Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 296: Reasons and methods for being late

Rose said that after letting us be a little late, of course I took a nap first, but soon I reacted. ====

Neptune Hall and Rainbow Alliance are now fighting for the future supremacy of the United States. In other words, whoever wins is the boss of the United States in the future. This situation is actually similar to the original separation of the European temple of light, but the way of the two is completely reversed. One is split into two forces by the combined forces, and the other is the merger of two forces into one.

Apart from the opposite way, there is another important difference between the two is that they are npc forces and one is player forces.

Although "Zero" uses an artificial intelligence matrix to make most of the npc completely anthropomorphic, making it have the same level of human intelligence. However, the knowledge of NPCs is based on the game world. Unlike modern people living in an information explosion society, the knowledge of NPCs is relatively narrow. Therefore, our set of European temples of light is obviously unplayable for players.

The original use of the European Temple of Light could not be copied to the United States, that is to say that it is impossible to keep the Temple of Neptune and the Rainbow Alliance always split and profit from it. This behavior may work in the short term, but the end result can only be to create a powerful enemy for us. Therefore, this trick is absolutely unusable.

Since the divide-and-rule approach of the European Temple of Light cannot be reproduced on the American side, we will ultimately have to choose one side and support it to win the American Civil War. We have already judged this before. And the choice has been completed, that is, to help the Temple of Neptune and suppress the Rainbow Alliance.

This choice was not made by me alone, but was a comprehensive judgment made by our think tank after a series of analyses. It can be said that for now, this judgment can be considered correct. However, Rose's words clearly showed me something else.

Although we have decided to support the Temple of Neptune, no matter whether the Temple of Neptune or the Rainbow Alliance will become the hegemony of the United States, the United States will quickly become stronger. Although the player strength in the game and the national strength in reality are not necessarily equal, the relationship between the two is actually quite close. Generally speaking, countries that are more powerful in reality will have stronger national power in the game.

Well. When the United States was unified. With their national strength, they don't need internal consumption, so the power of their hegemon guild will swell rapidly. As a result, we will soon see a rather powerful opponent appear in the United States. This kind of thing is obviously not good for us.

Also, apart from this future guild issue. There is another simple truth. That is, icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow. The current Neptune Hall and the Rainbow Alliance are not dead. Both sides want to be the hegemons, but their attitudes are not firm enough, and each has its own plan. So, except for the Paladin, they are really desperate, but the other two are not playing hard. In this way, the support of our guild has become a kind of gift-like existence. Is there really any difference?

However, the Neptune Hall and the Rainbow Alliance cannot continue to be so exhausted. Because the Paladin fights very hard, the battle of the Neptune Palace against the Paladin should not take too long, and once the Paladin is completely finished, then the remaining thing is to divide up the heritage of the Paladin. Even if the current fighting attitude of the Rainbow Alliance and the Temple of Neptune is not clear, once the interests are in front, both sides will certainly enter the violent mode immediately, and then it will inevitably be a deadly battle. In fact, the leadership of the two guilds is just a fan of the authorities. As an outsider, I can see very clearly.

According to this inference, the Neptune Hall and the Rainbow Alliance will soon push the civil war into the white-hot stage, and then both sides will definitely hit red eyes, and then the Neptune Hall will be gradually defeated. This is almost the end. After all, Neptune Palace is not good at land warfare, and its overall strength is not as good as the Rainbow Alliance. They just fought against the Paladin Alliance just now. Even if there is only one empty shell in the current Paladin, it is one of the three largest guilds in the United States after all. The so-called skinny camel is larger than a horse, and even the holy lance group that is about to die is not so good. Therefore, the Neptune Hall after finishing the Holy Lance League will inevitably be unable to win in the battle against the Rainbow Alliance, and they will definitely suffer.

If at that time, our guild's Issinger mobile fortress arrived at the time when the troops of the Neptune Hall returned to the headquarters of the headquarters, and then helped them to push back all the way, then the attitude of the Neptune Hall to us will definitely be with us now It used to be significantly different.

We are now passing, they do not feel our importance at all, and even if they win the war, it is at most a transaction, and a small fee will kill us. The American players will definitely not remember our goodness, and will only look at us as mercenaries. However, if we were killed suddenly when Neptune Palace was almost driven out of the sea, and then reversed the situation, then this is not a mercenary, but a life-saving grace. The difference between the two is big. Moreover, there is a joint in it. That is, if we are going to the United States now, all we need to face is the Rainbow Alliance, a complete large guild. Even though the Rainbow Alliance is not as powerful as our Frost Rose Alliance, that is how it is one of the three top guilds in the United States, and it is still the largest one. How could such a line not have such cards, killer cards, etc.? We rushed up like this, and the probability of being confused by the other side was quite high.

But think about it the other way around. If we go late, and seeing the Temple of Neptune will be too late, will the Rainbow Alliance lose nothing? The two were originally similar guilds. Although the Temple of Neptune could not beat the Rainbow Alliance, the Rainbow Alliance itself was mostly exhausted when the Rainbow Alliance rushed the Temple of Neptune back home. In this case, if we reappear in the United States, then what we need to face is a rainbow alliance that is already at the end of the crossbow.

It's too obvious which one is best to deal with a rainbow league in its heyday and a rainbow league that has been unable to succeed. and so. Going early doesn't have any benefit at all, it's just to find yourself unhappy.

Of course, although I want to understand the meaning of roses, how to explain the travel time is still a problem.

Looking at a bunch of roses with roses, I said directly: "I want to understand why you let us arrive late, but we are running so slowly at this time, is the intention too obvious?"

"Yes, the intention is too obvious. But as long as a suitable reason is found."

"Do you have a reason?"

Rose nodded: "Issinger Mobile Fortress can use space to jump in the past. It can be done in an instant, but Isinger's mobile fortress requires a lot of magic stone support. This is known to everyone. For us, Ai Singh's ability to jump in the mobile fortress. My reason is ... there is not enough magic spar reserves to dare to use. "

After Rose finished speaking, I didn't rush to refute, but thought about it first. On the surface, the Frost Rose League, who has always been a local tyrant, suddenly called out that the demon spar reserve was insufficient, and it seemed to be crying poorly. After all, it is no longer a day or two that our Frost Rose League is rich. Everyone knows that we have money. And there are many magic crystal mines. So the spar reserve of our guild is obviously not too low. However, if you look carefully, there are actually many articles to do.

Not long ago, our guild launched the war against Russia. In addition, a large area of ​​development zones have been opened on Russian territory. The scale of the war was very high and the intensity was high. Although the duration was not long, the consumption was definitely not small. After all, Essinger's mobile fortress was dispatched at the time, and super weapons were also used. In this way, of course, our consumption is very high.

After the war with Russia, we were again attacked by the United States and Russian Fleet. This process was much longer than the previous battles. Although the intensity was not very high, but because it was a naval battle, the consumption of magic crystals was also high. After all, there are a lot of magical weapons on our side, and the flying angels and single-flying aircraft are not in vain. This all consumes magic crystal.

Consecutive two battles, a large consumption of magic crystal is inevitable. Moreover, now that the Russians have assembled troops on a large scale over the development zone, it is uncertain how many magic crystals will be consumed in this battle. Therefore, it is entirely reasonable for us to reserve more magic crystals in case of emergencies. Besides, we sent Essinger Mobile Fortress to help them Americans in a civil war in such a tense moment. In case of fighting in Russia and our forces can't carry it, Essinger Mobile Fortress must always come back at any time. Support the battlefield. Therefore, Isinger's mobile fortress needs to have at least enough magic crystal reserve for one jump. As long as this reason is explained, even if others know that we still have many magic crystals, there is no reason to accuse us of not jumping directly to the United States. Of course, if anyone thinks that we are slow and willing to provide magic crystals to support this jump, of course we will not mind. As for the consumption of this jump ...

No one except our guild knows the exact number. Other guilds know that the number of magic crystals required for Essinger to move the fortress once is amazing. As for the specific method, they do not know, so even the King of the Sea King dare to shout They are willing to reimburse for their travel expenses, and we can completely scare them directly with the consumption of pit fathers.

Without jumping, then we can only let Isinger move the fort to fly over by himself. The consumption of magic crystals in this process is not large, which can't fool people. Moreover, the movement speed of Isinger's Mobile Fortress is not slow, even if it flies past it will not take long. So we have to find a way to explain why we are moving so slowly.

Thinking of this, I said directly: "The excuse for lack of magic spar reserves is not bad and can withstand scrutiny. But everyone knows the flying speed of Essinger's mobile fortress. If we run two or three times longer Still difficult to explain? "

Rose had already figured out how to explain it, so when I asked her, she explained to me immediately: "I have a solution about our speed. This method is actually very simple, just design a terrorist attack."

"Terrorist attacks?"

I heard this for a second and then started thinking about feasibility. Not to mention, it seems that it really works.

Although the defense of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is good, the internal contents are not particularly solid. If someone attacks our power system, it will be understandable that it will affect the speed of the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be said casually, it must be done really. As for how to do it ... I hesitated a little bit and thought of it.

Essinger Mobile Fortress was shot down by the Siberian Protoss once when he was on the Russian side, and has been busy with the surrounding construction work since then. The repair of Essinger Mobile Fortress was not too concerned, just a simple temporary Sex repair. We can completely direct and perform a retaliatory attack, anyway, we have offended many people recently. No matter it is the Russians, the Paladins, or those who belong to Nobunaga in Japan, they are all good targets. We can find someone to install bombs in the power system of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and then blow up all the equipment that was damaged in the first place, but simply repaired and responded to the emergency. Anyway, these things need to be replaced in the future, so it is not a pity to blow them up. Then, we can control Isinger's mobile fortress to simulate a crash ~ ~ Anyway, the explosion really happened. We can use the traitors in the guild to detect this. Let others know that we were really attacked here. As for whether the crash was caused by the attack, isn't that how we say it?

After the Essinger Mobile Fortress crashed into the sea, we could take the opportunity to stop and deliberately delay time, just by the way to complete the repair of the Essinger Mobile Fortress, anyway, it is also necessary to complete it now. Of course, the repair process can be faster, but the progress needs to be kept secret. Anyway, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is our own site. As long as the spies in the guild are not approached, outsiders will not know our repair progress. And we can just look at the situation and adjust the progress as needed. When the Temple of Neptune is about to die, we will "fix it" immediately, and then quickly rush to the United States to support the Temple of Neptune.

With this series of arrangements, even if the Neptune Hall thought that we might come to play on purpose, there was no excuse. And, even if someone really doubts, in the general environment they can't call it out openly, and most of the Paladin players will remember our help, which is enough.

"Yes, the method is feasible, but who do you intend to let the attackers play? Maybe our own guild is inappropriate?" (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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