Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 324: Ready to launch

We brought back hundreds of millions of NPC soldiers from the outside. It is absolutely impossible to hide such a large group of people. Even if our Frost Rose Alliance has some superiority in reconnaissance capabilities, the Rainbow Alliance is not all blind, so soon Yusina also knew about the soldiers I brought back.

However, although the Rainbow Alliance already knows that we brought back many soldiers, those at the bottom of the Rainbow Alliance did not show much concern, and the reason for this is that Yusina finally contacted me out During the purchase of arms, the Liberty Prototype successfully took over.

Because several waves of messengers sent by the Rainbow Alliance were intercepted by us, this time Yusina went in person. Although we also knew that this time we could not intercept successfully, but Frost Rose Alliance and Neptune Hall still sent their respective interception teams to carry out harassing interception on Yusina, but the result was exactly what we thought. Yusina was with the Indian wizard and the creature. The combat effectiveness of the three was too strong, and our intercepting forces did not play any role at all.

The Statue of Liberty was a little confused at the beginning when she met Yusina, but the first sentence of Yusina after being received by the Statue of Liberty was: "Did you know that Isinger moved the fortress to the United States?"

Of course, the Statue of Liberty knew that Isinger moved the fortress to the United States, and their Liberty Protoss did not have their own intelligence network. Isinger moved the fortress to such a big thing in the United States, not to mention that it is still playing like this with American players, and they all sleep It's time to wake up when you die. So, of course, the Statue of Liberty knew that Isinger had moved to the United States.

The Statue of Liberty nodded: "Of course I know that Isinger's Mobile Fortress has arrived in the United States, and I also know that Frost Rose Alliance intends to help the Temple of Neptune and your Rainbow Alliance to compete for the supremacy of our American region."

When Yusina heard the words of the Statue of Liberty, she immediately said, "So do you know that Ziri has also come to the United States?"

The Statue of Liberty didn't respond much to my name. After just a little silence, I suddenly said, "Of course I know that Ziri is here. I even know that you are here to help you deal with Ziri, against the Frost Rose Alliance, against the Isinger Mobile Fortress. But ... "The Statue of Liberty said a sudden pause here, and then continued after Yusina looked at her:" But we are protoss. We are the guardians of the region, and we cannot casually participate in battles between players. "

"No, you can," Yusina said. "As long as there is an invasion of foreign enemies, as the regional guardian gods, you can participate in the battle legitimately and reasonably."

The Statue of Liberty nodded and said, "You are right, but you forgot. The Frost Rose Alliance this time is a helper invited by the Temple of Neptune. They are mercenaries and are anchored in the name of the Temple of Neptune during the battle, and The Temple of Neptune is an American guild. The battle between your Rainbow Alliance and the Temple of Neptune belongs to the American Civil War, even if there are foreign forces participating in the battle. But as long as they are not at war with you, this is still a civil war, so we did not participate. conditions of."

"No, you have." Yusina said suddenly after the Statue of Liberty said, "I know what you think of the Statue of Liberty, but you can listen to my thoughts first." You ca n’t wait for the Statue of Liberty to nod You Xina stood up and started to introduce the theory they had discussed at the Rainbow League.

The Statue of Liberty has been listening to Eusina's introduction very seriously, and when I heard that Isinger's Mobile Fortress is a foreign city and has natural land attributes. The lady of liberty suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"Hahahaha, this is the case, this is the case!" The Statue of Liberty laughed and said, "You are very reasonable. Although the Frost Rose Alliance is participating in the fight as a mercenary this time, no matter what their identity is, After all, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is a Chinese city. A Chinese city appeared on our American soil. This is aggression! As the guardian protoss in the United States, we of course the Free Protoss have an obligation to expel these invaders, and what we need now is a Just an excuse to start. So. Will your Rainbow Alliance find this excuse for us? "

"No, we don't need to find it. In fact, we are ready." Yusina said with a smile and said, "In fact, we have sent two people to contact you before, but because of the Frost Rose League blocking. So none of the messengers could reach you, but our special forces had already begun when the first messenger set off, because the delays of the first two groups of people might not have succeeded in sending our special operations forces. Encountered Essinger Mobile Fortress. As long as they launch an attack on Essinger Mobile Fortress and hit it, we will have an excuse to go to war. "

The Statue of Liberty said with a smile: "You're right. I'm going back now to assemble the troops. You have to complete that task as soon as possible, and let Isinger's Mobile Fortress be dragged into the war, then we can start to fight it."

Yusina said with a smile: "You can rest assured that we are more urgent than you and your family."

After communicating with the Statue of Liberty, Yusina returned to the Rainbow Alliance with her creatures and Indian wizards. Here they regrouped a large number of senior personnel and waited for the news of the raid. As long as the assault forces encounter our Isinger Mobile Fortress, they can then join the battle.

In fact, although the personnel sent by Yusina to perform this sneak attack were Rainbow Alliance members, they have actually separated from the Rainbow Alliance establishment. Because the Rainbow Alliance is now at war with the Temple of Neptune, even if they are at war with our guild, it does not make any sense, because we are mercenaries of the Temple of Neptune and will not cause international disputes.

Therefore, Yusina removed the group from the Rainbow Alliance, and temporarily formed a guild. This newly established guild is a guild in the system, so they have all the rights of a guild. Moreover, because this guild was newly formed, there is no record of participation in the battle. Now just anyone in this little guild. Attacking Essinger fortress once and hitting, or this person was killed or hit once by our Frost Rose Alliance, then our Frost Rose Alliance and this American guild are in a state of war.

Because our Frost Rose Alliance is a Chinese guild, if it enters a state of war with this American guild, it is considered a national war. And because of Isinger's mobile fortress in the United States. So once we have a national war between the Frost Rose Alliance and the American Guild, even if we invade the United States, the Statue of Liberty will have an excuse to participate in the war.

This is actually a loophole, but the system recognizes it that way, so proper use of the loophole can be considered as a capability of the player's guild. If you can't find this vulnerability to exploit, it only means that you haven't used your brain.

Just as Ursina waited anxiously at the Rainbow Alliance headquarters. The group of attackers had successfully touched Isinger's mobile fortress not far away. However, they are still a long way from Isinger's Mobile Fortress. The reason why they don't look far away is mainly because Isinger's Mobile Fortress is too large. Singh's mobile fortress was suspended above his head.

What this group of people has to do is attack the Isinger Mobile Fortress once, or be attacked once by our Frost Rose Alliance. However, they must ensure that they cannot be attacked by the people in the Temple of Neptune, otherwise they will be dragged into the battle for supremacy in the Temple of Neptune, and once they are dragged into the battle for hegemony, they will not be eligible to cause the war of the land.

In order not to be attacked by the people in the Temple of Neptune, these people must ensure that they are not found by anyone, because whether it is found by the people of our Frost Rose Alliance or by the people of the Temple of Neptune, the people of the Temple of Neptune will definitely come to attack They, so as not to drag the war to the Temple of Neptune. They can only remain undetected.

Although these people are advanced players, they are very good at hiding, but Isinger's Mobile Fortress is not good-looking. It has a wide field of vision in the sky and a large number of magic detection equipment inside, so the observation range and monitoring intensity of Isinger's Mobile Fortress are very strong. If they want to approach the Isinger Mobile Fortress silently, It's not that simple.

"My God! This stuff is so big!" A former Rainbow Alliance player sighed while watching Isinger's moving fortress overhead.

Another former Rainbow League player beside him glanced at this sighing player and said, "Have you not seen Isinger Mobile Fortress before?"

The player who was asked said, "Isinger's Mobile Fortress usually stops on top of Isinger's Twin City, don't you think anyone will go up?"

"But did Essinger go out and perform several missions before moving the fortress?"

"I didn't run into it just once. Is there anything strange?"

The two were talking there, and a former Rainbow League player who seemed to be the captain said, "Both are quiet. Now the most important thing is how to attack the Isinger mobile fortress above. I just realized that we seem to be thinking about things It's too simple. "

The former Rainbow League player next to him looked at the captain and asked, "Is there any way? We can't give up here when we are all here? If we go back like this, the president will throw us into the meat grinder! "

"Our previous plan was to use a musket for a long-range attack and then fire a shot at Isinger's Mobile Fortress. Anyway, our purpose is to trigger the battle, not to cause much damage to Isinger's Mobile Fortress. But ... you see this This height. I feel like my gun is out of reach! "

In fact, the reason for such low-level errors is entirely due to visual errors.

Essinger's mobile fortress is too large, so when it is suspended in the air, even if it is in a high position, it does not seem to feel how high it is, but instead feels like it will land at any time. You can refer to the height of the moon in this regard. In fact, the distance between the moon and the earth is about 300,000 kilometers, but when we look up at the moon from the ground, you will feel that it is not very high, and it feels that the moon is just a little higher than an airplane, and sometimes even You will feel that some planes are higher than the moon, which is the illusion that the moon is too big.

Same thing. The size of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is too large, so when it is suspended at a height of two kilometers, it feels like it is flying on the ground, and the Isinger Mobile Fortress will barely make people feel that It flew up. The current height of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is eight kilometers from the ground. This height is the normal hovering height of the Isinger Mobile Fortress. At this height, it seems that the Isinger Mobile Fortress is very close to the ground, but the actual Eight kilometers is not a small number.

These people thought that as long as they shot near Isinger's Mobile Fortress, they would be done, so they didn't worry about the task before, but they really found out when they stood under Isinger's Mobile Fortress. It's eight kilometers away and it's still vertical. They can't really reach directly below Isinger's Moving Fortress, so they need to fire at an angle, so the range will increase. And if the bullet flies up, the kinetic energy consumption and the horizontal consumption are obviously not the same. In this case, let alone say that the actual range of this player's musket is only 1,800 meters, even if his gun can shoot 18,000 kilometers in a flat shot, the bullet will definitely not fly 8 kilometers when shooting upwards. In other words, the weapons with the longest range here are not enough for Isinger to move the fortress.

"I rely, how can this be done? You can't feel it? You already know that it's better to attack the homeland of Frost Rose Alliance!" Said the former Rainbow League player who spoke first.

This player originally said so, but the captain suddenly shouted in excitement after stunning: "Yeah! Your boy is a **** genius!"

"What did I say?" The ex-Rainbow League player who had said a good way did not respond at all what the captain thought.

The captain looked at the people around him with a question mark in his head, and immediately knew that they didn't understand ~ ~ and immediately said: "Did you just hear the kid's words?"

"I heard it, but I don't understand it!"

"It's stupid!" The captain explained: "Our mission is to trigger the fighting between our guild and the Frost Rose Alliance, but we can't blend the Neptune Hall. So we only need to attack the Frost Rose Alliance city. But, does the Frost Rose League have only one Isinger mobile fortress? It seems not, right? They are so tightly guarded in our Isinger mobile fortress in our United States, are n’t their home cities so guarded?

The captain understood all the people around him. "I rely on it, why didn't I think of it before! Hurry up and let's hurry back to inform the president. As long as someone is sent to China to attack any city of Frost Rose Alliance, will we not enter a state of war with Frost Rose Alliance? Really? There is a simple choice not to find the hard bones of Isinger's Mobile Fortress. It was really dizzy before! "(To be continued)




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