Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 333: Latest information

The strength of the Statue of Liberty is not much of the main gods of the Protoss, but she is the main **** after all. This level of existence is very powerful no matter where it is, so in general, you need to deal with the words of a main god. It is best to have Another main **** can only be present.

Our problem now is not that our guild does not have a main god. The main **** of the chaos and order protoss is Wei Na, and Wei Na's strength is pretty good. Although her starting point is a little lower, but in our guild an infinite amount of faith Under the supply of power, the improvement of Wei Na ’s strength is also very scary, so if Wei Na can participate in the war, the Statue of Liberty does not pose any threat to us. However, the key issue is that Wei Na is not able to participate in the battle now.

Although this time the Jehovah ’s power of the Lord helped drag the Siberian protoss, so the chaos and order protoss can participate in the American side of the battle, but Wei Na cannot leave Russia because she needs to ensure that the entire Russian development is covered with divine power Zone, so that players on our side will get the attribute bonus. Otherwise, as long as the Siberian Protoss sends any Protoss to the field, the players on our side will be passive, so we can only let Vena stay in To the development zone.

Because Wei Na was unable to participate in the battle, a problem appeared on our side, that is, we did not have the Lord God to deal with the Statue of Liberty. And I brought the Twelve-Star Gods this time because I thought that Wei Na could not leave and needed high-end combat power to deal with the Statue of Liberty, so they brought them.

The fighting power of the Twelve Star Gods was already good, and now with the help of the ring of commandments, it is even more icing on the cake. The current fighting power of the Twelve-Star Gods has surpassed their strength before becoming a chaos and order protoss, which means that they now have a more exaggerated fighting power when they were in the Olympian protoss.

You should know that the Twelve Stars were very powerful when they were in the Olympian Protoss. They even could be tied with Zeus. Although Zeus's personal style was problematic, this did not affect his combat effectiveness. As the main deity of the Olympus Protoss known as the fighting protoss, Zeus's combat power can be imagined, and the Liberty Goddess is only the main deity of the comprehensive Protoss, so the gap between the two should be great. Now that the Twelve Stars can work together to get Zeus, it should be no problem to get this Statue of Liberty.

Terry didn't believe all of this to me, but now he doesn't have any good way. Since I said so. Of course, there is nothing he can do, but let's try it first.

Because the fighting between the two sides has been going on for some time, the battle situation is now a little chaotic, and even management systems such as War God have experienced a certain delay. But in general, the battlefield situation is barely within control. After asking about God of War on my side soon, God of War gave the information below to everyone on our side. Soon afterwards, local personnel reported the discovery of the Statue of Liberty.

"found it?"

"Well. The other party is now in a place called Recruit City."

"Recruit City? Player City?"

"I don't know, I don't have any information about this city."

"Where is that? You can't tell me you don't know where they are?"

"That's not it." Army Shinto: "You don't need to know the specific location to go directly to the teleportation array. Just specify the coordinates of the recruit city. The city is currently under our control."


Since the city is under our control, it means that the teleportation array is under our control, so it is sufficient to use the teleportation array directly.

Because I do n’t know the specific coordinates of the recruit city, Star God ca n’t help me fly directly, we can only use the teleport array to pass, because there is pre-preserved coordinate information in the teleport array.

When we rushed to the teleportation battlefield, outside the recruit city, a large group of players and npc from our Frost Rose Alliance and the Sea King Temple were desperately running away, but it was not the ordinary Rainbow Alliance personnel who were behind them. It is a **** from the Liberty tribe, and more importantly, the Liberty Goddess is in it.

Of course, it is impossible to attract the Statue of Liberty to play with the strength of ordinary players, but now it has a very important attraction here, because in the recruit city behind them, a lot of high-end magic crystals are hoarded.

Magic crystal and magic crystal are not a kind of thing. Magic crystal is a kind of energy ore. It doesn't have much value in itself. Its value lies in its ability to carry energy. In other words, what we need is magic crystal. Among the magic, the magic spar is just something like a battery.

However, the magic crystal is different. Like magic crystal, there are many classifications of magic crystal. Most of them are common varieties. The price is not too high, but it is not cheap. However, some varieties of magic crystal are very exaggerated, for example, there is a bright red magic crystal.

This magic crystal is called red orange stone, which has a very strange property, that is, the property of destroying the structure of matter. If this feature comes out alone, some people may not understand what it is worth, but if I say that this thing is designed to break defenses, it is estimated that many people can understand it.

In the United States, the price of this red orange stone is very high, and American players have been buying this red orange stone from guilds around the world, and the price is quite high. The reason why this kind of thing is needed is mainly because this red orange stone is one of the important raw materials of the special bullet used by the Musketeer.

Just like nitric acid must be used to make bullets in reality, unless the musketeers in the game use conventional ammunition, as long as they use special ammunition, this red orange stone must be used, because as long as it is added in the bullet A small amount of this red orange stone can make the warhead have armor-breaking properties. Of course, such a cost-effective thing many musketeers will do. In addition, if you use the red orange stone to make the shape of the warhead, and then only drill holes inside the warhead to fill other killing substances, then this beautiful bullet will have the property of ignoring defense by percentage.

This ability is really good for attacking high-end players, so American players can't give up this ammunition anyway. But relatively speaking, for the manufacture of this ammunition, they must hoard this red orange stone in large quantities, because the musketeers rely on bullets to eat, and once they fight, this consumption will be very horrible.

Because the consumption of red orange stone is relatively scary, American players will usually hoard this stuff in large quantities, and because everyone's hoarding has led to further increase in demand, the price of red orange stone in the United States has never been played. Going up. Not long ago, after the capture of this city, the players of the Neptune Hall accidentally found that this place was actually a red orange stone hoarding point of a certain guild, and it was a secret hoarding point. There has never been news before that there is a lot of red orange stone here. And this time it was purely by accident.

Facing so many red orange stones. Of course, the Temple of Neptune wants to be removed immediately, but the Liberty side did not know how to get the news, and then the Statue of Liberty personally came to hunt down our Frost Rose Alliance and the staff of the Temple of Neptune, hoping to take these things back.

Although the Statue of Liberty came here in person, many people needed to deal with it. In addition, we know that there are a lot of valuable things here, and we have taken some of the elite past from our Frost Rose League. So now our combat effectiveness outside this recruit town is quite good. Although the Statue of Liberty is a protoss. But in this kind of giving place, she can't use big tricks, so she can only kill slowly, even though the result of the battle is one-sided. But it's not fast.

When the squad of soldiers was in a mess, the nervous and busy teleportation team was more busy than outside.

Because the value of red orange stone is very high, and people on our side also know that they can't stop the enemy. After all, the Statue of Liberty is here. We can't beat it here, so we can only control the city while it is still under control. Hurry up and speed up the rush, you can take a little bit more, anyway, as long as you do n’t leave it to the enemy.

Because the red orange stone is being transported here, the busy situation of the transport team is now comparable to the railway station during the Spring Festival. However, while people here were busy pushing supplies to the teleportation array, the array was ready to receive the light.

When the player in charge of transportation saw that the teleportation array was on and was ready to receive the teleportation, he immediately dissatisfied and shouted, "What the hell? At this time, I didn't know how to grab the goods here. ? "

The player in charge of the teleportation team immediately said, "It's not our operation. The opposite side uses the highest authority. I can't control it!"

While the two were complaining over there, the teleportation over the teleportation team had already begun. As the light turned on and the darkness faded, there were thirteen additional figures in the field. Because the light has not completely extinguished, when people look outside, they feel that their eyes are going to be blind, and they see that there is a golden light in the teleportation array, and the flashing people cannot open their eyes.

"I trust, is there anything wrong?"

When the people outside couldn't help but block their eyes, the light had completely extinguished, and then I saw that I came out of the teleportation team with the twelve stars. The group who were still complaining shut up when they saw us. Although those players in the Temple of Neptune do not think that I can handle the Statue of Liberty by myself, they are at least certain. As long as I am present, they can at least get more than ten times more transport. Confidence.

Compared to those players in the Temple of Neptune, our players in the Frost Rose Alliance are much more excited. They all know how powerful I am, so they cheered immediately after seeing me.

I reached out and waved, motioned them to keep busy, and then took the star gods straight out of the city and left.

Just as we walked outside, on the other side, beyond the Russian border, the expeditionary forces sent by Jehovah's Holy See were flying on a rugged mountain road. Although the path of this route is almost a sheep intestine trail, and the road is high and uneven, on one side is a steep cliff, and on the other is a magnificent abyss, which looks very dangerous. However, don't forget that these are combatants sent by Jehovah's Holy See, almost all of which are very powerful beings. I have never heard of a Protoss member accidentally falling off a cliff and walking to death. Besides, there are a lot of angels in Jehovah ’s Holy See. Although these angels look ugly, they have at least wings and can really fly. So even if someone falls, there are many people who can go down and save him.

Looking at the army on the move, Jehovah himself was not in the army at this time, but was in the guild's temporary headquarters in the Russian Development Zone.

The reason why Jehovah is here is actually very simple, because he is a commander and does not need to march with troops. In any country, there are local protoss forces in charge of the way. He is a commander who can tell this task to his department Go ahead, and he himself reached the side using teleport first, and is now receiving the intelligence guidance of the commanders who stayed here in our guild.

Jehovah knew little about Siberian protoss before. Although I gave him some materials. However, if this is the case, the understanding is not comprehensive, and what Jehovah needs to know is not only the tactical information of the other party, but also the current situation. What tactics and strategies to adopt in the current situation need to be determined after consideration. Not that you think of anything.

Although this guy like Jehovah usually likes to cry poor. And a little bit unreliable. But he is still very serious about such things as divine warfare. This kind of thing can be said to be a major event for the Protoss, so even the unreliable people will take it seriously. Moreover, Jehovah's usual image is pretended, but he is actually a very strict person. The reason why it is so unreliable can only be described as a disguise.

Just as Jehovah was listening to us, suddenly the door of that room was knocked open. The person in charge of the Bank who was explaining the situation to Jehovah immediately turned his head to the door, and was surprised to find that the person who came in was actually Matsumoto Masako.

"Matsumoto-kun? How do you ...?" The player in charge found that Matsumoto Masayoshi was not alone, and behind him were August smoked, Sakura Rain chicks, Blazing Dragon Ji and a Presidents of a large number of Japanese guilds and other guild presidents who participated in the development zone. It was found that so many people were present together. Of course, the person in charge knew that a major incident had occurred, so he asked, "What happened?"

After Matsumoto came in, he took a seat in his seat, then turned to look at August smoked, and August smoked directly: "We just intercepted an intelligence."


"Well." August smoked nodded. "The Frozen Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guilds are carrying out some kind of large-scale plan. They discussed together for a long time and left the meeting place. Then one of the Russian guilds The president left Russia with some very special players. "

"A president of the Russian guild left Russia?" The head of our Frost Rose Alliance took a moment to respond and suddenly looked up. Then he looked at the Lord and said, "Did the Russian guild presidents intend Go outside to ask for foreign aid? "

Matsumoto and Kaoru had not spoken yet, but Jehovah, who had been looking at the map to remember the current battlefield situation, said, "Since Ziri can invite me, then those in the Russian guild will go to Siberia. Protoss might be excusable for some helpers, right? "

In fact, Jehovah really talked about the idea. In fact, this is almost the case. Because the power that came from the heavenly court scared the Siberian Protoss, and then the Siberian Protoss was quite hesitant to cooperate with the presidents of the Russian guilds. I do n’t know if I was scared or wanted to sit on the ground and start the price. Anyway, there was a problem with the cooperation between the Russian guild presidents and the Siberian protoss.

In fact, even if the Siberian Protoss did not respond to this, the presidents of the Russian guilds and the frozen banshee Bacheng would go out to find foreign aid, because they had seen how embarrassing the Siberian Protoss was in front of the powerful of our guild Already. This made the Frozen Banshees and the presidents of the Russian guilds realize that the Siberian protoss is a newly formed protoss after all. Their strength is too weak to be used as a true protoss. In other words, they think they have the advantage and have direct support from a protoss such as the Siberian Protoss, which seems to be cheaper than our Frost Rose Alliance. But in fact, the combat effectiveness of the Siberian Protoss is not as good as the chaos and order of our Frost Rose Alliance.

This situation is so vague that the Frozen Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guilds have not noticed this problem before, so they did not think about asking for foreign aid. but. This time the Siberian Protoss were actually scared away by a power, and then they suddenly raised the price of cooperation. This was a complete disappointment of the Frozen Banshee and the Russian guild presidents to the Siberian Protoss. It is for this reason that the Frozen Banshees and the Presidents of the Russian Guilds began to draw their attention away from the Siberian Protoss, and for the first time they began to rethink what happened to their cooperation with the Siberian Protoss .

There was nothing wrong with not thinking about this problem, but now they have discovered the problem. However, the Frozen Banshees and the presidents of the Russian guilds were not so worried about discovering the problem of this Siberian protoss, instead they became more confident, because they felt that they had found out before more serious problems appeared. The Siberian Protoss is actually in a state of being strong in the outside world, which is far better than finding a problem after a major problem later.

It is because of the awareness that the Siberian Protoss is not reliable. So even knowing that the great **** of our guild just happened to pass by. The Frozen Banshees and the Russian guild presidents still agreed to go outside to find a powerful protoss back to support their battle. Of course, the Frozen Banshees on the Siberian Protoss did not intend to offend them. Although the Russians are known as fighting nations, they have reckless characteristics, but the presidents of the guilds of Russia are not vesicles. Just the opposite. These guys are smart.

The presidents of these Russian guilds are very clear. Even if the Siberian Protoss no longer work, it is still a protoss, and they are still authentic Protoss in Russia. Therefore, the Siberian protoss not only cannot offend, but also continue to win.

However, although the Siberian Protoss should not be guilty, the Frozen Banshee still let the departing Russian guild president go outside to find another protoss to Russia to assist the Siberian Protoss to deal with us. Of course, speaking to the Siberian Protoss can only be described in terms of reducing the burden.

In any case, the presidents of the Russian guilds realized the current situation and made adjustments. The Russian guild president who left Russia actually knew an overseas protoss power for some reason, and this time he left with those special players to negotiate. These special professional players have special negotiation skills and have a bonus for communicating with npc. This kind of person is basically the equivalent of an officer.

The president of the Russian guild left Russia with people, which means that they will soon bring back a protoss army, of course, it may not be brought back, but after all this is possible, so Matsumoto He Cai took a large group of people in August to find the person in charge of our guild to stay here to study this issue.

After listening to their words, the head of our Frost Rose Alliance was lost in thought, and then asked, "Do you know where the Russian guild is now?"

Blazing Dragon Ji shook her head and said, "The one I sent to endure lost the target when crossing the border. Now it is certain that the other party has left Russia and we just don't know where we met."

"That means you don't know what kind of foreign aid the other party is looking for?" Asked the person in charge of our guild.

"Yes," Blazing Dragon Ji nodded in confirmation.

Jehovah suddenly interjected: "The other party is definitely a Protoss power near Russia, because there are not many Protoss powers that can cross the border as much as my subordinates. So it is certain that these guys are definitely near Russia and must be Protoss forces in countries bordering Russia. "

"But are there very powerful protoss in these countries?" A Japanese guild president asked.

After hearing the words of the president of the Japanese guild, the other presidents around him focused their attention on the person in charge of our guild, and the person in charge of our guild thought after frowning: "No! At present, these countries outside Russia are small countries, and the protoss forces belonging to these countries are also very small. Not to mention that they beat us. Even the Siberian protoss are stronger than them. Fortunately, the Siberian protoss can still absorb them after the establishment of Russia To the huge supply of faith power, so the growth rate is amazing, but the protoss forces in other countries nearby are very weak, their country is small, the power of faith is very small, these countries basically do not have a strong protoss power, What is the use of such a protoss even if it is invited? If not, it will destroy the good cooperative relationship that the Russian guild and the Siberian protoss have finally established. I do n’t think the frozen banshees and the Russian guild presidents It's so stupid to do such an idiot. "

"But they did send someone out. If it wasn't for other protoss foreign aid, then it must be to attract a certain guild. But I also don't know that any country nearby can be strong enough to intervene in God. The point of war. "Masamoto Matsumoto said.

"I don't think it makes much sense for us now to quarrel here. The key is to prepare ourselves for battle." Said a French guild president.

The French president just heard a Japanese guild president saying, "But now the Frost Rose Alliance is participating in the American Civil War over the United States, not only is the Isinger Mobile Fortress not here, but even the frosty Rose Alliance chaos The order and the protoss are all drawn away, and now we are totally helpless here. How can we prepare? "

"Who tells you we are helpless?" The person in charge of the bank here said: "President Zi Ri has said before leaving, he has passed the air with Heaven, if there is any problem In that case, we only need to hold on for ten minutes after the start of the battle. Heaven's reinforcements will be able to arrive. "

"But this kind of war is not just a protoss!" Said a British guild president. "Our overall strength is not strong enough. If the Russian guild presidents ask for foreign aid this time, they will definitely dispatch a lot. Troops, and I can basically be sure they will come out. If we, the Frost Rose Alliance chaos and order protoss, and Isinger move the fortress will not return. Definitely cannot win. Win the war of God. Lose The whole battle. It doesn't seem to make much sense to us, right? "

After the chairman finished speaking, the presidents of the cooperative guilds at the scene were very excited. Even the presidents of the Japanese guild brought by Masamoto Matsumoto were very excited and noisy there. . Although Matsumoto wants to comfort us, he is now working with us. But this kind of cooperation is the cooperation of interests, and his relationship with us claims that it is still not very harmonious, so Masamoto Matsumoto can't stand up and help us to speak at this time.

When Matsumoto Masa was thinking about how to soothe these people, what surprised them was that Jehovah stood up at this time. "Can you be quiet first?"

After hearing Jehovah's words, the gaze of the players at the scene all focused on him, and then these people looked at Jehovah and waited for his explanation.

Jehovah has always been cheeky, so he has not responded to the attention of so many people, and said directly: "Let me talk about my opinions first. My Holy See is now on its way, if nothing unexpected happens If it does, it may be almost as long as the foreign protoss invited by the Frozen Banshees and the Russian guild presidents to reach Russia. If this protoss power is comparable to the strength of the Siberian protoss, then our family can carry the attack of both , But the premise is that you need to get those ordinary players in Russia as soon as possible and end the regular war, so that we can use the points to win instead of destroying all of the opponent's personnel. Compared to those who kill the opponent directly, if we say so, The stress will be much less. "

"But you are talking very lightly, how can we have such strength to quickly deal with those players in Russia!"

A Japanese guild president followed and said, "Yeah! The strength of the Russian guilds is very strong, and the Frozen Banshee is also a super powerful character. Only people of the same level can intercept them. If we can't stop the Frozen Banshee, there will be nothing on the front line. At that time, we will not be able to defeat the Russian guild quickly, and even our own site will be pushed back. So, It is entirely a luxury for us to end the battle quickly. "

The words of the president of the Japanese guild made the surrounding presidents nod straight. Although Matsumoto Masaha and August smoked them, they wanted to find a way to explain it, but now they don't know what to say.

While everyone was frowning there, the outside door suddenly opened again. Then he saw a Russian player brought in by two mobile angels.

When I first saw this player, many people in the room stood up, not to say that this person was special, but the key was that he was actually a Russian player. The badge on this guy is clearly both a Russian guild. It is also one of the larger guilds under the Frozen Banshees. The badge on this guy's body is embossed, three-dimensional carvings. This type of badge is only available to senior members of the guild. According to system regulations, only the guild badge of the president in the guild is three-dimensional, and then the badges matched by the vice president and other management members are embossed images. As for ordinary members, it is of course pure print.

The guild president of this player is actually a relief type, which means that this guy is not only a Russian guild person, but also a small boss and the like.

Although it is not clear what is happening on our side, Matsumoto Masako did not show any overreaction, just watching the Russian player waiting for the explanation of the person in charge of our guild. This is, after all, the meeting room of our guild. The two mobile angels outside are also the property of our guild. So this guy must be here because of what arrangements we have in the Frost Rose League, or else what is the mobile angel doing to send him here? This is not a hospital.

However, while these people watched the player in charge of our Frost Rose League waiting for his explanation, the person in charge looked up at the two mobile angels after a few seconds of stunning. Then he asked, "Are you stupid? What are you doing here to bring this guy up? Didn't you see we were in a meeting?"

One of the mobile angels said immediately after hearing the words of the head of our guild: "Report. This is our undercover of the Frost Rose League in Russia. He holds a token."

"Undercover?" Everyone on the side of hearing such a title was stunned, and after two seconds Masamoto Matsumoto reacted first and grabbed the guy and asked, "Are you here to report a Russian guild Chang took people out of Russia? "

The undercover was originally erected by two mobile angels, and everyone around him thought it was a captive. So it got under control, but now it doesn't seem to be. This guy was obviously so injured that he couldn't move, so he could only get the two mobile angels half-carrying and half-driving to get them over. Matsumoto was so excited about the front of the mountain that he caught him and immediately touched the wound on his body. As a result, he heard the guy's scream.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean it!" Masamoto Matsumoto also found his mistake.

Fortunately, since the player is capable of undercover business, of course, it is a very calm type. The other person glanced at Masamoto Matsumoto, and then did not say about his wounds, but asked instead: "How did you know that a Russian guild president has left Russia? This matter is the frozen banshee and the group of Russians. The chairman of the board talked together for a full three hours. No one went offline or left during the meeting, and the information could not be leaked. After the meeting, I ran over to report the letter as soon as I found it. Unfortunately, it was discovered halfway, otherwise it would not be done. That ’s it! Is it possible for us, Frost Rose League, to be undercover on the Russian side besides me? He came back first? If I had known this already, I would n’t rush back to report, and even my identity was revealed! unfortunately!"

After hearing this, Masamoto Matsumoto said quickly: "It is not a spy. We only know that you are a spy so far. I did not expect that the Frost Rose League spies have been placed inside the Russian guild. You Frost Rose League! "

The spy at our guild looked at Masamoto Matsumoto and said, "Before telling anything else, tell me first, how do you know about this thing, and quickly tell me what your intelligence is like."

As soon as the guild's guild spoke, the person in charge of our guild said, "This is the rule of our guild. If there is more than one piece of information about a place, then cross-contrast is needed to determine the correct status of the information. We now have two pieces of intelligence, so we need to compare them. "

After hearing the explanation from the person in charge, Blazing Dragon Ji began to say: "I have been listening to Zi Ri saying that your Frost Rose Alliance's intelligence network in Russia is very bad, so I thought that anyway, our Japanese ninja is a professional who collects intelligence. Personnel, so we took advantage of our expertise and sent a large number of ninjas to sneak into Russia to search for information. Then another ninja was very lucky to find the meeting between the frozen banshee and the presidents of the Russian guilds. Because there are frozen banshees and so many Russian guild presidents, the ninja felt that this must be very important information. So he lurked nearby. Then, as you said, the frozen banshees and After the Russian guild presidents discussed, one of the guild presidents left Russia with a few players, and then our bearer kept up. But unfortunately, because of the Russian border when crossing the border The visibility of the blizzard was too poor, so I lost it. However, based on the information sent back by this ninja, we analyzed about , It is determined that the frozen banshee and Russia guild president probably because Siberia is not to force the Protoss, so I plan sent for foreign aid, is a Protoss forces then please come back, and then we can contend. "

The spy in our guild immediately said, "Your information is basically correct."

"It looks like we are going back to praise such a ninja." Matsumoto Masa said with a smile.

Here, Matsumoto Masako just said that the spy in our guild said immediately: "I just said that it was basically right, not that it was absolutely correct. Of course. This ninja is not to blame. Because he is not in the conference hall."

"You wouldn't be in the conference room at the time?" Asked the president of a Japanese guild.

The spy at our guild nodded: "It's very lucky. It was my turn today. When they met, I was one of the sentries at the gate and was in charge of the team. I used an eavesdropping device to monitor their meeting. content."

"I rely. The enemy's guard is your spy. You Frost Rose Alliance is a real cow!"

Did not ignore the French president. The spy of our guild went on to say: "I heard this is the case. First of all, your guess is correct, the Frozen Banshee and the Russian guild presidents are dissatisfied with the previous performance of the Siberian protoss. But this The cause of the matter is not entirely because of the reason you guessed. That is, it is not because the Siberian protoss defeated the battle, but because of other reasons. "

"what reason?"

"Because the Siberian Protoss ask Russia to play with love to provide a lot of financial support."

"Finance support?" Sakura Yushin looked at the guild spy in surprise and asked, "What do the Siberian Protoss ask for money? Are they not Protoss? Do they want to buy anything?"

August Xun said, "Do n’t we also need to spend money to buy npc troops in Tengu? Protoss forces collect money systematically. This is understandable, but generally speaking, the protoss will not take the initiative to collect money. What is this Siberian protoss doing? ? "

"If you think about it, you must not think of it," said the spy of our guild. "But if you know the answer, you will feel the same."

"So what's the situation?" Matsumoto asked.

"It ’s just that the Siberian Protoss got on a line recently, and then the other side can sell the power of faith, but the other side is a player power, so they want money, and then the Siberian Protoss have no money, so they hit the idea to Russia. Will. "

"Siberian Protoss have no money?" Asked the chairman of a Japanese guild. "Are they not equipped? Can't they use equipment to top?"

This guild spy heard Matsumoto Masahe before he answered: "The Siberian protoss is a newly formed protoss. There is no family background. Do you think they are the same as the protoss in our old countries?"

The talking chairman stopped talking after listening. The Siberian Protoss is indeed a new protoss that has only recently appeared. It has no accumulated time, so it is understandably poor.

The spy of our guild said, "Anyway, the Siberian protoss, because they want to buy the power of faith, forced the Frozen Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guilds to pay. But you also know that the protoss of other countries are free to fight. It ’s free, at least nominally, but this Siberian protoss wants to collect money, and it collects a lot of money. Of course, the frozen banshees and the presidents of the Russian guilds are unhappy. "

"So they decided to find foreign aid? Let another protoss replace the Siberian protoss?" Matsumoto asked.

"No, foreign aid is real, but it is not a regular protoss in which country around."

"Not a regular protoss?"

"Well." The guild spy nodded. "It's a force in a special space, similar to the Wandering Protoss, but they have their own organization, and their strength is pretty good. But to be honest, this information itself I also A little confused. "

"What do you not understand?"

The spy in our guild said, "Because I went to the place they were talking about and knew who they were talking about. That place is actually a copy space, and the so-called stray protoss they are asking to help are actually that The boss in the copy. "

"I trust, can the boss of the duplicate map come out?" Someone immediately called out.

Matsumoto Masako also asked in surprise: "Are you sure you're not mistaken? As far as I know, the boss in the duplicate mission map will not only produce the mission copy, but will not communicate with the player more, right?"

"Normally, this is the case, but the Russian guild president who invited him seems to have a special condition. He had a special experience there before. Anyway, he can invite those guys out to help ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ I haven't heard anything about the situation. At that time, there was a changing team passing by here. Their captain said a few words to me, just so I didn't hear it. "

The player in charge of our guild nodded: "That is to say, there should be a group of boss bosses running to Russia to help the Frozen Banshee and the presidents of the Russian guild fight with us?"

"It should be like this," our guild spy confirmed.

Immediately after listening, Blazing Dragon Ji said, "This is troublesome! Our side is not enough, there are still a large group of protoss from Russia. Isn't this more complete?"

"I don't think so!" Sakura Yushin said suddenly.

Hearing the words of the Sakura Rain God, the eyes of the people around him instantly focused, so that the Sakura Rain God was scared and scared to say it.

In August, Xun Xun saw the young chick of Ying Yu was frightened, and quickly said, "What do you all look at? Ying Ying, tell us your thoughts, why not?" (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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