Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 312: Devour

"Hey, the Tin Man." The construct creature was called, and when the other party looked at me, I threw the iron worm in my hand. The bottle flew in front of him a few tens of meters away, and the guy took a deft turn to hide, but when he thought he had successfully avoided my attack, an arrow came from another He flew in one direction and hit the bottle accurately. After hearing only a crisp sound, the glass bottle, which was not very strong, burst in response, and then saw a large dark red powder-like thing spilled out.

At first, the holder of the American artifact thought that the powder was in the bottle, and immediately wanted to avoid it after seeing the thing spilled out. As a result, the thing turned a corner in the process of falling, as if All magnets were attracted to him.

After discovering that all these things were attached to himself, the American weapon holder immediately began to slap the body, hoping to get these things down, but the iron worm is not dust. With his slap, these red little Not only was the thing not hit, but it got on his hands, and it continued to spread, quickly covering most of his body's performance and eroding towards the surroundings at a horrible speed.

"It looks like it's not necessary for me to shoot." Christina said looking at the American weapon holder over there.

I nodded and looked at the guy who was still quite awesome before, and said, "It looks like I still underestimate the power of these little things."

"Unfortunately, the temperature range of these little things is too narrow."

"Thanks to their deep sense of temperature, otherwise I would not dare to use it!"

The iron worm itself has no intelligence at all. They cannot be controlled. Their only behavior is to swallow the nearest metal substance. Therefore, for most players and npc forces, this is an absolute dangerous item, because our armor and our equipment are all metal items. These things They are all food for iron worms, and guilds with a lot of magical technology items like our guild are even more afraid of these things. After all, the general technical products are built on metal, even if iron worms are impossible Consume the entire product, but as long as the metal part is eaten. Our product is tantamount to scrapping. Like warships and mobile angels in our guild. These things use a lot of metal, so iron worms are dangerous for most people.

Of course, since I dare to take this thing. It is because our guild has targeted the iron worm.

All mobile angels and warships in this guild are equipped with special heating systems. When necessary, the local or entire area can be quickly heated to a high temperature of eighty degrees. At this temperature, the iron worm will die in less than a second. Can play a role in fast insecticide.

Of course, it doesn't mean that we are not afraid of iron worms. After all, some things are small and cannot be installed with heating arrays. So I'm still afraid of these little things. However, we generally use such small things very carefully, so there have been no problems so far.

During the time we looked at the American weapon holder opposite, that guy was gradually degraded and eaten at the speed visible to the naked eye in front of us. I saw that guy's originally shiny metal quickly turned red and fell off, and then the internal parts popped out one after another and turned into metal powder one after another. It took less than two minutes from start to finish, and this American weapon holder who was so powerful before us was completely turned into a pile of iron slag.

"Sure enough, one thing at a time!" Christina sighed as she watched the American weapon holder who had completely turned into a pile of slag.

Compared to Christina, I have to be more cautious, and promptly remind her: "Don't hold on! Get rid of poison!"

"Ah? Oh!" Christina reacted after being reminded. The staff a little, the pile of iron **** and the surrounding area suddenly turned red, and then instantly became a lava pit. The temperature at which this metal can be melted. Of course, the heat resistance of the iron worm can be completely eliminated instantly, and there will be absolutely no residue.

In fact, when talking about these small things, they are really good to deal with. Because they have no brains, they will swarm up as long as there is metal, no matter what the surroundings are, so you can easily attract them together with a piece of scrap iron, and then just light the fire to completely destroy these small things.

After we got this American holder, we naturally turned our attention to the gold coins and the Indian wizard.

Because the poisonous baby of the Indian wizard and the flying sword of gold coins all came to an end, both people now almost treat each other as a deadly enemy. But like I said, the profession of the Taoist system is specifically to restrain these left-hands, so Indian wizards are inherently weak when facing gold coins. What's worse, the gold coins that this guy encounters are not ordinary. , But Jianxian.

"You actually ruined my flying sword, and I want you to pay for your life!" The gold coins threw their sword bag in anger, and then saw the flood-like flying sword suddenly bursting out of the cloth bag like the small sachet. The tide, the space around it was completely filled with flying swords in an instant, and those flying swords were not hovering there ~ ~ but they were spinning around her around the gold coins.

The sound of tens of thousands of flying swords spinning together is almost like a group of bombers are lining up for takeoff, not only the sound is amazing, but more importantly, these flying swords have stirred the surrounding air to form a tornado-like effect. It was flying sand and rocks, even the buildings were drawn in.

"What a joke? Is it necessary to deal with a million swords against a single person?" Christina couldn't help but talk about seeing the horror look over the gold coins.

I took a look at the situation on your side of the gold coins and said, "Don't worry about her, kill the other Rainbow Alliance people. The American national weapon holder can get the gold coins alone."

Christina said: "I'm not worried that the gold coins are indeterminate, I just feel that it is too exaggerated. It is estimated that after the gold coins get the guy, the guy must be cut into meat. No, there is no meat left."

"Just don't be killed, let her go. Let's go first." (To be continued ...)


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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