Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 316: It ’s not just you who drill holes

"Chairman, if you have a way, say it quickly? Don't hang our appetite!" Everyone in the Rainbow Alliance looked at Yusina and urged her to answer quickly, because they all really wanted to get this answer.

Yusina didn't really let them wait long. After they all focused, they immediately said, "You're right, the system restricted the local Protoss from participating in the civil war, so the Free Protoss cannot really participate. Our battle with the Temple of Neptune. But ... "Yusina deliberately dragged her voice to the elder, and then continued in the eyes of everyone expecting:" But if another guild would attack Isinger's mobile fortress, What about? "

"Issinger Mobile Fortress?"

"Another guild?"

For a moment, everyone didn't fully understand what Yusena meant, but this kind of thing was not too complicated, so someone soon responded, and then heard a voice exclaiming, "Ah! I thought about it. "

With the emergence of this voice, of course, the eyes of the people in the room immediately gathered, and then I heard the guy explain: "Issinger Mobile Fortress is a mobile city. It is different from ordinary cities. But strictly speaking it is still a city, and it is very unfortunate that the Isinger Mobile Fortress is a Chinese sovereign city with territorial rights. "

As soon as this guy had spoken here, there was a sound of realization.

Actually this question is well understood. Isinger's Mobile Fortress is not the kind of city that hangs in the name of another country. He is a sovereign city. In other words, when Isinger moved the fortress, the land around him would automatically become Chinese territory.

This is of course no problem when the Isinger Mobile Fortress moves within its own country, but once the Isinger Mobile Fortress goes abroad, it will be different. Because Isinger Mobile Fortress automatically sets the surrounding land as its own territory, when Isinger Mobile Fortress moved to US territory, a territorial change actually occurred, and the sovereignty of a piece of land changed from one country to another In a country, such a change is equivalent to aggression, that is, according to the rules of the system, in fact, after the Isinger Mobile Fortress entered the territory of another country. In fact, the protoss of other countries have permission to shoot Isinger's mobile fortress. Because Isinger's moving fortress into the territory of another country is itself an act of aggression. Regardless of whether he was invited or just passing by, or really came to invade, anyway, according to system regulations, as long as Isinger moved the fortress to the territory of another country, it was already considered aggression.

but. Why Isinger moved Fortress so many times abroad. Are they hardly attacked by protoss in those countries?

the reason is simple. Because we are proto-relatives, and the procedures for attacking us are illegal.

The reason for Protoss households is well understood. Because the ring of commandments is currently under the custody of our guild, the various protoss and our guild are somewhat related. Of course, another war really happened, but as long as we don't really run to invade people, the general protoss forces will not want to be our enemy, this is certain. Therefore, when the Isinger mobile fortress passed by or was invited to help fight in other countries, the protoss of those countries did not intervene, because we either went to help fight the civil war or just passed by. It was not really aggression. People sold us. Face, one eye closed and one eye passed. The only times the Issinger Mobile Fortress was attacked were in Russia or Japan. Both of these places really entered into a state of war with us, so even attacking each other is understandable.

In addition to the reason for this relationship, the second reason is that the procedure is illegal.

According to the system's restrictions on local protoss, the protoss cannot launch an attack as soon as the enemy's personnel enter the territory of the country. They must first let the player fight. If the player is unsure, they can apply for assistance to the local protoss. At this time, the local protoss of the country can really participate in the war. Essinger was passing by those countries before moving the fortress. There was no war with local players. In this case, of course, the protoss forces cannot attack us. For example, although it appeared in Germany before helping the Iron Crusaders to gain supremacy, but because it was a civil war, the attacked German guilds never even wanted to ask for a protoss, and naturally the local protoss There will be no cell phone meeting. Of course, even if the small guilds in Germany really ask for them, there will actually be no protoss, because our guilds and the European Dark Temple are still closely related, unless we really plan to destroy a few German guilds. We will build our own territories over there, otherwise this apparently temporary suspension will certainly not really make the European Temple of Darkness sell.

It is precisely because Essinger has traveled to many countries before but was hardly attacked by the local protoss, so many people did not expect that there is still such a method available.

After seeing that everyone understood what they meant, Yusina began to say, "You're right. Now Essinger's Mobile Fortress is really on the territory of our country, and a piece of belonging is created within the territory of the United States. Chinese territory, this is the territorial change. We and Neptune Palace have already turned into civil war mode before, so the Free Protoss will not help us, but if there is a third party guild, they will directly attack the Isinger movement of the Frost Rose Alliance without participating in the battle. Fortress, then it can be judged as resistance to invasion, and in this case, you can ask the Free Protoss to shoot. "

"But will the Free Protoss really shoot?" One player said worriedly, "The Free Protoss is not an npc that operates according to procedures, and their thinking is also very complicated."

"It's because of the complex thinking that the Liberty Protoss will definitely take it." Yusina said confidently. "Some of you should know that in fact, the relationship between Ziri and the Free Protoss is very bad. Japan is very annoying, so as long as we give them excuses, the Free Protoss will do everything they can to participate. "

"If the Free Protoss participate in our battle, it can really limit the fighting power of the Frost Rose Alliance, and if the Free Protoss mobilizes a few masters, maybe it can really kill the purple sun." Someone said.

"Actually, it's not a big problem to kill Ziri. It's not a big deal for Ziri to die once or twice. It doesn't have much practical value. As long as the Free Protoss can find a way to limit those high-end forces of the Frost Rose Alliance. We have already benefited a lot. As long as the Frost Rose Alliance can't get started, Neptune Palace alone is definitely not our opponent. At that time, as long as we destroy the Frost Rose Alliance, we will lose the reason to stay, unless they I really intend to invade the United States, otherwise we will leave without leaving. "

"High, this method is really good."

Everyone on the Rainbow Alliance cheered because they thought of a way to deal with us. And Essinger wasn't idle here. Because we already know each other's intentions.

"You mean that the Rainbow Alliance intends to let the Free Protoss intervene in our civil war?" Teri asked in surprise.

"I have a live video here, do you want to watch it?" I rolled a crystal ball directly down the table, and Terry immediately took it and took a look at what was recorded.

This picture was taken by our guild's reconnaissance mosquito. And there is sound. It's like installing a camera on site. Except for the fact that the mosquitoes are hanging upside down on the ceiling, the picture is completely upside down, and everything else can be said to be similar to a live broadcast.

After watching this video, Terry frowned immediately: "The Free Protoss can really participate in the battle if they say this way!"

"It's not that it's not good, but it will." I completely destroyed Terry's fluke. "You probably don't know. I have a personal grudge against the Statue of Liberty, so whenever possible, the Liberty Tribe will do everything to trouble me. This time Yusina will send her a ready excuse to her, if she doesn't It ’s strange to be here. "

"What to do?" A player in the Temple of Neptune said anxiously: "Now the union of the Rainbow Alliance and the Paladin Union alone has made us so miserable. If even the Free Protoss are mixed in, we can There is really no hope! "

"In fact, that may not be the case." Christina said, "We have played against the free protoss before. If we really want to fight, the victory is just five or five. We may not lose. In fact, we really have to say, our The win is even bigger. "

"You guys are so powerful?" A player in the Temple of Neptune asked in surprise.

"It's not a serious problem. We have a special way to deal with the Protoss." The gold coins just returned from the resurrection said to his seat, "Is the Protoss free to join the war, right? Just kill a few of our storage tanks Enough. "

"Gold coins." I yelled at the gold coins suddenly.

The gold coin also knew that he had leaked, and quickly stopped, and then sat down and said, "In fact, I do n’t think the free protoss need to worry. The free protoss of all nations is the least threatening one because their heritage is too Less, there are n’t many real high-end gods at all, and those protoss that are pieced together are some direct combat types. We do n’t fear anyone who fights alone. ”

"In fact, the gold coins are correct. The most terrible thing for the Protoss is not their combat power, but their special abilities and special equipment. The Free Protoss is the shortest established among all the Protoss in all countries, and it is almost impossible to have any inventory, so I also think there is a problem. Not much. "Christina added after adding:" But then again, since the free protoss is an American protoss, considering the protoss power of each country in the game is roughly equal to the actual national situation, I doubt the individual deities of the free protoss Might be very exaggerated. "

"We can't actually discuss anything about this issue for the time being, because the fighting power of the Free Protoss is unknown, so we are now discussing to come and go are futile." Rose said: "You are now doing this, it is not reliable to calculate it. It ’s better to do something practical. ”

"Excuse me, what do you mean by actual?" Asked a player from the Temple of Neptune.

"So-called actual ..." Rose said: "Actually, they are not given an excuse to participate in the war."

"There are as many excuses as there are such things, how can they make them find no excuses?" The Neptune player asked again.

"I'm not saying that we really need to prevent the free protoss from participating in the war, that is, to find a way to hinder their time in the war, that is, to let them enter the war as late as possible, so that at least we can gain a little more advantage. Even if it works well, we Maybe you can drag it on until the end of the battle without giving the free protoss a chance to participate in the war. "

Even Teri was excited when she heard what Rose said. "Is that okay? Tell us what we are going to do?"

"You also saw the video. One of the prerequisites for the Free Protoss to participate in the war is that we must have a direct war with the American Guild, so that it can be regarded as an invasion. The Rainbow Alliance cannot be counted, because we are your Temple of Neptune. Please come, you are now fighting civil war with Rainbow Alliance, so our previous battle with Rainbow Alliance did not have any actual effect and cannot be used as a prerequisite for Liberty to break through the restrictions. This is why Yusina said that she is looking for a third party. The reason for the guild intervention. We can actually take some measures to avoid conflicts when they look for third-party guilds. For example, whenever we see American guild personnel outside the Rainbow Alliance, our Frost Rose Alliance personnel avoid It ’s enough to fight with them. These people let the people in the Temple of Neptune attack first. As long as your people in the Temple of Neptune fight with this guild, you will be in a state of civil war, and at this time we have the Frost Rose Alliance. Reasonable grounds for continuing to attack the other party. "

Terry said with some understanding: "That is to say, as long as the guilds do not engage with you first, but are dragged into battle by our people, isn't it a problem?"

Rose said with a smile: "Yes, that's what it means. The Rainbow Alliance wants to let the Free Protoss fight by relying on a loophole in the rules. We can also prevent them from participating in the war by a loophole in the rules. A little bit of care did not let the people in our guild be attacked by the American guild outside the Rainbow Alliance first, or our attack accidentally hit third-party personnel, then they can get excuses, as long as we don't have these situations Instead, they were dragged into war mode by the first attack by your Neptune Hall, then they could not invite the Free Protoss. "

"It feels so complicated to do!"

"It is indeed complicated, but this is the only way to prevent the free protoss from taking action." Rose said.

Terry nodded: "At present this can only be the case. However, even the Free Protoss has not been able to participate in the war, but how do we get the Rainbow Alliance next? Their overall combat power is now stronger than us!" br />

"Have you not read the battle report?" I asked Terry in surprise ~ ~ Terry asked me in confusion: "What battle report?"

"A systematic map of the battlefield situation."

"That thing is only about numbers. What's the point?" Terry asked, looking like he wasn't sure.

"I'm convinced you! How did you become the current president?" I reluctantly opened the icon of the report to him, and then pointed at the standing force on the top and compared: "Did you find you? The combat effectiveness curve of the two sides is getting closer? This shows that guerrilla warfare has begun to take effect. As long as you continue, you can surpass the Rainbow Alliance to gain an overall combat advantage. At that time, you don't need to worry about anything, and it will be OK to push the authority. "

"Hahahaha! Sure enough, it is the right choice for you to take the Frost Rose League." (To be continued ...)


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