Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 342: 1 step slower

h2> Because we are not sure about our own ideas, I still plan to brainstorm and let the army **** inform the players in the guild to discuss it. I did not expect to come up with a third solution.

Our Frost Rose Alliance always pays attention to quality first when recruiting people, so unlike the general guilds, our Frost Rose Alliance members have higher quality. Although we cannot say that all of them are elite, at least the average level is higher than high. As the saying goes, the three tanners have beaten Zhuge Liang. With so many high-quality talents here, we can naturally discuss some more useful methods.

According to the results of our brainstorming, the plan that everyone finally chose was actually the third option beyond the choice.

The content of this third plan is actually a combination of the previous two, and it also unified our original plan. Of course, this plan needs to be changed when it is executed, and it cannot be executed directly.

According to our original plan, I assembled the gods of the Chaos and Order Protoss and Christina's senior fighters in this guild. The purpose is to give the free protoss a salary and attack the core of their divine power directly. The free protoss can no longer do anything to us, because if the core of the divine power is attacked, let alone what we have done successfully, even if we have not done anything, it is just that the news of the core of the divine power being attacked to let those free protoss know, they will Will immediately shrink the defense, at least for a short time it is impossible to take any further targeted action against us.

Therefore, as long as we attack the core of divine power, all the deities of the free protoss will immediately converge to the place where the core of divine power is located, which is almost more effective than a summons order.

It is for this reason that the plan that was reached after our guild discussions was to continue to execute the previous plan and let our high-end combat power in the guilds attack the core of the power of the Free Protoss. Once our actions are discovered, regardless of whether we have contacted the core of the divine power, any member of the Liberty Protoss will be automatically recalled to the headquarters anyway, so those statues of the Liberty Goddess will lose their protection personnel.

This is the first step. When the first step is completed, the gods of the Free Protoss will be called back to the headquarters, and then we can take advantage of our Frost Rose Alliance, that is, our strength in mobility, and quickly pull back our high-end forces, and then Began to attack those Statues of Liberty.

The combat power of the Statue of Liberty is actually very ordinary. The functions of these Statues of Liberty are similar to siege equipment. Their damage output is very high, but their flexibility is very bad. This kind of thing is almost a living target when it acts alone. Like those trebuchets, it can be very powerful against the wall, but without the infantry guard, the trebuchet itself is very vulnerable. Although these statues of Liberty are more advanced than trebuchets and have their own defense capabilities, in the face of our high-end military forces, such defense capabilities are almost equal to nothing. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to look at the Statue of Liberty.

After the senior members of the Free Protoss are removed, the advanced combat power of our Frost Rose Alliance will focus on attacking the fifteen statues of the Statue of Liberty on the move. If nothing else, according to our speculation, although we will definitely delay for a certain time because we attacked the core of the Liberty Protoss first, as long as we move fast, at this time the statue of the Statue of Liberty should not have reached the outer fortress of Isinger Attackable range. In other words, when we started to return to intercept these Statues of Liberty, they actually had no way to attack the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Of course, because the opponent is very close to Isinger's mobile fortress, we must not be able to destroy all the Statues of Liberty before they reach the attacking position, but at least half of them can be guaranteed. In other words, there are at most only seven statues of the Statue of Liberty that can finally approach the moving fortress of Isinger.

Because the Statue of Liberty will be destroyed one after another during this excessive period of contact with Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress, this plan is actually a plan that lies between our two previous plans. We have enough maneuvering time and can ensure the safety of Essinger Mobile Fortress to the greatest extent, while also taking into account our capital investment. Of course, the more important point is that we can, by the way, threaten the core of the power of the Free Protoss, which is my most important point.

As long as the core of the Free Protoss's power is threatened, they will be very careful. Even if the Statue of Liberty wants to do something to us in the subsequent battles, their Free Protoss can only use some strength to deal with us, because there is no Yo which protoss dare to joke with their own divine core.

After the plan is made, the rest is to implement the plan.

"Let everyone come, we are ready to attack the core of the divine power of the Free Protoss." I said to the army god.

The God of War responded quickly: "Understanding, the summons has been issued."

The speed of the bank's staff is very fast. After about ten minutes, all the people who should participate in this operation have gathered around me. At this time, we are not in a secret place, but in Isinger. Transnational Transit Array above the Mobile Fortress.

The reason why a transnational transmission array is called a transnational transmission array is that its transmission power is very large, and it can connect transmission signals from far away places. The more important point is that the transnational transmission array can penetrate national barriers. This thing affects the ordinary transmission array. The root of inability to send to foreign countries. Otherwise, it looks like a teleportation array on the border between the two countries. In fact, it is across a national border, and the straight line distance is less than one kilometer. As a result, it cannot transmit, because of the existence of this national barrier.

The transnational transport array has the ability to break through barriers. This ability is not completely targeted at national barriers, but all barriers can. However, it is thought that the general barriers are temporarily set up, and the transnational transport array itself does not have the ability of undirected transmission, so generally we have no way to use it to forcibly break through the space blockade.

But this time is different.

The headquarters of the Liberty Tribe is also a special space blockade in the Temple of Liberty. In this area, teleportation arrays and teleport spells are unavailable. In other words, normally you cannot teleport directly to the Temple of Liberty. But this doesn't work for us because we have Pandora.

Pandora is good at spatial positioning and forcibly pushing through transmission restrictions, and can perform group transmission. Although the consumption is a bit large, it is completely different if it is completed on a transnational transmission array.

When Pandora stood on the transnational teleportation array to dominate the teleportation array, the transpositional array itself became Pandora's battery, and Pandora could extract the energy of the teleportation array, use the energy of the transnational transmission array to tear up the space and establish stability Space channel. During this period, Pandora only needs to provide a way to break through the protective barrier and space coordinates.

Thanks to the use of a transnational teleportation array, Pandora will be able to teleport all of us involved in this operation to the Temple of Liberty in the past. This kind of centrally blooming sneak attack is absolutely unexpected for the enemy.

Everything is ready. People on our side are stuck on the transnational teleportation array, and Pandora closed her eyes and began to feel the signal of the space, then opened her eyes and nodded at me. Seeing Pandora nodding, I immediately held Eternity in my hand and turned it into a sword shape, and then everyone else around was also a slamming weapon clash. This raid will bloom from the center, so we may need to fight as soon as it appears. Therefore, everyone has already prepared the weapons directly. Some legal systems have even grasped the excited state spells in their hands. As long as one thought You can just throw it out.

Seeing that we were all ready, Pandora immediately launched the teleportation array. With a dazzling golden lightning, there was suddenly a twist and distortion on the transnational transmission array, and then a new golden light particle suddenly appeared at the center. The light particles expanded to the surrounding area, and quickly turned into a huge light ball, covering us all, and then suddenly contracted. The transnational teleportation array was calmed down instantly, and we on the transmission array disappeared on the transmission array.

Just two seconds after we disappeared on the moving fortress of Isinger, a golden yellow arc flashed between the wall above the floor and the ground in the Temple of Liberty of Liberty, and the arc traveled along the wall and the ground. After walking for a while and disappearing immediately, more arcs followed, as if a group of small snakes began to scurry between the walls, the ground and even the ceiling. One of the arcs accidentally hit a vase placed on the edge of the corridor, followed by a popping noise. The vase instantly turned into sky fragments and sprayed a lot of white smoke.

The sound of the broken vase was very obvious. Several free protoss working in the room heard the sound and ran out to see what was going on, but as soon as they opened the door, they found that there was a golden light outside and nothing was visible at all, Just when the front of the Free Protoss was covering his eyes and trying to block the strong light, a dark red blade suddenly pierced through the back of the Free Protoss, and the guy was desperate with an incredible expression on his face. The person holding in front of them tried harder and harder, but in the end the strength was getting smaller and smaller, and eventually they were easily pushed aside.

As soon as I came up, I laid down a free protoss, and then pushed away the body and walked inside. Hades followed me into the room and pinched the neck of a Free Protoss with one hand. The guy instantly became a corpse, and then Hades pushed his fingers hard, and the guy's body snorted softly, directly It turned into a puddle of scattered sand and fell on the ground. On the other side, Poseidon was pulling his golden trident out of the chest of another Free Protoss.

Aphrodite walked in and looked around the layout of the room, and then said, "No one is here. Where is the layout at the core of the divine power?"

Pandora, who has just finished teleporting, said, "Should Lord Wina be able to sense it?"

Wina nodded and said, "I can feel it, that direction."

With Vina's finger pointing, we looked at the oblique side of the room together. Pandora said awkwardly: "It seems that the space shield of the Free Protoss is still very strong. My transmission is disturbed and the position is a bit off."

"So where are we now?" The Taurus star **** asked.

Pandora said, "We are still in the Liberty Temple of the Free Protoss, but there is a slight deviation in position. I originally wanted to go directly to the core of the divine power, but now it seems to be in the functional building area in front.

"It won't be too far away," said Gold Coins. "We know ourselves, we are searching, we should be there soon."

I nodded and said to Pandora, "Pandora, you need to recover. You will need your ability when you leave. Others pay attention to protect Pandora a little bit. We are going in that direction."

After I finished speaking, the Pisces star **** standing behind wanted to go out, but was stopped by Taurus. "Where are you going?"

"Aren't you going over there? Of course you're going out from here." Pisces asked inexplicably.

Taurus knocked at each other and said, "Why are you stupid than me! What kind of door do you take at this time!"

Along with the figure of Taurus, Zhenhong has punched a large hole in the side wall of the room, and then a group of protoss of chaos and order walked directly past, anyway, they felt that the hole was not large enough to destroy it. Most of the temple buildings are frame structures, as long as the load-bearing columns are not damaged, even if all the walls are demolished, it will not affect the structural strength of the building.

After almost removing a wall, those of us went directly to a side hall on the side. There are many clerks here who are busy with the official duties, but there is no free protoss, they are ordinary clerks, basically all Civilian without combat effectiveness or personnel with low combat effectiveness.

Although these people here are all civilian personnel of the Free Protoss, they have basically no combat effectiveness, but we have neither the intention to let them go nor the waste of time to keep them quiet, so the chaos and order Protoss who walked ahead directly used Small skills have killed everyone here, of which Hardis' ability is the most terrible. He has the same ability as the realm. All life will be withered wherever he walks after starting. Almost all the people who walked there will be dead. He didn't see him do anything. He died completely inexplicably.

Zhenhong looked at those who fell for no reason and sighed there: "Fuck, this is the real death!"

After killing the people in this side hall in this way, we crashed another wall, and then came out of this building. I can't see the situation clearly in the building. From here you can see that the direction behind us is the main office hall where players are received, and the place we just came out of may be the back office of an advanced professional office, similar to a database or the like. There is also a large building not far away in front of us, which is the mission release point, which is one of the main windows of the Free Protoss. It is a very busy place like the professional affairs office. However, at present, the United States is fighting a civil war, and everyone has no time to take care of these things, so here it is more relaxed.

After the release of this mission, there is a large group of buildings. Those are the places where the free protoss live and live, but those are just expressions. The temples built by the Protoss have only a symbolic role, and their real residences are actually in special spaces. This space will be called the kingdom of God or some other name, which is what it means anyway.

According to Wei Na's induction, our goal was in a certain building in the front, and the direction was clear, so we ran straight over there as soon as we came out. We are in a hurry now, so this kind of thing must be fast.

Our movement is fast, and the movement of the Free Protoss is not too slow. We just ran past the mission release center and circled to the back of the Free Protoss residential area. Immediately we found that there were several high-level Free Pross towards this side Rushed over.

Seeing the several free protoss who rushed over there, the peacock and Starfire immediately greeted them, and then the two free gods were destroyed by the two great gods as soon as they met each other. It feels like Spark and the peacock deal with these ordinary protoss as if adults are bullying children, just go up and fiddle with them twice and die, they don't feel like they are fighting.

These free protoss are actually relatively fast. After we have destroyed these free pros, the rest of the free pros have finally begun to discover the situation here. As soon as we arrived outside the building that Wena sensed, we saw several teams of free protoss rushing in the distance.

Looking at the Free Protoss who rushed over there, we had no plans to fight them at all. Our goal is the core of the Free Protoss, not these Free Pros, so we have no intention of fighting them here.

The star **** of Libra kicked the door of the building in front of us, and then we found that there was a huge space door suspended in the building, which seemed to be the entrance to the kingdom of the gods of freedom.

After confirming that this is the position of the core of the power of the Free Protoss, we jumped directly in, and found that this place is really a small world. The area of ​​this world is quite large, but as long as you stand tall, you can find that this world is actually a place of roundness just like the ancient Chinese understanding of the world. In fact, I feel that this kingdom of God feels more like an ecological ball of crafts. The whole world is surrounded by a layer of circular transparent material. This is the small world. If you look a little further, beyond the edge of this world, you will see endless starry sky. It feels like this world is like a floating island floating in the void. The difference is that this floating island has a relatively large area. It's like a continent.

In this small world, Weiner's induction is stronger. We follow her guide and fly towards the target, and it seems that the target is not too far away from us. But these can't be controlled, because there are a lot of free protoss below coming towards us.

There seems to be something wrong with the gravity of this free protoss kingdom. Anyway, it feels light and fluttering. The whole person seems to be flying, and the gravity seems to be very weak.

Fighting in such a place requires a certain flying ability, otherwise salvation will be very disadvantageous. Fortunately, everyone on our side is a master and can basically fly, so this restriction will not have a great impact on us.

Our side is descending, and the Free Protoss has been surrounded by the two below. There is no nonsense on both sides. Appearing in this place is not the enemy but also the enemy, so neither side wants to waste time.

The battle between the gods of the Free Protoss and the senior players in our guild and members of the Protoss of Chaos and Order met almost to one side. Although the core of guarding the divine power is a class with high fighting power among the protoss, the problem is that our side is also the best, so the other party does not have the advantage in quality. Our side quickly launched a super fighting power. Advantage, in a short period of time killed a lot of free protoss, and the real red and gold coins are now obviously a bit over-excited, and the reason for this is because the real red and gold coins now find their experience value is skyrocketing.

Killing players of different nationalities can get experience rewards. This reward is based on the experience generated by the opponent. So, we can get extra rewards for killing the Free Protoss. In addition, the free protoss is a protoss, and the experience value of killing the protoss is all astronomical. Although the experience value we need to upgrade now is too astronomical, but because the experience given to kill the Protoss is also astronomical, plus we have additional bonus experience points distributed in proportion, so the real red and gold coins are found to kill The free protoss gave them so much experience that they were a bit uncontrollable.

The Free Protoss who came up to intercept us did not survive for five minutes, and were killed. Several of us have the same existence as the main god, and there are terror fighting machines like the twelve star gods, so free Those protoss of the Protoss simply cannot stop our unilateral slaughter.

After successfully killing these gods of the Free Protoss, we smoothly approached a huge pyramid-like thing here, but this pyramid is not the Egyptian pyramid, but a structure similar to the Mayan pyramid , Which is the kind of pyramid with a flat top.

At the top of this pyramid we found a staircase entrance, who turned down the stairs, and it was very deep. After we got here, Weiner felt a stronger breath, so we started to move down.

I have to say that our propulsion speed is still very fast. It only took us a few minutes to run all the way from the top of the tower to the bottom of the tower. This place is actually deep underground. At least I feel that our height should be deeper than the ground. a lot of. A huge entrance can be seen in addition to the stairs we came down, but there is neither a guard nor any door locks in front of the entrance, not even the door gap. If it weren't for the signs on the wall that this thing can be opened outward, we would never have thought that this place would be a door.

For this door, we did n’t waste time finding a way to unlock it, because there is no keychain at all here, but the best thing we do here is to tear it down, so we soon made a big hole in the door, and then Smoothly entered the gate.

Behind this door is a huge hall. The floor of the hall is entirely made of marble, and it is smooth enough to be used as a mirror. There are many depressions on both sides of the hall, and in each depression there is a statue of Liberty, but in my opinion these are actually the Statue of Liberty, but they are not the same size.

The height of the hall in front of them is only eight meters, and the height of these statues of Liberty are also two meters. This is because they have a base under their feet. If the base is removed, these sculptures are actually real people. size.

There are at least two hundred statues of Liberty in the grooves on both sides of the entire hall, but at this time these statues of Liberty are standing still, and there is no intention to attack us.

"Is this supposed to be a golem?" The peacock stood at the gate and asked me. Although she is a high-competitive type, her brain is not stupid, but because she is too strong, she sometimes does not like to use her brain.

I whispered, "I feel like these should be golems, I don't know if they are off or on standby."

Rose whispered to me: "If you want to know, just walk in? Anyway, we have to fight sooner or later." Rose said that the person had already stepped in.

Having to say the words of roses makes perfect sense. Since this place is the storage place of the core of divine power, it is almost a matter of nailing the nearby organs, which means that these statues of liberty will definitely move, and it is almost inevitable, because the designers here cannot let others have Bypass the possibility that these Statues of Liberty go directly to the core of divine power.

Based on this recognition, the rose has not stepped in at all.

Sure enough, as soon as Rose entered the lobby, I heard a neat metal crash. The statues of the Statue of Liberty actually turned their heads towards us, and then all the Statues of Liberty were a neat step. Stepped out of the base and stood on the ground.

At first we thought that this would be the end, because all the Statue of Liberty were activated, but obviously we underestimated the strength of the Free Protoss' protection here. Just after the Statue of Liberty on all the pedestals came down, the walls behind the sunken pedestals suddenly rose, then the pedestals turned backwards, and then immediately turned back over, just waiting for these pedestals. When the seat flipped back, it was no longer empty, but stood a samurai wrapped in body armor.

"What's the matter? Is the Golem still reloaded?" Gold Coin was surprised.

Regardless of the surprise on our side, those fighters who just appeared on the base there have already jumped down, and then marched in a neat step in front of the statues of the Statue of Liberty, and then the bases are flipped again, and then the The second batch of soldiers was released.

"I depend, can't wait, these things are endless!"

A reminder of gold coins finally made everyone react, and then everyone started to fight back.

The first thing to do was really red, and she rushed directly into the camp of those Statues of Liberty, and then when she raised her fist, a circle of golden light had moved up her arms, and then she hit her fist on the Statue of Liberty Golem's face door. It was as if a balloon filled with flour was bombarded with a bullet, and the head of the Statue of Liberty instantly burst into stone powder. Obviously, the defense of this thing was not good.

However, before she was really happy, the statue of Liberty, who had no head, smashed the torch directly into the red head with a torch. True red reacted quickly. When he saw the opponent's action, he grabbed the opponent's torch immediately, then cut his right hand and pointed it into a knife. It ’s still dying and smashing. One red knife smashes the other ’s arm directly, but the statue of Liberty hits with the other hand, but the action on the red side is very fast. The book, which was used as a weapon, was smashed into smashed stones, and then a fist intercepted the statue of Liberty.

The statue of the Statue of Liberty, which was completely decentralized, finally quieted down. At this time, the people around it were completely joined in the battle. Various messy abilities and spells were flying around. Of course, some of them rely on their bodies to beat these. Guardians of the Statue of Liberty and those who have just come out as soldiers.

Actually speaking, the guards of these new soldiers are even more powerful than the Statue of Liberty, but because there are fewer Statues of Liberty, we have not paid much attention to this issue.

Soon the Statue of Liberty was cleaned up, and after all the Statue of Liberty were cleaned up, the guards of those soldiers were suddenly immobile. Our guess for this strange phenomenon is that there are control units inside the Statue of Liberty over there, and those in the form of soldiers outside belong to the controlled remote type, so once these Statues of Liberty are completely destroyed After these soldiers no one controlled.

Whatever the reason, one thing we can be sure of is that these golem guards here have failed. Now that there is no enemy interference, we can directly mosaic.

After passing through this hall, there is another gate in front. This gate is obviously coming down from the top. Not only the all-steel structure, but also the magic blessing on the surface. The kind of defense is quite amazing anyway.

"How does this door open?" Zhenhong asked.

"Open? Do you dream?" Just after Zhenhong finished speaking, a voice came from around the gate.

The people on our side didn't sense anyone's existence, so they immediately started looking around, and the voice rang again. "Hahahaha, you don't have to find it, I'm in it. This is just a magic circle that can pass information."

Although I haven't touched this magic array before, the function is simple, just like the doorbell with video surveillance. When there are people outside, the people inside can see the people outside and can talk. The person inside answered the question because he heard the really red words.

Christina said immediately after hearing the words of the other party: "This is troublesome. Someone in it must have completely activated the agency, and we will be harder to get in again."

"Hahahaha! Just know. This door uses special materials specially made from the red planet, and the seal of divine power and some very complicated things are added outside. Anyway, you cannot open this door anyway. Now. "

After hearing the arrogant words of the Free Protoss inside, it was really red, and then jumped directly to the gate and yelled: "Okay, I will break the door for you to see." Then he said enough luck to face the big iron gate. The punch hit me in the past.

The really red fist was not a joke, this fist immediately hit a loud noise. Like the big bell in the temple, the sound shook the whole hall, and the dirt on the roof kept falling down, obviously the structure was affected.

Although the associated damage caused by this fist was not small, when the real red took off his fist, he found that the door did not show any signs of deformation.

Seeing that result, the Free Protoss smiled even more unscrupulously, because the effort of true red was obviously in vain. The defensive power of this thing really is beyond imagination, and even the real red attack is invalid.

"I still don't believe it!" Really angry, she began to prepare for a big move, but was stopped. Zhenhong looked at us angrily and asked, "Why don't you let me open this door with a big trick?"

Hades said, "What if you punched the door even if the door was smashed by you? The structure of this place obviously could not withstand such an impact. You smashed the door and the roof above it collapsed. Millions of tons Smashed the mud and rocks together, how long do you have to dig a new way out? "

True Red, who was about to explode, was dumbfounded when she heard Hardis's explanation, because she knew that Hardis was right. The structure of this place is obviously designed like this. If someone can penetrate the door, the upper ceiling will fall down, and then the entire large area will be buried. In this case, others want to secretly get the core of divine power. It became impossible. As for the open channel, it definitely takes time, and the Free Protoss set this thing to prevent theft, so once it collapses, people will definitely come back before you re-dig, that is to say It is impossible to smoothly reach the core of divine power.

After the real red was persuaded, the free protoss inside was immediately a stimulus to the real red, but unfortunately the true red was not really reckless, so the opponent did not respond no matter how provocative.

Although True Red can't smash this door, we have no intention to give up opening this door. After all, the core of the power of the Free Protoss is inside, and we don't want to get stuck in such a place.

Since brute force cannot be used, then some methods to deal with the damage are needed to solve this problem. After thinking for a few seconds, everyone focused their eyes together on me, and at this time I was looking at eternity.

Eternity is a super artifact produced after the fusion of multiple artifacts. Although the system does not set the weapon classification of the super artifact, in the player's own classification, eternity is a super artifact.

There are many special things about eternity, but as a weapon, there is only one thing that is most important-lethality.

Eternity itself carries a super-law—cut off. This rule determines that the eternal sharpness will be unparalleled. There are very few weapons in the world that can fight against eternity, because the law of eternal severance can be cut off by even such nothingness as existence.

Since the defense ability of this door is so high, everyone naturally thinks about my eternity. This thing usually cuts a steel plate just like cutting a paper with a knife. If there is no accident, this door should not be able to stand.

At the door, I turned eternity into an awl. I intend to first test whether the door can be destroyed, and if it can, then officially break the door.

Directing the ever-changing awl at the gate and piercing it hard, only to hear a crisp sound of ding, my hand was directly opened, and this time also surprised everyone.

"I trust. Isn't it? This thing can't break your eternity?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise. The surrounding chaos and order protoss and senior players in this guild are also disappointed, because if it is not even eternal, then this door is really difficult to handle. It's not that we can't break the door, the key is to break the door and not let the ceiling fall, which is more troublesome.

Just when everyone was disappointed, I suddenly shouted, "Stop."

Because of my voice, everyone stopped suddenly and looked at me together, and I had already given way to the door at the same time, and said, "Who can say that it cannot be destroyed?"

With my voice, everyone looked at the door. Before I was blocked because of it, everyone didn't see it. Now when I let it go, they finally found it. The original door was not intact, but there was a little more trace. This trace is actually a small pit, plus a long white stamp. This trace is like the result of scraping the steel plate with a screwdriver. I can't say that I broke the door, but it is not completely unresponsive.

"It still seems to work!" After everyone saw the trace, they finally found a turnaround.

Zhenhong asked with some doubt: "But eternity can only leave such traces on this door. How can we break the door! We can't scrape it slowly? When is this going to happen?"

Rose explained to Zhenhong with a smile: "Zi Ri just just twitched with the power of his hand, not using full force. This can produce traces that can still destroy this door, as long as you change eternity into a force suitable Shape can cause even greater damage. "

"Suitable for force?"

When Zhenhong finished reading, she found that the eternity in my hand had been transformed, and then she suddenly realized that because eternity at this time had become an axe, the shape was very similar to the fire axe used by the fire brigade. Suitable for breaking doors.

Let the people around me flash away, I raised the eternal axe and aimed at the door, it was a fierce axe chopping up. I only heard a loud noise, and I let go of it, and the axe that became eternal became so embedded in the door that it did not fall off. You can clearly see that the part of the axe has been cut at least one centimeter deep into the door.

"Not bad," Hardis asked, looking at him, "Who has the most energy here?"

Zhenhong immediately jumped out and shouted, "Of course it's me."

I hurriedly said: "It's useless, eternity is a binding weapon. I can use all the attributes if I use it. Others can't use it!"

"It's up to you!"

"I know." I dragged Eternal after I finished speaking, and then started smashing with an axe. The gate was obviously quite thick. I slashed dozens of times in one go. All the slashes on the gate that were crisscrossed by me were not penetrated. But if I cut it like this, the overall strength of the door must be It's getting worse, after all, some of the underside of these incisions has begun to deform.

The Free Protoss in the door was still trying to stimulate us so that we do n’t waste any effort, but we did n’t care what he said, we just kept on slicing. Later, the guy could n’t do anything about it. He just turned off the sound.

"It looks almost the same." Christina looked at the trace on the door on the other side of me, and then said, "Hades, wouldn't you be rotten? Try it against this door?"

Hades bounced a decay directly onto the door without saying a word, but it turned out to be useless. There was a magic array on the door that expelled these magics, and it was engraved on the back of the door, so it was still destroyed after this side was destroyed. Can make a difference.

Since the spell does not work, I can only continue to use the eternal split, but fortunately this door is almost dead.

At the suggestion of Rose, I turned the axe into a pick of the kind used to open the mountain ~ ~ I didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good, the first time I made a big hole in the door. This is considered to completely loosen the structure of the gate. The most important thing is that the magic array inside was destroyed after the gate was penetrated. Then we directly used the corrosion to soften the gate, and then I cut the whole with eternity. The gate, chaos and order protoss swarmed in, and your free protoss were killed in minutes.

After solving the last guard here, the core of the Free Protoss ’power is finally displayed in front of us, but to reach this thing, we need to pass the last level, that is, the huge rotating defense array on the ground.

"How to open this thing?" Gold Coin asked, looking at the magic circle on the ground.

"I'll drive, do you need help?" Just after the gold coins asked just now, we suddenly heard the voice of the Statue of Liberty behind us. Everyone looked back towards the entrance for the first time, and found that the Statue of Liberty Actually came back.

"This is terrible!" R1152



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