side of the living world, this mass grave post is the dark side of the dead world, and the dirty mess is the portrayal here. Of course, dirty mess is for the dead, and it is estimated that living people will be left with fear when they come to this place.

The four people behind me paused instinctively after seeing this, and then quickly started to stand in line. Obviously, the past few times they had come before were not in vain, at least they knew how to deal with this kind of place. Of course, this mass grave post is actually more terrifying than the previous village in the atmosphere of horror, but it is often not so easy to scare people. The point is that this place is relatively wide, and there is no sudden thing that scares you. It is simply a dead person or a ghost. Although it is quite scary, the player can overcome it after adapting for a long time. The latter ones will perform much better than before because of this reason, at least one of them will come out to do the task.

With this group of people moving forward, we had to watch the foot move carefully, because there was no normal road on the ground, so we had to find our own way. I walked less than five steps and encountered a pit dug by a beast. There was a cadaver below looking at the sky, and the corpse's eyes turned to look at me when I appeared at the entrance of the cave. Obviously this is a living corpse. But I didn't care about this guy in the slightest, because not only the whole lower body was gone, but also one arm was missing, and he couldn't get up with one arm alone.

After crossing this big hole, there is a grave bag in front, which looks very old. I carefully disturbed from the front, and then found a skeleton shelf on the ground on the other side of the grave bag. Pull it carefully to the side, and I had to step back a little bit, because I couldn't go anymore. Just now I have been looking down at my feet seriously. I didn't notice that there was actually a big pit in front. It was half a basketball court full of corpses with varying degrees of decay. They were thrown in a mess and looked like a corpse pit. And many of the corpses were moving, apparently a live corpse concentration point.

After stepping back a bit, I could only walk around the edge of the pit, and then within a few steps I saw a pretty beautiful ghost sitting sideways on a grave bag and beckoning to me: "Hey, come here and sit? "

When I heard this, my first reaction was not the past, but I looked back and asked the people, "Why are there any ghosts doing this in this place?"

The mage said embarrassingly, "Maybe I did this before my life, I'm used to it!"

I couldn't figure out and shook my head. I could only keep approaching, because I had to pass by the female ghost to go forward. I had no choice but to pass. Fortunately, although this female ghost has been using words to lead us past, she always sits on the grave bag without moving. To be honest, I'm a little bit sorry now that I didn't bring the coins.

It was obviously a mistake for the Czar to ask me to do this task, but this mistake is understandable. After all, he is Russian and has no knowledge of our culture. For Taoists, in the minds of foreigners, they are probably the magicians of the East. After all, Chinese culture is too complicated, and it is not easy for foreigners to understand a little. More people are totally guessing. Therefore, the Tsar heard that this task was related to ghosts and zombies. The first reaction was that this was a task of the undead department, so I should find a strong person in the dark department to complete it, because I have a good way to deal with the undead.

The Tsar's idea is correct so far, but the problem is that he does not know that the demons and monsters in our culture do not exactly match the characteristics of western undead creatures. Although the game system needs to be adjusted, it does not fully refer to Chinese legends. , But there are actually some differences. I thought it was a normal task at first, but when I got here I finally understood. This **** is completely arranged for players of Taoist profession. It's not for the undead players.

I do n’t know much about these ghosts and other things I see now. If it is a full-time Taoist priest here, she can definitely handle these things easily. After all, she is a professional counterpart!

Although I don't know why the female ghost did not leave the grave. But this is good for us. So I didn't have more than one pipe, and continued to move forward.

Others describe that the guards of a certain place will say that this place has five steps, one post and ten steps and one whistle, and this mass grave post is exactly five steps, one grave, ten steps and one ghost. You can't walk to both sides from here. I have passed at least 20 graves and corpses that are still there indiscriminately. During this period, I encountered dozens of living corpses and wandering souls, and the number was scary.

To be honest, I did n’t bring enough things. If I was fully equipped, I set up a large gathering here. Twelve hours later, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of skeletons and zombie army can be pulled out. If the player with more money and patience plus the level is enough, squatting him here for three or five days, and then bringing together an army of undead to take out and slaughter the city is no problem. Of course, those who are good at driving ghosts out of the Taoist priests have similar effects here, but they are definitely not as convenient as the Undead Mage. Our Taoist profession drives the path taken by the undead creatures and those of the undead mages in Europe are completely reversed. Undead mage is not heavy, but Taoists in our country are heavy and not heavy.

It was easy to jump through the winding mountain stream all the way, and then turn right, I was dumbfounded. When I saw the mountain stream just now, my first reaction was that this mass grave post was indeed not small. But this is not small, and it doesn't surprise me, but when I came here, I suddenly realized that just a piece of it was just an entrance. The large open valley in front of me should be the main body. This area is at least It is dozens of times the size of the film just now. Looking in between the two mountains is completely filled with those large and small graves and coffins. As for ghosts, have you seen the downtown area on holidays? It's almost like that.

"Your sister! This must be hundreds of thousands?"

"I don't know, we don't have time to count." The mage said afterwards: "President Ziri, we will be separated from you before, this is what we are looking for, and your mission is probably still Go forward, we won't go in with you. We will be dead there when we go in. We can only mix things around this area. "

I nodded and bid farewell to them, and then led the Tsar to continue inside. Compared with me, the Tsar's guy is much more relaxed. When Yeying walks, he is flying and he doesn't touch the ground at all, so the potholes and corpses on the ground are nothing to him. The Czar is riding in Yeying. You just have to sit on your back, you don't need to pay attention to your feet at all, so he still has time to observe the nearby ghosts. If it wasn't for the atmosphere, it would be like going out for a swim.

"Do we have to go deeper into our mission?" I glanced at this large undead and corpses, and turned back to ask the Tsar.

The Tsar nodded and said, "According to the record, we have not yet reached the real starting point of the mission, which is still the periphery of the mission area."

In fact, I asked the Tsar just to let him concentrate, and I have also seen the task scroll. Of course, I know that this is just the outer area of ​​the task. In fact, it has not yet reached the real starting point of the task. If the starting point of that mission is correct, it should be another space. We came here only because the entrance to that space was inside a burrow at the mass grave post.

"This time we are busy!"

"If it weren't for the difficult task, I wouldn't beg you!" Said the czar.

I nodded helplessly and moved on.

The main area of ​​the mass grave post in the front is much lower than the entrance. Our position has been turning to the right, and it is downhill. After going down this slope, turn back to the entrance to the open ground below. However, although it is open and fairly flat below, it is not frank, because this place is full of pits or graves, and because the yin gathers, the ground is completely grassless, even on the surrounding mountains. The trees are all dead and there is nothing to survive. I believe that except for those who dared to come and throw corpses in the direct sunlight for no more than one or two hours every day, most of them are not live here ~ ~ Oh yes, some scavengers also use daylight Come in to eat when the sun is the best, and then they will evacuate as soon as the sun is slightly tilted. Those who are greedy have died in it, and the rest have learned fine, understand that the sun needs to come out as soon as it leaves the mid-sky position. Animals are not stupid sometimes.

After we got down to the flat ground, we started walking inside. It was okay to be on the top before. After waiting, the lonely ghosts and some zombies around us moved their eyes to us. During their active time, nothing dared to go inside, so they were very happy to see us. accident. Of course, there is no one who dares to lean on. Ling opened a small gate of **** above us. The breath of that thing did not dare even approach the ghost, but it played a very good intimidation role.

Of course, that thing scares the ghosts, but it doesn't scare the zombies, after all, these guys have no brains! So, we were quickly surrounded by a mass of zombies.

"President Ziri, can you cope with this?" The voice of the Tsar was trembling when he asked, apparently he didn't have much confidence in me. It's not that he doubts my strength, but that there are too many zombies in front of me.

"Just a soldier, you're afraid of a woolen yarn!" (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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